How to make up eyebrows with shadows: a step-by-step instruction. How to paint eyebrows with shadows? - Step by step photo, instructions How to paint black eyebrows with a pencil

Not every girl knows how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil. At the same time, not everyone has their perfect form by nature. Some ladies generally pay little attention to their eyebrows.

However, do not forget that eyebrows, even without special makeup, allow you to make your eyes expressive, look more open, slightly change the shape of your face and generally transform your look. However, it is necessary to learn how to “draw” eyebrows correctly as diligently as, for example, how to draw perfect arrows.

Those who are faced with eyebrow correction with the help of cosmetics for the first time should first of all choose their shape, which is optimally suited to a specific type of face.

To do this, you can use the services of a stylist or follow the general advice of beauty experts:

However, the shape of the face is often quite a blurry type, so only experiments will allow you to choose the best option.

How to draw perfect, beautiful eyebrows: step by step instructions. Photo in stages

Having decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you should carefully get rid of excess hairs with tweezers, tweezers or a blade, and you can proceed to the sacred ceremony. Today, there are a lot of tools for eyebrow shaping - gels, shadows, mascara. However, for beginners, the best option is a pencil.

The main advantage of pencils over other means is convenience and practicality:

  • Ability to draw lines of any thickness.
  • Ability to adjust color intensity.
  • Ease of use.
  • Mobility.

Eyebrow pencils are of two types - twisting and sharpening. Each of them has its own advantages. For example, a mechanical pencil can be pulled out as you use it, and with proper dexterity, it will be possible to tint the eyebrows everywhere.

However, such a pencil quickly ceases to be as sharp as after purchase. Therefore, a regular pencil is used more often - longer service life, the ability to achieve the perfect sharpness of the tip.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil through a stencil

In order to correctly paint your eyebrows with a pencil, it is first of all important to comb them properly. To do this, you can use a special eyebrow comb or use a clean brush from the end of the mascara. Comb the hairs in the direction of their growth, giving the desired shape.

To facilitate the task, you can moisten the brush a little or apply a light cosmetic oil to it. In this case, it will be easier to shape the eyebrows. Often at such a moment it is discovered that a couple of treacherous hairs nevertheless escaped attention and they will have to be plucked out. After the eyebrows are laid, coloring should begin.

The most commonly used two types of eyebrow modeling:

The first option is only suitable for thick eyebrows, so they are given a rich color and the shape is corrected. Owners of rare vegetation should resort to the second method - neat lines will create the illusion of luxurious "sable" eyebrows. Most often, both methods are used simultaneously, which allows you to create the perfect shape.

To make the eyebrows look natural and well-groomed, it is necessary to draw thin long (approximately equal in length to the hairs) lines. This is especially true of the area near the bridge of the nose and in the temporal part.

Thus, you can lengthen and expand the eyebrow. In the middle, it is better to stroke thinly with a sharp, hard pencil to achieve the effect of natural density. Can also be used for thick lines with a lighter pencil - this will create the appearance of lightness.

After the eyebrows have acquired the desired shape, you can fix them with a fixative gel or use a regular styling varnish. When using hairspray, apply it to the eyebrow brush and gently stroke through the hairs without pressing too hard. This makeup will last an average of 6 hours without additional touch-ups.

To make the look more open, you can apply a light concealer above and below the eyebrows - the eyes will appear larger and more expressive even with everyday makeup.

How to neatly, evenly draw (underline) eyebrows with a pencil

Perfect eyebrows do not work out the first time. To do this, it is worth "filling your hand." However, there are a few simple rules that make this procedure easier.

First of all, it is important to get the right pencil. This is the main tool of labor, not counting, of course, the eyebrow brush and tweezers. The pencil should be properly hard - it does not melt on contact with the skin, leaving sloppy wide streaks and at the same time not scratch delicate skin.

That is why it is not recommended to use eyeliners - they are too soft. When using a sharpening pencil, it is important to sharpen it in time. To do this, a good sharpener is useful, which will sharpen the pencil evenly without leaving wood chips.

To evenly emphasize the eyebrows, you should not immediately completely tint them. It is enough to draw a few thin lines with a pencil. Perhaps this will be enough to get you started.

If the eyebrows are still too sparse or short, the work will be more serious. It should be neat shading lines to fill the largest voids with a pencil, imitating hairs. Short eyebrows can be lengthened with thin long lines. Eyebrows summed up in this way will look neat and well-groomed.

How to choose the right eyebrow pencil color - optimal shades

Speaking about how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil, do not forget about choosing the color of the product. Even brunettes rarely boast blue-black eyebrows.

In addition to hair color, it is also important to focus on skin tone, which often plays a decisive role. By choosing the optimal shade of the pencil, you can make your face more fresh and radiant. For each color type there are certain nuances of choice.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for brunettes

Brunettes with fair skin most often do not go black pencils. Optimal, according to experts, are dark brown and gray shades. For example, a light-eyed brunette with “porcelain” skin and a pale pink blush should most often choose a dark gray pencil.

For the owner of resin curls and yellowish skin, a brown pencil is more suitable. For burning brunettes with dark skin, dark eyes and crimson lips, a black pencil can be used.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for dark blonde hair

For owners of dark blond hair, it is better to use brown pencils. Depending on the color of the hair, you should choose how dark the color of the pencil will be.

For reddish girls with warm skin tones, terracotta shades are suitable. And for cold fair-haired people, it is better to choose a calm brown pencil. It is also worth paying attention to the color type - the warmer the skin color, the warmer the eyebrow pencil should be.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil color for blondes: the best shade for blondes

Girls with blond curls will effectively emphasize their femininity with light brown or gray pencils.

Blondes with golden skin and brown eyes can also use a brown brow pencil. And if the skin is rather peach, and the eyes are blue, a gray shade will be more preferable.

Which eyebrow pencil is better to buy

When buying a pencil, you should be guided by a considerable number of characteristics:

The modern industry offers a few more items that will allow any girl to buy the perfect pencil. You can choose from three categories: waterproof, wax and powder pencils.

Waterproof eyebrow pencil

A waterproof eyebrow pencil is useful for any girl who leads an active lifestyle. And also for those who live in areas with high humidity. The main advantage of this pencil is its amazing stability.

If you correctly paint your eyebrows with such a pencil, no natural disasters are terrible. The only caveat is that it is necessary to carefully monitor the fat content of the skin - since the pigment is fat-soluble. Therefore, do not forget to walk with a matting napkin or just a dry, clean handkerchief over the skin in order to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Eyebrow wax pencil

A wax pencil is useful for owners of coarse hair. Such a tool smoothes unruly hairs as naturally as possible and allows you to create the perfect shape, even if they are short. When using a wax product, there is no need to fix the eyebrows after makeup. It is not uncommon for wax crayons to be waterproof as well.

Powder Eyebrow Pencil

Eyebrow powder pencil is the best option for cool weather. This product is suitable for all skin types, including oily. Powder pencil looks the most natural. Among its advantages are easy application and maximum staining.

For evening makeup, you can moisten it a little and then the shade will be more intense. If the pencil is used incorrectly, its service life is short. Eyebrows should be painted as carefully as possible - the stylus is not too resistant to damage. Also, the disadvantages of the product include its instability: after a few hours, makeup will need to be corrected.

When choosing an eyebrow pencil, it is important to focus not only on the price, manufacturer, type and color of the pencil. Make a purchase of a pencil only in daylight, be sure to use a tester to see how natural the pencil will look on your skin, and then the result will delight you and others.

Video tutorials: How to learn to paint eyebrows

How not to draw eyebrows, and how to make them up:

Eyebrow makeup. Eyebrow correction with cosmetics:

Nowadays, there are a huge number of manufacturers who offer many different decorative cosmetics. Now girls around the world cannot imagine their everyday makeup without eyebrow shaping: eyebrows have taken an important place in the image of every woman. Today, in order to make up your eyebrows, you can use a pencil, shadows, gel, mascara, and even a wide variety of tints. But the most versatile and popular eyebrow shaping tool is a pencil. And how to paint eyebrows with a pencil? Photos of the most ideal eyebrows, as well as useful tips, are in our article.

Why choose a pencil?

Pencil is undoubtedly a handy product for eyebrows. It can be used to fill in gaps between hairs, to give shape or a richer color, depending on how thick your eyebrows are. That is, we can say that the pencil is almost universal. However, how the pencil will look on your face depends on the shade and technique.

When shaping eyebrows, it is important to know a few nuances. That is why we have prepared a step-by-step instruction for you: how to paint eyebrows with a pencil.

How to choose a pencil shade?

It is important to choose the right shade of the product, based on the color of your skin and your hair. After all, you must admit that charcoal eyebrows in combination with blond hair and fair skin look completely unnatural. Here you should rely on one important rule: the shade of the pencil should not be darker than your hair (maximum - no more than two tones).

Of course, the easiest way is for black-haired girls and brunettes: they can easily pick up a shade of pencil. But for girls with light brown hair, a color with a slight gray tint, ashen and gray-brown, is ideal. The same color is suitable for blondes.

What eyebrow shape suits each face type?

The shape of the eyebrows is just as important as the shade of the pencil. Indeed, with the help of such a tool as a pencil, you can make your eyebrows not only richer and thicker, but also draw the desired shape. You don't have to completely reshape your natural shape, because your natural brows and your brow shape look best on your face and harmonize well with all other facial features.

  • Girls with an oval face type are best suited for straight eyebrows without any bend.
  • Curved eyebrows with a short ponytail are ideal for chubby girls, but do not make the borders distinct and sharp. Try to achieve some smoothness.
  • Owners of a triangular face type will suit the most classic eyebrows: ascending ones with a very smooth curve.
  • And girls with a square face should take a closer look at the classic eyebrows with a fairly pronounced bend, as well as curved and wide eyebrows.

How to quickly determine the shape of the eyebrows?

Before you figure out how to paint eyebrows with a pencil, we advise you to decide on the shape of the eyebrows themselves. To shape the most natural and beautiful eyebrows, try to "calculate" the proportions of the face.

We offer the simplest and most effective life hack that will help you do this.

  • Divide your eyebrow into three zones: the beginning (base) of the eyebrow, the bend and the tail.
  • In order to correctly distribute these very zones, take the simplest pencil.
  • To highlight the place where the base of the eyebrow should be, attach the pencil to the wing of the nose and draw a line upwards. Where the line begins, your eyebrow begins, that is, its base, created with the help of competent makeup.
  • And the bend will help determine the visual line from the wing of the nose, passing through the pupil.
  • Your ponytail, or where your brow should end, will help you find the visual line from the wing of your nose through the outer corner of your eye.

With the help of this small and simple life hack, you will learn how your eyebrows should ideally look, how they will look most natural and natural.

How to properly handle an eyebrow pencil?

Even in such a seemingly simple and understandable eyebrow shaping tool, there are certain nuances and recommendations for use that are important to follow. So how is it right to paint eyebrows with a pencil?

  • With a pencil, you need to create light strokes, almost imperceptible and thin stripes.
  • Don't press on the pencil. By pressing hard on it, you can get unnatural, overly pronounced eyebrows.
  • Shading is important not only in eye makeup and contouring, but also in eyebrows. If you think that the eyebrows turned out too bright, go over the hairs with a brush to soften the lines. An ordinary transparent gel can also help with this, with which the hairs are fixed and fixed to enhance durability throughout the day.

How to draw eyebrows with a pencil step by step

Photos and simple instructions prepared for you will help you achieve the natural and perfect eyebrows that every girl dreams of. If you have figured out the shape of the eyebrows, decided on the shade of the pencil, you should practice and understand how you feel better.

There are plenty of ways to shape eyebrows: you can make the most natural look or well-defined eyebrows, like on Instagram. Now we will show step by step how to paint eyebrows with a pencil, and the photo that is attached to the written instructions will help you understand everything in more detail.

  1. First, carefully comb your eyebrows. There is usually a small brush on the other side of the brow pencil that can be used to style and comb your brows.
  2. Now outline the eyebrow with a pencil, not pressing hard on it. Draw a border at the bottom, going a little to the base of the eyebrow - there the color should be a little lighter. Then draw a border from above, not reaching the beginning of the eyebrow.
  3. All remaining space must be filled with the same pencil. Make sure that there is a transition from the base to the “body” of the eyebrow: you should not make the beginning of your eyebrows clear and pronounced. The tip of the eyebrow, that is, its tail, should be the darkest.
  4. Carefully blend the strokes with the same brush.
  5. The line under the eyebrow can be specially highlighted with a light concealer: this will visually raise the eyebrow, make the look wider and more expressive. The concealer must be carefully shaded so that there are no clear lines. Remember: in makeup, shading is an important point that needs to be given great attention.
  6. For added hold, try setting it all up with a clear, fixative brow gel that will style the hairs just right. As a replacement for the gel, you can use the most common hairspray.

Mistakes you may be making

Quite often, girls make makeup mistakes that they don’t even notice. However, these mistakes result in our eyebrows not looking the way we want them to, they don't look at all like the perfect eyebrows in the photos, and besides, they look completely unnatural! To avoid such unpleasant consequences, follow simple rules that will help you achieve perfect eyebrows.

  • It would be a gross mistake to choose an eyebrow product to match your hair. It is always worth making sure that the shade is lighter than your natural hair color. So the eyebrows will look natural and natural.
  • The beginning of the eyebrow should always be a little lighter than its tail and body. If you draw eyebrows with the same color, be prepared for the fact that you will get completely unnatural eyebrows. At the beginning of the eyebrow should be a "gradient", turning from the lightest to the darkest.
  • Each girl's eyebrows can be different by nature, so don't try to make them the same. The main thing is to ensure that they are approximately at the same level and are of the same length.
  • Buy quality brushes for applying all your makeup. Including a beveled brush, which can be useful for eyebrow makeup. Also make sure your brushes are clean.
  • Do not make the eyebrows too thick and too wide.
  • A gross mistake is to paint your eyebrows black. Believe me, this way they look more than unnatural: as if you had painted your eyebrows with charcoal! It looks especially ridiculous if you are a blonde.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow pencil?

Eyebrow pencils are also very different. For example, there are classic pencils that need to be constantly sharpened, and there are tools with a retractable lead. Most girls prefer the first one: as a rule, they are more reliable, do not break like retractable ones, and are presented in a wider range of colors.

Watch the composition of the pencil. A solid pencil is able to clearly draw eyebrows, will not smudge during the day, and the color will ideally stay on the hairs. And also all products should be matte: there should be no shine in eyebrow products.

Especially for you, we have prepared a list of the best eyebrow pencils.

This pencil is non-greasy, incredibly easy to apply and lasts all day long. In addition, it is presented in four colors: ash, black and two shades of brown. This pencil has a brush, and can also create both well-defined eyebrows and natural, natural ones.

This pencil has a very thin nib and is available in a wide range of colors: the pencil has eight different variations! In addition, it is highly pigmented, which allows you to achieve a natural effect or bright, perfectly traced eyebrows.

This brand has a lot of different good eyebrow products, including classic pencils. Each of them has a brush with which you can carefully comb the eyebrows and shade the product, as well as a thin rod: it will draw all the gaps between the hairs and correctly correct the shape.

The pencil is presented in three natural colors, you can try any of them, based on your color type and hair color. Maybelline Brow Precise Pencil has a high durability: the eyebrows will last all day long, without fading or blurring.

This pencil has a retractable lead and a brush on the other side, which will properly style the eyebrows and blend them thoroughly. The pencil is available in four shades, and among them you are sure to find the right one: warm brown, taupe, gray and the most common brown. They have a light texture, which makes blending much easier. In addition, the pencil is quite hard, despite the fact that it has a retractable format. They can draw hairs and how to adjust the shape.

A feature of modern women is the competitive struggle for the creation of an ideal image. Special attention is always paid to make-up. In everyday life, people are constantly in a hurry somewhere: women put on their usual makeup and rush about their business. The problem is that make-up often looks unnatural. Eyebrows stand out first. This raises the question: how to paint eyebrows to look natural? We will try to answer it in as much detail as possible.

Preparatory stage

Before you start coloring your eyebrows, make sure that the usual shape of the eyebrows suits you. Visit a Specialist, consult, try on several looks and choose the perfect one. Then, according to the chosen example, carefully give the eyebrows the desired shape. It should correct individual traits: emphasize advantages and smooth out imperfections, aligning the oval of the face.

Besides, note on the density and health of the eyebrows. Perform recovery procedures if necessary. There are a huge number of effective face care products. In terms of eyebrow care, vitamin-fortified oils and their mixtures are the most common. In the arsenal fashionistas also have recipes for herbal decoctions.

The choice of means for coloring

Having restored the natural beauty of the eyebrows, do not forget to maintain it at a high level, timely correcting the shape by removing regrown hairs. Use special brushes for combing. If the hair in the eyebrow area is naughty, apply cosmetic styling gel to them. It will not only help to give the desired shape, but also play the role of a shield that ensures the preservation of makeup throughout the day. Similar funds will give the hair brightness and healthy shine.

Now that the eyebrows have been acquired optimal lines, back to the question of how to paint them. The most popular means that do not reduce the natural appearance, are considered:

  • Pencils
  • Paint or henna
  • Tattoo.

How to paint eyebrows with a pencil

If before that you did not paint your eyebrows, and now you have asked yourself this question, then start by acquiring pencil for coloring. Choose a decorative pencil with a hard core. Its color should take into account the features of yours.

Before coloring with a pencil, experts advise apply foundation on the face, and a little powder on top of it. First, give the rod a pointed shape using a special sharpener. Do not confuse with a stationery sharpener, which can damage the soft core of your tool.

To properly perform the pencil staining procedure, follow instructions:

  1. Starting the staining process consider: you need to draw a pencil line with strokes. This is necessary to give naturalness.
  2. Carefully emphasize the arcs: start filling in with color those places where the density of the hair is the least. strokes applied with light pressure on the pencil lead. Excessive effort in pencil pressure will lead to the formation of lumps and sticking pieces of lead in the hair.
  3. Use two different color pencils for contouring the eyebrows. A light tone will be needed to tint the extreme parts: the tail and head. Draw the middle of the arc in a dark tone.
  4. Remove surplus cotton swab colors.

Stylists recommend adding volume to the eyebrows: for this, the technique of raising the arches is used. The meaning of the technique is to raise the top of the hairs and stain them with a light pencil tone. The lower part of the arc is then drawn in dark color.


Paint eyebrows with shadows much easier than with a pencil. In addition, the use of shadows saves time and money on cosmetics: you only need to have one palette with shadows and do not spend money on different shades of pencils. For the selection of shadows, focus on the natural color of the hair. Try about set the choice on matte shades, the colors of which will be slightly lighter than the true: they will lie on the eyebrows more naturally.

Application brush

Surely you paid attention on a short-haired beveled brush with dense bristles, present in sets of applicators and makeup brushes? This is exactly the brush that is ideal for applying shadows on the eyebrows. Stylists recommend choose a brush with artificial, hard bristles: this way the shadows will lie more evenly and more clearly.

How to apply shadow

apply shadows not difficult: in many ways, the staining procedure with this tool is similar to the pencil technique. Use mini instruction, in which the main points of eyebrow makeup are painted step by step:

  1. comb your hair hairs in the same direction.
  2. Take a small amount of shadow with a brush and apply their light dashed lines.
  3. Paint over the initial and middle part of the eyebrows with saturated shadows of the selected color.
  4. Checkout smooth transition from the middle of the eyebrows to their tips: they should be lighter. Natural makeup implies fuzzy, blurry lines.
  5. take away cotton swabs excess shadows.

Every woman should take into account the nuances in working with shadows: the main one is shedding. To eliminate this moment from the makeup, fix the shadow coloring with gel. As a bonus, you will get a natural shine, allowing the eyebrows to look well-groomed and natural.

Coloring with paint

There are many options for eyebrow paint on sale: every woman can choose a manufacturer and color to her taste and wallet. Consider the pros cosmetic coloring:

  • Suitable for women with impairment pigmentation eyebrows (albinos, gray)
  • Allows you to free up time in daily makeup. Tinted eyebrows are groomed once every three weeks.
  • Opportunity to color at home, which saves time and money.

listed good points enough for women to pay attention towards the miracle composition.

Please note: chemical hair dye contains many substances that can cause allergies. Before use, test for an allergic reaction.

For the stain to pass no problem Here are a few general tips to keep in mind:

  • Apply paint carefully, trying not to use the area wider than really necessary.
  • Before staining, apply a greasy cosmetic cream to the skin. It will protect the skin from the penetration of the chemical composition.
  • After rinsing, comb your brows to style your hair beautifully.
  • To avoid peeling, a few hours after dyeing, treat your eyebrows with a nourishing cream.

You can use henna to color your eyebrows. More about this in another article, which is located


When choosing this method dye eyebrows, you should know: the procedure is quite expensive financially. However, the investment pays off in that your eyebrows will not need makeup for several years. Unfortunately, at home, permanent makeup is performed impossible. You need to visit a specialized salon or a trusted private master: for the procedure, you need a special paint and tool.

The preparatory stage in the application procedure permanent makeup will be the treatment of the superciliary arches with an anesthetic composition. Before using the tattoo machine, the specialist will create for you perfect eyebrow shape using a special stylus. Then proceed to apply the color. You can read more about the pros and cons of permanent eyebrow makeup, as well as about the popular execution method.

Combination of cosmetics and tattoo

Every woman is unique. Therefore, it is worth choosing methods for coloring eyebrows based on the totality of features of facial features, hair color, skin tone. Learn about some nuances eyebrow coloring, involving a combination of compositions and tattooing:

  • With a dim or faded color of the tattoo, tint eyebrow paint or henna.
  • When using the chemical staining method, in addition to completing the makeup, you can take advantage eyeshadows.
  • Shadows, in turn, are perfectly combined with pencils.

It is important to remember: when choosing how to color your eyebrows, do not overdo it with color. Eyebrows should look as natural and beautiful as possible.

Such an indispensable tool as a makeup pencil is present in every women's cosmetic bag. A blonde or girl with blond hair uses a pencil to correct eyebrow arches. It is important that the eyebrow pencil is an indispensable tool for masking the inaccurate lines of the brow arches.

Brown-haired women and red-haired women simply cannot do without this tool. To achieve the desired effect, two master strokes are enough, and the eyebrow arch will be irresistibly even. Since the pencil paints not only the eyebrow hairs, but the skin, this will make the eyebrow arch more clear and expressive.

To achieve excellent results, it is necessary to make the right choice when buying a pencil.

Pencils are of two types:

  1. Mechanical pencil.
  2. Ordinary pencil (providing for sharpening).

Both of them have good and useful qualities. It remains only to make a choice. In the variant with a mechanical corrective tool, ease of use prevails. It unscrews, which eliminates the sharpening process. A regular pencil is more economical. It will last for a long time, and its color palette is much more diverse.

For the finished image, the selection of the color of the corrective tool for the eyebrow lines plays an important role. There are a number of useful rules to consider:

  1. If you are the owner of dark hair, then the shade of the pencil should be slightly lighter than their color.
  2. If you are blonde and have light hair, the tone of the stylus should be somewhat darker.
  3. The general rules of makeup, as close as possible to naturalness, insist on choosing a pencil tone slightly darker than the natural color of the eyelashes and slightly lighter than the color of the hair.
  4. In order not to miscalculate with the tone, it is recommended to purchase two shades at once. They will complement each other and help achieve a natural tone that will fit the image.
  1. Brown-haired women go with dark brown pencil tones, and dark gray also looks good.
  2. Red-haired girls can safely dye their eyebrows in chestnut, golden brown and red.
  3. Blondes can experiment with all shades of warm browns.

The pencil should be dense and easy to sharpen. Accordingly, the composition of the cosmetic substance must be dry and compacted. Only with such a pencil can you apply precise strokes, and achieve a natural brow arch.

If the lead is very fat and soft, then it will leave rough, unnatural lines, which will look at least vulgar and defiant. A high-quality stylus will not smell. In addition, such a pencil has an even, lasting color and is moisture resistant.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape

The "mirror of the soul" ─ our eyes, their expressiveness requires additional highlighting, which eyebrows and eyelashes successfully cope with. Therefore, the shape of the eyebrows should be selected in accordance with, as well as with a line of a certain length, suitable for the image.

By nature, eyebrows have regular lines that best suit the contour of a particular type of face. But, from time to time, it needs to be amended and corrected. In order to be in trend and keep up with the rhythm of fashion, you can experiment and try to choose the shape of your eyebrows on your own.

  1. Round face. The shape of the eyebrows for this type of face is most often with a curved line. If the transition of the rounding of the arc is smooth, then visually the face will become more voluminous. You need to draw a kink in moderation, without sharp transitions, so that the output does not turn out to be a sad image.
  2. Oval face. An oval and elongated face requires a straight eyebrow with a slight rounding at the end. Curved and rounded eyebrows make such a face even more elongated and coarse.
  3. triangular face. This type of face will ideally have a round brow arch. Correct and even eyebrows will make the face distorted and further expand the eye area, which is inappropriate for this type of face. To maintain the correct proportions, round your eyebrows as much as possible.
  4. Square face. A face with wide cheekbones also suits rounded eyebrows. But their lines must be perfect. If maintaining such a shape seems to be a very laborious process, then you can make a straight bow with a slight rounding at the end.

The eyebrow line is reduced with age, as a very elongated eyebrow arch visually ages a woman.

Step-by-step instructions for coloring with a pencil at home

  1. It is necessary to decide on the tone of the pencil with which the eyebrow line will be painted.
  2. At the second stage, when buying a pencil, you need to make sure that it was created specifically for coloring eyebrows. Often, girls buy eyeliners and tint their eyebrows. As a result, the painted line looks too bright and sloppy.
  3. Further, a purchased high-quality tool for correcting eyebrow lines should be placed in the freezer for a while. This will help him gain the necessary firmness. It will be useful to pay attention to its sharpness. To achieve even and precise strokes, it is advisable to sharpen the pencil well.
  4. The fourth step will be the preparation of the shape of the eyebrows and combing the hairs. To do this, you need to get a special brush that smoothes the protruding eyebrow hairs as much as possible. As soon as the stylus hardens to the desired hardness, you can proceed to the correction of the eyebrows.
  5. It is necessary only in the direction of hair growth, and not against it. Strokes should be short and small. Every day, professionalism in coloring brow arches will only increase. The only thing that matters here is practice.

Step-by-step instructions for coloring eyebrows with shadows

Eyebrow coloring with shadows is a more laborious process. It differs in a number of nuances that require the additional use of fixing agents. The fact is that the shadows tend to crumble, which calls for fixing with wax.

Instructions for use are simple:

  1. To have an idea about the correct use of shadows, first of all, you need to buy special shadows designed for coloring eyebrows. Their tonality is as close as possible to natural hair colors.
  2. Before staining, a base base is created. For this, the bases of the roots of the hairs are treated with special wax.
  3. Further, with the help of a cosmetic brush, the shadows are evenly applied to the brow line, smoothly distributing along the entire length of the hair.

Once, having tried this application technique with the help of shadows, there will be no desire to return to using a pencil.

Step-by-step instructions for dyeing eyebrows with paint

If the choice is stopped at coloring the brow arch with paint, then saving on its purchase will be inappropriate. Firstly, the paint will be applied to part of the face and the quality of the composition is important here. Secondly, by acquiring a more expensive dye, in addition, all the tools necessary for staining are fitted.

If we consider step by step the whole process of coloring eyebrow arches with paint, then it will take place in the following order:

  1. Carry out proper cleansing of the eyebrow zone, using a cream.
  2. Carefully study the instructions for use, and only then proceed to the process.
  3. In accordance with the instructions for use, dilute the paint.
  4. The light current of the coloring matter should not be frightening, it will darken immediately after applying the eyebrow line to the hairs.
  5. The paint is thickly applied with a brush to the brow arches. You need to be extremely careful and try not to go beyond the contour lines, after staining such flaws are difficult to fix.
  6. For the allotted time for staining, it is necessary to take a horizontal position.
  7. The duration of the process is about 10 minutes. The longer the exposure, the darker and brighter the final color will be.
  8. After the allotted time, the paint is removed with a cotton swab, and then washed off under running water.
  9. With visible staining of the skin, it is easy to fix it with a special tool for removing moisture-resistant brasmatics.

If by nature, you are not given the ideal shape of the eyebrow arch, then this is easy to fix. It is important to observe the measure in everything and not to succumb to fashion too much. The main thing is naturalness and it's wonderful. Learn to improve, and you will never be puzzled by the question of how to paint eyebrows correctly?

Clear and regular facial features, bright colors - all this helps to emphasize natural beauty, highlight certain advantages and negate flaws. Knowing how to paint eyebrows with paint, shadows or a pencil, you can easily become a few years younger and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

How to paint with a pencil

Now girls pay a lot of attention to their eyebrows. Previously, the trend was to pluck them to thin threads, but now they should mostly be wide and thick. Not everyone has been endowed by nature with such a beautiful and catchy facial feature, some girls have light or thin hairs that need to be shaded regularly. To do this, you can use paint, pencil, shadows, mascara and even lipstick. To understand the best way to paint eyebrows, you need to try all three options described in the article.

Previously, only a pencil was used to paint this part of the face, and all means of this type were used: contour for lips, for eyes, and others. Now there are already special pencils designed exclusively for eyebrows. Their differences lie in the color scheme and softness. They are much more convenient to use, because the strokes lie down softly and naturally.

Before you color your eyebrows, you need to choose the shade of the product. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more fortunate here than blondes and fair-haired, because in the case of an incorrectly chosen color, you can shade the paint a little and get the desired shade. But, if you have light eyebrows, then you need to remember some rules:

  1. Ideally, the shade of the pencil should be a tone lighter than the hair (for dark girls) and darker for fair ones. As with eyeliner, choosing the wrong range can add a few years to yourself;
  2. Naturally, only brown shades and those close to them will look natural (depending on the color type). Of course, tattooing is still fashionable now, but it rarely looks natural, and when the paint fades, it becomes a grayish tint, clearly indicating the artificiality of the eyebrows;
  3. To beautifully paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to make several small strokes, and not one solid on the hairline, and one thin (if necessary) on the skin.

In addition, you will first need to pluck out excess hairs or cut them. Otherwise, they will protrude beyond the painted outline and break the lines.

Instructions on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil:

  1. Eyebrows comb, pluck and trim;
  2. After you need to choose a form, this is a very important part of the work. The bend of the house is considered universal, the main thing is not to make it too big. To do this, you need to take into account the size and shape of the eyes, their level on the face. The upper part of the house should fall on the third part of the century;
  3. Now you need to make a couple of test strokes near the bend - this will help you choose the right intensity of pressure and check the correctness of the choice of shade. After light movements, color the eyebrows from the outer corner to the inner;
  4. Make sure that the tail gradually becomes thinner - this looks the most natural;
  5. If the eyebrows are not only light, but also thin, then the pencil will need to be applied to the skin. Areas are painted over only from above - if you make a line from below, then your eyes will drop and your eyes will become tired;
  6. Then gently blend the strokes and, if necessary, trim them.

This is a very convenient way. They are the easiest to learn how to do makeup and it is the cheapest of all. In addition, you can color your eyebrows with a pencil every day without harming the hairs. Instead of a pencil, girls often use mascara. But this option is only suitable if you need to shade the dark hairs a little, but separately dyed hairs will be noticeable on light ones.

How to work shadows

Now many cosmetologists in their work use special shadows that are suitable for coloring various parts of the face. With shadows, you can paint your eyebrows on your own at home, even without experience or special skills. The advantage over the pencil technique is the ease of the method, the disadvantage is the high cost and rapid loss of shade.

How to step by step to paint eyebrows with shadows:

  1. As with a pencil, you will need to prepare the base: pluck and trim the eyebrows;
  2. You need to take a brush and an eyebrow brush. The contour will be drawn with a brush, and the brush will be needed to apply shadows;
  3. With a brush, you need to paint the lower line of growth of the eyebrows to the tail. Draw the tail especially carefully - one sharp movement, and it will bend;
  4. After that, you need to lightly paint over the center of hair growth with shadows;
  5. Repeat the same with the upper growth line;
  6. Pay attention to the break. Depending on your face shape, you can make the line straight, round the corner or sharpen it;
  7. If thick eyebrows are emphasized, then with a brush you need to paint over in the middle several times, if thin ones, then just evenly distribute the paint;
  8. Blend the shadows with a brush and comb the hairs.

To make the makeup look professional, you need to apply a little corrector or foundation of a light shade under the bottom line - this will help emphasize the contrast. Learning how to make such a make-up is easiest with liquid shadows, but powder ones are also suitable. For naturalness, you can add a couple of strokes under the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

A few secrets to make shadows last longer:

  1. Before dyeing with powder dyes, the hairs need to be waxed - it will become a reliable and durable base;
  2. After application, blot the area with a paper towel - this will remove the top layer, which, when worn, will crumble under the eyes;
  3. You can fix the result with a transparent gel. MaxFactor, Maybelline and Evelyn have good options.

Video: how to paint eyebrows step by step

How to paint with paint

The most natural photos are obtained if you paint your eyebrows with paint, basma or henna. This method is suitable if you need to tint light, red or gray eyebrows, as it will help give them a bright and rich color. The main advantage of this option is the duration - for at least two weeks you can forget about tinting the hairs.

How to color natural eyebrows with paint:

  1. Before starting work, you need to anoint the skin around the eyebrows with a greasy cream, petroleum jelly or lip balm - then the paint will not transfer to the epidermis;
  2. Special tools are used for coloring. Rocolor and Estel brands are very popular. In no case do not apply hair dye to your eyebrows - it can cause an allergic reaction. If you mix henna and basma, then the proportions for regular dyeing will come in handy, with their help you can get any color: red, brown, chocolate, black. It is better to choose the right shade right away, otherwise it will not be possible to repaint later (you will have to wait until washing);
  3. When applying paint, the same technique is used as with shadows. First, a contour is drawn, after which it is filled with color. Work with a large mirror to look at the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct even small gaps;
  4. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to paint eyebrows during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend, because during this period there is a high probability of rejection of the chemical components of the paint. There may be a reaction: the face will turn red, swell or become covered with a rash. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to either use a pencil and shadows, or work with henna;
  5. The exposure time depends on the brand and color of the paint. Most often, the composition is washed off the hairs after half an hour. Don't be alarmed if the shade seems too dark - it will lighten up after a few washes.

The first staining is best done in the salon - so you can see the equipment and tools that professionals work with. On each eyebrow it is determined individually how often they need to be painted. It depends on the structure of the hair and its original color. Blondes need to repeat the procedure almost every two weeks, while brunettes need to shade once a month.