How to understand that Gleb likes you. The behavior of the interested girl. And the look can talk

Doubts about personal sympathy do not arise out of nowhere. If you are so worried about what impression you made on a person, then you yourself are already not indifferent to him. Let it remain a little secret until he himself takes the first step towards you. It is not necessary to wait for the weather by the sea - you can gradually lead him to the idea of ​​approaching and starting communication. But how do you know if a person likes you or not? There is only one answer: observe carefully and you will find out by very definite signs.

Become more open

For a person to begin to show sincere feelings, you need to make your communication more direct. Sometimes it is enough to smile in response to a greeting to receive an invitation to dine together or an offer to accompany you after work / school. Men do not always show sympathy for a girl, especially if she seems unavailable. As they say, step off the pedestal to see the true attitude of people towards themselves.

Flirt and test his reaction

Except for the obligatory smile learn to speak without words. Your eyes are a very handy tool to attract a person. Hold your gaze on it, studying it carefully. If you like him, he most likely will not avert his eyes, he will want to "drown" in yours. But if you start playing with a man, but he does not want to respond to your actions in any way, he is indifferent to you.

Watch how he behaves in your presence.

A man in love always wants to be close to his beloved. At a party, you will always be in his field of vision, surreptitiously he will observe you, admire, listen to your voice. Cast a glance at him occasionally. If he is a little absent-minded, and his gaze froze at you, then he was dreaming about something. And most likely the one he was looking at.

You chat more often than usual.

Remember that a man will never text a woman just like that. If you regularly receive messages or phone calls from him, then he needs a reason to talk, and this is not without reason. He definitely likes you. If you call him back, he is always in touch and always free to help you or just meet and chat. He often agrees with you and in every possible way shows that you have a lot in common. Did you say you love listening to Russian rock? He will definitely answer that at one time he was also fond of "Nautilus", "Alice" or "KiSh".

So, to understand whether a person likes you or not, you just need to understand a little about psychology, discreetly observe his behavior, and then analyze the frequency of your meetings and the general vector of relationships from the very first day of acquaintance to the present moment. Everything will become clear to you.

To find out whether another person likes you or not, you do not need to be some kind of professional psychologist, simple attentiveness is enough. And so, see a selection of 10 signs by which you can determine that another person likes you.

Clear signs that a person likes you

1. Mirroring

Mirroring is a clear sign that a person likes you. If a person in communication with you takes the same posture or uses the same turns of speech, then clearly he has warm feelings for you. This adjustment takes place on an unconscious level, so you should not doubt the sincerity of feelings towards you.

2. Pupil dilation

A person's pupils dilate when he sees something interesting in front of him or something that he really likes. Therefore, pay special attention to the eyes of the interlocutor, if the pupils are dilated, then this is a clear sign that the person likes you. At the same time, keep in mind that in bright light or in darkness, therefore, the pupils obey the law of physiology, that is, in this state of affairs, it is very difficult to judge something.

3. Hair

If, when communicating with you, your interlocutor often straightens his hair, then this means that he wants to look his best in your environment. Therefore, this is another clear sign that a person likes you. With regard to hair, there is another sign that indicates that the person will have very warm feelings for you - this is playing with your hair.

4. Playful kicks

If in the process of communication your interlocutor beats you lightly, that is, in a playful manner, then this is another sign that he likes you. However, if the blows are sensitive and there is no smile on the face, then this is clearly the opposite sign - the person has aggressive feelings towards you.

5. General position of the body

If a person communicates with you, tries to be as close to you as possible, or somehow open up using, for example, such gestures as hidden palms or turning the body in your direction, then this can also be regarded as a sign that he likes you.

6. Detailed memory

When we talk, we can tell the person some parts of our life that we don't really attach importance to. However, if these moments are remembered by the interlocutor and in subsequent conversations recalls them, then it is a fact that the person liked you and he wants to demonstrate this to you by telling everything he knows about you.

7. Laughter

In the company of friends, if someone tells some kind of anecdote or other funny incident, laughter must necessarily follow. However, pay attention to the person who told the funny story, when he finishes, he subconsciously turns his gaze to the person to whom he most of all feels sympathy and hopes to hear the first laugh.

8. Initiative

If a person is the first to invite you on a date or just for a walk, then this is a clear sign that he likes you. In addition to this, one can judge that warm feelings are felt for you if you called someone for a walk, and the person, despite the fact that he is busy, put all his affairs aside and came to your call.

9. Nervous signs

Oh, these are the most obvious signs that a person likes you, since the person outwardly openly demonstrates that he is worried in front of you. His hands may sweat, his voice tremble and other signs of anxiety appear, all due to the fact that he is breathing unevenly towards you. However, one should distinguish between love excitement and fear, fortunately visually, it is very simple to define it.

10. Compliment

If you are given a compliment, then it is understandable that the person wants to please you. And regardless of whether it is a sincere compliment or not, communication with you is important for a person and you are not indifferent to him.

You can't say with absolute certainty that a person really loves you. However, there are many ways to define a person's true attitude. To do this, you should pay attention to his behavior, words and actions, especially when you are together. And despite the fact that the idea of ​​true love is different for each person, it can be distinguished from simple love, interest or fleeting hobby. If you want to know the true feelings of a loved one, follow these guidelines.


How does he behave?

    Can a person be himself next to you? To love means to be open to your soul mate. If a person changes, being alone with you, then he loves you. For example, if in public he is serious and courteous, but when he is alone with you, he fools around and does stupid things, then he is completely open and loves you.

    • If a person shares his deepest emotions and experiences with you, while feeling comfortable, he loves you.
    • If a person feels comfortable without pretending to be perfect, relaxes and does not care that food is stuck in his teeth, then he does not mind that you see this side of his personality.
  1. Is the person happy to see you after a hard day? If a person is having a bad day, but they perk up when they see you, this is a sign of love. If the person loves you, the sight or the sound of your voice will already help them feel a little better.

    • The next time he is not in the mood, see how he reacts to your presence.
  2. Does your loved one look at you with loving eyes? Have you ever noticed a hazy look full of adoration? You will immediately understand what it is about, as soon as you see it. Sometimes you may notice this look in the morning, or even accidentally during lunch.

    • You may also notice that the person is staring at you with the same facial expression.
  3. Does the person like to fool around with you? Love makes a person stupider, more elated and makes you laugh for no reason. If the person behaves like this in your presence, they are most likely in love.

    • If you said something not very funny, and the person just bursts out laughing, he is consumed with love for you.
    • If the person is nervous or fidgety, chances are they are agitated by your presence.
  4. Is a person sad when you are sad? If you are experiencing incredible emotional distress or simply feeling overwhelmed by an illness, this condition must be passed on to the person who loves you. He will soak up negative emotions to make you feel better.

    • While they don't have to feel the same way as you, they will definitely succumb to your moods.

    What he says?

    1. Does the person talk about your future together as a matter of course? If a person really loves you, the thought of a joint future will be natural for him, he should not feel uncertainty or insecurity. If it is in the order of things for him to talk about what you will do in the future, how your life together will look like in a year, two, ten years, then he really loves you.

      • True love means wanting to live eternally with your loved one. If a person does not see his future without you, he definitely loves you.
      • Whether you are discussing what your kids will look like, where you will live in retirement, or where you will go for your honeymoon, you have true love.
    2. Does your loved one give you meaningful compliments? There is a big difference between "I love your hair" and "You make me feel better no matter what happens." It is important that the person tells you that he values ​​you as a person and respects some of your character traits.

      • You don't have to compliment all the time. What matters is quality, not quantity.
    3. When a person says to you, “I love you,” does he really mean it? There is a huge difference between "Liu cha!" I love you too". If a person really loves you, he speaks about it, looking into the eyes, his voice sounds sincere and he does not demand anything in return.

      • You don't need a reason to confess your love. He should not do it out of favor or because it sounds appropriate at the moment.
    4. Is the person really open to you? A loving person is not afraid to talk about his thoughts, feelings, fears and the like. He will talk about his childhood, his regrets, difficult periods, dreams, and he will be comfortable sharing this with you.

      • If a person says, "I haven't told anyone this before ...", then most likely he really loves you and trusts you.
    5. Does your loved one tell you that they are bored when you are apart? If you are far from each other, but you continue to correspond, call each other, making it clear that you are bored, then you cannot imagine life without each other. If you left for 3 weeks and did not receive any news, most likely it is not love.

      • Your loved one doesn't have to call you all the time to tell you that they are bored.
    6. Does your loved one see your flaws? He shouldn't idealize you. A truly loving person will be able to point out to you a mistake, incorrect statement, or inappropriate behavior. However, he shouldn't criticize you all the time. This should be healthy, constructive criticism, meaning that the person knows you inside out and accepts you with all your strengths and weaknesses.

      • You should be alerted if the person never criticizes you and never argues with you. Make sure the person loves you and not your ideal version.
    7. Does your loved one respect your opinion? If he is interested in yours on a variety of issues, from evaluating a pair of new shoes to the political situation in the world, then he really loves you. A loving person can ask your advice or point of view on any matter, even if he already has his own formed opinion.

      • He doesn't have to ask your opinion about everything - only the things that matter most to him.

    What is he doing?

    1. Does your loved one listen to everything you say? If a person really loves you, he will not only be open with you, but will listen to what you say to him, even if he heard about it before. This does not mean that he should act like your dog. He will simply be there so that, without interrupting or distracting, he will listen to your thoughts and express a reciprocal point of view.

      • To love means not only to speak, but also to be able to listen.
    2. Does your loved one come to your aid at any moment, even at the wrong and inconvenient times? Sure, he's always there for a bar or a delicious meal, but will he take you to the airport if needed? Or will he walk your dog when you are sick? A loving person will share both joyful and sad moments with you.

      • If a person is next to you when you are happy, in a good mood and with a light heart, but disappears when you are sad or depressed, he does not love you.
      • Love is being close to a person, no matter what. A loving person will accept you with all your strengths and weaknesses, and share happy and difficult times with you.
    3. Does your loved one do nice things for you? A loving person will refuel your car when you're busy, buy groceries for you, or make chicken broth if you're sick. He does not have to constantly bother around you and patronize you beyond measure, but if he loves you, he will want to give you a reason to smile or make your life a little easier.

      • True love is the ability not only to take, but also to give in return.
      • If the person really loves you, they will do these things without asking your permission. This should be taken for granted. If you ask him for help every time, most likely, you are not liked.
    4. Does the person want to always be with you? To love is to always strive to be there, even when it seems impossible. Of course, this does not mean that you have to stick to each other, but loving people take every opportunity to be together.

    5. Does your loved one give you enough freedom? A loving person will always give you time to be alone with yourself and go about your business. If a person does not let you go a step, this is already a blind obsession. As a pair, everyone needs time to go about their business and be themselves.

      • The desire to be around constantly speaks not of love, but of the fact that a person is not confident in himself.
    6. Does the person really understand you? Real love is real understanding. If a person knows how to recognize your mood, knows what you love and what not, and how to please you, then he loves you.

      • It's okay if you partly remain a mystery to a person. You shouldn't expect him to understand you 100%, but you should have a firm belief that the person feels and understands you most of the time.
      • If the person truly loves you, they will support your goals and interests, even if they are far from them.
    • When someone likes you, the person behaves differently in your presence, looks at you differently, or smiles a lot.
    • Consider other people's feelings. When someone likes you, whatever you do will mean a lot to the person. Be careful.
    • If a person does not speak to you, this does not mean that he does not like you. Maybe he's just shy.
    • Do not confuse flirting with friendship, otherwise you will be hurt later.
    • It is necessary to give a person freedom, but if you are not at all interested in where, what and with whom he does, you risk losing him.
    • If a friend or boyfriend seems clingy and hyper-caring to you, it may be because they care about you.


    • A person may try to sacrifice their love if you are no longer interested in them and are already in a relationship or marriage with someone else. However, he will not do this if you are constantly feeding his hopes.

Society is a very specific social formation, in which there are a lot of rules, restrictions, rituals. We must behave in a certain way in one situation, differently in another. ...

And as for interpersonal relations, there is also a mass of personal characteristics of each person. Someone is modest by nature, someone is open, and someone is brave in one situation, but timid and fearful in another. We often hide our true feelings behind masks of politeness, coldness, and indifference.

Hence, questions arise about how to understand whether a man likes you, whether he is in love with you ...

A game of love is like driving a car: women prefer detours, men tend to cut corners.
Jeanne Moreau

How to understand that a man likes you

Many men are embarrassed to be the first to take the first step. They carefully hide their interest in the girl behind friendly banter or ostentatious indifference.

There can be many reasons for this behavior, from the peculiarities of upbringing to the unsuccessful experience of communication with individuals of the opposite sex.

And yet there are universal signs that a man likes you. Let's consider them below.

1. Close contact

A man subconsciously wants to be as close as possible to the object of his adoration. If he, as if by chance, is suspiciously close to you at least once a day, this may indicate the presence of feelings.

This is a good way to understand if a man likes you at work, where you can find various reasons to approach a colleague: ask for a spare pen, queue up to a cooler, stretch clothes from a hanger, and so on.

If you are not working together, then you need to pay attention not to the frequency, but to the proximity of the contact. A man tries to touch a woman he likes, run his hand over her clothes, shake off a non-existent speck, straighten a collar, etc.

2. Voice timbre

It is so laid down by nature that under the influence of feelings (hormones) the voice of a person in love changes, becomes softer, “cooing” or hoarse notes appear in it. If you notice that this is how a man addresses only you, while in a conversation with the rest of such notes does not slip, you can be sure that he breathes unevenly towards you and tries to hide his natural aggressiveness by changing the timbre of his voice.

3. A loving look

As you know, a man loves with his eyes. And although a slightly different meaning is put into this proverb, a man in love looks at the object of his adoration with such eyes that, by their expression, everything immediately becomes clear. If you have not been able to unambiguously "read" the look, then pay attention to how often you catch it on yourself.

If a man is pleased to look at you, and he does it at the first opportunity, this can speak of either nascent or quite strengthened feelings. If, in addition to lofty feelings, a woman arouses a passionate desire in a man, then the look will be slightly clouded.

4. Confidential conversation

Your conversation began with a condemnation of the weather, and ended with a man's story about his plans for the near future, his successes and achievements? Congratulations, he considers you as a potential chosen one and unconsciously wants to share his plans with you, involve you in them, connect his future with you.

5. Pauses in conversation

Finding himself at a close distance from a woman he likes, a man will involuntarily worry, be distracted by her appearance, dream about something of his own, which will give rise to pauses in the conversation. If during such pauses he looks at your lips or décolleté, you can be sure that he is showing at least a sexual interest in you.

6. Jealousy

Of course, if your relationship hasn't even started yet, real jealousy is out of the question. But it’s easy to see how a guy starts to frown if you’re talking on the phone with a friend in front of him, say out loud that you’ll go to the cinema with a friend today, or accept compliments from another man. A frown, pursed lips, nodules playing on the cheeks, a tense posture will speak of jealousy. And she, as you know, is impossible without feelings.

How to tell by gestures that a man likes you

Gestures, like facial expressions, are most often involuntary, and therefore universal. That is, a gesture that betrays the excitement of one person will likewise betray the excitement of another.

So, a man likes you if he:

  • when you put your fingers in a belt or in your pockets. In fact, a man wants to touch you, but does not dare yet, and in order to occupy his hands, he is looking for another use for them. He can also interlock his fingers "in the lock" or constantly twirl an object in his hands;
  • straightens his tie or tugs at his shirt. This is how the desire to be beautiful for your chosen one manifests itself. Likewise, women, in the presence of an object of adoration, begin to straighten their hair, fiddle with buttons on a sweater or iron a skirt;
  • takes the pose of the interlocutor. A person unconsciously copies the posture and gestures of another person who is sympathetic to him and who wants to please himself;
  • ruffles her hair, touches her face. He wants you to do all this, and with his gestures he calls you to this.
As for facial expressions, biting your lip, shaking your head to the beat of a conversation can also be considered indirect signs of sympathy.

All men are the same in front of the woman they admire.
Bernard Show

How to understand that a man loves a woman

This question arises after the couple began a relationship. Is it love, or fleeting interest, the girl thinks.

How do you know that a man likes you so much that he is ready to offer his hand and heart?

How do you know if his feelings are serious?

1. A man introduces you to the whole family

It is clear that every new passion with which he plans to spend a couple of nights, the guy will not take to dinner with his parents. If you were invited to such an acquaintance, then we can confidently say that the man has big plans for you.

2. You spend all your free time together.

This suggests that he is interested not only in bed. If you walk a lot, watch movies, travel, tinker in the garden, ride bicycles - this is most likely love.

3. Plans for the future

If a man makes plans for the future, and you figure in them, this is a good sign. This does not have to be planning a wedding or your family life, the man may not have matured yet. But even planning a vacation or big shopping together is an indirect confirmation of your long-term relationship.

4. Jealousy

Here we can already talk about real jealousy. A man will not make any claims to a passing girlfriend for one night, since in his thoughts he himself already has a different passion. If he is in love, then there is a desire to possess you completely and completely, and he will not tolerate competitors.

5. Caring

Are you sick and the man is busy around you? Or did he pack up his backpack and rush off on a fishing trip to avoid catching a cold from you? It is not difficult to guess in which case his behavior will speak of sincere feelings.

6. Striving to demonstrate their abilities

At the same time, he often does not have any abilities as such, but he has a burning desire to please you. A man in love will cook a romantic dinner for you with his own hands, walk your dog, try to fix something in your house.

Psychologist's advice on how to understand that a man likes you

Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish common politeness from sympathy and interest. Therefore, the girl is often lost in conjectures, but does she correctly understand the courtship of a man? Does she take the usual friendly disposition for something much more?

To "recognize" a true admirer, you just need to analyze his behavior.
Psychologists give the following advice:

  • If a man is not indifferent to you, he will demonstrate it in every possible way., make signs in the form of a cup of hot coffee or a sweatshirt draped over the shoulders on a cool evening. He will listen to you attentively and nod his head in agreement, no matter what nonsense you say.
  • Actions, sometimes a little reckless or even stupid will tell you more about his feelings.
  • At school, the boy pulled the girl's pigtails that he likes. As an adult, he also tries to get her attention in every possible way. For example, as if accidentally touching. His touch to you is a sure sign of sympathy.
  • He catches your eye, or you suddenly notice how he is staring at you... And when you “catch him at the crime scene,” he quickly looks away.
  • He can demonstrate his sympathy with a smile. or, conversely, shyness and stiffness at your appearance.
  • A man in love becomes terribly awkward. He can spill juice on his pants, drop a cup, break a glass. Everything literally falls out of his hands.
  • A man interested in you will take care of you all the time... Serve a coat, open a door, help with solving some minor problems. And sooner or later he will definitely offer to spend an evening together. For example, with his friends. He may not dare to make an appointment right away.
  • He constantly jokes, tells jokes, demonstrates his cheerful character. and ease of communication? Be sure - he is in love.
  • The man who likes you will definitely know your phone number. and ask to be friends on social networks where you are registered. He definitely needs to be in touch in order to call, write a message at any time. Anyone, just to get a couple of lines from you or hear your voice.
  • He's jealous of you. His whole appearance shows that he is not very pleased when you communicate with other men, tries to wedge himself into the conversation and "pull the blanket" over himself. A man in love is extremely jealous of the appearance of potential rivals in his field of vision.
Listen to your heart. It will help you distinguish a real fan from just a friend.

Finally, a universal advice for all girls - trust your intuition! Not a single man can deceive her, no matter how carefully he hides his feelings from you.
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The most interesting and exciting thing in a relationship is the first weeks of communication. You do not know what he is, but you are terribly interested in everything. A bunch of questions are spinning in my head, you are planning for the future: is he able to send you to the Maldives, will he give you a new phone for your birthday, is this spacious apartment already his or has a mortgage on it?

Men will not stop laughing at us until we stop seeing each boyfriend as a potential husband. I do not see anything reprehensible in this! Why waste time with a guy who doesn't suit you by any criteria. Not for that mother grew a berry so that she could have fun with everyone in a row for one single breakfast in bed, and even tasteless, and even cold.

Thinking about the future is correct, but sometimes we do not understand men, not all those with whom we meet even consider us as potential girls, we are for them this way, for a while.

Where do the goats or the girl come from for a while

Before moving on to plans for the future, you need to find out if it is possible. Does a new acquaintance need our thoughts, feelings and emotions, or has he just decided to encroach on a spicy body?

For any girl, this is, of course, incomprehensible. Why the hell, a normal healthy man should waste time with a girl if he only wants sex from her. Around full of other women, let him find one that will please both their lustful mind and depraved heart.

Here we underestimate ourselves. Men are sometimes primitive, I saw - I wanted to. Yes, it’s you. Neither sleep nor eat, wants nothing - only you. Yes, you can feel like Angelina Jolie or any other movie star.

Battle for the commander's body

Is it worth finding out if a man likes you or if he wants only one thing? It's up to you to decide. In the battle for your body, he may fall in love, however, this happens quite rarely, but there is still a chance.

It would be unpleasant for me to know that a man does not like me, and it is only important for him to get to know me in an intimate capacity. This is very unpleasant. To the girl, and even more so to his future wife, he would not treat him like that. There he will become a meek lamb, but you can do anything with me? Bad man, very bad.

Love does not love

But the worst thing happens when you fall in love. Who didn't have that? It is guaranteed that you yourself will deploy active hostilities to conquer it, but you will only meet such a powerful rebuff that then you will have to collect not only the body, but also the heart.

If you know in advance that a man does not like you, then it is much easier for you to decide whether you need him, and, as a consequence, to think over a strategy for conquering him.

The first sign. He is constantly busy

If your man is constantly busy, he doesn't even have time to call you - he doesn't love you. Don't kid yourself, you can always find a few minutes to call back. Many men smoke and find time for this occupation, why are you worse than a cigarette? Even if your man is a fireman, police officer, superhero, supervillain or president, he will always find time to save one nervous system. He does not have to constantly pick up the phone, but you must always be sure that he will call you back. If not, he doesn't love you.

Everything is good in moderation

It is worth mentioning those girls who like to talk for a very long time or call very often. In your case, not picking up the phone is an instinct for self-preservation. If a man says that he is working, then you should not continue the conversation. If you call 16 times a day, then there is no point in calling you back, you will still show up more than once.

The second symptom. He is not looking for meetings

If a man, again, is busy: he does not invite you on dates, does not offer to just meet, but is content with talking on the phone, then he keeps you in reserve. You will only meet when he has no other options. As the people say, on the bezbabe.

If a man needs it, he will do everything to achieve what he wants. You probably know that even working all day long, many guys are able to cross the city in the hope of seeing their beloved! Are you unworthy of this? Agree that you would have come yourself if he had called. Do you really believe that he is so busy that he only sleeps and works? Doesn't eat lunch, doesn't watch TV, doesn't play on the phone before going to bed, nothing: sleep is work.

The third sign. She herself was offended - herself and goodbye

If you have felt on yourself one of the previous factors of dislike, then you probably already managed to express something about this to your friend. How did he react? If he didn’t care, and you were the first to break down and called back, then this is the third indicator that your “young man” doesn’t like you.

Any man understands perfectly well that if a woman is offended, then she just needs a little affection. Calling back is the minimum that absolutely all men who love will go to. They are not some kind of animals that will leave their girlfriend to suffer alone. And no matter who is to blame!

Eagle is a proud bird

If, offended, you uttered a lot of unpleasant words to the man: you insulted him, started screaming, crying or raging in other ways, then not calling is again an instinct for self-preservation. You have not known each other for so long, but to call (and even more so to meet) with hysterics who are able to endure the brain in the first weeks of acquaintance ... it must be a kamikaze. What will happen next?

The fourth sign. He's not interested in you

You only chat about abstract topics. He doesn't care how you get home at three in the morning. He doesn't care about your plans, at least for the next few days.

If a man shows you that you have to adapt to him and makes you change plans for the sake of meeting with him, then he does not respect you. If he does not show any care, then do not expect anything good. Do you think the situation will change over time? It’s in vain. At the beginning of a relationship, certain stereotypes are laid, if he doesn't give a damn now ...

The fifth sign. He's a cold blooded macho

He is a handsome man, all women fall at his feet and he knows about it. He loves himself. People like him don’t give compliments, don’t pay for you (and rarely for themselves), don’t give flowers. You should be happy that you can bathe in the rays of his glory, his beauty, his divinity. He is incredibly smart and belittles your intellectual abilities, he is handsome and points out your flaws, he flirts with everything, but he came with you ...

Trust me, he doesn't like you. He needs a girl like himself. The one next to which he will feel ordinary. He will become more stupid, kinder and more adequate. By the way, it's not a fact that the only one will be really very beautiful, it's just that she will become the only one for him. Unfortunately, it won't be you. The stereotype has already taken shape. You are the person next to whom he is even cooler.


Well, there is also the possibility that he is actually a notorious nerd who just completed a seven-year course in a pickup truck and a six-year one in seduction. He was recently taught to communicate with girls, and he wants to please you so much that he tries to be an alpha male in every way.


If you notice that a man doesn't like you, start thinking actively. If he somehow humiliates you or behaves unworthily, it is better to leave. I understand that girls are very fond of trying to change a man, to save a lost soul, and about the joy they get from conquering men, I generally keep quiet. You must understand that a man almost immediately realizes that he has met his love. His attitude towards that one will never be inappropriate. Even Richard Gere initially respected his Pretty Woman.