When is the best time to get married in the fall. The best time for a wedding: which season to choose, the pros and cons

Play your wedding in the summer.

In summer, it is more convenient to play a wedding for practical reasons: A wedding can be celebrated in any convenient place, a cafe or an open-air restaurant in nature by ordering an off-site restaurant. The bride can appear in all her glory without wrapping herself in a jacket. Summer is the most popular time for weddings. Warm,


1. The bride can wear any dress, even a very revealing one.
3. Variety of fruits. Fruit prices are falling, so the wedding table will be cheaper.
4. In the summer you can choose any place for your wedding walk.
5. If you are not going on a honeymoon trip after the wedding, then you can just go to rest outside the city.


1. Prices are getting the highest. This applies to bridal salons, hairdressers, makeup artists and other service workers.
2. Summer is a time of fierce rivalry between couples. You need to have time to occupy the hall on the required day, choose the best toastmaster and, of course, apply to the registry office for the best time.
3. In traditional places of walking of wedding couples there will be many guests, grooms and brides. You will have to pose for the photographer quickly, without staying in one place for a long time.
4. Some potential guests go on vacation.

Play a wedding in the fall.

In general, autumn is a good time of the year for weddings. Especially September and early October. Slush and mud starts after this time, so you need to keep this in mind if you want to celebrate your wedding in the fall.


1. The bride can choose an open wedding dress without thinking about the cold.
2. Cheap fruits.
3. A cheap bridal bouquet, a large selection of flowers.
4. Vacations are coming to an end, so you can invite everyone you like to the wedding banquet.
5. Falling prices for almost all wedding services.


1. Late autumn can bring you slush, rain and cold weather.

Winter Wedding - Play your winter wedding.


1. Winter is a period of discounts. Prices for banquet rooms in cafes and restaurants are immediately reduced. Prices for leading, hairdressers, make-up artists are decreasing. A wedding cortege in winter is also much cheaper.
2. Sales begin in wedding salons in winter. The bride can buy herself a dress at a big discount. In the bridal salons during this cold season, the assortment of dresses is replenished. Unlike in the summer months, there are no queues at wedding salons, so all the seller's attention will be focused on you.
3. Lack of queues at the registry offices. Without unnecessary fuss, you can apply for the date you need and choose a convenient time.
4. Photos from your winter wedding will be incredibly beautiful. Nice photos are taken against the backdrop of fluffy, snow-white trees.
5. There is an opportunity to have a wedding on Valentine's Day - February 14th.
Our ancestors in Russia believed that the best period for weddings was from Christmas to Shrovetide. They also called this period "wedding". You can also play a winter wedding, the main thing is to know all the pros and cons of such a wedding.


1. Because of the cold, you will have to wrap yourself in warm fur coats or jackets, the bride will cover her festive outfit. You won't be able to walk around the city a lot.
2. If suddenly there is a thaw on the wedding day, then you will have to walk through puddles and dirty brown snow.
3. The registry office may suddenly close for repairs.
4. Epidemics of flu and colds. You or your guests may suddenly get sick before the wedding.
5. Prices for flowers are high, the range is much lower than in the summer months.
6. Vegetables and fruits are significantly more expensive in price, which may affect the financial component of your menu.
7. A wedding before the New Year will be very expensive. Prices at this time soar to incredible heights!

Play your wedding in the spring.

Early spring is not a very popular time for weddings. Very few couples agree to walk through the mud and mud in their pretty outfits. But, starting from the first Sunday after Easter ("Red Hill"), spring becomes pleasant and is considered the best time for weddings. Better to marry from "Krasnaya Gorka" to Trinity. The time after Lent is considered one of the best for weddings. Nature comes to life, grass appears, leaves bloom on the trees, the mood is conducive to love.


1. There are no obstacles for long walks around the city and photo sessions. Newlyweds need not be afraid to get their outfits dirty.
2. To create a family in the spring is a good omen.


1. The queues for submitting an application to the registry office are getting bigger. And it's not a fact that you will get the right time.
2. Rising prices in wedding salons, as well as for all the attributes of pre-wedding preparation.

We've now covered all the seasons that weddings can play. With all the pros and cons, you can choose the season that best suits your wedding. And then there will be little left to do - choose a month!

Vika Di April 28, 2018, 12:35 pm

When preparing for a wedding, planning begins with choosing a date for the celebration. Brides approach him very scrupulously, guided by numerology, astrology, beautiful dates or folk signs. Some pick up day in accordance with church statutes, someone is guided by the convenience of the date for registration at the registry office and a banquet in a restaurant.

Registration at the registry office

So how to choose the right wedding date? There is no definite answer to this question. Every couple of newlyweds independently decides, what day should they go down the aisle.

Auspicious days for weddings according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar is different from the usual that allows you to follow the phases of the moon - new moon, growth, full moon and decrease.

Such a calendar is compiled for each year and you can see favorable days for each month of the current year or calculate the lunar day yourself

It is considered an unfavorable wedding in an eclipse and a full moon, the negative energy of the satellite has a destructive effect on the young. White night wedding also requires tracking the movement of the moon as its influence is still there. Before setting a date for the celebration, you need to check with.

Lucky day for marriage in numerology

Numerology is the magic of numbers, showing the connection between a person's life and his date of birth.

Choice for marriage in numerology

Add: 1 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11.

5 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7. Add up the resulting numbers - 11 + 7 = 18. This will be an auspicious day according to numerological calculations.

The 31st number, according to numerology, does not have any special property, and if young people want it, it is quite possible to get married on this day.

Signs related to wedding dates

The number 7 for a wedding, according to popular belief, is considered lucky for a wedding, like other odd numbers, except the 13th the numbers because of the extreme unhappiness of this date.

Marriage on even days - for the birth of a boy, on odd days - for the birth of a girl

It is also believed that a birthday on the wedding day is a bad omen, but at the same time if the birthdays of the spouses are the same then this is a very good sign. If the birthday of any of the relatives coincides with the planned date, then it is better to postpone it. For ethical reasons, it is not very pleasant to have a wedding ceremony or a wedding anniversary on a birthday.

Signs with wedding dates

There are no special signs if the day and date of the wedding coincides with the date of the parents' wedding, but in this case, at the discretion of the young, not everyone will like to celebrate two anniversaries on one day. It is definitely a bad omen to get married on a date that coincides with the date of death of one of the relatives. Such a family, according to the signs, will be haunted by misfortune.

Is it possible, according to the signs, to make two weddings in one year in the same family? According to popular superstition, it is impossible.

There is a sign that the bride needs pin a gold pin on a dress, for luck. You can combine beauty and superstition by purchasing an elegant pin-shaped brooch.

Gold brooch, SOKOLOV(price by link)

According to popular belief, there are favorable years for weddings. The current 2018 is considered a quiet year for marriage., as well as the next one - 2019. But in the question "when is it better to get married?" brides only believe in bad luck about a wedding ceremony in a leap year known for hardship and misfortune.

Why can't you get married in a leap year? In fact, earlier this very year the girls themselves went to woo, and no one had the right to refuse them.

So the leap year used to be called the year of brides, and it was believed that he was successful in terms of marriage.

Days not to get married

However, at the present time there are more substantial prohibitions on marriage. In addition to the days when the registry office does not work, therefore, the marriage cannot be registered, there are restrictions imposed by religion for marriage.

Play a wedding in an Orthodox church

According to the statutes of the Orthodox Church, the days when you cannot play a wedding:

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On these days, the sacrament of the wedding is not performed;
  • during fasting;
  • the eve and days of Orthodox holidays;
  • on Shrovetide, the week before Lent;
  • during Easter week.

Wedding date agree with the priest, he will tell you when it is best to conduct the sacrament.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

Sometimes brides, not paying attention to the signs and forecasts of astrologers, try to choose a beautiful date. The choice of a beautiful wedding date is due to the combination of the same numbers. For example, in 2008 the most popular date was 08.08.08.

This year, such a complete coincidence will not work, but a beautiful date could be August 18 - 08/18/18 with three eights

You can also choose a combination of day and month digits, for example, 06.06.18. It is believed that lucky dates are those in which there are many zeros and eights, for example, 08/10/18 or 10/18/18. Also dates in which one number is a multiple of another look good, for example, 09/18/18. Such round dates look nice and sound good and they are easy to remember. A weekday or a day off falls on the date of the wedding, in this case it is not so important.

The question of what date to have a wedding torments many girls who want the celebration to be perfect. You can refer to the characteristics of the days of the week.

What day of the week is it better to play the wedding?

The favorableness of a particular day of the week determined by numerology, astrology, church charters and popular beliefs. So what day of the week is it better to get married?

Characteristics of each day of the week:

  • Monday... Despite the fact that in most cases this day is officially a day off in the registry offices, from the point of view of astrology, this day is moderately favorable for marriage, since on this day the young are patronized by the Moon.
  • Tuesday... On this day, you cannot get married according to the Orthodox teaching. In astrology, Tuesday is considered very unfavorable for the conclusion of a marriage.
  • Wednesday... Under the auspices of Mercury, he favors the newlyweds - this promises compromise and consent to the marriage.
  • Thursday... The wedding is not held on this day; popular beliefs also warn couples against getting married. But according to astrology, this is a pretty good day, promising material wealth in the house.
  • Friday... It is considered the most favorable day for marriage, since it is under the auspices of Venus. Friday, the 13th, according to the signs, is considered an unlucky day, but this does not affect family life in any way. The church is sympathetic to the Friday wedding.
  • Saturday... The most popular day for official painting, the sacrament of the wedding is not performed. According to astrology and folk signs, it is considered not a very favorable day for marriage. The marriage promises to be stable, but a lot will have to be sacrificed for happiness.
  • Sunday... It is considered a good day for marriage, this day is patronized by the Sun, which promises warm relations between spouses, but, in another opinion, emphasizes individuality, so the marriage will work out if one of the couple takes responsibility for family life.

So what day of the week is it better to marry? Monday to wednesday... The rest of the days of the week for marriage are considered unfavorable.

It's easy to choose a wedding day, starting from the influence of the stars for family life.

Choose a wedding day in astrology

In what month is it better to get married and get married?

Each month has its own pros and cons, due to weather conditions, signs and church customs. For each month, according to numerology and the lunar calendar, happy dates are calculated on which it is best to marry.

Signs and meanings of a wedding by month:

  • January wedding - the wife is widowed early;
  • a marriage concluded in February will be full of love and tenderness;
  • to get married in March - to life in a foreign land, far from home;
  • April wedding - to changeable happiness;
  • wedding in May - to betrayal;
  • June wedding - the spouses will spend their whole lives like a honeymoon;
  • get married in July - the marriage will be sweet and sour;
  • to get married in August - to a strong marriage, sealed not only by love, but also by friendship;
  • wedding in September - the marriage will be long, without quarrels and scandals;
  • a marriage in October promises problems and difficulties;
  • November wedding - to a rich and happy life;
  • getting married in December - fortunately in family life, which will only grow.

What is the best month for the wedding? Each season has its own benefits- in winter there is no wedding excitement, and you can safely choose the date of the wedding in the registry office, in the spring it is already warm enough to hold the ceremony in nature, in the summer, despite the heat, there are many celebration scenarios, in the fall the abundance of vegetables and fruits will provide a rich feast.


Signing immediately after the New Year holidays may not seem like a good idea, but in reality January has many unobvious advantages.

Huge space for outdoor festivities: snowball battles, the construction of a snow fortress and sledding

Offers many options for entertainment and contests.

In addition, you can continue New Year's theme and weave it into the decoration of the banquet hall.

Get married in January


This month can provide several ideas for a wedding celebration at once - the theme of Valentine's Day and Shrovetide festivities. The date of the wedding can be timed to coincide with one of these holidays.

In addition, the advantages of a wedding in winter also apply to this month: there are no queues for painting at the registry office, you can rent a banquet hall in a restaurant with a discount and fly away on a honeymoon trip to hot countries. can be combined with a trip and hold a symbolic ceremony on the shores of the azure sea.


Despite the fact that this March is the first month of spring, it differs little from winter in mood and weather in central Russia. But this is a great opportunity for a budget holiday, and the vagaries of the weather can be compensated for by an exquisite buffet table in the restaurant. - a reason for an interesting photo session against the backdrop of melting snows, spring drops and the warming sun.


This month is considered truly spring - more and more warm days, the first flowers and leaves on the trees begin to bloom. Spring awakening is a great theme for a celebration. Moreover, in early spring the wedding excitement has not started yet than you can use. it is already possible to spend in the fresh air, despite the unstable weather.

Get married in April


May spring wedding not only according to the calendar, but also according to the mood. Warm weather allows for off-site registration among trees and blossoming flowers. This month you can save on floristry.

For you, you can pick up an unusual wedding dress and weave flowers into your hair.


June is a good month for a wedding, because the heat has not yet arrived, and the berry season has already begun. Despite the fact that summer is the time for weddings and the wedding excitement is gaining momentum, young people can decorate the celebration in an original way, focusing on wildflowers and strawberries... - a great occasion for a picnic with kebabs and grilled meat dishes.

Get married in June


A summer wedding in the hottest month is an excellent excuse for onsite registration in nature. Wedding tents will hide the guests from the scorching heat. Mid summer disposes to an abundance of berries and fruits on the festive table.

You can make it themed by decorating a rustic celebration or throwing a Hawaiian party.


According to popular beliefs, the strongest marriages are concluded in this month. August is a fruitful month when the markets are full of fresh vegetables and fruits. This will make the menu not only tasty, but also healthy. considered favorable not only from the point of view of folk signs, but also, according to astrologers.


An autumn wedding offers many options for decorating your celebration. The ceremony can be themed, for example, rustic or eco chic. Bright autumn colors will serve as an excellent decoration interior and can be the leitmotif of the whole celebration. Despite the onset of cold weather, you can spend in the park or in the country, enjoying the autumn landscape.


The second month of autumn continues the theme of gold and crimson colors in the design. If the celebration is scheduled for the end of the month, then you can make a halloween wedding- with pumpkins instead of lamps, carnival costumes and themed dishes on the festive table.

Halloween wedding in October

- a reason not only for a gloomy, Gothic celebration, but also for an autumn holiday in a rustic style.


In late autumn, the excitement associated with marriage is declining, which makes it possible to plan a celebration in less haste, calmly choosing a date. Despite the coming cold, November considered a favorable month for marriage... according to signs, it is associated with the end of field work and preparation for winter, so it was believed that it was better to have a wedding this month.


A winter wedding in December is a great opportunity for a themed celebration in the style of a winter fairytale. Of course, it scares many New Year's Eve hype, in the bustle of which it will be difficult to prepare, but there will definitely not be queues at the registry office. Plus, it's a wonderful occasion for a symbolic ceremony on a tropical island.

But you can celebrate at home by renting a hall in a restaurant or arranging a home party.

What is the best month to get married and what is the best time of the year for a wedding is up to the young to decide.

Each season has its merits and demerits.

Months favorable for a wedding, according to popular beliefs: February, March, August, September. But it is important to remember that in order to sign, you can choose any date you like for any month.

Post wedding

Many couples about to get married are wondering - is it possible to get married and get married during the fast? According to church statutes, weddings and weddings are prohibited.

Lenten dishes for a wedding at church fast

Why can't you play fasting wedding? Since fasting is a time of spiritual cleansing, eating restrictions animal origin, physical intimacy and amusement.

However, despite this, you can sign for the post without playing a wedding, since secular laws do not correlate with religious prohibitions.

If young non-believers or identify themselves as belonging to another religious denomination, then orthodox prohibition should not stop them in the desire to play a wedding in fasting.

Auspicious month for marriage:

  • January wedding - early to be widowed;
  • February wedding - live in love and harmony;
  • Wedding in March - to live in someone else's house or country;
  • Wedding in April - happiness will be short-lived;
  • A wedding in May is a sign of treason;
  • Wedding in June - life will be like a honeymoon.
  • Wedding and July - life will be changeable;
  • Wedding in August - for long love and strong friendship of the spouses;
  • A wedding in September - to a quiet and peaceful life;
  • Wedding in October - to a hard life;
  • A wedding in November - to a rich life;
  • Wedding in December - love will intensify over the years;

And what each day will bring to the newlyweds?

  • Getting married on Monday means being healthy;
  • Getting married on Tuesday - to wealth;
  • Getting married on Wednesday is the best day for a wedding;
  • Getting married on Thursday - to difficulties
  • Get married on Friday - it's better not to schedule

Marriages concluded in the afternoon are considered more successful.
People born (July 7) on Ivan Kupala should not be married on the 7th.
Whoever marries Kazanskaya (November 4) - that happiness awaits.
Getting married on your birthday is not good, i.e. not a number, but a day of the week. For example, if the groom was born on Tuesday, then the wedding on Tuesday cannot be played.
If the wedding falls on Pokrov Day and it is snowing, this is fortunate and well-being in the family. Also, marriages concluded on Palm Sunday are considered to be happy.

Bride's dress:

You can get married in a white dress only for the first time. When remarried, this color can bring unhappiness. Even when getting married for the first time, some girls sometimes prefer dresses of other colors. But here's what they say wedding signs:

  • White dress - God's Grace;
  • Silver or gray dress - short-term marriage;
  • Red dress - to quarrels and conflicts in the family;
  • Blue dress - feelings will soon grow cold;
  • Blue dress - the husband will be walking;
  • Green dress - to lack of money;
  • Yellow dress - to live together for six years;
  • A golden dress - to a rich life;
  • Brown dress - to divide acquired property;
  • Black dress - early to be widowed;
  • Pink dress - for long lasting love.

To get married in a hat - to divorce,
To get married in a short veil - to sick children.
To get married without a veil is a sign of betrayal and suffering.

Groom suit:

  • Black suit - considered traditional and portends a happy life;
  • Gray suit - a hasty marriage, but often a long one;
  • White suit - the groom will suffer;
  • Blue suit - quarrels over money;
  • A green suit is a marriage made to laugh at people;
  • Red suit - for the groom's short life;
  • A brown suit is a strict, demanding husband.

To get married in a butterfly to the groom - will change
To get married in light-colored shoes to the groom will have poor health and will not live long.

No signs and no go - wedding signs on the eve of the wedding:

  • The wedding dress must not be ironed for the mother and the bride.
  • The longer the train of the dress, the longer the married life will be.
  • A spider on a dress or veil - for good, wealth.
  • The bride should not wear sandals, open-toed shoes, shoes with laces - this will lead to poverty for the young.
  • The bride should not put on the dress over her legs; put on the dress first with her head and then her hands.
  • The bride should not try on a wedding dress before the wedding: to see herself in a mirror in a wedding dress means to capture it in it and not repeat it in life. But before the wedding, before leaving the house, the bride should look in the mirror and add something else to her outfit - a brooch, a bow, etc. Otherwise, she may not be lucky.
  • Bridesmaids, sisters or anyone should not try on the bride's wedding dress, and also measure jewelry from the bride's head (veil, twig); the omen is to take happiness to herself.
  • The groom cannot see the bride trying on the wedding dress.
  • You cannot give someone your wedding rings to measure, both before the wedding and after - happiness can be measured.
  • After the young people exchange rings, they cannot take the box from them, and the one who does it next will go down the aisle.
  • The bride cannot fiddle with the wedding ring on her finger, married life will not work out.
  • If the bride wakes up on her wedding day to the singing of birds, it means to be happy in family life.
  • A traditional wedding sign - before going to the wedding, the bride must feed the cat. Be sure to pay attention to how the animal behaves, if it runs away - nothing good awaits the bride if it rubs on its legs - this is a very good sign.
  • It is not good if the names of the bride and groom begin with the same letter. Such couples were not given the blessing of marriage.
  • It is a bad omen to write the future surname of her husband before the wedding. Attempt to sign or simply state your future last name.
  • On the eve of the wedding, the groom must not cut his hair - the children will be sick.
  • You cannot be photographed on the eve of the wedding for the bride and groom.
  • To be photographed separately at the wedding of the bride and groom means separation.
  • Giving a photo before the wedding to each other - to parting
  • You can't knit the bride before the wedding to the groom - to treason.
  • There is a wedding omen according to which the bride must cry a little before registering. This will bring prosperity to the family, but tears just before the wedding itself do not bode well.
  • The bridesmaids in front of the mirror should not stand in front of her, the same applies to the groom, there is a sign that they can take the "half" away.
  • The bride and groom must not see each other before the wedding.
  • It is forbidden for any of the guests to straighten the clothes of the groom or the bride. This can be done by parents or a happily married older friend.
  • It is considered a wedding omen that if the groom puts a coin in his right shoe, then this is to the prosperity in the family.
  • In order not to jinx the bride, a pin was stuck into her hem with the point down, and a red ribbon was tied around her waist. Also, the bride should wear a veil, and after entering the Wedding Palace, you can throw it back.
  • Before going to the registry office, the mother of the bride should give her daughter some item, from family heirlooms, a brooch, earrings, a ring, etc. This protects the bride.
  • The bride should not part with the bouquet that the groom gave her. For a while, it can be passed on to the groom or mother. At the wedding banquet, the bride must place the bouquet in front of her, and at the end of the ceremony, take it home.
  • The groom who has taken the bride from the parental home should not look back on the way to the registry office.
  • To make life easier for the bride in a new family, you should carry out wet cleaning in the house, as soon as the wedding procession left for the wedding ceremony, only you cannot wash the threshold - it means that the bride will return to her parental home.
  • The bride and groom should not allow anyone to pass between them, nor should it be allowed that any of the guests sit in the place of the bride or groom during the feast. Then their marriage will be long and inseparable.
  • Newlyweds cannot eat from one spoon - a sign of "eating away" their fate.
  • It is impossible for the bride and groom to be divorced, as well as married people. They must be single and friendly in nature.
  • It's a bad omen to postpone the appointed wedding to another day.
  • There is a tradition for a husband and wife to live in prosperity, they throw coins at their feet, shower them with grain or hops so that there are many children.
  • Wedding omen - for life to be sweet, the bride and groom secretly for two must eat a chocolate bar before registering at the registry office. This must be done before leaving the house for the wedding.
  • If it rains on your wedding day, this is a good sign, as well as the appearance of a rainbow.
  • It is a bad omen to forget the rings at home or drop them during the ceremony.
  • A good wedding omen - if after the wedding ceremony the newlyweds look in the mirror, it will bring good luck. But you cannot photograph your reflection in the mirror.
  • To strike "for luck." If during the celebration one of the glasses of the newlyweds breaks, then the second should certainly be broken.
  • You should not give the newlyweds sets of knives and forks - to divorce and quarrels.
  • A common wedding sign is throwing the bride's bouquet. The girl who catches the bouquet will soon get married. A girl should keep this bouquet in her bedroom for a year. A similar tradition for bachelors, whoever catches the garter from the bride's leg, will have a wedding in the near future.

    It is better to go to the banquet not on a straight road, but as if roaming in order to confuse evil spirits. It is even better to drive around seven bridges before registering a marriage - to great happiness.

    As you know, life and dare go side by side. If, nevertheless, your wedding car meets a funeral one, of course this is not good news. You can neutralize it with the words: Wreath wreath strife. Amen

  • In the bedroom of the newlyweds before the wedding night there should not be "single" portraits. And the pillows must be placed so that the cuts of the pillowcases "look" at each other. Then the young couple will live in love and harmony.
  • Alder is considered a magic amulet. Therefore, to prevent the newlyweds from spoiling, they put pieces of alder bark in their pockets.

The happy day of the engagement has come to pass. People who love each other made the decision to tie the knot and live side by side all their lives. Ridiculous feelings are replaced by a slight anxiety and worries about the organization of the upcoming celebration: when is it better to play a wedding, whom to invite, where to celebrate a joyful event, where to go on a honeymoon. The first step in planning your wedding is to decide on the day you want and set the date for your wedding.

The best days to get married in 2017

According to astrologers, 2017 is the best year to get married. This is the year of the Horse, an animal with a strong energy. The blue-green Horse will bring to the union of two loving hearts not only unrestrained passion and ardor of feelings, but also prudence, pragmatism, practicality. Couples who legalized marriage in the year of the Horse will live long, happily, surrounded by warmth and care.

To choose a date for marriage, it is better to use not only the church calendar of the great holidays, but also listen to astrological forecasts. So, astrologers do not advise getting married on days of solar and lunar eclipses. Throughout 2017, such days will be April 15, October 8, April 29, October 24. It is better not to marry during the Venus retrograde period - this is the period from 12/22/2013 to 01/31/2016. The moon and Venus negatively affect the family union, bring discord, troubles, squabbles.

Considering the lunar calendar, it is better to play the wedding on the 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 24th, 26th or 27th lunar day. It is recommended to set a holiday on the day of the young, growing moon, so your relationship will always be filled with love, respect and mutual understanding. If the Moon is in the sign of Taurus, Libra or Cancer, then the couple will live for a long time.

Believers will choose a day for their wedding according to the Orthodox calendar. According to Christian canons, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered prohibited days for weddings. Identities cannot be arranged on the days of major holidays, the list of which is in every Orthodox calendar. In addition, it is forbidden to play a wedding during the fast. Posts 2017:

  • 01/01/2016 - 01/06/2016, as well as 12/28/2016 - 01/06/2017 - Christmas fast;
  • 03.03.2016-19.04.2017 - Great Lent;
  • 16.06. 2017-11.07.2017 - Petrov post;
  • 08/14/2016 - 08/27/2017 - Assumption fast.

The best days for a wedding in 2017 according to the church calendar:

  • From January 20 to February 23 - with the exception of unfavorable days (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and days of continuous weeks);
  • From the next Sunday after Easter to April 27;
  • In summer and autumn, the choice should be stopped at any date other than fasting days, as well as Thursday, Saturday or Tuesday.

Auspicious days for marriage in 2017

When choosing a date for a wedding in 2017, you must follow the same recommendations as given for 2017. That is, it is better to avoid Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, big church holidays and their eves. Keep in mind that the Green Sheep will dominate throughout 2017, which, according to the eastern calendar, will come into its own on February 19, 2017. According to astrological signs, this year will be distinguished by inconstancy, inconsistency, spontaneity. Before legalizing a relationship, it is best to carefully consider your decision.

It is important for some newlyweds to choose not only the right, but also a beautiful date for their wedding. There are not so many beautiful numbers in 2017, but still it will be possible to choose the date you like among them. For example:

  • 04/15/15 - however, this day falls on Wednesday, which is not very convenient for celebration.
  • 05/01/15 - it will be Friday, according to the church calendar, weddings are allowed, but only in May some couples do not want to play a wedding, so that then "they will not toil all their lives."
  • 05/15/15 is a beautiful date, which will be Friday, but again, the month will not suit everyone.

What is the best time of the year for a wedding?

Autumn is considered to be a traditional time for weddings. In the fall, weddings are played all over the place. Since ancient times, this time was considered the season of weddings. This is due to the fact that during the spring-summer period, people were busy with gardening business, from which they were freed only in the fall. In winter, many did not want to celebrate lavish celebrations due to the lack of inexpensive food. Therefore, autumn was considered the best time of the year to play a wedding: warm weather, beautiful golden foliage becomes a decoration of the celebration, tables are full of various dishes, thanks only to the harvest.

Autumn is still considered the best time to get married. Photos and videos from an autumn wedding always look festive, luxurious, romantic and charming. The weather is no longer as hot as in summer, but not as cold as in winter. In the fall, you will be able to save on the banquet, since food during this time of the year is cheaper compared to other seasons.

Some newlyweds want to get married in the winter. During the winter period there are many auspicious days for celebrating a wedding. February 14, Valentine's Day is considered a favorite day among newlyweds: there are queues at the registry offices, because couples want to legitimize their relationship on such a momentous day - Valentine's Day. Photos from a winter wedding will come out beautiful, the bride will look especially solemn in a white dress against the backdrop of snow-covered landscapes.

Those who wish to get married in the spring should take into account that March and part of April are the time of Great Lent, when marriage is prohibited. Starting the next Sunday after Easter, the spring wedding period begins. The weather is already stable, the warm rays of the sun will not allow the bride to freeze in an open dress. Trees covered in beautiful white will be the perfect backdrop for a beautiful wedding photo. Spring is the best time to organize themed romantic weddings.

Many couples want to get married in the summer. In summer, the bride can wear a light open dress. Lush green grass, colorful assorted flowers and sunbeams are a wonderful natural setting for a summer wedding. In the summer months there is an opportunity to play a celebration in nature, which other seasons cannot boast of. As you can see, each season has its own advantages, the final choice of the date remains only with the bride and groom.

A grandiose and exciting moment in the life of every couple is their wedding, for which they begin to prepare in advance. And the very first thing to do is to decide in which month it is better to make the celebration, because the choice is wide enough: from gentle spring and bright summer to rich autumn and snow-white winter. What to give preference to? The Svadebka.ws portal will tell you what to look for when choosing the best month for a wedding: from signs and numerology to the weather and the financial side of the issue.

The best month for a wedding according to signs

The very first thing that newlyweds pay attention to when choosing the time for a wedding are the signs associated with marriage in a given month, because each of them has its own symbolic meaning:

As you can see, each month has its own signs associated with marriage. It's up to you whether to believe in them or not, because there are many signs associated with a wedding: from the choice of the month to the bride's rings and shoes.

Choosing a month for a wedding: weather, organizational issues and budget

The www.site portal told you which month is the best to play a wedding, taking into account both the signs and other factors: weather, organizational aspect, budget and numerology. If you consider at least some of them, we are sure that you will make the right choice!