Flying nude. Intimate photo of a bat from the bathroom

Elena Flying continues to demonstrate her swimwear on vacation, for which she received a lot of praise and criticism.

In the Seychelles, Elena Flying skillfully combines work with leisure. The TV star demonstrates an excellent figure, non-stop uploading spicy photos to the social network. One of the last pictures seemed to many of her fans too frank, because on it Flying showed her bare buttocks.

The photo, in which the ex-presenter of "Revizorro" sits on a bicycle in a rather open bodysuit, has caused controversial responses from her followers on Instagram. Some admired how beautiful the Flying looks at 37 years old, others accused her of being vulgar.
“The key point here is #ass,” noted one of Elena's fans. "Oh, what a priest!", "This is a priest))", picked up another. This was followed by indignant comments, hinting that the star was not dressed for her age. The ardent defenders of the TV presenter also entered the controversy: "Is 37 is this the age for a nursing home ?! What's the problem then ?! Yes, and * oops (how you degenerate) does not seem to be naked "," It is only in Russia that they can point fingers at your age ... (((what nonsense ... The whole world lives differently ... You have to live! And not look at the passport ..... "

“It seems to me alone that such a bodysuit is not appropriate for a big one?”, “Vulgar!”, “Lena .... What are you doing ....”, “The figure is beautiful, but you shouldn't have undressed on the bike so ... "," Not decent and not hygienic ... "," a beautiful figure, but in combination with great, of course vulgar ", indignant subscribers of Flying echoed each other. “My God, I am dragged away from her figure, God forbid me to look like that at her age))”, “now many do not look like that at 20,” they held the defense in admiration.
Only a few paid attention to what a beautiful bike the Flying has. Also, not everyone noticed that the star was going to ride it in shale - is it convenient, few asked.

Note that over the past few days, Elena has been actively publishing bold photos as part of a new project of a well-known brand for the production of swimwear. In every photo, she shows off a flawless figure in a bikini and bodysuit.

Not all the images of the Flying cause delight among fans. For example, followers called these shorts "grandmother's panties".

By the way, the famous blonde successfully combines her work not only with rest, but also with preparations for the wedding. Earlier it was reported that the celebration will take place this summer.

The host of the popular TV show "Revizorro" showed an intimate photo from the bathroom. Lena Flying posted a spicy picture to please fellow journalists.

The host of the popular show "Revizorro" Lena Letuchaya does not get tired of delighting fans and colleagues with her candid pictures. The blonde once again posted on a social network a photo of an intimate nature from the bathroom.


Although the most piquant parts of the presenter's body are covered with foam, it is clear from the photo that Lena Flying lies naked in the luxurious bathroom. It is noteworthy that in recent years this is not the first frank picture of the star "Revizorro", but this is exactly the photo she decided to devote to her fellow journalists.

Judging by the caption to the spicy photo, this shot should have provoked or annoyed the representatives of the press. "The yellow press has nothing to write about, I will throw in another photo. You can still have more headlines like this:" Revizorro bare for the sake of a new status "or" Someone else's husband wound up in Revizorro's bathroom"real problems in the World are not enough to attract attention and change the world for the better, and not invent nonsense ..... I am for effective and useful journalism ...! (hereinafter, spelling and punctuation are preserved. - Ed. .) ", - wrote Flying on Instagram.