Mini-project "day of parental self-government" methodological development on the topic. Self-government day at dhow project on the topic Self-government hour in kindergarten scenario

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten number 11"




Senior educator

Kiseleva Alena Sergeevna


The use of non-traditional forms of work with parents of kindergarten pupils promotes more effective interaction of teachers with parents, their professional rapprochement. Therefore, in our kindergarten, it was decided to hold a "Day of self-government", timed to coincide with the "Day of the preschool worker."

Today, a new system of preschool education is being established in society. Preschool plays an important role in the development of the child. Here he receives an education, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, learns to organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will acquire these skills depends on the family's attitude towards the preschool.

Harmonious development of a preschooler is impossible without the active participation of his parents in the educational process of the preschooler.
But the family and the kindergarten do not always have enough mutual understanding, patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the nutrition of their child, they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while the parents are at work.

To establish unity, it is necessary that parents have a clear idea of ​​what a kindergarten is, how the life of children is organized in it, what tasks are solved by educators, what the children are doing during the day, what requirements are imposed on their behavior.

In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, to keep them constantly informed of all events.


Involving parents in the upbringing and educational process at a preschool educational institution through an innovative form; the birth of a new tradition of preschool educational institutions - the Day of Parental Self-Government.

1. To improve the pedagogical culture of parents.
2. To expand the ideas of parents about the professional activities of preschool educational institutions.
3. Strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.
4. To prepare the participating parents for the Day of Self-Government - to provide information about the GCD, to give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for conducting regime moments, classes, walks.

Participants : teachers, parents, children.

Project implementation period: 09/18/2017-09/27/2017

Distribution of duties:

Stelmakh L.V. - the head of the MBDOU kindergarten number 11 - approves the plan for the Day of self-government in the preschool educational institution.

Kiseleva A.S. - senior educator - develops a scenario (plan) for the Day of Self-Government.

Andryukova E.A. - the head of the household - instructs the participants (instructions on the protection of the life and health of children, on TB, PPB).
Teachers - preparing participants for the Day of Self-Government (introduces parents to the daily routine, the complex of morning exercises, the organization of GCD and regime moments, with joint activities (didactic and outdoor games).

Parents - conduct a morning reception, morning exercises, regime moments, a walk, didactic and outdoor games.

Children - participate in activities within the framework of the "Day of Self-Government" project.

Stage 1: Preparatory. 09/18/2017 - 09/26/2017
1. Meeting - discussion of issues related to the organization of the "Day of Self-Government";
2. Drawing up a plan, preparing for the event;
3. Individual meetings with parents.

To prepare for the "Day of Self-Government", the following work was organized:
- trained participants in the educational process;
- parents are familiarized with the activities of teachers;
- held individual meetings with parents on educational activities;
- roles are distributed between parents;
- instructing parents - participants on the protection of the life and health of children, on safety measures, fire safety rules;
- an action plan was drawn up, where the parents assigned their responsibilities to participate in a variety of regime moments.
Stage 2: Main. 27.09.2017

Conducting the "Day of Self-Government".
From the beginning of the working day, educators - understudies (parents of pupils of 5 age groups) should be actively involved in pedagogical activities.
1. Conduct a morning reception for children;
2. Morning exercises;
3. Regime moments;
4. Outdoor games;
5. Didactic games;
6. Be creative in the organization of GCD;
7. Skillfully organize a walk with children.

Stage 3: Final.

Presentation of the project at the general meeting of parents. Awarding of the project participants. Publication on the website of the preschool educational institution.

Methodological support of project activities:
The main educational program of preschool education.

Expected Result:
1. Parents' ideas about the professional activities of preschool educational institutions have expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of the educator have been formed.

2. The partnership between the preschool educational institution and the parents has been strengthened.

The pedagogical culture of parents has improved (they have an idea of ​​the peculiarities of child developmental psychology, they have basic knowledge of how to organize the free time of children).

3. The teachers became close and united with parents on the issues of raising children, and became their reliable assistants.

4. Children, despite the presence of their parents, behave actively, they perform all tasks with pleasure.

Action plan

The timing

Form of organization


Creation of an initiative group from among teachers, development of a project layout.

Discussion and approval of the mini-project "Day of self-government in MBDOU kindergarten number 11" with parents.

Senior educator

Educators, parents

Approval of project participants, distribution of responsibilities, selection of material. (Conducting classes, walks, individual work, regime moments).

Preparation of participants for the Day of Self-Government.

Senior educator



Briefing of the project participants - mini-advice

Individual consultations with each participant of the mini-project


Senior educator



Conducting the Day of Self-Government.

Head, senior educator,




Collection and processing of information about the Day of Self-Government (questionnaires, conversations, interviews).

Expanded meeting with project participants.

Publishing on the site

Senior educator




  • Parents who have a positive admission in the medical record are involved in the project.
  • The organization of events is carried out in groups of junior, middle, senior, preparatory age.
  • During the Day of Self-Government, preschool teachers are at their workplaces, but only in the role of observers.
  • Replacement of junior service personnel is not carried out due to the specifics of the work.

Annex 1

Application form

  1. What is the most difficult part of teaching you?
  2. What qualities should a teacher have?
  3. Do you consider it necessary to have joint activities in kindergarten?
  4. Continue the phrase: "It was difficult for me ......"
  5. Continue the phrase: "I did it ..."
  6. Would you like to try yourself as a teacher for the next year?
  7. What kind of activity would you like to conduct?

(mathematics, speech development, drawing, modeling, application, physical education, morning exercises, invigorating exercises, a walk)

Organizational fee

Head of the preschool educational institution

Hello dear parents! We are glad that you responded to our proposal and decided to take part in the Day of Self-Government !, which for the first time will be held within the walls of our kindergarten.

Our kindergarten is only 2 years old, so our good traditions of interaction with parents are just beginning to emerge. The goal of our project is to bring parents and kindergarten closer together.

We understand how difficult it was for you to find time in the midst of the bustle of work and take the first step in mastering a new profession. We hope you don’t regret it. Because Self-Government Day is a wonderful opportunity to experience the life of a kindergarten, to try yourself in the role of a teacher, to communicate with a child in an environment that is unusual for both of you.

Senior educator

Delivery of badges.

On the day of parental self-government, the kindergarten staff will be at their workplaces according to the schedule, but at the same time they will be only observers. Job responsibilities are assigned to you on this day.

The teacher's working day from 7.00 to 14.00 first shift, second shift from 12.00 to 19.00

Head of the household

Briefing with parents.


Parents disperse in subgroups to their caregivers, discuss their duties, roles, study notes of classes, physical minutes, walks, etc.

Individual counseling.

Any pedagogical system without parental involvement will not be viable. It is important to find a form of communication with parents in which mutual understanding, mutual assistance in solving the problems of upbringing and development is possible. In the practice of the Child Development Center N2 "Solnyshko" various interesting forms of interaction with parents are used

A new effective form of partnership with the family has become the Day of Self-Government in kindergarten, when parents take on the role of educators. For CRD No. 2, this is already a good tradition. Moms and dads like the idea - every time they get down to business with great enthusiasm.

Parents are given the opportunity to take part in the organization, and then independently conduct educational activities, regime moments (morning gymnastic warm-up, walk, meal). Self-Government Day is preceded by an Open House Day, when moms and dads watch how caregivers work.

Then, together with the teacher, a synopsis is drawn up, the necessary attributes and materials are prepared. The teacher gives recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for carrying out the selected regime moment.

And now everything is ready. For parents, there comes a moment of truth: what is it like to be a teacher? What are their kids outside the home?

In the preparatory group "Violets" as a teacher, the morning gymnastic warm-up was carried out by Ivan Leontyev's dad, in the middle group "Astra" - Yakusheva Daria's dad, and in the middle "Pansies" and in the preparatory "Sunflowers" - the dad of the Shalyagin sisters Sasha and Anya. Confidently and in a military manner, they gave instructions to the children. Preschoolers, performing the exercises, were collected and disciplined, because male educators are a rarity, which means that success is guaranteed!

And here is how Polina Shchaveleva's mother from the Violets group responded about the event: “When I was offered to hold a lesson in my daughter’s group, and even on such a sacred topic for all people as“ Bread ”, I agreed without hesitation. Daughter Polina, seeing that I was a little worried, really supported me, saying that she would help in everything. It was very touching for me: after all, it was that rare case when not she, but I needed the support of my daughter. After spending this day in kindergarten, I realized how much patience, ingenuity, love for children must be in order to be able to interest them so that everything that was conceived would succeed. As for me, it was a very exciting and responsible day in my life. "

In the role of the teacher in the preparatory group "Sunflowers" was Ivan's mother Sabadash. Parents and children on this day went on an exciting journey to Antarctica, where they were greeted by friendly penguins. Children guessed riddles, met the inhabitants of Antarctica, made an applique "Penguins on an ice floe" and even had time to go ice skating.

The middle group "Bells" began their day with an unusual morning gymnastic warm-up on an environmental theme. Through physical exercise, the children were encouraged to take care of the environment. Mom Antonina Kozlovskaya left her opinion about the Day of Self-Government in this group: “It was interesting to look into the life of a kindergarten, to see how children behave in a team. And the children were pleasantly pleased with the discipline, activity, answers to questions, participation in dialogues. It's a great idea to make parents educators. "

In the middle group "Buttercups", the mothers of Alena Kuznetsova and Alena Lefarova played the role of educators. They had a morning gymnastics workout and a Let's Help Little Red Riding Hood event. Here is their opinion: "The Day of Self-Government is necessary and important for parents, it gives an opportunity to see children outside the family and to learn how to form the cognitive interest of children at home, to help children acquire new knowledge."

Mothers of the middle group "Pansies" were attracted by the opportunity to plunge into childhood themselves, disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle, forget about all the problems and visit a fairy tale. It was nice to see how the children are trying to prove themselves from their best side - after all, they were so proud of their parents! "When 20 pairs of wide-open children's eyes look at you, at first you get lost." The teacher was Kachurov's mother Edika.

In the second junior group "Forget-me-nots" Vova Garmash's mother conducted a morning gymnastic workout. Dressed up in a suit, she played the role of a mother-hare, and her little bunnies touchingly and diligently performed a set of morning exercises with carrots in their hands. And the mother of Ivan Lavrenenko performed the Friends for a Snowman application with the kids. Here's what she says: “It was interesting and informative to observe the behavior of children. I received only positive emotions. Self-Government Day is a good trend towards mutual understanding between parents and children, as well as between parents and kindergarten. "

On the Day of Self-Government, the "Daisies" group hosted an event "Spoons for Mishka". Children got acquainted with various materials, actively participated in experiments, painted spoons for the forest guest. Mom Kachurina Nastya played the role of a bear. In her opinion, the lesson turned out to be informative and exciting. And Malatsion's mother Kati added that it was very interesting to observe how children react to their parents in the role of educators, as well as to see how difficult it is to work with children.

The parents of the "Astra" group, who took part in the open event "Towards the Olympics", noted that the children, not embarrassed by the presence of their parents, were very active and attentive, they performed all tasks with pleasure and smiles on their faces. Darya Yakusheva's dad and Ilya Lopatin's mother, who acted as educators, played her with great pleasure.

The group "Vasilki" is visited by our smallest pupils, but this unusual day did not pass them by either. This is what Igor Dunaev's mother, who played the role of a cat, says: “Writing a script, replaying it mentally - everything seemed to be successful. But in a real situation, when all the little members of the group stand and look at you with great expectation and curiosity, everything turns out differently. The experience of the group teachers helped a lot. They were on hand, helping to gather the children, organize games. I realized that a beautiful, interesting costume is not enough for working with babies. "

In the first junior groups "Strawberries" and "Dandelions", mother Moses Katya and Yaroslava and mother Kolbin Maxim acted as tutors. Playing the roles of a caring mother of a hare and a mischievous Petrushka, they performed a morning gymnastic warm-up and a regime moment of washing, artistically accompanying them with nursery rhymes and jokes.

At the end of the working day, we summed up the results of the Day of Self-Government. All participants came to the conclusion that the organization of the Day of Self-Government in our MBDOU CRD No. 2 is very significant for the partnership between the family and the kindergarten. Such an event allows parents to immerse themselves in the educational and educational environment and from a fundamentally different position to look at the activities of teachers and all staff of the group; makes it possible to evaluate the work of teachers, to see clearly well-coordinated interaction between the teacher and other employees; try to prove yourself in this role, which forms respect and understanding of the complexity of the work of the kindergarten staff.

We will definitely continue our good tradition - the Day of Self-Government. Ideally, each parent should experience the role of a caregiver.

Council of Parents CRD N2,
educator E.N. Kelembet

To establish contact with the parents, we decided to hold a Self-Government Day at the preschool educational institution. On this day, parents were offered to try themselves in the role of educators. They had the opportunity to visit the teachers' place and look at the life of the kindergarten "from the inside".



Self-government day at a preschool educational institution

Any pedagogical system without parental involvement will not be viable. It is important to find a form of communication with parents in which mutual understanding, mutual assistance in solving the problems of upbringing and development is possible. To establish contact with the parents, we decided to hold a Self-Government Day at the preschool educational institution. On this day, parents were offered to try themselves in the role of educators. They had the opportunity to take part in the organization, and then independently carry out educational activities, regime moments (morning exercises), organize independent activities of children, visit the place of educators and look at the life of the kindergarten "from the inside".

A mini-council was organized with the future educators: we introduced them to the mode of life of children in kindergarten, to the duties of an educator, with instructions on protecting the life and health of children, on safety during classes, on fire safety. "Educators-mothers" were given recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for carrying out the selected regime moment. They very responsibly approached the preparation of abstracts of direct educational activities, prepared everything necessary for conducting.

This business was new not only for parents, but also for educators. Therefore, everyone was worried. It was decided to observe the process as if from the outside, without interfering, but at the same time, helping parents to organize one or another type of children's activity.

And now, on April 5, 2017, the moment of truth came for parents: what is it like to be a teacher?

At first glance, everything was as usual: exercises, educational activities, a walk. But! All these regime moments were carried out not by teachers, but by parents.

Exercising seems unusual and exciting if Maxim's mother, Anna Vitalievna, conducts it. Confidently and clearly, she gave instructions to the children. Preschoolers, performing the exercises, were collected and disciplined.

Maxim proudly said to all the children: "Today my mother is a teacher!"

It's great to draw with Vanya's mother, Olga Nikolaevna, especially since she chose an unconventional technique. The students in the preparatory group used a sponge and yarn instead of a brush. Lilac twigs turned out to be unusually beautiful, which together formed a large fragrant bush.

The children and teachers of the preparatory group for school were delighted with the story of Irina Petrovna, Fedya's mother, about the profession of a hairdresser. She talked about her assistant tools and showed how they work.

Her son Fedor is already taking his first steps in this profession. He showed all the guys a master class on how unruly hair can be styled with the help of the gel. With what admiration the girls looked at the transformed and prettier guys !!!

After breakfast, the children of the senior group went to change their clothes for a physical education lesson. And in the group, Mark's mother, Olesya Andreevna, was patiently waiting for them in a suit of Spring with her assistant Sunflower. Spring has invited preschoolers to fun starts. With enthusiasm, they carried out all the tasks of Spring and received a sweet reward for their efforts. The delight of both children and adults knew no bounds.

Despite being very busy (Olesya Andreevna is raising two still very young daughters), she very responsibly approached the preparation of the event. The wonderful Spring and Sunflower costume, in which her baby was, she made herself.

And after an afternoon snack, Svetlana Yurievna, Vanya's mother, was waiting for the children. She invited everyone to the Skillful Pens workshop. She told about her hobby, showed how to make a rose from a simple ribbon. Of course, this beauty interested the girls more and they enthusiastically tried themselves in the role of needlewomen.

And the boys looked at the exhibition with interest. Vanya proudly said to all the guys: "It was my mother who made such beauty!"

Our kids, children of the middle group, were met by Elena Valerievna - Polina's mother. She has prepared for them a fascinating conversation about houseplants. The guys examined the violet, geranium, learned how to care for them and took part in planting the ficus.

Elena Valerievna was replaced by Galina Viktorovna - Sasha's mother. She surprised children and adults with magic. All the attributes of magic: magic hat, magic wand and gloves in place, you can start.

The preschool children liked the funny tricks, jokes, laughter so much that they did not want to let go of the mistress of the magic wand for a long time.

All children, without exception, enjoyed this day. Those guys whose mothers came to us spoke with pride about it. The rest of the children really wanted to see their mother in the role of a teacher, some were even a little upset. But we still have ahead ...

This day was very important for everyone: for us, teachers, and for parents and children. In our opinion, when parents take on the role of educators, this allows all participants in the educational process to see themselves from the outside. The teacher sees the possibilities of parents, the peculiarities of their communication with children. Parents can appreciate the intricacies of the teacher's work, and at the same time, enjoy communicating with children, be in the center of the events of "kindergarten" life. And children - children are simply happy that mom or dad can also be educators and learn to be proud of their parents.

Such a connection between kindergarten and family benefits, first of all, children, and turns parents into first helpers. All the understudy educators got only positive emotions from communicating with the children!

Today, a new system of preschool education is being established in society. Preschool plays an important role in the development of the child. Here he receives an education, acquires communication skills with other children and adults, learns to organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will acquire these skills depends on the family's attitude towards the preschool. Harmonious development of a preschooler is impossible without the active participation of his parents in the educational process of the preschooler.

But often the family and kindergarten do not always have enough understanding, tact, patience to hear and understand each other. It is no secret that many parents are only interested in the nutrition of their child, they believe that kindergarten is a place where they only look after their children while the parents are at work.

To establish unity, it is necessary that parents have a clear idea of ​​what a kindergarten is, how the life of children is organized in it, what tasks are solved by educators, what the children are doing during the day, what requirements are imposed on their behavior.

In order for parents to become active assistants and like-minded teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten, to keep them constantly informed of all events.

Hypothesis - with the emergence of a new innovative form of interaction with parents, their level of enlightenment in the upbringing, training and development of their children will increase, and it will make it possible to involve parents in kindergarten life. This form of work allows the most complete disclosure of the content of the teacher's activities, clearly show innovative forms, methods and techniques of working with children, help parents understand the need for cooperation between the kindergarten and the family.

Involving parents in the upbringing and educational process at preschool educational institutions through an innovative form . The emergence of a new tradition of preschool educational institution - the Day of parental self-government.

  • To improve the pedagogical culture of parents.
  • Expand parents' ideas about the professional activities of preschool educational institutions.
  • Strengthen partnerships between preschool educational institutions and parents.
  • Teachers to prepare the participating parents for the Day of Self-Government - to provide information about GCD, give recommendations on the use of various methods and techniques for conducting the selected regime moment, classes, walks.
  • To attract children of the senior and preparatory group to participate in the activities of the project "Day of self-government in a preschool educational institution".

Participants: teachers, parents, children.

Project implementation period: 15.03.2014 – 25.04.2014.

Project type: social.

L.V. Komyagina - head structural unit - approves the plan of the Day of self-government in the preschool educational institution .

I.I. Simonova - instructs the participants: instructions on the protection of the life and health of children, TB, PPB, develops a script for an intellectual game dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kungurskiy municipal district, draws up a folder - travel "Kungurskiy district - 90 years."

Target group:

Teachers - preparation of participants for the Day of Self-Government (they acquaint parents with the daily routine, the complex of morning exercises, with the organization of NNOD and regime moments, with joint activities (didactic and outdoor games), participate in an intellectual game dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kungur municipal district.

Parents - they conduct a morning reception, morning exercises, regime moments, a walk, didactic and outdoor games. Participate in an intellectual game dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kungurskiy municipal district.

Children - participate in activities within the framework of the project "Day of self-government in a preschool educational institution".

Stage 1: Preparatory - 10 days

  • teachers' council - discussion of general issues related to the organization of the day of self-government;
  • development of regulations on the day of self-government;
  • drawing up an action plan, preparing for events;
  • individual meetings with parents.

Stage 2: Main - 1 month

  • distribution of roles between parents;
  • design of the folder - moving "Kungurskiy district - 90 years".

2-3 weeks:

  • familiarization of parents with the activities of teachers;
  • instructing parents - participants on the protection of the life and health of children, on TB, PPB.

Self-government day.

From the beginning of the working day, educators - understudies (parents of pupils of 6 age groups) should be actively involved in pedagogical activities:

  • hold a morning reception for children;
  • gymnastics;
  • regime moments;
  • outdoor games;
  • didactic games;
  • be creative in organizing GCD;
  • skillfully organize a walk with children.

Stage 3: Final - 1 day.

An intellectual game between parents and kindergarten staff dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kungurskiy municipal district (script attached).

Diagnostic and didactic support of project activities:

Scenario of an intellectual game between parents and kindergarten staff dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Kungurskiy municipal district.

Methodological support of project activities:

  • Complex - thematic planning according to the program "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - 1 younger group, 2 younger group, middle group, older group, preparatory group.

Expected Result:

  • Parents' ideas about the professional activities of preschool educational institutions have expanded, an understanding of the importance of this profession and respect for the work of the educator have been formed.
  • The partnership between the preschool educational institution and the parents has been strengthened.
  • The pedagogical culture of parents has improved (they have an idea of ​​the peculiarities of child developmental psychology, they have basic knowledge of how to organize the free time of children).
  • The teachers became close and united with parents on the issues of raising children, and became their reliable assistants.
  • Children, in spite of the presence of their parents, behave actively, they perform all tasks with pleasure.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

d / s No. 53

Educator: A.N. Usacheva

Novosibirsk, 2018


Project type: practice-oriented.

Project type: short-term

Project Manager:Aneta Nikolaevna Usacheva, educator.

Location: MADOU d / s No. 53

Objective of the project : Pedagogical education of parents with their involvement in the educational process at preschool educational institutions through innovative forms of work.

Project objectives:

Involve parents in participating in the educational process in ECE;

Contribute to the improvement of the pedagogical culture of parents;

To expand the ideas of parents about the pedagogical activities of the ECE staff;

Form the traditions of ECE;

Strengthen partnerships between ECE and parents.

Expected results:

An active position of parents to participate in the upbringing and educational process of preschool educational institutions will be formed;

The pedagogical culture of parents will increase;

Parents' ideas about the pedagogical activity of the ECE staff will expand;

Teachers, parents, children will take part in the formation of new traditions in ECE;

A closer relationship will be established between the ECE center and the parents.

Stage 1 - preparatory.

  • Conduct a survey among the parents of the group's pupils on the topic "Is it easy to be an educator?"
  • Create an initiative group among parents participating in the project.
  • Determine the date of the Day of self-government in the middle group "Foxes".
  • To acquaint the parents-participants with the calendar-thematic planning for the selected date of the Self-Government Day.
  • Distribute roles among participating parents.
  • To plan the organization of the activities of the educator and physical education instructor.
  • To acquaint the participating parents with the instructions for the protection of the life and health of children.

Stage 2 - basic

  • This stage implies holding the “Day of Self-Government” in accordance with the plan of the educational process.

Stage 3 - final

  • Publication on the ECE website
  • Creation of the book "Day of Self-Government"
  • Summing up the results of the project.
  • The product of project activities on the website of the preschool educational institution;

Schedule of the project implementation

Timeframe: week

Participants: educator, physical teacher, music teacher, parents, children

Initiative group:

Charger - Shumeiko Alena Andreevna

Breakfast- Chebykina Natalia Yurievna

Physical education- Mezheritskaya Anna Viktorovna and Mezheritskiy Alexander Viktorovich

Speech development - Yulia Vladimirovna Risovets

Mathematics - Vorobieva Irina Borisovna

Sleep –Tindetnikova Ksenia Sergeevna

Dinner –Volkova Anna Sergeevna

Thematic conversation on the theme of the Second World War- Budanaeva Yulia Valerievna and psychologist of the preschool educational institution Khrapitskaya Natalya Aleksandrovna

Painting - Orlova Maria Igorevna

Familiarization of the participating parents with the calendar-thematic planning for 04/28/2018

Individual consultations with each participant of the Day of Self-Government on holding regime moments, organizing GCD.

The presence of parents during educational activities with children.

Educator, physical education instructor, members of the initiative group. Mini-council with the participants of the Day of Self-Government, instructing on the protection of the life and health of children.


This project was very important for everyone: for me, as a group educator, for parents and for children. The “educators” from among the parents had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the educational and educational environment, to feel the importance and responsibility of the pedagogical process and to look from the inside at the activities of teachers and all kindergarten staff. They were able to observe their child, see how he behaves in the children's team, what kind of relationships he has with other children. Such a connection between kindergarten and family benefits, first of all, children, and turns parents into first helpers.

Annex 1

Dear Parents!

We invite you to answer the questions of this questionnaire. The information received will help to implement various forms of cooperation between your family and the preschool institution.

Thank you for your cooperation!

1. Last name, first name and age of the child.

2. Who answers the questionnaire (dad, mom)?

4. What is the most difficult part of your work as a teacher?

5. What qualities should a teacher have?

6. Do you consider it necessary to have joint activities in kindergarten?

8. What forms of work of a kindergarten with parents do you know?

9. Would you like to try yourself in the role of an educator and take part in the Day of Self-Government?

10. What kind of activity would you like to carry out?

11. What help do you need in preparation?

Appendix 2. Analysis to the questionnaire "Is it easy to be a teacher?"

19 people, 3 dads and 16 mothers, took part in the survey.

To the question "What do they consider the most difficult in the work of a teacher?" most of the parents surveyed find it most difficult to prepare and conduct daily activities, as well as to organize a large number of children,

To the question "What qualities should a teacher have?" the answers are almost the same for everyone - to be friendly to children, caring, responsive, ready to listen to the child, parents, love their profession, help with advice in the upbringing and development of the child.

To the question “Do you consider it necessary to carry out joint activities in kindergarten?”, All interviewed parents answered “Yes”.

To the question “What forms of work of a kindergarten with parents do you know?”, The answers were parent meetings; questioning; conversations; project activity; trainings; hobby clubs; open classes, etc.

To the question “Would you like to try yourself as an educator and take part in the Self-Government Day?”, Most of the parents answered that they wanted to try.

To the question "What kind of activity would you like to carry out?" parents chose lighter activities, for example, exercising, walking, physical education.

To the question "What help do you need in preparation?" the parents' answers were individual consultations with teachers, mini-advice with the participants of the Day of Self-Government.

Based on the results of the survey, the following conclusions were made:

Parents are interested and ready to participate in the proposed form of work - holding the Day of Self-Government in the group.

Appendix 1. Carrying out morning exercises (Shumeiko Alena Andreevna)

Game complex "Journey on the sea-ocean"

Introductory part: "We are going to the pier."

Walking in a circle (back and forth, in place), cross step, back and forth, on toes, on heels, bearish (on the outside of the foot). Change the type of walking at the signal of a tambourine or clap. Easy jogging (possible on the spot)

"Where is the ship?"

I.P .: basic stance, hands on the belt, look forward.


1 - turn the head to the right.

2 - return to I.P.

3 - turn the head to the left.

4 - return to I.P.

Repeat: 3 times in each direction.

2. "Baggage"


1 - clench the hands into fists.

2 - raise both hands to the sides.

3 - lower your hands.

4 - return to I.P.

Repeat: 4 times.

3. "Mast"

I.P .: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down.


1-2 - left hand on the belt; tilt to the left; the right hand goes up.

3-4 - right hand on the belt; tilt to the right; the left hand goes up.

Repeat: 4-5 times.

4. "Up-down"

I.P .: sitting on the floor, arms bent, support on the elbows.


1 - lift both legs up.

2 - return to and. P.

Appendix 2. Conducting a game-lesson in physical culture (Mezheritskaya Anna Viktorovna and Mezheritskiy Alexander Viktorovich)

One, two, three, four, five -

We go hiking again.

So it pulls us free

Adventure seek.

Only to the weak, friends,

You can't go on our trip.

You practice first,

Run and compete.

Look all at us,

We are athletes - top class!

1.We start a warm-up before the hike!

We walk in circles: on toes, on heels, "like a bear." Swing your arms, rotating your head, squatting, jumping.

2. Now the first rest. We'll do some exercises to test your strength and endurance. Tilts to the sides, forward, backward. We stand on one leg, holding our breath. Sitting, we stretch for the socks (legs together, straight). Raise your legs 30 degrees, leaning on your hands.

3. Now we are practicing to overcome various obstacles.

crawl over a bridge over a mountain river (we crawl on a bench on our stomach, helping only with our hands)

overcome the winding path (jumping over the rope to the right and left)

walk along a narrow mountain road (walk along the bench with an additional step)

disguise as spiders (walk on hands and feet)

disguise ourselves as poisonous frogs (we jump from a sitting position).

4. Now we will split into 2 teams to find out which team is stronger and faster.

Jumping with the ball between the legs. The first throws the ball between the legs of the rest of the team. The latter catches and runs forward, launch the ball.

It turns out that all children here are strong and brave! You can go camping with these guys! Well done, and now you need to go to the group to eat the tourist's breakfast!

Appendix 3. Carrying out gymnastics after sleep (Leonova Natalia Nikolaevna)

In the cribs.

1. I. p.: Sitting, cross your legs in Turkish style. From the top with the finger of the right hand, show the trajectory of its movement, follow with the eyes. The first drop fell - a drop!

Do the same with the other hand.

And the second came running - drip!

2. I.p .: the same. Look up with your eyes without raising your head.

We looked up to the sky

Droplets "drip-drip" sang,

Faces got wet.

3.I.p .: the same. Wipe your face with your hands, stand on your feet.

We wiped them off.

Near the cots

4. I. p.: O. With. Show with your hands, look down.

Shoes, look, they are wet steel.

5.I.p .: o.s. Raise and lower your shoulders.

Let's take our shoulders together

And shake off all the droplets.

6.I.p .: o.s. Running in place. Repeat 3-4 times

Let's run away from the rain.

7.I.p .: o.s. Squats.

Let's sit under a bush.

Breathing exercise

8. "Frog". I.P. - the main stand. Imagine a frog making quick, sharp jumps. Sit down slightly, sigh, push off and make a jump with two legs moving forward. As you exhale, pronounce "K-in-a-a-a".

Walking along the path "Health"

Appendix 4. Painting. Topic: "Fireworks over the city"

Appendix 5. Development of speech. Topic: "Clothes", workbooks page 54

Appendix 6. Topical conversation on the theme of the Second World War