Bad wife statuses. Statuses in social networks for your beloved wife

So that the wife does not turn into a saw, the husband should not become a log ... The best compliment from a husband for his wife is a rehash of the words of the song from "I will never marry you" to "I will never divorce you!"

The ideal wife should be a chef in the kitchen, a prostitute in bed, and a queen in public.

The wife is like a sweater, of course it is good, but he is fucking me in Turkey!

With such a wife and mother-in-law will become a friend!

If your beloved has cheated on you, this is not a reason to quarrel at home with your wife! 🙂

In films, wives always smile when the husband pours a glass of vodka from a decanter to borscht. I tried 3 wives, 18 decanters and 48 glasses. Something is wrong here… You need to marry a woman whom you would choose as your friends if she were a man. Don't marry someone you can live with. Marry the one you can't live without.

Evil wives give their husbands bumps, and good wives give horns

Husband and wife scold, but lie under the same fur coat. So that the husband does not turn away from the wall, the resourceful wife puts the mother-in-law there!

The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.

you and I are fighting as husband and wife! -noo! if you were my husband, I would have every right to beat you with a frying pan! and so you have to explain everything)

Every married man wants at least once in his life to hear from his wife the phrase "Dear, hit me on the head, otherwise I got something **

Nine out of ten husbands feign pleasure from borscht in revenge on their wives.

The man hit the table with his fist: - Who is the boss in the house? Wife: - I, but what happened? - nothing ... I just asked ...

My husband is saving up for an apartment: he has already saved up a lot - I will soon buy a fur coat.

I tried a lot of dishwashing detergents, but chose one ... Wife! I love being a married man. It's so great to find a special woman that you want to anger and annoy for the rest of your days. Always remember the most important rule of a happy marriage: "Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!" Smart men choose such ugly girls as their wives so that no one else will covet them, and they choose such a beauty as their mistresses so that all other men will envy. Why not love your wife? We love strangers. According to judicial statistics, not a single wife has yet shot her husband while he was washing the dishes. The husband's kiss will be more passionate if the wife grips the cutlet in her teeth. If my husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday. A woman cheats on her husband in three cases if he is bad, if he is good and if he is neither one nor the other. Evil wives give their husbands bumps, and good ones give horns.Dear husbands! If you stopped seeing your wife as a woman, this does not mean that all other men have also gone blind! A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day and that they are spouses at night. A husband is a person who always forgets your birthday and never misses an opportunity to tell you your age. I love being a married man. It's so great to find a special woman that you want to anger and annoy for the rest of your days.

Marriage is a relationship where one is always right, and the other is a HUSBAND.

What do a fly stuck in a honey jar and a married man have in common? They are both tasty and sad, and their wings are cut off.

The husband is such an amazing creature who, having once taken out the trash can, remains for many years in the holy confidence that he has already fulfilled his marital duty.

Buy two dresses from the new collection and get it from your husband!

Selling a husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

Sometimes my husband shakes me - after all, I am an amazing woman !!!

After a proper divorce, only horns should remain for the husband.

An SMS came: “I’m staying at the woman’s, don’t worry.” I sit thinking: son or husband?

So that the wife does not turn into a saw, the husband must not become a log ...

I fried cutlets with arsenic and put the crossbow to the window ... Oh, where are you good, dear, where are you? Come back! I will not reproach you for anything!

I am in my third marriage. The husband is in the latter.

A guy is not a husband, you can change! A husband is not a mother, you can change.

Looking for a husband. I will find, I will kill ...!

Not only that every evening I wait for my husband from work as from the war, but he also demands to deploy a field kitchen for him near the computer!

If you don't like something, dear, do you know where the way out?

The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.

Desperate to change their husband, they cheat on their husband.

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way of revenge.

Why does he think he has the right to do his marital duty with my brain?

Only one person asked me: “Have you had dinner today? Do you have warm boots for the winter? " So I married him.

I have wife moves through the store at a speed of $ 300 / hour.

Recently I learned that my wife, in order to find something in Google, first searches Google in Yandex.

If your beloved has cheated on you, this is not a reason to quarrel with your wife at home.

The ideal wife should be a chef in the kitchen, a prostitute in bed, and a queen in public.

- Yesterday I took my wife to the zoo! - So what? - Didn't take ...

My husband will have the best wife.

A loving wife always carefully and without interrupting listens to the point of view of her husband, in order to then unmistakably take the opposite position.

My wife is a cockroach. She promised me to lose weight and now only eats at night when I sleep. And when you turn on the light, he begins to hide in a panic.

Previously, my parents forbade me to do something, now my wife. When will I grow up?

The housewife in her kitchen - the Boss - wants to, spits on a cutlet, wants to, drops hair in borscht, wants to, rolls mashed potatoes on the floor, and then serves her beloved husband ...

Sergey earns 40 thousand rubles a month. And his wife Olya spends 80 thousand rubles a month. Question: Does Sergei know about Anton's existence?

Dear wife of my lover! I don't sleep with your husband - how can you sleep with him ?!

In films, wives always smile when the husband pours a glass of vodka from a decanter to borscht. I tried 3 wives, 18 decanters and 48 glasses. Something is wrong here…

Don't brag that your wife is the best! Women may be offended, and men will want to check ...

I tried a lot of dishwashing detergents, but chose one ... Wife!

If a man opens a car door for his wife, then it is either a new car or a new wife.

Wife to husband: "Honey, let's change places - you will cook for me to eat, and I will want you!"

If others like your wife ... this is not a reason for jealousy. Then you made the right choice.

A loving wife always carefully and without interrupting listens to the point of view of her husband, in order to then unmistakably take the opposite position.

If your beloved has cheated on you, this is not a reason to quarrel at home with your wife! :)

Thanks to my beloved wife for not putting her out of the house, although she had an undoubted reason ...

My wife is a cockroach. She promised me to lose weight and now only eats at night when I sleep. And when you turn on the light, he begins to hide in a panic.

The sage was once asked: - What is a good relationship between spouses? The old sage replied: - When the wife does not see what the husband is doing, and the husband does not hear what the wife is saying ...

To discourage your wife from raising her voice, you have to menacingly knock on the table with a new fur coat ...

My wife worries every night that nothing good happens to me.

We have a young teacher, so his wife kicked him out of the house. He should have thought of it, after having sex with her, blurt out: "Let's take the record book."

If without cosmetics and in runners - then this is your beloved wife….

Husband and wife quarreled and communicate only with notes. Her husband writes to her: "Wake me up tomorrow at 9:00." The next morning he wakes up at 11.00, and there is a note on the bedside table: "Get up!")

If the wife broke the cup, then this is fortunate, and if you are, then you have your hands out of your ass

Love will inadvertently appear when you are not expecting a wife at all.

I've been doing kickboxing for ten years now. And my wife has been practicing karate for seven years. We do not quarrel, we are scared!

Wow, I have a wife now, and today I love her more than yesterday. And tomorrow I will love more than today. Well, yes, I guess I'm old-fashioned.

If a man is bad, he is looking for a wife, if a man is good, his wife is looking for him ... Statuses about his beloved wife

A friend of VKontakte: Marital status: married to Left Hand.

- How did yesterday's quarrel with your wife end? - She crawled to my lap. - And what did she say? - Get out from under the bed, you coward!

A good family is one in which the husband and wife forget that they are lovers during the day and that they are spouses at night.

The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: -Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? I asked when you wash the floors?

With such a wife and mother-in-law will become a friend!

Husband and wife swear. Already all relatives of each other sorted out. The wife says: - What did my father do to you? Husband: - You!

After giving birth, the husband pesters his wife with questions: "Was it painful? Was it very painful? How much painful it was?" The wife answered: "And you put an umbrella in your ass, open it and try to pull it out"

An ideal relationship if you are: Fighting as husband and wife, chatting as best friends, flirting as 16-year-olds, and caring for each other as brother and sister ...

You are my angel and star! I love you always! Let the world know that you are no more dear!

If the wife is a shopaholic, then the husband, as a rule, is a holoopic.

The housewife in her kitchen - the Boss - wants to, spits on a cutlet, wants to, drops hair into borscht, wants to, rolls mashed potatoes on the floor, and then serves her beloved husband ...

It’s bad when the wife doesn’t know how to cook, it’s even worse when she doesn’t know how to cook.

If you can't stand your wife, drown her. In luxury.

So that the husband does not turn away from the wall, the resourceful wife puts the mother-in-law there!

In the hands of his wife, Ariadne's thread turns into a rope.

Angry with his wife, he gave her a DR-watch, which shows his wife not only the time and date, but also how old she is.

Statuses about beloved wife

A happy marriage is when an awesome guy walks by, and you look and think: "Damn, the jacket is cool, my husband needs to buy this!"

My wife was puzzled - she said that there are days when you don't feel like doing anything, well, nothing at all. And what, there are some other days ?!

If there is dry dirt underfoot in the apartment, it means that the children did not wash the floor. If the dirt is wet, then it has been washed.

- Honey, where is the tea? I just can't find - Well, how helpless you are! Tea in the medicine cabinet, in a cocoa can with a salt sticker.

Someone else's husband, when drunk, so interesting and cheerful, and his ... Fool is a fool ...

The photograph of my wife in my wallet reminds me that there could be a lot more money in her place.

A relationship is when you brush your teeth before every date. And when he gets drunk on borscht with garlic and climbs to kiss - this is already family life.

The wife is the keeper of the household common fund.

- I wash, clean, cook, iron ... I feel like Cinderella! - Darling, and I warned you that life with me will be like in a fairy tale.

How to explain to my husband that I married him, and not adopted?

My wife and I live in perfect harmony. And our thoughts are the same. For example, we see a chic skirt on a beautiful bottom and think together: "I would like this!".

When starting a quarrel with your wife, think carefully - you will get tired of swearing in 10-15 minutes, but she will not!

It all started with a wedding. I put the ring on the wrong finger, on the wrong hand, on the wrong girl ...

Dear mother-in-law, I do not need your advice on raising my children. I live with your child and we still have to work and work on it!

The way to a man's heart is through his stomach ... WHAT IS RANGE ?! Do you really think that he goes to his mistress to devour borscht ?!

Bride, did you feed the cattle? - No, mom, your son is still asleep!

The day before yesterday you came home yesterday, yesterday you came today. If today you come tomorrow, I'll file for divorce the day after tomorrow! Explained clearly?

A smart husband lets his wife know where his stash is. This increases family trust, women's self-esteem and, most importantly, the safety of the main stash.

A successful marriage is when there is an opportunity to have a mistress, but there is no desire.

Husband - to wife: - A woman's place in the kitchen! - Can you handle it yourself in the bedroom?! ..

Do you know why the mother-in-law does not believe her daughter-in-law ?! The bitch remembers her youth!

I recently got married, and soon a loud, pink-cheeked toddler appeared in my house - my father-in-law ...

Even if you are married you have to take care of yourself, otherwise you will have to take care of your husband.

Buy two dresses from the new collection and get ... from your husband to loveshnik

I am insanely happy for my husband - I got married so well !!!

Guys !!! REMEMBER !!! Your wife looks like the way you earn! There are NO ugly women! There are UNFINANCED !!!

Women have three ages: 1) We are nervous about the father. 2) We get the husband. 3) pissed off the son-in-law

Wife to husband: I'm leaving you! Husband in a panic: I'm with you !!!

Champagne like a family: the husband drinks vodka, and the wife hisses.

A jealous wife's husband is always either suspiciously tired or suspiciously cheerful.

And then we went to the registry office and informed the state that we were sleeping together.

Fear a happy marriage - forever!

The mother-in-law comes to the daughter-in-law. She ran her finger over the TV set, wardrobe, bedside table ... Showing dust on her finger, she asks her daughter-in-law: "What proverb is there for this case?" The daughter-in-law, without thinking twice: "The pig will find dirt everywhere!"

“I know where you are” - such an SMS from my wife immediately changes all plans for the evening.

The purpose of a long walk of a woman with a man in the store is to bring him to such a state that he is ready to buy anything at any price, if only it ends.

All day I was looking for sausages at home, but I could not find it. Then he looked at his father-in-law's satisfied face and realized: sausages in dough ..

I tried on a wedding ring on my finger. Felt a constriction on my neck.

Someone must be in charge of the house.

A wise woman should keep a man under her heel, but so that he would think that instead of a heel he has a crown on his head.

Whatever your salary and dick, your wife will always think that they could be bigger.

My husband and I bought porn, looked: I really liked the design of the bedroom, the tiles in the bathroom and the table in the kitchen. Apparently, we are getting old ...

Everything that a woman does around the house is imperceptible. It becomes noticeable when she does not.

Women's family happiness rests on three pillars:
1. Never tell your husband what your mother told you.
2. Never tell your mother what your husband told you.
3. Never tell anyone anything about what is happening in your family.

The main thing in life is FAMILY! Career - not waiting for you at home, money - will not wipe away tears, and fame - will not embrace you at night.

Like a sip of dew of life-giving husband my most amazing. Like a spring that gives moisture, it fills life with meaning ...

I love you ever since we got married ... My husband, you are gentle, brave and proud and our souls have merged together ...

I so want now to be in the reliable hands of my beloved husband, to feel their warmth, affection and strength ... Kiss him and tell him how lucky I am with him ...

Lucky is not the wife that has a good husband, but the husband she made that way.

Best status:
When a married couple has kept mutual love for many years, then a good habit will gradually replace it, and friendly support will replace passion.

I'm calm behind your back, you are the best and most worthy. You save me from problems, wonderful husband - to the envy of everyone!

I did not dare to dream of such a husband ... I really need you ... there is no limit to happiness. And our kids will be very lucky - fate gives them the best dad!

My husband is given to me by God ... the most tender and desirable ... I don’t need another fate ... just to be with you ....

It may sound immodest, but I can say that my husband is really the best man in the world.

I miss you so much, without the warmth of my dear eyes, I will give everything so that you and I do not part for an hour !!!

Do not forget that everything in the family should be equal: a new fur coat for a wife, socks for a husband

My family is my castle.

A real family begins with the birth of the first child ...

The man from my dreams Once he became my faithful husband. My best, it's you I need more than anyone else in the world!

I can't imagine a better husband than you.

All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Every day I understand that my husband is the best and irreplaceable, that I made the right choice!

For a happy family life, the character of the spouses is important, and for entertainment, just a pretty appearance is enough.

A guy is not a husband, you can change! A husband is not a mother, you can change.

Sometimes my husband shakes me - after all, I am an amazing woman !!!

The dependence of family life makes a person more moral.

In a happy family, the wife thinks that the money comes from the bedside table, the husband thinks that the food is taken from the refrigerator, and the children think that they were found in cabbage.

The family is not a unit of the state. The family is the state and eats

You are more than love: You are life, you are passion, you are tenderness, You are a breath of air, You are inevitability ... and childhood dreams are all YOU !!!

It is easier to win peace in a family by concluding a truce in it in time.

The family is a mutual bearing of burdens and a school of sacrifice.

In family scenes, one is the director, the other is the director.

Why does he think he has the right to do his marital duty with my brain?

Evil wives give their husbands bumps, and good wives give horns

I go into the kitchen and see my husband, twitching in convulsions, holding on to the electric kettle. She grabbed the mop and hit hard on the arm to tear him off the email. the device, while breaking his arm. Later it turned out that my husband was listening to music on headphones and dancing!

In the family circle, everyone had their own corner.

Looking for a husband. I will find, I will kill ...!

Head of the family: one for all and all for one!

So that the wife does not turn into a saw, the husband must not become a log ...

The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: -Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? I asked when you wash the floors?

A home, warmed by the warmth of a faithful friend, makes a person invulnerable.

I want it to be like this: JV: married to ... Status: I am happy with the BEST man in the world! (updated 50 years ago), and on the wall there are inscriptions: "Granny, happy wedding to you!" And most importantly, I'll still be online!

It's good that there is such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and with horror I understand that then I would not be happy. I love you!

A happy wife is a happy family. An unhappy wife is a murderous torment until the end of your days.

Family quarrels are reminiscent of the program "Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

To the whole world I will shout that I want to be with you alone. And then I will whisper: You are needed, Thank you for becoming the best husband!

In family life, the most important screw is love ...

I love you, my dear, I will not exchange for anyone. And I know that you value my fate, and do not play.

Statuses about wife and husband - A woman is cheating on her husband in three cases if he is bad, if he is good and if he is neither one nor the other.

The only thing you have to worry about is your family, and let the rest worry about yourself!

In normal families, apartments, cars, jewelry are inherited, and in ours - passwords ...

An SMS came: “I’m staying at the woman’s, don’t worry.” I sit thinking: son or husband?

The family hearth, like the weather, is changeable: it warms souls, then boils them.

I love being a married man. It's so great to find a special woman that you want to anger and annoy for the rest of your days.

Always remember the most important rule of a happy marriage: "Good things happen to those husbands who listen carefully to their wives!"

You can't find happiness in marriage if you don't bring it with you.

You are my dear, so beloved, You are a husband, not a boyfriend and not a friend. In your hands, reliable, strong I just melt, like in paradise.

In the world I need one man - One who once became a beloved husband. My dear, I thank you For your affection, tenderness and love!

I want to always be with you, smile and cry, laugh and be sad, raise children, cook food for you, love and be loved.

Many wives would not cheat on their husbands if they knew a more subtle way of revenge.

You are so kind and beautiful, I want to be with you always, I am happy with you, my dear, No wonder I told you: “Yes”.

Family is such a good thing that many have two of them at once.

The husband's kiss will be more passionate if the wife grips the cutlet in her teeth.

At the buffet table. Wife: "Dear, don't you find it embarrassing that you have already been running around with a plate for food for the fifth time ?!" Husband: "Nope, I said it was for you!"

A family is a group of people who are connected by blood ties and quarreled about money issues ...

I love you very much, and it's not a secret at all. After all, for me you are the sweetest, your relatives in the world are not!

Kiss, caress, chide, forgive for nonsense. I love you, you know, My dear, beloved husband!

Dear husbands! If you stopped seeing your wife as a woman, this does not mean that all other men have also gone blind!

Smart men choose such ugly girls as their wives so that no one else will covet them, and they choose such a beauty as their mistresses so that all other men will envy.

If the husband has grown horns, it means that not all men watched football yesterday.

A husband like you, Just a man of dreams, Always ready to love And give her affection! Live and breathe in unison. You are my mysterious dream!

Dear, beloved, desired, gentle, affectionate, caring, courageous ... All this is one person ... Thank you for having you!

The main causes of most stress and depression in a person's life are: family, money and family without money.

I love your lips, I love your hands, I love everything that you have. I love how you kiss, I love how you dance, I love how you love me!

Two gold rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear a wedding ring with pride, and I am extremely glad that you are my husband.

Statuses about my husband - Not only do I wait for my husband from work every evening as from the war, but he also demands to deploy a field kitchen for him near the computer!

My dear, I love you! You are my life and happiness! I so want to be with you And in grief and bad weather. A hundred times I can tell my dear, And this is so wonderful !!!

The blood boils, the heart beats: I am soaked in love! Dear husband, you are my sun, I am so happy with you!

The family is a small country in which PAPA is the President, MAMA is the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Culture and Family Emergencies, and the CHILD is a people who constantly demand something, resent and go on strike.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my beloved, For being in the world.

My husband is the best!

I am in my third marriage. The husband is in the latter.

Family is not the blood that flows in you, it is those you love and who love you!

The husband comes home drunk. I realized that my wife would swear. Grabbed the biggest book and pretends to read. Wife: - Well, got drunk again? - What are you? Can't you see, I'm lying reading! - Fool! Close your suitcase and sleep.

The soul is full of you alone, My husband, my friend and my hero. I'm behind you, like behind a wall, You always be with me by your side.

The thoughts of a noble man are like the blue of the heavens and the brilliance of the sun: it is impossible not to notice them.

A good husband is never the first to go to bed in the evening or wake up on the last morning.

Statuses about love for her husband - I love you, my husband, I admire you. I want to be with you, you are the best in the world, I know.

What do a fly stuck in a honey jar and a married man have in common? They are both tasty and sad, and their wings are cut off.

It’s a great happiness for me. Just to be by your side. I miss you very much And I give my love!

In the family conflict, it is no longer the one who explodes, but the one who presses the button.

The husband rarely changes just because the woman wants it. For all changes in a man are in the hands of a woman.

Marital love that goes through a thousand accidents is the most beautiful miracle, albeit the most common.

My dearest person, You are my lover and friend. We are connected with you forever, You are my beloved husband!

The family is a haven in a heartless world.

Selling a husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

My dear husband, you are my happiness!

The TA family is strong, where the cross is on the letter "I". Where only the word “WE” rules, where there are common dreams. Where there is prosperity and comfort, where children scurry about merrily, where such PASSIONATE LOVE always flares up again! A FAMILY is THAT strong, where life is QUIET and EASY !!!

The divine, sacred foundation of everything is a strong family.

Good husbands are not chosen, they are raised

The main thing in family life is patience ... Love cannot last long.

I love you with all my soul, the light of your eyes is always with me. I keep your hands warm To spite all the troubles. We live without lies and falsehood. I pray that it will continue to be so.

The guarantee of family happiness is in kindness, frankness, responsiveness.

Living in a family means sharing with each other all imperfections, all troubles and all feelings and still continue to love each other.

My dearest man, Desired, close and dear, Your love is invaluable, I am happy that you are only mine!

Family statuses - Family is the eradication of their bad habits and the acquisition of new common ones.

My husband, you are the best - no doubt about it! I am convinced of this every hour.

I love you more and more, I don’t need another husband. You are becoming dearer to me, And I need you more than life!

The wife is the person with whom you spend most of your life. That is why it is almost impossible to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings with her. Nevertheless, it is these girls who are the most tender, the most beautiful and the most beloved. Prove it with meaningful wife statuses.

Phrases of loving husbands

  1. If a partner has the right to anger, then at least not annoying.
  2. In order for someone else not to lay eyes on your wife, you must regularly apply your own.
  3. Even in the nicest family, there are fewer and fewer kisses. But there never becomes less trust.
  4. There should be no reciprocal betrayal, as well as the continuation of the relationship after the betrayal in principle.
  5. A walking woman is not so desirable for a man. Unfortunately, the one in the kitchen all the time is even less desirable.
  6. Even a quarrel amuses you with your beloved woman.
  7. With a bachelor life, I want to go to a disco, and being married, it would be nice to just listen to music on headphones.
  8. In order to be beautiful, it is not enough for a woman to take care of herself. It will be enough when her husband begins to follow her.
  9. If two people know how to relax together, then after marriage, life does not end.

A good wife is calmness and passion at the same time.

They say love lasts only three years. In this case, the statuses "I love my wife" come to the rescue. . Take your pick! Your significant other deserves such care!

  1. All my life I've been used to acting, but I never stop worrying about my family.
  2. I swear that without the help of my wife I would not be able to cope with the mess that I myself create.
  3. How lucky to have a loved one and a loving one at the same time.
  4. And yet, the key to a happy family is the right partner. And yes, I have a very happy family.
  5. The level of love for my wife: I buy a fur coat without reminders.
  6. My dreams are nothing compared to your beauty!
  7. I'm ready to shout about love for you, but not at you ...
  8. Dear, over the years, love for someone like you does not fade away. On the contrary, it becomes stronger.
  9. Forgive me if I don't often say words of love. For me, a little more important - what you eat and how you are dressed.

Love through the years

Every woman is pleased when beautiful statuses about her wife are dedicated to her. Is your spouse the best? Share it on all social networks!

  1. You left - and I am sad, you are with me - and I am a hero.
  2. To love is necessarily to sacrifice something. I know about it, and I do not regret it at all.
  3. Love comes by chance, happiness is the result of hard work.
  4. I am grateful to God for the day we met. It was so long ago that only he remembers exactly when it was.
  5. The reason for my loyalty is simple - I just love my woman infinitely!
  6. Let's only build a solid foundation, let's love each other forever.
  7. Loving a temperamental woman - oh, how difficult it is, but how interesting ...
  8. Everything inside me turns upside down when at the bottom of your beautiful eyes I see at least a shadow of sadness.
  9. There is nothing to understand about our feelings. And all because - there is nothing in them but love.

The wife is the mirror of the man

As our wives say, we managed to get the best from them. So let us instead devote statuses about love to the wife from the husband.

  1. Let us not try in vain to reason with dissolute women. In vain to reason with the honest is also not worth it! I. Stridonsky
  2. In order for the spouse not to force them to wash the dishes, you need to buy expensive dishes for her. W. Sandy
  3. They say hugging in public is for stupid youth. But for your sake, dear, I'm ready to be stupid! Cleobulus
  4. Between a warm country and a kind woman, I would choose the latter. Actually, that's what I did. Ecclesiastes
  5. I am ready to do anything for you, because without your joy I will not be happy. Aristophanes
  6. Forgive me for being too strict! I'm just afraid of losing you ... Plutarch
  7. I don't want a young wife. Much nicer is the one that has been around all these years. Theognides
  8. Forgive me, but I have no reason to care for you ... But how much desire! E. Meek
  9. There is a truth to be hidden. But I will not hide how much I love you. Even if it suddenly becomes impossible. Pythagoras

Quarrels cannot be avoided, but love cannot be defeated

Statuses about a beloved wife with meaning – the guarantee of a good mood for the spouse. And in order for it to remain so constant, just change these wonderful statuses regularly.

  1. I have always wondered how my wife can be so wonderful and patient at the same time!
  2. Many good and bad things have happened to me. Miracles also happened to me - a meeting with my beloved.
  3. Dear unmarried people, appreciate women! You have no idea what sacrifices they make in order to be beautiful.
  4. Actually, I chose a very strong woman. But next to me she is very touching and weak.
  5. It always seems to me that I do not hug you tightly enough, and at one point you will just fly out. I'm so afraid of this ...
  6. Whether you will always be with me, I cannot know. But trust me, I will do my best!
  7. According to the theory of probability, you cannot always be guilty. But according to the stamp in the passport, it is very possible!

Make your loved one happy regularly and never quarrel!