Dark spots on the face, causes and treatment. How to get rid of age spots on the face, prevention of the problem

Pigmented spots are a change in the color of a person's skin due to a violation of production. Dark spots on the face can be a cosmetic defect or the result of diseases of the internal organs. To get rid of the disease, you need to visit a dermatologist and diagnose.

Dark spots are statistically more common in women than in men. This is due to hormonal changes in the body, pregnancy and childbirth, menopause. The listed reasons are relatively safe, pigmentation goes away on its own.

There are other factors as well:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • vitamin deficiency, unbalanced nutrition;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys;
  • trauma;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • the use of low quality cosmetics;
  • taking hormonal, contraceptive drugs;
  • regular work with chemicals (gasoline, tar, engine oil);
  • substandard cosmetic procedures.

Melanomas are the most dangerous. Their appearance speaks of the degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

Types of stains

Disease Localization
Nevi (moles) The pigmentation is yellow or brown. It is characterized by a variety of shapes, sizes, and can be found anywhere. Nevi are not a concern, the reason for going to the doctor is an increase in size, soreness, peeling, itching.
Lentigo Brown spots (1 mm to 1 cm in diameter) that rise above the surface of the skin. Localization is predominant on the face. There is juvenile and age lentigo. With senile lentigo, the location is the back of the hands, forearms, face.
Chloasma Pigmentation in various shades: from light brown to dark brown. A distinctive feature is uneven edges. Localization - mainly on the face: the forehead, nose, upper lip are affected. Less commonly, chloasma appears on the thighs, abdomen, and chest.
Freckles Dots are pale yellow to light brown. More often occur on the face, neck, arms, can form with the same probability in a child and an adult. People with red and blond hair are prone to freckles. Pigmentation is more noticeable in summer and almost disappears by winter.
Melanomas Cancer of the skin. Moles, lentigo, chloasma often degenerate into melanoma.

If dark brown spots appear, then this is a consequence of keratosis - a skin disease that occurs due to a violation of the exfoliation of the dermis.

  1. With actinic keratosis, brown dots of different shades appear with a diameter of 1 to 3 mm. A distinctive feature is that the formations are surrounded by reddened skin. The place of localization is the head, face, neck. Actinic keratosis occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun.
  2. Seborrheic keratosis is similar in appearance to warts. The specks are up to 3 cm in diameter and range in color from beige to brown. The cause of the appearance of seborrheic keratosis has not been reliably studied. It can be localized anywhere on the body.

How to get rid of dark spots on your face

If you have any growths on the skin, you should see a doctor. He will check the stain to rule out unpleasant diseases. Self-medication can be dangerous.


If the cause of pigmentation is a cosmetic defect, then you should contact beauty salons. Special creams, ointments, lotions, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will help to remove dark spots from the face.

The main method for removing sores is chemical peeling - treatment with malic, lactic or trichloroacetic acid in concentrations calculated by the doctor. Depending on the size, superficial, medium or deep peeling is used.

The latter type is rarely used. Phenol is used together with acids, and this gives the likelihood of scarring on the skin.

Hardware techniques

The use of these methods is possible subject to prior consultation with a dermatologist. It is contraindicated to use the laser technique during pregnancy, lactation, dermatological diseases, a tendency to form keloid scars.

  • Cryotherapy - relief by burning with liquid nitrogen;
  • radio wave therapy - exposure of the affected areas to high frequency radio waves. The Surgitron apparatus will help to remove pigmentation. The method is painless, does not lead to tissue edema;
  • laser resurfacing - a point effect with a laser. Pre-clean the skin, apply a conductive gel. The method will help to quickly remove black or on the face, is painless, effective. During laser resurfacing, healthy areas of the skin are not affected;
  • fractional thermolysis is a procedure for "steaming" a pigment spot. The therapy is painless, the only drawback is the brownish discoloration of the skin for 1-2 days after the treatment. Then the complexion is restored on its own;
  • phototherapy - impact on the skin with impulses. Melanin is destroyed by heating.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods help to remove dark spots by whitening and lightening them.

  • gruel of parsley, cucumber or lemon juice are all-purpose bleaching agents;
  • prepare a mixture: mix 0.5 tablespoon of starch with lemon juice until a thick consistency is obtained;
  • a solution of glycerin, hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol will help to remove stains (all components should be taken in equal proportions);
  • a solution of milk, lemon juice (15 ml each). Add 25 g of yeast to the heated liquid. Place in a warm place for fermentation. Lubricate the dark spots with a slightly fermented solution;
  • castor oil brightens, removes age spots;
  • A mask of the following composition will help get rid of dark spots on the body or face: juice from ¼ part of lemon, 30 ml of apple cider vinegar and aloe, 80 ml of natural yogurt. Mix the components, the mask should be thick. After application, moisturize the skin with a cream;
  • recipe for a solution of oils: olive (1 tsp) and essential oils of clove, mint, rosemary, lavender (1 drop each). Damaged skin should be treated at least 3 times a day;
  • masks from white, blue clay.

If, when using the listed home methods, the condition worsened, the stain began to itch, peel off, increase in size, then the treatment should be stopped and a dermatologist should be consulted.

Prevention of the appearance

  1. In summer, during the hours of solar activity, try to stay less in the open sun. If you can't do without going outside, then use sunglasses, tanning products.
  2. Carry out vitamin therapy (groups C and PP), especially during the off-season.
  3. Provide quality skin care using special creams. As a preventive measure for people prone to black spots, apply masks made of parsley or lemon juice to help whiten the skin.

When treating pigmentation with any of the above methods, seasonality must be taken into account. It is recommended to fight age spots from September to March, when solar activity is minimal. If the treatment is carried out in summer, then apply sunscreen products with a high spf filter.

Pigmented spots on the skin represent the body's reaction to the influence of external and internal factors, which is to increase the production of melanin. This component gives the human skin a darker brown color. The skin becomes swarthy when melanin is released in huge volumes. In a situation where the pigment is imprinted in the upper layer of the dermis, it can acquire a yellow color. If the concentration of melanin is located in the epidermis, neoplasms on the face appear in the form of a brownish and dark gray speck or several. The causes and treatment of age spots on the face are described in detail in this article.
Pigmentation can occur at any age. The most susceptible to pigmentation are people after 50 years, women who can give birth to children, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Causes of age spots on the face

There are many reasons for the appearance of pigmentation that can provoke a malfunction in the production of melanin:

The environment and other external stimuli are not the last reasons in the formation of age spots on the face.
Most often, spots arise due to long-term sun exposure of the skin, lack of oxygen, the use of cosmetics that contain sulfur and some metals, aggressive procedures, injuries and burns.

It is very easy to notice pigmentation on the body in people with fair skin. The spots stand out against the light background of the skin in the form of dark-colored areas with clear and vague borders of different colors.

A common provoking factor for sharp pigmentation on the skin is the influence of the sun's rays. For every person who is not prone to these types of specks, melanin will be beneficial. Indeed, the most important function of such a substance is the protection of the skin from the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Despite the fact that many people like to lie in the bright sun, and the sun's rays give the body vitamin D, it has long been known that the sun's rays can be very harmful to health.

Melanin is designed to protect the skin from external influences. Human skin is very delicate and in order to prevent the occurrence of any imperfections, its condition should be monitored. Basically, the pigment spreads evenly, but in people who are prone to a lot of pigmentation, the entire skin is covered with spots. As a result, instead of a beautiful tan, you get unattractive spots on the face and body.
Also, the appearance of pigmentation is possible due to disturbances in material metabolism:

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines. Doctors have long determined that the condition of the skin directly depends on the condition of the digestive system;
  • skin contacts with different chemical components. Often, the appearance of pigment is caused by the use of certain perfumes and cosmetics, especially with their frequent use. Most often, such cosmetics, which include essential oils, lead to a similar effect;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder;
  • deficiency of vitamin substances in the female body.

In some cases, in girls, age spots appear during pregnancy. The female body at this moment is very fragile and you need to take care of yourself.
The age-related changes that cause pigmentation are called senile lentigo. This is a collection of small round spots. Speck color
may vary, depending on the human body.
Pigmentation due to age-related changes is associated with a lack of total melanocyte count. Every 10 years after passing the 30-year milestone, their number decreases by 8%.
If age spots on the face were not caused by cosmetics or the sun, they can be caused by general disorders of the body over a period of time.
It has been found that often red spots appear on the body in those women who have hidden or discovered bowel diseases. Therefore, it is worth first curing the gastrointestinal tract, and only then getting rid of pigmentation on the body.
In addition to using various masks and preparations to remove pigmentation, it is worth limiting your diet.

Sometimes pigmentation can appear due to the consumption of unhealthy food, so it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist about what exactly in your diet can provoke the appearance of age spots.

Treatment of age spots on the face at home

If you know that your body is prone to pigmentation, you should try to be less likely to be under the influence of the scorching sun without protective equipment. It is necessary to smear the skin with various creams, and at any time of the year. In the winter period, it is also worth protecting the skin from direct sunlight, since during this period the appearance of spots on the body is also possible.
There are many different folk recipes for dealing with spots on the face. The most popular and most effective reviews on the Internet are listed below.
Vegetable and fruit juices
To eliminate pigmentation, it is not always recommended to resort to expensive cosmetics. You can also use the juice of grapefruit, lemon, cucumber, radish. To bleach stains in the juice of one of the listed plants, you need to wet a haze bandage and apply it on the spots for 10 minutes. After that, the face needs to be rinsed with clean water, wiped off and smeared with some kind of moisturizing cream. The procedure should be carried out 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening for 10 days. After that, it is worth taking a break for a week.
A yeast mask can also help to instantly minimize pigmentation. 10 grams of yeast should be diluted with one tbsp. lemon juice and mix thoroughly, dilute with water to a paste consistency. Apply this mixture to the pigmentation and cover with a bandage on top, keep for 30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your face with cold water and apply a moisturizing cream. The treatment cycle will be 10 days.
An excellent companion in the fight for clean skin can be a simple curd mass. The preparation of such a mixture is quite simple: 1 tbsp. cottage cheese, 10 drops of "ammonia" and 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix well and lubricate the spot that appears. The solution must be left for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water.
Lemon juice
Lemon juice can effectively help eliminate age spots. 2 tbsp fresh juice must be mixed with 2 tbsp. 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply this mixture to a bandage made of natural materials and apply to the affected area. Keep the resulting broth for 15 minutes. After this procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse the skin with boiled water and apply a moisturizer.
Calendula is also considered an effective folk remedy, which removes acne and blackheads. You just need to squeeze out the juice of the flowers of this plant and lubricate the skin. To do this, take 1 spoonful of calendula juice and 1 spoonful of viburnum and lemon juice. After that, mix the components, rub in
the resulting mixture several times a day into the centers of pigmentation.
Mask "Cleopatra"
To make it, you need to mix equal amounts of sour cream, clay, lemon juice and honey. Apply the resulting mask on your face and hold for about 15-20 minutes, then rinse off first with boiled, then cold water. It is always worth remembering that after the procedure, you need to apply a moisturizer to the skin.
Honey and fish oil mask
Another excellent folk remedy is a honey and fish oil mask. It is worth taking the components in equal quantities, mixing thoroughly and lubricating the age spots. This mask can be applied to any skin. It helps not only to get rid of pigmentation, but also to smooth the skin, hide wrinkles, and improve the complexion.
Quitting smoking radically not only affects the formation of pigmentation, but generally improves the complexion, making it brighter and healthier. The same goes for alcohol.
The diet should include more dairy products, fruits, vegetables, dietary meat and everything that is rich in vitamins C, A and E.

Ecology of beauty: A pigmented spot is not just an annoying cosmetic defect, often the appearance of pigmentation is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs. The article tells in detail about the types of spots and the reasons for their appearance. How to get rid of it yourself with the help of "home" recipes, and in what cases is it better to consult a specialist?

A pigmented spot is not just an annoying cosmetic defect, often the appearance of pigmentation is associated with a malfunction of the internal organs. The article tells in detail about the types of spots and the reasons for their appearance. How to get rid of it yourself with the help of "home" recipes, and in what cases is it better to consult a specialist?

Skin pigmentation is a signal that something is wrong

Not everyone knows that age spots are not just a cosmetic issue. The condition of the skin directly depends on the work of internal organs and systems, therefore, it makes no sense to deal with any cosmetic problems only with the help of a variety of creams and masks.

Such methods are a necessary and important addition to comprehensive treatment. The choice of the method of therapy should be based on the reason for the formation of pigmentation and requires a mandatory examination of the body.

The use of special products for external use gives the result - the spots can fade and decrease in size. But such measures are usually not enough, since even the most expensive cream from a reputable manufacturer is not able to eliminate the cause of this cosmetic defect. After a while, the spots appear again and, often, they become even more pronounced.

What is pigmentation? Why are there age spots on the face?
Pigmentation occurs in young people as well as in middle-aged and old people. Most often, spots form between 40-50 years. In some cases, spots disappear spontaneously, without treatment, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. Usually pigmentation tends to increase and getting rid of it takes tremendous effort.

Pigmented spot - what is it?

This is an accumulation of melanin substance.

Reference. Melanin is a special pigment localized on different layers of the epidermis. In cases where melanin is concentrated closer to the top layer of the skin, they speak of moles or freckles. Moles and freckles can be pale, or light yellow or deep brown.

What is hyperpigmentation?

The deposition of melanin in the deep soybeans of the skin is hyperpigmentation.

External manifestation:

Spots on the skin, which can be of different sizes and shapes, and even rise above the surface. The shade is more intense - from medium brown to dark brown. Types of pigmentation.

    Medical classification of freckles;



    birthmarks (moles).

The reasons for the formation - increased synthesis of melanin

Why is melanin synthesis activated?

There are many reasons for this:

Hereditary (genetic) factor.

It is the result of a genetic predisposition and is usually diagnosed at birth. Severe pigmentation can be treated with modern surgical techniques (eg laser resurfacing).

Hormonal disruption in the body.

Such pigmentation can be quite noticeable and is a consequence of hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum period, hormonal imbalance due to any disease. The pigmentation is called chloasma. Experts do not recommend self-treatment in this case, since it is important here to accurately establish the diagnosis and conduct a course of therapy for the underlying disease.

For example, with some endocrine pathologies, characteristic age spots appear, which are caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system. There are a number of factors that result in skin pigmentation that can be used by an experienced specialist to diagnose the disease. These are some female problems, malignant tumors of the pituitary gland, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, etc. The course of therapy for the underlying disease leads to a gradual normalization of the hormonal background, so the spots decrease and become lighter.

Mechanical damage to the skin.

Pigmented spots are formed as a result of attempts at illiterate treatment of acne, with chronic and severe furunculosis, due to exposure to chemical and thermal factors (burns), as well as peeling, etc. etc. The intensity varies and directly depends on many components - the characteristics of the skin of a particular patient, the degree and depth of the injury.

Often, local treatment with creams and other methods in such cases is not enough, therefore it is necessary to prescribe a complex complex therapy.

Aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

The sun's rays are a common cause of pigmentation in varying degrees of manifestation, including severe cases. This is not just an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but an alarming sign. Ultraviolet light in an increased dose is dangerous to health and even life and is the main cause of the formation of malignant neoplasms, both of the skin and internal organs.

The face is the area where this kind of pigmentation is most common, as the skin on the face is thin and delicate.... The substance melanin is necessary for the body; its main task is to provide reliable protection against adverse external factors. Therefore, with the active production of melanin, the skin becomes darker.

Such a measure serves as a natural protection against burns. When a person abuses solarium procedures or sunbathing, pigmentation can be unevenly distributed, as a result, and this defect appears. The rays of the sun are especially dangerous in the spring, when the heat is not yet felt. In addition, in spring, the skin is partially depigmented. The use of special protective equipment in the spring and summer period is a mandatory measure, but even such methods do not always give results. With a tendency to the formation of age spots, one should not even be under direct sun for a not too long period of time.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidney pathology (liver, gallbladder and intestines).

The formation of pigment spots of a slightly reddish color is characteristic of indigestion, brown more often appear with a common diagnosis of cholecystitis and with various diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Problems with kidney function are signaled by the appearance of yellowish brown pigmentation. Monotherapy is not necessary for such diagnoses. After examinations and competent therapy, as well as following a special diet, the spots disappear by themselves as the state of health stabilizes.

Chronic stress and mental illness.

The appearance of pigmentation is due to hormonal imbalance and a violation of the general metabolism. Such spots come in different colors, shapes and sizes.

Deficiency of essential vitamins or minerals.

This is a fairly common reason, treatment consists in correcting nutrition, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, changing lifestyle and giving up bad habits. For example, when there is a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) or an element such as copper, the appearance of age spots is common.

The use of certain medicines, especially uncontrolled or prolonged. Pigmentation may appear after treatment with certain types of antibiotics. If age spots appear, which were not previously present while taking such drugs, you should notify your doctor about it.

Allergic manifestations due to the use of substandard or unsuitable cosmetics and care products. Creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics are a provoking factor, which in many cases becomes the cause of the appearance of pigment, skin rashes, etc. Usually, such manifestations are visible immediately after using any means of such a purpose, therefore the question of diagnosis is not acute here.

Stains can cause:

  • natural concentrated essential oils;
  • cheap ingredients of poor quality (especially in decorative cosmetics);
  • too aggressive cleaning of the skin with scrubs and other preparations intended for deep cleaning of the skin.

Aging skin. At a certain age (after 40-50 years and older), some people develop characteristic age spots, which are located on the face, neck, arms. This is the result of active synthesis of melanin and a consequence of its uneven distribution in the layers of the skin, as well as changes in hormonal balance and natural aging of the body and skin in particular. In addition, pigmentation at this age can be a consequence of the appearance of various chronic diseases. Such a manifestation usually does not pose a danger to a person, but requires more careful monitoring of the state of health.

Treatment of pigmentation on the face

The basic principle of therapy is determination of the cause and treatment adapted to this factor. You should consult with doctors: therapist; gynecologist; gastroenterologist; endocrinologist. It will be useful to visit a cosmetologist. After research, including laboratory tests and hardware examinations, treatment is selected. There are such cosmetic treatment methods: whitening; special procedures; the use of cosmetic preparations; masks and lotions made according to "grandmother's" recipes.

For bleaching apply:

Hydrogen peroxide 3% solution. It is used very carefully and only after consulting a specialist especially on problem areas. The solution can injure the skin and exacerbate the problem! Topical creams containing mercury. Prescribed by a beautician and can be used for a short period of time. Has a large list of contraindications, including pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Zinc creams. Softer products that not only whiten, but also, when used correctly, fight wrinkles and chronic acne. Special beauty treatments. They are performed only in specialized centers and only by experienced professionals, otherwise serious complications are possible. The choice of technique is the prerogative of a dermatologist, cosmetologist or other specialist with relevant experience and practice permission. When choosing a method, the severity of pigmentation, and the area of ​​location, and the nature of the spot, and its shape, and size, as well as indications and contraindications to a specific method in each patient are taken into account.

Peeling (ultrasonic and chemical method). Each procedure has its own advantages, as well as disadvantages and contraindications for carrying out, as well as side effects, therefore the choice of the optimal method is a difficult task. Consultation of an experienced specialist is required. So, for the chemical method, various acids (glycolic, fruit, etc.) are used. The result of the action is the exfoliation of the skin layer and the regeneration of the epidermis. When using the ultrasound method, special equipment is required, with the help of which various drugs are injected into the skin. The result is skin renewal and whitening.

The modern method is laser peeling. It is carried out on special equipment, with the help of a laser beam, a layer of the skin is removed, the mechanisms of its renewal and rejuvenation are triggered. The method is classified as one of the most progressive and gentle, after which the list of negative complications is limited, although the method is quite traumatic and painful. Usually, after the procedure, it is recommended to use special healing agents, and advice on skin care is given during the entire rehabilitation period and after it. It should be planned to carry out treatment in the winter period, since in spring and summer the skin is exposed to the aggressive effects of solar radiation and this aggravates the rehabilitation period. A laser, if used correctly, gives an excellent result - skin rejuvenation, increasing its elasticity, acquiring a beautiful and even color.

An important role is played not only by the professionalism of the master, but also by the choice of a laser device, therefore, you should contact only reputable centers with a good reputation. Phototherapy method. Light pulses are used, which act in a point only on problem areas. The result is the destruction of cells that contain a lot of melanin.

Folk recipes - top 7 "grandmother's" methods for stains on the skin

1. Course of fresh cucumber masks. The grated vegetable in the form of a gruel is applied to cleansed skin for 30 minutes. The mass is not washed off, but is carefully cleaned with a cotton pad. Enough 10-15 masks per course, do it 2-3 times a week. The courses should be repeated several times a year.

2. Yeast and lemon juice. For the mask, take 15 g of fresh yeast, add a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, apply for 20 minutes on clean skin. Rinse your face with cool water. Course - 10 masks, 2 times a week. Repeat every 2-3 months.

3. Lotion for rubbing the skin, made of parsley. Grind fresh herbs (2 tablespoons) and steam for one hour in 100 ml of water. Strain, wipe your face in the morning and in the evening before going to bed, adding 100 ml of fresh milk to the infusion. To preserve the lotion, it can be frozen in molds and placed in the freezer. The result is whitening, toning, tightening of enlarged pores.

4. A mixture of rice flour, natural honey and vinegar (ratio 2: 1: 1 in teaspoons). The mass is applied for 30 minutes on clean skin two to three times a week. Do not rinse, wipe the skin with a dry cotton pad, then gently rinse with cool water. Course - 15 masks. Repeat every 2 months.

5. Almonds and lemon juice. An effective mask that successfully copes with age spots and also serves as an excellent cosmetic care product. About half a glass of almonds are passed through a meat grinder, a few drops of lemon juice and a spoon or two of water are added. It is applied for 20-30 minutes on cleansed skin, washed off with cool water. Course - 15 masks, 2-3 times a week, several times a year.

6. Boiled potatoes and egg yolk. A budget but effective mask that nourishes and whitens the skin. Mashed potatoes boiled in their skins are mixed with egg yolk and applied to clean skin in a pleasantly hot state. It lasts until it cools completely, washed off with warm water. Course - 10-20 masks, twice a week. Repeat as needed.

7. Protein mixture. A mass is prepared from egg white, a tablespoon of lemon juice and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide. It is applied for no more than ten minutes, washed off with warm milk, a nourishing cream must be applied. Course - 10 masks 2-3 times a week.

8. Washing with fresh milk and vodka. Ratio 3: 1. The skin is rinsed before going to bed. It can be used for a long time.

Granny's recipes are effective enough, but require discipline and regular use. However, with some types of masks and washes, allergies may develop. To prevent unwanted results, a preliminary skin test (on the bend of the elbow) can be done. If after 20-30 minutes there is no reaction, the mask can be used without fear.

It will be interesting for you:

If a cardinal method of getting rid of pigmentation was chosen, for example, laser or another type of peeling, after a period of rehabilitation, you should continue to adhere to the rules of skin care - use protective products, do not visit tanning salons, etc. In some cases, the ingestion of ascorbic and nicotinic acid is indicated, but the decision is made only by the doctor.

We remind you! Pigmentation is a reason to consult an experienced doctor. All recommendations in the article are given as information. Do not forget to visit specialists in a timely manner - a dermatologist, gynecologist, therapist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, as well as a cosmetologist. published by

How to remove age spots on the face?

Every woman wants the skin on her face to be beautifully healthy, but often not aesthetically pleasing age spots prevent her from fulfilling her desire. We will understand the causes of the problem and how to solve it further.

Why pigmentation occurs on the face?

The average age of the appearance of age spots is 35-40 years, although the problem can begin both at a young and old age. Very rarely, the problem disappears on its own, but mostly requires strength and active action. In fact, a pigment spot is a place where a lot of melanin (skin pigment) has accumulated. When it is deposited in the upper layers, the skin becomes covered with pale spots (the same freckles with moles). Light yellow and brown in color, formations usually do not cause discomfort or harm. However, the melanin deposited deeper in the epidermis causes a dark brown spot that is often found above the skin's surface. Such pigmentation can interfere (for example, when removing or putting on clothing or while applying makeup).

Experts identify such types of pigmentation as chloasma, lentigo. The spots also include freckles with moles and birthmarks. Of the reasons why spots of one type or another appear, first of all, heredity is distinguished: in this case, age spots can be seen in newborns, and strong techniques (for example, laser resurfacing) help to cope with them. Changes are not only gene, but also hormonal level: during menstruation, pregnancy, in the postpartum year, or due to hormonal disruption, you can notice richly colored, irregular pigmented spots (we are talking about chloasma, which doctors do not advise to specifically fight) ... If disease is the cause, efforts should be made to treat it. But endocrine pigmentation is associated with gynecological diseases, pituitary neoplasms, thyroid malfunction, etc. The gradual disappearance of age spots is possible after elimination of the cause.

Skin injuries can provoke the development of spots: acne with furunculosis, burns (chemical and thermal), after unsuccessful peeling and in other cases. How intense the blemishes will be is related to the nature of the skin and the severity of the injury.

In addition to injuries, long exposure to ultraviolet radiation (for example, sunlight) negatively affects the face. The skin on the face is especially thin, vulnerable, therefore, with aggressive doses of the environment, melanin begins to protect the skin from burns, staining it in a dark color. Overuse of tanning beds or sunbathing will reflect the unevenness of the melanin coating. Experts urge to be careful when sunbathing in the sun and not rely too much on protective creams, since the skin demelanized after winter is under great stress. The best time to relax in the sun is in the morning and afternoon.

Illness of the liver with kidneys, intestines and gallbladder is also reflected in spots on the face: red in case of intestinal diseases; brown - in case of malfunction of the gallbladder with the liver; yellowish brown - with kidney disease. Spots of this kind are not separately treated, because they disappear after the functions of these organs are normalized.

Stains can be triggered by nervous disorders with mental illness and frequent stress, which is associated with a disruption in the production of hormones and the production of substances in the body. The sizes and shapes of the spots are very different. Plus, vitamin and mineral deficiency affects the condition of the facial skin. For example, this happens when the body lacks copper or vitamin C. It is necessary to normalize health, as there is no trace of age spots.

Unpleasant-looking spots can cover the face after a long intake of medication: usually antibiotics. If you notice spots, be sure to tell your doctor so that you can be prescribed another remedy. In addition to pills, allergies are not uncommon, for example, when using low-quality cosmetics or skin care products. In addition to the spots, rashes and itching appear.

Of course, do not forget about skin aging: during its withering, spots appear not only on the face, but also on the hands and neck. Usually, at 40-45 years old, a lot of melanin is produced, and it is not evenly distributed. In addition, the processes of dying off of the layers of the skin are triggered, hormonal changes occur.

How are age spots on the face treated?

All treatment tactics are reduced to eliminating the main cause of the appearance of spots. And to find out the reason, you need a consultation with a therapist, gynecologist, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. Then a course of treatment is prescribed. But besides that, there is cosmetic medicine that offers methods to restore a healthy complexion. Recipes of folk cosmetology are no less useful. All this is further in order.

Skin whitening

The procedure is carried out using hydrogen peroxide (a 3% solution is applied only to the stain so as not to injure the healthy skin around it). Plus, use a mercury cream for a short time (the remedy is not recommended during pregnancy and during breastfeeding). Zinc paste gently whitens the skin, while eliminating acne and wrinkles.

Cosmetic procedures

It does not do without the help of a dermatologist or cosmetologist, who focuses on the features of only your skin, areas of pigmentation, its severity, etc. Thanks to chemical or ultrasonic peeling, it is possible to whiten the skin well. The first method involves the use of glycolic, fruit and other acids, which renew and exfoliate the upper layers of the skin, so that pigmentation disappears. For peeling of the second type, special equipment is needed: the drugs are injected into the same layers of the skin (it is renewed).

Also, the upper layer of the epidermis is gently removed by laser beams. After a rather painful technique, you cannot do without healing agents, therefore, it is advised to postpone laser peeling until winter, when the sun is not so active. But after that, you will be able to assess the tightness of the skin, an even complexion. Phototherapy is similar in effect to the considered method: due to the light waves produced by the laser device, the effect is exclusively on the spots; cells with excess melanin are destroyed.

As for cosmetics for age spots (the same creams), you should only apply them on yourself after consulting a specialist. Otherwise, it will turn out that you will not get rid of pigmentation, but only intensify it. Only a doctor will be able to choose a whitening cream for you, taking into account contraindications (for example, with the liver). Among the most popular creams can be distinguished: Achromin MAX (gentle stain removal, protection from sunlight); Retin-A (less melanin in the skin). VC-IP solution (its base is vitamin C) will prevent excessive pigmentation of the upper layers of the skin.

Folk remedies

If the spots are superficial, they can be dealt with using the methods of folk cosmetology.:

* cucumber mask is prepared from fresh vegetable grated on a fine grater, applied to the face for half an hour;

* 20 g of fresh yeast is added to 15 ml of lemon juice (the mask is washed off with warm water after 15-20 minutes);

* for parsley lotion, you need to take a few tablespoons of finely chopped greens, pour it into 100 ml of water; leave the solution for an hour, strain, mix with 100 ml of milk; wipe the cleansed face with the composition several times a day (the solution is stored in the freezer);

The condition of the skin is one of the priority issues for a woman, therefore, if dark age spots begin to appear on the face, the causes and treatment are sought with special diligence. Is such a visual defect dangerous, why is it observed in children? Is it possible to treat a face with hyperpigmentation on your own and what methods of stain removal does modern cosmetology offer?

What are age spots

In every person, skin cells contain a certain amount of melanin pigment, which is responsible for its shade - the more there is, the darker the skin will be. In albinos, it is completely absent, in the rest it is observed to a lesser or greater extent. If a person is healthy, the distribution of melanin will be even, which will give the skin an even, beautiful shade. If inside there are some disturbances affecting the production of melanin, its focal accumulations appear, which are called age spots.


Pigmented spots do not cause a general deterioration in well-being - except for the appearance of a cosmetic defect, women and men do not notice any changes in themselves, unless diseases of internal organs are among the causes of hyperpigmentation. If spots form in the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), they can be light in color and small in size. Mostly these are freckles.

Hyperpigmentation in deep layers can have the following characteristics:

  • a dark shade of brown and even black;
  • change in relief.

Separately, doctors mention cases of age spots due to chemical burns - in such a situation, a person will:

  • complain of itching;
  • experience discomfort when touching the stain;
  • see a large area of ​​the lesion (mainly the area of ​​the nose, forehead).


A key prerequisite for the formation of such skin defects is a genetic predisposition - in rare cases, it becomes the cause of facial hyperpigmentation, even in infants, although it predominantly makes itself felt later, as the hormonal background develops. However, spots can also indicate skin diseases or internal disorders, up to dangerous pathologies. Several of the most obvious options, from which age spots appear on the face:

  • Due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  • In case of hormonal disruptions, especially associated with pregnancy, age spots can form not only on the face - they often affect the whole body, but doctors do not recommend treatment in such a situation: after childbirth, the body will return to normal.
  • If the spots that appear are yellow, the area of ​​hyperpigmentation is extensive and is localized mainly in the lower half of the face, the reason for their formation may lie in liver diseases.
  • Due to kidney pathologies and malfunctions of the endocrine system, large flaky spots are formed.

Separately, doctors remind that the face and body can become covered with age spots:

  • with prolonged use of hormonal drugs (especially incorrectly selected ones);
  • after the work of an unskilled cosmetologist (often with chemical peeling);
  • due to a chemical burn;
  • after laser peelings to eliminate acne;
  • after using phototoxic drugs (antihistamines, tetracycline series, sulfonamides) simultaneously with exposure to the sun.

Dark spots on the face in the elderly

With age, the process of melanin production in a person changes, as does the amount of this pigment in melanocytes, therefore, all elderly people are susceptible to the appearance of age spots (especially on the face). However, a special risk group is those who are exposed to active exposure to sunlight, which provoke increased melanin synthesis. In addition to this reason for the appearance of brown (mainly) spots in the elderly, doctors distinguish a few more:

  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which is especially pronounced as the body ages, can increase the severity of pigmented formations.
  • In women, hormonal disorders caused by menopause are a common cause of the formation of hyperpigmentation, which primarily appears on the hands, and then passes to the face.
  • The causes of pigmentation on the face also include malfunctions of the intestines, kidneys, but the spots in such a situation are large, not always brown - they can have a yellowish tint.

Types of pigmentation

Doctors distinguish 5 main types of hyperpigmentation based on their appearance and the reasons why they appear:

  • Freckles. Natural reaction of light skin, which is observed with prolonged exposure to UV rays.
  • Lentigo. Age spots.
  • Chloasma. These are hormonal dark age spots on the face - the causes and treatment depend on the degree of changes in the ratio of hormones: in pregnant women, everything normalizes on its own, with endocrinological diseases, you need to resort to complex treatment.
  • Vitiligo. They are also associated with a malfunction in the endocrine system, but tend to increase over time, have a dark color and a large lesion area.
  • Moles. They are congenital in nature, serious indications are needed for the treatment or removal of pigmented formations of this type: precancerous condition, etc.

How to get rid of age spots on the face

The treatment regimen cannot be drawn up without understanding the cause of the appearance of hyperpigmentation: if pregnancy or taking contraceptives is to blame, after they are canceled (or after childbirth), the problem disappears on its own. Age-related pigmentation also cannot be taken away - you can lighten its lesions (using the methods of home skin whitening or in the salon), but not get rid of it completely.

If hyperpigmentation is not freckles or lentigo, and we are not talking about birthmarks, a person needs to be examined by a neurologist, gastroenterologist, dermatologist, and complex therapy is used for treatment:

  • A course of laser therapy for removing stains.
  • Skin whitening procedures (at home and in the salon).
  • Treatment of diseases causing hyperpigmentation.

Cosmetic preparations

It is necessary to decide how to deal with age spots on the face with the help of potent cosmetics, together with a doctor: together with effective treatment, you can get a lot of side effects. This is especially true for pregnant women. Mostly doctors use drugs based on:

  • zinc;
  • mercury;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Special creams

If you have undertaken enhanced treatment of a cosmetic defect, doctors may advise you to whiten pigmented areas on your face with the following means:

  • Retin-A - the cream well removes any age spots on the face - the reasons for the appearance and the treatment prescribed by a specialist do not affect its effectiveness. The course is 30 days, the drug acts through a decrease in the amount of melanin.
  • VC-IP works at the expense of ascorbic acid, belongs to the number of anti-aging agents, helps well with lentigo, after chemical and laser peels. The course is from a week to a month.

Cosmetic procedures

Among the methods of treatment that cosmetologists can offer, the most significant results are given by phototherapy, laser and chemical peels: before-after photos clearly show the difference after several procedures. Features of these techniques:

  • Chemical surface peeling helps to treat age spots on the face by triggering regenerative processes in the skin, so the effect will be long-lasting. Complete elimination of pathology is possible.
  • Phototherapy - the effect of infrared rays on pigmentation, but for dark skin this is not the best treatment, since all melanocytes are affected.

Laser peeling

If a woman is tired of looking for ways to remove pigmentation on the face from a large area, a beautician can offer laser peeling. It is effective against superficial pigmented lesions, can help in removing freckles, but is useless if, due to hormones, the skin is prone to chloasma. There are 3 disadvantages of the procedure:

  • After exposure to the laser beam, the face should not be exposed to the sun for 14-20 days, otherwise new spots may begin to appear, so it is better to carry out treatment in winter.
  • The trauma of laser peeling makes it inaccessible to persons with sensitive skin, blood clotting problems. In the presence of moles, peeling is also not done.
  • High price because a complex of 5-10 frequent procedures is needed.

Home treatment

Traditional medicine gives a weak effect when compared with laser removal of pigmentation or other salon techniques, or with treatment with pharmacy drugs. However, as one of the stages of stain control, you can use:

  • washing with herbal decoctions (the face is wiped with an infusion of chamomile, birch buds);
  • the use of peroxide (3%) hydrogen to wipe the face;
  • whitening masks.

Effective masks

The visual side of the issue can be partially solved even at home, using the following recipes for masks for hyperpigmentation of the face:

  • For stains, the reason for which is prolonged exposure to the sun, a mixture of white clay and a decoction of chamomile (until gruel) works well, which is washed off after half an hour. The course is 2 weeks.
  • To treat lentigo, you can try a homemade mask made from grated fresh cucumber pulp, with which you need to sit for 15 minutes. The duration of the course is until the appearance of positive results.

Milk yeast mask

In a situation where spots are formed under the influence of UV rays, or are associated with frequent rashes on the face (after they leave, reddish areas appear), you can try one of the effective masks based on fresh milk and live yeast. They are interfered with so that a gruel is obtained, so the proportion is taken by eye. The mixture is applied warm to the face, kept for half an hour and gently washed off. The course is 2 weeks.


If you are worried about freckles, which tend to appear as soon as the sun begins to warm, use fresh lemon juice daily: they need to wipe those areas of the face where pigmentation forms. If the skin is dry, mix the juice with live (!) Yeast using a 3: 1 ratio. Apply the mixture on the face thinly, hold for 10 minutes and rinse off, after lubricating the treated areas with cream. The procedures are recommended to be carried out every evening for 3 weeks.

Parsley juice

Fresh chopped parsley also shows good results: the prepared gruel is combined with fresh milk (there are only 2 tbsp for a large bunch of greens). Apply the mask to the face in a thick layer, rinse off after half an hour. The duration of the course of "treatment" is not limited - you can carry out procedures until noticeable results appear, or 3-4 weeks and take a break.

Prevention of the appearance

You can only protect yourself from hyperpigmentation associated with vitamin deficiency, the work of internal organs, or with exposure to sunlight:

  • do not get carried away with tanning (especially from a solarium) and do not go out in the summer and spring without SPF products;
  • take multivitamin complexes;
  • monitor the condition of the liver.
