A spell for peace of mind. Reading strong conspiracies for depression. Getting rid of rage

With the development of technology, people stopped communicating with each other: the Internet, TV, telephone - replaced friends and girlfriends. Increasingly, instead of going out or visiting people, we prefer to sit under the covers and watch videos alone. We need a conspiracy against depression that can cheer us up and get us back on our feet.

How to recognize that you have been cursed with the blues?

Even in ancient times, people learned about depression. It was believed that a person’s loss of interest in life is associated only with magical intervention. And along with the general treatment method of that time, they used rituals that restored the taste for life. Damage to the blues is very easy to recognize by the following symptoms:

  • general exhaustion of the body;
  • causeless tears and frustration;
  • insomnia, refusal to eat;
  • apathetic attitude towards everything that happens around;
  • thoughts of suicide;
  • aggression, feeling of renunciation.

If you do not intervene in such a course of affairs in time, you can lose a person forever. Please note the general recommendations for eliminating the disease:

  • hiking in nature, hiking in the forest;
  • frequent meetings with friends, the main thing is not to be alone with problems and thoughts;
  • carrying out pleasant procedures - go to the spa or pool;
  • make new acquaintances;
  • At night, read a prayer for the salvation of the soul: “All-merciful God, Mighty God. Strengthen the strength of my spirit, save and preserve. Show me the true path, do not renounce me in these difficult days. Virgin Mary from the evil eye - protect, bring the Holy Archangel to the house. I ask for help, for protection of my spirit - from the evil one. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Cross yourself three times and bow to the holy icons.

Features of reading conspiracies

A conspiracy against depression is made depending on the lunar calendar, time of day, weather and time of year. Spells are aimed at increasing a person’s energetic resistance to the outside world. When your aura is in danger, your energy is weakened by magical intervention, you need to resort to casting a spell, which will require you to go outside in rainy weather and say:

“Rain, wash away all the negativity from me. It’s you who’s crying, not me.”

  • carefully prepare all the components for the ritual so that everything you need is at hand;
  • have impeccable faith in the power of your word;
  • read slowly - you are not in a hurry, think about the meaning of each word;
  • it is very important to concentrate;
  • In order to get rid of the blues forever, the ritual must be performed on the moon, which is waning, which means the disease will subside.

Spells on water

Water spells will help you get rid of even chronic, protracted depression. And they will help restore lost vitality. It is better to perform the ritual in warm weather and on the waning moon, then you will achieve the maximum effect. Come to a water source, there should be running, running water. Go deeper; if this is not possible, dip your hand or feet. Now relax - you fall into sleep, your thoughts are far away, all the bad things pass, flow away with the river. Feel the renewed strength and increased heart rate. Say:

“Water flows away, runs and strives. I will follow the river's flow and gain the strength of life. Lost strength will return, my thoughts will be cleared.”

Repeat until you feel relief. When you get home, do what you love or sleep.

When washing your face in the morning:

“Voditsa, voditsa - you are my sister, take away my troubles. Heal my wounds. I wash my face, I bow to you, sister. I’m getting rid of the blues and illnesses.”

We perform the ritual every day until we are cured. Standing in the shower under a stream of water:

“I cleanse myself with water, wash away all the dirt. Thoughts are purified and dissolved in water.”

We read “Our Father” seven times over a jug of water. Every time we drink, we chant the water:

“I drink some water and I forget my troubles. Amen".

We do this ritual every day.

Other Spells

At midnight on the waxing moon, it is correct to read the plot to restore vitality:

“Illness - retreat, vitality - arrive. Like the moon - it rises, the disease goes away.”

We light a candle and walk around the house with it:

“Leave your sorrows, leave your home. I am under the protection of the Holy Spirit. Save and preserve, I am a servant of the Almighty,”

alongside the door:

“I put a lock on the door so no one can get in. God's gift is my life. Let the blues not enter my house, but let it pass by.”

  • two containers: a glass and a bowl;
  • salt, teaspoon;
  • clean tablecloth, light color;
  • candle.

We begin the ritual, cover the table with a tablecloth. Place the bowl and glass on the same straight line and light a candle next to it. Heat the milk and pour it into containers. Pour a spoonful of salt into a bowl and wash your hands:

“Salt, heal my wounds, milk, calm my soul. Fear goes away, energy of life comes.”

Add honey to the glass, stirring:

“Honey sweetness for the soul. Heal my body, rid my mind of bad thoughts.”

Milk in this ritual is pure, bright energy that fills us from the inside. Salt is a symbol of cleansing from evil, honey is the delight and softness of the soul.

The cross, the cross is the cross, man was born, the cross was erected and Satan was bound, God was glorified, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Conspiracy from melancholy

With this conspiracy you can treat yourself and any other person from melancholy.

On the sea on the Ocean, on an island on Buyan, in a hollow clearing, under a mokretsky oak tree, the servant of God (name) sits, grieving, tormented in unknown melancholy and in unrecognizable sadness, in unsaid grief. Eight elders walk with the elder, uninvited, uninvited; Why are you sitting like this in a hollow clearing on the island of Buyan...

Get rid of longing for a person

To prevent a person from yearning for a dead or living person, you need to find a hole in the wooden floor and put your cut nail into it. In this case you need to say:

How can this nail not grow to the finger?
So melancholy will not take over my soul.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy against violent insanity

At night, go to the well on foot and bring well water to the sick person’s house. Say it like this:

The demonic blood beats and rages,
It deteriorates, human blood is shed.
Calm down, demon, calm down,
Servant (name), according to the word of God, be healed,
According to His works, according to holy bodies...

Spells for insomnia in children.

1. Place the child’s feet one next to the other, then on each sole with a burnt match you need to draw a cross with the following spell: “Arids and Marids, Arids and Makarids, go away, persuade the servant of God (name) the night owl and the night owl, so that she will not be there forever and will not feel, age after age, from now on and forever.” And then lock the plot with this key: “Be my words strong and conspiratorial, and to my words be the key and the lock. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit".

2. “You dawn, dawn, red, clear, morning - Daria, evening - Nastasya, take away the insomnia-half-night from the servant of God (name). Half-night, half-night, do not act over my child, but act in the blue sea over the gray stone. Amen”.

3.“Little Midnight, don’t play with my child, but play with ashes, a coal, and a third pebble.”.

4.“Sleepy sleepyheads, come here, all of you little howler monkeys, get away from us.”. They say when putting the child to bed.

Conspiracy of fear

Daytime fears, nighttime fears,
Follow the rabbit trails
In their holes, under their bushes.
Let the hare be afraid of the fox,
Let him not sleep from fear...

Conspiracy from melancholy

You need to take a knife, put it in the oven and pull it out, and then say:

It's like smoke doesn't stick to a knife,
So melancholy does not rest on God’s servant.

Read 9 times.

Lord, help, Lord, bless.
I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed,
I, the servant of God (name), will go out, crossing myself.
From doors - doors,
From the gate - by the gate.
I’ll go into an open field and go down to the blue sea.
A stone lies in the blue sea,
John the Baptist himself guards that stone.
As if on this stone
All God's servants came running,
All the bright angels flocked...

Conspiracies for depression and bad mood

On Good Friday, spells are read for people suffering from depression. To do this, three blessed colored eggs are dipped into water, which the patient must then use to wash his face. At this time you need to read the plot:
Strengthen my faithful words, Lord, strengthen, Christ, the servant of God (name). As people rejoice at the bright Easter, so let the servant of God (name) rejoice in life. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
To get rid of sadness in your heart, go to the last hut in the village or village on the last day before Easter. Ask the owners for ash from the ash pit. Take this ashes to an abandoned grave and whisper:
Stay in this place with ash and evil and melancholy and insomnia. Come out, my ruin, from my eyes, bones, from all my living relics. Come out of the heart, from the violent head, from the red, hot, fast blood. Just as people love the golden Easter, the dear Mother of God, so joy would love me and follow me all the time. Amen.

Conspiracy against depression on water
It is read with water, which they then drink and wash with:
“Water-queen, maiden-voditsa, you wash the shores, roots and stones, wash the servant of God (name), saving him from sadness, evil causes, so that he blossoms and sings, rejoices and eats, does not dry out with grass, forgets bad things. Grant it, Most Holy Theotokos. Amen".

“Water-water, kind sister to the Moon, an ambulance, wash away the fatigue from me, so that the servant of God (Name) has nothing left from it. Take it into the muddy waters, bury it at the very bottom, and give me strength, increase health, strengthen my veins. Amen."

A spell for depression to find peace of mind
The ceremony is carried out in the evening, when the stars appear in the sky. Read the spell over water, which you should then drink:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water-water, you wash and wash away, there is water everywhere. In a lake, in a river, in the sea, in a bucket. Calm the servant of God (name), from screaming and anger, from dashing words , from empty tears, from angry thoughts. Let her not suffer and not scream. Cool her anger, calm her anger, wash it off her zealous head, drain it, rinse it off. My words are strong and molding. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to restore mental and physical strength
At dawn, when the sky is barely beginning to brighten, but the first scarlet stripes are already visible, you need to turn your face to the sunrise and read the following spell while crossing yourself three times in a row:
“Lord, the sun rises here, And fatigue goes to the west. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen”

If you are depressed or your soul hurts, then at sunset, tilt your head down, whisper a spell onto your chest three times:
“In the name of our Lord! Saviors come to me, Baptists come to me! Contact your soul, stand up for it. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The world does not stand still. Everything around is changing, moving and obliges a person to keep up with the changes, otherwise he will join the ranks of outsiders, lagging behind. And in this everyday carousel, more and more often we hear people defining their condition or the condition of their loved ones as depression. What is this mysterious word? Should we really be afraid of him or is this just another myth? Let's try to figure it out.

Depression is a type of mental disorder

What is induced depression

Depression is a type of mental disorder, so it cannot be ignored completely. The disease has appeared recently, but it has been known since antiquity. Ancient medicine treated depression with warm baths, massages, enemas, recommended support from loved ones and drinking mineral water. Most doctors of that time believed that such a condition could only be induced. That is, to arise as a result of magical manipulations. Some methods still work today. Professional conspiracy for depression is able to restore a person’s mood not only but also the thirst for life. You can read such conspiracies both for yourself and to get rid of the blues of a loved one. But in order to accurately determine that the patient’s mood and behavior are nothing more than an expression of a depressive state, you need to know exactly what this illness is.

The following features are characteristic of depression:

  • constant bad mood, irritation appears;
  • Even your favorite things and activities do not bring joy;
  • constant grumpiness;
  • low self-esteem;
  • psychological and physical fatigue;
  • feeling empty inside;
  • sleep and appetite disturbances.

If you have discovered at least three depressive traits in yourself or your loved ones, you need to change something in your life so that the depressed state does not develop into a problem. A person prone to depression does not recognize the problem and refuses to go to the doctor and receive treatment. Therefore, first you need to try folk recipes and magical spells. You need to read such slander with faith in healing and always with the hope of getting rid of the problems causing this condition. Their advantage is that they can be used secretly from the patient. Remember that during this period he really needs your love, support, and empathy.

How to deal with this condition

There are a number of simple tips that can significantly improve a person’s state of mind without resorting to the help of medicine.

A modified diet can help with depression

First of all, you need to reconsider your diet, because a lack of nutrients and some microelements can also cause a decrease in vital activity, which leads to many diseases. If possible, avoid fatty foods, eat more fruits and vegetables, especially bright colors (carrots, oranges, tomatoes, wild berries). Consume black tea and coffee in minimal quantities; it is better to replace them with freshly squeezed juices and herbal teas.

Herbal tinctures are of great benefit. They will help lift not only your mood, but also your immunity, for which your body will be grateful to you during the cold season. The advantage of this treatment is that the tinctures are not addictive and have no side effects. The most useful are lemon balm, St. John's wort, motherwort; it is good to add ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.

No matter how trite it may sound, movement is life. You need to walk, do exercises, yoga helps. Walks in the park, near a pond, in the forest are welcome; they need to bring only positive emotions. Cycling, in the company of friends or with your family, will be useful.

Aromatherapy also helps a lot. The healing properties of aroma oils have been known since ancient times, and to this day they have not lost their relevance. Jasmine, bergamot, rose, tea tree, orange, and rosemary oil will help relieve blues and fatigue. You can choose according to your taste, and also make compositions from different oils.

Recently, acupuncture and hirudotherapy are often used along with modern treatment methods. If you are a supporter of these methods, you can be sure that there are no side effects or other negative consequences.

Conspiracies to help

If, after trying traditional methods, the problem still remains, you can resort to spells and prayers. Magic words have always had a significant influence on people. They were used to treat a huge variety of diseases and used them in different areas of life.

To treat depression, you can resort to spells and prayers

Bread spell

You need to light a candle, prepare 7 slices of bread and hold them one by one over the candle flame, reading the following words:

“From white smoke, from red fire, I take black power into tiny pieces, I drive away unclean bitterness. Just as the sun breaks through a dark forest, so the light rays of the slave<имя>They will illuminate, they will give fiery strength, they will burn black thoughts.”

A sick person should eat three pieces and feed the rest to the birds. Relief will come in the near future.

Water spell

Read about water, you can drink it and you need to wash:

“Water-queen, maiden-voditsa, you wash the shores, roots and stones, wash the servant of God (name), saving him from sadness, evil causes, so that he blossoms and sings, rejoices and eats, does not dry out with grass, forgets bad things. Grant it, Most Holy Theotokos. Amen".

Milk spell

Take a glass of warm milk, add a spoonful of honey. Mix thoroughly and drink in small sips, reading the prayer to yourself, Our Father. This is a fairly simple and effective way to get rid of anxiety and fears.

It is better to perform all of the above procedures at the first suspicion of a depressive state, because it is much easier to prevent the disease than to fight it. In the first stages, the disease recedes immediately and will not return. Conspiracies are read periodically, without waiting for painful consequences.

To perform such a spell against depression, you need to draw a heart on thick paper, then cut it out. You will have to imagine that this is your heart. You should try to draw on it your bitterness and melancholy, which do not allow you to live in peace. After this, you need to light a candle and read the words of the conspiracy twice:

“Don’t languish, don’t bother your heart, don’t grab it, worry, fear, heavy sighs, empty commotion. Don't tear your zealous heart in two. Everything is empty. Move away, sadness, into the unsteady distance. Don’t splinter, don’t stab, don’t tear your heart with a blow, let go. Everything is empty. To the wind, to the forest, to the dry grass, to the chimney, just as the smoke disperses in the wind and melts, so let the heart be tossed aside. My word is strong, the key is in my heart, the lock is on my lips. Forever and ever. Amen".

Next, you need to pour yourself some vodka and drink to the peace of your sad and yearning heart. The paper heart will need to be burned over a fire. After these steps, you will need to cut out a new heart in a very beautiful shape and store it in a book with a happy ending.

Conspiracy in the shower

There is also one very interesting effective conspiracy for depression. It needs to be read in the shower. The words of this conspiracy are:

“Get lost, my illness goes away with the water,
On a path unknown to me
Go into the swamp swamp,
Forget the path back.
Let the stones take my pain,
The dawn will give faith in life,
The winds will carry away adversity,
Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas.
Let the sun shine on me
Healing rays
And let them beat in my soul
Magic keys.
And may the moon at midnight
Shows where to turn.
Let the sadness leave me
And the pipe will sing
Let all diseases disappear
Far away
As I fear the day, the night is leaving
Having given the sky blue morning,
Go away, all diseases, away
Amen, amen, amen."

Conspiracy against depression on water

You can use another very effective conspiracy. He is slandered specifically about the water, which is then used for washing and drinking. The words of the conspiracy are:
“Queen-voditsa, mother-voditsa, you wash the banks, roots, stones, wash the servant of God (name), deliver him from sadness, sadness, evil reasons, so that he blooms and sings, laughs, eats, does not dry out with a blade of grass, everything I forgot the bad things. Help, Holy Mother of God.