What to do when the baby has swallowed a foreign object? If the child has swallowed something

I keep my eyes on Alice. Rather, she does not take her eyes off me. You can't leave her, she cries right away. This is how we live - either I am with her, or she is with me. I'm very afraid that she will flop off the couch, lay a bunch of blankets on the floor for the last week, crawl, have fun. As soon as I get up from her, she immediately calls me back. Either in my arms, or I sit next to me and hold that my head did not bump. A couple of times I fell on my side and hit my head, not hard. but it caused discontent. In general, we are inseparable. Even in my dad's arms, she is looking for me with her eyes and if I smile, she herself has a great mood and a smile from ear to ear. Yesterday I put it in the crib and gave her a toy - a rubber fish. You press it - it beeps. Well, the whistle is in it, an ordinary toy. She specifically took care of her, I washed the dishes (we have half of the partition between the kitchen and the hall demolished, we are always in sight of each other), I washed the dishes and heard her squeak with this toy. Yesterday she did not poop (Alice can poop in a day, this is from birth and does not bother me). Moderately capricious ... But what I say, she is often unhappy. In general, today I take out a fish from the corner of the bed, it does not squeak - there is no whistle in it. Right there under the crib - not on the floor, Alice gave it to her husband, she rummaged through the entire bed, down to the board, took out everything ... I used to crawl around on my knees. I crumpled the toy several times - there is no whistle inside the toy! Husband - get ready, we will do an ultrasound. In general, I was scared. Although Alice does not show visible signs of discomfort. Iuzh says - call the paid (IDK) - does it work. I called Kalinin. So and so, the fish was with a whistle, there is no whistle now, my daughter behaves normally. There the doctor on duty says - the device is not working now, the ultrasound will not see anything. In such cases, an x-ray is taken, but he shows iron, he will not see plastic. In general, he says, a 6-month-old baby is unlikely to be able to swallow anything other than liquid. even if she would have swallowed, then she either refused to eat, or vomited. Well, we talked, she reassured me. Yes, some kind of calmed down there. I dug everything over again. If you haven't swallowed it, then it must be somewhere, this fucking whistle! There is not. Alice poops, there is no whistle in the diaper. I climb into the Internet, I read on all sorts of forums. At 8 months, the beans were swallowed by someone, they barely came out naturally. Basically, after a year they swallow. Oh, what they just do not swallow ... In short, it is theoretically possible. I read articles - objects can severely injure the esophagus. Wow, Christmas trees. I still call the IDK - so and so ... They say, leave the number, they will call you back. 10 minutes waiting for the call, feeling Alisin's belly ... Calming down, reading baby ru Alice is crawling with her husband ... No call, I climb again - what to do if the child has swallowed ... Again I read horrors. I take another toy with a whistle, take it out - it’s a centimeter long somewhere. It is necessary to check whether the whistle was the same in the fish. I grab a fish - something is shaking inside. shook it again - for sure! whistle in the fish. In general, it wasooooooooooooooooooooous. Fucked all the whistles. If a 6 month old baby manages to press the whistle. so it can squeeze out, and maybe swallow. Fuuuuuhhh, everything is so dangerous around ...

Little researchers do not sit still for a minute and try to study the world around them, using all the senses. They often have foreign bodies in their mouths such as coins, batteries, glass, chewing gum, magnets, bones from plums or cherries, plastic parts and other small objects. In such a situation, it is extremely important for an adult not to get confused, to assess the situation sensibly and to provide the child with first aid. In some cases, surgical intervention is indispensable.

Why do babies swallow foreign objects

According to statistics, every year millions of foreign objects enter the gastrointestinal tract of children. And this happens mainly as a result of the desire of little travelers to explore the world around them. Kids are very inquisitive and strive to taste and taste everything that falls into their hands. Sometimes children can swallow a foreign object while eating or playing.

Often, babies swallow their "finds" out of curiosity.

Therefore, it is extremely important for adults to remove medicines, needles, scissors and other sharp products into inaccessible places, tape the grooves into which batteries or magnets are inserted, etc. If the situation cannot be prevented, parents need to know the list of actions that should be taken immediately ...

What can a child swallow

Items that can get into the baby's gastrointestinal tract by negligence can be roughly divided into two large groups: dangerous and not posing a threat to health.

Dangerous foreign bodies: battery, magnet, coin, pin, glass, nail and others

Dangerous foreign bodies include:

  • metal products (magnet, battery, coin, foil, iron balls, screws, nails, etc.);
  • sharp or long objects (glass, nail, toothpick, paper clip, safety pin, fish bone, wooden stick);
  • substances with poisonous and toxic properties.

Coins, batteries, paper clips that end up in the child's digestive tract pose a direct threat to his health

Foreign bodies that do not pose a danger: bone from plums, cherries, peaches, chewing gum, rubber and plastic objects, a lost tooth

Non-hazardous foreign bodies include:

  • food-related substances (pits from cherries, cherries, plums or peaches, chewing gum, egg shells);
  • plastic and rubber items (plastic buttons, beads, lego, vacuum rubber bands from headphones, cellophane);
  • building materials (polyurethane foam, silica gel);
  • parts of the body (fallen milk tooth, hair);
  • other products (stone, plasticine, hair elastic, thread, cotton wool, etc.).

A cherry seed will pass through the baby's digestive tract without any problems, without causing him harm or discomfort

Signs and symptoms that indicate that a child has swallowed a small object

The situation when a foreign object gets into the baby's digestive tract can occur both in the absence and in the presence of an adult.

If you do not see that the child has swallowed a foreign body and did not take any action, over time, he may develop the following symptoms:

  • profuse salivation;
  • attacks of severe coughing, difficulty breathing;
  • a sharp jump in temperature;
  • bloating, sharp and severe pain;
  • the presence of blood in the stool;
  • chest pain;
  • nausea and vomiting.

If you see that the child suddenly began to cough, suffocate, turned pale, you should immediately take him to the hospital. Most likely, the cause of the disease is the ingress of a small foreign body into the respiratory tract.

Difficulty breathing is one of the main symptoms when a foreign object is swallowed

What to do first if a child swallows a sharp or dangerous object

The greatest danger is represented by foreign objects that enter the child's respiratory tract or trachea. In this case, access to oxygen is blocked, and the baby begins to suffocate. The main thing for parents in this situation is not to panic.

The list of actions to be taken if a foreign body is stuck "on the way" to the stomach:

  1. Place the child over the left knee. The baby's head should be down.
  2. Slap his open palm on the back, between the shoulder blades.
  3. Press on the root of the tongue to induce a gag reflex.

Each parent should be fully aware that the child's life is completely dependent on his actions.

If you witness how your baby has swallowed a sharp object, battery or magnet, you should immediately go to the hospital. Waiting for the moment when a dangerous foreign body will itself leave the body can cost a child's life.

So, the battery, getting into the gastric juice, begins to oxidize and release toxic substances harmful to health. If you do not consult a doctor in time, sad consequences are inevitable. Chemical burns of internal organs, stomach ulcers, bleeding, rupture of the walls of the esophagus, death - this is what swallowing a small battery can lead to.

A battery is an item that poses a particular danger if it enters the gastrointestinal tract.

Sharp objects (needles, paper clips, etc.), passing through the gastrointestinal tract, injure internal organs, cause inflammation, and provoke bleeding. Do not hesitate, see a doctor!

How not to harm

If you see that your baby has swallowed a foreign body, you should clearly know the order of primary actions. Try not to panic, stay calm, because excitement and fear are transmitted to the child.

In no case should you:

  • give enemas or give the young researcher laxatives. Artificial acceleration of the digestive system can lead to a number of undesirable consequences. A foreign object can injure the edges of the walls of internal organs, get stuck in the intestine, thereby provoking its obstruction;
  • forcing your toddler to eat a piece of solid food, such as a crust of stale bread;
  • try to get a foreign body with tweezers, a magnet.

If the diameter of an object swallowed by a child is not more than 1 cm, and it has a rounded shape, then the probability that a foreign body will independently pass through the gastrointestinal tract and come out with a chair is quite high. Be patient and check your stool regularly.

What awaits at the hospital

If your baby has swallowed a foreign body that is dangerous to him (magnets, battery, fish bone, needle, etc.), he must be taken to a medical facility. In a hospital setting, using an X-ray or ultrasound, the doctor will determine the place where a foreign object is stuck. If it gets into the stomach, then it will be released by means of FGS. The situation with the bronchi is much more complicated - the manipulations will be carried out under anesthesia. After removing the foreign body, the child is monitored. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection of the lungs and bronchi.

Possible consequences

If you do not consult a doctor in time, a dangerous foreign body in a child's body can cause a number of undesirable consequences: from intestinal obstruction to stomach ulcers, internal bleeding and even death. Be carefull!

If a child swallowed something: health school - video

For the most part, foreign bodies that can be swallowed by a child do not pose a threat to his health. But such foreign objects as batteries, needles, toothpicks, glass shards are more dangerous and can lead to irreversible consequences. A timely visit to a doctor is the only right decision.

A small child is such a restless creature that constantly requires the attention and vigilant control of mom, dad and grandmother. As soon as the baby has learned to crawl, and then walk, he begins to learn about the world, various objects. And it's good if he just took a book, a spoon or any other object to play. But little children love to try different things. And sometimes my mother, not seeing how her miracle swallowed the battery or the detail of the designer, cannot understand why he suddenly felt bad, and where this terrible cough came from.

The baby's desire to taste everything is nothing more than a natural reaction to the outside world, a craving to explore the surrounding things with the help of taste buds. But often, the matter does not end with one licking and an attempt to nibble on the investigated little thing. As a rule, the last stage of acquaintance with an object is swallowing it. What to do in such a situation, what to do in the first place, and what absolutely must not be done? All this in our today's article.

The eaten little thing can leave the body by itself. But since this is rare, you should not sit over the child and wait for this moment. You need to immediately provide first aid to prevent dangerous consequences.

Each swallowed item can behave differently in the body. In addition, the algorithm of actions is also different. For example, if a baby swallows a button (streamlined smooth object), it can come out on its own. Larger and more dangerous (needle, magnet battery) objects can linger in the digestive tract and cause trouble. In this case, it is necessary to call a doctor or deliver the baby to a medical facility.

And since the swallowed products behave differently in the child's body and their traumatic effect is also different, the first aid algorithm will also be different. More details about first aid in the table.

Thing Signs What to do

Magnetic ball

If the baby has swallowed a part, and you have not seen it, you can suspect something was wrong by the appearance of a runny nose, cough, pain in the abdomen. You cannot induce vomiting on your own, give food. The first thing to do is call a doctor. Untimely access to a doctor is fraught with disastrous consequences. A sharp-edged magnet can injure the gastrointestinal mucosa. If there are several swallowed magnets, they can be attracted to each other, seriously injuring the intestines.
Polyurethane foam Soreness in the abdomen is possible. Foam can harden in the intestines and create an insurmountable barrier to the movement of feces. In this case, it is necessary to show the baby to the doctor. The sooner the object is removed, the faster the baby's condition will return to normal.
Battery The object may get stuck in the throat. In this case, the appearance of coughing, choking is possible. In addition, it is possible to change the chair. The stool will turn greenish or black. Fever, vomiting, and loss of consciousness are common. If the baby begins to choke, induce vomiting. Next, you need to call an ambulance or take the child to the hospital.
Drawing pin

A piece of glass

Metal products with uneven edges

It is accompanied by active salivation, coughing, suffocation, redness of the face, hiccups, vomiting, blood in the stool. Call a doctor immediately. It is equally important to examine your baby's mouth for debris. It is impossible to extract debris that are localized in the region of the palatine-lingual arch.
Gum One chewing gum that is swallowed is usually asymptomatic. If the child has swallowed several gum, it may cause soreness in the abdomen, constipation, or diarrhea. One swallowed gum is not dangerous for the baby. If he "ate" a lot of chewing gum, it is necessary to observe for a while. If deviations appear, you must make an appointment with a doctor.
Coin The appearance of anxiety, irritability, tearfulness is noted. In addition, regurgitation, shortness of breath, cough, increased salivation may occur. If your baby's condition deteriorates significantly due to a swallowed coin, see a doctor immediately.
Button Symptoms are often absent. You don't need to stuff your baby with laxatives or induce vomiting. If the baby's condition is normal, wait, the button will come out along with the feces. If your child's behavior changes, see a doctor.

Metal ball

It is accompanied by hiccups, drooling, irritability, soreness in the abdomen. It is necessary to take the baby to the hospital. There he should be until a foreign object comes out with feces.
Needle When such objects enter the digestive system, the appearance of profuse salivation, coughing, anxiety, sweating, and an increase in temperature is noted. Call a doctor immediately or take your little patient to the hospital. Do not allow the child to move a lot (this is fraught with the movement of a sharp object into soft tissues). It is contraindicated to give laxatives, induce vomiting or shake the baby.
Mercury The appearance of malaise, high fever, headache, increased salivation, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea is noted. In this case, the threat is not the balls of mercury themselves, but its vapors. Inhalation of vapors of a substance is fraught with damage to the central nervous system, kidneys and lungs. In such a situation, it is contraindicated to procrastinate. You need to quickly call an ambulance. Parents, while the ambulance is traveling, need to cause the baby to vomit.
Medication (tablet, capsule) The first manifestations will appear after the substances begin to be absorbed into the blood. Symptoms will depend on which drug was swallowed. Perhaps the appearance of irritability, seizures, fainting, nausea and vomiting, an increase in temperature. The first thing to do is call an ambulance. Before her arrival, it is necessary to flush the stomach, induce vomiting, and then give several tablets of an activated or other sorbent

Silica gel

The ingestion of such chemicals in the stomach is fraught with severe intoxication. It is necessary to call a doctor, rinse the stomach and give an absorbent to drink.
Foil The appearance of lethargy, irritability, malaise is noted You need to call a doctor. Before the arrival of the doctor, it is forbidden to induce vomiting, feed or drink, give laxative drugs.
Plasticine The appearance of lethargy, moodiness is observed. The appearance of allergic manifestations (rashes) is possible. A small piece of plasticine is harmless. If a large piece gets into the digestive tract, it is fraught with intestinal obstruction.

It is necessary to take the child to the doctor.

Cotton wool As a rule, it is not accompanied by any symptoms. Observe the child's behavior and condition. Call a doctor if necessary.
Plastic products If the swallowed object is small and without sharp edges, symptoms may not appear. If a piece of plastic is swallowed, malaise, abdominal pain, tearfulness, blood in the stool may occur. Observe the small patient's stool. If any suspicious signs appear, take him to the hospital.
Tooth There are no symptoms. Often, once a tooth enters the digestive tract, it leaves the body naturally. Do not induce vomiting. If the child's behavior changes, or if the condition worsens, go to the hospital.
Fruit seed Perhaps the appearance of pain in the epigastrium, blood in the feces. As a rule, the pits from the fruit come out along with the feces. If this does not happen, see your doctor.
Fish bone The appearance of cough, suffocation, salivation is noted. The child needs to be taken to the hospital.

The following items are most dangerous if swallowed:

  1. Large in size. This is fraught with intestinal obstruction due to clogging of a foreign body.
  2. Sharp and stabbing edges. Getting into the digestive tract of such objects is fraught with puncture of the walls of the stomach or intestines, which will necessitate an operation.
  3. Small batteries in the form of pills. Inside such products there is an electrode, which in the esophagus or stomach can discharge and injure organs.

Reasons for children swallowing various objects

Foreign bodies in children's abdomens are more often than in adults, appendicitis is operated on or CVS pathologies, in particular a heart attack, are diagnosed. According to statistics, every fifth child in the world swallows something that is clearly unsuitable for food. Every parent needs to be as vigilant as possible so that a small alien thing does not cause big trouble.

So why is the baby constantly pulling everything he sees into his mouth? The main thing is to understand a simple truth, the child is not to blame for accidentally swallowing a ring or button. In childhood, there are several objective physiological reasons why children swallow all sorts of unnecessary things. The main thing is not to blame him and in no case scold him. All you need to do if you see that your child has "had breakfast" with a pen cap is to help him and call a doctor.

The main reasons for knowing everything around us through swallowing include:

  • lack of an adequate assessment of the physical parameters of objects. Baby does not understand that the thing is spicy, hot, hardening, or at least inedible;
  • lack of self-preservation instinct. It doesn't cost a kid anything to pull an object into his mouth that, by its very appearance, repels an adult;
  • lack of negative experience. The program "do not put in your mouth kaku" is not laid down at the genetic level. The kid needs to feel the problem in practice. Only in this way will he be able to understand that this cannot be done, otherwise his stomach will hurt and an unfamiliar uncle in a white coat will come.

Even if there was already a sad experience, the baby could simply not learn it. In other words, several similar situations are necessary in order to develop the reflex "to take in the mouth, gnaw, lick it is impossible"

  • lack of full-fledged communications. Young children are not yet able to share negative experiences, they are not able to discuss different situations, in particular those that happened to them. In other words, the child cannot tell that he had swallowed a part of the constructor, his mother panicked and called the doctors, who came and began to scold.

In general, children do not yet realize the seriousness of the situation, they do not know what it is fraught with. For you, in a similar situation, it remains to provide first aid and go to the doctor so that nothing bad happens to your baby.

What age children are more likely to face the problem?

Toddlers can pull an object into their mouth as soon as they can reach it. And this means that the "starting point" when mom and dad need to be especially vigilant is the seventh or eighth month of life. That is, when the child begins to crawl and in every possible way tries to reach the unknown.

At this time, small things seem to be created so that parents are constantly in suspense. Since the baby's vision in the first year of life is imperfect, and he is just learning to focus it, first of all he will fix his gaze on something bright and small that will be in his path.

Sometimes new mothers are saved by the fact that, due to inadequate vision, the child may simply not see the nearby dangerous object, even if it is very close. But in no case is it worth hoping that the child will not notice the dangerous thing.

According to statistics, most often, children swallow foreign parts between the ages of one and three. During this period, they become more nimble, many are already taking their first steps, which means that the reach of the "toy", which must be tried without fail, is increasing.

Parents should always be on their guard. It should be understood that the age of small "swallowers" is not limited to either three or six years. Then the age of various experiments will begin, when children, on purpose or deliberately, can try an inedible thing. This is especially true for those who go to kindergarten or have many friends, and subconsciously try to boast to the rest of their achievements.

A school-age child, even while at home, studying homework, may inadvertently swallow an object that has just been hanging around in his mouth before. And there are many such examples. Therefore, parents need to always be on their guard, even if the child is already 7 years old.

How to tell if a child has eaten something inedible

The fact that a baby has swallowed a small part, be it a bead, a coin or a nut, often goes unnoticed. Mom can find out about this by chance when the eaten object comes out along with the feces. And it’s good if everything ends like this. But, more often than not, everything happens a little differently.

And only an attentive parent can suspect something was wrong. It should be alarming that the child has sharply become whiny, his behavior has changed dramatically. In this case, the baby may feel guilty, which is why he stops behaving the way he usually does.

In this case, you should try to talk to him and try to find out if he accidentally swallowed the "colored candy". Moreover, the conversation should be calm, the tone should be gentle. Believe me, you will not achieve anything by screaming, the child will close in himself, and in every possible way will refuse to make contact. Even if he feels bad, he will tolerate her, but he will not tell you anything.

If the child is still very young and is not able to tell you what happened, you can understand what happened to him by the following signs. Often, a foreign body entering the child's gastrointestinal tract (especially if it is more than 1 cm) manifests itself immediately and is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp sudden choking;
  • crying;
  • increased salivation;
  • belching;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • changes in the characteristics of feces, for example, the appearance of mucus in them;
  • violation of behavior;
  • loss of consciousness (in rare cases);
  • paleness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • an increase in temperature.

Most often, children swallow foreign objects that do not exceed the diameter of the esophagus, and therefore the entire gastrointestinal tract, which in turn means that the part can come out naturally. Sometimes, due to a delay in the folds of the gastrointestinal tract, the object does not come out with the feces.

In this case, it is necessary to take the child to the hospital. Do not hesitate to visit a specialist, this is fraught with disastrous consequences.

What actions are contraindicated

In a panic, we can, albeit unconsciously, but exacerbate the situation. In order not to harm the baby even more, each parent should know what absolutely must not be done if the child has swallowed something inedible.

1. In no case shake the baby, do not beat him on the back, do not turn him upside down (in the hope that the object will fall out). Such actions are fraught with the unfolding of the object in a narrow place, displacement into the respiratory tract, injury to the gastrointestinal mucosa.

2. Do not force your toddler to eat a crust of bread if he chokes on a fish bone. This is fraught with injury to the esophageal mucosa.

Do not reach for a product that has been swallowed by yourself, either with your fingers or with tweezers. This should be done by a doctor using sterile instruments.

3. If your toddler has a cough or begins to choke, and the ambulance has not arrived yet, place him face down on your knee. In this case, the upper half of the body should be lowered. Tap lightly between your shoulder blades with your fingers.

Can the problem be prevented?

Unfortunately, parents do not have 100 eyes and they cannot follow every step and action of the child. Some of the affairs of kids are left without parental attention. And it's good if everything ends well, and not hospitalization. To minimize the risk of foreign bodies entering the child's body, experts advise:

  • remove small parts from the floor;
  • buy toys by age;
  • do not allow the baby to play with pins, needles, glass;
  • if a child plays with beads, toys with a magnet, it is necessary to be with him all this time;
  • exclude thermometers, building materials, nails from falling into the hands of the child.

No matter how we tried to protect the baby from danger, no one is immune from accidents. Therefore, all parents should know how to provide first aid to a child. After all, the life of the baby can depend on the actions of loved ones, especially since in emergency situations the count sometimes goes on for minutes.

According to statistics, every year millions of foreign bodies enter the gastrointestinal tract of children. This happens as a result of careless handling of small objects and through parental oversight. How not to get confused in such a situation?

Most often, the diagnosis of "foreign body" is exposed in early childhood. As soon as the kids begin to crawl and then walk, they quickly master territories and objects that were previously inaccessible to them, and some of them must be strictly out of the reach of children. Acquaintance with new objects occurs in the most detailed way through all available senses. The child needs to turn and examine the "toy" from all sides, be sure to smell, and most importantly - to determine the degree of its edibility. The result of this curiosity is that objects fall into the mouth, and then into the baby's gastrointestinal tract or respiratory tract.

If you witness such a situation, urgently call an ambulance. The baby must be under medical supervision, even if there are no symptoms in the first hours and he feels good. A foreign body with sharp edges (needles, pins, badges, etc.) can get stuck in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which increases the risk of puncturing its wall. Large and heavy foreign bodies (for example, a metal ball) that do not leave on their own and are in the intestine for a long time can cause significant damage to the wall with bleeding or perforation (violation of integrity). Therefore, if a foreign body enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is imperative to make sure that it has come out, for which each chair of the child is carefully examined.

If the child was not in your field of vision when everything happened, it will be much more difficult to identify the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, often children, fearing punishment, hide this fact from their parents.

Usually babies swallow small things - toys or their parts, coins, buttons, bones from fruits. As a rule, the child does not experience any unpleasant sensations, with the exception of fright. In the future, the baby may not have complaints, since in most cases small objects come out within 2-3 days on their own.

If the object is of considerable size and blocks the lumen of the esophagus, then choking, profuse salivation, may be hiccups, belching, nausea, vomiting. Any food and water eaten comes back.

Caution, batteries!

Seek medical attention immediately if a battery is found as a foreign body. In the stomach, containing hydrochloric acid, the nutrient, being oxidized and releasing corrosive substances, can damage the mucous membrane due to chemical burns. Ulcers can form at this site, leading to life-threatening complications. Disk batteries are especially dangerous in the esophagus, where they can quickly cause necrosis and perforation (death and rupture) of its wall.

The child has swallowed a foreign object: what to do?

As you can see, the baby's behavior and symptoms will depend on the size, shape, material of the object that the child swallowed. If you suspect the presence of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract, first of all, the issue of the earliest delivery of the baby to the hospital should be resolved. It is necessary to urgently call an ambulance and take the child to a hospital, preferably to a multidisciplinary one, which has a surgical, X-ray, endoscopic, ultrasound department, available around the clock. In Moscow, these are Izmailovskaya Children's City Clinical Hospital, Filatovskaya Children's City Clinical Hospital, St. Vladimir's Hospital, etc.

Before the ambulance arrives, parents do not need to make any attempts to pull out, shake out or “push” the foreign body further into the stomach (for example, by giving the child bread). By your actions, you can only harm. You can not feed and drink a child, including breast milk. You can moisten your lips with water if they are dry. We must try, if possible, to calm the baby down and collect the necessary documents for the hospital: a medical certificate for the child and the mother.

If the baby is coughing, choking, choking, you can tap the edge of your hand or fingers on his back between the shoulder blades, directing the blows from the bottom up, throwing the baby over the knee so that the upper body is lowered. A child under 1 year old is placed on his hand, face down, the head is slightly lowered, the index or middle finger of the "supporting" hand is placed in the child's mouth, opening it, and the back is patted with the free hand. This should not be done if the baby can breathe, as harsh patting can dislodge the object in such a way that it blocks the airways or causes them to swell, making breathing very difficult. Do not forget that the main task of the actions taken is to make breathing easier (if it is difficult). If there is no difficulty in breathing, then you should wait for the arrival of an ambulance.

In the hospital: examination and removal

In the admission department, the child is examined by a pediatrician and a surgeon, if necessary, additional examinations are carried out: X-ray, endoscopic or ultrasound. It should be remembered that only metal foreign bodies, stones and some types of glass are visible on the X-ray image - plastic and wooden objects cannot be detected due to the texture of the material. Based on the examination and these research methods, a diagnosis is made and the level of the foreign body is determined. The child is left in the hospital and, in most cases, is monitored until the object is removed on its own (usually 2-3 days), prescribing a laxative.

If urgent removal of a foreign body is necessary or its movement along the gastrointestinal tract is difficult, then in 99% of cases the endoscopic method of treatment helps. This is possible when the foreign body is not lower than the duodenum 12, where the fibroesophagogastroduodenoscope can reach (endoscope 1, with which you can remove a foreign body from the upper gastrointestinal tract: esophagus, stomach, initial parts of the small intestine). Removal of a foreign body is carried out using an endoscopic loop, basket or clamps passed through the endoscope, which is inserted through the mouth 2.

Sometimes a foreign body can be pushed through the apparatus, and in the future, when taking a laxative, this will help it to quickly leave the body in a natural way. If it was not possible to remove the foreign body endoscopically, laparoscopic or abdominal surgery is performed, which is always more traumatic for the body and is associated with a much larger number of possible complications. Laparoscopic surgery differs from abdominal surgery in that a large incision is not made on the anterior abdominal wall, but a laparoscope 3 and special surgical instruments used by surgeons are inserted through small holes into the abdominal cavity. The method of surgical intervention is chosen by the surgeon depending on where the foreign body is located, what its shape and size are, taking into account the condition of the child.


You should not leave the crumb alone unattended. It is necessary to remove small dangerous objects in a place inaccessible to the baby. You should be extremely careful about the choice of toys: they should correspond to the age of the baby and not have small and easily breakable parts.

1 Endoscope - (Greek endo - "inside", skopeo - "to examine, examine") is the general name for tubular optical devices with an illumination device, designed for visual examination of cavities and body channels, into which the endoscope is inserted through natural or artificial openings.
2 See the article "Endoscopy", No. 4, 2007.
3 Laparoscope (Greek lapara - belly, skopeo - "to examine, examine") is a type of endoscope, which is a metal tube with a complex system of lenses and a light guide. The laparoscope is designed to transmit images from the abdominal cavity of the human body.

Alexey Krasavin, endoscopist,
Izmailovskaya DGKB, Moscow


Comment on the article "If the child swallowed something"

Swallowed batteries. Medical issues. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness Section: Medical issues (after how long it will become bad if you swallow a battery). Swallowed batteries.

Often children take objects in their mouths, and many of the elements that a Lego constructor contains can be swallowed by a child through carelessness. It is for such cases that barium sulfate is intended. This salt does not dissolve in water, therefore it is not toxic to the body.


my little baby swallowed his head from a lego and did not remember swallowing it himself, or it seemed that his throat didn’t have a tickle, he was breathing well, and it turns out that we learned from your website that the lego was made from food-grade plastic, which calmed us. The son was worried and asked to make an X-ray himself, but as we understood the plastic is not visible on the X-ray - we are waiting for the results and we will eat porridge.

10/05/2018 10:58:18 PM, jay

Lego contains a substance called barium. This barium is used as a contrast on x-rays, so the detail can be seen on x-rays.

12.12.2017 18:44:37, Alice .....

She swallowed a coin. Incidents. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years And in general, what to do? We already have trouble with the pot (I wrote it yesterday), now a coin .... From the old boyan: If a child swallowed a coin. With the first - you raise everyone to their feet ...

Swallowed batteries. Can you please tell me if there are doctors. If there is a suspicion that 4 days ago a child (2 years old) could have swallowed a round battery, but Tell me, where is it stuck with you? How long after the child swallowed did you get x-rayed?

The child has swallowed a foreign object. Doctors, clinics. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition The child has swallowed a foreign object. My baby climbed and peeled off a sticker from the bed that covers the screw, small, with a diameter ...

URGENTLY! We ate the battery! If a child has swallowed a small object. The child has swallowed a small object. First aid, foreign body extraction. Usually babies swallow small things - toys or their parts, coins, buttons, bones from fruits.