Determination of the child's psychomotor development. Psychomotor development of a child

Child N., girl, passport age at the time of examination 11 months. Body length - 72 cm, chest circumference - 47 cm, body weight - 9.5 kg.

Growth according to the table of percentiles falls into “corridor” No. 4, which is estimated as “average”. Chest circumference according to the table - "corridor" No. 4, estimate "average", body weight according to the table - "corridor" No. 4, estimate "average". Thus, the girl N. has an average, corresponding to age, development is harmonious, since all her parameters are in the 4th corridor and the difference between them is equal to 0.

Conclusion: physical development is average, harmonious,

Assessment of the child's psychomotor development

The formation of various motor reflexes and capabilities at an early age is carried out in strict connection with the maturation of certain neurological structures. Therefore, the range of movements of the child is very clear evidence of the degree of his neurological development. A delay in motor development indicates that the child has severe nutritional disorders, metabolic disorders or chronic diseases.

Algorithm for assessing psycho-motor development

Conclusion on motor development Conclusion on neuropsychic


Conclusion on psychomotor development

    Assessment of the state of muscle tone:

The state of muscle tone is determined by assessing the child's posture and passive movements of the limbs in various joints and palpation of muscle groups during passive flexion.

Conduct a visual assessment of the posture.

In a healthy newborn, the arms are bent at the elbows, the knees and hips are drawn to the stomach.

The presence of increased muscle tone (hypertonicity) can be assumed if there is:

Clenching your fingers into a fist;

Fin position of the hands - tensely spaced fingers when

slightly bent hand;

- "clawed paw" - extension of the fingers in the metatarsophalangeal or

the metacarpophalangeal joints during their flexion in the interphalangeal joints;

Athetosis position of the hands - fingers are straightened, tense and

in different planes;

The position of the opisthotonus - stretched and tense limbs, holo-

va is sharply thrown back.

Low muscle tone (hypotonia) can be assumed if there is:

Relaxed posture with arms and legs spread out to the sides.

Conduct flexion and extension of the child's joints (sequentially elbow on the right, left, knee on the right, left).

High muscle tone makes it impossible or difficult to flex and extend the joints.

In newborns and children in the first 4 months of life, there is some limitation of movements in the joints associated with physiological muscle hypertension.

With passive flexion and extension in the joints, palpate individual muscle groups.

With a high tone, the muscle density is more pronounced.

With a low tone - "doughy" consistency of the muscles.

    Muscle strength research.

In a young child, you can use resistance to inspection - the force with which the child withdraws limbs.

For a child over 3 years old:

Ask the child to bend the limb and hold it with maximum effort (muscle strength is assessed as possible to straighten the bent limb);

Ask to straighten the limb and hold it with maximum effort (muscle strength is assessed if possible to bend the limb at the joint).

    Motor Skills Assessment: It is carried out taking into account the ability at a certain age to hold the head, turn, sit down, stand up, walk, run.

1 month Lying on his stomach, trying to raise and hold his head.

2 months Lying on his stomach, raises and holds his head for some time.

3 months Lies on his stomach for several minutes, resting on his forearms and holding his head high. Keeps the head upright (on the hands of an adult).

5 months - Lies on his stomach for a long time, lifting the body and resting on the palms of the straightened arms. Rolls over from back to stomach. Exactly, stable

chivo stands with the support of the armpit.

6 months - Rolls over from belly to back. Moves by rearranging the handles or creeping a little.

7 months - Creeps well

8 months - He sits down, sits and lies down. Holding on to the barrier, he himself gets up, stands and falls. Steps over, holding on to the barrier.

9 months - Moves from one object to another, slightly adhering to

behind them with handles.

10 months - Goes forward with the support of an adult.

11 months - Stands alone. Takes the first independent steps.

12 months - Walks independently (without support).

Over 12 months - He walks and runs fast.

    Conclusion on motor development: the assessment is based on the presence of motor skills appropriate to the child's age.

For normal motor development in the 1st year of life, it is customary to take the formation of skills within + 15 days from the age taken as the norm.

In conclusion, the features of muscle tone and strength (if identified) should be noted and the lag in motor skills should be indicated if the child has not developed them at the appropriate age.

Hello dear mommy! We finally met you! You are so beautiful and tender, and I am not afraid of anything with you!

I have ambitious plans for the coming year, I am going to grow from a small quivering lump into a strong, active, cheerful little one. I will crawl, run, jump, laugh out loud and call you by name. But not at once. Let me tell you everything in order. After all, the psychomotor development of a child is a whole life of 12 months!

In this article, you will learn:

I am all small and red, but this does not mean that I do not understand what I am doing. For example, when I hear a harsh sound, I flinch.

Nature has endowed me with very interesting abilities. Lying on the bed, I run, I want to run all the time, I swing my arms like a real athlete and overcome meter by meter of an imaginary treadmill.

If you lift me up and put me on my feet, I will run even faster, because I am the world's fastest runner in the first month of life!

Put me on my tummy, and you will see how I can keep my head straight and bravo for a whole few seconds! Mom, look faster, because now my head will bite its nose!

If you notice hypertonicity in my arms and legs, do not worry, this is the norm for the psychomotor development of babies in the first month of life, with time all this will pass!

If you laugh loudly in my face, show a bright toy, and move it not abruptly, then I will honor these actions with my attention and follow interesting objects with my eyes. But not to long. I'm too busy running to be distracted by all sorts of bright nonsense.

If I don't like something, be ready to hear my outraged emotional cry, because I am very good at crying loudly for any reason.

I am 2 months old

Mom, now I keep my head straight for much longer than when I was little. To seem taller and more mature, I even try to lift my breasts when you put me on my tummy. And when you hold me in your arms as a "soldier", I can even hold my head for 1-2 minutes. Spot it, mom!

I was so tired of running in the first month that now, if you grab me under your armpits and put me on my feet, I will be tightly upright and will not bend my knees!

Towards the end of the second month, my limb hypertonicity will begin to pass, I promised you!

When you hold me, watch carefully the surrounding objects, because everything that falls into my hands, you can no longer take away! I will grab your hair tightly, your scarf, and one day, when you want to wash me over a basin, I will even grab it and lift it off the floor. After all, I am not only brave, but also very strong! My grip strength is almost like that of an adult one-year-old man!

I already have a progressing psychomotor development of a baby, and I can look at objects that are at a distance of 50-70 cm from my face for a long time. I already recognize you, mommy, I look after you, I catch your smile and answer it with the first sounds. I really like the guttural sounds A, O, U. I really want to smile broadly and show everyone my toothless gums. And when I hear loud noises or see bright objects, I’m even willing to stop sucking and listen to the source of the curious phenomenon.

I am 3 months old

I can easily keep my head straight, lying on my stomach and leaning on my elbows. If I'm tired of lying on my side, I can roll over onto my back.

I am very inquisitive: I turn to any sound and know exactly the direction of its source, freeze at the sight of curious objects, and if someone smiles at me and speaks to me, I show such active joy that my whole round body begins to dance and rejoice, and the mouth breaks into a toothless smile.

When I see the source of pleasure - my mother's breast or nipple, I instantly open my mouth. Feeling the joy of what is happening, I can hum my favorite tunes and sing songs with the word "ASU" for a long time.

And with gratitude I perceive finger games, I develop fine motor skills from them, I grow more actively and get smarter before our eyes.

I am 4 months old

I now roll freely in the crib from one side to the other. Watch out Mom, I might fall out of bed! I can confidently stand on my legs with slightly bent knees, and my legs already have no hypertonicity.

Lying on my stomach, I even try to pull myself up, lean on the handles, twitch as if I’m going to crawl rapidly now. The psychomotor development of a child at 4 months already looks more like deliberate actions than a set of reflexes. I can even hold two objects simultaneously in both hands for half a minute!

Now toys interest me more consciously. After all, I learned to stretch out my hands to them! If I don’t like something, I will whine, almost like an adult, but if I’m satisfied, you will hear really happy laughing!

I am very interested in unfamiliar faces, animals, images on TV. And when I eat, I hold my mother's breast or bottle with one hand.

I am 5 months old

I'm almost an adult now! You can sit me down on pillows, and I will play with toys in peace. " I will pull them into my mouth, taste them, examine and twist them in my hands.

Strangers already confuse me and sometimes frighten me. I began to distinguish between a gentle and austere tone and resentfully curling my lips if something scared me.

I am 6 months old

I'm already sitting on my own and starting to learn to crawl! I stand on straight legs with support and even try to walk, and if I’m lying down, I’ll try to sit down!

I already know my own name and am answering it! I can eat from a spoon and drink from a saucer. After all, the psychomotor development of a child at 6 months is a whole revolution!

I am 7 months old

Now I do everything consciously! I reach for any objects and direct them where they should be: a bottle in my mouth, a toy in my mouth, a sock from my feet - also in my mouth! I can knock, jump in place, walk with support, crawl in all directions, even while sitting! From a prone position, I get on my knees, and with support I even rise on my legs! And I also learned to pronounce lip sounds: “Ma-ma-ma!”, “Pa-pa-pa!”, Which for some reason you, my parents, are especially happy about.

I am 8 months old

I am already actively moving around the arena, holding onto the sides, often falling while doing so. I love to babble, repeating the same sounds. I am very happy with my reflection in the mirror. I can drink from a mug.

I learned to imitate adults in the game: I roll cars, knock with a hammer, slap a ball. I can play good-bye, wave goodbye and hold cookies in my mouth on my own.

I am 9 months old

Now I already know a lot! My name, the name of the toys, I can find them, disassemble the pyramid, cubes, put toys in a pile. I can freely control my body: sit down, get up from any starting position. When I hear music, I immediately start dancing, and if you talk to me, then I will imitate adults and repeat syllables after them, click my tongue, clap my hands and be shy. And I am already familiar with the pot and sometimes even allow me to sit on it!

I am 10 months old

I'm already climbing the stairs and even trying to walk without support! At this age, the psychomotor development of the baby especially gives a sharp jump. I can repeat simple words after adults, call different objects with short conditional syllables, point to an object if asked about it, and even carry out various commands with great enthusiasm and joy.

I am 11 months old

I can even go on my own now! Watch out, Mom, I often fall! I climb into all the cracks, open the doors, I can climb on the furniture. Now I can put together a pyramid, answer difficult questions like, "Where are my mother's eyes, nose, mouth?" I am familiar with many objects and phenomena, and my mother and I have already given some of them our short names.

I am 12 months old

Now I eat and drink myself, help my mother dress me, sometimes I scandal with her, wanting to do everything on my own. I can play with dolls, feed them, bathe and lull them to sleep. Now I am interested in everything: a washing machine, water in the toilet, a meat grinder, knives and matches. I especially like to taste, disassemble, break, smear and scatter everything.

Now I know the names of my loved ones, the names of my body parts, I can show them. And although I do not like the word "No", but I perfectly understand its meaning.

Sweet mommy! Now you know absolutely everything about the psychomotor development of infants in the first year of life. I will strictly follow this plan, but if you notice any differences in reality, then do not be alarmed, because you cannot build your whole life according to a plan and fit into a rigid framework! The main thing is that I am healthy, active, with clean, smooth skin, a wide smile and a calm undisturbed sleep at the right time!

It is the role of every conscientious parent to observe the development of their child. In particular, it is very important to correctly assess the psychomotor skills of the child, which is not always possible even for the most attentive mothers and fathers. It's easier for those who already have children - they can compare the baby with his grown-up brothers and sisters. But those who have a first-born in the family and is growing up will have to go to the length of everything with their own “bumps” and surreptitiously observe how the familiar peers of the crumbs are developing. The article "Psychomotor development of children 1-3 years of age" will allow parents to independently check the level of psychomotor development of their baby.

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Photo gallery: Psychomotor development of children 1-3 years of age

In the psychomotor development of children 1-3 years of age, many factors are important and, naturally, age-related. After all, what for a newborn child is a manifestation of normal development, for a one-year-old baby is already an undesirable pathology. That is why the assessment of the psychomotor development of the baby is important at each separate stage. We will take for consideration a certain age group - children 1-3 years of age.

What is "psychomotor development"? This concept is quite complex and contains several important components. This is an assessment of all sensory organs (hearing, vision, tactile sensations), and determination of the level of development of the baby's motor apparatus (everything is taken into account: muscle tone, and the ability to hold the neck and roll over, walk and run, and assessment of fine motor skills of the hands). The latter is especially important, since fine motor skills are the first path to future "painstaking" work associated with the use of small objects with accuracy. In addition, the concept of "psychomotor development of a child" can also include his social sociability, contacts with loved ones, voice recognition. Here - and an assessment of how the baby communicates with peers and joins in the collective fun. All these are the leading lines of your baby's development.

Almost all parents try to ascribe to the child the mastery of those skills that he has just begun to learn. That is, if the baby has learned to hold a spoon in his hand, then mommy will tell all her friends that the baby is eating on its own! But all pediatricians and psychologists will unanimously tell you that a skill is really acquired only if the child can combine it with other, logically consistent actions. Based on this, one can say that a baby can eat himself only when he is able to hold a spoon, and scoop up its porridge from a plate and bring it all to the mouth. Otherwise, the child is only learning a particular skill.

The role of each family member in the process of the child's psychomotor development should not be underestimated, since the social factor is very important. You should surround your child with warmth and care, while giving him the communication he needs. You should gradually complicate your conversation and requests - this will harmoniously develop both the psyche and the movements of the baby. If you do not pay enough attention to the child and his development, then the processes will certainly slow down - and then it will be quite difficult to catch up with peers. After all, without communicating with the child, you are taking away from him the only tool for learning about the environment - and this can even lead to a delay in the mental development of the baby - and the lag, believe me, will only progress. It can end up very tragically - for example, dementia or social maladjustment - that is, your child simply will not be able to independently adapt to the complexities of life that awaits him.

Perhaps, the baby develops fastest in the first year of life - at this stage, according to rough estimates, every month the number of his skills is enriched with five new points. Further, all these skills are honed and new, more complex, but also more necessary for the independent life of the child are gradually acquired.

Sometimes parents, “having checked” the approximate scale for assessing the psychomotor development of a child, are happy to find that their child can do not only everything that he is supposed to be able to do at his age, but also what older children should be able to do. Yes, this happens often - babies become accelerators and are ahead of their peers in development, so parents need to be able to seize the moment and use the baby's desire to develop and learn in the right and useful direction.

But there are situations of a different plan - when you find that the child is lagging behind in development. Here it is important to determine how much and in what way the baby has fallen behind, in order to help him improve in time. After all, the reasons, in fact, can be different. For example, your baby should have started crawling by now. However, this is not yet happening to him. Why? There can be at least two reasons. The first of them is that the baby cannot crawl, because he does not know what it is and what it is eaten with, how this action is reproduced. The problem here is that the parents did not show their child how to crawl. They did not make it clear that with the help of crawling, the baby can satisfy some of his desires himself - for example, get some toy of interest to him. If you do not need much time to eliminate the first reason, then the second reason can complicate the developing process of the baby. And it consists in some kind of disease that does not allow the crumbs to crawl. For example, he may suffer from paresis of the lower extremities. The same is with any other skill - if you saw that your child does not own it, think carefully: maybe you just did not show him that you can do this? Therefore, he does not know how to put everything into practice. In any case, if you notice even an insignificant lag from the norm, it is best to show the baby to a pediatrician and a neurologist.

So, let's start describing the skills that characterize the psychomotor development of children aged one to three years.

Your child is 1 year old and 3 months old ...

At this age, babies already understand much better the speech of an adult - the most used words are already firmly associated with the objects and actions that they denote. And his personal vocabulary is growing literally every day. He should already know well the size of objects and distinguish between “large” and “small”, even if the difference in size is not very significant (up to 3 cm). In addition, the baby often repeats all the movements that he previously saw in games with relatives.

A child at the age of 1 year and 3 months walks perfectly - he loves this activity and completely forgets that you can also crawl. He can easily sit down and just as easily stand back on his feet. In addition, the baby can move back.

His skills in handling a spoon are also improving - he can independently eat a fairly thick porridge.

Your child is 1 year old and 6 months old ...

The kid learns to analyze, he is already able to divide objects into thematic groups, sort them depending on the characteristics they possess. His speech is enriched with complex words. The baby must know and recognize the basic shapes of objects: find a circle and a square, a brick. If you play something mobile, then after the game you will probably notice that the baby is actively repeating all your movements. Moving with an attached step, the child can easily and confidently step over a sufficiently high obstacle. At the age of one and a half years, the baby can control the spoon well and coordinate his movements, so it is easy to eat even liquid food himself.

Your child is 1 year and 9 months old ...

The kid loves to listen to your stories and watch thematic pictures - he perfectly understands who is talking about and how this or that character looks. After listening to the fairy tale, the baby can correctly answer false questions. Speech is developing rapidly, he can describe something in two words, using verbs. Improves the recognition of the size of objects.

At this age, the baby is likely to love cubes - after all, so many interesting things can be built from them! However, for now, he is limited to simple structures, enthusiastically building a house or gate from cubes.

If you find a wooden block 15 cm high and 20 cm wide, the child will be able to walk along it as if along a narrow path.

In addition to these skills, the baby can also put on some things, provided that an adult will help him with this.

Your child is 2 years old ...

The kid at this tender age is already smart enough. Be sure: if you told your child something from the events of the recent past in intelligible and simple words, he will understand you perfectly.

In his everyday life, you can already find not only nouns and verbs, at 2 years old pronouns and adjectives are added to the baby's speech. He himself can pose questions that clarify different characteristics of the event (for example, temporary - "when").

At your request, the baby can pick up and give you contrasting items.

The crumbs have an understanding of simple banal logic, he himself can form and carry out a certain chain of actions, justified by logical connections. Walking in alternating steps, the child can effortlessly step over a fifteen-centimeter obstacle.

Dressing is already almost entirely on the shoulders of the child, he copes with many items of clothing. He already eats very carefully, does not get dirty and does not indulge at the table (the latter, of course, completely depends on the upbringing of the baby by the parents).

At 2 years old, a child should know all parts of the body and be able to show them on dolls, himself and adults. He can also already determine that he is in pain and inform his parents about it.

Your child is 2 years and 6 months old ...

The baby's speech is becoming more understandable and complicated by applications with subordinate clauses. The questions he asks also become more complicated: they can specify the place ("where did it happen?") And the time ("when did it happen?").

You can play with your child in children's geometry, showing him various figures, in the image and likeness of which the baby should find the same objects.

A child of two and a half years old should be well versed in basic colors and be able to say which object - which color. The kid should know what white, blue, red, yellow, green and black colors look like.

Logic develops - and the baby can reproduce several actions connected in a logical sequence. For example, he knows that the doll must first be fed and then put to bed. The game of cubes is also improving, the constructions are becoming more and more complex.

Due to the good development of fine motor skills of the hands, the baby already knows how to hold a pencil well in his hand, but he is not yet able to draw any drawings.

At the age of two years and six months, the child must fully dress himself, leaving only laces and a zipper for the parents. He copes with any food without problems, eats neatly, holds the spoon correctly. Walking in alternating steps, it can overcome a twenty-centimeter obstacle.

Your child is 3 years old ...

A child's speech at the age of three is characterized by the presence of complex and complex structures. The kid is very curious, he is interested in: why something is happening, and why all this is happening. This is the so-called "why" age.

He knows the purpose of all the objects that you use in games., And knows how to use this knowledge correctly. He knows all the basic colors, he can name and show them.

At the age of three, the kid begins to be interested in role-playing games, he will gladly play forest animals that visit each other, or “mothers and daughters”, and it will not mind if you change your usual roles during the game. Game plots can be quite complex and can be supplemented with various small details.

Almost every kid at the age of three loves to draw and sculpt something from plasticine! Moreover, the results of their efforts are already beginning to be traced: pencil strokes resemble simple plots, and figures are formed from plasticine.

A three-year-old baby dresses on his own, he should no longer experience any special difficulties in tying shoelaces. If you accustomed your baby to the first requirements of etiquette, then he probably already knows how to properly use a napkin or handkerchief.

Walking in alternating or side steps, the child can cross the obstacle, the height of which is within thirty centimeters!

These are the main stages, one might even say the milestones of the psychomotor development of a child at the age of one to three years. You can independently compile a development table, enter these data into it and gradually note whether your baby's development corresponds to a certain age. However, let us remind you once again: all babies develop individually, someone succeeds in something, someone does not. And here your help is very important - pay more attention to the crumbs, follow its development in order to detect any deviations in time and eliminate them. You are an example to follow, the baby will always look up to you, so do not be lazy and be a good and correct example, teach him from an early age what will be useful to the baby in an independent life.

Another small clarification: not necessarily every child should be able to do all of the above at a certain age stage. Neuropathologists and pediatricians argue that if he owns at least five items from the lists, then he develops according to the norm. If not, then this is a reason to visit specialists and ask them for advice.

A beloved, long-awaited child for parents is not only a joy, but also a responsibility. Indeed, until the baby is able to move independently, make a choice, talk, it is mom and dad who become his support and stimulus for development. What information do adults need to know about the psychomotor development of a child in order to be able to respond in time to the difficulties that have arisen?

How to determine the normal development of an infant

The importance of the period of intrauterine development and birth is great. By the time of birth, many systems and organs are in a state of development, and they are still very far from functional maturity. For a child to survive in a new (aggressive) environment, it is necessary to provide appropriate care and conditions.

The child's adaptation to the environment and his physiological formation are assessed in the first minutes of birth on the Apgar scale (named after the name of the doctor who created it). Measurements are taken at the first, fifth and tenth minutes of life. If the indicators change upward, the fact of good adaptation of the baby to the environment is stated. The table reflects five indicators of the vitality of the newborn's body: skin color, heartbeat, reflexes, respiration, muscle tone. A score of seven to ten points implies a good, timely psychomotor development of the child in the future. If the score after the first and second measurements remains at a low level, doctors diagnose impaired development and prescribe appropriate medical support.

The stage of the birth of a child affects the formation of the entire subsequent life of a person, therefore it cannot be underestimated.

What does the term "psychomotor development" include?

Maturation of the nervous system and centers of the brain in children lasts from birth to seven years. The final physiological formation is completed by adolescence. In this regard, the heterochronism of the development of mental and physical development is noted.

In pedagogy and psychology, the phrase "psychomotor development" implies the timely formation of such characteristics as motor skills, static muscle work, sensory sensations, thinking, speech, social adaptation. To draw up a reliable picture of the child's actual development, compare his indicators with the achievements of a normally developing one-year-old. Scales of normative psychomotor development for each period of a child's life have been developed on the basis of long-term observations of doctors and teachers, based on practical research. However, very often the words of a specialist about the inconsistency of the development of the baby with the normative minimum are broken against the wall of incomprehension and protest of the parents.

Why is it important to monitor the child's psychomotor development and correct it in time:

  • and whose skills are formed on time (on a scale), one hundred percent successfully cope with learning, have a good basis for the formation of a self-sufficient personality, adapt well in the social environment;
  • if a deviation in psychomotor development occurs in all parameters downward, then in this situation, the help of specialists (often narrow-profile) is needed to align the processes, the parents themselves are not able to cope with such a problem;
  • if the baby's abilities and skills are ahead of the age norm, you should also not relax, because you need to work with talented children taking into account their individual characteristics.

Periodization of child development

The onset of crisis periods in childhood has a direct correlation with the formation of new skills, skills, maturation of the nervous system and parts of the brain. In a word, this is an abrupt restructuring of the body, which causes a certain "discomfort" in the baby, and not only for him. Parents have to go through six stages of growing up with their children:

  • newborn (adaptation to the environment);
  • crisis of one year (associated with a change in position in space, the beginning of walking);
  • crisis of three years (conditionally, this period can begin from one and a half to three years, is associated with the child's allocation of his "I");
  • the crisis of seven years (begins at six and can manifest itself up to the age of eight, is associated with the formation of verbal-logical thinking);
  • crisis of puberty (from eleven to fifteen years, has a physiological basis);
  • crisis of adolescence (begins from fifteen and can last up to eighteen years, is associated with the formation of personality).

A regularity is traced: the better the parents are ready for the manifestation of new skills in children, the more successfully the crisis stages for the pupils proceed. Of course, we must not forget that boys and girls are formed and developed "at different speeds" due to the difference in physiological nature.

The scale of normative physical and psychomotor development of children takes into account all the features of the formation of a child. In most cases, it is enough to pay a little attention to the formation of this or that skill in time, without losing sight of it, and the baby will not even remember that he faced any problems.

If the baby has a systemic retardation of psychomotor development, then half measures will not correct the situation. Usually, such a picture is observed with a serious violation of the formation of organic processes, therefore, it is practically impossible to align the development of a child without the help of specialists.

Formation of the personality of a child under three years old

For ease of use, the baby's normal development scale is placed in almost all Child Development Diaries. There are different types, forms and editions of this manual, but the essence remains the same: helping parents.

Communication, speech, thinking and self-care also take shape over time and have their own age milestones. Psychomotor development up to a year is very active, preparing the child's body for upright posture. By the age of three, the baby is already ready to communicate with the people around him. In the case of delayed psychomotor development, this effect, depending on the severity of the disorder, is observed at the age of 4-5 years.

Personal characteristics of a preschooler

From 3 to 7 years old, children actively explore the space through outdoor games, various activities and sports. Independent movement makes it possible to study space and objects of the surrounding world. It is worth noting that the level of psychomotor development of preschoolers depends not only on the abilities of children, but also on the desire of an adult to teach children. The skills and abilities acquired by the pupils at this time are more of a social nature and depend on correct teaching. The role of an adult in the formation of a child's personality is only growing.

In everyday life, the child becomes more independent, learns self-service skills (washing, dressing, cleaning up after himself, eating right). With the help of adults, he masters and learns to independently perform many physical exercises (rides a two-wheeled bicycle, plays tennis and other outdoor games that require coordination of movements). Learns to distinguish between basic sensory standards (shape, color, texture, volume, etc.), masters graphic skills. Under the condition of the norm of development, by the age of seven, the child masters the figurative side of the utterance (not only understands the figurative comparison, but also applies it independently), is able to correctly articulate all the sounds of native speech and intonationally build the utterance.

What does school readiness mean?

Having successfully passed the period of "why" and "dreamer", the child prepares to enter school. In order to study the characteristics of the psychomotor development of children, psychologists and speech therapists conduct tests, according to the results of which they recommend admission to the first grade or other educational options. Unfortunately, parents rarely listen to the recommendations of specialists, hoping to "maybe outgrow", "there is a whole summer ahead, will grow up", etc.

It’s one thing if a child’s 1-2 functions drop out, which, with proper pedagogical support, level out quite quickly. But if a child is recommended a program to compensate for delayed psychomotor development in children, then the priority is simply obvious. Again, unfortunately not for all parents.

The importance of choosing an educational route

Often, impaired psychomotor development is caused by factors such as developing deafness, blindness, dementia processes of the nervous system, severe diseases of the nervous system (for example, cerebral palsy, organic form of cerebral palsy), pedagogical neglect. In such cases, children are recommended different educational routes, which are selected by specialists in accordance with existing problems. It is worth noting that the programs are adapted to teach children with different educational needs, but parents are often unable to assess the real state of affairs, motivating their refusal with the phrase “my child is not worse than the rest”.

In fact, he is not worse or better, he just has other needs that he will not satisfy, studying according to the ordinary school curriculum. As a result, education for the child will, at best, become a real hard labor, if it does not cause an accompanying stuttering. But adults rarely think about it.

Children with special development

The first thing that special children need is that adults understand this peculiarity and make demands, taking into account the existing situation. There are no identical people, therefore, what is good for one, for another - is like death. The principle of "being like everyone else" works only to the detriment of the child. Children are all different, but they equally want to experience the joy of victory, touching something new, the unconditional love of their parents. So adults should weigh the pros and cons? deciding on the future fate of a special child.

Younger student: does he need help

Entering first grade is stressful first and foremost. Expected, controlled, dosed (to a certain extent), but still ... If in kindergarten a child felt like a fish in water, then at school the learning process comes first, so the help of adults is simply necessary. Sometimes the support and confidence of the parents in the student's success allows him to "breathe more freely."

Toddlers should be closely monitored by their parents. Between the ages of 0 and 3, many problems can be relieved with baby massage. It is difficult to find specialists of this class, but it is possible.

Problems that arise in early childhood are generally quickly corrected due to the abundance of sensitive periods in this period of life. Therefore, their decision cannot be postponed until later - it will be too late.

The choice of the educational route of the child should be based not on the requirements of the parent to the child, but on the needs of the latter in development and education.

When making any decision, remember that children count on the unconditional love of their parents.

There are no identical people, so take care of the unique world of your child.

But from the moment of birth, he already possesses a number of physiological unconditioned reflexes that ensure the process of vital activity. From the first day of life, a healthy baby sucks on the mother's breast and reaches for her at the beginning of feeding, while lying on his stomach turns his head to the side, which allows him to breathe. A newly born child can demonstrate step movements (move his legs along a support), try to crawl, orient himself with his eyes to a light source, grab a finger or an object that touches the child's palm, throws his hands around when there is an unexpected loud noise, and much more. All these reflexes usually persist for 1-3 months and then fade away.

The weakening or asymmetry of these reflexes in newborns or their preservation at the age when they should have already disappeared may indicate a pathology of the nervous system. In these cases, you should definitely consult an experienced pediatric neurologist.

In the first year of life, the child not only grows, but also develops. In order to assess the correctness and timeliness of the child's psychomotor development and take timely measures in the event of a significant developmental lag, the mother must navigate when and what her baby should be able to do.

Aged 1 month the baby, lying on his stomach, begins to raise his head for a short time, reacts to the sound, listens to what is happening around, shudders or blinks at loud sounds, begins to notice bright objects, peers into faces, smile, grabs your finger. He stretches, tries to push off with his legs and crawl. The first vague sounds appear - humming. The kid still does not know how to consciously control the arms and legs, his movements are erratic, the tone of the flexor muscles is increased.

V 2 months the child is able to keep track of moving objects with his eyes for a rather long time (20-30 seconds), turns his head to the sound, stops sucking if he is shown a bright object. He actively tries to determine the location of the sounding object, turns his head left and right, trying to find it. The kid responds to human voices. If you speak to him from outside his field of vision, he will turn his head in your direction. He smiles in response to a smile, makes throaty and cooing sounds, hums more clearly and, lying on his stomach, raises his head and holds it upright for 1-2 minutes.

V 3 months the baby, being in an upright position, confidently holds his head and controls its position, can concentrate his gaze and follow objects for 5-6 minutes, recognizes your face, clearly determines the direction of the sound and turns his head in the direction from which it is heard.

He already knows how to be an interlocutor - so far, however, not particularly talkative.

Being in the hands of an adult in an upright position, he turns his head and fixes his gaze on the face of the person who has turned to him. When feeding, the child no longer looks for the breast, but opens his mouth when it approaches.

Lying face down on a hard surface, he is usually able to raise himself with his arms bent at the elbows. Makes an attempt to turn on its side (may fall!). The movements of his hands become freer and more meaningful: he brings objects to his mouth, reaches for toys, rattles rattles, claps his hands and pulls his fingers into his mouth. Now the baby recognizes not only his mother: he smiles at his parents and acquaintances. He laughs if he is happy and screams if something is wrong.

At this age, the preparatory stage of speech development continues intensively - humming. The baby is already walking in every way and listens to music with pleasure. With each passing week, the sounds made by the child become more and more diverse - they often merge with each other, forming the simplest combinations such as "ah-ah-s" or "g-y-y", which indicates a good mood of the child ...

4 months. At this age, the child shows a pronounced positive reaction in response to a friendly address to him, which is manifested not only by careful study and smiles, but also by loud laughter. He responds to a conversation with him with cooing, walks longer, and melodious and guttural sounds appear in his "songs". The baby expresses his displeasure with a whimper and knows how to immediately distinguish his own mother from the environment. Seeing an unfamiliar face, he may be frightened or, conversely, interested.

He is able to distinguish bright colors, can confidently detect with his gaze a sound source located outside his field of view.

Most children of this age no longer just look at objects (including at a considerable distance), but also try to reach them with their hands, touch them, or even grab them. During feeding, the child confidently uses his hands - he tries to hold the mother's breast or a bottle of formula with them. Muscle work is noticeably improving, new movements appear. In an effort to reach the object that interested him, the baby turns from back to side and tries to roll over onto his stomach or crawl to the toy. Raising himself on his hands, he leans only on his palms, grabs, strokes objects. In the fourth month, he already easily lifts his head from a supine position. Leans well on the legs when supported.

Especially interesting to four-month-old babies are not adults, but children whom he studies with increased attention.

V 5 months the baby reacts differently to different people (distinguishes between "friends" and "strangers"), turns his face when hearing voices and other sounds, imitates sounds, blows bubbles, confidently rolls from back to stomach and back. The ability to examine an object at close range, to distinguish between basic colors and shapes appears. He recognizes mom, dad and those relatives who care for him. Emotions become richer and brighter. The kid reacts to the tone of speech, catches the meaning of addressing him by intonation, not understanding the words. For a long time he hums melodiously. He tries to express his attitude to the environment in various shades of babbling.

He enjoys listening to melodic music, he likes it when his mother reads him children's poems.

Now the baby keeps his head steady and straight, rolls over from his back to his stomach, sits well, holding on to something with his hands. If you take him under his armpits, he will stand almost upright, enjoying the pleasure of being upright, confidently grabbing objects with his hands and pulling them into his mouth. At 5 months old, the baby discovers a new sucking object - his legs.

6 months. Mental development proceeds at a rapid pace. This is the age of formation of emotional communication. The kid turns towards sounds and voices, knows how to laugh, whimper, cry, react to the emotions of others, imitate the sounds of speech (babble). He tries to pronounce the syllables - "mama", "ba-ba", begins to look for the disappeared objects, grabs them with one hand, picks up the dropped toy, waves it, tries to crawl. If you support him, he rises on his legs and makes the first attempts to step from one leg to another. By the age of six months, many babies are able to sit up on their own and eat from a spoon.

7 months. His movements become purposeful. For example, he knows how to shift objects from hand to hand, ask for handles, stretch out his hands to mom, dad. The kid begins to confidently unconsciously repeat the syllables: "ba-ba-ba", "ma-ma-ma", "pa-pa-pa" (without addressing anyone in particular), sits, kneels, gets on all fours, begins to crawl, walks with support. In response to the question "Where?" finds an item in a fixed location. He reaches for his image in the mirror and is surprised at it, independently picks up and pulls the dropped bottle into his mouth. At this age, he can already be taught to drink from a cup.

8 months. The kid begins to understand the word "no", utters syllables together, making sounds that resemble words, smiles at his reflection, looks for objects, is surprised at the sight of something new, loves clockwork toys, balls, which he actively crawls after. He himself sits down and sits without support, gets up from a prone position and stands, holding on with one hand, and with support tries to walk. He learns to play "okay" - he tries to clap his hands. Crawling to the support (the edge of the arena or the wall), the child tries to stand up, falls down and tries again. Some children are already quite well supported. Many crawl so fast that it is difficult to catch up with them.

TO 9 months the child already knows his name and turns his face to the one who is calling him, begins to grasp not only the intonation, but also the meaning of individual words: “give”, “on”, “drop”, “get on the hands”, etc., learns gestures , for example, shakes his head, trying to explain what he does not want, waves his pen at parting. At the age of 8-9 months, the baby begins to feel anxious about parting with the mother. Sometimes he pronounces words-designations: "kis-kis" (cat), "av-av-av" (dog), "bi-bi" (car).

He prefers to play with toys while sitting, making turns with his body, sits down and gets up from any position, watches the falling objects with his eyes, looks for them himself and can collect them, grabbing with the whole brush. He makes attempts to stand on his own and walk with support (for example, holding the back of a chair and moving it forward), he can already step over with support for one or both hands.

V 10 months the baby rises without support and stands for several seconds, makes attempts to move, holding on to a movable support or mother's hand and shifting from foot to foot. He learns to imitate the movements of adults, opens and closes doors, picks up small objects with two fingers. The kid calls the objects separate, but the same simplified words or syllables. Now he knows how to fulfill simple requirements and understands the prohibition. At the request of "Give" he gives a familiar object, plays with okay.

11-12 months. Deliberately pronounces the first word (in addition to "dad" and "mom"). At the end of the first year of life, the baby can already put one object on top of another, squats without support, bends down without squatting to lift something, walks well, holding one hand, takes the first steps himself. He knows the names of many things, understands the word "no", distinguishes between parts of the body, fulfills requirements, utters individual words. He recognizes acquaintances in the photograph, enjoys imitating the actions of other people.

On the second year life, the baby walks independently, starts to run, first rises and then descends the stairs, holding on to the railing with one hand, he can take off something from his clothes. He learns to draw, examines pictures, is interested in the society of his peers, obeys the requirements of adults. He knows and shows where the nose and eyes are, distinguishes between the verbal designations of loved ones: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather. His vocabulary is constantly expanding, but it should be noted that the age at which a child begins to speak can be different.

At 15 months of age, most babies name 4-6 objects correctly when pointed at. By the age of two, they use up to 50 words and begin to build two-word sentences. But sometimes perfectly healthy children under 18 months of age, or even later, may not utter words at all. In the future, they quickly catch up and, like most of their peers, by the age of 2 are able to pronounce a sentence of several words. Boys lag behind somewhat in motor development and, in comparison with girls, begin to sit, walk, and talk a little later.