Hair gets tangled, why and what to do? What to do if your hair gets tangled Why does the hair on a girl’s head get tangled?

Owners of long locks often find their hair very tangled. This problem is especially acute when combing after washing your hair, or when styling. It can be solved in various ways: for example, in a beauty salon or with the help of special care and regularly using folk remedies.

For what reasons does hair get tangled?

The main reason why hair becomes very tangled is most often due to dryness or damage. And this, in turn, can be caused by factors such as:

  • poor nutrition and lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • perm or dyeing;
  • frequent use of a hair dryer, curling iron or straightening iron;
  • dry scalp;
  • some diseases;
  • stress, anxiety;
  • lack of sleep and chronic fatigue.

Basics of proper care

If your hair gets very tangled, make it a habit to use a conditioner every time you wash your hair. Try to match it to your hair type. Today there are many cosmetic developments created specifically for the care of long hair, making it easier to comb.

To prevent your hair from getting tangled, pay attention to shampoos, conditioners and masks with keratin.

This component is the structural basis of the hair shell and is the key to its elasticity and integrity, so products with keratin are ideal if the strands are very tangled and, even worse, damaged and weakened.

Don’t forget to make special smoothing masks every week: there are ready-made cosmetic products for this purpose (most of them contain keratin), or you can use homemade recipes, which will be discussed a little further.

Try to trim split ends in a timely manner and use products to strengthen them. An important factor is what kind of comb you use: if it is made of plastic or metal, throw it away as soon as possible and buy a comfortable, high-quality comb made of wood or silicone instead.

Home Recipes

To prevent your hair from getting tangled, it is useful to regularly do body wraps based on cosmetic oils. To do this, you need to take slightly heated oil and apply it from the roots along the entire length of the strands. Then wrap your head in plastic and a towel for 25-30 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with shampoo and conditioner. The following oils are best suited for oil wraps:

  • burdock;
  • olive;
  • wheat germ;
  • almond;
  • castor; coconut.

But oils can be used not only separately, but also in combination with other natural products. For example, to make your hair manageable, try making a mask of olive oil and egg yolk a couple of times a week, applying it for half an hour.

If your hair is very tangled, then using a product with gelatin is a good option.

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of cold water, after 25-30 minutes, dissolve it in a water bath and add 2-3 tablespoons of any base oil. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair along its entire length and leave for 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair with cool water and shampoo.

An acidic rinse, for example, with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, works very well on hair. You can do this every time after washing your hair. In addition, in order to make hair more elastic and manageable, you can use folk remedies such as linden blossom infusion or chamomile decoction for rinsing.

And every week it is useful to make a mask from herbal bread; to prepare it, pour 200-300 g of rye crumb with 200 ml of a decoction of nettle, chamomile and plantain leaves, let stand for 20 minutes and apply to the head.

Salon methods

You can make your curls smooth and manageable in a beauty salon: today, procedures have been created specifically for damaged hair, the action of which is aimed at restoring its structure.

Lamination is smoothing with special means, as a result of which the strands become smooth, shiny, dense. The effect lasts for a certain time, but after a few weeks the procedure must be repeated.

Keratin straightening is another innovation that you can use in the salon if your strands are damaged, unruly and very tangled. Products intended for keratin straightening can be purchased at any professional store and you can do everything yourself, but it is better to leave it in the hands of professionals.

To prevent hair from tangling, many resort to so-called cauterization, or hair treatment with a special composition of minerals and proteins, which is aimed at deep restoration of each hair.

And finally, shielding, which consists of applying a product containing amino acids and soy proteins to the curls, can also solve the problem of dry and damaged hair.

So, now it is clear that weakened hair with a damaged structure is most often very tangled, so to eliminate this phenomenon, take care of your strands, protect them, make all kinds of masks and prevent the appearance of split ends.

If your hair is tangled and difficult to comb, you need to provide it with additional care. As a rule, this is due to splitting of the ends, thinness of the curls, and also their dehydration. But in order to get rid of this problem, you must first find the culprits who provoked its occurrence. In this article we will learn the causes of hair tangling, as well as ways to eliminate this problem.

Why do my curls start to get tangled?

As a rule, owners of long strands face this problem. Moreover, tangles form not only after washing your hair, but also in the process of wearing loose hairstyles. In fact, there are quite a few reasons for tangling strands. The appearance of tangles indicates dry hair, its thinness and roughness, which occurs due to the detachment of keratin scales from the surface of the hairs.

If in the process of combing your hair you constantly “bump into” clumps of tangled hair, you need to provide them with proper care. But first of all, it is worth finding out the reason for the appearance of tangles in the hair.

The main factors that negatively affect the condition of hair include:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • frequent use of hair dryer and straightener;
  • cold and dry air;
  • poor quality care products;
  • chlorinated hard water;
  • regular coloring;
  • perm;
  • constant stress;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse).

If you find reasons in the list that could cause a problem in your particular case, try to eliminate it. Otherwise, you will have to struggle with tangles in your hair throughout your life.

Hair care rules

What should you do if your hair gets very tangled?

Before using special mixtures to improve the health of your hair, you need to ensure proper daily care of your strands, which includes the following rules:

  • Choosing a comb. Do not buy brushes with metal bristles, they damage your curls and worsen their condition. It is best to give preference to silicone brushes, as well as wooden combs with non-sharp teeth;
  • Drying hair. You should not use a hair dryer every day, as hot air dries out your strands. Allow your hair to dry on its own;
  • Washing head. If hair gets very tangled, this indicates the presence of hair roughness, which occurs due to delamination. Frequent hair washing leads to washing away natural oils, which protects curls from dehydration and split ends.

In addition, for tangled hair, it is advisable to use special conditioners and rinses that will “smooth” the exfoliating keratin scales.

Thanks to this, the hairs will become smoother, and combing your hair will not be such a problem for you.

Homemade cosmetics in the fight against tangles

What can you do to stop your hair from getting tangled?

Folk recipes for making masks will help you cope with the problem. Blends made from natural ingredients will make your locks smoother, healthier and shinier.

Among the variety of restorative masks, the following are considered the most effective:

  • Curdled milk mixture. Mix 5 tbsp. l. curdled milk with 1 egg yolk and apply the product to damaged strands. Then wrap your head with film and a towel. After 40 minutes, wash your strands with warm water;
  • Oil mask. Mix 3 tbsp. l. castor, burdock and argan oil. Heat the emulsion in a water bath and apply to curls. After an hour, rinse your hair with shampoo;
  • Kefir mask. Mix 50 ml of fat kefir with 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and 1 tsp. vinegar. Distribute the mixture over the strands and wrap your head with a towel. After 20 minutes, wash your curls with shampoo. By using the mask twice a week you can make your curls silkier and stronger;
  • Glycerin mixture. Combine 4 tbsp. l. burdock oil with a small amount of glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 1 egg yolk. Heat the mixture slightly in a water bath and distribute evenly over the strands. After 50 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water, but without using shampoo.

To prevent your curls from getting tangled, you can use special rinses that will make your hair smoother and silkier:

  • "Sour" rinse aid. Dilute 100 ml of lemon juice or table vinegar in 1 liter of warm water and rinse your curls with the prepared solution. You can use the rinse aid no more than once every 2-3 days;
  • Essential rinse. Add 4 drops of rosemary or lavender essential oil to 1 liter of water and condition your hair. Alternatively, you can use cedar or geranium ether. Use the mouthwash no more than 2-3 times a week.

Using oils for tangled curls

To prevent your hair from getting tangled, you can use an oil wrap every few days. In order for the oil emulsion to be better absorbed into the hairs, it is advisable to heat the oil a little in a water bath.

After oiling the curls, wrap the head with film and a towel and wash off the oil after about 50-60 minutes. Since cosmetic oil is almost insoluble in water, it is advisable to wash your curls with shampoo.

What types of oils should I use for wrapping?

  • Almond and castor;
  • Burdock and coconut;
  • Wheat germ and olive.

In addition, the above oils can be used in combination with other beneficial ingredients, such as egg yolk or herbal esters. Thanks to such components, even after the first wrap, the strands will become smoother and more manageable.

It is not always possible to comb your hair quickly, especially if you have to carefully, overcoming pain, deal with tangled hair. What girls and women have gone through when faced with this problem, but its solution lies not so much in the selection of means of control, but in measures to prevent tangled hair.

Why does my hair get tangled?

The answer to this question lies in many reasons, which in turn are based not only on external factors, but also on the internal processes of the body. The main reason is a violation of the structure of the hair itself, displacement of soft keratin scales and disruption of follicle nutrition.

1. Unbalanced diet, lack of vitamins, seasonal vitamin deficiency. In all three cases, we are talking about a deficiency of nutrients necessary to maintain hair strength and moisture. In particular, problems with persistent tangling may be associated with a lack of vitamins B, A and E.

2. Frequent dyeing, use of low-quality dyes. This dries out the hair structure, causing problems such as split ends and detachment of keratin scales, resulting in increased static and thinness.

3. Perm, regular drying with a hot hairdryer, use of hot irons and other styling products that expose hair to high temperatures and chemicals. With untimely care aimed at eliminating the negative consequences of styling, you begin to encounter problems such as thinness, the appearance of “springs” and split ends - the hairstyle does not hold its shape, loses its volume, looks untidy, dull.

4. Incorrect care - the use of shampoos that are not suitable for your scalp type, as well as the lack of additional care measures aimed at strengthening and moisturizing the hair.

5. Frequent contact with salty and highly chlorinated water. For example, when swimming without a cap in the pool, the hair becomes dull, lifeless, and difficult to comb.

6. Being under the active sun without a hat, in the absence of additional measures for protection and hydration, leads to fading of the natural pigment, increased dryness and brittleness of the shaft. This in turn is also one of the main causes of tangling.

In some cases, the problem of tangles is associated with genetic features of the structure of the hair and its location on the head.

What to do if your hair gets tangled

The main problem with tangled hair is dryness. To avoid deterioration of dry hair, you should take care of proper care. To do this, you need to follow a number of simple recommendations:

1. Do not use soap to wash your hair - dry hair will become even drier, begin to break and tangle even more actively.

2. Regularly use moisturizing masks, which will help increase the elasticity of the hair shaft and the elasticity of the scalp, which holds the follicle. In addition, it is well-moisturized hair that does not have problems with tangles, unkempt appearance and electrification.

3. To combat split ends and tighten keratin scales, use oil wraps and fragrant hair combs. For the first, you can take olive, tea rose, wheat germ, jojoba, walnut, burdock, and flax oils. For the second - essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, aloe, rose, ylang-ylang, lemon balm. They will make hair more manageable, strengthen it, and restore natural shine and moisture.

4. Be careful when styling dry hair. They survive contact with hot surfaces very hard, so it is better to dry your hair after washing with a slightly warm stream, and do your hair using soft styling products.

5. If you have dry hair that gets tangled all the time, stop coloring for a while and start restoring your hair. Neglecting this process can lead to partial loss of healthy follicles, which means the parting will expand significantly.

6. Take advantage of the gifts of civilization - visit the salon. Treatments such as keratin straightening and “sealing” nutritional composition into the hair will help restore moisture, strength, and cope with the problem of tangles.

If you suffer from an oily scalp, your hair becomes tangled, looks lifeless, dull, frizzy and frizzy, then the main attention should be paid to cleansing and moisturizing. For this purpose, exfoliate the scalp using light oils and sea salt. This will lighten the hair, give it additional nutrition by accelerating blood circulation in the epidermal tissues, and increase volume, which is not typical for oily hair.

For active hydration in this case, use masks with avocado, blue and green clay, jojoba and rose oils, cucumber juice and aloe vera.

Emergency measures against tangled hair

There are two types of emergency measures against tangled hair. The first is to visit a beauty salon. Emergency hydration and restoration procedures will take a little time, but will bring almost instant results. In the morning to the salon - in the evening for an appointment! But, unfortunately, this option is not suitable for everyone due to the fairly high cost of such methods of combating confusion.

Then you have to turn to simpler, but no less effective means that are available to a larger circle of people.

1. Balm and conditioner. If you need to quickly moisturize your hair and comb it, wet your hair and apply a small amount of conditioner, rinse thoroughly, remove excess moisture with a towel, but do not tousle your hair, but gently apply it to the terry cloth, pressing lightly with your hands. After this, immediately comb your hair with a comb with large, wide teeth. If possible, it is better to do without a hairdryer. If not, turn on medium heat and continue brushing your hair with the same brush while styling. Do not dry them completely, leaving them slightly damp. When they dry on their own, you can create a full hairstyle.

2. In case of slight tangling, it is enough to rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile, lemon balm, sage or nettle. Nutrients from the water will thicken the keratin scales and help keep the shaft moisturized.

3. Simple hair masks with a moisturizing and nourishing effect will also be an emergency remedy against hair tangling. You can use this mask immediately before washing your hair or only in those moments when your hair suddenly becomes very tangled. Then you need to moisturize them, apply a mask, wait the required time and rinse. This will help restore the elasticity of your hair, and you will be able to comb your hair with peace of mind.

4. In those moments when you cannot contact water, are at a meeting or are walking, you can use dry conditioner. As a rule, this product is sold in the form of a spray and is easily applied to the head, improving the flexibility of the hair. The use of this product is especially important for girls with long braids. Similar to this product, there is another one - phyto-balms in the form of a spray, which contain natural essential and base oils. They lie on the hair with a light haze, allowing you to deal with tangled areas and preventing damage to the hair itself.

5. If you find that the hair has curled into a ball, before cutting it off, try treating the area with any vegetable oil and carefully separate it with a long, thin-toothed comb.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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Owners of voluminous and long hair are constantly faced with the problem of tangling their curls. This happens not only because the strands are long, but because the hair is curly.

Small and large curls mix with each other at the slightest breath of wind.

To prevent this problem, you should pay attention to the reasons for tangling strands. The use of folk remedies will also help restore your hair to a smooth, shiny appearance.

Causes of tangled hair

Hair often gets tangled when combing in the morning: after touching the pillow and when turning during sleep, long strands tend to change their position. The situation gets worse if the ends become brittle, dry and lifeless.

To solve this issue, let’s look at the main causes of the problem:

  1. a lack of vitamins, useful microelements that can keep curls healthy.
  2. Treatment strands using chemical agents and electronic thermal tools: perming, curling with a curling iron, using a straightening iron.
  3. Usage low-quality, cheap cosmetics, such as ammonia-based hair dye.
  4. Excessive Using a hair dryer – hair becomes thin and gradually falls out.
  5. Non-compliance Hair washing hygiene - use of chlorinated tap water.
  6. Frequent depression poor lifestyle, lack of proper nutrition.
  7. Impact on the hair shaft at different temperatures - refusal to wear a hat in the summer, constant presence near heaters in the winter.
  8. Usage aggressive detergent compositions - shampoos based on alkalis, which weaken the structure of the strand.

All of these reasons are prerequisites for permanent hair tangling. They become dry and lose natural moisture.

In addition, dry and dehydrated strands are naturally prone to tangling.

What can be done about tangles?

Strands that have not been untangled for a long time turn into tangles. It is difficult to deal with such a problem, because independently separating curls often does not bring the expected result.

Note! A common cause of the formation of mats on the head is internal problems in the body.

In addition, if you do not comb your hair at night, the result in the morning will be disastrous.

To get rid of tangles yourself at home, it is recommended to follow some simple rules:

Rule Description
Moisturizing, nutrition Competent selection of shampoos and natural-based detergents is a confident step towards solving the problem
Using a balm or conditioner After washing your curls, be sure to use the following products - they will help comb your hair faster
Proper untangling of tangles This must be done with your fingers, moving from bottom to top. Tangles are easier to remove in the shower
Braiding hair at night If tangles are a common problem, it is better to braid your hair at night. This recommendation is relevant for curly hair.
Choosing the right comb Give preference to combs made from natural materials - they should have sparse, long teeth
Laying features While creating your hairstyle, periodically change the location of the hairpins.

Folk remedies

For decades, natural oils have been the optimal means to combat tangled hair.

The use of these components will not only eliminate the problem, but will additionally strengthen the structure of the hair shaft and hair follicle.

  1. For 1 teaspoon olive oil, take 2 egg yolks and beat the mixture well. You also need to add lemon juice here.

    The resulting mixture is applied to wet strands for 30 minutes, the head is wrapped in a terry towel. After time has passed, the mask is washed off.

    Instead of olive oil, castor, burdock, almond, jojoba, and wheat germ are also used.

  2. Rinsing strands salted water. This recipe has been familiar to many since childhood. For 1 liter of water use 2 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice.

    After washing your hair with shampoo, use this mixture to rinse your curls.

Such recipes will be relevant if your hair is difficult to comb or breaks.

Important! When combing and rinsing, special attention should be paid to the area behind the head at the back of the head. The hair gets tangled there more than anywhere else.


Popular superstitions claim that frequent tangling of hair is characteristic of those people who have constant confusion in their heads.

A person cannot cope with his own thoughts, which greatly affects the condition of his hair.

Most sources claim that the characteristic tangle of healthy hair is the result of damage to a person.

In such cases, magic specialists set fire to the strand - if it burns quickly, then it is urgent to put protection.

But there are other signs:

  1. In ancient times tangled hair meant the imposition of a curse from the strongest witch.
  2. Tangled Strands- a symbol of the influence of the brownie, who is trying to warn the owners of the home about impending changes.
  3. Confusion hair in knots indicates a love spell or conspiracy: someone is trying with all his might to influence a person’s fate.
  4. If the problem observed in the back of the head - the evil eye is present.
  5. Another one The cause of nodules on the back of the head is the spread of malicious gossip about a person.

To trust signs or not is an individual decision for each person. Try to monitor the condition of your hair, nourish and moisturize your curls.

Then they will acquire a healthy shiny appearance and will never get tangled.

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I use leave-in hair oils. For me, better conditioners, frequent combing, drying without a hairdryer, black magic, unicorn horn pollen, etc. help if fine hair gets tangled.

Why does my hair get tangled? To begin with, it was necessary to clarify that you have curly hair, which, in principle, is often tangled due to its structure. Actually, care is recommended “for curly hair” - try lotions and creams for curls, which help the hair style into beautiful individual curls. Use your comb less and use your hands more. If your hair is already in complete trouble, then it is better, of course, to cut off a little length. In general, keratin is usually very recommended if the hair has become tangled; it becomes much easier to care for such hair, I know from friends and myself. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you the names of the means.

This oil and frequent combing of the head helps. I went outside, got to the stop, and combed my hair, if my hair gets tangled after washing. And so on at every opportunity.

Tangle teaser or a cheap clone of it, gather your hair in the wind, a mask with hemp oil from Next, there’s nothing useful there, mineral oil is mainly in the composition, but it smoothes out with a bang.

My hair grows to a certain length and begins to get terribly tangled, especially the ends of my hair, which no amount of oil helps, just cutting it. I used to be upset, but now I understand that it’s better to have hair five centimeters shorter than this horror.

Hair creams solve the problem when hair is constantly tangled. Also try leave-in conditioners, and a tip from a curly-haired person. Do not rub your hair with a towel, but blot it with a uniform cloth such as a pillowcase or T-shirt, and comb your hair only when it is in conditioner. You also have curly hair, which means it’s dry, it lacks moisture, choose a hair cream based on glycerin, it will retain water and your hair will look much better.

My hair is very tangled, what should I do? In any situation where there is a risk of tangling, it is better to collect the hair. Constantly use conditioners, masks, leave-in washes, it is possible to change the shampoo to a less intense one. Be sure to sleep only with a braid. A comb - with natural bristles or a tangle, I don’t know about constantly scratching, anyway, when scratching the hair is a little damaged, as for me, and the damaged ones get tangled much more.
In extreme cases, when the hair on the back of the head gets tangled, I know a girl who simply completely shaved off the strands on the back of her head, now nothing gets tangled, but the mop remains. But what helped me personally was changing my care to a more nutritious one, now the Kensuko restoring series and the Kharisma Voltage mask like this, and sleeping with a braid.
I know there are also special sprays for easy combing.

Of course, you need a spray for easy combing! At one time I couldn’t live without him at all. If your hair gets tangled quickly, sleep with a braid. Well, masks, balms, conditioners, where would we be without them? On my own behalf, I can recommend keeping them on your hair longer - 15-20 minutes.

Protective hairstyles! Use a comb only before and after washing if the ends of your hair get tangled. And in between, just use leave-in brushes to break up the tangles.

Tell me, please, creams, if it’s not difficult, my hair is dry and tangled!

Davines, for example, or morocanoil. But my heart is forever given to the devacurl brand, there are products for wavy hair, curly hair, and afro hair.

Leave-in conditioner (spray) + oil for ends on slightly dry hair, and comb with a brush like Tangle Teaser (or the same meaning) - this is the only way I can comb my mane. Because of the oil, they don’t get so tangled during the day, I comb them at least 2 times a day - morning and evening (yes, there are tangles in the evening, but this type of rubber comb makes it easier to deal with them). When washing, always use conditioner (rinse-off, then leave-in)! Without it, it's a total mess. Or better yet, a mask + him. I have this comb.

And now, to avoid confusion, I always use a balm when washing, I use Estelle for daily use, after washing I use leave-in oil, I use Elsev. Everything is like everyone else, in general.
And I really love this mask from Estelle. I apply it along the entire length, with a shower cap on top, then I heat a regular cap with a hairdryer, and onto my hair. I walk like this for at least an hour. Very cool thing. My hair looks great after using it! And if you also add HEC to it, there are no words.

When the hair is difficult to comb and gets tangled. After washing, I can easily comb my dyed blonde hair with my fingers after this treatment: two-phase from LakMe and Loreal Mythic Oil. Well, I never tire of recommending it - get Botox for your hair, from a tangled washcloth my hair has become a shiny canvas in a year (with proper care, of course).

What do you recommend if artificial hair extensions get tangled?

Leave-in washes like Kapous and tangle teaser. But it’s better to just cut your hair shorter if your hair gets tangled and falls out.

Try hair polishing. The length will not be removed, but the split ends will be cut off. Helped me a lot with tangles!

I also dye my hair blonde, and my hair somehow started to turn brown. The master said that bleached hair should not be smeared with oils. And Botox is, yes, an amazing thing.

I have a warm wheat blonde, so I didn’t notice any changes in color.

This product helps me with tangled hair. I apply burdock oil to the ends, after rinsing off the result is already visible, they become smoother and comb much easier. Trim the ends at least once a month, they will begin to grow faster, and the “tow” will quickly disappear.