The power of female love. The energy force of women is the whole truth

Indents around the form

Let's discuss an interesting question: what is the true strength of a woman? In previous articles, we have already sufficiently discussed many important points regarding the characteristics of female behavior and female character, trying to figure out the main thing: how a woman should behave and what she should give up in order to become happy, and to make those happy whom she loves.

In ancient times, it was customary to treat a woman with special respect and reverence. Men were ready to carry their women in their arms and protect them from the slightest hardships of life. But is a woman really so weak that she absolutely cannot stand up for herself and solve her problems on her own? And is it necessary to take care of a woman like a small child?

In fact, women are not as helpless and defenseless as they seem. Each woman has a special secret power, with the help of which she, when she wants, can acquire simply fantastic power over men and over circumstances. Both women and men, who more than once experience the power of female charms, are well aware of this feminine power. But at the same time, women should try not to squander the power given to them by nature, but to protect and save it for especially important life events.

What kind of power does a woman have? What is it?

1. A considerable part of a woman's strength lies in her purity and chastity - so it was believed from ancient times.
Moreover, the chastity of a woman is not only about marrying a virgin. And above all, in loving your husband, in order to be faithful to him not only in body, but also in soul. A woman who knows for sure: her husband is the best, will never cheat on him and will not destroy her family.

Therefore, a chaste woman is a huge find for any man. Such a woman evokes involuntary respect both from her husband and from the people around her, since she is the real keeper of her home and family well-being.

2. Feminine strength, as paradoxical as it may sound, is also contained in female obedience.
A wise woman can easily get almost anything she wants from her husband, without ultimatums and power struggles. For if a man is satisfied with the way his woman behaves with him, he himself will try to guess and fulfill her every desire. You won't even have to ask him about it!

Showing submissiveness and obedience, a woman voluntarily transfers leadership in a relationship to a man, and he has no choice but to start behaving like a man - to take upon himself the solution of basic family problems, to protect and preserve her woman, to perform feats for her sake.

Only next to a submissive woman can a man feel like a real man and fully manifest all his best masculine qualities. And therefore, a submissive woman, as it were, stimulates a man to a variety of life achievements and accomplishments. And a woman will certainly receive a worthy reward for her obedience - everything that a man will achieve, he will put at the feet of the one who inspired him to exploits.

3. And the strength of a woman is in her flexibility.
A flexible willow bends under the force of the wind, but does not break, in contrast to the age-old oak, which does not bend at all, and therefore a strong wind can uproot it. This is how a woman is: bending under her husband and under the circumstances, the woman, thanks to this, better adapts to them. Flexibility allows a woman a lot: to maintain peaceful relations in the family, to withstand life's difficulties, to deftly get out of various difficult and confusing situations.

4. A very great power lies in the peacefulness of a woman.
A peaceful woman does not like quarrels and conflicts and is always determined to resolve any issues peacefully. For the sake of peace and tranquility in the family, a woman is ready for a lot - to endure, forgive, smooth over sharp corners, act as a peacemaker in the event of conflicts between loved ones.

Everyone is drawn to a peaceful woman, running for help and advice, and just for sympathy - husband, children, girlfriends, relatives and colleagues. And therefore, such a woman is always and everywhere accepted with pleasure, appreciated and respected.

5. Feminine fluidity is an important element of feminine strength.
The nature of a woman is similar to the nature of the water element - she is just as deep and malleable and can also sweep everything in her path in the event of a storm.

Sometimes fantastic forces awaken in a weak woman. And a woman becomes especially strong when something threatens the happiness or health of her loved ones. If a woman's beloved husband or child is in danger, she is capable of stopping a galloping horse, entering a burning hut, and much more.

When everything is calm in a woman's life, when nothing threatens her close and dear people, she becomes no longer like a raging ocean, but like a quiet, calm, full-flowing river. In principle, calmness and serenity are the natural everyday state of a woman. Affectionate, gentle, meek and caring, and not like a raging element, her close and dear people prefer to see a woman.

6. "The strength of a woman is in her weakness" - this winged saying is familiar to all of us.
In the same way that women like strong men, men tend to reach for weak and fragile women. When a man sees a weak, fragile and gentle creature in front of him, so in need of his help and protection, his masculine nature wakes up in him - he feels like a real knight, ready to move any mountains for the sake of a beautiful lady. Wise women know about such a strong effect of female weakness on men, and skillfully use it.

7. But the main strength of a woman is her happiness.
When a woman loves and is loved, she literally radiates happiness, like the sun radiates light and warmth. And with this warmth of her soul, a happy woman warms all close people who are drawn to her, because in her presence they also begin to feel more joyful and happy. And what is most important: a happy woman, like a magnet, attracts all the best that life can give us - and she becomes even happier!

As you can see, female power, although fundamentally different from male power, does not become less effective from this. It's just that masculine power is coarser, more obvious, while feminine power is imperceptible, refined and mysterious.

And the sources of strength for women and men are different. A man needs dumbbells and exercise machines to develop his strength. A woman can feel and reveal her feminine strength only if she works on herself and if she unconditionally accepts her weakness, her fragility and her femininity.

A woman striving to become strong as a masculine type, relying on her punchy abilities, efficiency and toughness, putting her career and money above her family, will still never equal men, but she irrevocably loses her feminine strength.

Wise women are well aware that going against their nature is sinful and senseless, and therefore they never try to adjust the world around them and their beloved husband to themselves with the help of open force pressure. But they are perfectly able to use their feminine power and, with its help, achieve everything that the soul asks for.

Male and female strength are different primarily because men and women themselves are very different from each other. But if a man and a woman were the same, they would not be able to complement each other so harmoniously and form happy and strong couples with each other! A man and a woman are like the polar poles of a magnet, which, the more polar, the more they are attracted to each other.

A man's strength lies primarily in his masculinity, while a woman's strength lies in femininity. Consequently, the more developed in a woman her purely female character traits - softness, tenderness, compliance, kindness, caring - the more feminine strength in this woman.

Unfortunately, in modern society, women are becoming more like men, trying to catch up and overtake them in the race for success. But if you look closely at these seemingly successful business women, you will notice how few truly happy women are among them. And a woman can be happy only when she has a loving husband and healthy, cheerful children, not deprived of maternal care!

Therefore, dear women, if you really want to be happy, then nothing prevents you from fighting for your happiness and achieving it. But at the same time, it is very important that you try to achieve your happiness with the right methods, using your feminine power, which nature originally endowed you with. Only in this case, the happiness you have achieved can be long-lasting and lasting! Indents around the form

Strong Women have always lived, they were listened to, they were worshiped. They boldly led men who felt not only a strong spirit, but also determination, striving and independence.

Every Woman has such a strength. Men are used to calling us "the weaker sex", "gentle creature", but when it comes to promoting their own goals, protecting their child or preserving family well-being, an affectionate kitty becomes a tigress who is able to show the whole world the true purpose of a Woman.

So what is our main strength? When do these inconceivable qualities manifest, which sleep until a certain moment in each of us? Let's talk about this in.


Agree, without a "hearth", there is no family warmth, comfort, harmony and warm relations.

Love and peace, a woman-mother-wife can keep in a family. Children, in a full-fledged family, are happy, the husband feels like a protector, a breadwinner for his "pack". But everything is lost when the “hearth” does not warm up in the family.

An intelligent, calm, loving woman will always extinguish the family conflict in the bud, warm everyone, caress and create the necessary harmonious atmosphere in the family.

Happiness is when there is someone to wish Good morning, Good night ... And just know that they are waiting for you and you have much to hurry.


To love your husband, value him as a Personality, praise, guide, give good advice, support in difficult times - this is Love.

When there is peace and harmony in the family, no spouse will look at the other, for comparison. If this happens, then he will definitely understand what treasure awaits him at home.

  • "A wise wife will build her house, and a foolish one will destroy it." (parable of Solomon)


Yes, every Woman is capable of controlling a man, getting what she wants without war, hysterics and swearing. It is worth showing how much we believe in our men. When men are confident in us, as in a submissive, obedient and faithful companion, the whole world is at our feet.

Making it clear that the main thing in the family is the Husband, that he is the head, the ruler, the king, in the end, then, believe me, there will immediately appear a place for the queen next to him. Only when a man receives the necessary support, care and, most importantly, the opportunity to show his masculine qualities of a leader, a woman is left with no less great things to direct her master in the direction she needs.

  • The husband is the head, the wife is the neck.
  • Where the neck turns, the head will look there.
  • If you want a smart head, learn how to turn it correctly, in the direction you need.

Female weakness

Men value their strength so much that sometimes they have to demonstrate it next to a weak Woman. Therefore, it is so important to demonstrate to each man in time his masculinity, determination, strength and power. A weak, light and airy Woman will help to do this.

You should not press on pity with constant sniffling, and remind you of helplessness. You can ask correctly once, pointing out the dignity of a man.

Before the strength of a true man, female weakness takes on special sophistication and beauty.

As she is

Being yourself, not playing and not wearing different masks, is important for each of us. Someday the mask will fall off, and this will not be the most appropriate hour. The main thing is to learn to live by your own rules. To pretend to be another person means to live a different life.

Feminine power is hard work on oneself. Defenseless, timid and a little shy, at the same time strong in spirit, wise and loyal: why not an Ideal Woman!

Ideal - for everyone it has its own concept. Striving for your ideals is the meaning of life. Look into the future, go to your goals, value and respect someone else's opinion, then Fate will bestow its blessings!

Nature has given us everything we need for feminine strength to make plans come true. The main thing is that she gave us Men who are so strong, self-confident and eager for female love and affection. But what can they do without a wise and weak Woman?

Be sure to read the beautiful words of a loving and very strong Woman

I will tie your life

From fluffy mohair threads

I will tie your life

I won't lie a single loop

I will tie your life

Where a pattern across the field of prayer,

Wishes for happiness

In the rays of true love

I will tie your life

From a merry melange yarn

I will tie your life

And then I will give it from the bottom of my heart.

Where do I get the thread?

I will never confess to anyone.

To bind your life

I secretly dissolve mine.

(Valentina Belyaeva)

Femininity is an incredible source of feminine strength, a value given by nature. A quality that emerged not as a counterbalance to courage, but as an ideal complement to it.

What is femininity expressed

It is expressed in kindness, tenderness, developed empathy (the ability to empathize and the ability to put oneself in the place of another person), sensitivity, affection, love for oneself and loved ones. All this is combined with self-respect, the ability to say "no", to value oneself, not to allow the use of one's kindness. You need to take care of yourself, and you need to develop your talents so as not to destroy the female energy.
Men mirror everything that happens inside the woman. A woman who is not sure of her attractiveness will be compared to others by men. If she is afraid of losing, they cheat on her. If inside her a woman fights with a man, then in reality she will also fight with men. It is necessary to change inside - and immediately the relationship with men will change. Those that already exist will begin to behave differently, or others will appear more in line with our expectations.

How to develop femininity and feminine energy in yourself

The ability to be feminine can be developed with the help of finding harmony, self-knowledge, internal dialogue with oneself, meditations, passing special trainings, changing the lifestyle and style of clothing (skirts and dresses enhance female energy). You just put on new pumps, and he can't take his eyes off your walk. You ask to button up your silhouette dress, and he can no longer think about anything except the curves of your forms. Men love to admire us!

Show all of the above qualities that express the power of femininity. Do it gradually, over time you will like how you and the attitude towards you will begin to change. Go to exhibitions, concerts, performances more often - art will expand your boundaries. Get creative - painting, music, photography, reading classics and motivating literature, drawing from the sand, writing your own book. All this will bring you pleasure and the necessary emotions that men are so eager to feel in their beloved woman.
No makeup can match a woman's natural strength. A woman who is inspired by every day she has lived, who loves herself, her life and her loved ones, makes her want to get to know her as soon as possible, so to speak, "to touch the beauty." She is like a breath of fresh air for others. Men go crazy with a girl who radiates femininity and sexuality, calmness and confidence. One wants to protect and love such one, they strive to merge with her, to be filled with her strength and energy. It is these girls who inspire the male half to realize their own potential.

Men are so attracted to us because we are their complete opposite. We are weak - they are strong, and our key of strength is that weakness. They are crazy about our kindness, softness of skin, smell of hair, timbre of voice, sweet smile, gait, hips. Don't be afraid to reveal your femininity! Enjoy it to the fullest! Let yourself feel happy!

The material was prepared by Maria Marchenko

Winning Without a Fight or Seven Forgotten Secrets of Feminine Power

Who is the stronger sex today and who is the weak is a big question. It is the "weaker" sex that solves such problems that the "strong" is too tough for. The “weak” are fighting for their rights, the “strong” are striving to give the rest of the responsibility to those “who care”. Moreover, each of the sexes is unhappy. Nobody knows how to change it. It has long been forgotten what it means to be a woman or a man.

For many, this is just a difference in physiology now. Although now, in the days of plastic surgery, even physiology does not play a role: if you were born a man, then it is not a fact that you will not die as a woman. And once, in ancient times, our ancestors knew the basic principle of life, they knew what the power and special role of the sexes was. People followed their nature and lived in harmony with themselves and with others. Teaching a son to be a Man, and a daughter to be a Woman, was the main task of the parents. Having taught this, they could rest assured that the children would fulfill the task for which they were born. To live in accordance with one's purpose means to embody the Will of the Creator.

The role of women in society was once special. The life of entire states was based on piety, purity and wisdom of a woman. She was the source of balance in the family and society. Reasonableness and prudence of a woman is a guarantee that peace will reign, and conflicts will be excluded. The world inside and outside is feminine nature.

The woman herself was a source of peace and happiness for everyone. It is for her that it is easiest to embody in life the qualities characteristic of the Soul: love, kindness, mercy - after all, the Soul has a feminine nature. It is these qualities that are already inherent in girls from birth, in accordance with their nature. And it is these qualities that enable humanity to live in happiness, peace and harmony. Men were the keepers of women and their support, being noble and strong, which is consistent with the masculine nature of the Spirit.

The secret of education.

Having a girl in the family has always been a blessing from Heaven. The word "girl" itself is a diminutive of "virgin", which in Sanskrit (one of the most ancient languages) means "divine". Parents knew that with her birth, love itself, joy, divine light came to the family. And today, at a time when knowledge about life in harmony and happiness is almost lost, girls unconsciously from childhood tend to show their divine nature: they are more obedient than boys, they study better, try to create beauty and harmony around themselves, are caring and kind.

When raising a daughter, her parents always treated her kindly and gently. Neither severe punishments nor harsh statements about her were acceptable. On the contrary, the task of the parents was to preserve her purity and give the opportunity to maximize the manifestation and development of the qualities of a woman's character. After all, these are the divine qualities on which the world was held. This was the sacred duty of parents to GOD, and to their daughter, and to their family, and to people.
The girl, who from childhood was instilled with all the necessary skills and helped to reveal the qualities of feminine nature, became the keeper of the happiness of all people.

The secret of female magic.

A woman's purity and piety are able to protect not only her family, but the entire nation. These qualities are magical.

The mental strength of the fair sex is several times higher than the mental strength of men. This is the law of harmony: a man is stronger on the physical plane, a woman on the energetic plane. This means that a woman's thoughts, her desires, prayers and meditations have a much stronger influence on the world around her. In the Vedic scriptures it was said that the thought of a woman is equal to the action of a man.

Having lost knowledge of the strength and characteristics of the sexes, people did not cease to notice these special abilities in life. In the Middle Ages, this power was attributed to devilish intrigues, and women - "witches" were burned at the stake of the Inquisition.

It has been known since ancient times that a wife is able to protect her husband, who is on the battlefield, by her purity and loyalty to him alone. Her feminine power surrounded her husband with an impenetrable protective wall. Such men returned home unscathed from any battles: even if hundreds of arrows flew at him, they simply flew past the target. Subconsciously, we understand this even today. And many men who have returned home from the battlefields know to whom they owe their return. Thus, Konstantin Simonov wrote:

Do not understand
Who did not wait for them
like among fire
waiting for their
you saved me.

But you do not have to be in the heat of wars to feel the power of feminine energy. As you know, "behind every great man there is a great woman." There are many examples from history: one of the brightest is the wife of Sultan Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.

The world knows little about the enormous contribution of the Sultan's wife to the development of India. But Shah Jahan knew. He valued her as something sacred in his life. The daughter of a chief minister, she received an excellent education and had a brilliant mind. At the same time, being an oriental woman, she treated her husband with great respect and love. Her influence on the government of the country was great. The sultan consulted with his wife on a variety of issues, including government issues. Mumtaz Mahal performed her task as subtly and skillfully as only a very wise woman could do, not for a second doubting the authority and high qualities of her husband, but on the contrary, only strengthening them. She was such a strong inspiration for her husband that while building a house for his beloved, he commanded to write on the ceiling of this palace the lines: "If there is heaven on earth, then he is here, he is here, he is here."

But, as you know, death separated the lovers and the grief-stricken sultan erected the most beautiful monument of love and admiration for a woman on earth - the Taj Mahal.
Often, reading the correspondence of famous historical figures with their beautiful halves, you can see that it was from them that they drew inspiration and strength.

A woman really has the ability to raise a man to unprecedented heights if she is pure and reasonable. As the famous saying goes: "a woman can turn any fool into a sage, and a sage into a fool."

Becoming a mother, she acquired a sacred duty and the ability to create the future of the Earth: to raise those who will develop life on the planet further. The woman knew that her children would germinate the seeds that she put in them. So, one of the life tasks of every woman from time immemorial was: to give birth and raise children.

The fair sex was prepared for such a great role from childhood. In every culture, there was a list of required knowledge and skills that every woman should possess. Among them: the art of dress, the ability to play musical instruments, singing, dancing, the ability to draw, tell fairy tales, knowledge of languages, the ability to decorate a house, and many other much more complex skills.
At first glance, it may seem - nonsense. But in essence, these skills are the work of the Soul, this is creativity, creation, these are abilities that allow you to harmonize the life of people, bring beauty, joy, peace into it, which is the essence of the female role. Among other responsibilities of a woman was the creation of beauty inside and out.

The secret of radiant beauty.

To be beautiful is the natural state of a woman. Reading about mythical and fairytale heroines and goddesses, we always come across a description of their radiant beauty. Precisely radiant. Despite the different ideas about the standards of female beauty in different cultures, all mythical and fabulous beauties of all peoples are united by the fact that, according to the descriptions, radiance emanated from them.

The goddess Aphrodite or Venus is called the embodiment of beauty. She is called "fiery" and "golden", referring to her smile, "permeated with sunlight." In one of the myths, she took the form of an old woman, but she was given out by "shining eyes". The legendary beauty of Aphrodite is this divine radiance that permeates her entire being and flows from within.

This can be taken as a metaphor. But in fact, each of us has met people in our lives, about whom we can say that they seem to shine. And everyone will call them beautiful, regardless of external data and age. Such radiant beauty is real and impossible to fake.

Ayurveda describes this radiance emanating from a person, giving shine to the eyes, a radiance to a smile, a luminous freshness to the skin, and a serene expression of pure happiness to the face. According to ancient science, this is a natural phenomenon. So on the physical plane, the presence of ojas is manifested - the subtlest substance that is produced only by healthy tissues of the body. Ojas is the unifying force of consciousness, the connecting life force. It fuses matter and mind together. When all systems of the body and subtle structures of the body are in balance, the tissues of the body successfully produce this subtlest vital substance. But if the mind is out of balance, the tissues lose their strength. Thus, the radiance visibly testifies to the state of deep balance of all systems, elements, subtle and physical processes, that is, to the complete harmony of a person.

The inner sign of this harmony is the feeling of pure bliss, that is, bright joy and love. Harmony and love are qualities of the Soul, qualities inherent in women from birth. Thus, beauty, sung at all times, was not an end in itself, but was a natural result of love, well-being and inner strength.

Over time, beauty only intensified, because with age and life experience, a woman became wiser, grew spiritually, and acquired feminine strength in serving the family and society.

Dr. Andrew Weil wrote: "Beauty in any form is healing to the spirit." This was one of the mystical abilities of women in maintaining peace and balance, which contemporaries have forgotten.
Today, the "pursuit of beauty" does not lead to harmony, but to endless stress for a lifetime. People rush to extremes: some make appearance the meaning of their life, others completely deny its meaning, saying that the only thing that matters is the inner world. But the wise ancestors knew that both were important.

Appearance was part of female magic — the magic of love. Our ancestors used well-thought-out combinations of colors, ornaments, shapes and cut in their outfits - each of these details carried a sacred (mysterious and deeply spiritual) meaning and had a certain energetic influence. The jewelry worn by the woman, precious stones worked in the same way - all this was of great importance, so the woman strengthened her connection with the subtle worlds, harmonized herself and space.

The hairstyle was also magical. Hair is a conductor of cosmic energy (as an example, cosma is a single-root word with cosmos). Long hair allowed this energy to be stored and used in different ways depending on the situation. For example, hair gathered at the crown of the head provided a woman with a large flow of energy, according to the principle of a pyramid. The hair gathered below, on the back of her head, helped her enter a state of submission and deep humility.

The secret of happiness.

Having lost themselves, now women are ready to seek happiness in anything. Either opposing himself to men, now trying to "get everything from them." Today it is fashionable to be a "bitch". There was even a "science" such a "bitchology". This is the only way to be happy - some psychologists teach. Unfortunately, this is a voluntary hammering by women into the coffin of their own happiness.

"Love yourself, sneeze at everyone and success awaits you in life" - roughly this is suggested by the new psychology of female behavior, the behavior of the so-called "bitch".

Until recently, this word was not proper to pronounce in a decent society. And now many of the fair sex proudly declare: "I am a bitch."

We open the dictionary. We read: “Bitch is the corpse of a dead animal, cattle; carrion, carrion, dead meat, fall, dead dead beast. " Dal "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". We read from Krylov: “Bitch is a common Slavic word from the vanished sterbnuti -“ numb, numb, endure ”; has correspondences in other languages: in German sterben ("die"), in Greek stereos ("numb").

Originally it meant "dead, corpse", then - "carrion". The transition to abusive meaning occurred due to a disgust towards the dead ", -" Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language ".

So, it turns out: "I am a corpse" - this is what some women manage to be proud of today. They are not so far from the truth, because psychology “think only of yourself and get what you want in any way” suggests that the Soul of such a woman, at best, is in a deep swoon. But it is the Soul that is the source of life. The “bitch woman” is really dead as a woman, because the meaning of life, the purpose of the fair sex is to serve others in joy, love and kindness.

Serving a woman is her happiness. This is manifested even at the level of physiology: when a woman takes care of someone, she produces the hormone oxytocin, which in turn stimulates the production of endorphins - "hormones of happiness" and reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

The kind heart of a woman is a source of life and joy for those around her. Her physical body is also the source of life. Cultivating in herself a stone heart, cruelty and coldness, she really ceases to be a woman-source of love and becomes a "bitch", that is, "stiffens." This is the opposite of her natural state, the state of "divinity", the state of "virgin". Voluntarily renouncing its inherent female role by nature, the fair sex also loses its physiological possibilities to be a woman. Psychological imbalance leads to hormonal imbalance and a woman is deprived of the opportunity to become a mother, that is, to fulfill the main task with which she came to earth: to give life and fill it with light.

Love and gentleness are the main weapons of the gentle sex. It is known that in the Universe there is no more power than the power of Love. This energy can change anything. Therefore, the most loving can be called the strongest. A woman's strength lies in her ability to love and mercy. Nobody and nothing can resist this. In ancient times it was said that a woman is the one who wins without a fight. When a woman learns to achieve her goal with aggression, cunning, reproaches or insults, she loses her strength.

The secret of harmony.

How can women return to their divinity today? To a state of serene happiness?
“I am the Soul” is that secret knowledge that allowed a woman to be peaceful, loving and happy all her life. This was the secret not only of her happiness, but also the key to the prosperity of states. How does this knowledge work?

The woman felt: "I am the Soul." What are the qualities of the Soul? The soul is eternal, so there is nothing to be afraid of: problems come and go, but life never ends. The soul is full of love - love does not dry out, the more you love, the more happiness. The soul is happiness, being happy is the norm. The soul is beauty, it awakens the best feelings. The soul is mercy and kindness. The soul is softness and warmth.

A developed, freely manifested Soul, like a magnet, attracts the Spirit to itself, which provides it with protection.
A woman who follows her soft loving nature is always attractive to a strong noble man. This is the law of harmony. This is the law of life that our ancestors knew and practiced. The woman's purity, kindness and gentleness were the guarantee of her happy life.

So, the fair sex has been under the protection of men all her life: at first she was under the protection of her father and brothers, then under the protection of her husband, and in old age under the protection of her sons or other relatives. But who raised such noble strong men? Female! When women complain about the stronger sex today, they need to pay attention to how they are raising their sons.
The same gentle sex under the protection of every man in society. Our ancestors knew how to interact with other men in society, avoiding desecration in these relationships. Thus, a woman treated all older men like a father, younger men like sons or younger brothers, and equals like brothers.

Secret of the Golden Age.

The fulfillment of each gender's unique role guarantees harmony and a happy life on the planet.
The last centuries of the life of mankind prove this statement by the method of contradiction.

The existence of people for many centuries has not been distinguished by harmony - both globally on the planet and in the life of everyone. Not a day goes by without conflict and not a year without war. Enmity has even penetrated into the seemingly unacceptable sphere: between a man and a woman! This seems impossible, since by nature there is a mechanism of attraction and divine cooperation between these two poles. But life shows - it is possible. Although, with a small caveat: the mechanism of attraction is violated precisely because each of the poles has lost its original charge! Men are no longer men and women are no longer women. Result: instead of attraction and harmony, enmity, mutual reproaches and demands.

For many hundreds of years, a woman has been deprived of her divine status in society and family. The balancing principle of peace in nature at the close of time was on the special position of "sex without the right to vote." Then the situation turned to the other extreme. A feminist movement emerged. They began by upholding equal rights for both sexes, and continued with the complete denial of at least some differences between the sexes, except for physiological ones. The concept of "sexism" appeared. If at one time it was considered impossible to speak in society about the equality of men and women, now it is considered just as impossible, "politically incorrect" to talk about at least some differences between them.

In some especially "advanced" countries in this matter, it is considered an insult to even give up a seat to a woman or let her through the door first. If once the fair sex was not supposed to make at least some decision on its own, now psychologists are teaching how to use men, regardless of their opinion. But for some reason this does not make women and men happy. The divorce statistics are staggering, and the belief in the possibility of creating a happy marriage for a lifetime becomes synonymous with naivety.

So the extremes have been tried. Now, having received negative experience from both options, it is time to return to harmony, to the law on which the universe rests. Indeed, gender equality is the Supreme Law. Equality! But not identity. Each gender has its own role in the overall task, its strengths and its own ways of achieving the goal. These roles do not overlap. A man and a woman have nothing to share!

The man is the support and guardian of women and children. Strong and noble. Woman - creating life and nourishing it with love and light, the embodiment of purity. Soul and woman are the driving force in life. A man is a pivot, a support in the union of a woman-man, in the family and in society.
Ignorance in this matter today gives rise to many conflicts in families. So, not realizing that, the husband is trying to get masculine qualities from his wife, and she is disappointed when the husband does not show feminine qualities. This is the mistake.

Marriage is the embodiment of absolute harmony, a reflection on earth of the heavenly union of GOD AND GODDESS. Husband and wife are those who complement each other.

The famous sage Srila Prabhupada said, “You cannot change your differences in ability. This is the law of GOD, the law of nature. This is unity: to be together, to act in different ways, but for the sake of a common goal. Unity is in diversity, that's what is desirable. "

Secret of the Future.

All religions of the world, philosophers and humanists are united in the opinion that compassion, love and kindness are the only way to perfection. Adhering to these qualities, a person develops spiritually. A society with such citizens thrives. For women, these qualities are as natural as light is for the sun. The life of a woman is the spiritual path described in many scriptures of various religions. Service is her happiness. Caring for others is a source of energy. A woman lives with her heart. She makes decisions with her heart. And the heart has a direct connection with the Source of Life.

It is not for nothing that it is said that women are only one step below the angels.

With the onset of the third millennium, a new era entered into law - the Age of Aquarius. In many sources it is called the Age of the Woman. This is a time of unity, harmony, peace and prosperity. This is the time when the fair sex will once again take the once-lost divine position. To establish a new order on Earth, women must realize their purpose, restore balance and bring the beginnings of love and high spirituality into the world. And they have all the possibilities for this.

They say that a woman's strength lies in her weakness. This is true. And it’s not like that. If you understand strength as the ability to influence and achieve your own, the strength of a woman is obvious, but specific.

It is believed that it is for the sake of a woman, her recognition, admiration, love, sex, a man makes most of the achievements, exploits, discoveries (the power of a woman). - Femininity is able to balance, make you happy, inspire.

What makes femininity so special and strong?

In the ancient Russian tradition, a woman is a "darling", a being that symbolizes the soul, protecting the value of the soul. Man is a spirit. In the midst of tough struggle, competition and overcoming (the man's world), the soul (his) tends to become callous. A woman is the one who does not allow the soul to harden, softens the soul. How does she do it?

1. Femininity carries "Horizontal" values

Love, philanthropy, brotherhood, kindness, understanding, mercy as opposed to "vertical, hierarchical values." The horizontal plus the vertical together form a cross, in the center of which female and male values ​​intersect.

2. Softens the soul

Femininity is the softness of the soul, humanity, without which achievements lose their meaning. Among the thunders and storms of life, there is nothing worse than losing the soft soul component within yourself - the soul.

The qualities of feminine strength

If we consider strength as the ability to motivate, push towards something, then the power of femininity is obvious, the development of femininity at all times has the interest and aspiration of a man.

However, a woman's strength (what she uses to push) is specific. This is not the straightforward strength of men. However, it is still strength, not weakness, expressed in qualities.

Women who have discovered and manifest these qualities are strong - they create a field to which adherents are drawn, although in our time there are more masculine values ​​in the trend, and modern women use them with might and main. - Firmness, self-affirmation, responsibility, perseverance, asceticism.

We strive for material gains and postpone spiritual ones. We earn money (material achievement) and do not give birth / raise children (spiritual achievement). The lack of feminine values ​​(love, warmth) is now very noticeable. Let's talk about feminine qualities in more detail.

1. Love

Radiation of love. Many philosophical and religious teachings say that a woman is "the source of love." Compassion, acceptance, sympathy, caring, even for the imperfect, wrong (priority of mercy over righteousness), the ability to grow flowers, speak kind words, treat with pies, etc.

The impact of love is overwhelming. It is more powerful, and its effect is more lasting than any pressure (male power). The power of love, whether enveloping a man or a child, pushes for internal transformation and behavioral changes on a voluntary basis. Of course, love is power if it is real.

Many people confuse love and the need for love. The need for love - when inside is empty, dreary, hungry. Love - when complete, there is curiosity to recognize, study, accept another, there is tenderness, warmth and solicitude. The need for love is a give-me attitude. Love - "take it."

If a woman has the ability to love manifested in business, people gather around her and reach out to her. And "an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired" is a need, not love.

What happens if the source of love is cut off, abandoned, and unused? - Instead of love, need settles, trade: “I owe you, and you owe me,” - rage, pain (hardening of the soul) replace pleasure and acceptance (softness of the soul).

2. Ability to develop relationships

A man starts a relationship, a woman develops. He invites to the cinema, she shares her impression of the film, involving in discussion (relationship). He calls on the phone: "Hello, hello," she is happy, tells the news, involving (relationship) in the discussion, etc.

3. Closeness to nature

A woman is close to nature, she bears and raises (a child), grows flowers, takes care of animals, takes care of high-quality nutrition, health (both hers and loved ones), loves to be in nature and in harmony with it.

4 Beauty

Since a woman is a conductor of sincerity and kindness, she tends to look for forms of expression of spiritual content in beauty.

It manifests itself in the ability to surround oneself with beauty, to create and equip beauty (in one's home, appearance, verbal-emotional-behavioral expressiveness, relationships, taking care of the beauty of loved ones), to appreciate art (music, poetry, theater, etc.).

5. Emotional sensitivity

Femininity is emotionally sensitive, and this is its strength. It is expressed in the ability to empathy (emotionally understand), to express emotionality in shades, the ability to sympathize, to remind of soulfulness and to carry it, to maintain the value of vulnerability (which prevents the hardening of the soul).

6. Intuitiveness

A woman is sensitive to thousands of small details that are noticed and perceived by her consciousness horizontally democratically (chaos in which she is well oriented), which allows her to instantly draw unmistakable conclusions in certain industries.

She easily (intuitively) notices lies, in general, the mood of another, knows how this mood can be changed (raised or lowered), finds lost things, feels people, selects the tone of the conversation.

7. Sincerity

It is important to distinguish between honesty (a masculine quality based on the courage to cut the truth-womb) and sincerity (the ability to notice your current feelings and express them). The female path is not a direct one, she does not run to the enemy with a broadsword, but sincere - she finds a form of announcing the current truth.

It is expressed in an attentive attitude to one's own and other people's feelings, states, the ability to name them, express them openly, find a tactful form that the interlocutor is able to perceive.

8. Flexibility, maneuverability

The feminine path is the flexible path of the water, not the hard path of the spear. This flexibility comes from love, and not only from (objective physical) weakness, forcing one to maneuver. Femininity does not insist when they don’t listen, doesn’t press when they don’t want to, but finds a flexible way to get what it wants.

It manifests itself in physical flexibility, gracefulness of the body, in psychological flexibility - the ability to change tactics, adapt to circumstances, the interlocutor (speak his language), wait for the right moment, be different, including tough and bitchy, without getting hung up. Men sometimes call female flexibility a deceit. However, this is not so - she is sincerely so (different) every time.

9. Erotica and aesthetics

Sexuality as being possessed by lust is not a feminine quality (this is a masculine quality that he endows a woman with). A woman is erotic and aesthetic - beauty plus sensitivity.

The eroticism of a woman surpasses that of a man (according to sources, 9 times) - attracts. However, when a woman over-exploits sex appeal, it speaks of her insecurity, inability to attract in a different way - she plays on the most primitive instincts (of men). She herself usually loses in such a game, because in the matter of sex, she cannot outplay a man (women are much more vulnerable in this).

It manifests itself in the ability to be natural, open in eroticism, careful (to know one's own characteristics and to organize self-care), tactfully and firm treatment of the sexuality of men directed at it, the ability to involve in relationships, and not just in sex for one or two times.

10. Comfort, laziness

If a man is a movement, then a woman is a stop, a respite that softens, fills with strength, gives pleasure from doing nothing, relaxation and rest. Without respite, there is no movement, no stop-refresh. A woman's ability to be a stop is expressed in her lazy comfort.

It manifests itself through the physicality of a woman - a comfortable fertile environment (for example, for the birth of a baby's life), her soulfulness, which sets an atmosphere of emotional comfort, the ability to provide an atmosphere of coziness, physical comfort (delicious food, comfortable chairs, etc.) for herself and others.

11. Kindness and gentleness

Femininity is characterized by kindness (mercy) and gentleness. Kindness rests on love, acceptance and sympathy for the nature of another, compassion. At the same time, he will not allow himself to sit on his neck, because it would mean being unkind to oneself. If this happens, he will be able to gently dodge.

It manifests itself in the ability to establish an atmosphere of kindness and gentleness in your home, among your friends, at work, to hear and understand even a very alien point of view. Take care of a kind word and deed (cook food, iron a shirt, set up with the right person, etc.).

12. Blessing

In the fairy tales of the peoples of the world, a lot is said about a woman's ability to bless (good sorceresses, fairies) and curse (witches). In life, this is the creation of a blessing or cursing atmosphere, emotional and everyday.

A blessing, when it inspires confidence in oneself, creates a comfortable calm environment, supports and motivates courage, achievement, gives consolation, heals mental wounds. The curse is in causing feelings of guilt, inferiority, discomfort, emotional and domestic oppression.

Any of the listed qualities, being mastered and applied in practice, has an impact on others. Overall, femininity is like water. - Giving life, affectionate, bewitching, parting in some situations, she is unswerving and beats off the hand of the one who hits her in others.