Thematic action - as a partnership form of cooperation between the family and the preschool educational institution. Methodological development on the topic: Social actions in preschool educational institutions, the subject of actions, participants in actions, rules for conducting

(From work experience)

Today, the glorious traditions of the past serve for us as that solid foundation on which the modern, but equally necessary for people, charity is based. And such events as the “Play it yourself, teach another” action provides an opportunity to unite the efforts of each of us on the path of noble undertakings.

Charity is not just assistance, but evidence of the social responsibility of citizens towards their country and promotion of the protection of small citizens. We must all recognize ourselves as one people with a common history and a common future. Good, charitable deeds will lead society to a spiritual rebirth.

The people who took part in the charity event are worthy of great respect, because by helping children, we are building the future of the whole country, of the entire Russian people.

As part of the implementation of the Concept of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, in order to improve the quality of mathematical education in our kindergarten, it was decided to update and equip the Centers for Entertaining Mathematics for age groups with various games of mathematical content.

Practice has shown that the success of teaching mathematics is influenced not only by the content of the proposed material, but also by the form of presentation, which can arouse the interest and cognitive activity of children. And one of the effective forms are didactic games. Their main purpose is to provide children with knowledge in distinguishing, highlighting, naming a variety of objects, numbers, geometric shapes, directions. In didactic games, it is possible to form new knowledge, to acquaint children with methods of action. Each game has a specific task of improving mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) representations.

In this regard, the idea of ​​organizing and holding an unusual charity event appeared - to draw the attention of the parents of our pupils to it.

The essence of our action "Played it yourself, teach another" is the voluntary transfer of mathematical games to children of preschool educational institutions and is timed to coincide with the Week of Mathematics in kindergarten. All games donated and collected for a long time will "settle" on the shelves of developing centers, replenish the subject-spatial environment of the group, and will definitely "make friends" with the guys.

A philanthropist is one who voluntarily and disinterestedly transfers his knowledge, abilities, skills, strengths and means for needy people and the public good.

The role of benefactors was played by people who are interested in solving our problem - equipping centers for entertaining mathematics in groups, those whom we were able to convince - our parents.

The organization of this action in kindergarten set the following tasks:

  1. To increase the social activity of parents of preschool educational institutions.
  2. To draw the attention of parents to the issue of mathematical development of preschoolers.
  3. Involve parents in the activities of holding events within the framework of the thematic week: organize master classes for children in their groups to teach them games with mathematical content.

Algorithm for preparing, creating and conducting thematic actions:

  • definition of goals and objectives;
  • drawing up an action plan;
  • development and implementation of activities in interactive forms of interaction with parents of preschoolers (consultations, games, conversations, questionnaires, non-traditional parent meetings, homework, competitions);
  • organizing and conducting playful, educational, productive activities with children;
  • holding joint activities with parents and children;
  • summing up the results of joint work, encouraging children and parents based on the results of the campaign "Played it yourself, teach another."

During the week of charity "Played it yourself, teach another", all parents could "list" their donations, i.e. bring homemade or store bought games.

As a result of the action, 55 different games were collected, parents held 8 master classes on teaching the rules. All work was built on a voluntary basis. The most active participants were awarded letters of thanks.

Good deeds do not go unnoticed - they shine like beacons to those who are waiting for help. By providing assistance, the participants donate not just material values, but give joy and care to the children.

The simplicity of the Action lies in the execution, it allowed in a short period of time to cover all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers of MDOU), to obtain a result of significant importance.

The active involvement of teachers in this event is an opportunity to become the main performers of a number of actions to achieve the goal. The teachers themselves, together with the children and their parents, solved a certain problem, increasing their creative and professional level.

We consider the charitable action “I played it myself, teach another” to be a very effective partnership form of cooperation between the family and the preschool educational institution. It was just one of the activities of the complex to improve the level of mathematical education in our preschool educational institution.

Environmental actions in kindergarten.

"True education is

not only in the rules

how much in exercise

Our preschool institution represents the experience of working with children in the field of environmental education, as well as an unconventional form of work with the parent community, where environmental actions are considered as a socially significant event. A vivid form of expression of the attitude of ecological culture is the activity of the child, as well as all participants in the ecological process. The presence in the content of activities, elements of environmental information serves as an indicator of his attitude to the natural world, people, himself. A variety of activities naturally connects environmental education with the entire process of development of the child's personality. An adult, and above all a family, for a child and a partner in the game, and a role model, and an expert in evaluating knowledge, skills, behavior and attitudes. One cannot bear in mind that the kindergarten is the first social institution in a child's life. The first contact of the child with the socio-cultural environment occurs in the family. It is there that the child acquires norms of behavior, attitudes. The formation of ecological culture depends on the quality of the process of assimilation of social rules, actions, relationships. An action is a socially significant, active, complex, eventful event. Has an extension in time. In our preschool institution, environmental events take place throughout the school year. In the course of actions, preschoolers receive natural history knowledge, develop environmental culture skills, and an active life position. Actions serve as a good environmental propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves. The action is held under its motto, has a visual campaign (leaflets, posters, memos). The content of the shares includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions, contests dedicated to the objects of the action. The purpose of carrying out environmental actions: the formation of the foundations of ecological culture, consciousness and worldview of preschoolers.
Tasks: to form cognitive interest, communication skills, humanistic attitude to nature, aesthetic and practical responsiveness, instilling labor skills. Algorithm for holding shares:
 goal (each action has its own goal);  tasks (general and specific are performed);  object (what is it aimed at - birds, trees…);  participants (children + parents, employees + children + parents);  stages: 1. Preparatory (development of a plan to achieve the goal, collection of information, volume and accumulation of material, cost estimate); 2. Organizational and practical (i.e. activity, implementation of the activity plan); 3. Analytical (summing up, reflection. It can take the form of an award, making a photo album, a video film, making homemade books, holding exhibitions, etc.).
1. "A seed and a grain in reserve!" (collection of seeds for the future harvest, flower seeds, seeds for feeding birds); 2. “Good winter for birds” (feeding wintering birds. There is a container in the group where children and parents bring food for birds. In the “Panorama of Good Deeds”, educators note gratitude to active families).
1. “Christmas tree - a green needle” (in defense of the Christmas tree, children make posters, carry them home. They can hang them in a public place along the way. The final stage can take the form of a competition and exhibition - “Christmas tree - a green needle”); 2. "Vitamins on the windowsill" (growing onions, observing the growth of onions in different conditions, maintaining a general and individual observation calendar).
1. “Close the faucet firmly so that the ocean does not flow out!”
(March 22 is the International Day of Water. The action may start earlier and end with the holiday "Water Sorceress". Posters, experimental activities - reinvigorating power).
2. "Beloved - a clean city!" (This city campaign "Clean City" is traditionally held, and we are actively involved, parents + children + employees: we clean the territory, improve and plant trees and shrubs). 3. "To each singer in the palace!" (together with parents, making and attaching birdhouses. You can place it in the courtyard of your house, in the country). 4. In spring, the environmental campaign “Decorate the Planet with Flowers” ​​starts (the campaign starts in April, on the Earth Day holiday, when children sow flower seeds).
1. “Decorate the planet with flowers” ​​(layout of flower beds, lawns from grown seedlings, caring for plantings). 2. "Protect the forest and its inhabitants from fire!" (a call on how to behave in the forest, careful handling of fire in the forest. A fire causes indelible harm to nature, its inhabitants, people).
All environmental events and actions are held under the common motto: "Only together, only amicably, we need to help nature!". “Let's friends, wherever we live, we will plant trees, we will plant gardens. Let's strive for this, To be loved by both the beast and the bird, And trust us everywhere, As our best friends!

I provide you with experience in working with children in the field of social and moral education, as well as an unconventional form of work, where social actions are considered as a socially significant event.

Currently, the main attention is paid to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschoolers, which is one of the components of preschool education. The social and personal development of a preschooler, that is, the formation of a child’s attitude to himself and to the environment, the development of social motives and needs by him, the formation of his self-knowledge is a rather complicated process, it requires a lot of labor from the teacher and in terms of performance.

An action is a socially significant, complex event, action to achieve a goal. Each action consists of three main stages: motivation, planned actions and the final stage. An important condition and success of the action is motivation - a conscious attitude to business and actions.

Principles of social actions:

Algorithm for holding shares:

Purpose (each action has its own purpose);

Tasks (general and specific are performed);

Object (what is directed to - birds, trees ...);

Participants (children + parents, employees + children + parents); Stages:

Preparatory stage.

main stage

Analytical stage

"Social promotions"

No. p / p

Share name



action "Safety Selfie!"

Handed out 15 balloons to drivers.

social action

"Like the driver!"

We are small pedestrians whom the driver politely let pass at the crosswalk. And we decided to thank motorists with unusual circles and flags in the form of a like, which we made with our own hands, on which we displayed a like. We made 15 of these mugs. The result of such an action was the publication in the newspaper "Berezniki Vecherniye"

Campaign "Titmouse Day"

Award diploma

Donated 12 books.

Planned promotions

Campaign "Veteran lives nearby"

Ecological action

"Green Belt of Russia"

It is in such actions that the baby gets acquainted with different types of activities, masters new social roles for himself. He improves communication skills, learns to express his feelings and understand the emotions of other people, finds himself in a situation where cooperation and mutual assistance are needed, accumulates an initial bank of moral ideas and tries to correlate them with his actions, learns to follow the acquired moral standards and independently make a moral choice.

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""Social action is the basis for the formation of children's interest in public life""

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 56"


"Social action is the basis for the formation of children's interest

to public life"

Prepared by: Ivanova Valentina Alekseevna,

teacher of the highest qualification

Berezniki, 2016

I provide you with experience in working with children in the field of social and moral education, as well as an unconventional form of work, where social actions are considered as a socially significant event.

Currently, the main attention is paid to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschoolers, which is one of the components of preschool education. The social and personal development of a preschooler, that is, the formation of a child’s attitude to himself and to the environment, the development of social motives and needs by him, the formation of his self-knowledge is a rather complicated process, it requires a lot of labor from the teacher and in terms of performance.

Receiving moral samples, moral values ​​from the educational process and passing them through consciousness, feelings and experiences, the child masters the moral experience, the moral culture of society.

The change of priorities in the field of preschool education orients us, teachers, towards the search and creation of conditions aimed at developing the integrative qualities of the child's personality, the formation of his adaptive abilities to the requirements of society. It is necessary to improve the ways and methods of enriching the moral experience of the child in the process of his entry into the world of people. In the modern world, a small person lives and develops, surrounded by various sources of influence, both positive and negative, which affect his formative moral sphere. Therefore, social positions are relevant right now. In this regard, a plan for conducting "Social actions of preschoolers" was developed. These are effective forms of work that are aimed at developing the moral and personal qualities of preschoolers, and involve work in two areas: work with children and work with parents.

An action is a socially significant, complex event, action to achieve a goal. Each action consists of three main stages: motivation, planned actions and the final stage. An important condition for the success of the action is motivation - a conscious attitude to business and actions.

In our preschool institution, promotions take place throughout the school year. During the actions, preschoolers gain knowledge, develop cultural skills, an active life position. Actions serve as good propaganda among the parent community. Children see the attitude of parents, the organization of the event and participate in it themselves.

The action is held under its motto, has a visual campaign (leaflets, posters, memos). The content of the shares includes holidays, entertainment, quizzes, exhibitions, contests dedicated to the objects of the action.

Principles of social actions:

    Consistency, consistency - a mandatory feature of the shares;

    Consistency. Actions must be carried out legally, you should think in advance about who needs to be notified

(administration, parents, school). And you need to do this together with the children, giving them certain powers. Children themselves can tell about the idea of ​​the action.

    The event is documented, especially if it is associated with going beyond the kindergarten.

    Lack of competitive spirit. Participants should be set to enjoy the joint business, and not getting the best place in the rankings.

    Security. It is forbidden, for example, to clean up broken glass or cigarette butts in the park or on the river bank.

Algorithm for holding shares:

Purpose (each action has its own purpose);

Tasks (general and specific are performed);

Object (what is directed to - birds, trees ...);

Participants (children + parents, employees + children + parents); Stages:

Preparatory stage.

When developing and preparing an action, the teacher needs to determine: what social and pedagogical problem the action is aimed at solving, who is its target group, what is the purpose of the action. You should also consider the form of the social action.

main stage

Implementation of the social action scenario. This can be one event (concert, musical and literary composition) or several consecutive events (first a conversation about birds, drawing birds, then making feeders and fixing them on trees). It is desirable that during the events of the action, children wear special elements in their clothes (a T-shirt with the emblem of the action, a cap, ties, scarves, vests, badges, flags). Do not forget about scenario effects (launching kites, balloons, fireworks, etc.).

Be sure to involve parents in the preparation and conduct of any action!

Analytical stage

It implies summing up the results of the social action, determining its further prospects. For example, when compiling a final report on a social action, the teacher analyzes: successful and not successful moments of its implementation; whether the purpose of the action, and its results and form of conduct coincided. It is necessary to determine the prospects of the action: whether it is necessary to repeat it, what can be improved in the preparation and conduct, whether it is advisable to change the form of the action.

Social action can be carried out in order to:

    To draw public attention to the existing social problem.

    To study the attitude of other people to the existing problem.

    Disseminate information among different population groups.

    Contribute to the formation of public consciousness.

"Social promotions"


Share name



action "Safety Selfie!"

To draw the attention of the general public to the need for better protection of children in the process of participating in road traffic; make children's road safety a priority.

The guys on pre-prepared red balloons placed emblems of emoticons and cars, this served as an appeal to drivers, on whom the safety of children on the road depends.

Handed out 15 balloons to drivers.

Action for the celebration of the day of the elderly "Take a piece of the ray you will have ..." 2015, 2014 - took part in the action "Dear and close"

To give elementary knowledge and ideas about the international holiday "Day of the Elderly" to preschool children. To instill love for the native city, its oldest residents.

Together with the children, we made a sun, which had rays with wishes, each person could take a ray of happiness for himself and enjoy it. The result of our action was an article from a resident of the city of Berezniki with gratitude for the ongoing action.

Ecological action "Herringbone, live!"

Formation in the younger generation of a responsible attitude to the natural resources of the native land, increasing the creative activity and environmental activities of children and their parents.

The production of posters under the motto "Do not cut the Christmas trees", "Let's save the beauty of our forests", called on people to protect coniferous trees. The number of posters is 16 pieces, placed on the territory of the microdistrict.

social action

"Like the driver!"

Prevention of traffic accidents at unregulated pedestrian crossings, promotion of mutual respect between road users.

We are small pedestrians whom the driver politely let pass at the crosswalk. And we decided to thank motorists with unusual circles and flags in the form of a like, which we made with our own hands, on which we displayed a like. We made 15 of these mugs. The result of such an action was the publication in the newspaper "Berezniki Vecherniye"

Campaign "Titmouse Day"

Attracting attention to the problem of protection and respect for birds, promoting environmental knowledge among children and parents.

We made 12 feeders from waste material and hung them outside the territory of kindergarten No. 56.

Social action "Remember the driver, you are also a parent."

Attracting public attention to the problem of child road traffic injuries, to the need to use seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in a car.

Produced and distributed booklets to drivers-parents.

Campaign "Hand over the battery save the planet"

Attracting the attention of pupils of preschool educational institutions, their parents and staff to the problem of recycling used batteries.

Award diploma

Our group collected over 2 kg of old batteries.

Social action "Give a book to the library"

Formation of an active civic position, fostering a sense of patriotism, responsibility and respect for the book, attracting children to reading. Replenishment of the children's library.

Donated 12 books.

Planned promotions

Campaign "Veteran lives nearby"

To form a sense of duty, a sense of respect for the defenders of the Motherland, a sense of pride in one's great people, to instill in children a respectful attitude towards the older generation, a careful attitude to family photos and awards.

Making handmade gifts with children.

With the parents of the pupils, the provision of volunteer assistance in cleaning the adjacent territories and personal plots of veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Ecological action

"Green Belt of Russia"

State the importance of forests. Show the influence of man on nature. Cultivate love for nature and teach proper behavior in nature. Encourage children to plant and care for trees.

Raising in children a caring attitude towards nature;

Involvement of parents and employees of the kindergarten to participate and jointly conduct the action.

The action is timed to the holiday "Earth Day"

Replenishment of green spaces on the territory of the kindergarten, conservation of nature; planting, caring for trees and shrubs.

Work experience shows that such social actions increase the level of moral ideas.

It is in such actions that the baby gets acquainted with different types of activities, masters new social roles for himself. He improves communication skills, learns to express his feelings and understand the emotions of other people, finds himself in a situation where cooperation and mutual assistance are needed, accumulates an initial bank of moral ideas and tries to correlate them with his actions, learns to follow the acquired moral standards and independently make a moral choice.

The positive dynamics of the moral upbringing of preschoolers can serve as indicators of the effectiveness of my work.

Children develop the ability to express their feelings, evaluate them, develop the ability to empathize and sympathy.

Pedagogical article "Social actions in the work of teachers of preschool education."

social teacher MDBOU "DSOV No. 50" Rozhkova Margarita Grigorievna
purpose: recommended for preschool teachers, teachers of preschool and additional education.
Currently, various social actions are widely used in the process of teachers' work. Social actions are such planned social actions that are aimed at achieving the set goals. With the help of social actions, the basis of children's attitude to the social side of life is formed. This is most relevant now, when social development is considered as a component of preschool education. The implementation of social action should go in two directions: work with children, work with parents.
In order to conduct an action, you need to understand its components. Each promotion must include three component steps: motivation, social action planning and the final stage.
Motivation at the initial stage of the action is very important. Children and parents should be aware of their position on the topic of the action, know its significance and relevance.
In terms of duration, the action can be one-day, or it can take place throughout the year.
Each social action must contain its campaign materials. It can be posters, flyers. Also, within the framework of certain actions, it is possible to hold collective creative events, such as theatrical performances, concerts, performances.
The main feature of each promotion is its system and consistency. And this is the first principle of conducting social actions.
The second principle is coordinated actions with administrations, parents and other public.
It is important to document the event, especially if it is associated with children leaving the preschool.
The third principle: respect for safety. Any actions within the framework of the action must be carried out in compliance with health measures and not pose a threat to the mental or physical health of the action participants.
Each promotion includes:
- goals
- tasks arising from the goal
- object, what the action is aimed at
After the action, its results are summed up, its process and further prospects are analyzed.
The experience of conducting social actions shows that such actions perfectly cope with the goals of moral education.
It can also be recommended to use additional colorful attributes during the action, such as balloons, kite flying, dressing up and other bright elements, when working with preschool children.

Common topics of our social promotions:
-ecological orientation, patriotic orientation, social and moral orientation.

- "Let's not leave neither a titmouse nor a starling without a palace"

- "Vernissage"

- "Memorial"

An action in a preschool educational institution as an effective form of interaction with parents.

Teacher-psychologist MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 15"


Izotova Raisa Viktorovna

Interaction with the family is one of the most important activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution. To make it more effective, it is necessary to use new original forms of work. The more interesting the interaction with parents is organized, the higher their activity in the life of the preschool educational institution, the higher the trust in teachers, specialists and the institution as a whole. This means that the number of conflicts between preschool educational institutions and parents is reduced, and the results of raising children are improving. One of such forms of interaction with parents is an action.

About Promotions in DOW

The action allows you to unite all participants in the educational process in a preschool educational institution: children, parents and teachers. The action is a group method of work, which is of a preventive and educational nature, and often has a corrective effect.

The main goal of the actions is to create a favorable psychological climate in the preschool educational institution; prevention of violations in child-parent relationships; optimization of effective forms of communication between teachers, parents and children. Actions allow families to unite, bring parents closer to their children, strengthen good relations with them, form a value attitude towards loved ones, and children receive positive feedback from their parents, feel their love and their need.

As practice shows, not every parent can allocate 1-2 hours of their evening time to attend a parent meeting (in whatever form it is held: trainings, round tables, living rooms, etc.). Actions take little time from parents, they are simple, exciting and provide an opportunity to immediately see the result of their participation.

Types of shares

Promotions are always thematic. That is, all events within the framework of the action are connected by one theme, aimed at one idea. Promotions can be divided by duration:

Short-term (1 day) includes 1-3 activities during the day

Medium-term (last up to 1 week) dedicated to a certain date, holiday, topic

Long-term (up to 1 month) are mainly devoted to some topic

Activities within the framework of one action can be of different directions: thematic conversations with children in a group, exhibitions of drawings and crafts, joint creativity of parents and children, express polls, games, actions - rituals, letters from children and letters from parents to children, booklets for parents, comic tests, questionnaires based on the results (reviews), etc. As part of the action, competitions, concerts, entertainment, etc. can be held in the preschool educational institution.

Promotion organization algorithm

Definition of the topic, purpose and objectives of the Action

Formation of a creative group (responsible for organizing and conducting the Action)

Selection of methods and forms of conducting

Determining the timing of the event (short-term or long-term promotion)

Drawing up a plan for the Action (plan of events)

Holding events Promotions

Summing up in the creative group

Promotion Results

All results of events during the Promotion must be open to parents. The visual results of the action can be: references - graphs (diagrams), photo reports, exhibitions of creative products, etc. It is convenient to place them in the locker room. Such a demonstration helps to include inactive parents in the general activity.

Parents' opinion about the Action is also important. Therefore, be sure to use various forms of feedback (anonymous). It can be:

mini-questionnaires (What new did you learn about yourself and your child? What did you like / dislike? Etc.),

screens - sectors. Sheet A3 is divided into three parts: “I liked it. Interesting", "It's hard to say", "I didn't like it". Each parent should mark their attitude to the event with any badge in the appropriate sector. The result is visible immediately

color voting. You need chips of three colors and a box - a piggy bank for voting. The color values ​​of the answers are posted (red - “it was interesting and useful to spend time with the whole family”; yellow - “it was interesting, there is something to think about”; blue - “could have spent time with greater benefit elsewhere”). The parent votes with the appropriate chip.

Book of reviews (2-3 landscape sheets, designed as a "book"). Parents freely express their impressions on the pages of the book.

At the end of the action, parents who took part in all events, the administration of the preschool educational institution can give letters of thanks

Campaign "My family is my wealth"

Location : MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 15", Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

Deadlines: Long-term promotion, lasting 1 month: from April 8 to May 8

Members: parents and pupils of senior and preparatory groups (5-7 years old)

Responsible: teacher-psychologist (or deputy head of the VMR), group educators

Purpose of the action: strengthening parent-child relationships; formation of a value attitude towards close people; expanding children's knowledge about their family; education of patriotism

Action plan:

1st week.

Announcement for parents about the beginning of the action "My family is my wealth". Invitation to participate.

Conversations with children about the family (in a group)

Mini survey for parents (on small multi-colored leaves). Leaves to sign (FI child). Parents are asked to complete the sentences:

Our family…

The most important thing for our family...

The most important member of the family...

Family drawing (children). The teacher signs the depicted family members. Writes down the child’s answer in the picture “The most important thing is ...”

Exhibition for parents "My family" (in the locker room). A parent's sheet with a mini-survey is attached to the child's drawing

Evaluation screen “Your opinion. How children and parents see the family. Sheet A3, divided into 3 sectors: “Excellent. Our opinion coincides”, “Interesting, but the result is unexpected”, “We have different views”. The parent evaluates their child's drawing and their answers, and puts any badge in the appropriate sector

2nd week.

Joint work of parents and children "Our family tree" (like a family tree, A4 format). On the tree there may be photographs, pictures of fairy-tale characters or animals (associations with family members). Names and kinship to sign. Algorithm:

Me (child) + brothers, sisters

Parents + aunts, uncles


Parents should briefly tell their children about their professions, what grandparents worked for

The story of each child in the group about his "Family Tree" and about his relatives (within a week as work is completed)

Poll of children “When I grow up, I want to be like ...” (conducted by teachers in a group)

Exhibition for parents "Family Tree". The child’s answer “I want to be like…” is attached to the work.

Was it interesting for the child to learn about his relatives and family ties? (if "YES" is a red chip)

Does a child need to know about his family tree and about the professions of his relatives? (if "YES" - a blue chip)

Did you personally enjoy participating in the Our Family Tree event? (if "YES" - yellow chip)

3rd week.

Collage on the theme "The virtues of our family" or "Traditions of our family" (optional). This is a joint work of parents and children (A4 format)

The story of each child in the group about his family on the topic of the collage (within a week as work is done)

Drawing or craft "My gift ... (to one of the family members)". Children work in groups with teachers. The works are signed: FI of the child, the name of the gift, to whom the gift is addressed.

Exhibition for parents of collages and "gifts" of children (works are fastened collage + gift)

Express survey of parents (optional form):

Is it important for a child to know about the virtues or traditions of your family?

Did the recipient like the child's gift?

4th week (on the eve of Victory Day). Final stage

Memory tape "I remember! IM proud of!" (as part of the All-Russian action "Immortal Regiment").

« Dear parents! Our action "My family is my wealth" is completed by the event dedicated to the Victory Day. Every family has relatives who fought or worked in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. Each of them contributed to the Great Victory.

Tell us about your veteran, about a person dear to you. Even if you did not see your soldier, but your parents or relatives told you about him.

Participation form. On sheet A4, place information about the veteran: full name of a relative, Years of life, Photo (if any), Briefly about his military path or work in the rear. Photos of awards (if any), military book, trophies. Below indicate the degree of relationship (for example, great-grandson Ivanov Ivan, born in 2009)

Tell your child about your hero, and he will tell us, and then - to his children.

The action is started by the teachers of the group, filling out information about their relative - a veteran (on sheet A4), as an example of registration for parents.

Children's stories about their family veterans (during the week). You can bring awards and other memorabilia of your veteran to the group and show to other children.

Replenishment of the Memory Tape “I remember! IM proud of!" (in the locker room)

Thematic conversations, classes (during the week)

Participation in a themed event. Children, together with their parents, holding commemorative sheets (portraits) of their veterans in their hands, pass the circle of honor and stand for a minute of silence.

Announcement of the completion of the campaign "My family is my wealth". Thanks to all the parents and children who participated in the action. Presentation of Letters of Appreciation to parents who took part in all events of the action.

The final survey of parents' opinions in the Guest Book. Parents are invited to express their impressions about the Promotion:

What did you enjoy the most (what event, moment, etc.)?

What did the child like the most?

What caused the difficulty?

Was there anything unexpected for you?

Are there similar events for parents and children?

Educational psychologist Izotova Raisa Viktorovna