Elementary school lesson for mother's day. Synopsis of the lesson "mother's day". primary school teacher

Mother's Day is celebrated in our country at the end of November. The lesson is designed in such a way as to develop the oral speech of students, to increase the knowledge of oral folk art of children, to foster a kind and respectful attitude towards the mother woman.



Conversation on the development of speech, to the program "Speech piggy bank"

"Mom is the first word"

Samara region, g. Tolyatti

MBU Lyceum 67.

Lesson type: a lesson in the integrated application of knowledge

Lesson type: conversation

Conversation program content:

to acquaint children with the new public holiday "Mother's Day";

develop aesthetic perception in children, teach to see beauty; the ability to examine the works of artists.

to introduce children to artists of different eras.

to form children's ideas about the work and professions of their mothers.

to bring up in children a kind, attentive, respectful attitude towards their mother, the desire to help her, to please her;

teach how to answer questions, build sentences correctly in a story about mom;

Preliminary work:

examination of paintings by different artists on the theme of motherhood;

reading fiction;

memorizing poems and proverbs about mom;

preliminary conversation with the family (child with mother) about her work;

learning to compose a story from their own experience.

Materials and equipment:reproductions of paintings used; everything you need to make an applique.

Course of the lesson:

In our country at the end of November, the public holiday "Mother's Day" is celebrated. Therefore, the topic of the TV show is very important. Children, what do you think is the best word in the world? (children's answer). The best word in the world is "MAMA". The words "mom", "mother" are some of the most ancient on Earth and sound almost the same in the languages ​​of different nations: "mami", "mutti". This suggests that all people respect and love mothers. And how affectionately can you call your mother in Russian? (Children's answers: Mommy, Mommy).

Now let's say wonderful words about Mom, each one word by word.



* mom is the most beautiful

* mom is the smartest

* mom is the most hardworking

* mom is the most active

* mom is the most responsible

* mom is the most artistic

* mom is the funniest

* mom is the most patient

* mom is the most serious

* mom is the most talented

* mom is the sweetest

* mom is the most athletic

* mom is the most beautiful

I want to talk with you about mom, so that you will be even more attentive and careful to your mothers, so that you will love them even more. And so that the boys understand that girls will also become mothers someday and they need to be protected and respected now. I would like to acquaint you with several paintings by artists about mothers. At all times, in all forms of art, the image of the mother was given a special place, and we will consider reproductions of paintings dedicated to the topic of our lesson.

1. Let's go to a reproduction of Alexei Gavrilovich Venetsianov's painting “On arable land. Spring". The artist painted this picture two centuries ago in our Tver province, near Vyshny Volochk. At that distant time, the woman was doing hard work, she was busy in the field, and there were no kindergartens at that time, and she was forced to take the child with her to the field. The child is patiently waiting for the mother to finish the work and come up to him. It's hard for him to wait so long for his mother. And now he sees that mom is approaching. The boy is very happy!

2. I propose to consider the following reproduction of the painting. Before you "Madonna Litta" by the great Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. Look into your mother's face. Pay attention to the woman's hands. Maybe this mother sings to her child the same lullaby that your mothers sang to you when you were little.

3. And one more picture about mom: Gennady Kvashura "Cossack". This is a modern Kuban artist. He paints pictures about the Cossacks, their lives. He also did not bypass the topic of motherhood, love for mother. The painting depicts a Cossack woman walking from a field with a child. The boy was with her at work. They were both tired, the boy clung to his mother - without her it is so boring to sit in the shade and wait for mom to finish and they will go home together.

We saw only a few pictures about mom. There are a lot of them. Almost every artist turns to this topic. Because artists, like any other person, have a mother. Mom's love warms and helps all my life. No wonder they say: while you have a mother, you are still a child. Various famous people have many sayings about mom. There are many proverbs about mom. Let's remember the proverbs about mom.

Children tell proverbs:

It is warm in the sun, good in the mother.

There is no better friend than dear mother.

The bird is happy with the spring, and the baby is the mother.

A mother's affection knows no end.

A good daughter, Annushka, is her mother and grandmother who praises her.

Working with one proverb.

On the blackboard is the proverb “It is light in the sun, but good in the mother».
Guys, read the proverb:
How do you understand it?
What do you think sunshine and mom have in common? (I hang the sun on the board).
Now, let's create a sun of motherly love. Tell me, what kind of mother's qualities make us feel warm and light?

(everything listed by children is recorded in the rays of the sun of motherly love: kindness, affection, care, love, patience ...)

This is how we got a wonderful sun of motherly love.

Well done, children, you know a lot of proverbs about mom. And now I propose to tell you about my mothers: what they are, what their names are, where they work, what you love to do together. (Three or four stories are heard.)



** Warm things quickly and quietly

Mom - a dressmaker sews for the kids.

** Sick teeth without any injections

Mom, a dentist, will cure.

** There are a lot of activities in kindergarten

Mom is a nanny and a teacher there.

** There are no less classes in the school. See:

Mom - teacher gives grades.

** Will not get tired of growing from the root

Miracle plant mom is a botanist.

** Writes articles and notes to newspapers

Mom is a writer and journalist.

** I got delicious sausages from the showcase

Mom, she's a shop assistant.

** Milks a cow early in the morning

In a clean pen, mom is a milkmaid.

** Buns and buns to eat in a hurry

They were baked by my mother, a pastry chef.



We help mom together,

We rinse the laundry ourselves.

One two three four -

Stretched, bent over.

We did a good job.

Story .

Well done boys! Since you did so well at charging, I'll tell you a story. Listen to her carefully and tell me which of the daughters really loved their mother.
The mother had seven daughters. Once, a mother went to her son, who lived far away. I returned home only a week later. When the mother came in, the daughters, one after another, began to say how much they missed their mother.
“I missed you like a poppy seed in a sunny meadow,” said the first daughter.
- I was waiting for you, as dry land waits for a drop of water, - said the second.
“I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird,” said the third.
“It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower,” the fourth chirped.
“I dreamed of a rose dreaming of a drop of dew,” said the fifth.
“I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” said the sixth.
And the seventh daughter said nothing. She took off her shoes and brought her water in a basin to wash her feet. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

So guys, which of the daughters really loved their mother? Why do you think so? What do you think is more difficult: to speak beautifully or to act beautifully? Think and say what each daughter from the fairy tale could do for her mother. What good are you doing for your mom? Tell us. And on this basis, we will create the "Mother Help Flower".
We hang the middle of the flower on the board. Children list how and how they help their mother. I write down everything listed by children on chamomile petals, attach them to the board. It turns out a flower to help mom.

What good fellows you are. And what wonderful mothers you have! You need to please your mothers more often with attention, care, gifts that you can make with your own hands. Let's think about what we can give mom this cloudy autumn day? (Children express their assumptions).

I suggest you make cards with flowers for our mothers (Children go to the tables, where everything is prepared for making cards with applique.)

On this day, I would like to say gratitude to all mothers who give their love, kindness, tenderness and affection.
Guys, often say warm words to your beloved mothers!

Bottom line.
Conversation with the guys about what new and interesting things they learned today.


Mothers Day

(6th grade)

Purpose: Fostering love and respect for a woman, for a mother.Objectives: the formation of positive interpersonal relationships,correction thinking, attention, memory, perception;preservation and strengthening of health,fostering patriotic feelings,fostering love and respect for a woman, for a mother.


The quiz is dedicated to Mother's Day.

From a pure heart in simple words

let's talk today about MOM!

For each correct answer, the participant receives a token - a flower for mom. And at the end of the quiz we will see who will collect flowers for mom the most.

1 task "Names"

Who opened this world to me

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOM in the world!

Mother Sveta, mother Tanya, mother Ira, mother Lena ... Each mother has her own kind, warm name. And what do female names mean ?!

The name Venus comes from the Latin word "venus" - beauty, charm. In ancient Roman mythology - the goddess of spring, beauty and love.

Daria translated from ancient Greek means "winner".

Eugenia translated from ancient Greek means "noble".

Catherine comes from the ancient Greek word "katharos", which means "pure, immaculate."

Translated from ancient Greek, Irina means "peace, tranquility."

Karina from the Latin word meaning the keel of the ship, "looking forward."

Marina comes from the Latin word “marinus”, which means “sea”.

Alexandra is a "protector of people."

Alena means scarlet, beautiful, translated from Greek means torch.

Many names in different languages ​​correspond to Russian. They are easy to recognize, for example: In Russia - Ivan, in France - Jean, in Spain - Juan, in England - John, in Germany - Johann.

Assignment: - Guess what names in other languages ​​correspond to Russian female names:


Irene, Annette, Maryele, Jeanne, Iraida, Julia, Maryana, Juliet, Anita?


    Guys, old Russian female names are written on the board. They are not just rare, but the rarest, that is, they are practically not found now.

Kiriena, Vitalika, Evlampia, Chrysia, Askania, Nida, Domna, Mirra.

Read and listen to how beautiful they sound. State these names in alphabetical order.

(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )

2 task

How to call in one word a mother who has:

GOOD SOUL - ... (good-natured)SOFT HEART - ...SHARP MIND - ...DARK HAIR - …CLEAR EYES - ...GREAT SOUL - ...

(Answer: good-natured, kind-hearted, witty, dark-haired, clear-eyed, generous)

(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )

3 task

Puzzle "Rainbow"

- A well-known proverb is hidden here. To find it, you need to "walk along the rainbow": first read all the letters in red, then - in orange, and so on. Reading - as in a book: from left to right, from the top row to the bottom. Start with a red letter " P ".



It's warm in the sun, but good in the mother's!

(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )

4 task

"Mom's Riddles"

1. Ringlets shine in the ears,There are heart pebbles in them.And strong fastenersOn gold ...(earrings)

2. To be a beautiful mother,You need to take mascara and blush.And you need to make up your lipsMother of pearl ...(lipstick)
3. Poured into jars, into tubes,He looks like sour cream.Moms like him all.It is fragrant ...(cream)
4. Comb all shaggy ones,Braid curls in braids,Make a trendy hairstyleHelps us ...(hairbrush)
5. Two glasses and a frame,I do not wear them as fun,Hooks by the earsMedical ...(glasses)
6. Mom's neck is entwinedFine and shiny thread.And curls sparkleOn silver ...


As in one word they call lipstick, cream, shadows, and mascara ...

(Answer: cosmetics).

Form words from the letters of the word


(For example: cat, tok, whale, teak, juice, poppy, lump, wasp, scythe, honeycomb, relish, drain, bowl, place, mark, grid, comet, etc.)

(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )

5 task

Read the proverb, reading from left to right first,

(Answer: There is no friend dearer than mother)

6 task

What did mom tell the lazy man to do before leaving?

(Collect words from letters in figures, focusing on their shape)

(Answer: To wash the floor, dishes) (In the "clouds" - the word wash, in the hearts - the word utensils, in the stars - the word floor)

7 task

Scanword "Sweets"

Find horizontal and vertical sweets.
From the remaining letters, add the dessert that our whole family loves.


(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )

8 task

Tongue Twisters

Determine which words in the tongue twister are written with a capital letter and which with a lowercase?

Speak the tongue twister 3 times very quickly. Who is faster and without mistakes?

Collected _argarita

_darks on the mountain. (Mm)

Go olya

weed the parsley in the _ola. (N, n)

(Answer: Margarita collected daisies on the mountain.

Fields went to weed the parsley in the field.)

9 task

Riddles about the professions of our mothers

Mom has on the counter Dolls, balls, pins, Shoes on the right, fabrics on the left, Cups are on display. Mom is like a queen In our store! (Salesman)
Kindness, warmth, soul Mommy is not sorry. Babies are waiting for mommy - Vasya, Masha, Jackdaw, Pasha, Senya and Marat - The whole kindergarten is waiting for her! (Educator)
Mom will cook soup For kids from different groups, Deftly fashion cutlets And cut the vinaigrette. And with such a skillful mother I am the most well-fed! (Cook)
At school I am the most scientist - I was very lucky with my mother. Children will learn from her Everything in the world is in the lesson. They will become better and smarter Fair and kind. (Teacher)
Mom is the most important, believe me! Mom walks with a thick bag. Will bring a letter in an envelope Parcel post and telegram. People are really looking forward to mom Mother's work is respected! (Postman)
Mom needs to work Put notes on the music stand. Just ask your mom - And he will play: "Mi, salt, si!" I will proudly tell the guys: "Mom knows all the chords!" (Musician)
Mom can put cans Smear abrasions and wounds. Mom gives injections To all the children of our school. Mom with affection, a kind word Helps you get healthy! (Nurse)
Mom - golden hands - Sews shirts, dresses, trousers, Dad, me, the sister of Light - All dressed up with a needle!


(For each correct answer, children receive tokens )


We all love our mothers and grandmothers very much. We try to please them more often, upset them less, help them around the house, take care of their health, protect them from difficulties, and always be there in difficult times.

Now let's summarize. We give the floor to the jury.

(Whoever has collected the most flower-tags for mom gets a prize).

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    Outline of extracurricular activities"Mothers Day"

    Tasks:educational: Introduce Mother's Day.

    ra s vivid: develop speech, memory, attention, creativity of children.

    educating: to cultivate love for the mother, respect for the woman.

    Methods: conversation, story, play, exercise, encouragement

    Forms: game conversation

    Equipment: applications (sun, flower), a poster with the name of the holiday, vegetables and fruits, incentive tokens.

    Carrying out plan:

    1. Introduction.
    Hello guys. Today, we will talk about one of the greatest holidays in Russia. Who knows what holiday is celebrated in Russia on the last Sunday of November? (Mothers Day)

    Today, we will talk with you about the most dear and beloved person for us - about mom. It turns out that this holiday is celebrated in many countries.

    Mother's Day is an international holiday. On this day, it is customary to congratulate mothers and pregnant women, in contrast to International Women's Day, when all women are congratulated. In different countries, this day falls on different dates, basically this holiday is celebrated every second Sunday in May.

    In Russia, the holiday "Mother's Day" is celebrated on the last Sunday in November. In Russia, this is still a very young holiday, it is only 10 and it has been celebrated only since 1998. The main purpose of this holiday is to emphasize the role of the most important person in our life, the main one - Mother.

    Mother's Day celebrations have their roots in the mists of time. This is how it originated in other countries.

    Since the 17th - 19th centuries, the so-called "Mother's Sunday" was celebrated in Great Britain - the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

    In the United States, Mother's Day was first publicly supported by the famous American Julia Ward Hove in 1872, but unfortunately, she did not find wide support either in the United States or in other countries.

    In 1907, American Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia took the initiative to celebrate this holiday, she wrote letters to government agencies and prominent personalities in order to devote one day a year to mothers. And first in the state of Virginia (1910), and then US President Vidro Wilson (in 1914), the second Sunday of May was declared a national holiday in honor of all American mothers.

    Following the USA, 23 countries declared the second Sunday of May, and more than 30 countries celebrate this holiday on other days.

    1. Main part.

      1. Poem about mom.
    Now, I will tell you a poem. If you find out who it is about, speak in chorus. Ready, listen.

    Who opened this world to me

    Sparing no effort?

    And always protected?

    The best in the world…. MAMA (in chorus)

    Who is the sweetest in the world

    And he will warm his warmth,

    Loves more than yourself?

    This …. My MOMMA (in chorus)

    Reads books in the evening

    And he always understands everything

    Even if I'm stubborn

    I know he loves me…. MAMA (in chorus)

    I walk the path

    But my legs are tired

    Jump over the pit

    Who will help? I know - ... MOM. (in chorus)

    Well done!

      1. Working with a proverb.
    On the blackboard is the proverb “ At sunshine light, a at mother good».

    Guys, read the proverb:

    How do you understand it?

    What do you think sunshine and mom have in common? (I hang the sun on the board).

    Now, let's create a sun of motherly love. Tell me, what kind of mother's qualities make us feel warm and light?

    (all of the above is recorded by children in the rays of the sun of motherly love: kindness, affection, care, love, patience, ...)

    This is how we got a wonderful sun of motherly love.

    Mom, like a sorceress:
    If he smiles -
    Every wish comes true for me.
    Mom kisses - the bad is forgotten.
    New day, fun day
    It starts with mom.

    What are the words you use to greet your mom when she comes home? (Children name several options, I add).

      1. Puzzles.
    For every person, mom is the most dear and beloved person. Do we know everything about mom? We offer you some riddles about the things that mom uses, and you try to guess.

    These balls on a thread

    Do you want to try it on?

    For any of your tastes

    In my mother's box ... (beads)

    They sparkle in my mother's ears,

    They play with the color of the rainbow.

    Drops-crumbs are silver

    Jewelry ... (earrings)

    The land is called fields,

    The top is decorated all over with flowers.

    Mystery headdress -

    Our mother has ... (hat)

    Name the dishes:

    The handle clung to the circle.

    Damn bake her - nonsense

    This is ... (frying pan)

    He has water in his belly

    I was seething with warmth.

    Like an angry boss

    Boils quickly ... (kettle)

    This is a meal for everyone

    Mom will cook for lunch.

    And the ladle is right there -

    Pour into bowls ... (soup)

    The dust will find and swallow in an instant -

    It brings cleanliness to us.

    Long hose, like a trunk-nose

    The mat cleans ... (vacuum cleaner)

    Ironing dresses and shirts

    He will iron our pockets.

    He is a faithful friend on the farm -

    His name is ... (iron)

    Here is a cap on the light bulb

    Separates light and darkness.

    Along the edges of its openwork -

    This is a wonderful ... (lampshade)

      1. Story.
    Well done boys! Since you've done so well with riddles, I'll tell you a story. Listen to her carefully and tell me which of the daughters really loved their mother.

    The mother had seven daughters. Once, a mother went to her son, who lived far away. I returned home only a week later. When the mother came in, the daughters, one after another, began to say how much they missed their mother.

    - I missed you, as a poppy on a sunny meadow, - said the first daughter.

    - I was waiting for you, as dry land waits for a drop of water, - said the second.

    “I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird,” said the third.

    “It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower,” the fourth chirped.

    “I dreamed of a rose dreaming of a drop of dew,” said the fifth.

    “I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” said the sixth.

    And the seventh daughter said nothing. She took off her shoes and brought her water in a basin to wash her feet.

    (V. Sukhomlinsky)

    So guys, which of the daughters really loved their mother? Why do you think so? What do you think is more difficult: to speak beautifully or to act beautifully? Think and say what each daughter from the fairy tale could do for her mother. What good are you doing for your mom? Tell us. And on this basis, we will create the "Mother Help Flower".

    I hang the middle of the flower on the board. Children list how and how they help their mother. I write down everything listed by children on chamomile petals, attach them to the board. It turns out a flower to help mom.

      1. Game "Mom's helpers".
    Now we are going to play a very interesting game, and at the same time see how you can help your mother.

    (On the desk there are 2 pairs of vegetables, suitable and not suitable for making soup). (Two teams of five are created.) The task of each team is to select and bring only those vegetables that are needed to make the soup. The team that copes first wins.

      1. Bottom line.
    Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day takes a special place. This is exactly the holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say gratitude to all mothers who give their love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

    Guys, let each of you often say warm words to your beloved mothers!

    So guys, what new and interesting things have you learned today?

    Primary School Mother's Day Scenario


    To foster a sense of respect, love, gratitude for a woman - mother.

    Strengthen understanding of the importance of the family and the role of the mother - the mistress, intercessor, guardian of the family hearth.


    Contribute to strengthening the relationship between parents and children.

    Develop cognitive motivation, observation, desire to be a worthy son (daughter) of their parents. Raise pride, responsibility for your actions.

    Promote the manifestation of empathy, positive emotions, attention to mom.

    To contribute to the development of the abilities of each child, the formation of a children's team.

    Involve parents in school activities.

    Equipment : computer, presentation, slideshow about mothers of children, decoration of the hall, attributes for competitions, drawings of children, portraits of mothers.

    Holiday progress:

    Slide 1:

    Before the start of the holiday, accompanied by appropriate music,video about the mothers of the children of the school.

    Lead 1:

    Who said there are no angels on earth?

    It's just that sometimes they don't have wings, and then we call them mothers.

    Lead 2:

    Mother's Day is a worthy good holiday,

    Who enters the family with the sun.

    And not every mother is pleasant, unless

    When she is honored by right!

    Lead 1:

    On this dayit is customary for mothers to give flowers. Accept from us on a holiday an unusual bouquet, which consists of songs, dances, words of congratulations!

    Accept congratulations from the guys.

    Roma, Yura, Kolya, Alina come out.

    1. We have a solemn day today,
    Day of joy and beauty,
    All over the country he gives to women
    Your smiles and flowers !!!

    2: In the dark night it is light for me,

    I'm warm on a frosty day,

    If mom is near

    looks with a gentle look!

    3: The sun is brighter for me - Mom!

    Peace and happiness for me: mom!

    The noise of the branches, the flowers of the fields: Mom!

    4. Call of flying cranes: mom!

    The water is clear in the spring: mom!

    There is a bright star in the sky: Mom!

    Lead 1:

    The most beautiful word on earth is mom. This is the first word a person utters. And it sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world:

    Slide 2

    In English - maze.

    Muter in German.

    In Kyrgyz - apa.

    In Georgian - Deda.

    In Ukrainian - Nenka.

    In Russian - mother, mother.

    In Belarusian - matsi, matulya.

    Lead 2:

    Children are the most precious thing for a mother.

    Happy is the one who knows motherly love, affection and care from childhood.

    And children should answer her in the same way: love, attention, care.

    Lead 1:

    For your holiday, dear mothers, the children have prepared a dance as a gift and today they will show it.

    Dance "Waltz" 3 cl.

    Lead 1 :

    Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us. Let's play the Mommy game. Answer the questions in chorus.

    Slide 3

    Who came to me in the morning? Mum…

    Who said: "It's time to get up?"

    Who managed to cook the porridge?

    Who poured tea into the cup?

    Who braided my braids?

    Did you sweep the whole house alone?

    Who kissed me?

    Who kiddies love to laugh?

    Who is the best in the world?

    Lead 2:

    Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands. They can do everything and have time everywhere. Any pain goes away when mom caresses us with her hands. These hands lull us to sleep in childhood. Taking the first step, we held on to my mother's hand.

    1- 2kl: Kirill, Ruslan, Alina, Danil

    1. My mother's hands -

    A pair of white swans:

    So tender and so beautiful

    How much love and strength they have!

    2. They fly all day long,

    They don't know as if tired.

    They will bring comfort in the house,

    They will sew a new dress,

    Caress, warm -

    Mom's hands can do everything!

    3. Mom's hair is golden,

    And mom has a good laugh.

    Ministers also have mothers,

    But mine is the best!

    4. I put forward an idea,

    Support me all:

    In a seven day week

    Three days off for moms!


    The guys have prepared a song for today's holiday.

    "The best in the world": this is the name of the song that Nastya and Maxim will perform for you now. And the guys of the 3rd grade will help them.

    The song "The Best in the World" in a mimic performance.

    Lead 1:

    Guys, for the holiday you painted portraits of your mothers.

    ( pay attention to the pictures)

    Today our mothers are our guests. We invite mothers and their children to play.(come out )

    Slide 4

    Competition "Let's Draw a Collective Portrait"

    We will split into two teams "Moms" and "Children" and will stand in 2 columns. Children will draw a portrait of their mother, and mothers - a portrait of the child.
    - For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers. 1st runs and draws the head, eyes, nose,
    2nd - hair, second eye - mouth,
    3rd - torso,
    4th - hands,
    5th - legs without feet,
    6th - shoes,
    7th - beads,
    8th - a handbag.
    Which team is faster wins.

    -See what wonderful portraits have turned out.

    Lead 2:

    The guys have prepared poems for you, mothers.

    Vika, Nikita, Zhenya, Zhenya K.

    1. It's very easy to be a mom,

    Only from morning to night

    Dad needs to say:

    "I am very tired!"

    2. No, it's not difficult to be a mother:

    Once - lunch is ready.

    Well, take the dishes to wash -

    There are no more cases.

    3. By the way, wash

    Sew something.

    If you take a broom in your hands,

    You can rest.

    4. I have to braid a pigtail,

    Read a book.

    Take my brother to the kindergarten,

    Daddy knit a scarf.

    I decided to help her

    And I'll tell you straight:

    No work is harder

    Than mom's job.

    Lead 1:

    All of you guys have seen Mom getting ready for work. Have you seen?

    What she does? …. They dress beautifully, put on jewelry, comb their hair, put on makeup,… .. Take a bag?

    Slide 5

    Competition "Mom is going to work" (for 3 people)

    Lead 2:

    Our mothers get up early in the morning. It is necessary to redo household chores, and not to be late for work. They have golden hands. If you get sick, your mothers will cure you, if you become sad, they will console you, and if you get scared, they will definitely save you.

    Nastya and Tolya read poetry

    Mom is loved by everything in the world

    Mom is the best friend!

    Not only children love mothers,

    They love everyone around!

    If anything happens

    If suddenly trouble -

    Mommy will come to the rescue

    Will always help out!

    Mom is a lot of strength, health

    Give it to all of us.

    So, the truth is not in the world

    Better than our mothers.

    Mom was busy for a long time:

    All business, business, business ...

    Mom was so tired for the day.

    She lay down on the couch.

    I will not touch her,

    I'll just stand near.

    Let her sleep -

    A little-

    I'll sing her a song.

    I will become closer to my mother -

    I love her very much!

    It’s a pity that he doesn’t hear

    Mom is my song.

    Lead 1:

    - Guys, our mother is not only beautiful, but also diligent, hardworking. Where can we meet mom most often at home?


    - On the kitchen!

    Slide 6

    Competition 4 "Collect beans and peas" (for children and mothers)

    Lead 2:

    - Each team has a tray containing peas and beans. You need to spread the beans and peas on separate plates using tweezers.

    Slide 7

    Competition 5 "find your child" (for mothers and children)

    Lead 1:

    - Each mother with her eyes closed must identify her child, and the child - his mother.

    Slide 8
    competition "Dance"

    Lead 2:

    - The child comes up with dance moves, and the mother repeats them.

    - How nicely we had fun! What a great time we had. Our holiday is coming to an end.

    Lead 1:

    I would like in the autumn days,
    Take all adversity away from you,
    Solar Mood Cup
    To present to lovely women.
    So that your eyes are filled with joy
    New freshness for many years
    And so that your life is brighter than a rainbow
    She blazed for the whole world.

    Lead 2:

    Our holiday is already ending

    What else can we say?

    Allow me goodbye -

    I wish you health!

    Be cheerful and healthy.

    Give everyone a good light!

    Come visit again

    And live to be a hundred!

    Closing song on the slide

    Slide 9
    The bend of the yellow guitar you embrace tenderly.
    The string will pierce the stiff heights with a fragment of echo.
    Today we celebrate mom's holiday with success.
    It's great that we are all here today.

    We wish you health, and we wish you happiness!
    Good luck and patience! Mummy, smile!
    And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.
    It's great that we are all gathered here today!

    Slide 10


    Class hour - a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day

    1. To cultivate love, understanding for the closest person - mother, correct attitude towards mother.
    2. Develop creativity, speech of students.

    Equipment: poster, flowers, balloons, postcards, competition inventory, prizes.

    Holiday progress

    Leading (teacher)

    The cold autumn is coming to an end

    Scattered by the fire of amber.

    What a holiday today? - we ask.

    What day will brighten up the darkness of November?

    On this day, the sun shines so tenderly

    The sky shines with the happiness of the seas.

    All this will answer our question:

    After all, today is Mothers Day!

    A great day for all people on Earth!

    Mother's Day is a day of life and hope!

    For mothers - let the sun go to heaven,

    And the gentle sea at their feet,

    Dear, sweet and kind eyes

    May unhappiness and anxiety not touch you!

    Morning begins, (Turcan B)

    Mom wakes up

    And my mother's smile

    The morning is filling up.

    Warm palms (Chuguev V)

    Mom will warm you

    Kind words

    Sadness-sorrow will dispel.

    In the rays of coolness, light.

    Today is our mothers' holiday

    And we are pleased with that.

    2) I love you, mom, (Volkov M)

    For what, I do not know.

    Probably for the fact that

    I breathe and dream.

    3) And I rejoice in the sun, (Vasiliev A)

    And a bright day -

    For this I am you,

    Dear, I love you.

    4) For the sky, for the wind, (Goltyaeva M)

    For the air around.

    I love you mom

    You are my best friend.

    5) One hundred ways, roads around (Donets T)

    Walk around the light.

    Mom is the best friend

    There is no better mother.

    6) Mom's hair is golden, (Ekimova N)

    And mom has a good laugh.

    Ministers also have mothers,

    But mine is the best!

    7) Mommy, beloved, dear, (Egunyan M)

    The sun, chamomile, cornflower,

    I don’t know what to wish you

    On this wonderful day.

    8) I wish you joy and happiness, (Zhirkova L)

    Peace and good luck for your age,

    So that the heart does not break into pieces,

    My dear, my dear, man!

    9) Beloved mother, I congratulate you, (Zakharova N)

    On Mother's Day, I wish you happiness and health.

    You are in my heart, even if you are apart,

    I always remember your gentle hands.

    Contest №1 "Know your mom by hand"

    Competition number 2. This competition is for moms who spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Products will now be called. Your task: indicate what it is: a vegetable, fruit, drink or something else.

      Persimmon (fruit)

      Carp (fish)

      Raisins (berry)

      Cinnamon (spice)

      Coconut (walnut)

      Melon (berry)

      Halibut (fish)

      Rice (groats)

      Blueberry (berry)

      Cherry (berry)

      Eggplant 9vegetable)

      Vobla (fish)

      Pistachios (nuts)

      Grape (berry)

      Gobies (fish)

      Lingonberry (berry)

      Beans (vegetable)

      Jerusalem artichoke (vegetable)


    Stand with your ears on top of your head, listen carefully. Chastooshkas will sound now. Very good.

    1) We are funny friends, (Kelaseva D)

    We dance and sing

    And now we will tell you

    How moms and I live

    2) Dad solved the problem for me, (Kalugin R)

    Helped in mathematics.

    Then we decided with my mother

    What he could not solve.

    3) Julia washed the floors, (Lupanova K)

    Olya helped

    It's just a pity - mom again

    I washed everything.

    4) Smoked pan (Morozov S)

    Olya cleaned with sand

    Two hours in Olya's trough

    Grandma washed afterwards.

    5) Let the songs ring everywhere (Mityushin E)

    About our beloved mothers.

    We are for everything, for everything, relatives,

    We say: "Thank you!"

    6) We sang you as best we could, (Nazarova K)

    We are only children.

    But we know our mothers

    "The best in the world."

    Competition No. 3 "Tell a Word"

    The Word hid somewhere, the Word hid and waits. Let the guys find me. Well, who will find me?

    Mom, dad, brother and me -

    That's my whole ... (family)

    Our hands were soapy.

    We washed the dishes ourselves.

    We washed the dishes ourselves -

    They helped our ... (mom!)

    We plant flowers in the garden,

    We water them from a watering can.

    Asters, lilies, tulips

    Let them grow for our ... (mom)

    These balls on a thread

    Do you want to try it on?

    For any of your tastes

    In my mother's box .... (beads)

    They sparkle in my mother's ears,

    They sparkle with the color of the rainbow.

    Drops-crumbs are silver

    Jewelry .... (earrings)

    Name the dishes:

    The handle clung to the circle.

    Damn bake her - nonsense

    This is .... (frying pan)

    He has water in his belly

    I was seething with warmth.

    Like an angry boss.

    Boils quickly .... (kettle)

    This is a meal for everyone

    Mom will cook for lunch.

    And the ladle is right there-

    Pour into bowls .... (soup)

    Contest No. 4 "Reasoning"

      This usually happens in a fairy tale, and sometimes in life. This is what they call everything amazing, unusual, magical. When it happens, we always admire, rejoice (miracle).

      They hide under dirty nails. They are so small that they cannot be seen. You can get sick from them (germs).

      It happens often and in many places it has to waste time. But if you need something, then you have to come to terms with her. You stand as long as you need and you will get what you wanted (turn).

      Every person should have it, but some have forgotten about it. She helps to become a real person. When you do something wrong or hurt someone in vain, she torments you (conscience)

      If it is not there, then there is no joy, without it it is not life, but existence. They always wish him to each other, especially in letters. You can't buy it for any money. (Health)

      Every person dreams of him, wants everything to be good in life. But no one knows where to find him. There are fabulous birds that bring it (happiness)

      A person carries everything to his house, whether he needs it or not. He does not like to give gifts, share sweets. And it's better not to ask him for anything, because he won't give (greed) anyway.

      A person is forced to bear responsibility for his bad deed. Adults say that it helps to educate correctly. A person is deprived of something, they are not allowed to walk because of a bad deed. (Punishment)

    Staging poem

    1) I help my mother: (Sawgazer Sawa)

    I'll cook soup in the sandbox,

    I wash my clothes in a puddle of a cat ...

    How, mom, I love you!

    2) And I'm on the wallpaper in the hallway (Obraztsova Anya)

    Mommy draw a portrait

    Sister will help me too ...

    Mommy, is it similar or not?

    3) I'll put on my mother's dress, (Pronina Vika)

    As soon as I cut the length

    All of a sudden it will suddenly become clear to everyone:

    I love only one mother!

    4) And I'm preparing a gift for her- (Paleshkin Kir)

    On my father's new car

    I scratch: “Mom - with love!

    Nobody can replace you! "

    5) And I am your new hat (Pogosyan Tamara)

    I will immediately turn into a hare:

    I will sew his ears and paws ...

    I want to make a present!

    6) But I got into a fight with Vanyusha - (Paleshkin Fedor)

    There is a huge bruise under the eye.

    Said his mom is better

    I do not agree with him in any way!

    7) I will wash my mother's shoes, (Pavlova Alina)

    Boats in the bathroom comin.

    And mom will come and see

    That I love her very much!

    8) I ball on lipstick (Pozdeev Nikita)

    Olya's neighbors changed.

    And mommy will be delighted

    And he will say: "Here is my son!"

    9) We will not argue in vain, (Panov Nikita)

    We will tell our mothers

    That their children are simply beautiful ...

    TOGETHER: We are never naughty!

    Competition No. 5 "Lullaby"

    Contest number 6 "Explainers." Now we will see how you will be able to understand each other. Task - without words using gestures, explain the name of kitchen utensils. Task: mothers describe the object with gestures, and children must guess what it is. What you need: cards - envelopes with assignments (saucepan, refrigerator, frying pan, microwave oven, kettle, mixer, gas stove, plates and cups)

    Contest # 7 "Winders". 2 participants take sticks in their hands horizontally and, on command, to cheerful music, begin to quickly and neatly wind their end of the thread on the stick. The winner is the player who runs out of the thread of his color faster. Whoever gets to the candy faster is the winner.

    Contest No. 8 "Comic Lottery"

      Do you like sweets, or no, here's a handful of sweets.

      Even though it is a small soap, there is always great power in it.

      There can be a misfire with light; a candle will come in handy on the farm.

      To have a beautiful hairstyle, have a comb with you.

      You got a pencil, it was nobody's now it is yours.

      In life, you need to hope for the best, take glue if something doesn't stick.

      To find out, the income will be, by the way, you have a notebook.

      There is no better win than a plastic bag.

      Do not be sick, be strong, we are handing you napkins.

      You won not a penny, but a real ruler.

      Yes, your lucky ticket, so hold your pencil.

      I wanted to win a flashlight, but I got only ... a ball.

      To find out the income, a notebook will come in handy for you.

      You would like a piano, but you have a calendar.

      In order not to eat in the dining room, get a bay leaf.

      We give you a notebook, there was something to write on.

      Get it, hurry up, you - a notebook, write poems.

    Competition number 9. On separate sheets of paper written concepts from school life and their deciphering. It is necessary to connect the pairs in meaning.

    (It should look like this:

    Briefcase - shield and sword.

    Dictation - eye to the left, eye to the right.

    Director's arrival - Get up! The trial is coming !.

    Students are funny guys.

    The first desk is an island of bad luck.

    The last desk is the island of freedom.

    The diary after checking is a scarlet flower.

    “2” for the hint - woe from wits.)

    Gifts from children

    We are a gift to mom (Stadnitskaya Sonya0

    We will not buy

    Let's cook it ourselves.

    With your own hands.

    You can embroider her with a scarf.

    You can grow a flower. (Sorokina Dasha)

    You can draw a house.

    The blue river ...

    And kiss

    Dear mom!

    (Giving gifts)

    Final song

    The bend of the yellow guitar you embrace tenderly.

    The string will pierce the stiff heights with a fragment of echo.

    Today we celebrate mom's holiday with success.

    It's great that we are all here today.

    We wish you health, and we wish you happiness!

    Good luck and patience! Mummy, smile!

    And we firmly promise that we will not let you down.

    It's great that we are all gathered here today!

    Nice women, nice women!

    I do not wish you another fate,

    Be beautiful, be loved

    Be happy to one and all!