Is pregnancy possible after a miscarriage? Causes of spontaneous abortion. Why doctors are against pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage

The worst thing that can happen during a desired pregnancy is its premature termination, or in other words, a miscarriage. Not only physical pain is experienced by a woman in this situation, but also moral. According to statistics, every third pregnancy is doomed to such a misfortune.

After a miscarriage occurs, a woman should visit the gynecological department for a comprehensive examination. Doctors will carry out a complete diagnosis of the body to identify the reason for this spontaneous abortion. Usually, this is facilitated by chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus, hormonal disorders, previous abortions, severe depression, genital infections, uterine folds, problems in the cardiovascular system, and much more. Having determined the cause of the miscarriage, the doctor will give qualified recommendations for the further planning of the next pregnancy. The prescribed tests will show abnormalities in the body that will need to be eliminated in order to be able to bear the child. It is not worthwhile to independently engage in pregnancy planning immediately after a miscarriage, because each subsequent spontaneous interruption reduces the possibility of becoming a mother. For subsequent successful gestation, you need to follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist. At least six months should pass before it will be possible to try to conceive a child again. During this period, you need to manage to treat the identified hormonal abnormalities and normalize the menstrual cycle. Emotional support from a partner is very important in this situation. After completing the course of treatment and receiving good tests, you can try to conceive again. If it happened that the pregnancy came before the permitted time, then you should not think that there will be a repetition of the past situation. The miscarriage that has happened has a negative effect on the psyche of a woman. Therefore, it is recommended to visit a family psychologist to get rid of the stressful condition. Yoga classes, relaxing massages, workouts in the gym, swimming in the pool have a good effect on raising the mood. A positive perception of what is happening will help the successful conception of a baby. For a positive result, you should revise your lifestyle and diet. Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables helps to fill the body with vitamins. It is recommended to go for walks in the fresh air every day. Be sure to get rid of all bad habits that adversely affect your health. Drinking alcohol and smoking weaken the function of the eggs and sperm. Avoid strenuous physical labor. It is recommended to drink mint and lemon balm tea, which help to relax the body. Take vitamin E and folic acid, which will help in the proper development of pregnancy. If there are changes in the state of health, then immediately notify the gynecologist with whom you are being observed.

See your doctor regularly and follow their recommendations. Positive thinking and a healthy lifestyle contribute to the early onset of the desired pregnancy and its successful bearing.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous abortion in which the fetus dies in the womb. In most cases, pregnancy can be terminated in this way within the first four months. But this probability lasts up to 28 weeks. Miscarriage is divided into early, which occurs during the first trimester and late, when gestation is interrupted during the second period. Early pregnancy after a miscarriage is easier because it takes less time for the body to recover.

There are 7 reasons that can trigger a miscarriage.

  1. Spontaneous abortion can be the result of hyperandrogenism - an excessive concentration of male hormones in the female body. This problem can be determined by such an external sign as increased hairline in the abdomen, legs and face.

If a woman has this hormonal imbalance, before planning a pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage, she needs to take a blood and urine test for hormonal levels - "17-KS". If there is an imbalance, a woman is prescribed dexametozone, a drug that corrects the concentration of male hormones. If necessary, the hormonal background is stabilized with the help of this remedy during the period of gestation.

  1. At a later stage, pregnancy can be terminated due to the pathological condition of the cervix. The pressure of the fetus and uterus increases on the cervix, leading to premature disclosure. Such pathological weakness of the cervix can be of a genetic nature, as well as be the result of trauma from previous childbirth or abortion.

If the previous pregnancy was interrupted for this reason, the doctor places a circumferential suture on the cervix for 12 to 16 weeks of the new pregnancy. He is filmed a few weeks before giving birth. After suturing, a woman can resume her previous lifestyle in a day. But in some cases, a woman needs bed rest to be successful in bearing.

  1. The course of pregnancy also depends on the health of the expectant mother. A spontaneous abortion may be due to the presence of infectious diseases. When planning the next conception, expectant parents need to undergo an examination in order to exclude these diseases or, if they are detected, undergo the necessary therapy. This requirement applies to both women and men.
  1. In addition to infections, tumor formations, such as fibroids, can also hinder the development of the fetus. At the same time, the egg cell is not able to implant, which causes an early miscarriage.
  1. Endocrine disorders in the female body - diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease - also lead to such consequences. A woman must undergo a comprehensive medical examination and, in addition to a gynecologist, be monitored by a doctor specializing in the existing disease throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Not the least important is the age of the expectant mother.
  1. An immunological incompatibility between a man and a woman can provoke an abortion. In this condition, the mother's immunity rejects the father's cells in the embryo. In this situation, treatment involves a course of immunotherapy. Miscarriage can be the result of strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, or injury. In order to preserve and successfully bear the next child, a woman needs to give up physical work until a new pregnancy. And completely eliminate the load throughout the entire period of gestation.
  1. These tragic consequences are caused not only by physical, but also by psychological stress. A woman should, if possible, eliminate all stress factors that disturb the emotional balance. If your pregnancy is terminated by stress, you should not take strong sedative tranquilizers before conceiving again.

If there is a need for medical correction of the psychological state, it is recommended to give preference to tinctures of medicinal herbs such as valerian, motherwort or peony. Taking these drugs, despite their natural origin, must be in accordance with the instructions.
If none of the above causes are found, the child is most likely to have a genetic disorder. For this reason, a miscarriage is considered a type of selection, as a result of which a malformed embryo is removed. To identify genetic disorders and minimize their consequences in the future, chromosomal tests are performed. If it was not possible to establish the cause of a spontaneous abortion, planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage should begin with a consultation with a geneticist, who will determine the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities.

Signs of fetal rejection

  1. The main symptom of a miscarriage is uterine bleeding. Even minor bleeding should not be ignored. Often the process of embryo rejection begins with a little bleeding over a period of several days.
  2. Accompanying symptoms may be cramps in the lower abdomen. A woman does not always experience painful sensations at the same time. Symptoms can be intermittent, disappearing for a while and then recurring. Often, the state of health deteriorates very sharply.
  3. The presence of tissue fragments in the discharge indicates that an abortion has occurred. Mostly the fetus is not removed from the body immediately, but after a certain period of time after death. For this reason, elimination occurs in parts. If the fruit comes out entirely, it resembles a round gray bubble. White particles may be present in the bleeding.

A miscarriage goes through several stages, each of which has its own symptoms. The child can be saved early on.

  1. At the first stage, there is a threat of interruption. At the same time, the woman feels aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. Minor bleeding may occur. With the timely intervention of doctors, the fetus can be saved.
  2. The second stage is characterized by the onset of miscarriage, which is accompanied by moderate pain, cramping sensations in the lower abdomen. There is a slight bleeding, which may intensify. The woman has dizziness and weakness.

At this stage, the miscarriage can be stopped. A woman can be prescribed both outpatient and inpatient treatment. If hormone imbalance is the cause of the interruption, the doctor will prescribe hormone therapy. Some expectant mothers are afraid of taking these drugs, they are afraid of their negative impact on the baby. But such therapy should not be abandoned, since the cause of the interruption is thus eliminated.

  1. In the third stage, the child dies, the pregnancy cannot be saved. The process is accompanied by sharp pains in the lower abdomen and aching painful sensations in the lower back. The bleeding is profuse.
  2. At the fourth stage, the fetus is completely removed from the mother's body, the uterus contracts, the bleeding stops, and the pain stops. A miscarriage is considered complete at the moment when the fetus has left the uterine cavity. To make sure the abortion is complete, the doctor will perform a surgical examination or order an ultrasound scan.

A woman can survive a miscarriage without even noticing it. In this case, the embryo dies, but is not removed from the uterus. The lack of signs of pregnancy should be a cause for concern. In this situation, a woman should immediately contact a medical institution, where a doctor, using an ultrasound machine, will determine the presence or absence of fetal heartbeat.

Examination after miscarriage

To successfully endure the next pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the reasons that led to the termination of the previous one. To do this, a woman needs to undergo the following examinations:

  • ultrasound examination of the uterus and appendages, on the basis of which the doctor will get an idea of ​​the structure of internal organs and possible pathologies, the state of the endometrium, the presence of neoplasms;
  • urine analysis for ketosteroids and blood for hormones, which will help determine the level of male hormones in a woman's body;
  • examination of future parents for the presence of infectious diseases;
  • study of the work of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage

Physiologically, conception can occur during the first month. The day of miscarriage is considered the first day of the cycle, after 2-3 weeks ovulation will occur, which makes fertilization possible. But in practice, doctors recommend to wait 6-12 months. This is due to the psychological state of the woman, which after a miscarriage needs to be restored, as well as the likelihood of repeated interruption. The short interval between spontaneous abortion and conception increases this risk. Experts believe that the most optimal period of physiological and emotional recovery for a woman is 1 year.
Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage is undesirable due to the increased likelihood of re-termination. Each time an embryo is rejected, the female body's ability to bear a healthy baby is reduced. Pregnancy after 3 miscarriages occurs in 50% of cases. During the rehabilitation period, a woman should undergo an examination to determine the reason why the pregnancy was terminated. This will make it possible to prevent a tragedy in the future.
There are a number of indications in the presence of which a woman is recommended to consult a specialist at the planning stage:

  • the onset of the first pregnancy at the age of 35;
  • pregnancy after long-term fertility treatment;
  • abortion in the past. Special attention should be paid to cases of termination of pregnancy for a period of more than 9 weeks;
  • pathological conditions of internal organs that interfere with the normal development of the fetus;
  • the threat of miscarriage during previous pregnancies;
  • gynecological operations;
  • freezing of the fetus during a previous pregnancy;
  • hereditary predisposition to spontaneous abortion.

Preparatory activities

In order for pregnancy after a miscarriage to come and go well after a certain period, future parents are advised to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Initially, you need to give up all bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco products reduce the viability of eggs and sperm, thereby reducing the likelihood of fertilization.
  2. It is necessary to exclude the use of potent drugs, if possible, completely abandon medicines.
  3. Anxiety and stress have a detrimental effect on attempts to get pregnant. If a man and a woman cannot independently normalize their emotional state after a miscarriage, they should seek psychological help from a specialist.
  4. A woman is advised to give up hard physical work and intense sports.
  5. Since infectious diseases pose a direct threat to gestation, contact with possible carriers of viruses and infections should be avoided.
  6. Properly organized balanced nutrition plays an important role. The diet should contain foods, the consumption of which is able to provide the female body with the necessary nutrients.
  7. In addition, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex and trace elements, but a doctor should prescribe these drugs.

Pregnancy after a late miscarriage should occur no earlier than 2 years after the previous conception. This is how much time it takes for the body to recover and prepare. Some women, when they have a strong desire to have a child, ignore this advice. But in this case, the likelihood of a repetition of the tragedy increases.

Women with a history of miscarriages are at risk when a new pregnancy occurs. If there are appropriate indications: the appearance of painful sensations in the lower abdomen or bloody discharge, the doctor prescribes hospitalization. The main requirement is bed rest. To relieve the tone of the uterus, No-shpa injections, droppers with magnesia, rectal suppositories are prescribed. If the gestational age after a miscarriage does not exceed 12 weeks, these measures are sufficient. With hormonal deficiency, therapy is carried out using drugs containing progesterone. A sign of successful treatment is the cessation of pain and the normalization of the uterine tone.
If, after examination, the doctor has concluded that there is no significant threat, there is no need for hospitalization. But while staying at home, a woman must follow certain recommendations. Do not forget about the harmful effects of stress. The expectant mother needs to avoid conflict situations. Not the least important is the way of life. The daily routine should include walks in the fresh air lasting 20 minutes or more.

Lack of sleep is just as dangerous as emotional stress. For a successful pregnancy, you need full sleep - at least 8 hours a day. Do not lift objects weighing more than 3 kg, lifting heavy weights can provoke a repeated miscarriage.

Hot baths, saunas and baths are contraindicated for a woman expecting a baby. This requirement is most relevant in the early stages, when there is a high risk of interruption. Women who are carrying a pregnancy after 2 miscarriages should be especially careful. It is better to take a shower during this period, because the temperature level of the water should not exceed 38 ° С.

Taking vitamins is also important. For the full development of the immune and circulatory system of the baby, folic acid is needed. The work of the thyroid gland will be provided by potassium iodide. If the level of hemoglobin in the blood of the expectant mother is low, she is prescribed iron. This is the main complex of vitamins that the body of a pregnant woman needs. But you need to take vitamin preparations only after consulting a doctor.


After spontaneous abortion, a woman has a fairly good chance of becoming a mother. But in order to successfully carry the next baby, through a comprehensive examination, it is necessary to establish the cause of the miscarriage in order to exclude a repetition of the situation. It is necessary to comply with the established dates for the next conception, since the body must recover. Early pregnancy after miscarriage may occur earlier. You should also monitor your health, avoid stress, eat well and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Features of the course of pregnancy after miscarriage. Video:

The loss of a child is very difficult to bear psychologically for both parents. But for a woman it is also a great physical stress. After a miscarriage, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to undergo treatment to eliminate the risk of this situation recurring in the future. When is the best time to get pregnant again?

What happens in a woman's body after a miscarriage?

Many women who have had a spontaneous abortion are concerned about how to get pregnant after a miscarriage. After all, most of them, despite the absence of health problems, cannot get pregnant.

You need to take extra care of your health after a miscarriage, especially when a woman has managed to become pregnant again. After all, after a miscarriage, the body becomes vulnerable and the situation may repeat itself. The risk of repeated miscarriage increases if the cause of the previous loss of the child is not eliminated.

Spontaneous abortion can occur under the influence of factors such as:

  • sexually transmitted infections such as chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, herpes;
  • fetal malformations that are not compatible with his life, in this case, the mother's body itself expels the embryo;
  • abortions in the past, operations on the uterus, its deformation or adhesions;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • chronic diseases that lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

After a miscarriage, a huge hormonal surge occurs in a woman's body, which can lead to problems with the ovaries and other organs.

When the egg does not come out completely on its own and doctors have to do curettage, damage to the uterine lining may occur. In the future, this affects the ability to become pregnant, because the damaged endometrium is not always able to hold a new fertilized egg.

After what period can you give birth?

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? Definitely yes. If a miscarriage occurs early in pregnancy, for example, before 6 weeks, then you can become pregnant within a month. But is it worth the hurry?

First, you need to undergo an examination and eliminate all possible causes of miscarriage, and then start planning a pregnancy.

Women who have suffered a miscarriage at a later date are advised to refrain from a possible pregnancy for more than 6 weeks for six months. You need to wait for the body to recover and gain strength. After all, spontaneous abortion, like pregnancy, is a huge shake-up for the body.

In some cases, three months after the incident, a woman successfully manages to become pregnant and bear a healthy child.

Very often, young couples, after losing a child, try to give birth to a child as soon as possible. Thus, they try to cope with their stress. In this case, pregnancy may either not occur, or a repeated miscarriage may occur.

Important! Pregnancy in the first month after a late miscarriage is 70% likely to end in the loss of the child. The question of when is it better to plan a pregnancy can be answered in such a way that the more time passes after a miscarriage, the higher the likelihood of having a baby.

Doctors advise to start trying to conceive only a year after the loss of the child. During this time, a woman needs to take care of her health, namely to be examined and, if necessary, to undergo a course of treatment.

How to get pregnant after miscarriage and reduce the likelihood of losing your baby? It is necessary to determine the cause of the previous miscarriage and undergo the following types of examination:

  1. Get tested for hormones. Excess male hormones can lead to the loss of a child.
  2. Pass an analysis of thyroid and adrenal hormones. For pregnancy and childbearing, there should be no hormone dysfunction.
  3. Examination for genitourinary and venereal infections. If they are found, there can be no talk of any conception until both spouses undergo treatment.
  4. Ultrasound of the genitals. With the help of this computer diagnostic method, you can see the state of the endometrium, the presence of neoplasms and diseases of the appendages.

You also need to remember about being examined by a gynecologist.

What do you need to do to get pregnant again?

Some women manage to get pregnant quickly after a miscarriage, but even so, pregnancy should be treated with great care. You should not risk the life of the unborn baby, so you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Before conception, a woman must be ready not only physically, but also psychologically. These two factors affect both the likelihood of pregnancy and the ability to give birth to a healthy baby. You need to focus as much as possible on your health and lifestyle, in this case it will be possible to quickly conceive a child.

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Questions and answers on: after a miscarriage I can not get pregnant reasons

2014-05-25 13:49:32

Julia asks:

Good afternoon, I have already asked my question earlier. Now I want to remind my situation and get an answer again. At the moment I am 33 years old, my husband is 36.
From 2004 to 2006, I could not get pregnant. the reason is an increased male hormone. in 2007 gave birth to a son (caesarean section). The child has Marcus-Goon syndrome. After that, my husband and I, about a year later, began to plan a second child. In 2009, a spontaneous miscarriage for a period of 5-6 weeks. In 2011 - a cervical pregnancy. abortion is in progress. In 2012, the left fallopian tube, hydrosalpinx, was removed. In 2013, for a period of 5-6 weeks, delayed development of the corpus luteum, spontaneous miscarriage. This March, I got pregnant again. The doctor did not register me. waited for the first screening. I took dufaston 1t z r \ d, zhexamethasone 1 \ 4 t 1r \ d, 05/21/2014, the period for a month. 12 weeks 1 day. on ultrasound, the heartbeat of the embryo is not recorded. Conclusion frozen pregnancy, cervical fold 6 mm. ktr 41, wide collar space.
I ask the specialists to help me, because I don’t want to stop at 1 child, I want to have and give birth to healthy children. Tell me what examinations you need to go through in order to find out the reasons for not carrying. What research needs to be done before the next pregnancy. Thank you for answering all my questions earlier!

2014-01-23 17:38:41

Julia asks:

Good evening! I have a question of the following character! From 2004 to 2006, I could not get pregnant. the reason is an increased male hormone. in 2007 gave birth to a son (caesarean section). After that, my husband and I, about a year later, began to plan a second child. In 2009, a spontaneous miscarriage for a period of 5-6 weeks. In 2011 - a cervical pregnancy. abortion is in progress. In 2013, for a period of 5-6 weeks, delayed development of the corpus luteum, spontaneous miscarriage. On my questions, what is the reason, the doctors do not want to understand much. They say there is one child, they say, be content with this. I want to figure out what the problem is. What examinations need to be carried out and still achieve the birth of 2 children. All hormones are normal, there are no infections !!! Thank you.

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

I think the reason is still in the hormonal background. What tests for sex hormones did you take? Have you examined the thyroid gland? When was the last ultrasound scan and what was the result? Have you taken any pregnancy support medication? If you wish, please write in more detail.

2010-01-21 11:43:22

Irina asks:

Hello. After the diagnostic curettage, there was a menstruation after it, we are engaged in conception with my husband. I became pregnant at 7 weeks, bleeding began and a miscarriage occurred. What could have caused it? And when can I get pregnant again? Could bleach (I work in the infectious diseases ward) cause a miscarriage ?

Answers Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Irina! The reason for the miscarriage could be the diagnostic curettage preceding conception, pathology of the reproductive system, diseases of the reproductive system (including the one for which scraping was prescribed), the action of unfavorable environmental factors (for example, chlorine-containing substances used for disinfection), etc. ... To identify the causes of miscarriage and repeat the situation during subsequent pregnancies, it is recommended to undergo studies, a list of which you can find by clicking on the link Cytomegalovirus and herpes. Take care of your health!

2014-12-11 22:20:16

Alina asks:

Hello. On September 28, I had a miscarriage, the term was 5-6 weeks. Already for 3 years I have periodically manifested genital herpes, but before pregnancy and during it was not. After a miscarriage, she was tested for viruses: chlamydia, taxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes. Herpes alone had a dubious outcome. Having passed more tests for herpes type 2, where there was a negative indicator, the venirologist said that this could not be the cause of the miscarriage. Has passed the analysis for myco and uriaplasma - no myco, ureaplasma spp. (urealyticum + parvum) -Quantity
> 10 ^ 4 KuO / ml. The doctor prescribed an antibiotic, trays. I do not start treatment, as, perhaps, I could become pregnant. Tell me, could ureaplasma cause a miscarriage and how dangerous is it to get pregnant now without being treated? And another question: after a miscarriage, tingling sensations began to appear in the hip joint on the right. I rubbed it with tinctures and ointments, but now there is daily discomfort, the hip joints are constantly twisting, aching pain in the shoulders is often. What could be the cause and how to treat it? Thanks in advance!

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Alina! Very rarely, ureaplasma is the cause of miscarriage; for this, an acute infection must be observed. For joint problems, you should see a rheumatologist. Perhaps you have an autoimmune pathology, which theoretically can be one of the reasons for the fading of pregnancy.

2013-11-07 15:58:26

Asks Kaldybekova Bekzat:

Hello! My name is Bekzat. I had a missed pregnancy in the fourth week from conception, and in the fifth week I had a spontaneous miscarriage. I am exactly 26 years old and 2.5 years of marriage. my husband's activity is 65%, the doctors said that this is normal, but there was no pregnancy. did inseminations and then immediately became pregnant. during pregnancy made an ultrasound, the conclusion of anembryonia. blood group II positive. Please tell us the reasons for the frozen pregnancy? and why can't I get pregnant naturally? but my immunity is weakened. I hope your helpful advice ... thanks a lot in advance !!!

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

It is very difficult to speak virtually, there may be several reasons for freezing - a genetic factor, stub infections, an immunological factor, etc. Have you been tested for torch infections and sex hormones before insemination?
There were no deviations? Did the husband, in addition to the spermogram, take the HBA test for the degree of maturity of the sperm? In this connection, do you conclude that immunity is weakened? Anembryonia, unfortunately, happens from time to time, if it happened once, then this is not yet a cause for particular concern.
If you wish, please write in more detail about the survey results.

2013-06-21 04:23:27

Lesya asks:

Hello, I have such a problem, after a miscarriage, the cycle is broken, for six months my periods go a week earlier, I can't get pregnant, the ultrasound has passed, there is no deviation, my periods are very abundant, it pours straight. what is the reason what to do?

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Good afternoon.
The 1st possible cause is hormonal disorders after self-abortion.
The second, more likely in the absence of changes in ultrasound, is chronic metroendometritis, which could cause self-abortion and then cause hyperpolymenorrhea.
You need to take a blood test for sex hormones: FSH, LH, prolactin in the 1st phase of the OMC and estradiol, progesterone in the 2nd phase of the OMC, do an ultrasound of the thyroid and adrenal glands and be examined together with a sexual partner for sexually transmitted diseases.

2013-06-12 13:44:29

Julia asks:

Hello! I have been living with my husband for 5 years, 4 of them are planning a pregnancy. There were 2 pregnancies that were interrupted at 4-6 weeks. The first pregnancy was immediately after a year of sexual activity, then a miscarriage. The doctor sent me to check for infections but found nothing. Nothing else was checked. After a miscarriage, the cycle was lost (it was not for 3 months), she gained weight.
After changing the doctor, we adjusted the weight and menstruation returned, but ovulation did not occur, so stimulation was prescribed. Before stimulation was prescribed to take Femoston 2/10 three months for the growth of the endometrium (was 3 mm) and uterus (infantile). Have been tested for hormones - everything is normal, only estrogen is in the lower part of the norm. For some reason, I did not do stimulation, and after canceling Femoston in the first month I immediately became pregnant, but again a miscarriage at 5 weeks.
Please tell me: can there be a miscarriage 2 times in a row with a thin endometrium? what other reasons could there be? And yet, what method can be used to build up the endometrium?

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Endometrial growth is driven by estrogen. With a thin endometrium, implantation (embryo engraftment) is usually difficult, i.e. getting pregnant is difficult. The causes of a missed pregnancy can be genetic pathologies, infection, or an immunological factor. We exclude infection, genetic pathology can be checked by passing karyotypes. The immunological factor includes HLA diagnostics, exclusion of antiphospholipid syndrome, blood donation for VEGF on day 20-24 m.ts. Before planning the next pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out a full diagnosis in order to know which therapy strategy to use after the onset of pregnancy. Otherwise, the situation will repeat itself. It is not a problem to build up the endometrium, estrogen preparations are used (proginova, divigel, etc.), proginova can be used against the background of wobenzym to enhance the effect. 2 mg of estradiol per day is not enough.

2011-03-30 01:40:21

Natalia asks:

Hello, Doctor. IM 42 years old. I have not been able to get pregnant for 11 years. In December 1999, a spontaneous miscarriage occurred at 9 weeks. She was nervous, or maybe she did not comply with the regime. She worked and did not get enough sleep, tk. already had a child of 8. (Childbirth in 1992) Threat of miscarriage. was in the 1st trimester. In general, before giving birth, I had 2 self-production. miscarriage by unknown. reason, histology was not tracked. After cleaning in 1999, menstruation began to come with severe pain and bleeding, it went on for 8 days. As a result of hospitalization, they discovered the onset of internal endometriosis, as well as an endometrial polyp. Removed, menstruation improved. But it turned out to get pregnant more. Recently, pain during menstruation has often bothered. But I already have multiple uterine fibroids. They also found 2 internal subserous nodes, which were recently removed to me along with a 2 mm endometrial polyp discovered during hysteroscopy. I am now waiting for the second monthly cycle. The first was painful with profuse bleeding. The doctor advised tranexan. No hormonal treatment for infertility was prescribed due to fibroids and mastitis. I would like to know if it is dangerous for me to become pregnant in the future and what is the probability of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child. Moreover, I have a node in the thyroid gland. I do not lose hope for a miracle. What should I take to improve my women's health? Thank you.

Answers Strelko Galina Vladimirovna:

Dear Natalia!
In this situation, you need to decide what worries you in the first place: the inability to get pregnant, problems with the thyroid gland, dysmenorrhea? If the main problem is infertility, it should be borne in mind that with age, the likelihood of conception, unfortunately, decreases. The ability to conceive normally begins to decrease gradually after 30-31 years. An intensive deterioration in the number and quality of eggs is noted after 37-38 years and by 42-45 years it becomes almost impossible to get a pregnancy using a woman's own eggs. Sometimes the process of inhibition of ovarian activity begins before the age of 30.
It is because of the deterioration in the quality of eggs that the frequency of miscarriage in women after 36 years of age increases.
Those who have a question need to be asked not about whether it is dangerous for you to become pregnant, but about the fundamental existence of your ability to become pregnant.
Even with IVF, the chances of getting pregnant do not exceed 10%. Miscarriage is a completely separate problem. You can talk about habitual miscarriage after 3 spontaneous abortions of pregnancy. The most common causes of interruption are:
- anomalies in the development of the uterus (doubling of the uterus, intrauterine septa, synechiae) - for their detection, an ultrasound examination using saline, hysteroscopy is recommended.
- genetic factors: about 2/3 of cases of spontaneous miscarriage in early stages are associated with the presence of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo (fetus). Termination of pregnancy in 2-3 semesters is associated with abnormal genetics in about 1/3 of cases. As a rule, such genetic changes are classified as random events. However, with a habitual miscarriage, there is a high probability of chromosomal defects in one of the partners - in this case, karyotyping is indicated.
- infections - increases the risk of miscarriage of ureaplasma, listeria, toxoplasma, rubella, measles, herpes simplex viruses, cytomegalovirus, Coxsackie virus. The role of other infectious agents in abortion has not yet been proven.
Thus, to find out the reasons for miscarriage and prescribe infertility treatment, you will need additional examinations. If you are discussing options for treating endometrial hyperplasia, you need to stop planning a pregnancy for a while. It is also necessary to examine the condition of the thyroid gland, determine the levels of hormones (whether you are planning to become pregnant or not). Best regards, G.V. Strelko

2010-10-28 13:34:53

Alena asks:

Good day! I had a late miscarriage on 11/09/10. at the 21st week of pregnancy. The pregnancy was planned. Before pregnancy, I underwent a full examination. TORCH.thyroid gland.sugar hormones. ultrasound.PCR. everything was normal. Got pregnant. for 6 weeks there was a tone. was admitted to the hospital. lay there for a week. let go home. but I was at home for another three weeks. injected with noshpu and progesterone. there was no toxicosis. the visions were yellow. therefore I went to the doctor. During pregnancy, I gave it. chlamydia rubella and TORCH group. sugar. speed. syphilis. I keep urinating. analyzes for PPAB. all analyzes were excellent. on the bridle, the fruit was high. there were no deviations. The water was normal. The stomach did not hurt. I didn't lift anything heavy. I really wanted a child. I was careful. 11/09/10 got up in the morning. until I got to the toilet. liquid poured from the vagina odorless and colorless. went to the hospital. the baby was alive. there was a heartbeat. water is normal. Only the doctor said. that the stomach looks like 23-24 weeks .. On examination, a water test was made. was positive. the doctor saw. that the cervix was open and the ovum in the canal .. Analysis of gestology .. the umbilical cord was clean without inflammation. the placenta was inflamed. there are no deviations for the child. they cannot explain to me what happened. Can you help me understand. what happened after all? I had a thrush. I was tormented. Could it be the cause of the miscarriage? And yet I have not had my period for 48 days. after a miscarriage. the doctor says to wait. is it ok? And after what period, it will be possible to get pregnant again, of course, after a full examination? Thank you.

Pregnancy is a wonderful condition, especially if it was planned and expected. What kind of mental and physical trauma a woman experiences when her body gets rid of the fetus and a spontaneous abortion occurs. She immediately begins to think about whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage, whether what happened again and what to do so that the subsequent pregnancy can be endured.

Early and late miscarriages

To understand how the body is recovering after a miscarriage and how long it takes to get pregnant, you need to clarify how this process takes place. A miscarriage is considered a failure of the fetus up to 400 grams for a period of up to 22 weeks, since children born after this time with a weight of 500 grams can already be saved by modern medicine.

Distinguish between early and late miscarriages. The earliest happens before 12 weeks. Sometimes, for a short period of time, he is even imperceptible for a woman. Just after a short delay, she observes profuse bleeding, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. A blood clot is often released. When you can get pregnant after a miscarriage in an early period, the doctor will tell you after the examination and finding out the reason that caused the rejection of the fetus. Although in this case it is very difficult to install it.

Recovery period

Late miscarriages occur between 12 and 22 weeks. The procedure is not complete without scraping. It will take some time to restore the uterine mucosa. Doctors prescribe a period of 3 months to ask how long after an early miscarriage you can get pregnant. And after medical intervention, they vary greatly, based on the complexity of the situation: from 6 to 12 months.

Why is there a breakdown

Rejection of the fetus can be caused by very different reasons:

  • Genetic disorders in the fetus. In one of the chromosomes there is a deviation caused by the influence of ecology, viruses, etc. In fact, natural selection is observed. The body gets rid of the non-viable fetus itself. In this case, after a miscarriage, when it will be possible to become pregnant, the doctor will say, after examining both parents in detail and discovering the cause of the pathology.
  • Hormonal imbalance, when the natural balance of sex hormones is disturbed. Perhaps there is a lack of progesterone, or vice versa, an excess of the male hormone, which does not allow the embryo to develop normally, and it dies. How quickly you can get pregnant after a miscarriage will be shown by a blood test for hormones. Treatment is prescribed and time is waited until the normal value of progesterone is restored.
  • Infections untreated before pregnancy lead to infection of the fetus, and an increase in temperature and a decrease in immunity weaken the body. In this case, the uterus cannot hold the embryo. Then whether it is possible to become pregnant after a miscarriage after 6 months will show the results of treatment of the infection.
  • The Rh-conflict arises when the mother is negative, the father is positive, and the child has inherited the father's Rh. The body in this case perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body and expels it. But even with such a difficult situation, after the first miscarriage, you can become pregnant by strengthening the immune system and making a new attempt.
  • Injuries in the form of an unsuccessful fall or weight lifting.
  • Prolonged stress, anxiety, strong psychological stress.
  • Postponed abortions.

How long does it take to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

The problem of how long it takes to become pregnant after a miscarriage worries a woman for whom the dream of becoming a mother has not come true. She wants to get the next conception as soon as possible. But the opinion of experts is unanimous. In order for the gestation process to take place without unpleasant moments, at least 3-6 months must pass. In six months, hormonal balance is guaranteed to be established, which has gone astray due to an unexpected interruption, and the body will be ready for a new fertilization.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage

Some impatient girl thinks that she can get pregnant right after a miscarriage, without listening to the advice of doctors, because she really wants to become a mother as soon as possible. But desire alone is not enough here. After bleeding, the blood count has not yet been restored, the endometrium is very thin and the embryo's attachment to it is questionable. Haste in this matter can lead to another breakdown.

Pregnancy one month after miscarriage

Of course, even a month after a miscarriage, you can become pregnant, because each girl reacts to negative processes in herself in different ways. The ovary begins to work from the first day after the abortion, considering that a new cycle has begun. The egg cell can be ready for fertilization already in the first cyclical period or in the next. But it is still better to wait for the prescribed 6 months in order to do without serious consequences.

The less time passes from the moment of a spontaneous abortion to the next conception, the higher the risk of recurrence. Therefore, doctors advise our ladies not to torment themselves with questions whether it is possible to become pregnant a month after a miscarriage, but to be patient, undergo the necessary examinations and start planning the next conception when your gynecologist is satisfied with the state of the reproductive system and hormonal background.

Recovering from a miscarriage

And during this time, engage in strengthening your body:

  • try to remain calm in all situations;
  • adjust your weight if necessary;
  • avoid taking any medications;
  • give up bad habits;
  • take folic acid and vitamin E;
  • choose fortified foods for the diet.

So, we clarified whether it is possible to become pregnant immediately after a miscarriage. In this difficult situation, you need to go through the recovery procedure, incl. psychological and listen to the advice of a doctor so that a future pregnancy ends with the safe birth of a new family member.

Is it possible to get pregnant two months after a miscarriage (video)