8 to 9 weeks from conception. Medical examination of the woman. What to do this week

The third month of your pregnancy begins. At this time, those around you still do not notice your position, and sometimes they do not understand the reasons for the mood changes. You may be concerned about toxicosis, but this is not the case for all women. In general, the ninth week is a period when you are still getting used to your new position, but your baby is already actively growing, and he has almost all the bookmarks of organs already formed!

The signs of pregnancy at week 9 are already obvious, and you have probably already visited an obstetrician-gynecologist, perhaps even registered with a antenatal clinic. If not, it's time to do it, because the earlier you register, the earlier you will pass all the necessary research. And this will make sure that everything is in order with you and the baby.

How many months of pregnancy have passed? This is the beginning of the third obstetric month of pregnancy. About 7-8 weeks have passed since the moment of conception, and during this period very important moments in the development of the baby take place. At 9 weeks of gestation, the size of the embryo is about 2.2-3 cm, and it weighs only about 4-5 g.

What's happening?

At the 9th week of pregnancy, the embryo already looks like a little man - its arms and legs are formed, the head is still very large, the spine is gradually straightening, organogenesis is very active. All organs and systems will be bookmarked soon.

You notice changes in your body and you begin to get used to the fact that a small person is growing inside you. Despite the possible discomfort, it is now especially important that you eat well, walk in the fresh air enough, rest and think only positively.

Pregnancy of 9-10 weeks is a period of very active development of the central nervous system. The cerebral hemispheres are formed, the cerebellum is laid. Soon, the baby's movements will acquire purposefulness. But already now he can move his arms, legs, and if he is near the wall of the uterus, he pushes off from it, like in a pool. The baby can even swallow.

Spinal ganglia and nerve trunks are formed. The pituitary gland is laid in the baby's brain, it already produces hormones.

The formation of the lymphatic system begins, which is responsible for cleansing the body of metabolic products, toxins, and also performing an immune function.

The muscular system develops. The baby's limbs become thicker, movements intensify. Large joints are formed. The baby's arms are now slightly ahead in the development of the legs, so they are longer in the early stages. The formation of the hand takes place: a palm is formed, the fingers lengthen, the membranes between them gradually disappear. Marigold bookmarks begin to form, while in the form of thickening of the epidermis.

Important changes occur in the baby's respiratory system: the branching of the bronchial tree begins. The main bronchi are forming.

The formation of the heart continues. Now it is decreasing at a frequency of 130-150 beats per minute.

In the embryo, the back gradually straightens, the tail disappears. Its head is inclined to the body, and so far it is unusually large. The baby's eyes have already formed, but so far they are closed for centuries. The light- and color-sensitive receptors of the retina have not yet been formed, they are formed at a later date.

At this time, the placenta is well formed, and the baby is actively receiving all the substances he needs. And mom must take this into account - you need to monitor your diet strictly, despite the nausea and disgust for some dishes.

At the end of the first trimester, the placenta begins to function. It is she who regulates the metabolic processes between mom and baby. The placental barrier does not allow many harmful substances to reach the baby. It protects the baby and provides it with all the necessary substances.

Baby photo, ultrasound

Mom's feelings

Now you may be bothered by the symptoms of toxicosis: nausea, usually in the morning, aversion to the taste and even the smell of some food, can even irritate the smell of your previously loved perfume. Be patient a little more - after all, the toxicosis will soon pass, and you will be able to enjoy the period of waiting for the baby. If the toxicosis is severe, you may even notice that the weight has decreased slightly. Consult your doctor - you may need medication.

Try to rest and walk more - after all, during this period, expectant mothers often feel increased fatigue, dizziness.

By this time, the mammary glands begin to enlarge, some painful sensations are possible. You need to wear comfortable, supportive underwear, preferably a maternity bra. In addition, it is high time to use remedies for stretch marks: if your tummy at the 9th week of pregnancy is still invisible, and the skin on it does not stretch, then the skin of the breast undergoes significant stretching. Purchase a special cream based on herbal ingredients - such products are safe for the baby, they are specially designed for expectant mothers.

Normally, if the nausea does not bother you too much, the weight already increases somewhat. Basically, not at the expense of the baby, because he still weighs only a few grams, but due to an increase in the uterus, amniotic fluid, your mammary glands, the volume of adipose tissue, and sometimes edema. In addition, the volume of circulating blood increases. At the same time, the number of formed elements will increase a little later, and because of this, you may experience periodic weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath.

During pregnancy, the course of vasomotor rhinitis is aggravated. A woman may notice nasal congestion, abundant watery discharge. If you need to use drugs that relieve nasal breathing, be sure to ask your doctor what you can use now. It is advisable to purchase a humidifier - it will be very useful to you even after the birth of your baby. This is a good prevention of viral infections, allergies.

Often moms in the first trimester note that they constantly want to sleep. At the same time, it is difficult to get a good night's sleep. The reason for this phenomenon is a change in hormonal levels, as well as often your anxiety about the course of pregnancy, about the baby. Try to organize your daily routine so that you can walk for at least an hour before going to bed, preferably with your spouse, because psychological support of your beloved is the best medicine. Read a good book before bed, such as one on caring for your baby. Listen to soothing music. Choose a pillow that's comfortable and it's time to consider purchasing a pregnancy pillow. This very comfortable device is shaped like a large banana, and in later pregnancy, when your tummy is enlarged, it will help you sleep in a comfortable position.

9 weeks pregnant with twins

If you are carrying two babies, at this time the pregnancy does not differ from a singleton one. Your babies are actively developing, the uterus increases in size, and a rounded tummy may already be noticeable. You may also be bothered by the symptoms of toxicosis, but this is not necessary. Take more time for yourself, rest, if you feel good, go to sports classes for pregnant women. Being in good physical shape is very important to you - it will make it easier to bear two babies and easier to give birth.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

The onset of pregnancy is often accompanied by an increased tone of the uterus, so expectant mothers and fathers are worried about whether an intimate life is possible at this time. Doctors answer this question unequivocally: contraindications to sexual intercourse are only the threat of termination of pregnancy and placenta previa. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, there is no reason to give up pleasure. In addition, an intimate life brings spouses closer together, which is especially necessary now.


Quite often, the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the early stages is difficult. Every woman understands that the diet should be varied, but with severe toxicosis, it is sometimes impossible to eat even the most useful foods. But, following certain recommendations, you can cope with this.

Now your food should be fractional: eat in small portions, but often. Try to include a protein meal at each meal as well as vegetables. So even with a small amount of food eaten, you and your baby will receive the necessary valuable substances. Be sure to control the amount of fluid you drink. You should drink about two liters of clean water per day (if there are no medical contraindications). Include your favorite fruits, vegetables, meat dishes, lactic acid products in the menu. Homemade yogurt is very useful. It improves digestion, increases appetite.

Your diet should include foods that prevent constipation: apricots, prunes, grapes, figs, cucumbers, beets, and others. Eliminate light carbohydrates as much as possible, and not only because they lead to weight gain. An excess of carbohydrate food provokes fermentation in the intestines, as a result, digestion is disturbed, the appetite becomes even worse. But complex carbohydrates, on the contrary, activate digestion, help replenish energy reserves, and have a beneficial effect on well-being. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the baby is developing rapidly, and he needs his mother to eat well. Therefore, try to find the best meal plan.

Pain in the 9th week of pregnancy

Expectant mothers may often complain of pain during pregnancy. Back pain is considered a constant companion of pregnancy. In the later stages, the cause of its occurrence is the load due to the enlarged tummy, the displacement of the center of gravity, and the increased load on the muscular apparatus. But if painful sensations occur at the end of the first trimester, the reason is completely different. Often it gives off pain when the tone of the uterus increases. Due to the peculiarities of innervation, a woman does not feel it as a pain in the abdomen, but in the lumbar region. If such sensations arise after physical exertion, when getting out of bed, you need to consult a doctor in order to timely identify hypertonicity and prescribe the necessary treatment. After all, this may be the first symptom of a termination of pregnancy at 9 weeks.

Lumbar pain can have other causes as well. During pregnancy, a woman has reduced immunity. So her body ensures the bearing of the baby. But the consequence of this is an increased risk of developing infections, including the urinary system. Pain in pyelonephritis is characterized as constant, aching, but sometimes it can even be just a feeling of discomfort. This disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature and requires antibiotic therapy, therefore, if you suspect an infection of the urinary system, be sure to consult a doctor.

Deserves special attention at 9 weeks. This is a typical sign of threatened abortion. It is considered the norm if, after a load, lifting a heavy object, or walking fast, there is a feeling that the stomach turns to stone. But if this sensation develops into pain, a doctor's consultation is required. Especially if this condition is accompanied by bloody or brown discharge.

Necessary research and analysis

Often, at this stage of pregnancy, a woman only becomes registered. Therefore, it will be necessary to pass a lot of tests: from a blood test with a coagulogram to specific tests for the presence of antibodies to pathogens of infectious diseases. At the first appointment, the doctor will give you directions for all examinations, fill out the documentation, issue an exchange card, examine you, and ask you in detail about your obstetric and gynecological history. If necessary, additional examinations will be appointed. In addition, you will be given a referral for an ultrasound scan.

The first screening ultrasound is performed at 11-14 weeks of gestation. This is the optimal period to exclude developmental abnormalities, chromosomal pathology, as well as to determine the exact gestational age of the fetus. Ultrasound at the 9th week of pregnancy is carried out only according to indications, it is not included in the routine examination.

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Questions - answers

I am now 9 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge appeared a couple of days ago, while pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are also disturbing. This is not dangerous?

The symptoms described by you indicate the threat of termination of pregnancy. You need to see a doctor urgently. Treatment should be prescribed to prolong the pregnancy and successfully carry the baby.

What to do if at 9 weeks of pregnancy the stomach hurts with any exertion, even minimal?

First of all, you need to be examined. The doctor must determine if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy. If necessary, you will be prescribed treatment to prevent an increase in the tone of the uterus. In addition, you need to observe the regime: be sure to get enough sleep, eat right, walk in the fresh air (slowly, it is better for longer). Do not lift weights or do heavy physical work. Get more rest.

What should be the size of the uterus at 9 weeks of gestation?

At this time, the uterus is about the size of your fist. It does not yet protrude above the pubic articulation, so it is difficult to probe it yourself. Usually, the belly is still invisible at this stage of pregnancy.

My chest hurts a little at the 9th week of pregnancy. This is normal?

Yes. During this period, changes in the level of hormones occur in your body, which prepare the body for the birth of a baby and feeding. During this period, the mammary glands are normally enlarged and may hurt a little. It is not dangerous, so there is no cause for concern. Now you must wear comfortable underwear without a frame, made of natural fabrics. It is advisable to use underwear for pregnant women, it ideally supports the breast, does not disturb blood circulation.

The active development of the fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy leads to the appearance of changes in the woman's appearance that are noticeable even to a stranger's eyes. The transformations taking place concern not only the external appearance, but also the psychological components. Gradual getting used to a new role leads to emotional changes, makes a woman noticeably different, indicates that she is beginning to prepare for a new role. 9 obstetric week is 2 full calendar months, the time it takes for the embryo to gain a foothold in the female body and begin full development.

What happens to mom and baby

At 9 obstetric week, most women unexpectedly look prettier. This happens because the body begins to accumulate some reserves for the upcoming cycle, and although the stomach has not yet appeared, because certain transformations have not occurred, the woman is rounded a little, her skin becomes smooth and shiny. Some pregnant women during this period already feel that the old clothes are tight in some places, or with difficulty buttoning, and this is a consequence of hormonal changes that occur in the body. The work of vital internal organs becomes more intense, the liver, kidneys, heart and lungs work in an enhanced mode, and this is explained by the same rearranged hormonal background, during which the volume of distilled blood increased, which supplies the fetus with oxygen and essential nutrients.

The reserves of fatty tissue deposited near the internal organs will be necessary for breastfeeding, and the body strenuously stores them, obeying the commands of pregnancy hormones. At the same time, negative components of the pregnancy process begin to manifest and intensify, some women begin to:

  • varicose veins in the legs and in the pelvic region;
  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • back and lower back problems:
  • strong manifestations of toxicosis;
  • bowel problems, and constipation;
  • a decrease in hemoglobin, which can lead to anemia.

The size of the uterus during this period on ultrasound is equal to an average grapefruit, the breast is poured and enlarged. The size and pigmentation of the parasitic halos changes, and hormones prevail in the blood at 9 obstetric weeks - both chorionic gonadotropin, and new sex hormones, the synthesis of which began after fertilization.

Since the growth of the placenta has not yet ended, at 9 weeks there are still manifestations of toxicosis in the form of nausea and, hypersensitivity to olfactory stimuli, rejection of certain types of food, and addiction to others, often not particularly loved in the previous state.

The intensive growth of the placenta, as it forms, has a beneficial effect on the processes in the woman's body, and reduces the risk of miscarriage, fetal rejection, or frozen pregnancy. The placenta also begins to fulfill its tasks of providing nutrition to the baby and supporting the gestation process.

Decreased activity, drowsiness and rapid fatigability of a pregnant woman during this period are explained by intense changes in the body, which consume the main energy reserves, and general changes for this period can be summarized in several points:

  • an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin (responsible at this stage for the normal course of pregnancy);
  • growth of the uterus and changes in its size;
  • pain in the mammary glands, as a result of the gradual preparation for lactation;
  • soreness of the nipples and areolae;
  • relative stabilization of the urge to urinate;
  • intensification of the work of internal organs;
  • an increase of 40% in the volume of circulating blood;
  • accumulation of a lipid layer;
  • a gradual decrease in the manifestations of toxicosis, which may be accompanied by the now manifested dizziness

An attentive or professional look can find external manifestations in a woman's body, in the form of a bluish venous mesh on the chest (this, like painful sensations in the glands, is explained by the activity of prolactin, a hormone responsible for lactation), minor discharge from the nipples, and swelling of the lower extremities and external genital organs. The breasts sometimes enlarge so much that stretch marks may appear on it.

Feelings at the 9th week of pregnancy

Almost nothing changes in the feelings of a pregnant woman compared to previous weeks. She also feels lethargic and drowsy, gets tired quickly and sleeps a lot, experiences psycho-emotional discomfort and unexplained mood swings, and instead of subsided toxicosis, dizziness appears, and even fainting due to increased circulation of blood volume and a lack of hemoglobin. If you do not take action in time, a lack of hemoglobin can result in anemia with all the accompanying symptoms, and this should be avoided in every possible way.

Especially often during this period, emotional changes appear that cause discomfort and anxiety in a woman, sometimes even resulting in loss of sleep and depression. All this is easily explained in terms of biochemical processes and hormonal interactions. For example, an increase in levels leads not only to drowsiness, apathy and fatigue, but also to sudden mood swings. Emotional instability causes the appearance of bizarre and colorful dreams, which have a reasonable explanation for the anxiety experienced in reality in the thoughts of the upcoming birth and the unborn child.

The amplitude of mood can easily fluctuate from delight to panic or tension, fears can be replaced by tearfulness and sensitivity, manifested at the slightest provocation.

Explainable and natural changes in well-being and condition should not be a reason for special worries, and close women easily understand why this is happening, and men need to be explained that a woman during this period is especially vulnerable and requires attention, understanding and respectful attitude.

How does a baby develop

The growth and formation of the placenta, an increase in its role in the protection and nutrition of the child, make it possible for a new life to begin intensive growth and development. Although the fetus is still small, and in the average rates of intrauterine development, it is believed that it reaches a maximum of 5 cm, with a weight of 10-12 g, but its appearance undergoes significant changes, of which there are quite a few:

  • lengthening of the body and trunk occurs;
  • the face becomes more like a human, the eyes move from the temples to the nose;
  • nose, ears, lips are visible;
  • fingers are formed, and the membranes between them disappear;
  • nails appear;
  • muscles develop, the fetus can bend and unbend the limbs;
  • both hemispheres of the brain appear, the cerebellum;
  • the child's movements become coordinated;
  • a heart with two atria and two ventricles is formed;
  • the stomach, most of which is occupied by the liver, is rounded and the digestive organs begin to develop in it;
  • the fetus begins to produce its own hormones in the adrenal glands, the first of which is adrenaline.

The intensive growth of the child and changes in the emotional state of a woman often lead to the fact that some of them, especially after an ultrasound scan, begin to believe that there is not only a biochemical message between them and the fetus, but also a psychoemotional connection, and an insistent desire to eat something , nothing more than the child's demand for the nutrients he needs. It is likely that such desires are indeed requirements, but these requirements are nothing more than signals carried by hormones to the brain. Although the connection between mother and child in intrauterine development is undeniable, because during this period they act as a single system.

Symptoms of the 9th week of pregnancy

There are quite a few main symptoms at week 9, but the main ones are not only positive changes in appearance, but also changes that have come from the presence of the fetus in the body. Its physical activity, growth, and enlargement of the uterus provokes pain in the spine and lower back, sometimes pain in the lower abdomen, caused by the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder.

The frequency of urination, although it has decreased, continues to disturb, and the more frequent constipation for the same reason provokes the appearance or exacerbation of hemorrhoids. A symptom of 9 weeks can be manifested varicose veins of the extremities, hips and pelvic veins, and constipation and indigestion of the intestines lead to bloating, flatulence, profuse and frequent belching, and gas formation.

At 9 weeks, under the influence of the fetus, which takes the substances necessary for its growth from the mother's body, problems with teeth, nails and hair may begin, which is explained by a lack of calcium, which is used for new construction.

An unstable psycho-emotional state, tearfulness, hysteria and nervousness, weight gain and breast enlargement, everything that distinguishes week 9 from other weeks, and from the state of the body outside of pregnancy - and there are symptoms that pregnancy is at a certain period.

Possible dangers at 9 weeks pregnant

In contrast to the previous weeks, the risk of termination of pregnancy is much lower because the placenta is already developing, which provides sufficient protection for the fetus. A high concentration in the blood, and embryo fixation also contribute to a significant reduction in risk factors that can lead to termination of pregnancy. The viability of the fetus is more secured by various factors of influence and changes that have occurred in the body of the expectant mother, but the course of pregnancy is individual for each woman, and the appearance of possible problems is possible.

These include:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • extremely rarely detected, but still not excluded;
  • the likelihood of traumatic damage to the uterus and fetus;
  • improper attachment of the embryo, which became noticeable only at this stage;
  • the development of congenital anomalies, both due to a genetic predisposition and due to a negative effect on the mother's body (for example, toxic poisoning or exposure to radiation).

Sometimes such dangers lie in work, or professional contacts with chemicals, but the negative impact of smoking or alcoholism, drug addiction, sexually transmitted and infectious diseases, HIV syndrome, and the use of drugs is not excluded.

Analyzes and examinations

At week 9, an ultrasound scan is done in order to determine the thickness of the placenta and the general condition of the umbilical cord, and possible deviations in their development from the norm are revealed. The doctor usually listens to the fetal heartbeat, measures blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus. A urine test is taken for bacterial culture and the presence of protein, to determine the condition of the kidneys, a blood test for HPM, sugar and biochemical testing, an analysis for TORCH infections, a smear for the study of flora and cytology. To exclude the possibility of erosion, inflammatory processes of the cervix and fallopian tubes, colposcopy, examination in mirrors, and palpation of the uterus are performed.

Week 9 provides for proper nutrition, and coordination with the nutritionist of the nutritional diet necessary for the child, based on the tests performed (for example, the presence of anemia, or lack of iron in the body). Particular attention should be paid to getting fresh air and physical activity. It is necessary to take walks in the fresh air so that the child receives as much oxygen as possible. With manifestations of constant fatigue and apathy, it is necessary to rest more often, pay attention to appearance, listen to good music and read good books. The concept of weights should be limited, negative emotions should be excluded, in order to avoid negative scenarios, you need to register and undergo regular medical examinations. During this period, a woman must be treated especially carefully.

At the ninth week, the embryonic period in the fetus ends. About 7 weeks have passed since conception. Visually, the embryo is becoming more and more like a human baby. With ultrasound, the size of the embryo can be determined. They measure about 3 cm from head to tailbone. To make it clear, a baby can be compared in size and weight to an olive or grape. But despite the fact that the weight of the embryo is no more than 5 grams, you can easily see a person in its features.

The head is much larger than the body. And although the neck is already formed, the head is still pressed against the body. The arms of the embryo are also disproportionate and longer than the legs. On closer inspection, the baby's elbows, forearms and feet can be identified. Membranes are already missing between the fingers and toes.

At 9 weeks, the embryo already has nails on the arms and legs. But now they can only be recognized on the inside. A little later, they will move to the required position.

If an ultrasound scan is carried out at a time when the embryo is awake, then you can see how it wrinkles the already formed lips. In addition, the baby may bend his face and even swallow.

The child's face takes on more and more human outlines. Already you can see the nostrils, the eyes of the embryo become larger. But during this period of pregnancy, they are covered with a special film designed to protect. Taking a good look, you can even identify developing lobes on already more prominent ears.

In order for the organs of the unborn child to develop correctly and in the right places, the body of the embryo stretches and expands. The baby's skeleton is compacted. The muscles in the 9th week of pregnancy in the embryo are formed unevenly, but it can move the limbs.

It is in the ninth week of pregnancy that the pituitary gland is formed in the embryo, which will subsequently be responsible for the formation of growth hormone and metabolic processes.

The brain at 9 weeks of gestation is already divided into 2 hemispheres. Its main part, the cerebellum, begins to form. In addition, the central nervous system, nerve nodes, and nerve endings located in the skull, between the vertebrae and in the spinal cord are also actively developing.

The development of the gastrointestinal system is also active. At 9 weeks, the child has an anus, bile ducts, pancreas, spleen, gallbladder, and liver are formed. You may notice a lengthening of the intestines.

The umbilical cord of the embryo becomes stronger and longer. This week, the kidneys begin to function and there is an independent release of waste products of a small organism.

At nine weeks, the lymph nodes of the embryo can already produce lymphocytes. The bronchi develop, and the first rudimentary glands also appear. It is also during this period that the thyroid gland of the embryo begins to function.

Although the expectant mother will not soon be able to feel the baby's first tremors, but now, with the help of a special apparatus, she can hear the beating of the baby's heart. A small organism is able to deliver blood to all vessels thanks to the heart, which beats at a speed of 120-150 beats per minute.

Although the differences in sex on ultrasound are not yet visible, but if this baby is a boy, then the testicles have already appeared, which are on this moment time are still in the abdominal cavity. They will later descend into the scrotum.

What happens to the expectant mother in the ninth week of pregnancy?

As a result of the growth of the embryo and its active development, the woman's condition also changes.

The size of a woman's uterus doubles. And if at the time of the delay in menstruation according to the calendar, she was with a fist, now the uterus becomes like an average melon. The surrounding society is not yet able to see pregnancy, but the woman herself is already able to notice how the waist has become wider, and the tummy begins to slightly increase.

In addition, a woman may feel the following changes:

  1. Thanks to hormones, the skin becomes smooth.
  2. Due to the high amount of prolactin in the body, the normal work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. A woman may complain of sparse stools.
  3. As a result of the fact that the woman's uterus increases every day, the pressure on the bladder increases and there is a frequent urge to urinate.
  4. The breasts become very sensitive. In some cases, walking without a bra becomes painful. Also, the size of your breasts may change. Swelling of the mammary glands and even colostrum secretion is a normal and natural process during pregnancy.
  5. In addition, the nipples may darken noticeably. In some women, a dark line may appear on the abdomen already at this time.

What feelings does a woman experience in the ninth week of pregnancy?

The hormonal background at this stage of pregnancy is still at a high level. In addition, the child consumes more and more nutrients from the mother's body, so a woman can feel:

  1. Toxicosis. At nine weeks, the expectant mother is almost getting used to constant nausea in the morning and knows how to reduce it as much as possible.
  2. Fatigue and general weakness due to the fact that the embryo consumes more and more amino acids necessary for it from the mother's body.
  3. Sometimes a woman may feel a slight increase in temperature due to the fact that the amount of blood pumped by the heart increases.
  4. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may develop nasal congestion. It can be treated only with those drugs recommended by the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

What kind of discharge can a pregnant woman have?

The first trimester is characterized by the formation of discharge. It is important to distinguish the norm from the pathology in order to minimize possible risks:

  1. Leucorrhoea is a discharge that has neither color nor a pungent odor. At this time in a woman, they can be quite abundant. But this is considered the norm and does not pose any problems for both the expectant mother and the baby.
  2. Brown discharge indicates a possible detachment. It is urgently necessary after the detection of blood to contact medical institutions for diagnosis and treatment.
  3. Bloody discharge speaks of an incipient miscarriage. In order to prevent the loss of pregnancy, you must immediately call an ambulance and go to the hospital for saving. As a rule, during this period, doctors do not save in the maternity hospital, but in the hospital at the gynecological department. Also, bleeding can indicate a violation of the production of hormones. This is characterized by the fact that the discharge appears presumably at the moment when, according to the calendar, a woman should begin her period. In this case, treatment should also be prescribed as soon as possible.
  4. Yellow, white, and foul-smelling discharge indicates a possible medical condition. If early treatment is not started, the embryo can be critically affected by infection.

What examinations should be performed at the 9th week of pregnancy?

A woman at this time should already be registered with an antenatal clinic. Very soon she will have to undergo one of the most important tests - 1 screening. And now the obstetrician-gynecologist will have to enter the following indicators on the card of the pregnant woman:

  1. Woman's height and weight (measured every month).
  2. Arterial pressure.
  3. Abdominal volume.
  4. Palpitations.
  5. General body temperature.
  6. vaginal smear for oncocytology and flora.

In addition, the following tests are prescribed:

  1. Blood for viruses (AIDS, hepatitis, syphilis).
  2. General analysis of blood and urine.
  3. Stool analysis.
  4. Blood type and Rh factor
  5. Blood chemistry
  6. Tests for antibodies to herpes simplex, rubella, ureaplasma, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus.

9 obstetric week of pregnancy is the beginning of the third month when the embryo “officially” becomes a fetus. He no longer looks like a fish at all! The baby has all the necessary tissues, and now they will only grow. And what happens to mom at 9 weeks pregnant?

At this time, almost all women already know about pregnancy, many of them have known toxicosis. Now everything is gradually getting better - the body gets used to its new status as a future mother.

The 9th week of pregnancy is accompanied by an active effect of prolactin on the body. For some women, the breasts are still enlarged and sensitive, for others, the discomfort subsides.

At this time, hyperpigmentation of the nipples and a halo may appear (if it has not occurred earlier). In rare cases, scanty discharge from the mammary glands is observed.

Growth hormone begins to be released - it is necessary for the correct development of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation. With excess production (or a violation of regulation, sensitivity), a woman's body parts may slightly increase - usually limbs, lips, lower jaw and labia.

Do not worry - these are subtle changes, but if they are nevertheless noticed, you need to consult a doctor to check and possible correction of the hormonal background.


At the 9th week of pregnancy, the uterus reaches a size comparable to that of a grapefruit, but does not yet protrude above the pubic bone, so it cannot be felt.

Fetal development at 9 weeks gestation

The baby already has the rudiments of all organs and structures necessary for life. Even with ultrasound, you can clearly see a tiny silhouette, similar to a newborn baby, because the "fish" tail begins to disappear.

The size of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation is rapidly increasing, daily weight gain is up to 1.4 g!

The baby is still curled up, the head is pressed to the chest. The lower jaw is clearly visible, and the upper one is not yet developed and therefore is not clearly defined.

The palms and fingers have formed, the opposition of the thumb begins. The fetus at the 9th week of gestation already has clearly distinguishable femoral areas, lower legs and the beginning of the formation of the foot.

At the 9th week of pregnancy, an important period begins in the development of the fetus, namely the nervous system. The two cerebral hemispheres are already clearly separated, the active development of the cerebellum begins - the structure responsible for balance, coordination of movements, and the bridge - the main conductor and "keeper" of the nuclei of the most important cranial nerves.

From the kidneys begin to grow ureters - "tubes" that will deliver urine to the bladder. The development of the hollow system will not be completed soon, but now there are bookmarks of germ cells, and in a week the clitoris (in girls) or the penis (in boys) will appear.

Signs and sensations at 9 weeks pregnant

At this time, pregnancy can be determined by any gynecologist on examination, an ultrasound scan at 9 obstetric weeks clearly shows the fetus, and the tests have been "striped" for a long time, so there should be no problems with diagnosis.


Although the body gradually adapts to pregnancy, nausea may occur, but usually only in the morning. The skin becomes better, hair and nails are strengthened. Changeable mood and tearfulness still persist.

If toxicosis at the 9th week of pregnancy does not recede (or has just appeared), vomiting is observed several times a day and almost because of any food, then you need to consult a gynecologist, such symptoms can seriously harm pregnancy.


The secretion of mucus or leucorrhoea may increase from the genital tract, if there is no blood impurity in them, they are of normal consistency, then you should not worry - this is just a sign of increased secretory activity of the vaginal glands. However, if the discharge at the 9th week of pregnancy has become unusual (changed color and smell), you need to consult a doctor.

Breast and tummy at 9 weeks pregnant

The abdomen at the 9th week of pregnancy has not yet appeared, but because of the enlarging uterus, it becomes uncomfortable for a woman to wear tight clothes, she tries to relax her abdominal muscles, which is why others may notice an "interesting position."

Normally, at 9 obstetric weeks, the weight should remain at the same level as before conception, so if a woman notices an increase, it is necessary to reconsider eating habits. Weight loss may be due to early toxicosis and usually does not require adjustment.

The breasts at 9 weeks gestation are usually tender, painful, and enlarged. Halos and nipples often darken. Painful sensations in the chest may be absent - there is nothing wrong with that, it's just that the glands are already in a state of readiness for feeding.

During pregnancy, a woman shoulders not only taking care of her health, but also the health and well-being of the unborn child, so you need to lead a certain lifestyle.


Nutrition at the 9th week of pregnancy should be varied and healthy. The daily diet should consist of half of fresh vegetables and fruits, so that the development of the fetus at 9 weeks of gestation is full. A quarter of the diet - healthy carbohydrates - buckwheat, durum pasta, rice, oatmeal and other cereals. The remainder is proteins and fats.

A daily intake of protein and calcium is mandatory, so the menu should include fish (at least 2 times a week), lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef), cottage cheese (preferably every day, in small portions) and milk.

It is imperative to consume a sufficient amount of clean non-carbonated water - about 1.5 liters per day - edema is not yet terrible, and the water-salt balance must be controlled.


We have already mentioned that at this time in the development of the fetus, a period of formation of important components of the nervous system and other organs begins. Alcohol at the 9th week of pregnancy can disrupt this process, which will lead to microcephaly - underdevelopment of brain structures, and malformations of other organs. In the baby's body, ethanol is found in the same concentration as in the blood of the expectant mother.

Sex at 9 weeks pregnant

At the 9th obstetric week of pregnancy, in the absence of the threat of termination, there are no obstacles to having sex. The main thing is to observe the principles of hygiene and have sex in comfortable positions.

Physical activity

If a woman went in for sports before pregnancy, then she does not need to stop training (we are not talking about traumatic sports). But you need to reduce the intensity of the load and carefully monitor any changes. If the sport starts to bring discomfort, you need to choose another type of activity.

Most useful are water aerobics for pregnant women, swimming and special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. Even if a woman did not lead an active lifestyle before pregnancy, these loads will only be beneficial. Already at 9 weeks, you can do breathing exercises - this will provide the baby with the necessary amount of oxygen.


If the woman has not yet registered with the antenatal clinic, then it's time to do it. When registering for up to 12 weeks, there are cash benefits, so it's best not to waste this time. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, drugs if necessary.

Possible problems

The expectant mother at the 9th obstetric week may be worried about the following problems.


Bleeding at the 9th week of pregnancy, smearing brown discharge, drops of blood - all this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor. If the discharge is abundant, you need to call an ambulance and go to the gynecological hospital, where they will provide the necessary assistance to maintain the pregnancy.

There may be several reasons - an undetected ectopic pregnancy (rare), an ongoing or threatening abortion, trauma to the vagina and cervix, infection.


Often, pain in the lower abdomen is associated with increased gas production and is related to pregnancy only indirectly. But intense pulling pains can indicate an incorrect hormonal status, the threat of miscarriage, improper attachment of the embryo, a frozen pregnancy at 9 weeks - there can be many reasons.

If the pain is weak, but lasts for several days, this is a reason to go for a consultation with a gynecologist. If the pain at the 9th week of pregnancy is sharp, it is difficult to endure it, then this is a reason to call an ambulance.

Back pain

Very often, pain in the lower back is observed at the 9th week of pregnancy. Sometimes they give to the sacrum, tailbone, leg. This is normal, but special bandages and exercises for pregnant women can be recommended to alleviate the condition.


The normal body temperature of the expectant mother can be up to 37.1 degrees. Did your temperature rise sharply at 9 weeks gestation with no other symptoms? You need to contact a therapist, be sure to warn him about your situation.


If you overcome a cold at the 9th week of pregnancy, you need to start treatment as soon as possible - complications are extremely dangerous for the baby. It is advisable to agree on the treatment with the gynecologist in person or by phone. It is strictly forbidden to take any pills for such a period without a doctor's prescription!


With normal gestation, studies and tests at 9 weeks of gestation are not needed. If there is any doubt, then an analysis for hCG, prolactin and progesterone is prescribed.

The norm of hCG is different for each laboratory, but the standard figure is 27300-233000 IU / ml. Observation in dynamics is important.

The level of prolactin increases significantly from the 8th week, it should be at least 34-386 ng / ml.

Progesterone - 37.91 +/- 4.10 Nmol / L.


An ultrasound scan at the 9th week of pregnancy is also performed only in case of suspicion of any problems. The study will show a CTE of 22 to 30 mm.

Features of IVF pregnancy

This week there is a high risk of termination of pregnancy or death of one of several embryos that have taken root, so it is worth limiting physical activity and emotional unrest.

Features of multiple pregnancy

The uterus enlarges more than when carrying one fetus, therefore, at the 9th week of pregnancy, pain in the lower back and back is observed more often. HCG levels can be higher than normal for weeks. Otherwise, happy mothers have nothing to worry about - everything goes like a normal pregnancy.

Video of the ninth week of pregnancy