International eurasian movement - interview with dugin. Representation is a mental process of reflecting objects and phenomena that are not currently perceived, but are recreated based on our previous experience

We turned to our sources in the Kremlin: we do not know, they assured, the Kremlin has nothing to do with it.

Some politicians saw a connection between the emergence of the "Project" and recent visits the president Putin: over the past six months, he has visited six countries with a monarchical form of government (Great Britain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Japan, Malaysia, Spain). Not for nothing, they say.

Alexander Andrushchenko

From book

Again in Russia Time of Troubles. Russia is in intensive care, but orderlies, caretakers and marauders are engaged in its treatment. Some make senseless gadgets, others lament and groan, others quietly pull the ring off the sly with a finger.

Today, at the very least, we exist only because the continuity of power is preserved. KPSS, Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Putin- all these are links in one chain, the continuation of Soviet power. The system is rapidly decaying, but it still exists. When the continuity disappears, it will fall apart. The country will turn into a city given over to plunder. What we see is still flowers. The berries are ahead when the great chain of succession breaks.

Where the West managed to destroy the continuity of power - in Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan - a period of active disintegration began. "Rulers" pulled out of nowhere will soon go nowhere. They will be replaced by others the same, until the West decides that the necessary condition has been achieved. When the rough work is completed, the new lands will be included in someone else's system. V new system there is no place for Ukrainians, Georgians or Kyrgyz.

An ordinary person is completely indifferent to who is in the Kremlin ... But the fact is that the game against Russia is not being played for the sake of power and access to resources. All this is an intermediate goal. According to the enemy's ideology, we have no place on earth.

Someone must protect us. But there is no one to protect.

Can you imagine a family where the chapter changes every four years? It's absurd. But changing the power in a giant state every four years is even more absurd. If our body begins to live not according to the monarchical principle, where the king is the head of everything, but according to the democratic principle, where each member is his own director, then paralysis will come. If every member of our body gets the right to fight for power, the head may not necessarily win. For example, the sciatic muscles can win ...

The people have always understood the situation better than scientists. Therefore, he held on to the king to the last. Instinct and everyday experience told him that as long as there is a person who is not interested in robbing him, as long as there is a Father, a person who can be approached humanly and who will look at things from the position of responsibility before God, and not from the position of upcoming elections, the people will have defender and representative of his interests.

Monarchy is the power of two institutions: the secular in the person of the king and the spiritual in the person of the patriarch. They balance each other.

To preserve this system, it is necessary to maintain two fundamental and system-forming points - the throne and the altar, the so-called symphony of powers. The most basic idea of ​​the Russian monarchy is most vividly and briefly expressed A. S. Pushkin- already almost before the end of his life: "There must be one person who stands above everything, above even the law"... This formulation is completely unacceptable for the Roman-European mentality, for which the law is everything: dura lex, sed lex (harsh is the law, but the law). The Russian mentality puts man, humanity and soul above the law. And when the law comes into conflict with humanity, the Russian consciousness refuses to obey it.

Monarchy orientates a person to the heart; democracy is on the stomach ...

The Queen of England, by the very fact of her existence, gives a sense of the connection of times. One word puppet queen outweighed economic considerations, and the national currency of England - the pound - overcame the euro.

Who will be the monarch is up to God and the people. Our task is to create conditions for the revival of the autocracy. First in Russia, then all over the world.

Heirs to the king

Alexander Zakatov, personal secretary imperial family : Russia since the founding of the state in 862 until 1917 was a monarchy. Thanks to the efforts of all the peoples of our country under the leadership of the monarchs of the House Rurik and Home Romanovs she became a great power. Yes, there were drawbacks then. But the fall of the monarchy brought unparalleled calamities to our Motherland. I am convinced that no other model of state structure can be more effective for multinational Russia than a monarchy.

And the emperor Kirill Vladimirovich and the Grand Duke Vladimir Kirillovich, and the current head of the Imperial House, the Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna with his heir the Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich they have always said that in no case do they want to impose a monarchy on their compatriots against their will, but they are always ready to respond to the popular appeal and take responsibility for the fate of the country. If the people wish to restore the monarchy, the person who at that time will be the head of the House of Romanov by virtue of the Law on Succession will come to the throne.

The desire for a monarchical structure is inherent in our people at the genetic level. You just need to remind about the great past of Russia without any annoying imposition and explain that the monarchist idea is eternal, that the monarchy is a completely modern state system that has many advantages.

But often, instead of communicating the position of the Imperial House to the compatriots and seriously discussing the monarchist topic with competent people, under the guise of monarchists they give the floor to notorious swindlers, impostors, or simply deranged people.

The Imperial House of the Romanovs has nothing to do with Project Russia. It is surprising that the authors of the book did not find it possible to indicate themselves. Everyone has the right to express their point of view, but at the same time you need to be responsible for what is said.

For the monarchy

Alexander Dugin, political scientist, leader of the International "Eurasian Movement": In the 15th century, the mission of the Orthodox kingdom was transferred from Byzantium to Russia, the idea of ​​Moscow - the Third Rome - existed for 200 years, until 1917. That is, the Orthodox monarchy is not just a historical and political tradition, but an expression of a historical mission Russian people and the state. If we are Orthodox, then we should theoretically wish for a monarchy.

In practice, the problem boils down to two fundamental questions: the Orthodox monarchy as a sacred institution with certain procedures for electing a tsar by the Council or approval through dynasties, or is it a change in constitutional and legal norms? Society is not yet ripe for the sacred ritual of the return of the monarchy. As for the establishment of an enlightened autocratic regime, it is ripe. Due to the fact that Russia is facing external challenges that require extraordinary responses: a threat to integrity, possible conflicts in the near abroad in the south, insufficient efficiency existing institutions. These challenges can be resolved with an extraordinary concentration of power in the hands of a legitimate autocratic ruler. And this measure seems to be extremely relevant in the near future - in 2007-2008. And here we can talk about both Putin and his successor.

It is important not to deceive yourself: the monarchy in Russia in one form or another has always been, is and will be. Nothing else can be.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party: Russian state developed and achieved power only within the framework of the monarchy. Not because we do not want democracy, but because our territory, environment, climate allow the state to function effectively only within the framework of a monarchical, authoritarian regime. The situation in Russia is such that you need to accept quick decisions and not always tell the whole truth to people. If, say, we exempt some region from paying taxes (or reduce them), because interethnic conflicts have begun there and we announce this, then in another region it will be the same to get money from Moscow. Russia should develop and live in a more hidden political regime, and only a monarch can ensure this. It is not necessary to restore the dynasty. We can at a meeting of all three chambers - the State Duma, the Federation Council, the Public Chamber (this is new variant Novgorod veche) - to elect by secret ballot for seven years the supreme ruler of Russia. If he rules well, seven more times. Then another is elected.

Against the monarchy

Valeria Novodvorskaya, leader of the Democratic Union: I think this project is the creation of court flatterers. They want to please Putin. Or is it out of complete despair, because not a single problem is being solved in Russia. So at least we will call on the king for help.

The institution of the monarchy has modern world only historically sentimental meaning. Nowhere in the world do monarchs actually rule. The most successful in Russia were the tsars who sought to limit their power and carry out reforms: Alexander I, Catherine II. Nicholas II wanted to create a constitutional monarchy, but did not have time. Perhaps this was the path of Russia. But time has passed.

Yes, the people seem to be for the tsar - judging by how they treat Putin, how they treated Yeltsin, what they wanted from Stalin... But I think Putin will have enough sense of humor not to succumb to provocations, not to make himself a laughing stock in a world where they treat us strangely.

Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation: Russia will not return to any form of totalitarianism, including such a soft one as a monarchy. In general, it's just funny when grown-up uncles begin to seriously say that we need a king. That is, they sign in their complete worthlessness and inability to think from the point of view of modern realities.

I leafed through the book "Project Russia". It should be noted that the description of the current situation there is quite sensible, professional, the eyeliner deserves attention, but a useless conclusion about the monarchy was attached to it.

It is clear that distributing a book is an action, but it’s not clear whose. Perhaps this is a provocation to show that some circles in Russia, for example, the "siloviki", do not see a legal possibility for a third presidential term, and therefore throw in the idea of ​​a monarchy.

The monarchist project is complete nonsense, it should not be taken seriously.

The nature of political power.

- Power as a social phenomenon

In this regard, it is important to emphasize the operation of the principle of state sovereignty, meaning the recognition of the state's embodiment of a single order, the right to suppress anarchy, exclusive monopolist states to violence in society; independence of state structures in relation to any non-state entities and persons; the rule of law in the regulation of all relations, the independence of the foreign policy of the state.

Originally sovereignty identified with the unity of power, its unlimited positive law... This meant that power is concentrated in the king, who is the sovereign. The sovereign is not bound by the laws that he makes. The idea of ​​sovereignty was formulated as a way of confronting the dangers of a unified power to the papacy's claim to power in European countries, the strife of the aristocracy, civil wars and peasant uprisings. The modern content and meaning of the concept "" went beyond these limits, changed under the influence of humanistic and democratic ideas. With the adoption of the principles of the republican system, separation of powers, federalism, and representation, sovereignty is no longer understood as the sovereignty of only a separate body of the state, it is not identified with a centralized, unitary state. With the adoption of the political practice of the rule of law, the principle of sovereignty is limited by inalienable human rights and freedoms. For the authorities, the possibility of standing above the law is excluded.

Nowadays, supra-legal unlimited power is no longer considered a sign of the sovereignty of a democratic state. is seen in a strong power, acting exclusively within the framework of the law, its modern understanding does not oppose political pluralism, does not set limits to the practice of a plurality of political wills of the authorities. The principle of sovereignty does not exclude the right to self-determination. However, the right to secession is incompatible with it. The right to use violence is determined by law and is the prerogative of the state. After World War II, the principle of sovereignty played positive role in asserting the principle of inviolability of borders, resolving disputed territorial issues between states through negotiations.

Priority recognition civil rights influenced the idea of ​​the limits of sovereignty, today the principle of non-interference in the affairs of another state is no longer considered as a reason to refuse the assessment by the world community of the state of human rights, the legitimacy of power in one country or another, and pressure on it by non-military means. It can be assumed that in the future, as the integration processes deepen, the importance of borders will also weaken. Principle monopolist the state for the publication and application of laws remains a guarantee of order, legality, democracy.

Priority> There are two known invariants of the measure of state activity in the life of society: statist and liberal. In life, however, it is now more common mixed type activity.

The liberal type of activity resulted in the action of the principles of non-interference of the state in the affairs of civil society. The essence of etatism is the active intervention of the state in the life of society, which is typical for states that have formed on the basis of the psychology of paternalism, as a result strong influence on the state of the Christian and Islamic religions. In the Republic of Germany, statism was developed in the 17th century. X. Wolf. For the sake of human improvement, the state can intervene in all spheres of life, including private. It must fight idleness and waste, ensure that young people get married early, have many children, in order to attract more intelligent and educated foreigners to the country and not let qualified workers out of the country. The state organizes academies, builds churches, establishes holidays, is in charge of the education system. The state was seen as the organizer of the entire economy - from the management of production to the distribution of people according to the spheres of employment. Statism is a traditional component of the policy of the German state. This was the case during the Kaiser's Federal Republic of Germany Hitler's Nazism continues in the post-war period. Etatism was traditionally characteristic of the Russian autocracy. The state actively participated in the development of industry, construction railways, companies of academies, universities, hospitals, shelters, schools.

In some cases, statism can facilitate the onset of totalitarianism, in others it can move to the practice of the welfare state. In the 20s-30s of the XX century. tradition of statism in Russian Federation and Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) favored the formation of a totalitarian regime and at the same time the introduction of socialist motives into state policy (equalizing wages, eliminating and preventing unemployment).

However, as G. Belov emphasizes, statism should not be identified with either totalitarianism or the social nature of state policy. Totalitarianism means the complete subordination of everyone, all aspects of life to a single principle, the transformation of society into a monotheistic one. Etatism expresses the tradition of special responsibility for the position of the nation, for the development of culture, science, the protection of moral foundations, the prevailing ideas about the breadth of the sphere of state activity. The practice of statism partially facilitated the transition to the principle of the welfare state, which satisfied the modern needs of the masses for protection. social rights Citizens, Warranty Policy living wage. Modern society it does not do without elements of etatism, but it assumes the existence of a civil society, a rule of law. The concept of a socially legal state expresses the search for an optimal combination of the principles of social justice, statism and the liberal idea of ​​a legal state.

World practice has developed two basic principles of state structure: unitary and federal, but along with them there are some subspecies.

The form of state structure is the administrative-territorial and national structure of the state, which reveals the nature of the relationship between its constituent parts, between central and local government authorities.

The form of state structure most fully reveals and shows the internal structure of the state. Of all the known forms of government, the following are distinguished:

Unitary states;



Although the confederation cannot be attributed unequivocally to the forms of government, since the confederation is union several states that have united for a while to solve some common problem.

A unitary state is a single integral state formation, consisting of administrative-territorial units that are subordinate to the central authorities and do not possess signs of state sovereignty.

A unitary state has a number of features that characterize it from various aspects.

On the territory of a unitary state, there is one, unified system of legislation, one. It has a unified monetary system, a common tax and credit policy, which is mandatory for all administrative-territorial units.

A unitary state presupposes uniform, representative, executive and judicial authorities, which exercise the supreme leadership of the relevant local government or local government bodies. For example, in France, the supreme and unified legislative body is the bicameral parliament, consisting of the National Assembly and the Senate. The highest judicial power in this country belongs to the Court of Cassation, and the highest executive power is exercised by the president.

In addition, the constituent parts of a unitary state do not have state sovereignty. They do not have their own independent military formations, legislative bodies and other attributes of statehood. However, local governments have very significant autonomy. According to the degree of dependence of local authorities on the central ones, the unitary state structure is divided into centralized and decentralized. The state is considered centralized if the head of the local government is appointed from the center officials, who are subordinate to the bodies, (for example). In decentralized unitary states, local government bodies are elected by the population. But there are also mixed systems (), where the heads of administrations are partly appointed and partly elected. In unitary states, national and legislative autonomies can be organized. This is due to living on the territory this state small in number of nationalities. All interstate issues are resolved central authority, which officially represents the country in the international arena.

Another sign of a unitary state is the presence of a single monetary and, accordingly, a financial and economic system, as well as the presence of a single state language communication.

The state has a unified military and security service. It should be noted that in a unitary state, culture is often the same, that is, cultural and social values.

Concerning federations then this is voluntary business combination several previously independent state formations into one union state

The federal government is unique. First, it is heterogeneous. Secondly, it is diverse. This is determined by the difference in the population, more precisely the national-ethnic composition of this population, historical processes and, geographic location... However, despite this, a number of features can be distinguished that are characteristic of most federations.

1. The supreme legislative, executive and judicial power belongs to the federal government bodies.

2. Constitution delimits the powers of the subjects and the federation itself.

3. The territory of the federation consists of:

a) Subjects that are called differently.

b) Accordingly, subjects from administrative-territorial units.

4. The subjects of the federation can take their the main law of the state, laws, regulations and other normative legal acts (NLA). They have their own supreme bodies of representative, executive and judicial power, which operate only on the territory of the subject of the given federation.

5. Often there is a double citizenship, that is, the subject of the federation endows the citizen residing on its territory with its citizenship, and citizenship this person already has a federation. Therefore, a citizen has two citizenships: the subject and the citizenship of the federation.

6. Usually from the subjects of the federation are allocated representatives who are members of the representative government; these representatives in their totality form the legislative body of the federation, or rather one part of it (the chamber). The second part (chambers) is always elected by the people.

7. Foreign policy state activities are carried out by federal bodies, They act in the international arena on behalf of the federation.

Federations are built on territorial and ethnic grounds.

According to scientists, people choose their soul mate precisely by their body odor. It is believed that it is the sense of smell that allows you to select a partner with the most appropriate set of genes. After all, a person is able to secrete pheromones: substances that are of interest to the opposite sex. However, there are situations when a particular smell emanating from the body should be perceived as a distress signal. After all, he can talk about having enough serious illness... Doctors say that some diseases have their own "flavor". How exactly diseases smell and what you should pay attention to when a new smell appears - in the material.

Smell test

Doctors have long begun to use an unpleasant odor emanating from the human body as an option for primary diagnosis. various diseases... After all, the repulsive amber is a clear signal that metabolic processes are disturbed. This often happens against the background of the development of certain pathologies.

The bacteria that colonize the skin survive the previous colonies that were "healthy", and the waste products of the new ones start to smell differently.

Does it smell like acetone?

If sweat takes on the smell of acetone, it is worth checking for pathologies such as:

  • Various endocrine pathologies associated with diabetes
  • Digestive system problems
  • Disorders of the liver and kidneys
  • Human infection with microbes, bacteria and viruses

All this can lead to an imbalance in the body, due to which general dysfunction is noted. It should be understood that diabetes It is the most common reason the appearance of acetone odor from the body. This is attributed to the fact that a person develops insulin deficiency. Glucose begins to break down worse, and an excess of it becomes the cause of a change in the composition of the blood and a deterioration in metabolism: from this, the amount in the body begins to increase ketone bodies... The body actively removes excess, including along with sweat: hence the appearance of a sharp acetone amber. It should be understood that this condition is fraught with serious health problems and often indicates the approach of a diabetic coma.

Also, the smell of acetone can be observed if the kidneys are affected. In this case, in addition to the characteristic "aroma", the person will exhibit such symptoms as edema, problems with urination, pain in the lumbar region, increased pressure, and the smell of acetone from the mouth.

If the acetone odor from the skin is accompanied by a sharp loss of kilograms with persisting appetite, irritability and insomnia, it is said that the problem may be caused by disturbances in the thyroid gland.

Smell of a cat

There are situations when a person begins to smell of cat feces. In this case, the body also signals possible malfunctions. So, for example, the smell of urea appears when:

  • Diseases of the kidneys and liver
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system and VSD
  • Tuberculosis
  • Obesity
  • Disorders in the digestive system

Kidney problems are among the common causes of this odor. After all, if their work does not work properly, the whole body as a whole reacts painfully to this. Moreover, it should be understood that the smell of urea in this case will be strong, and it will be impossible to cope with it with improvised means: they do not take such deodorants.

A problem develops due to the fact that protein breakdown products are excreted through sebaceous glands... Doctors in this case talk about uricidosis, which can result from chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis and uremia.

Vinegar smell

A person's sweat can sometimes smell like vinegar. It is important to understand that the appearance of such a symptom is accompanied by increased sweating. Among the reasons due to which such a problem may develop:

  • Endocrine Disorders
  • Lack of vitamins D and B
  • Infectious and inflammatory lung diseases
  • Mastopathy

If we are talking about failures in endocrine system, there may be a lack of iodine in the body. This immediately leads to the appearance bad smell... It is quite possible to recognize tuberculosis by the vinegar smell from the body, because in this case, symptoms such as severe cough, fatigue, weakness and elevated temperature... Women are not recommended to leave this smell unattended: it may indicate serious problems with breasts.

Other options

As soon as the body odor has changed, turning into something intolerable, it is worth visiting a doctor as soon as possible. After all, a different smell can indicate various pathologies, some of which are rather difficult to treat.