Causes of cold hands and feet in a child. Why does the child have cold hands and feet? Cold blooded women and hot guys

When a long-awaited baby is born, many parents worry about every slightest reason. And the state of health of their own children worries in the first place.

A small child cannot communicate what is bothering him and therefore moms and dads are even more worried.

Why does the baby have cold hands and feet and what should new parents do?

In what situations is the advice of a pediatrician and examination of other specialists required for cold limbs of a newborn? Why do babies have cold hands and feet while walking and should the time spent outdoors be reduced?

With a calm state of the baby, good appetite and peaceful sleep, the parents should not have grounds for nervousness and anxiety. The circulatory system in the baby's body is also defective, as are the thermoregulation processes.

After birth, the "extrauterine" blood circulation, functioning as in adults in a small and large circle, fully matures by 7-8 months in the absence of pathologies. Closer to the year, the symptom of constantly cold extremities in a newborn begins to disappear. The temperature of the arms, legs and nose in a baby is only the temperature of the skin. Warm limbs indicate active blood flow in the peripheral vessels.

Consultation of a specialist for a baby with cold hands and feet will become necessary if the general well-being deteriorates. Especially if the baby is not happy, lethargic, drowsy, capricious, has poor appetite and interrupted sleep.

Up to 2 years old, cold hands and feet in a child without the above symptoms are considered the norm due to the defective thermoregulation system of the body. But if cold hands are noticed in a child of 2 years old and even at 3 years old, then it is worth watching the baby.

What to do if a newborn has a high temperature and at the same time hands and feet are cold? Immediately call a pediatrician who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. If this condition is accompanied by a blue nasolabial triangle, pallor, "white" lips and lethargy, apathy and lack of crying, you need to contact an ambulance. Spasm of blood vessels leads to "white fever". You can not offer the baby antipyretic drugs, this can only worsen his health.

For older children, the situation and actions are similar. Before the arrival of the doctor, you can massage the limbs with light movements, which will begin to restore blood flow.

According to E.O. Komarovsky, cold hands and feet in a baby during high temperature figures are an indicator of dehydration. All peripheral blood thickens, heading to the internal organs, due to the presence of leukocytes and viruses in it.

A child may have cold hands and feet even at normal temperatures. The skin of the arms and legs of the baby is the first to freeze for up to a year, since there is direct contact with the surrounding atmosphere. Vessels and capillaries of the skin, only depending on the air temperature, narrow or expand.

The focus should be on the color of the baby's skin, not the temperature. According to Komarovsky, if a newborn has cold hands and feet, but their color remains pink, then you should not worry. The skin adjusts to the outside temperature. A small organism is tempered and the heat exchange system works properly.

Parents should be alerted by the skin of a pale blue hue and icy legs in the baby. The circulation in the extremities becomes slow. The reason lies in hypothermia, peripheral vasoconstriction. The blood is directed to the internal organs, so the skin turns pale.

The cause of cold and wet limbs in babies at the age of 2-3 months may be rickets - a lack of vitamin D. Other symptoms are sure to accompany: irritability, sour smell of sweat, changes in biochemical parameters and a characteristic "bald spot" on the back of the head. If detected early, rickets can be treated.

The causes of cold and wet hands and feet in a child 2-3 years old can be covered in various diseases:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia. When the activity is disturbed, a spasm and constriction of blood vessels occurs, the movement of blood flow slows down, which leads to increased sweating of the palms and cold hands in the child. "Ice" hands after sleep in a child become the most common symptom up to 5-7 years. The older the preschooler becomes, the less often this anomaly manifests itself.
  • Negative emotions and stress are involved in the disturbance of heat regulation.
  • Decreased immunity, accompanied by general weakness, pallor, dizziness, can cause cold extremities in children.
  • Endocrine system disorders. With diseases of the thyroid gland, the child sweats and his hands and feet become icy, dry skin appears. In this case, it is necessary to consult an endocrinologist.
  • Anemia (iron deficiency). Cold hands are noted. Feet can stay warm. This is explained by the fact that all thermal energy is consumed faster due to a lack of iron in the baby's blood.
  • Improper nutrition. A banal lack of nutrients will lead to icy skin of the hands and feet.

With cold extremities of a child, a specialist consultation is necessary, especially when there are the following accompanying symptoms:

  • high temperature 38-39˚С, pallor, apathy of the baby;
  • wet hands and feet in an infant of 2-3 months with a sour odor, tearfulness and irritability;
  • wet hands and feet in a preschooler, shortness of breath, frequent thirst, dry skin.

Parents, having discovered cold limbs in their children, begin to intensively warm them in various ways: wrap them up, put on socks, mittens for newborns and even wraps.

But such actions only worsen the child's condition. Only a pediatrician can choose the right warming measures.

After a visual examination, a specialist can prescribe a therapy appropriate for the disease:

  • Massage and gymnastics. With such procedures, the baby additionally takes an air bath, which contributes to hardening. You need to trust your child only to a qualified massage therapist who has a certificate of manual therapy activity and the ability to work with young children. It is better to choose a medical professional with experience.
  • If an appropriate disease is identified, it is necessary to treat it with a narrow specialist: endocrinologist, immunologist, hematologist, psychologist.
  • Improving immunity by hardening, taking vitamins and mineral complexes, spending more time on the street.

Observing simple rules, you can minimize the risk of hypothermia of the limbs in the baby:

  • Physical activity. Organize the baby more activity, which will promote normal blood circulation and increased sweating, eliminating the possibility of the hands and feet from being constantly cold.
  • Hardening, air baths. It is normal for a child to feel warm at home and have cold hands. The thermoregulatory mechanism learns to adapt to the environment.
  • Correct diet. The presence of all important vitamins, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in the diet in accordance with the norm of energy consumption will relieve the baby of ice handles.
  • Loose clothing. All clothes made of unnatural fabrics and tight-fitting body of the child will necessarily lead to a violation of blood flow.

In any case, if the newborn has cold hands, feet and nose, then you shouldn't ignore this issue. After all, the health and well-being of children is in the hands of their parents.

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All parents, especially young mothers, do not miss the opportunity to be nervous about the health of their beloved children. It happens that the excitement is in vain, but sometimes it is justified, and the attentiveness of the mother saves you from big trouble. If, for no apparent reason, at normal body temperature, the child has cold hands and feet, this may indicate good thermoregulation of the body. But only if we are talking about an infant (up to two years old). In older children, these symptoms should be alarming.

An attentive mother always monitors the condition of her baby, and often the cold arms and legs of the child put her on guard

Are the kids free from cold?

Recently, contrary to the beliefs of grandmothers, doctors strongly recommend not wrapping up children in the first months and years of their life. It is very easy not to calculate with insulation and overheat the baby. The fact is that for crumbs up to two years old, the mechanism that maintains the temperature regime has not yet been fully formed. Constantly cold feet and hands can be considered a normal occurrence in an infant, this is caused by the peculiarities of heat transfer and should not worry the parents. Over time, everything will return to normal, and after two years, such a problem will not arise.

In young children, the mechanism of thermoregulation has not yet been established.

The skin is the first to come into contact with the environment, its vessels adjust to the outside temperature, narrowing or expanding. You need to pay attention not to the temperature, but to the color of the skin:

  1. If the legs and arms are cold, but of a normal pink color, that's okay. The skin adjusts to the ambient temperature, cooling the body. The body is hardened, which in the future will help to avoid endless colds.
  2. Pale, bluish skin on the arms and legs, plus a feeling of icy coldness at normal body temperature should alert mom. This means that blood circulation in the legs and arms is slower. The reason may be severe hypothermia, blood vessels narrow, trying to keep the temperature, and the skin turns pale.

Pink leather on the arms and legs indicates a child's well-being

Mothers need to remember that for a baby, especially in the first months, overheating is more dangerous than hypothermia. Nature arranged it so that a baby can withstand prolonged cold more easily than even a short overheating.

For what reasons are the limbs freezing in older children?

The situation is a little different with children over two years old. Most often, problems arise in the fifth or seventh year of life. During this period, hands and feet may remain cold at normal temperatures for several reasons:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia, that is, a failure of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the functioning of internal organs, and is also responsible for maintaining normal body temperature. With vegetative vascular dystonia, spasms occur, the vessels narrow. This explains why normal blood circulation in the legs and arms slows down. As a rule, with age, this condition goes away on its own, but a doctor's consultation will not hurt.
  2. With great nervous excitability, the hands / feet of the child may also become cold. Any negative emotions, stress disrupt the normal heat exchange. Sometimes the palms become damp, although the hands remain cold. Calm and warm your baby, try to avoid stressful situations (although this is easier said than done).
  3. A decrease in immunity can also explain why limbs are always freezing in children. If there is weakness, pale skin, sometimes the body "aches" and hands / feet are cold, then this may indicate a decrease in immunity or the first signs of anemia.
  4. One of the reasons why a child always has cold extremities may be a thyroid disease. If the doctor has not confirmed vegetative vascular dystonia or anemia, it is worth consulting with an endocrinologist.
  5. Cold hands in a child is one of the first symptoms of a high temperature (above 38-39 ° C). Sometimes it is difficult to tell by the appearance of a baby that he or she has a fever. If the arms and legs are cold, measure the temperature - this will help you not to waste time if the baby gets sick.

Cold extremities in a child can be a sign of SARS

It is difficult to figure out on your own why exactly the arms and legs freeze? Do not postpone a visit to the pediatrician, it is better to prevent the disease than to cure it later. Do not hesitate to call a doctor at home or call an ambulance - your child's health is more important than anything else. For the same reason, do not self-medicate and self-diagnose - you can experiment on your health (if you really want to), but not on the health of children!

Ice skin at high temperature

If the temperature is elevated (38-39 ° C and above), then the hands / feet of children, as a rule, become cold. This is because the blood rushes to the internal organs to fight the disease. There is simply not enough blood pressure on the periphery (arms and legs). In this case, you need to give a warm drink and urgently call a doctor, without waiting for the temperature to rise to 39 ° C.

Call a doctor in case of high fever and poor health of the baby.

What to do before the doctor comes if the temperature is high (38-39 ° C and above), and the hands and feet are frozen:

  1. If the skin has turned pale, the child is shivering, then this may indicate vasospasm. Antipyretic (especially fast-acting) is contraindicated in this case. The medicine will only make the spasm worse and make the situation worse. It is necessary to give an antispasmodic (best of all, no-shpu).
  2. Cold hands and feet can and should be warmed. Rub them with your hands, rocking and soothing the baby. You should not use alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs, they improve heat transfer and even more cool the limbs.

In a newborn, cold hands can be a concern for parents. Doctors say that this process can be considered the norm. The symptom is associated with the end of the formation of the vegetative system. Motor and sensory activity immediately after the birth of a baby is very different from that of an adult.

In infants, even in a warm room, the phalanges of the fingers can remain completely cold. It has been scientifically established that thermoregulation is completed only by 1.5 years. That is why mommy will have to use all means to keep the baby warm. To do this, you should wear warm clothes and use a blanket.

Symptoms of pathologies

Cold hands in a baby are not always an alarming symptom. However, parents are advised to closely monitor the baby's overall health. The sign may become the first bell, which indicates the presence of pathologies in development. It is imperative that you consult your doctor if, in addition, the baby has the following symptoms:

  • constant deterioration in appetite;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the child is constantly naughty and crying;
  • a severe rash is observed on the skin.

If the parents did not find any of these negative manifestations, then cold hands only say that the autonomic system is at the stage of formation. After a certain period, adaptation will be completed, and thermoregulation will return to normal.

However, if additional symptoms appear, you should immediately visit the pediatrician's office. He will be able to figure out why this symptom appears periodically.

Parents are advised not to wrap their child too much. In this case, the process of its natural thermoregulation is disrupted. Because of this, in the future, the baby can be very sick. Additionally, the risk of developing prickly heat and diaper rash increases. Mom has to determine in a different way whether her baby is cold. To do this, just touch your chest. The procedure should be performed with the back of the hand.

A baby is not cold if his body is at the same temperature as your hand.

It is allowed in some cases for the breast to be slightly cool.

If it is cold, then the baby should be covered with a blanket or dressed warmer.

Within a few minutes, the baby will warm up and fall asleep quickly.

In this case, parents will not have to worry about his comfort.

Basic methods of improving blood circulation

The heat transfer process can be improved if simple procedures are followed regularly. Doctors recommend massage, which consists in gently massaging the upper and lower extremities. Such manipulations will additionally calm the child, give him vigor and normalize sleep and rest.

Gymnastics also has a positive effect on the body. It should be carried out regularly, starting from the first days of life. The procedure must be additionally combined with a bath and finding the baby without clothes. Thanks to these simple manipulations, it is possible to expand the vessels. After a certain period, the baby will be able to fully adapt to external conditions and feel comfortable in them.

Massage helps improve thermoregulation

Hardening has a positive effect on the body as a whole. That is why, even at an older age, it is recommended to alternate the temperature of the water. When introducing complementary foods, it is necessary to monitor its temperature. Completely cold food is not allowed. Immediately after the baby is born, it is recommended to constantly wear special mittens. Additionally, they will protect the baby's skin from scratches. At home, you should also wear thin socks on your feet. Clothing should not interfere with normal movement. The kid feels comfortable in things that fully comply with the weather conditions.

Parents should check the temperature of the pens after finishing the water treatment. If they are cold, then gently rub the skin using a terry towel. If the symptom persists for a long time and is accompanied by whims, poor appetite, then it is recommended to seek the advice of a specialist in this field. He will prescribe the necessary tests, on the basis of which a diagnosis will be made.

Loving and caring parents notice any changes in the health of their baby. It is not uncommon for mums and dads to be seriously concerned that their child has cold hands and feet on a regular basis. Moreover, a similar condition can be seen both in adolescents and in the smallest newborn babies.

In this article, we will tell you what causes cold extremities in children of different ages, and when parents need to consult a doctor.

Why does a month-old baby often have cold hands?

In babies, from birth to about 5-6 months, thermoregulation is not at all the same as in adults. This can be especially noticeable in children born earlier than expected.

Due to imperfect heat transfer, newborn babies often overheat and overcool. That is why, even in the heat of summer, their arms and legs can be quite cold. In some cases, you can even see a bluish tint on them.

If you find cold hands in a baby one month old or a little older, who sleeps well and is gaining weight well, there is nothing to worry about - your baby is healthy. At the same time, the baby should be covered with a blanket or dressed warmer, and the air temperature in the children's room should be measured.

Why does a child over 6 months old have cold hands and feet?

As you grow older, thermoregulation in a tiny body improves, and this problem disappears almost imperceptibly. Meanwhile, in some cases, parents notice that the situation does not change, and their son or daughter still often has cold hands and feet.

Usually, the following reasons cause such a pathology:

Thus, if you start to notice that your child's hands and feet are quite cold, you should not panic. First of all, you should evaluate his age and wait for a while.

If the situation does not change for the better, it is necessary to consult with a qualified doctor to find out the cause of the pathology and obtain appropriate recommendations.


With a high fever and a cold, a child may have cold hands and feet. The phenomenon is associated with the peculiarities of thermoregulation in childhood. But it happens that the limbs are colder than other parts of the body on a regular basis. This is the reason for some of the malfunctions in the body, caused by too fast growth rates or other abnormalities.

Why does the child have cold hands?

In an infant, cold hands may have a bluish color, this is due to the fact that the circulatory system has just begun to develop, many vessels are in a compressed state, and therefore the body has not yet learned to maintain the temperature in the extremities. Usually the situation is normalized by 3-4 months of life, in extreme cases, the process is delayed up to six months.

If your child has constantly cold hands with normal health, most likely, the nervous system simply does not have time to control all areas of the skin, the vessels of the limbs narrow and the palms feel icy to the touch. When there are no other symptoms, there is no need to worry. But if there are other signs of malaise, you should see your doctor. Here is a list of the most common accompanying deviations:

  • restless sleep;
  • pale face;
  • tiredness, apathy;
  • absence ;
  • abdominal pain, headache;
  • nausea;
  • redness of skin areas;
  • rash;
  • fast or slow heart rate.

During colds, flu, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, the body temperature rises significantly, while the child's hands and feet are cold. In no case should you:

  • rubbing with cold water with vinegar;
  • knock down the temperature with Aspirin;
  • wrap up the baby's limbs in mitten socks;
  • cover it with an extra blanket.

Sweat should evaporate freely from the body, and the arms and legs are responsible for thermoregulation. The best thing you can do for your baby in this case is to give him plenty of fluids and call a qualified healthcare provider as soon as possible. The child's temperature and cold hands are more likely an indicator that the body is responding to the disease correctly.

Other reasons

Sometimes the limbs of a child have a lower temperature during stress, or vitamin deficiency. Also, this symptom may indicate rickets. Try to maintain the baby's immune system and carefully monitor that his food is balanced.

If you have had cases in your family, it can also cause cold hands and feet in children, this deviation is caused by involuntary muscle spasms. Dystonia usually resolves by the age of 12-14 years, but sometimes in women it can persist for life.