How to tie a belt with a hole. How to tie a sash belt. Step-by-step instructions on how to tie a coat belt beautifully and correctly. How to tie a belt on a dress: several universal ways

A person who decides to go out on the tatami must certainly know how to tie a belt on a judo kimono.

Despite the seeming simplicity of the process, this is actually a real art.

Let's figure out what secrets are here, and what needs to be done to master them.

To begin with, let's turn to the history of occurrence.

Historical reference

Jigoro Kano

This type of wrestling originated in Japan at the end of the 19th century, based on the techniques of several schools.

The martial art technique was invented by martial arts master Jigoro Kano.

The main difference between judo and jiu-jitsu was the presence of humanistic principles and the desire for the steady self-improvement of the athlete.

For a beginner with a white belt, the main task is to learn how to fold a wrestling robe and tie the belt correctly.

Only after mastering such a skill is a person allowed to complete training.

It is important to know: in Japan, ancient rules, rituals and etiquette are sacred, including traditions associated with judoka attire. The kimono is the main clothing, the wrestler's training suit, and his belt (called obi) serves not only as an accessory that puts the suit in order, but also as an informer of the owner's status and sporting achievements.

After a year of hard work, the student is allowed to take the exam for the next color belt - yellow. It is necessary to overcome many obstacles in order to achieve a black belt.

How to tie an obi

There are several ways to tie a belt on a kimono. We describe the most common of them and accessible to perception.

Method number 1

  1. We take the belt by the middle and stretch it across the abdomen at waist level.
  2. We wrap around the body so that after the turn the strip is on the back and stomach, and the ends are held by the hands on the sides.
  3. We take the left end of the belt down, and skip the right end located on top from the bottom so that we get a loose loop.
  4. We release the lower left end to contact the end of the loop, and thread the right tip that formed it from above into the resulting hole (at the same time, it lies parallel to the left one, which has already taken the right position inside the loop).
  5. Next, we thread the tip in the extreme left side from bottom to top into the loop formed from above by the right end.
  6. We tighten the knot, which has the shape of a tie, only tightened on the side.

This is interesting: there is a lot of symbolism in any wrestling of Japanese origin. So the kimono belt contains the following meaning: the left end means a symbol of the spirit, the right end symbolizes the physical development of the individual. In general, the knotted obi represents harmony, integrity and inner strength. The main thing not to lose sight of is that both ends of the tied belt are the same in length. This creates a harmony of spirit and body of a wrestler according to the laws of being and separately taken judo.

Method number 2

The belt can be tied into another strong knot, so much so that it will not be easy to untie during the fight, but just after it is over. Here is the procedure:

In martial arts, a position has been fixed, according to which it is necessary to use belts 4-6 centimeters wide and 2-3 meters long. This length is quite enough to wrap twice the waist of not only a teenager or a young man, but also an adult man.

It is important that after tightening the knot on the belt, the ends of 20-30 centimeters hang on both sides. For visual perception, it is recommended to watch the video corresponding to the topic:

The belt was created not only to fulfill its main function - fixing clothes, but also as a beautiful accessory. He is able to make adjustments to the image and significantly transform it. But you should know how to tie a belt on a dress beautifully so that it does not spoil the look, but, on the contrary, improves it.

How to choose the right belt?

Initially, you should choose this accessory correctly, as some belts may not fit a certain style. Experts advise to adhere to such rules:

You need to choose the right belt for the dress, as some of them will not look harmonious with certain clothes. The belt will be especially useful for those girls who would like to slightly correct their figure. If there are extra centimeters on the sides, then the belt will be able to hide them. To do this, it is better to tie it under the chest. If there is a desire to highlight the hips, then the belt must be tied in the form of a bow on the side of the waist.

Interesting options for tying a belt on a dress

The belt is able to decorate the dress, emphasize the figure. But for this you need to tie it beautifully. Experts recommend using some ideas:

These are the easiest ways to tie a strap. But, despite this, they are able to bring zest to the image. You can make your own belt or buy it from the store.

5 ways to tie a strap beautifully - video instruction

Who should emphasize the waist with a belt?

There are many dresses that can be complemented with a belt. But you should know some secrets:

  1. If a strap of the same color as the outfit was chosen, then the figure will not be divided into 2 parts, but the silhouette will be modeled. This is ideal for those who have disproportionate forms.
  2. A strap in a contrasting color should be chosen for girls with a flat stomach.
  3. A handkerchief belt is ideal for fragile ladies.
  4. Decorated belts, for example, made of beads, are suitable for plain long dresses.
  5. But a wide long belt can be used for different styles of dresses.

It's not all tricks. The most important thing to remember is that before you tie or sew a belt to a dress, you need to see if it fits the clothes.

Options for lightweight fabrics

If you are wearing an ordinary summer dress, you can use a long cord. To do this, they need to wrap around the waist, cross the parts of the cord behind their backs, and then make a simple bow in front. If there is a desire for one side of such a belt to hang down, then more than one end of the cord should be pulled out, and instead of a bow, tie a knot. In this way, you can slightly lengthen the figure.

When the weather is hot outside, and the dress is thin, then a belt made of light fabric will look harmonious. Such an accessory resembles a scarf, but it also needs to be tied correctly so that the image is final. The interesting thing is that such a belt is easy to make, because for this you need only the appropriate amount of fabric.

Atlas is ideal for this option. You can sew a satin belt yourself, but they are also sold ready-made.

What is a sash?

A belt is called a sash, which has become quite popular today: it is wide in the middle, and becomes narrower towards both ends. This belt is perfect for a variety of dresses. The easiest way to tie it is this:

  • the middle of the sash is applied to the stomach;
  • tapered ends twist around the waist and pull forward;
  • a knot and a half bow are made.

This belt is made from suede or leather. It looks unusual, and the image becomes bright. The sash is suitable for outfits with sleeves and lush hemlines, looks good on narrow sundresses, spacious dresses with pockets.

A thin strap is considered universal. There are various options for tying such a belt. Many designers suggest using not one strap, but several, intertwining them with each other.

Here are some interesting ideas for tying a thin strap:

  1. A loose knot is made near the buckle, which is not tightened. The other end is pulled through the buckle and the prepared knot, which is then tightened.
  2. First, the belt is pushed through the buckle. A free edge is formed on which a loop should be made. Next, the strap is wrapped several times near the buckle and thrust into the prepared loop.
  3. The end that dangles is wrapped around the buckle and hidden under it. It will give the impression that the belt has no ends. And it will look like a solid strap.

corrugated bow

For this type of bow, you should get a soft fabric that would not slip. It must be wide enough. Such a belt for a dress on a little girl will look beautiful, as it looks very attractive and cute.

You need to make sure that the folds remain in place, otherwise the bow will not look voluminous.

After that, you must adhere to the following sequence:

  1. One knot is carefully made. The main thing is that the folds made are not deformed.
  2. After that, you need to make another node.
  3. The ends that remain sticking out should be straightened. At the same time, they will be folded like an accordion, since the fabric was previously bent for this. The belt must be chosen so long that the ends are short. So the corrugation effect will be more visible.

Light fabric flower

For tying
such a belt requires lightweight fabric. It must be wide enough. It can be tied so that the result is a flower.

For this, a half-bow is initially tied. Next, you need to take hold of the middle of the fabric from the inside and stretch it under the knot made. The result will be 2 semicircles, and the folds will fall elegantly, resembling a flower. To prevent it from falling apart, you can fix it with a pin. The main thing is that it is not visible.

This way of tying the belt is ideal for dresses in vintage or retro style. To make the look even more attractive, you can decorate the belt on the dress with a brooch or other accessory.

Loose loop

But not everyone can make beautiful bows. In this case, do not despair, because there is still the simplest option, which is called a free loop. For this, a belt made of soft leather or fabric is used. It is best not to use material that slides easily. If the belt is too wide, it can be folded in half, this will only add to its attractiveness.

To tie a loose loop, you need to bend the fabric twice and wrap it around your waist. In front, you should get a loop and 2 ends of the belt that are inserted into it.

As a result, such a simple composition can transform the whole image, and the dress will emphasize the figure.

What belts are in fashion today?

Many girls want to look not only attractive, but also fashionable. To do this, you should pay attention to fashion trends, which also apply to belts. Today, the following types are considered relevant:

So, in order for the dress to give the girl femininity, it is recommended to use straps. There are many types of them. Knowing how to tie belts, you can create new images, surprising others.

In the wardrobe of a modern woman, the belt performs a decorative function. It is only important to learn how to choose and wear it correctly.
The belt is usually sold or made with clothing as a set. Satin fabric belts look very beautiful and stylish.. If the waist is wide, then it is better to use a dark color, and if it is slender, then you can fantasize endlessly. You can tie such a belt with a beautiful bow., and it will give you romanticism and femininity. However, it should be noted that the bow always attracts attention. It is one of the fashion trends of this season. If you don’t want to focus on the waist, then you can simply tie the ends with a beautiful knot.

Very long belt can be wrapped around the waist several times, cross the ends between each other once and beautifully straighten them.

Leather, not very wide belt will decorate any figure. It is important to remember that it must be worn at the waist, otherwise the figure will look disproportionate. It is better not to tie such a belt, but to use a special buckle, which will be an additional decoration of the costume.

Thin belts are always in fashion, but they make the figure visually more voluminous.. Owners of a wasp waist can wear one or more of these belts. They will focus on the waist, the figure will look even more perfect. Belts can be barely noticeable in the tone of clothes, or they can be contrasting.

Tied at the waist, a wide belt makes the figure expressive.. It should not be worn by overweight women. A bow on such a belt fixes it and decorates it. A wide belt is sometimes complemented on top with a narrow one, which is tied with a beautiful knot.

The belt can be tied around the hips. Then he can perfectly complement a short dress or tunic..
A bow tied at the waist under the bust will become the central decoration of the dress. You can vary the length of the ends. It is important to correctly determine their length. The belt should look harmoniously and aesthetically with the outfit. Clothing looks ridiculous, where the ends are very long.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to decorate clothes with belts. You can walk in the same board, but I select different decorative belts and shoes for it, each new outfit will be different from the previous one. Stop for a few minutes in front of the mirror and evaluate your image, perhaps the belt is missing there.

The belt can definitely be called a unique accessory that allows you to emphasize the waist and make the bow more interesting. To choose the right part for outerwear, you need to take into account many features. Many girls try to correctly tie a belt on a raincoat, but not everyone knows that there are many interesting options for solving this problem.

Previously, the belt was used exclusively for its intended purpose. Merchants attached bags of money to it, and peasants used shirts to gird. Today, this fashionable accessory allows not only to emphasize the waist, but also to make the image more vivid and original.

Stylists do not advise to confuse a belt with a belt. The key feature of the belt is that it does not have buckles to help secure the material. The belt is easily tied into a knot, and the ends hang down along the body. The belt is an improved type of belt.

To always look harmonious, the belt must be worn exactly at the waist. Thanks to this, it will be possible to emphasize this part of the figure, which will make the image more feminine.

current models

Designers are constantly coming up with more and more new details and accessories. Today, eminent couturiers recommend adding interesting details to the cloak. Moreover, in their collections you can find many original options:

  • Narrow belts. Most often made from leather. Such options are presented in the form of straps. Such products are ideal for miniature fashionistas. To look harmonious and at the same time very stylish, you should wear a black belt in combination with a light raincoat. If you want to choose other colors, this is quite acceptable, but the shades should still be contrasting. In this situation, you can pick up a belt with a buckle or make a bow.

  • Wide products. Such models are complemented with a massive buckle or other decor. Sometimes there are belts with hidden fasteners - Velcro or hooks play their role. Such products are made from a variety of materials - suede, textiles, leather. Also, the belt can be made from the same fabric as the cloak. A wide bodice belt will perfectly complement light outerwear.

  • Multilayer products. In this situation, several belts of the same or different shades should be worn on the raincoat at the same time. The location is also different - the belts can be sent in parallel or crossed.

A fabric belt is ideal for a light summer raincoat. It can be made from the same fabric as the outerwear, or match it in color palette. Such products are perfectly tied with an ordinary knot or bow.

Belt tying patterns

To beautifully tie a belt on a raincoat, you need to familiarize yourself with the main options for solving this problem. There are quite a few schemes that allow you to look different every time:

  • traditional bow. To fix the belt, you can try to make a fashionable bow. In this case, the nodes are the usual single, double and even triple. This is determined by the length of the belt. The edges of the accessory may be free. If you want it not to flutter, you can bring them down.

This option will allow you to get a very gentle and feminine look. Therefore, it will undoubtedly appeal to many fashionistas.

  • Single knot. The main purpose of this detail is a visual focus on the waist area. That is why you need to tie the belt so that it focuses on this zone. To solve this problem, it is worth choosing a single node. In such a situation, the ends are not bred in different directions, but arranged vertically. Thanks to this, it will be possible not only to accentuate the waist, but also visually lengthen the silhouette.
  • double knot. In fact, this is a more complex version of a single one. To get such a knot, you need a soft product of sufficient length. It should wrap around the waist 2 times. Edges may droop. It is also quite acceptable to tie them in front with a beautiful bow.
  • Biedermeier knot. This will require a fairly wide belt. The main feature of this knot is that one part of the belt should be longer than the second.

To get the desired option, first the ends of the belt must be overlapped, directing them vertically. Then you need to take the short part and wrap the long one around it. This part must be passed through the loop. After this, the manipulations should be repeated with a long element - in this situation, the short end will be the main one. As a result, you need to get the original knot, which has two movable loops.

The belt can rightfully be considered not only a functional, but also a decorative element. How you tie the belt on the dress depends on your appearance, image and style. Even the most ordinary clothes turn into an exotic or festive outfit if you use a luxurious belt as an accessory. By combining color and shape, you can create fantastic images. It is important to consider the texture of fabrics and the combination of styles and shades. If the dress and belt contrast in color, then this adds a special accent and zest to the female look.

A belt is a strip of any material - silk, lace, suede, leather, with which you can gird a dress. Moreover, it can be not only a narrow or wide part of the fabric, but also a lace. Belts are made by weaving threads, satin stitch embroidery, connecting small strips of leather.

Designers offer belts decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beads, chain mail details, beads, satin appliqués. The most popular are belts made of light fabrics - silk, satin, chiffon, thanks to which you can beautifully tie a belt on a dress and create unusual shapes. It is the belt that allows you to complete the image, make an accent and decorate the silhouette.

In order to focus attention on the beautiful parts of the body, it is important to properly tie the belt on the dress. Lucky women can wear belts of any shape at the waist, emphasizing femininity and beauty. Women with a silhouette similar to an inverted triangle should use thin belts, and it is advisable to use corsets or wide products.

A wide belt to a loose dress in the form of a tunic allows you to hide figure flaws. If you wear a belt under the bust with an empire style outfit, then the chest is accentuated and harmony is added to the silhouette. Midi products are harmoniously combined with a belt slightly above the waist level, which makes it possible to visually lengthen the legs and emphasize their beauty.

A thin belt is best worn with dresses such as a case, bag or sheath. Women with curvaceous forms should not wear a belt on their hips, so as not to emphasize the fullness of the abdomen. It is necessary to use belts of a certain shape and size, only in this case it will be possible to hide figure flaws and create an elegant, beautiful silhouette.

Types and forms of belts

There are many belts of different styles and shapes. The classic option is a strip up to 5 cm wide. Soft tissue models are tied in the form of various knots and bows. Rigid samples do not recommend tying difficult, giving unusual shapes. Leather belt with buckle is ideal for knit, denim or viscose dresses. A mid-length leather belt tied with a simple knot looks elegant, which can be worn at the waist or on the hips. If you put a belt on your hips, then visually height is added, the silhouette is lengthened.

Belt-sash borrowed from men's fashion. This is an elongated, wide pattern with slightly tapered ends. They put on a belt - a sash by wrapping around the waist, while the ends are tied in a knot or bow. The wide part, depending on the style of the dress, is placed in front or behind, and the bow (knot) can be in the center or on the side of the dress. Often sashes are decorated with brooches, fur inserts or rhinestones. This is a stylish and bright accessory with which you can create a luxurious look.

Corset- one of the varieties of a wide belt, it gives sophistication and a certain frivolity to the female image. The corset is relevant for evening gowns and wedding dresses.

Elastic waistband- This is a wide or narrow pattern that is worn only at the waist. A thin belt is tied to a bow and used for dresses of an adjacent silhouette. The wide version is used with a buckle.

The length varies between medium, short and elongated belts. A long belt looks especially elegant and festive. They wrap the camp of the girl several times and overlap. You can fix such a belt with a bow, knot or buckle.

How to knit a belt on a dress?

Short belts can be fastened with a hook, buttons or a buckle. Long options are tied, thrown, with the help of which unusually beautiful bows and flowers are created. The long belt is folded in half and wrapped behind the back. You can place the ends of a long belt, a loop in front of you. The ends of the belt are inserted into the loop, thrown in front of each other and released.

The easiest and most convenient way to tie a belt on a dress with a bow. The standard version of the bow looks chic on dresses of different styles, it consists of a knot and loops. You can make a bow from a belt of various widths and lengths, free parts can be at the same or different levels.

The bow tie diagram demonstrates the technique and description of the method. To make a bow, you need to bring the belt back, then the left end is superimposed on the right end and wound up from the bottom up. We make a loop from the lower end, and the right one is passed down, while holding the place of the knot with our fingers. The free edge is bent with a loop and with its help the first loop is wrapped from the wrong side from above and outside. It is important to prevent the fabric from twisting at the knot. A retained loop is then inserted under the first outer layer of the knot and tightened loosely.

Bows are voluminous and small, they can keep their shape well or sag, which depends on the density of the fabric. The bow “corrugation” is obtained only from the soft fabric of a narrow and not very long belt. In this case, the fabric is folded in uniform folds. To implement the effect of "corrugation" requires at least 4 folds. The belt is wrapped around the waist so that the folds do not deform. Such belts will decorate a children's or wedding dress, evening dress or club attire.

You can tie a belt on the dress in the form of a half-bow. Initially, the belt is thrown back (behind the back), and the tips are held in front of them. One right part is superimposed on the other left, and thrown inward from the bottom up. The end that was brought out from above is bent down and wound up under the free end. A fold is made on the part of the belt, which is 10 cm from the junction with the free part. It turns out the eye of a half-bow, it is threaded into the resulting knot. A flower is a transformed half-bow that can be tied on a belt with a width of more than 15 cm. The ear is taken from the inside with fingers and pushed under the knot. Thus, the loop turns into 2 semicircles, and the folds resemble a flower. It is better to fasten the middle of the half-bow with a pin. This version of the belt looks beautiful with vintage or retro style dresses.