What grades do you need to get in school? Why is a child's grades not important? No prospective employer will ask you about your grades

School grades raise many questions for parents:

Can a child be scolded for bad grades?
How to punish bad grades
How often to praise for good grades
Is it possible to pay money for good grades
Is it possible to punish household chores

All these questions can be combined into one - how to treat school grades correctly.

Maya Makarova, a psychologist at the Apparently Invisible studio, a fairy tale therapist, a specialist in family well-being and parenting, continues to talk about the adaptation of children at school and the main points in the formation of a child's success.

We all want our children to study well, but what do we mean by this? Do good grades always reflect real knowledge, skills and abilities?

Despite the efforts of psychologists to abolish grades at least in elementary school, they still remain in the form of "sun-clouds", "pluses and minuses", "emoticons", etc. Of course, it is important to know how the child copes with this or that task.

But! Let's see what this leads to.

A child, especially in elementary school, is not yet capable of analytical thinking at such a level as to say to himself: “I got a low mark, which means that I know this rule worse than others, I need to repeat it.”

Most likely, your child will think that he did not cope with the task and EVERYTHING. He will not develop this idea further. If there are several such situations, then the thought “I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything” will be constant for him.

Assessing the work of the child leads to the fact that the child correlates these assessments with the assessment of himself. as individuals. Because due to the mental characteristics of age, the child does not know how to separate one from the other. In general, the pursuit of good grades teaches a child to compare his results with the results of other children, and not with his own.

Children begin to think more often about why the other succeeds, and not about what “I need to do to make it work for me.” That is, they do not pay attention to their own actions, which led to an unsatisfactory result. In addition, the desire to get a good grade distracts from the learning process. Gradually, the child will lose interest in learning if he fails to get good grades.

Due to the lack of interest, the learning process will begin to require a lot of effort from the child. This means that he will get tired faster and after some time will finally leave the thought of his success.

Will that suit you? No! Then we help the child.

! So, in order to increase the chances of getting good grades and maintaining interest in learning, you need to:

  1. Being interested in things at school, ask what the new child learned, what he learned.
  2. Create situations where the child can apply the acquired knowledge in life.
  3. To say that his grades directly depend on the efforts made and the time spent.
  4. Avoid situations where the child will be afraid of getting a bad grade, because he will be scolded or ranked as a loser.
  5. If, nevertheless, your child received a bad grade, then you need to reassure him by reminding him that learning is always accompanied by mistakes, as well as a story about your mistakes and what you personally did in these cases.

In the comments, you can ask your questions to the psychologist Maya Makarova.

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Is an appraisal necessary?

Prepared by a math teacher

Markina Tatyana Pavlovna

Elektrostal 2012

Is an appraisal needed?

What is a school grade? What does it reflect - the level of knowledge of the student, the teacher's attitude towards him, or how the teacher owns the methodology? What is the mark for? Why does a teacher or student need it?

How many accusations sound against the school mark. It poisons the life of the child, devaluing everything for which he was praised in preschool life. The mark is a deaf-blind-mute monster who does not care that the boy is benevolent, that he knows how to settle childish quarrels, catch fish, and adults consult with him about which mushroom is poisonous and which is edible. The note is not about that. For the mark, it is much more important that he be able to determine what the second sound is in the word “Julia”, and if he does not determine it correctly, then he will be punished ... with a mark. So what is a mark a means of suppressing personality? A way of dividing all children into smart and stupid, which quickly develops into a division into good and bad in school practice.
Evaluation does not create anything in pedagogy, it does not build anything, but it can be a powerful destroyer, - says Olga Borisovna LOGINOVA, Vice-Rector of MIPKRO; - an assessment is needed, but it must be freed from the function of punishment, it should not be a sentence, the child may still have the right to retake something for which he wants to have a higher score.

Why can't you learn without grades?

You can teach without grades only if you do not set the task of teaching. While the teacher is responsible for how the child has mastered the material, while he needs to check how the teaching is going, a mark is needed, the only question is what it should be. And today in the education system there are areas where there are no marks. Such a heavenly life where the child chooses what he wants to do - in the field of additional education or in a comprehensive school outside the basic component. But under these conditions, the teacher has a different position: “If you can’t cope or you’re not interested, you can leave at any moment and try yourself in something else.”
In that part of education for which teachers will be asked - on the one hand, the inspector, on the other - parents - the mark is feedback, a check of whether everything is going well, whether he did everything and whether his efforts were perceived.

The student also needs an assessment.

You can, of course, remember that kids study without marks and successfully, but in early childhood the need for learning is too great, as well as curiosity. Where learning does not move with these natural stimuli, even toddlers need evaluation in the form of reward or punishment. It is unlikely that the desire to master the multiplication table can be as irresistible as the desire to learn to stand, and then walk, so that the child will inexorably move towards the goal. There needs to be some kind of promotion here. Evaluation should be this positive stimulus.
Evaluation should contribute to the development of a correct self-assessment. But a person needs a positive self-esteem, that is, a good assessment. This is the pedagogical contradiction of evaluation: it is necessary to evaluate, but evaluate only positively. Assessment has two main functions in school: feedback and reinforcement or encouragement. Does the assessment fulfill them today? Perhaps there are more reasons to talk about the cons today. First, the function of punishment has firmly grown together with the assessment. The teacher punishes the student who did not complete the lesson with a mark, and this is a signal to parents that they should also punish the child. From such assessments-punishments, the child's attitude towards himself as an unsuccessful student is formed, and this label predetermines new failures. Research shows that success-oriented children learn faster and easier than failure-oriented children.

Hello from the past.

The current rating scale has actually been reduced to 4 points. With its help, it is impossible to note the small progress of the student, which is important. The teacher often has to say, "A little better, but that's 3 more." Threshold 4 is so high that overcoming it looks unrealistic, all efforts are unappreciated, unnoticed, as if useless.
There is another pedagogical contradiction in assessment. It should show the progress of the student, his growth relative to himself, the increase in knowledge and skills at each stage. But at the same time, especially for older students, it is important to get information about how their knowledge can be quoted in comparison with other students, and not only with students in their class, but with potential competitors, for example, university applicants. Is it even possible to combine relative and absolute indicators in one assessment? Hardly. Sometimes they try to set current marks relative, fixing each, even insignificant progress of the student, and the final ones are mostly absolute, characterizing the success of this child in a number of other children or relative to the chosen standard.

The current mark, which came to us from the classical German gymnasium, was originally a student rating scale, where "1" was the highest score, because it showed exactly the student's place. The first student received units. Despite the fact that this scale has long been inverted and reduced to 5 points, it still places children in the back of the head one after another in terms of the degree of mastery of knowledge. And this means that it does not perform the functions that a child needs: it does not record the progress of a particular child, and is not a real indicator of the rating of his knowledge on a city, region, or country scale.
The convenience of the current assessment is also ephemeral for the teacher: it is easy to set it, based on a formal comparison with a single standard for all. But it cannot be used in the future, because it is not known what kind of miscalculations were in this or that control, and what kind of additional work this or that student needs to fill in the gaps. The fact that this mark combines the current and final marks also deceives with the seeming ease of the forecast. Any conclusions drawn on the basis of the existing system of grades can be called a forecast - a profanity, although such a forecast is widely made and for some children forever destroys the educational, and indeed the real life trajectory.

What can be done right now?

It is important that the new forms of assessment make it possible to reflect the individual achievements of each child during the study of the topic, and at certain stages: the end of the section, the end of the topic, the end of the course, allow them to compare their achievements with some standard. There is already the experience of experimental work of more than 1000 schools in the country on the pedagogical technology of level differentiation. To organize such work, important semantic periods are singled out: not quarters and six months, which do not carry a semantic load, but topics. At this stage, the expected result is formulated in the requirements of the basic level required by each child. This is the minimum that allows you to continue learning.
Within the topic, the teacher consistently leads the children to the result expected at the end, which is known to each student, open to parents. This allows you to correlate your level of training with the requirements, make a conscious choice of the level of mastering the material, and timely eliminate existing difficulties. At the same time, the teacher uses assessments that stimulate learning, fixes the progress of each student towards goals known to both parties.
Everyone needs to reach the critical limit of knowledge in all areas, and therefore the final assessment can be approached with a single measure, noting the fact of mastering the subject at this level: credited - not credited.
For all achievements that exceed this basic level, the student is rewarded with additional meaningful grades or grades "good", "excellent", and at first - the usual "4", "5". What needs to be achieved to master a higher level, as well as a basic level, is known to all participants in the educational process even before the start of studying the topic.
It is important that everyone who reaches the basic level feels successful. Stopping at this level can be afforded by both a strong student who does not consider this area important and an enthusiastic other, and a weaker one, for whom it is difficult to exceed the basic level. At the same time, the latter can save face and feel psychologically comfortable, while the school mark will not destroy positive self-esteem.
It is convenient for the teacher to replace the uninformative class journal with special accounting and control sheets. A cursory glance at this sheet is enough to remember which tasks the student did not complete the first time, which means that it requires additional study before passing. Individual homework and individual work in the lesson, for example, using cards, are possible, and this will not be a waste of time, but purposeful work to eliminate gaps.

Different opinions of students about the assessment.

Ratings NEEDED:

  1. I believe that we need grades, because the student can evaluate how much he did the task.
  2. Grades are an indicator of knowledge. I think they are needed. It is necessary to evaluate knowledge, because it helps to understand the level of knowledge.
  3. I believe that grades in school are needed in order to know how the material learned has been mastered. But knowledge is not always valued fairly.
  4. Estimates, I think, we need. First of all, this is necessary so that we can find out the assessment of our knowledge, how much we know and what needs to be “pulled up”. But many teachers give grades unfairly.
  5. School needs grades. It helps to evaluate yourself and know the value of your knowledge. But now, for the most part, the assessments are not objective. Our education needs objective assessments of knowledge and the complete eradication of corruption in this area.


  1. Who needs grades anyway? Nobody needs them. Let's say they call the director about academic performance, they start yelling at the student. Should be assessed at the end of the year. Make a control for the past academic year, and after work decide whether to call the director or not.
  2. I don't think grades are needed at all. Because of them, you are nervous, sometimes, and not even sometimes, you are very disappointed and do not want to do anything else on this subject because of resentment or injustice, because you understand that in any case, if necessary, you will be overwhelmed. Parents need assessments, supposedly control, but in any case they will not be able to influence the assessment without knowing the situation. An alternative method is, it seems to me, slices after each topic for which you get + or -, and by the end of the year you will have + and - topics.
  3. Grades are not needed because all students want to get positive grades, and when you don’t get them, you get upset and want to annoy the teacher. Here is my take on the scores.
  4. I believe that grades in schools are not needed, because everyone learns for themselves. If the student receives a 2, then he begins to twitch and direct all his forces to this object, launching others, and so on in a circle.
  5. Also, many teachers give grades according to their mood or attitude towards the student.
  6. Grades are not needed, as it is not possible to properly grade a student. For example, a student answered well, and was given a 5. Another student answered well, but better than the first, but he also received 5. And you can’t correctly evaluate an oral answer. I propose a system like in Europe: at the end of the quarter, the student comes and submits the material to the teacher or writes a test.
  7. What is your attitude towards ratings?
There is an opinion that the standard five-point system for assessing knowledge has become obsolete.

Twos at school are almost never used so as not to spoil the statistics of academic performance (because a two is poor progress, and a triple is already academic progress), teachers generally put a unit only in case of an extreme nervous breakdown. Only three assessments remain, which often do not reflect the real level of knowledge.
In elementary grades, instead of grades, they often use different Christmas trees-flags that they draw on the margins of an “excellent” notebook ... ... it is important not to hang ... from the first steps the label of a loser and loser and not discourage knowledge and improvement.

But in the middle and senior classes, a deuce, in my opinion, is needed. After all, grown-up children are well aware that the teacher still will not give them, for example, a deuce in a quarter, so as not to have problems with the school administration. And what is the result?

Many weak students, instead of learning and clarifying at least something, simply "score" on their studies, do not go to classes, do not keep a notebook. The school will still release with a certificate.
And the “fake” three-year-olds are not only students who, due to their irresponsibility, will not receive proper knowledge and will limit their education to school. This is also an insult to good, diligent students, who often try their best to learn something, but end up with the same three.
And if the “fake” C students knew that they simply would not be certified in case of a negligent attitude to study (or they would put the same deuce and leave it for the second year), responsibility and diligence would not fail to appear. Moreover, all students at the end of the school are waiting for the Unified State Examination, on which they just put deuces, so it’s better to be prepared in advance for such a turn of events, and not console yourself with a “fake” three.
Some children perceive such an assessment very painfully and, in a state of passion, are capable of the most rash acts. And what to hide, unfortunately, untilthere are still quite a few teachers who are able to "revenge" the child with a deuce for not meeting the teacher's expectations.

Or “slap a couple” as a punishment even for a good student who did not complete the task, but will be very worried.
Therefore, the mood of parents in relation to the children's deuce is important. No need to pretend that the deuce is nonsense and a common thing. Let the child understand that getting deuces and being lazy is not in his interests.The controversy about whether school grades are needed continues!

At school, we are classified like objects in a factory - by type and class. Also, everyone thinks how to convince a child to study? Is it necessary? Let's see if there is an alternative and if the student might want to learn on his own?

Someone is a loser, someone is a triple student, someone is a good student, and someone is an excellent student. If we consider how long this practice has existed, we will find that it has not existed for long. It can also be seen that since the introduction of the assessment technology, literacy in schools has dropped markedly.


The same applies to all good students and all excellent students, and even those who study unsatisfactorily. So,how to convince a child to studyif we can't figure out who is who? When we say that someone does not study satisfactorily, we mean that this loser KNOWS NOTHING, but this is a lie !!!

Who benefits from school grades?

The state wants various people to work for it, and it absolutely does not need these people to be literate. We need specialists (these are usually good and excellent students) and workers are needed (these are usually two and three students).

Many children from early childhood do not agree with such a system of assessments and are persecuted by teachers. Some of them continue to disagree and become entrepreneurs or artists. Those who agree become workers who know how to obey and who can be evaluated.

Neither a poor student, nor a triple student, nor a good student can win, and after that we think how to convince the child to study. They were given a label - not knowing or not fully knowing. But school is a game, the purpose of which is to know. Would you play football, for example, if you can't win? If they tell you with the help of grades that you don’t know, you lose all 10 years of school and 5 years of college. And who will you be after that?

But look at the excellent student, does he win? The school system of education, as if built in such a way that it was impossible to understand something. An excellent student does not understand, because often he simply learns everything by heart, but cannot apply it (since there is no learning technology). Therefore, an excellent student spends many hours cramming, gets sick and worries.

Is there an alternative to the rating system?

The scoring system also does not lead to a result - a student who understands the subject. The credit system helps to find what the student does not understand, but this system does not provide the basics of learning.

The best system for teaching and assessing knowledge was in ancient Greece, when students and teachers came to the forum (I was looking for a tutor - there were no such thoughts at that time).

They could argue with each other, and the teacher tried to develop in the student the ability to judge. As a result, the student was satisfied with how he learned the subject. He clearly knew that he understood and his self-awareness was the best assessment for the teacher.

Do you think at that time it occurred to someone to write something off? That was not the goal! The goal was not evaluation, but knowledge and skill.

Sit down, two! (Does school need a deuce?)

There is an opinion that the standard five-point system for assessing knowledge has become obsolete. Twos at school are almost never used so as not to spoil the statistics of academic performance (because a two is poor progress, and a triple is already academic progress), teachers generally put a unit only in case of an extreme nervous breakdown. Only three assessments remain, which often do not reflect the real level of knowledge.

In elementary grades, instead of grades, they often use different Christmas trees-flags that they draw in the margins of an “excellent” notebook. And this is right: the performance of a junior schoolchild is an unstable indicator, because he is still just getting used to school, to the class-lesson system, he is just starting to master new subjects. Therefore, it is so important not to hang on him literally from the first steps the label of a loser and a loser and not to beat off the desire for knowledge and improvement.

But in the middle and senior classes, a deuce, in my opinion, is needed. After all, grown-up children are well aware that the teacher still will not give them, for example, a deuce in a quarter, so as not to have problems with the school administration. And what is the result?
Many weak students, instead of learning and clarifying at least something, simply “score” on their studies, do not go to classes, do not keep a notebook. The school will still release with a certificate.

And the “fake” three-year-olds are not only students who, due to their irresponsibility, will not receive proper knowledge and will limit their education to school. This is also an insult to good, diligent students, who often try their best to learn something, but end up with the same three.

And if the “fake” C students knew that they simply would not be certified in case of a negligent attitude to study (or they would put the same deuce and leave it for the second year), responsibility and diligence would not fail to appear.

Moreover, all students at the end of the school are waiting for the Unified State Examination, on which they just put deuces, so it’s better to be prepared in advance for such a turn of events, and not console yourself with a “fake” three.

True, there must be a certain reasonableness in the distribution of twos.
Some children perceive such an assessment very painfully and, in a state of passion, are capable of the most rash acts. And what to hide, unfortunately, there are still a lot of teachers who are able to "revenge" the child with a deuce for not meeting the teacher's expectations. Or “slap a couple” as a punishment even for a good student who did not complete the task, but will be very worried.

Therefore, the mood of parents in relation to the children's deuce is important. No need to pretend that the deuce is nonsense and a common thing. This will instill in the child a sense of impunity and irresponsibility.

It is imperative to find out why the child received a bad mark. If it is single and random, it is better to console and encourage the unlucky student, to say that he can easily correct his deuce. But if you feel that bad grades are the result of laziness and poor preparation for the lesson, take action, use certain prohibitions. Let the child understand that getting deuces and being lazy is not in his interests.

Contrary to popular belief, student behavior has little to no effect on student performance. That is, even the most quiet and obedient, attentively listening to the teacher child may not understand the subject at all. And vice versa, a hooligan, literally standing on his head student - to study, if not for "five", then for a solid four.

One of the reasons for poor academic performance in any subject may be the child's lack of inclination for it.
Usually, children are quite clearly divided into the humanities and techies, respectively, such children have deuces either in mathematics (physics, computer science) or in the Russian language (literature, history).

Is it possible to do something in this case?

Through hard work and sitting over textbooks and solution books - yes, you can achieve a B. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to teach a future writer to count perfectly, and to teach a brilliant programmer to write poetry, and is it necessary?
In addition, children who are extremely successful in one area usually treat grades in other subjects carefully, trying not to allow deuces. So in this case, the problem of poor progress will not arise with an edge.

It happens that deuces are the result of the “neglect” of the subject.

For example, a child has been ill a lot (or, let's be honest, he has been a fool), and now he cannot understand what is being discussed in the lesson, and at home he is not able to study the missed material on his own.

In this case, parents can simply work with the child, ask the teacher for additional classes, or hire a tutor for a while. By pulling themselves up with their help, the student will be able to study independently, and the problem of poor grades will be solved.

Sometimes the difficult psychological situation in the family is to blame for the bad grades of the child. Parents may be in conflict with each other or are in confrontation with the child, in connection with which the child will resist learning, and sometimes simply do not have the time and proper attitude to prepare lessons.

A child weighed down by personal or family problems is just as lonely and dreary as an adult, and he also experiences apathy and unwillingness to do anything, especially to do it diligently.

A weaker student in this case will simply give up on studying, deciding that everything is bad and it is useless to rush somewhere.
A more capable and responsible child will worry about the inability to fully prepare for lessons, constantly check and double-check their knowledge, “hang” on the same question due to excessive nervousness and a sense of instability, and as a result, they will also go to school for a deuce .

In this case, only a confidential conversation with the child can help, an attempt to establish contact with him, encourage, reassure. In extreme cases, the help of a family psychologist will also be useful.

But the majority of chronic losers study poorly not for the above reasons, but because of distracted attention. Moreover, scattered attention is not the result of disobedience, but a genetic, physiological feature of the child.

It is usually very difficult for such children to concentrate on preparing homework, they delay this process with all their might, and when it comes time to sit down for lessons, they literally fall asleep at the table with their eyes open, sluggishly respond to questions from their parents, write, read and reason slowly. As a result, the homework for the child has to be done by the parents themselves - otherwise, he will not be able to do anything at all.

At the lesson, an absent-minded kid usually does not have time to write down everything that the teacher dictates, does not immediately understand the essence of the tasks, is often and willingly distracted by extraneous matters - and, as a result, lags behind and does not understand anything.

How can you help such a child?

Firstly, go to doctors to check your hearing, vision, psyche, consult with teachers and a school psychologist, because banal illnesses and ailments sometimes interfere with learning. Secondly, if possible, transfer the child to a correctional class. Many parents vehemently resist such a prospect, fearing that studying in such a class is “not prestigious”. But think, your child needs an individual approach, additional explanations, flexible methods of teaching and assessment.

Is it possible to get all this in a class where, in addition to your child, there are 30 people, and they have more time than your child and “drive” the teacher forward. And the lagging student behind the board of research and discoveries sadly blinks his eyes, trying to do at least something ...

There is a lightweight program in the correctional class, but it will allow the child to finish school, having mastered at least the basics of science, to learn how to write correctly and read fluently, and coherently express his thoughts.

Thirdly, despite the seeming futility of this activity, always do homework with the child, guide him, encourage and guide him.
Do not demand dizzying achievements from him, do not set the neighbor's children as an example - the child will only worry unnecessarily that he will never achieve such results anyway, and from such thoughts any hands will drop.

Praise your child even for small achievements and successes. Teach him not so much to understand and succeed in everything, but to set a goal and achieve it without succumbing to difficulties.

Not always even excellent students achieve some special heights in life. Among successful people there are many excellent students and former losers. A lot depends on luck, diligence, solidity and responsibility. And also - from faith in oneself, which appears, among other things, thanks to our family.

Love the child, regardless of what grades he brings from school, help him overcome difficulties, and let your efforts be reflected not in the diary, but in the fate of the child.

All parents want their children to study well. In our understanding, “studying well” most often means getting “five” and “four”. In a Russian school, it is customary to give grades at every lesson, for homework, for oral answers, for independent and control work, from primary school to the last bell.

In many countries, such a system was abandoned, and marks are given only for test papers - tests and exams. What is better? Maybe it’s worth keeping the child in good shape, encouraging him with good grades and whipping him up with bad ones? What if he suddenly relaxes and fails to pass the test decently? Or still give the opportunity to study in peace ... So, what is good and what is bad in daily assessments?

And in order to make reading the article a little more fun for you, it will be accompanied by photos of various entries by teachers and students in diaries and notebooks. Sometimes they are shocking, sometimes funny, but, believe me, they are all very original. Well, anything can happen.

How do grades motivate students?

It is believed that, having received a bad grade, the child will think about the level of his own knowledge and want to improve it. That is why schoolchildren receive their first grades in primary grades not for knowledge, but for handwriting and cleanliness in notebooks. It was at this time that the attitude of children to grades began to form.

The fact is that not everyone can immediately write beautifully and accurately. The endless struggle of the child with naughty pens and notebooks, with his own temperament and natural data begins. To this struggle is added the disapproval of the teacher and the reproaches of the parents. Other children can, but why don't you try?

But the child would be happy to try, but miracles do not happen in a second. Today he wrote a little better than yesterday, but still not as perfect as classmate Masha Ivanova. And again he gets a triple.

As a result, instead of correcting the handwriting, the child does nothing because he does not believe in success. This becomes a habit, an absolutely indifferent attitude to grades and to learning in general is formed, which is very difficult to change.

What should parents do if already in the lower grades they see a problem with handwriting and constantly lower grades?

First, wait to rebuke the child.

It is better to support him and cheer him up. Explain to him that bad grades do not mean that he is not able to learn and that he will never succeed. It’s just that you can’t immediately, you need to move slowly, and sooner or later your grades will also improve.

Second, don't overreact to every evaluation.

Of course, you need to fight against dirt in notebooks and crooked handwriting, but consider the characteristics of the child. Perhaps something you can just close your eyes. Pay attention first to knowledge, and secondly to handwriting. Decide what is more important to you. Some adults never learned to write legibly, but that doesn't make them dumber.

Can grades be only good?

Grades for knowledge are, of course, more important for the educational process. The older the student, the more subjects appear in the program, and all these subjects are necessarily evaluated.

The child has just studied at 4 and 5, and suddenly “triples” appear. What's happening? The parents are unhappy, the child is upset. Do not rush to blame the child for laziness or blame everything on adolescence. Try to remember yourself and your friends. Did you understand and love all subjects equally?

Of course, there are children for whom the school curriculum is easily and simply absorbed. They equally understand the Russian language, algebra, chemistry, English and biology. It happens that way too. But far from everyone. There is no need to set talented children as an example, driving your own child into uncertainty. It is better to talk about what exactly does not work and do not like.

If a child is a pronounced humanist, the exact sciences may not lend themselves well to him. Or vice versa - mathematicians hardly talk about literature. In this case, you can focus on what really works. The rest is kept at an average level. Of course, “twos” should not be allowed, this will definitely not improve the certificate and will not help with admission.

If something does not go catastrophically, it is better to agree on additional classes so as not to completely launch the subject. But don't get hung up on ratings. "Five" in history, literature, Russian, but "three" in chemistry, algebra and physics? Well, what to do. Choose humanitarian professions with your child.

Own rating system? Why not?

In order not to worry about every lower grade and understand how success is at school, you can agree with the child on a scale of important, less important and not at all important. Based on this scale, build not only your attitude to grades, but also an understanding of the educational process in general.

How to do it?

Decide what the child chooses among school subjects. Throw all the main forces in this direction. Here, follow the grades, do not miss anything important, upgrade your knowledge and skills. Other items, even if they take only second place in importance, still keep it under control, try not to run it. At least in order to pass the exams and get a decent certificate. The rest of the scores - for forgotten notebooks, blots, carelessness, and so on - do not discount completely, but do not make a tragedy out of each.

Of course, the choice of the field of knowledge should not be done in the first grade. Typically, a child's inclinations become clear closer to high school. Before self-determination, it is worth strenuously engaging in both the humanities, and the exact, and natural sciences in order to better understand yourself and your goals. The main thing that would be good for both children and parents to understand at school is that grades are far from the most important thing in education. Understanding is more important!

Recently, there have been more and more publications about school grades. Moreover, negative opinions about assessment and the assessment system in general are heard more and more often, and some parents even think about teaching their child at home in order to avoid “this leveling”, i.e. evaluation.

In order to understand this issue, we must first clarify that there are two concepts - evaluation and mark. Despite the fact that we use the word “assessment” all the time, we usually talk about something completely different. So what is the difference between assessment and mark, and is it worth it to be so afraid of them?

Let's start with the fact that a mark and an assessment are different concepts, although there is a substitution of concepts when we say - an assessment, and we mean - a mark, which happens very often.

In Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary, the word "assessment" is interpreted as follows - an opinion about the value, level or significance of something, someone.

A "mark" is the designation of a student's grade. Simply put, an assessment is a qualitative characteristic of a student's knowledge or skills, and a mark is a quantitative characteristic.

How many people there will be, so many different opinions about the assessment and its significance. V. Sukhomlinsky said this many years ago: “From the first days of school life, on the thorny path of teaching, an idol appears in front of the child - a mark. For one child, he is kind, condescending, for another - tough, ruthless, inexorable. Why this is so, why he patronizes one, and tyrannizes the other - the children do not understand. After all, a seven-year-old child cannot understand the dependence of evaluation on his own work, on personal efforts - for him this is still incomprehensible. He tries to satisfy or - at worst - to deceive the idol and gradually gets used to studying not for personal joy, but for marks.

Since a small student cannot yet understand the dependence of a mark on personal efforts, the task of parents is to help him see and understand this. But for this, parents themselves must perceive the mark objectively.

Agree, every person is pleased when he is praised. Moreover, it is much more pleasant when this praise can be demonstrated to others. For example, a diploma, gratitude, and even a bonus at work are materialized gratitude.

Imagine that grades were canceled at school and only verbal assessment remained, i.e. verbal assessment. Your child comes home from school. How do you know how he worked in the lesson or learned the material? The first-grader will tell you that Natalya Petrovna praised him and said that he was doing well. In a day, you will find out that these words were said for cleaning the class or for good behavior. But for a primary school student, it is not so important what the praise was for, the main thing is that it was.

Someone will say: “Well, let it be. They praised it!" Praised. But after all, a child does not go to school to lift chairs or wash the blackboard. He goes for knowledge. And how to determine at what level this knowledge is in a child? This is what the mark will show.

There was such an opinion of parents: “My child is not interested, it is not necessary. Therefore, he does not want to learn it and the grades are bad. Why should a child learn something that he is not interested in? Just for the mark?

Interestingly, do we adults always know what we will need in 10-15 years? Are we always interested in doing what we do? Not at all. In life, we constantly have to do what is not interesting. And, besides, to do it qualitatively, even though no one will put a mark. Or do you want to say that household chores - cleaning, washing, repairs are done with great interest and desire? We do it because it is NECESSARY, it is a necessity.

The same is true at school. There are things that need to be done and done well. Otherwise, the child will not be able to study further. If a first grader has not learned to write and read correctly, how can he learn further? If the student did not learn the multiplication table? And here again the mark shows the level of this knowledge of a particular student.

And if in the process of assessment the teacher can praise the student for what he tried and did better today, then the mark characterizes not so much the process of work as the result. How often schoolchildren, having received a bad mark, are indignant: “I taught at home!” It is possible that he taught, but could not show it, could not answer the question, complete the task, write the control, i.e. the result is not visible. Imagine that you bought bread, and it turned out to be raw, unsalted and generally inedible, and the baker says: “I made it!” Would you like this bread?

You can write a lot about grades and marks. There are both positive and negative sides, but the positive, in my opinion, is much more. The main thing is to understand that a mark is not an assessment of your child, but an assessment of his knowledge and skills on a specific topic. Get the mark right. Perceive a low mark not as a personal insult, but as an indicator of a weak link in knowledge and a guide to action. A low mark only means that this topic needs to be taught, worked out, consolidated. Parents will treat the mark properly and the child will perceive the mark as an indicator of knowledge and strive to improve it through knowledge.

What do you think about marks?

We have all attended educational institutions at one time or another. At first it was a kindergarten, then a school, and then a technical school or university. In the modern world, there are other opportunities for education - obtaining knowledge at home, with the help of teachers, in private educational institutions, on the Internet - in specially organized courses. The multitude of options and access to information make it perfectly legitimate to ask: why do children need a school? And how necessary is a modern assessment system - why do we need grades at school?

Why school for a child? Many years ago, Spock said that school is necessary for children in order to find their place in life. All kinds of subjects that are taught to students are only means to achieve this goal.

This theory certainly has a right to exist. But, unfortunately, both parents and teachers do not always understand it. But why study at school, why knowledge is graduated there, should be realized first of all by the parents themselves.

Moms and dads need to understand that school is a completely new stage in the life of a baby, a kind of turning point. And you don't have to make it mandatory, learning should be fun. After all, even adults who work at a job they love achieve much more success, live longer and happier than those who are forced to go to work like hard labor.

And to make learning really interesting and exciting under the power of parents. It is they who are responsible for how the child will relate to school in general, and to the process of obtaining knowledge in particular. Only parents can choose the educational institution that will meet the needs of the child, choose a really good teacher and a class with a pleasant atmosphere. And if such a task is beyond the power, then the school can really do harm, and it is better to give preference to home schooling.

Why else is needed? Another important task of educational institutions is socialization. For children, the school is an example of communication in life. At school, children learn to live in society and interact with others, and not with friends chosen according to personal preferences, but with those who are. But many experts (teachers, psychologists and advanced parents) are sure that such socialization sometimes does more harm than good. After all, an adult has a choice: whether to contact unpleasant people or choose a more suitable social circle for himself. For many children (hidden, withdrawn, introverted), forced socialization can cause serious psychological health problems. Therefore, only a really good children's team with a professional teacher who knows how to organize a group of children and smooth out conflicts can bring benefits.

As for the issue of obtaining knowledge at school, it is also quite controversial. Of course, teachers give children a lot of information in various fields of science. But far from all of it is assimilated by students, and only a minimum of the data received is deposited in the head for a long time. As practice shows, high-quality classes at home with less effort give children much more useful knowledge.

But it is worth noting that when choosing homeschooling as an alternative to a regular comprehensive school, you need to remember that homeschooling requires constant organization, perseverance and perseverance on the part of the parents themselves, who pass these qualities on to their children.

If you do not have the desire, ability and strength to organize the education of the child at home (by any means), it is better to abandon this idea and shift the function of imparting knowledge to the school.

Why grades in school? Estimates at school are designed to give a qualitative description of the knowledge or skills of the student. Primary school students still cannot understand how the mark depends on their personal efforts, and only parents can explain this to them. But in order for the explanation to be complete and correct, moms and dads themselves need to perceive the assessments objectively.

In fact, all people are pleased when they are praised. And for children, praise is especially important, and it is important for them when it can be shown to someone else. An excellent materialized gratitude for every adult can be a diploma, gratitude or a bonus at work.

If there were no grades at school, and they would be of a verbal nature - in words, it would be difficult for parents to understand how the child worked in the classroom and how he learned the material received. A first-grade student can proudly talk about the praise of a teacher who actually praised his good behavior, not knowledge.

Thus, assessment is a method to convey to parents the success of their baby and suggest what exactly needs to be paid attention to. In addition, teacher assessment helps to praise the student for aging, for achievements and for progress in some issues.

In fact, the assessment system in the school has many positive and negative sides. And how the child will relate to the marks depends solely on the parents. The assessment should not be considered as an assessment of the mind and personal characteristics of the child, it only reflects the knowledge and skills of the student on a particular topic. Low scores only indicate that some topic needs to be further developed and taught. That's probably what grades are for in school.

Thus, only parents can decide whether their child needs a classical comprehensive school. And only they can influence the child's perception of the process of learning and getting grades.