Book baby on ecology about fish. Step by step instructions for baby book. My homemade books - review. Photo children's book do-it-yourself

Shibanova Irina

Master Class

Working on the creation of a baby book is a very exciting activity that has a complex effect on the development of the child:

Promotes the development of creativity of preschoolers;

Increases sensory sensitivity, that is, it contributes to a subtle perception of shape, texture, color;

Develops imagination, spatial thinking, general manual skill, fine motor skills;

Synchronizes the work of both hands;

Forms perseverance, the ability to plan work to implement the plan, anticipate the result and achieve it, if necessary, make adjustments to the original plan;

In the course of creative activity, children make many discoveries, achieve personal achievements. The result obtained is the first and very important stage of children's creativity.

Material: colored cardboard, sheets of A4 paper (you can use different colors, old coloring books or children's magazines, glue stick, scissors.

Description of the process of making a baby book:

1. First we make the pages. To do this, we take colored sheets of A4 paper, fold them in half (along) and cut along the fold line.

2. We coat the edge of the sheet with glue and glue it. Depending on the thickness of the book, there may be 2-3-4 such leaves.

3. We fold a long sheet of paper like an accordion.

5. We coat the edges of the cover with glue and paste the pre-prepared pages.

6. Now we proceed to the design of the book. We come up with a name and write or stick it on the cover.

8. The baby book is ready!

Other options for baby books in which the pages can be fastened with tape.

I wish you good luck and creative success!

Many kindergartens hold themed weeks, which provide for the design of baby books. Baby books are books for the smallest children who do not yet know how to read, but look at the pictures with pleasure.

Self-creation of such benefits carries a number of important tasks:

  • activation and enrichment of parenting skills;
  • development of the desire to participate in collective activities in both parents and children;
  • stimulation of children's speech activity;
  • uniting children and parents with an emotional mood.

A do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten can become the most favorite toy for the baby, because he also took part in its design and, together with his parents, put his work and a piece of his soul into it.

How to make a do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten?

For the book we need:

  • scissors large and small;
  • pencils, markers and paints;
  • the basis of the book (paper, cardboard, fabric);
  • glue;
  • needle with thread;
  • various design elements (colored paper, beads, pieces of fabric, drawings, pictures.).


The pages of the baby book are designed depending on its purpose.

For example, to develop fine motor skills, pages can be decorated with pockets, clasps, zippers, buttons, laces and beads; for training tactile sensations, materials of different texture should be used; to form knowledge about animals or plants, the pages of the book can be decorated with appropriate drawings and photographs.

First of all, we determine the size of the book, the number of pages and how they are attached. You should not make the book too big, as it will be inconvenient for the baby to hold it, but you should not make it smaller either. The optimal dimensions are 10x20 cm. The number of pages depends on the master’s imagination, but you don’t need to make a lot of them, 5-6 pages are enough. If there are too many ideas and all of them do not fit on 6 pages, then they can be implemented in the next baby book. You can fasten the pages into a book using a stapler, glue, colored binding, colored ribbons or laces.

Next, we decide on the material and shape. Pages can be made from ordinary landscape sheets, colored paper, cardboard or fabric. The shape of a baby book can be any: a semicircle, a square, a flower, a heart.


The plot on each page should be different and understandable for the baby. Child psychologists note that young children have a well-developed visual memory, so the illustrations in the book should be bright. The objects depicted in the pictures should be familiar to the child, otherwise they will not interest the baby. A great idea is to use photos.

Use different materials: grits, buttons, fleece, fur, braid, Velcro. The book may contain applications, for example, a boot made of a piece of leather or a chicken made of dyed fur. Pictures from cereals or small pebbles look very interesting. But they must be well glued, moreover, with non-toxic glue.

A do-it-yourself baby book for kindergarten should be not only beautiful, but also safe for the child. All parts must be well glued or sewn. In no case should you use items of dubious production, as they can be toxic, and kids love to put everything in their mouths so much.

Bright cardboard books delight children, help develop attention, and introduce them to a whole world of shapes and shades. But, as often happens, a new book gets boring, and in a few hours the child already wants another. And if parents approach the issue creatively, they will be able to pamper the baby with bright crafts. After allocating a little time, you can organize joint classes during which the child learns how to make a book on his own. Such classes can turn into exciting master classes, where a young master, armed with a glue stick, will be able to design several pages himself. Parents, on the other hand, will need to prepare the basis for creativity, cut out the required number of figures and, of course, control the process. In our article you can find a master class with step-by-step photos on how to make an educational baby book with your own hands.

Necessary materials:

How to make a baby book - step by step instructions

  1. We make a drawing of future pages - we divide each sheet into 6 parts.

  2. We carefully cut the cardboard according to the markup and invite the child to lay out the received cards, as in the photo.

  3. While the baby is playing with cards, cut out different geometric shapes. We use paper of different colors.

  4. Now you can put a special rug for needlework or just a sheet of paper on the surface of the table in front of the young master and spread the cut out figures around with it. We take glue, then any page and show how its design is done. Please note: you need to select contrasting colors, explaining along the way the rules for composing the composition. If the student is old enough, then after several jointly designed cards, you can give him creative freedom. As a result, all 12 pages will be decorated with a bright application.

  5. From a piece of cardboard we will make a template for holes and a neat “spine” for a future book according to the above diagram.

  6. We bend the "spine" with scissors, as in the video.

  7. We also cut out the template from cardboard, make holes.

  8. Using a template and a self-tapping screw, we make holes for the threads on all prepared pages, as well as on the spine. Fold the cards carefully.
  9. Everything is ready. But how to make a baby book if its sheets are not fastened together? We thread a strong thread folded in half into a needle and carefully assemble the baby book. To secure the thread after the firmware, we make several knots. Cut off the tail of the thread and hide the knots in the hole. Using a needle or scissors, we work out the folds of the pages and the spine. We bring the finished product to its original position.

  10. We use a ready-made bright manual for learning shapes and colors. You can also count with your child the number of elements on each page.

A do-it-yourself educational guide will bring more joy than a printed edition. Moreover, such a children's master class will bring a lot of positive emotions to all its participants.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 10 "Fairy Tale" of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

Master class on making baby books with your own hands

Prepared and conducted by the teacher

I qualification category

Cherkasova Natalia Anatolievna


Reading books is very important for the development of a child. But in our time, the child's interest in the book is weakening against the backdrop of the technical perfection of information, so we, adults, must solve this problem. The habit of reading must be formed not only in the child, but also in the parents.

A homemade book is a product of the creative efforts of parents, designed to educate children's respect for creativity. A homemade book is a great opportunity for communication between children and adults.

When making a Homemade Book, adults take on the role of a book maker, designer, writer and storyteller. At the same time, when the child flips through this book, his speech will develop, vocabulary will be activated. In addition, listening to these books will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child.

Handmade children's books have different purposes and are made from different materials. The most common types of such books are:

1) A book made of cardboard and paper - an educational educational book for little ones.

2) Photobook.

3) Textile educational book.

Types of educational books

Option 1. Children's book from a photo album.

Option 2. Children's book in a folder with files.

  • Buy a folder with transparent files.
  • Take sheets of A4 cardboard. Stick large pictures on them on the topic. You can stick pictures on double-sided colored paper or colored cardboard.
  • Attach the picture sheets to the folder. Between them for strength, put another sheet of cardboard.

Option 3. Children's book from album sheets.

  • Take 8-10 landscape sheets, bend them in half.
  • Sew in the middle.
  • You can do it differently: make holes in the sheets with a hole punch and tie with a ribbon (but note that the book should open easily and not fold back when open, so the ribbon must be tied loosely).
  • Glue the pictures on the chosen topic on the album sheets. Write text.

The second type of children's books made by hand is a children's educational photo book.

A self-made book with photographs is a transitional step from an everyday conversation with your mother to the perception of literary speech. After all, the mother or grandmother who made the book is its author! And in the book you can no longer get by with simple words and gestures, you need a detailed speech! Such a homemade book encourages mother and baby to engage in dialogue, ask and answer questions, build detailed phrases.

How to make a photobook with your own hands?

  • Make a book using any of the methods suggested above and insert a photo of yourself and a child into it.
  • Make the first page cover. Write the title of the book and the author there. Glue or draw a picture from which the content of the book will be clear (so that the baby can always find out from the picture what kind of book it is and what it is about).
  • Next, glue photos on the spreads of the book and write the text.

The third type of book is a soft children's book made of fabric.

Handmade soft textile books are designed primarily for the development of fine motor skills of the child. Their advantage is durability and safety for the child, environmental friendliness of materials, attractiveness for children and taking into account the individual characteristics of the baby. After all, each book is unique!

Most often in soft books are used:

Ideas for children's educational soft books:

1. "Sun". The center is sewn from two round parts. Threads and laces of different thicknesses and from different materials are sewn between the parts in a circle. Such a sun can braid pigtails, tie bows, fasten rubber bands.

2. "Animals and people"- Velcro applications. You can play dialogues with them, invent fairy tales.

3. "Spiral" - the circle is sewn in a spiral (the character is a snail or a shell), a bead is inserted inside. The child rolls the bead in a spiral.

4. "Christmas tree". Buttons can be sewn onto the Christmas tree. They look like multi-colored New Year's toys, and at the same time you can fasten the contours of felt toys to the buttons. Buttons should be of different colors, textures, shapes.

5. "Train". The trailers can be arranged by color, seating different characters in them.

It is in interesting communication with an adult during the game that the developing effect of soft books lies! Just putting a book in the hands of a child is not enough! It is necessary to constantly lead the development of the baby forward, showing new playing opportunities, helping the child to discover new and new characteristics of a familiar book, to designate new qualities and actions, new characters with a word.

Create a book with your own hands for children and with him. Toddlers grow up very quickly, so they can make their own homemade books for their younger siblings. Believe me, such activities perfectly instill a love of books, and joint creativity unites parents and children.

From January 20 to 24, a week of pedagogical skill was held in the kindergarten, where teachers made baby books with their own hands. At the beginning of their work, colleagues looked at samples of home-made books with great pleasure, and then set to creative work.

We got very interesting books in the form of various animals and plants that will decorate the book corners of the groups.

Tatyana Shcherbinina

Greetings colleagues in my blog!

January 2017 at the RMO, an action plan was considered and approved in preschool institutions of our district, dedicated to the Year Ecology.

was announced creative family competition"baby book" environmental focus. Contest was carried out in order to improve the quality of work with parents

preschoolers in cognitive - speech and environmental development of children.

Tasks Competition:

Creation of conditions for cognitive-speech and environmental development


attraction families of pupils to creative cooperation and participation in

educational activities of the preschool educational institution.

Raising an emotionally positive, caring, caring

relationship and love for the natural world.

Development of the need for the study of natural objects through

observation and analysis of the surrounding world.

Revealing creative families giving them the opportunity to


Participation in Competition accepted families of pupils of preschool educational institutions of all ages

The results were summed up on 16.03.2017. creative family competition"Book - baby" environmental focus in MBDOU Child Development Center - kindergarten.

The jury was impressed baby books in the production of which the children were directly involved. In addition, the assessment took into account originality, non-standard, artistic design, quality of work and, of course, the educational, developing and educational value of the book.

The work of the jury, which entered:

And about. Director of MBDOU TsRR-DS - Kotyshova O.N.

Leading Specialist of the Education Department - Kololeeva O. A.

Teacher MBDOU CRR-DS - Klimontova E.V.

Teacher MBDOU CRR-DS - Ponomareva L.V.

Chairman of the parent council of the Umetsky district - Tolstova T. E.

By decision of the jury, 1st place was taken by two books in different age categories: "The Red Book of the Umetsky District" and "Indoor Plants".

2nd place books called"Large and small" and "Peculiarities of nature and ecology of the Tambov region".

Also identified were nominations: "Most original"

And " Book - encyclopedia":

Parents took an active part in competition, showing creativity and fantasy. Children with admiration and pride told about how they helped their father and mother to create a homemade book.

Particularly attractive to both children and adults book- a baby named "Red Book of the Umetsky District". The Tolstov family did their best, book contains a rich educational material of endangered species of insects, birds, and animals of our region.

illustrated pages books a pupil of the preparatory group Pasha Tolstov. He told his peers interesting stories about rare specimens, For example, about ordinary praying mantis:

about the varieties of swans that are found in the Umetsky district and are listed in the Red book:

Book- the baby of the Zakaschikov family is dedicated to the flora and fauna of the Tambov region.

Ulyana painted animals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Tambov region.

Very interesting compilation book by the Gorshkov family"Medicinal plants of the Tambov region".

Book contains interesting narrative stories as well as specimens of medicinal plants.

There are many birch groves and solitary birches in the Umetsky district. wonderful book of the Kalinichenko family is dedicated to the birch - the symbol of Russia.

Admiring the view of a young birch grove touches the finest strings of the soul, making a person softer, kinder, more merciful. Wherever the Russian birch grows, everywhere it is joy for people, everywhere it is light for people. She stands, the beauty of the Russian forest! And will stand forever! And you won't find her prettier! Take care of these beautiful trees!

wonderful book and the Makarov family!

Collected educational material, interesting pictures depicting animals that are endangered. I would like to give a name - "The Complaint Book of the Nature of the Tambov Region".

Significant last page books!

At the folklore festival "Vesnyanka" 22.03.2017 the awards ceremony took place creative competition dedicated to the Year Ecology. Top places occupied: 1st place - the Tolstov family (preparatory group No. 1, the Yanin family (middle group #1); 2nd place - the Zakaschikov family (preparatory group No. 1, the Maksakov family (middle group #1); 3rd place - Gorshkov family, Makarov family, Kalinichenko family (preparatory group No. 1).

Books- babies are used by teachers in educational areas for cognitive-speech and environmental development of children. Each book- the baby has taken a worthy place in the centers of speech development of all age groups.

Thank you for your attention! Good luck to everyone!