When is the day of agriculture in Belarus. How is the Day of Agriculture celebrated in Belarus? Belarusian traditions: Rich man and Dozhinki

The country's economy, however, like the health of the population, depends on the products produced by agriculture. The better it is, the stronger the nation. Therefore, the labor of agricultural workers is important and in demand. It is the people, thanks to whose activities the population eats quality products, that this professional holiday is dedicated.

When celebrated

Agricultural Workers' Day is celebrated annually on the third Sunday in November. In 2019, the celebrations take place on November 17th. In Ukraine, the date was established by the Decree of the President L.M. Kravchuk No. 428/93 of October 7, 1993. In Belarus, the event was fixed by the Decree of the Head of State A. Lukashenko No. 454 "On the establishment of a holiday - the Day of workers in agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex" dated November 10, 1995 (repeated by Decree No. 157 "On public holidays, holidays and memorable dates in the Republic of Belarus from 26.03.1998).

Who celebrates

The holiday is celebrated by grain growers, machine operators, livestock breeders and all those who are related to agriculture, agricultural enterprises, food industry, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials, and so on.

history of the holiday

This event began to be celebrated even during the existence of the Soviet Union. On November 1, 1988, by Decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces No. 9724-XI "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days", two professional holidays dedicated to meliorators and agricultural workers were combined into one and a single day of celebration was established.

In 1993, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, many countries abolished or postponed this date, but in some states, including Ukraine and Belarus, the tradition has remained unchanged.

About the profession

Agriculture brings together representatives of many specialties. They all love to work on the land, put their soul and strength into getting the harvest, are not afraid of physically hard work, follow centuries-old traditions.

Agriculture in Ukraine is dominated by agriculture, and in Belarus - by animal husbandry.

Belarus covers 100% of its needs for meat, milk, eggs, almost 100% for potatoes and vegetables and, therefore, is in 1st place in these indicators. Despite the huge amount of cultivated land and the growth of animal husbandry, only 9.7% of the population is employed in this field of activity in the country. But this allows it to enter the top 5 largest exporters of dairy products.

In Belarus, for the collection of vegetables (beets, carrots), as in Soviet times, once a year they resort to the help of schoolchildren.

In colloquial speech, Belarusians are called bulbash (bulba - potato), in view of the fact that potatoes are a symbol of this state.

In 2012, an independent tasting competition "Product of the Year" was held. According to the results of the work of the tasting commission of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the company of the Republic of Belarus JV OJSC "Spartak" won the Grand Prix among confectionery products.

In the agriculture of Belarus there is no private ownership of land, everything belongs to the state.

Ukraine is one of the leaders in the export of poultry meat, and is also starting to increase the rate of growth in the export of pork.

Every year Ukraine and Russia celebrate the Day of Food Industry Workers. It's no secret that recently in many countries the issue of food has been especially acute. While in developed countries people sometimes spend several thousand dollars on food, in poor and partly in developing countries, citizens have nothing to buy food. At the same time, thanks to the professionalism of the food industry workers, the range and quality of products are constantly growing, and the responsibility for the safety of consumed food also grows.

The Day of Food Industry Workers originated a long time ago - back in the days of the Soviet Union, or rather, in 1966. Now, as then, people involved in the food industry celebrate their holiday on the third Sunday in October.

I wish all food workers
Smiles, happiness and prosperity,
And do not be sad for trifles,
So that your life is easy and sweet!

I wish you prosperity
Your work is so important!
May all wishes come true
And the life of love will be full!

Hurray for the food industry workers!
For feeding the people
Let the prosperity be at home
And in life you will be very lucky!

You are tired, but not very,
And let the salary grow
Let it rain and autumn
And in my soul, spring is blooming!

Happy Food Industry Workers Day. I wish you natural happiness and joy without GMOs, as well as success in your work, excellent results and good ideas. May every day bring a smile and hope, as well as an incredible taste of great victories.

On the day of food workers
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
So that harmony reigns at home,
At work, everything was at "five".

So that incomes rise up,
And the native team was friendly,
And health for many years
And great job prospects!

Feed everyone with butter and sour cream
Here is a wonderful task for you,
You work just tirelessly
So that we have milk!

Your dairy is incomparable,
It gives the best products,
Everything is European, modern,
The people are eating and smiling.

Let your brand be recognized abroad,
The assortment is growing,
Let glory fly faster than a bird
In gratitude there will be - a compliment!

Happy food worker's day, accept
Congratulations from me
No delicious delicacies
Not even a day goes by.

Feed the glorious country,
Let the people be full
May the salary be enough for everyone
For you a delicious sandwich.

Food industry -
The industry is not easy!
Workers are here anywhere,
Happy Holidays, friends!

We wish you in a difficult matter,
To achieve what they wanted
Your salary is the highest,
Nice and easy victories!

You open the refrigerator
You get yourself some food
And then, after thinking,
You put the kettle on the stove.

I opened the closet, and there are cookies,
Above is a jar of jam
The fruits are out, standing in a basket,
It's like a small banquet!

Thanks to the whole food industry,
To their employees, for their efforts,
We wouldn't be happy without you
And the food would be boring!

We wish you a lot of imagination,
Aimed at diversity
Success in all your endeavors
And all the blessings of life!

We wish you working days
Always brought you pleasure!
Thank you for everything, food workers,
You gave us so many products!

We wish you a delicious life,
So that every day there is enough food for everyone!
Great, let things always go
So that your mood soars up!

Your hard work has not been lost in vain,
The heart pleases with a weighty harvest,
The barns are filled to the brim
Our native land is flourishing!

Agricultural workers,
We sincerely congratulate you,
You create countries of wealth,
Bow to you for this from all of us!

Let in the measure of sun and rain
Will happen over the fields
So that the harvest grows more fun
We were pleased with you.

Also, salaries are stronger,
Good luck and luck.
For you, field workers.
And on a holiday - pleasure.

Happy Agriculture Day
All working people!
After all, by your labors
Our country lives on.

May the yield grow stronger
There will be no rodents.
I wish only the best
Hardy varieties.

I wish you health and happiness
For years to come.
And life is long, long
Not less than up to 100!

You are the pride and support
The breadwinners of the whole country.
Your work is very dear to us,
Its fruits are visible.

All agricultural workers
The holiday is celebrated
Harvest of congratulations
Today they collect.

We glorify the golden hands,
We say thank you.
We wish you happiness, health
To the most glorious craftsmen.

Feeds us and gives us water
Happy Holidays
You are worth today.

We are grateful to you
For your daily work,
For bread, for milk,
For meat and canned food.

We wish you
So that the fields give birth,
Fat herds
We walked through the meadows.

Let them be rich
Your harvests,
We are love and happiness
We wish you on your holiday.

Let the harvest be just like in a fairy tale,
It grows, grows big, very large.
The rosy side of the fruit delights the eyes,
Wheat and rye just flow like a river.

Health and strength, and a commercial streak,
Family support, optimism, kindness.
We all congratulate you on the holiday today,
Honor and praise to agricultural workers!

To all field workers,
To those who breed cattle,
To all vegetable pickers -
Thanks for your work!

We want to wish you strength
And high salaries
After all, your work is invaluable
On wide margins!

May a rich harvest
The land will give you
Well, let the drought
Your land is leaving!

Farm and field workers
Congratulations to all of us today.
Work to make it more fun -
We wish you a decent salary.

Taking care of us all
You have dedicated your work and your life.
May there be health and success.
Thank you for feeding us.

Bread, vegetables and milk
You give to us every day.
May everything come easy for you
Let you live excellently.

There is nothing better in the world,
How to master this specialty.
The one who humbly works in the villages,
Saves the world from hunger every day!

Gardeners, farmers, milkmaids,
Let your professions are not bright -
Being a programmer is now more profitable,
But your work is more necessary and noble.

Let your troops do not dwindle
And they grow, on the contrary, and get fat.
May everyone honor and respect your work,
And the government supplies finance.

For your work, for the results
Thank you country
You feed the people a lot,
We are always full with you.

I wish you good health,
Favors of fate
So that you can breathe freely in the field,
So that labor will bear fruit!

Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus on November 10, 1995 and is annually celebrated on the third Sunday of November. In 2015, the celebration falls on November 15th.

The country's economy, however, like the health of the population, depends on the products produced by agriculture. The better it is, the stronger the nation. Therefore, the labor of agricultural workers is important and in demand. It is the people, thanks to whose activities the population eats quality products, that this professional holiday is dedicated. It is celebrated by grain growers, machine operators, livestock breeders and all those who are related to agriculture, agricultural enterprises, food industry, processing and storage of agricultural raw materials.

It is customary to celebrate the honoring of the workers of the entire industry of Belarus in the best traditions: with the presentation of certificates, valuable gifts and the conferment of honorary titles.

These customs are honored, preserved, supported and developed by the management of Pinsk Meat Processing Plant. Annually in honor of those people who work from dawn to dawn, without days off and holidays, for workers of fields and farms, for veterans, workers in their industry, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises, workers in the food and processing industry and the agro-industrial complex, partners, colleagues and guests strives to create a festive mood for everyone, organizes festive concerts, rewards the best of the best.

On the eve of the holiday of the Day of workers of agriculture and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex, on behalf of the entire staff of Pinsk Meat-Processing Plant, director Eduard Shibun addresses everyone who has devoted themselves to this kind and noble cause:

“Congratulations on your professional holiday to everyone who is related to agriculture in Belarus.
You are the creators of wealth, may luck always smile at you in everything, and the weather and nature help you in your work.

Let health not fail, plans come true, and dreams come true! Low bows to all of you for your work and loyalty to your chosen cause. "

Sincerely, Director of Pinsk Meat Processing Plant OJSC E.F. Shibun

Always the main concern of mankind has been providing itself, their loved ones and relatives with their daily bread, which is food products. The leading role in resolving these issues is assigned to enterprises of the food and processing industries.

And the quantity and quality of products, the stability of providing all regions with vital goods and the development of the country's economy depend on the caring hands of workers in this service sector.


This holiday was established during the existence of the great USSR and was widely celebrated by numerous representatives of this profession from all union republics. After the collapse of the country of the Soviets, traditionally it continues to be celebrated in Russia and Ukraine.

Since the importance of these enterprises all over the world is great, the World Food Day and related gastronomic holidays are celebrated abroad. These include:

  1. National Spaghetti Day in USA.
  2. Sunny coffee day in Iceland.
  3. International Popsicle Day.
  4. World Egg Day.

These unusual celebrations take place on different calendar days and months. But they greet (like our holiday) people who selflessly work for the benefit of others.


Throughout the entire time, employees not only expand the range of products manufactured, but also improve their quality. Tireless work allows food industry employees to introduce innovative methods, achieve technical progress, and constantly update technological production.

On the eve of the holiday, the best workers, who achieve good performance in work, are awarded with diplomas, they are awarded prizes. At the state level, industry leaders are awarded medals and orders for special merit and professionalism.

The teams hold meetings with reports on the work done and development prospects. Concerts dedicated to this holiday and corporate events are held. Time is allocated on the air of radio broadcasting and on television, where congratulations from the management and programs dedicated to the foremost workers of production are posted.

An acute issue is the formation of food security throughout the world. Conferences and meetings are held at various world venues, where methods and ways of achieving the invulnerability of countries in this field of activity are discussed. And the responsibility for solving all arising problems in this direction is assigned precisely to the workers of the food industry.