Face or figure, hair or skin? What attracts men more: a beautiful face or a figure

What is more important - a perfect figure or a beautiful face?

Most of the men who were asked this question answered that they prefer women with beautiful lips, albeit not with a perfect figure, than with perfect shapes, but with a bad face.

In general, beauty is a matter of taste. But in the case of the face, there are several rules that are universal and timeless. At the first contact, the face is of paramount importance, because it is our calling card, reveals emotions and shows our attractiveness.

Everyone pays attention to skin, hair and smile. If you have any shortcomings in these issues, they need to be corrected as soon as possible. Why? Even a beautiful, slender and well-dressed woman will not make a pleasant impression if she has yellow teeth and hair devoid of shine.

To have a beautiful face, beware of seven mistakes:

1. Incorrect make-up remover

If you had to sleep in full make-up, then you know what a heavy punishment for this sin. Tired, gray skin with blackheads.

Correct makeup remover is the foundation of skin care. Although it is a very time consuming process, you cannot forget it. Thoroughly remove impurities that prevent your skin from breathing - makeup residues, dust, sweat, sebum and dead skin flakes.

First, gently remove makeup from the eyes and lashes, then apply the milk with your fingertips all over the face, and after a while, wipe it off with a damp cloth or cotton pad. Finally, rinse your face with tonic.

It is important to use products that are suitable for your skin type. Take special wet wipes on your trip. If you can't do without water, buy a good detergent gel and add boiled water to it. Only after thorough cleaning can you start using the creams.

2. The sin of forgetting
Moisturize the skin around the mouth and eyes. If we keep in mind the daily moisturizing of the face, then we are often careless about places that require special care. It is about the delicate skin around the eyes and lips. Light, refreshing gel and cold compresses will help you have a seductive look. Daily application of a revitalizing and nourishing cream will improve the condition of the skin around the mouth.

Don't forget about the neck and décolleté. To enjoy a youthful appearance as long as possible, they need to be wiped with a toner daily and intensively moisturized.

Afraid that there is not enough space in your cosmetic bag for all these products and you don't want to spend a fortune on them? No fear. Very good eye gels can be bought at a pharmacy at a very low price. Feel free to use ice cubes to moisturize, and you can apply your usual face cream to other areas of the skin.

3. Incorrectly chosen hairstyle.

Just like shoes in clothes, hairstyles in body skin care are clear information about our character and style.

The perfect hairstyle is one that you can create yourself at home, without using dozens of cosmetic accessories. A well-chosen hairstyle will accentuate or soften facial features.
Hair should look natural. Do not create artificial domes on your head.

Color is also important. For problems with pores, pimples, or age spots, avoid red hair dyes. Do not be afraid to experiment and feel free to look for a hairstyle that will suit you.

4. Insufficient skin care

The skin will absorb any cosmetics much better if you do a gentle exfoliation twice a week. By removing dead skin cells, you restore shine and firmness to the skin. From time to time, do yourself a home beauty salon and apply a thick layer of a mask designed for your skin type.

Be careful in the sun! Use a sunscreen with a UV filter all year round and use a tanning bed as little as possible. Remember that only a gentle tan will rejuvenate and refresh your face.

5. Lack of rest

To relax the muscles of the face several times a day, pronounce the vowels loudly and clearly: a, e, and, o, y and make circular movements with your tongue along the inner side of your lips.

Also strengthen your neck muscles by straining and relaxing them. Be good to yourself. No makeup can mask fatigue and irritability. Take time every day for small pleasures and respite. Read or listen to your favorite music (best of all right away with a cosmetic face mask!). Long walks in the fresh air and a good sleep will be an excellent addition to cosmetics!

6. Disadvantages in the art of makeup

Invest in decent brushes. This will make your makeup look precise and avoid colored highlights. This is a big expense, but consider it an investment for years.

Daytime makeup does not tolerate clear contours. If you are drawing an arrow on the eyelid, be sure to rub it. It is even better to use shadows in modeling the eyes. The same goes for the strong lip contour. remember, that bright lips refresh the look and reduce years.

7. Poor brow shape

round face- light triangle eyebrow

square face- rather wide, rounded eyebrows

triangular face- the tip of the eyebrow should lightly touch the temples

pear shaped face- medium thickness, soft bend

drooping eyelids- slightly shortened and rounded eyebrows,

eyes are small and close-set- eyebrows slightly move away from the base of the nose

Each of us has an individual eyebrow pattern, and there is no need to forcefully change it. But sometimes a small correction can work wonders, give expressiveness to the face and hide minor imperfections.

Looks bad as too thick eyebrows a la Brezhnev, and thin lines, like silent movie stars.

Best of all, put yourself in the hands of a trusted beautician. Experimenting on your own can be dangerous.

Not all girls want to get married as soon as possible and sit at home with their offspring. There are also those who intend to take a good walk before starting to build a family nest. And the decisive factor for men who decide to help such a girl to brighten up her leisure time for a while is her figure, not her face: the face is important when a man counts on a long-term relationship.

This statement was made by employees of the University of Texas. In a report on the results of their observations, published in the publication Evolution and Human Behavior, they note that a woman's body speaks of her sexual potential, while her matrimonial intentions can be read from her face. Actually, having connected logic, the majority will come to the same conclusion: it is much more pleasant to see a cute face next to you for many years than long legs. And in bed, on the contrary, a slender body will be much more "useful" than, say, long eyelashes.

The scientists did not choose the topic for the study by chance: before that, preferences in terms of "face - body" had not been studied. Previous research has focused primarily on what makes a face attractive (primarily its symmetry) or body (waist-to-hip ratio, for example).

Americans have a nice but hard-to-translate word for a person with a beautiful body and "no" face - butterface. "This suggests that having a good figure has a completely different type of attraction than a girl with an angelic face," says psychology graduate student Haim Konfer, one of the co-authors of the study.

A woman's face has a lot to say about how many "reproductive" years she has ahead of her. Do you have wrinkles? Goodbye, come in. Smooth and elastic skin is what attracts men looking for the mother of their future children. However, a 16-year-old girl will not become the winner in this tacit competition, because, although she is at the peak of her reproductive potential, there is no need to talk about the peak of fertility: please come to the 24-year-old for that. It is she who will make up the happiness of a potential family man.

By the body, according to scientists, you can determine whether a girl is ready to get pregnant right now. Do not forget that men are driven by instinct, so put a hundred girls in front of them in a row - they will choose the one that seems to them the most fertile. In this case, the donut may be in a more advantageous position in comparison with the reed girl, because, again, the man will perceive her as more "fit" for reproduction. As for the tips by which a man chooses a partner for the night, for example, a slightly protruding tummy, which is usually observed during ovulation.

All these signals better than luminous signs make it clear to the representative of the stronger sex: choose me, I am the best. "We are talking about the development of psychological mechanisms that show a woman's readiness to become pregnant this very second. And men are just more interested in just such women than those who will give birth" sometime later, "explains Konfer.

Wait a minute, you argue, since when did a man, who left the house with the sole purpose of having some fun, suddenly start thinking about offspring? Natural selection is to blame for everything: "Men are attracted to the body of a fertile woman, even if he does not plan to have children in the coming years - this is genetics," adds Konfer.

It is interesting that women, when choosing a partner for the night, pay more attention to the face. Yes, and wondering whether this or that gentleman is suitable for the role of husband, too. Scientists note that this seems quite logical: male fertility is more "stable" than female fertility, namely, the ability to bear children "for the future", as already mentioned, is read on the face. Cases when an 80-year-old man became a father is not so rare. But 80-year-old mothers are already nonsense.

To confirm their theory, the researchers gathered 375 students and presented them with a photograph of a girl whose face and body were covered. Half of the volunteers were asked to assess whether this girl is suitable for starting a family, and the other - whether she is suitable for a night of love. When choosing a partner for the night, slightly more than half of the participants in the experiment were asked to reveal the girl's body in the photograph, and those who were asked to find a future wife were asked to show her face in 75 percent of cases.

It is very useful to be able to compare and very informative too. For two years now I have been looking at Moscow women and interested in their attitude to appearance. It is, of course, significantly different from English and American (which also differ from each other, although not so much). And women are different and attitudes are different.

In general, women in Russia are prettier than in England. This, apparently, is the basis of the myth that Russian women are the most beautiful. But beautiful are everywhere, ugly are everywhere, and most are average (I have never been to Venezuela, they say that everyone who knows is beautiful there, although it is doubtful).

Such a puppet's adorable appearance is almost never found anywhere else.

But here's the curious thing: pretty Russian women turn their full attention to making themselves even more pretty. They tirelessly emphasize their already cute eyes, lips and cheeks.

With hair, the opposite is true. Anglo-Saxons have much better hair. Much thicker, thicker and more luxuriant. Most Englishwomen only need to wash their hair, and even then it is not often, and you can go to people. But no, I have never seen such an obsession with hair care. They are carefully watched, cared for and nurtured, cared for like a baby. If an English woman spends money on “beauty”, it’s money on haircuts, paint, styling and grooming. And often these are huge funds in relation to the budget. Bad hair day equates to the end of the world.

For some reason, Englishwomen have absolutely no desire to give their faces a femininity, which often would not hurt, in the absence of naturalness. And as a result, the mass of Anglo-American women looks like this: a magnificent mane of shiny hair, just dyed by the best colorist and trimmed by the best hairdresser, and a face without a trace of makeup, when it would not hurt at all. And Russian women, on the contrary: with excessive paint where it is not needed at all, with a lack of care, where it would be harmless.

Luxurious and typical hair. And faces

Apparently, everyone wants to emphasize their strengths instead of compensating for their weaknesses. This is both easier and more enjoyable. Overweight women with a beautiful face care for their face and hands instead of throwing all their strength on the figure, and women with a good figure go in for sports obsessively instead of thinking about how it will affect their face.

Moreover, these two camps will ardently prove that the face / figure is incomparably more important for beauty than the figure / face. Whereas only the general image is important, and when the dismemberment begins, “her figure, of course, is decaying, but her face is not very good” or “beautiful, but one should lose weight,” it means that the woman does not like it. A good eye image is not divided into components, it is perceived as a whole.

Not all girls want to get married as soon as possible and sit at home with their offspring. There are also those who intend to take a good walk before starting to build a family nest. And the decisive factor for men who decide to help such a girl to brighten up her leisure time for a while is her figure, not her face: the face is important when a man counts on a long-term relationship.

This statement was made by employees of the University of Texas. In a report on the results of their observations, published in the publication Evolution and Human Behavior, they note that a woman's body speaks of her sexual potential, while her matrimonial intentions can be read from her face. Actually, having connected logic, the majority will come to the same conclusion: it is much more pleasant to see a cute face next to you for many years than long legs. And in bed, on the contrary, a slender body will be much more "useful" than, say, long eyelashes.

The scientists did not choose the topic for the study by chance: before that, preferences in terms of "face - body" had not been studied. Previous research has focused primarily on what makes a face attractive (primarily its symmetry) or body (waist-to-hip ratio, for example).

Americans have a nice but hard-to-translate word for a person with a beautiful body and "no" face - butterface. "This suggests that having a good figure has a completely different type of attraction than a girl with an angelic face," says psychology graduate student Haim Konfer, one of the co-authors of the study.

A woman's face has a lot to say about how many "reproductive" years she has ahead of her. Do you have wrinkles? Goodbye, come in. Smooth and elastic skin is what attracts men looking for the mother of their future children. However, a 16-year-old girl will not become the winner in this tacit competition, because, although she is at the peak of her reproductive potential, there is no need to talk about the peak of fertility: please come to the 24-year-old for that. It is she who will make up the happiness of a potential family man.

By the body, according to scientists, you can determine whether a girl is ready to get pregnant right now. Do not forget that men are driven by instinct, so put a hundred girls in front of them in a row - they will choose the one that seems to them the most fertile. In this case, the donut may be in a more advantageous position in comparison with the reed girl, because, again, the man will perceive her as more "fit" for reproduction. As for the tips by which a man chooses a partner for the night, for example, a slightly protruding tummy, which is usually observed during ovulation.

All these signals better than luminous signs make it clear to the representative of the stronger sex: choose me, I am the best. "We are talking about the development of psychological mechanisms that show a woman's readiness to become pregnant this very second. And men are just more interested in just such women than those who will give birth" sometime later, "explains Konfer.

Wait a minute, you argue, since when did a man, who left the house with the sole purpose of having some fun, suddenly start thinking about offspring? Natural selection is to blame for everything: "Men are attracted to the body of a fertile woman, even if he does not plan to have children in the coming years - this is genetics," adds Konfer.

It is interesting that women, when choosing a partner for the night, pay more attention to the face. Yes, and wondering whether this or that gentleman is suitable for the role of husband, too. Scientists note that this seems quite logical: male fertility is more "stable" than female fertility, namely, the ability to bear children "for the future", as already mentioned, is read on the face. Cases when an 80-year-old man became a father is not so rare. But 80-year-old mothers are already nonsense.

To confirm their theory, the researchers gathered 375 students and presented them with a photograph of a girl whose face and body were covered. Half of the volunteers were asked to assess whether this girl is suitable for starting a family, and the other - whether she is suitable for a night of love. When choosing a partner for the night, slightly more than half of the participants in the experiment were asked to reveal the girl's body in the photograph, and those who were asked to find a future wife were asked to show her face in 75 percent of cases.

They talk about the importance of the beauty of the soul, while they themselves look at the legs. This is how they are, these men. So, so that they don't talk about the inner beauty of a girl, first of all, external beauty is important for the opposite sex.

It is not surprising why, since ancient times, the female sex has been preoccupied with carefully caring for their external data. No one is surprised by satisfying hunger? Therefore, it is quite natural that a woman wants to catch rapturous glances in her direction. But, alas, not everyone is drawn to the sex symbol of a global scale.

It happens that Mother Nature generously rewarded the girl, making her the happy owner of the correct facial features. And then the girl, knowing that she is damn good, forgets (often because of banal laziness) that the figure requires attention.

There are those who can boast of a wasp waist and legs from the ears and feel like princes with such trump cards, forgetting that beauty requires support.

Girls! Do not forget that the golden mean is important in every business. Therefore, both the face and the priest need care. You need to keep yourself in shape (tight ass in yourself, belly in yourself, chest forward), take care of your skin and be a good make-up artist.

It is clear what men put their eyes on, but what is more important for them - a face or a figure? If you believe the scientists who base their conclusions on the results of the research, then the figure still comes first.

Now scientists explain this trend by the fashion for sports and fitness. A male eye, covering a slender girlish figure, realizes that she is a frequent visitor to the gym and her menu from a series of healthy meals.

This is not silicone for you, but dumbbells and barbells worked hard and provided the girls with inflated body parts. Here their imagination turns on, drawing smooth curves and rounded shapes, and whatever one may say, they always liked it better than the "battery".

So why is the figure more important? What do scientists say? It turns out that the facade can be plastered with cosmetics. It is not so easy to lose weight or adjust breast size. Therefore, the first glance at the bottom, and then at the nose.

However, do not forget that some people like watermelon, and others like pork cartilage. So, despite the research, all these findings of scientists are subjective.

So, young and not quite young people proceed from what they see a girl as. A girl for fun without obligation must first of all have an excellent figure.

But if a guy has far-reaching plans for a girl in his head, then a beautiful face is a priority. While these plans are being implemented, the figure can be put in order by registering your beloved in the gym and putting it on proper nutrition. And I want beautiful babies, and who can give birth to such, if not a beautiful mother?

Therefore, you will not please everyone. To whom you give "90-60-90" with an angelic face, others are satisfied with an angelic face, and still others will be satisfied with their feet from their ears.

Again, the face, the figure is "we meet by clothes" and the first impression, even the most rosy one, does not guarantee the building of a successful relationship. So a beautiful facade must still be supported by the amazing depths of the inner world.