Men are really stupider than women, this is proved by the example of the Darwin Prize! About the female mind and male stupidity. Why are women stupider than men

Most men are convinced that women are much more stupid than them. Scientists' studies also play in favor of this opinion, saying that the brain volume of women is less than the brain volume of men, and advances in science are predominantly of the male population. Also, women themselves often demonstrate an almost complete lack of intelligence, making scandals without explaining the reasons, or dismissing their mental abilities.

Are women stupider than men?

But how to make sure that a loved one stops treating his woman as a pet, unable to understand even basic things? Because even if a woman has no technical education and does not understand genetic engineering or higher mathematics, this does not mean that she is stupid. The mind, in the end, is not manifested in this - it is just education, plus the presence of certain abilities.

Proving intelligence by teaching a man and publicly showing your knowledge is not the best method. A man will not come to the conclusion that this woman is smart. He would rather be offended and decide that she is trying to humiliate him.

To prove the presence of intelligence, if its assessment is so fundamentally important, it is best to discard the typically feminine methods of solving problems and conflicts. Whining, tears, tantrums, silence for several days should be excluded - especially if there is no desire or lack of words to explain the reasons for such behavior. A man will not guess about the genius of the idea of ​​such a performance, if he does not explain everything to the details - as in the army. Simple and straightforward. No special effects. Perhaps he will not consider his woman smart, but he will call her adequate for sure.

Any reasoning should be clearly reasoned and unemotional, you should also listen to the opinion of the interlocutor. Admitting mistakes also speaks of the presence of mind and understanding of the essence of what is happening.

However, the most important thing is not to measure your man by whether he recognizes the female mind or is sure that women should not think at all. Women, too, sometimes think men are stupid just because they do not understand their actions. After all, the two genders are different, so there are significant differences in the manifestation of all features.

The male and female brains work slightly differently: in men, logical thinking occurs mainly in the left hemisphere of the brain, and in women - in both hemispheres at once. Moreover, "right away" - in the literal sense: simultaneous thinking a few thoughts (at least two) is the norm for women; a man can think at one point in time only one think.

That is, the male brain "Single-tasking"... He breaks up a complex problem into parts and solves them sequentially, one after another: from the first follows the second, from the second - the third. Such a solution to the problem is called "slender"; if a man is asked "why the third?" - he will answer: "because the second, and the second - because the first"; his answer will be "logical, consistent, reasonable."

"Multitask" the female brain does not work sequentially, but in parallel: all the "actions" of the task are performed simultaneously ("immediately"). The result is no worse than that of men, but explaining how the decision came about is much more difficult for a woman, because her decision did not include "the first, therefore, the second, therefore, the third." Instead of "slender" reasoning, the woman will say "I cannot explain to you," "I felt." From a man's point of view, such problem solving is illogical (inconsistent).

This is not at all what you think

In fact, women have a logic, only different. Compare the two tasks:

The first task is for abstract (mathematical) logic; such tasks are solved faster by men. The second task is for verbal (verbal) logic, women solve them faster.

In fact, women also have an abstract (mathematical) logic, only it is disgusting to them. In a sense, it contradicts the structure of their brain. Can a woman think logically? - Maybe, of course. But it is "uncomfortable" for her. Therefore, women spend more time on solving abstract logical problems than men. (Note that “spending more time” and “can't decide” are two different things.)

Why they say women are dumber than men

Because they are really dumber(in some situations)

1. If the amount of time to solve an abstract-logical problem is limited (it is a serious matter, the enemy does not sleep), then the probability of an error will be greater for women.

2. Men are superior to women not only in solving abstract logical problems, but also in forecasting. This is connected, again, with the structure of the brain: in men, the right hemisphere, free from "unnecessary thoughts", is specially sharpened for orientation in space and in time (and the left hemisphere is engaged in "thoughts", see the first paragraph).

Because they pretend(pretending to be fools)

1) During a romantic relationship, a woman tries to seem "not too smart", both consciously and subconsciously. Subconsciously: in order to check whether a partner can take care of children, a woman herself pretends to be a child - a silly whim. Consciously - so as not to frighten off the victim: let the naive man think for now that he is smarter (and when the truth comes to him, it will be too late).

2) During a dispute, if a woman wrong and knows about it, she begins to use illogical arguments (like "So what? What did you do the same thing? There is nothing more to say?") This is an absolutely correct move, a man can also be taught this; women, being more verbally gifted, acquire this skill on their own.

Most researchers believe that, in general, the average development of intelligence is about the same in men and women. At the same time, men have more variation: among them there are more of both very smart and very stupid. These data are in good agreement with Geodakian's theory, which puts forward the thesis that the masculine principle is associated with the development of new opportunities, and the feminine one - with the preservation of the genetic heritage. In this regard, the greater number of "splashes" in men is explainable. There is also some difference in the severity of various aspects of intelligence between men and women. Until the age of five, these differences do not exist. From the age of 5, boys begin to outperform girls in spatial intelligence and manipulation, and girls, boys, in verbal abilities. Men are significantly superior to women in mathematical ability. (Ushakov D.V. "Thinking and Intellect")

The complex of verbal subtests (subtests 1-4) assumes a general ability to operate with words as signals and symbols. With high results in this complex, verbal intelligence prevails, there is a general orientation towards social sciences and the study of foreign languages. Practical thinking is verbal. The complex of mathematical subtests (5, 6), assumes the ability in the field of practical mathematics and programming. Equally high results for both subtests indicate "mathematical giftedness." If this endowment is complemented by high performance in the third complex, then, perhaps, the correct choice of profession should be associated with the natural sciences and relevant practical activities. The complex of constructive subtests (7, 8) assumes developed constructive (spatial) abilities of a theoretical and practical plan. Equally high results in the subtests of this complex are a good basis not only for natural-technical, but also general scientific giftedness. If education is not continued, then the desire to model at the level of concrete and visual thinking, to a pronounced practical orientation of the intellect, to the development of manual skill and manual abilities will prevail. (Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test)

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2019

With the name of Allah, the Most Merciful and the All-Merciful!

"Offensive" hadith

In theory, a Muslim should be an example of high morality and nobility. As Allah Almighty said in the Qur'an: “We created you as a community adhering to the middle, so that you testify about all mankind” (Surah al-Bakara, ayah 143) However, the delusion about the total stupidity of women, unfortunately, is quite popular among Muslims. The following hadith gives them special confidence in this: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have not seen anyone who lacks intelligence and (excellence in deeds) religion, who could like any of you before such degree to deprive the mind of a prudent man! " The women asked: "O Messenger of Allah, what is our imperfection in (deeds) religion and lack of intelligence?" He said, "Isn't a woman's testimony (equal to) half of a man's?" They said yes. He said, “This also (indicates) her lack of intelligence. Shouldn't (a woman) stop praying and fasting when her period starts? " They said yes. He said: "And this (indicates) her imperfection in (deeds) religion." (Al-Bukhari 304).

Explaining this hadith, the scholars said: “With these words the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained the meaning of the lack of intelligence, which is the weakness of memory, for which her testimony requires the confirmation of the second woman, since the former could forget something, and while testifying, miss something important or, on the contrary, add something superfluous. Sometimes, however, women can be superior to individual men. After all, there were so many women who excelled men both in mind and in (deeds) religion and in the exactness of memory!

And what came from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about the lack of intelligence and religion of a woman, this is only in two aspects, which were explained by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is possible that a woman, performing many righteous deeds, will surpass many men in beneficence and fear of God, which will deserve a higher position in the future life. Perhaps a woman will pay more attention to certain issues than surpass many men in their decision and regulation. She can show such diligence in the study of sciences and research that it will make her an authoritative source in gaining knowledge of Islamic history and more. This will become absolutely clear to everyone who reads and reflects on the situation of women during the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and after.

From this it should be clear to all that this deficiency (in women) does not prevent one from relying on their hadith transmissions, in the same way, with a testimony if it is confirmed by the words of the second woman. Likewise with her fear of God: if she follows the right path, she can become one of the best slaves of Allah, and this is despite the fact that fasting and prayer is not imposed on her at certain periods of time, and the obligation to repay prayer is removed. This does not mean a lack of women in terms of her fear of God, religious responsibility, as well as the accuracy and correctness of her deeds.

As the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained, this lack of intelligence and religion refers to certain points, therefore, a believer should not reproach a woman for a lack of intelligence in all respects, and the weakness of religion in all respects. It is necessary to be fair in this, and to draw prudent and correct conclusions from the words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). And Allah knows better about this. "

Scientific research

As for scientific research, scientists have long been trying to answer the question of who is smarter, a woman or a man. Research aimed at finding an answer to this question has been going on for decades, and each time researchers come to new discoveries. The question is rather complicated, and it is important not only what and where to look, but also by what criteria. Because there are different types of intelligences, and if men "win" in one form, then they "lose" in another. For example, women are often reproached with emotionality as an obstacle to making the right decisions. And this ignores the indisputable fact that emotions, as signals of response to external stimuli, are important sources of information.

So far, one thing is clear: differences in intelligence are observed only at the edges. That is, women are more homogeneous intellectually, but the range of intelligence of men is "stretched" from mentally retarded to geniuses. The dumbest woman is much smarter than the dumbest man, but the smartest woman is much dumber than the smartest man. And this corresponds to the words of Imam Ibn Kathir: Ibn Kathir also said regarding the mind of a woman: “There are women who are smarter than some men, but this is not a general rule, and such women are not at all the majority. Sharia is based on the general and the most commonplace. The lack of women in the mind does not mean that they are crazy, but that they are often based on their emotions, and this happens more often with women than with men. Only an ignoramus will deny this.

Whatever discoveries scientists come to in the future, one thing is clear - we, men and women, are different. And we must respect each other's “difference”. Because both common sense and our religion encourages us to take into account the peculiarities of each other, so that we are comrades and helpers in good to each other, and not use religious texts for mutual insults and insults. The one who acts in a different way raises doubts both in his intellect and in his religiosity.

10 direct evidence

1. Women use decorative cosmetics and ... not only
In pursuit of disappearing and fading beauty, daily challenging the laurels of Cleopatra (note, known only from legends and historical anecdotes), the gentle sex make tremendous efforts to look their best. This is an obvious way to cheat in an attempt to teach yourself better than nature created, polished a healthy appetite and natural laziness.
But the sunny morning “after that” puts everything in its place and on the shelves - dentures, false eyelashes, hairpieces, silicone inserts and voluminous domes with underwire, black eyebrows and a perky blush on the cheeks. And what remains in bed? A vulnerable and notorious creature, strikingly different from its evening (demo) version.
Well, who is deceiving whom, tell me after that ?!

2. Women take care of themselves
Men look after women. Some traitors to the human race, however, for whom the natural smell of sweat and dirty shirt collars no longer seem to be attributes of masculinity, and the black border under broken nails and the sloppy interior of a smoked car are not associated with a strong beginning, massively betray truly masculine values. But this is a temporary trend, simply reflecting the natural extinction of unclaimed and unfashionable straight people in our neglected time. It will pass. With centuries.
In the meantime, women are selling themselves, and men are selling their growth prospects.

3. Women spend money on magazines
Women harbor an unhealthy interest in fashion magazines that describe the unrealizable lifestyles of the unattainable perfect feminine. They have no idea that they can wear ordinary jeans and sneakers, eat fatty carbohydrate foods and wash themselves with tap water. They forget that photographing the smallest shot of a glossy beauty in a women's magazine lasts for hours, and a whole team conjures over the model's appearance: a make-up artist, stylist, beautician, make-up artist, fireman (so that the spotlights don't catch fire), sound engineer, artist, a couple of photographers, etc. operators. And a lighting technician who carefully darkens the results of this entire group with fashionable effects that make it possible to present human skin as a stretched polymer without flaws. Yes! Do not forget about the geeks who then remove hairs, hints of acne, papillomas, hematomas, capillary stars and malocclusion.
But ladies believe in what they see! This is either a diagnosis of pathological naivety, or a masochistic passion for self-flagellation when trying to compare yourself, your beloved, with picturesque chiseled anorexic girls with flat tummies, probably the first thing after shooting with kilograms of cakes, pastries and sandwiches.

4. Women follow fashion
Imagine how many mandatory nuances are contained in a prescription for clothing, which is served several times a season by fashion designers lobbied by fabric manufacturers from Turkey and China, accessories from the Philippines and Vietnam, rhinestones from Swarovski casemates! This is called fashion. But in fact - a list of mandatory spending on clothes, shoes and accessories. Tell me why what was short and striped yesterday is worse than what was speckled and long today. Or the day before yesterday, with an oblique smell, but with a low waist? What, in fact, affects so seriously? For what?! But we, the peasants, have to pay the bills anyway.

5. Women are emotional
Men are rational. Men don't cry even when their Harley-Davidson gets run over by a truck, when bumpers break and their rear-view mirrors break when a drunk tries to drive a new car into someone else's garage, when their beloved leaves for another. Women are even experiencing global warming (I wonder what ink will not flow in such a climate?), Changing signals at traffic lights and acute respiratory infections in their mother-in-law. They get upset easily, have easy fun, and easily forget about their mood swings. Do they not understand that men take their tears for trying to involve them in solving their pseudo-problems? After all, for us these tears are a call for help and a signal for action! God, how much energy we are wasting!

6. Women love with their ears
They say men love with their eyes. Vraki! A real full-fledged man loves everyone - with his hands, feet, the occipital and parietal region of an early bald head, knee caps, skillful fingers and lips, ... and further in the text of the medical reference book. But at least with all my heart!
Now compare the channels for the flow of love into a woman - with the ears ... Two such small organs, the main function of which, according to the idea of ​​nature, has nothing to do with love at all. Well, not stupid? Or do I understand nothing at all about the anatomy of internal cavities?
7. Women are afraid of their age
Young women diligently age themselves. The vast majority of the rest - rejuvenate. Women are afraid of their year of birth, like a superstitious financier - Friday the 13th, a black cat and the coming of communists to power in the Duma. Whether it is a man's business - they do everything to make their biological age ahead of the passport one - they smoke, drink, indulge in excess and obesity, are nervous about women. And they are not afraid to name their age. Well, really - what's the big deal - five years there, five years here ... Not a time limit!

8. Women call sex love
Men call sex sex, and love ... but do men know how to love? And the love of a man is most often replaced by sex. Women are different. It is convenient for them to represent physiology as love, because in this way it opens the way to building an informal relationship with a man. Nothing wrong with that. The only problem is terminology inconsistencies. "Darling, do you love me?" - is it an offer of intimacy or a statement of the exclusivity of the service provided?
9. Women flirt for the sake of flirting
It's like in the joke about the boiled egg trade - from buying raw eggs to using broth from cooking and selling the finished product at the price of purchasing raw eggs. Profits - 0%, but everything is in business. A man flirts with one goal. Maximum - with two or three, rarely - for a long time and with a serious relationship. Women flirt for the sake of the process, involving men in unnecessary waste and hope. If this is not stupidity from the point of view of women, then it is a waste of effort on our part. Men are purposeful companions. As they embark on the warpath, they yearn for victories, not for recognition of the successful course of peace negotiations.

10. A woman is always right
This is no longer stupidity. This is a credo and a lifestyle. But the only person who, by definition, never makes mistakes, is the Almighty himself. It turns out that in their perseverance to be eternally right, women claim divine laurels. And this despite the fact that one of the fundamental commandments of the New Testament is "... there is no God but God ...". So what is a woman to a man? There is only one answer - the Divine. This, of course, is really very close to the truth. But, excuse me, not enough to be true? So? Then Amen!

Then only one final question: if women are smarter than men, then why are they not men!
And what has women's logic to do with it?

Male criteria for choosing women have long been explored by armchair psychologists. In the laboratory, where there is a wide choice among volunteers, a wide variety of experiments are carried out that it is a shame to talk about out loud. All the results lead to the fact that men like stupid women, they admire them and in every possible way try to get them. There are only three reasons for such an original choice.

Silly women and physical attractiveness

Mind and beauty hardly coexist in one person. Any woman tries to refute this stereotype using a variety of decisive actions. An intellectually savvy woman - she paints herself wisely and demonstrates inner spiritual beauty. A frivolous beauty - reads books, becomes attached to well-read friends and watches educational programs. Men, on the other hand, immediately notice the lack of makeup in smart women, not noticing their spiritual beauty. Everything is forgiven to frivolous beauties: idiotic laughter, empty eyes and boring stories about everyday life.

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A chance to "show off" the mind in a dialogue with a stupid woman

A man who is not endowed with the gift of oratory is usually stingy with words. With an intelligent woman rattling about new discoveries and the imperfection of the world, such a man goes deeper into himself. The "naive silly girl" will listen to any stories with an open mouth and admire masculine courage, bravado and confidence. And if you try to remember some clever aphorism, then the woman will start squealing with delight. What man would refuse an emotional woman who admires his mind ?!