"Port de bras": fitness direction. Port De Bras - new fitness class Port de Bras fitness direction

Every girl strives for attractiveness throughout almost her entire life. The most difficult thing is to achieve a beautiful body. After all, in order to work on it, great willpower is required; a beautiful lady must have a core inside her.

Attend all classes and workouts, stick to a specific diet without being distracted by various tempting treats in the grocery store and in the sweets department, control your diet... What can I say? Beauty requires sacrifice! And what sacrifices beauties are willing to make in order to attract men’s gaze to themselves.

Fitness classes are most common among women. This type of sport is aimed specifically at achieving an athletic body shape and improving it. Port De Bras is a type of fitness activity. And now we will talk in more detail about it.

What kind of activity is Port de Bras?

So. This is one of the areas of fitness. Port de Bras includes elements of choreography. This trend has appeared recently, however, despite this, it is gaining wide popularity among beautiful ladies.

The creator of this type of activity is Vladimir Snezhik, a choreographer from Russia. The name Porte de Bras is translated from French as “smooth movements of the arms and body.” In some ways it's like dancing.

According to the creator of this fitness trend, absolutely anyone can do Port de Bras. It is especially useful for overweight people. This is because this type of fitness has a good fat burning effect. And for those who do not have such problems, Port de Bras training will strengthen their muscles, dry out their body, making it more prominent and beautiful.

Lesson results

How can Port de Bras and fitness affect your body, system and health? The answer is short - extremely positive.

Firstly, thanks to these activities, your waist size will significantly decrease. Secondly, Port de Bras classes will help straighten your posture. Thirdly, the movements will become many times more beautiful. Moreover, both in dancing and during normal walking.

Fourthly, such classes will be quite useful for those people who have long wanted to do the splits. Now you can finally develop stretching. Of course, if you practice Port de Bras regularly, thanks. Fifthly, it develops your ability to control your own breathing.

Other people's opinions about the classes

We learned that this is Port de Bras. Feedback from those who have already been involved in this area of ​​fitness will help us find out whether this type of activity is as good as it is described to us.

Of course, every specialist will praise his sports program and promise many positive effects, but is this really so? The only way to find out is to ask people who already have some experience about it.

Yes, definitely, the Port de Bras program will help you lose excess weight. But, if you are going to get rid of it by engaging exclusively in this sport, then you will have to wait a long time for the result.

Be patient and act exclusively in this direction. Or come up with some more effective method for losing weight. If you are not allowed to engage in particularly strenuous sports, then stop at Port de Bras, and with its help, lose weight to a certain figure.

After that, you can do only it, or look for some other type of physical activity for your classes. But in any case, you also need to maintain proper nutrition and drink enough fluids. Especially during training.

Beautiful posture. Truth or lie?

As for beautiful posture, this is absolutely true. You will also be able to better control your breathing, balance, and coordination during exercise.

Port de Bras is not a dance, as stated earlier. But practicing it is a reason to think about whether you should really try yourself in choreography. Smooth transitions from one position to another contribute to the formation of beautiful movements that the body will remember for the future. And the new you, with elegance and grace in your movements, will be pleasantly surprised by how others will now look at you (in the good sense of the word, of course).

Have you ever wanted to do the splits? Port de Bras classes are a really good opportunity to train your muscles and develop flexibility. If monotonous activities that are aimed only at stretching muscles are difficult and unbearable for you, then you should definitely try this sport.

Port de Bras is also a good opportunity to achieve definition in your body, remove excess fat from your back and abs, because most of the exercises will be aimed at strengthening these areas.

Features of classes and training

The main movements in Port de Bras are arm swings, squats (as well as plies), bending, twisting, etc. In general, this is everything that has already happened before in fitness. And this can make a good dance!

But another key goal of exercise is relaxation. You can learn more about this in the next paragraph of the article.

The second main goal of classes is to gain emotional relaxation. In some ways, Port de Bras is often compared to yoga classes. And there, as far as everyone knows, control over breathing and body is also required. But without relaxation and relaxation, yoga is impossible. Well, the similarities are really obvious.

It is important that classes must be conducted with calm, slow music. This makes it easier to relax and concentrate on a kind of dance.

And with such a background music it is easier to restore and control your breathing during exercise. Any person begins to fully feel and control his body and its every movement only when he is completely relaxed. And you can understand why. When a person is relaxed, he begins to feel the subtlest muscles of his body. It becomes much easier for him to manage them.

Now you know more about the Port de Bras fitness technique, its features, and possible results when practicing it. It remains to decide whether you want to do it or not.

Port De Bras dance of life

We continue to get acquainted with the newest healing dance styles. Not Zumba at all, but very modern.

Having become interested in Tai Chi Chuan, this is a very harmonious system of self-healing, I thought that it would be nice to stretch the twine. The universe responded immediately, in a somewhat unexpected way, but it seemed like that was exactly what I wanted. This week I was lucky, a new center opened near my house, and I was invited to a training session.
Let me tell you, it was something! One-hour workout Port de Bras!

Port de bras are movements that can make your body more plastic, elastic, light, which will awaken you from sleep and make you fly through life!
Dance is a flight of soul and body, this is what your heart wants to say. And if dance is mixed with the most progressive fitness trends, seasoned with yoga and tai chi and served with the sauce of strength training, you get one of the most fashionable fitness trends PortDeBras®! The result is a delicious cocktail, foaming with energy and youth!

Choreographic term Port de bras is translated as “movement of arms and legs”, pronounced “port de bras”. Port des bras (from port - to wear and bra - hands) the correct passage of the hands through the main positions, rounded (arrondi) or elongated (allonge) involving turns or tilts of the head, as well as bending of the body.

Classic choreography, how to do it right

Vladimir Snezhik, a Russian choreographer and professional fitness trainer, combined ballet choreography with yoga, Thai and Pilates, turning it into an incendiary fitness experience.

The basic movements in Port de bras are bending, stretching to the sides, squats, rolling on the legs and smooth movements of the arms and legs. The dance is energetic and flexible. Remember about breathing - this is the main component of every dance.

Compared to the modern classes, I got wet very quickly, like everyone else present, although it was not hot.
It’s good if the fitness center has a shower, this is important.

Port De Bras is performed to a relaxing Chill Out. This music not only creates a magical atmosphere, but also special conditions for the flow of thoughts, allowing you to disconnect from your daily routine. Those. a kind of meditation occurs in dance. The result is the strengthening of muscles, the formation of beautiful posture, work on the development of coordination and flexibility, the ability to control one’s breathing, and the ability to feel the body in space and relax during movement is improved. In this case, the main goal, according to the author of the program, is achieved: the person enjoys the movement. At the same time, every centimeter of the body is worked out. In just a couple of months you will see that your body is capable of much!
Walk and dance beautifully, reduce the centimeters at your waist and keep your back straight, finally do the splits and at the same time be able to control your breathing - PortDeBras training will give you all this. It will also help you truly relax, relieve excess stress and lift your mood to unprecedented heights.

Today there are four levels of PortDeBras:
. PortDeBras Introduction, Basic;
. PortDeBras Intermediate;
. PortDeBras Progression:
. PortDeBras Parterre.

At the initial stage, you will be able to strengthen the main muscle groups, form beautiful posture and develop coordination, learn to control your breathing; then, as your level increases, you will master more complex elements, improve your ability to feel your body in space and relax while moving.
Over time, logical movements form an expressive dance, the body opens up and begins to move differently, the stomach becomes flatter, the posture becomes proud, and the gait becomes light. Every centimeter of breathing is now subject to rhythm, sound, note, every part of the body obeys the music that sounds inside you and around you. You enjoy every movement and at the same time work out every centimeter of your body - now you finally know what it is capable of!

First, I give a video from the master, we learn the complex slowly, like a dance, first we learn the link, then we need to fix it to the music, repeating it 4 times. Pay attention to your breathing, he specifically focuses on it.

Then I give several different instructors, take a look and if you like someone, we slowly learn any combination
They are about 3 minutes long; it will take you a little longer to learn. We teach, then we reinforce it to music 4 times. The workout itself takes about 55 minutes. First, dance to light music and lightly stretch your muscles. Then you can make several connections. Take your time!
Port de Bras - Kamka - Balance Zvolen


Please note that there are 4 speed levels here, at the beginning I presented what you can learn yourself, although in order to get a backrest it is advisable to go to a group, at least for a trial lesson. Lower the speed, higher, please note, the guys already have a base and the instructor gives a ready-made, very smooth complex.

I wish you to learn to listen to your body, master choreography, become flexible, graceful and calm like this girl. Previously, all princesses had to learn choreography. Today we have such an opportunity too.

Currently, numerous fitness clubs offer various directions development and improvement of physical condition person. In addition, all new types of activities . One of these new and interesting species is Port De Bras.

The literal translation of "Port De Bras" means "movement of the body and arms." Initially, these were exercises to improve dance technique in classical choreography.

The author of this direction is Vladimir Snezhik, a choreographer and professional trainer from Russia. combines various elements of aerobics, yoga and classical dance . Strength exercises are also used.

Who is it suitable for?

The creator of the method claims that there are no contraindications for classes.

  1. Unlike pure aerobics, where there is a lot of stress on the joints, there are no jumps in Port de Bras, which makes it suitable for people with joint and spine problems .
  2. You can engage in this area of ​​fitness and pregnant women .
  3. Porte de bras is a very plastic direction in form. The exercises begin with basic movements that can be repeated by people unprepared for physical activity. For beginners who have never played sports before , you can safely sign up for Port de Bras without fear that something won’t work out.
  4. Port de bras is also suitable for people involved in sports , basic exercises for which are supplemented with other, more difficult tasks. For example, for trained people, you can add strength training, which will help strengthen and “dry” the muscles and improve their definition.
  5. Nice Port de Bras for those who want to lose weight . Legs, abdominal area and back (where fat deposits tend to accumulate) are all areas of influence of Port de Bras. In one session, an average of up to 450 kilocalories are burned. If you combine training with a gentle diet, the effect will not take long to appear. In addition, women, even plump ones, when practicing Port de bras, will quickly begin to enjoy the awareness of their own plasticity and grace.
  6. This direction is suitable for those interested improve your posture and plasticity : after the first lessons, the gait changes, the posture acquires a proud bearing, the movements become smooth.

In addition, Port de Bras exercises have a beneficial effect on the psychological state: they relieve stress, have a relaxing effect, and give a feeling of satisfaction.

Classes are held against the backdrop of calm, relaxing chill-out music. capable of distracting a person from problems at least for a while. Vladimir Snezhik also believes that such music allows you to concentrate on the exercise, to feel yourself, your body.

How are classes conducted?

Exercises Port de Bras, despite the fact that they are collected from various areas of fitness, are based on dance, and classical dance, with elements of ballet. But, at the same time, it’s easy to get involved in the training, because each one begins with practicing elementary steps, which are then complicated by adding various elements.

Each lesson is divided into two parts:

  • First part passes while standing, on the floor. It all starts with steps, which are complemented by squats, plies, beautiful arm movements, and stretching of the spine. All these elements are united by dance sequences, which allows you to feel the poetics of dance and see the beauty of your own body.
    Usually the instructor shows two options for exercises: for beginners and more experienced ones. In this part of the lesson, the emphasis is on working the muscles of the legs, abs, back, buttocks, and arms. At the same time, the skeletal muscles are stretched and the ligaments are relaxed.
  • Second part of the lesson passes on the floor, mainly in a horizontal position. This part takes less time and is used as the final component of the dance sequence. Attention is focused on lateral stretches and twists of the spine.

What do classes give?

As already mentioned, with the help of Port de bras calories are burned , body volumes decrease , thanks to twisting waist decreases , posture straightens , movements become smooth, both in dance and during simple walking, stretching is trained and appears breath control skill .

Port De Bras dance of life

We continue to get acquainted with the newest healing dance styles. Not Zumba at all, but very modern.

Having become interested in Tai Chi Chuan, this is a very harmonious system of self-healing, I thought that it would be nice to stretch the twine. The universe responded immediately, in a somewhat unexpected way, but it seemed like that was exactly what I wanted. This week I was lucky, a new center opened near my house, and I was invited to a training session.

Let me tell you, it was something! One-hour workout Port de Bras!

Port de bras are movements that can make your body more plastic, elastic, light, which will awaken you from sleep and make you fly through life!

Dance is a flight of soul and body, this is what your heart wants to say. And if dance is mixed with the most progressive fitness trends, seasoned with yoga and tai chi and served with the sauce of strength training, you get one of the most fashionable fitness trends PortDeBras®! The result is a delicious cocktail, foaming with energy and youth!

Choreographic term Port de bras is translated as “movement of arms and legs”, pronounced “port de bras”. Port des bras (from port - to wear and bra - hands) the correct passage of the hands through the main positions, rounded (arrondi) or elongated (allonge) involving turns or tilts of the head, as well as bending of the body.

Classic choreography, how to do it right

Vladimir Snezhik, a Russian choreographer and professional fitness trainer, combined ballet choreography with yoga, Thai and Pilates, turning it into an incendiary fitness experience.

The basic movements in Port de bras are bending, stretching to the sides, squats, rolling on the legs and smooth movements of the arms and legs. The dance is energetic and flexible. Remember about breathing - this is the main component of every dance.

Compared to the modern classes, I got wet very quickly, like everyone else present, although it was not hot.

It’s good if the fitness center has a shower, this is important.

Port De Bras is performed to a relaxing Chill Out. This music not only creates a magical atmosphere, but also special conditions for the flow of thoughts, allowing you to disconnect from your daily routine. Those. a kind of meditation occurs in dance. The result is the strengthening of muscles, the formation of beautiful posture, work on the development of coordination and flexibility, the ability to control one’s breathing, and the ability to feel the body in space and relax during movement is improved. In this case, the main goal, according to the author of the program, is achieved: the person enjoys the movement. At the same time, every centimeter of the body is worked out. In just a couple of months you will see that your body is capable of much!

Walk and dance beautifully, reduce the centimeters at your waist and keep your back straight, finally do the splits and at the same time be able to control your breathing - PortDeBras training will give you all this. It will also help you truly relax, relieve excess stress and lift your mood to unprecedented heights.

Today there are four levels of PortDeBras:

PortDeBras Introduction, Basic;

PortDeBras Intermediate;

PortDeBras Progression:

PortDeBras Parterre.

At the initial stage, you will be able to strengthen the main muscle groups, form beautiful posture and develop coordination, learn to control your breathing; then, as your level increases, you will master more complex elements, improve your ability to feel your body in space and relax while moving.

Over time, logical movements form an expressive dance, the body opens up and begins to move differently, the stomach becomes flatter, the posture becomes proud, and the gait becomes light. Every centimeter of breathing is now subject to rhythm, sound, note, every part of the body obeys the music that sounds inside you and around you. You enjoy every movement and at the same time work out every centimeter of your body - now you finally know what it is capable of!

First, I give a video from the master, we learn the complex slowly, like a dance, first we learn the link, then we need to fix it to the music, repeating it 4 times. Pay attention to your breathing, he specifically focuses on it.

Then I give several different instructors, take a look and if you like someone, we slowly learn any combination

They are about 3 minutes long; it will take you a little longer to learn. We teach, then we reinforce it to music 4 times. The workout itself takes about 55 minutes. First, dance to light music and lightly stretch your muscles. Then you can make several connections. Take your time!

Port de Bras - Kamka - Balance Zvolen


Please note that there are 4 speed levels here, at the beginning I presented what you can learn yourself, although in order to get a backrest it is advisable to go to a group, at least for a trial lesson. Lower the speed, higher, please note, the guys already have a base and the instructor gives a ready-made, very smooth complex.

I wish you to learn to listen to your body, master choreography, become flexible, graceful and calm like this girl. Previously, all princesses had to learn choreography. Today we have such an opportunity too.

Port De Bras classes are a type of fitness; their distinctive feature is the inclusion of dance elements in the exercise sets. The main target audience is women who want to get their body in order. Thanks to the training format, visitors not only achieve goals typical for fitness classes (getting rid of fat deposits, body fit, muscle tone), but also acquire pleasant ease of movement, grace and plasticity of the body. All Port De Bras classes in Moscow are held to different musical rhythms, most often it is energetic music that motivates new sporting achievements. Sections of Port De Bras classes in Moscow are held both in fitness centers and in dance schools. The sports format is universal; dance fitness is often used in choreographic schools as an effective warm-up before the main workout. After classes, visitors always feel better and have a pleasant tone for the rest of the day.