Shaping nails. How to make a beautiful nail shape for manicure at home? How to shape nails on hands and feet

Manicure and nail modeling are concepts arising from each other. You can learn how to make beautiful nails yourself without the help of specialists. The only catch is to understand which shape is right for you: square, almond-shaped, oval, stiletto, and adjust what nature has given you. After all, by filing nails, they can be made beautiful or completely unsuitable, which is why any manicure will look clumsy. To give them the perfect shape, you need to understand some things. That's what we'll talk about below!

Preparing for simulation

Strange as it may seem, but you need to start processing your nails with ... selecting the right tools. The old cheap nail scissors that you are so used to are better replaced with tweezers. But if you can’t do without the first ones, then get high-quality, with tightly closing blades, made of anti-corrosion material.

In general, sharpening nails can be done with just one file. But files with suitable abrasiveness and from high-quality material. It is better to refuse metal files: their use violates the structure of the nail plate, which leads to serifs, cracks and breaks. What can not be said about glass, ceramic and emery options. However, glass cannot be used to treat hard and thick nails, as well as artificial ones. And ceramic ones are more suitable for gentle and delicate manicure.

There are so many types of emery products that with a large selection in the store you can get confused. What options does the modern beauty industry not offer: with paper-based emery crumbs, with garnet abrasive, with silicon carbide, with aluminum oxide, with diamond chips. Almost all of them (except for paper-based products) are expensive, but they will also last a long time. However, two nail files in a "bundle" - glass and ceramic - can solve all problems with nails: shape them, process edges safely, and are affordable.

When filing your nails, you should follow a few rules:

  1. Carry out sawdust in one direction: gently, carefully, without chaotic and sudden movements.
  2. Visually “divide” the nail in half and make sawdust from the edge to the center, while holding the nail file at an angle.
  3. File your nails once a week: with frequent filing, they will not be able to recover quickly enough.
  4. When leveling the surface of the nail, polishing should not be done more than once a month.
  5. Strengthen and nourish nails. One of the most effective remedies is a salt bath for hands. As salt, it is better to use sea salt, not food salt. 1-2 drops of burdock oil in the bath will provide nourishment and nail growth. So, pour a glass of warm water into a bowl, add a spoonful of sea salt and essential oil, and put your hands in it for 20 minutes. After the procedure, soften the hands with cream.

Nail shapes

We figured out the tools for manicure. We turn to the main thing - which form to choose for nails, because it depends on it whether they will be beautiful or not. By nature they are:

  • Trapezoidal
  • square
  • Rectangular
  • round

It is important to consider the length of the fingers and the shape of the hands. So, the owners of wide palms and not too long fingers should not be filed under the “square” and already square nails. Too narrow a hand with long fingers will look like a "vampire's hand" if the nails are made in the form of a "stiletto". In both cases, an oval-square shape is suitable. It happens that one person has different nails: both square and round. Then a square shape would be ideal.

In general, if you follow the basic rules of modeling, then you need to proceed from natural data: the shape of the cuticle, the nail bed, the length of the fingers.

There are 4 main forms of nails:

  • Square
  • Round
  • oval
  • pointed

Imagine visually which one suits you best. You can cut out nail templates and attach them to your hand, based on the data in the tables.

Tab. No. 1

Tab. No. 2

Choice of nail shape

If the shape and thickness of the fingers

If the fingers are long

If the size of the hand and palm


large, full

Short; medium

Small hands, big hands, wide palms


Narrow brushes


Any, including short

Any, including full hands

Pointed (or "almond")

Palm of medium thickness or narrow

Tab. No. 3

How to make nails "square"

When the choice is made, you can start modeling. The "square" is the basis of all shapes, even the circle. Using nail scissors, trim the free edges of the nails to the desired length. Circumcision is carried out in one motion in a straight line. If the nails are of medium length, then scissors will not be needed: the necessary manipulations can be carried out with a nail file.

Visualize where the center of the nail is and carry out sawdust in one direction from the edge (nail roller) to an imaginary point in the center. First on one side of the nail plate, then on the other. Polish the nails with a polishing buff, rinse your hands in warm water and moisten with cream.

"Soft Square"

Plus a “soft square” in the less pointed corners of the nail plate, so you won’t “cling” to clothes or thin tights. To achieve this shape, you must first make the nails square; it remains only to gently round them. Just a couple of extra movements can lead to an “oval”. Therefore, the file should be operated only in one direction and with light movements. The corners should be gently rounded, after which they should be polished, rinsed with pleasant water and moistened with a cosmetic product.


The oval nail shape is classic and suits most women. First, with scissors, you need to cut off the unnecessary length with a clear movement. All nails must be the same length. File them with a nail file from the sides, starting from the base and moving to the tip of the nail with clear movements, and only in one direction. They will turn out elongated and with a pointed end. At the end of the procedure, the tips should be rounded, all nails polished, hands rinsed and moistened with nourishing crepe.

"A circle"

The circle differs from the oval only in the length of the nail. But we must keep in mind that the round shape is suitable only for owners of short nails, so it is extremely important when cutting with scissors to achieve the same length of nails on all fingers. File from the base to the center of the nail. Then, with a file, give the nail a rounded shape, similar to the shape of the hole. Polish the plate, rinse your hands in warm water and moisten.


giving the nail a pointed shape, you must first make it square. Then, using scissors and a nail file, make the sharp edges trapezoidal with 4 corners. It remains to smooth them with a file so that the nail is elongated and sharp, but not too much. At the end of the procedure, polishing, softening hands in warm water, moisturizing.

Having formed a correctly selected shape of nails, you will have another pleasant procedure - nail art. With a beautiful manicure, your look will be completely completed!

One of the most important components of a beautiful manicure is the correct shape of the nails. It is also worth noting that working on it is one of the most costly in terms of time. In addition, she is also the most responsible - the slightest flaw in the configuration of the nails and the impression of the manicure is spoiled. Many girls who practice nail polish at home even prefer to turn to professionals to give them the correct shape of their nails, and then maintain it on their own.

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Especially to help beginners, "Ideal Manicure" will tell you in detail how to shape nails at home, reveal the basic techniques and secrets of the procedure. With a little practice, you'll have nails that look like you've been to a salon.

How to do the shape of the nails? Fundamental rules

On portals and blogs dedicated to manicure, you can find many tips and recommendations on how to shape your nails. Perhaps the most common of them is taking into account, when choosing the configuration of the plates, the natural shape of the hands and nails. Allegedly, for short fingers with wide plates, only a round or rectangular shape is suitable, and, for example, “square”, etc. is strictly contraindicated for trapezoidal nails. In fact, all this is nothing more than a myth. Any nails and any hands will suit a different shape. After all, this very form is set to make the nails beautiful, and the right design will help hide all the flaws in their structure. The main thing is to create an optimal harmony of form with the width and length of natural plates.

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But there are unshakable rules that are necessary to create a spectacular manicure. So, how to properly shape your nails:

  • All nails should have the same shape. The exception is a manicure, where the emphasis is on 2 - 3 nails that differ in shape.
  • Another important rule for nails is strictly the same length! Multi-format nail plates look funny.
  • The length of the nails should be determined by the size of the nail bed, starting from the lowest point of the cuticle and ending with the tip of the nail, and not by the size of the free edge, as some people mistakenly do.
  • First you need to choose a reference length for all nails. As a rule, all fingernails have different lengths of nail beds. The reference should be conditionally considered the nail plate, which has the longest bed length. If you focus on a shorter nail, then there is a risk that all the other plates will have to be cut under the base, and they may still be longer than the rest.
  • Remember - 6 fingers (2 ring, 2 index and 2 middle) should have the same length from the plate from the cuticle to the end of the free edge. The little fingers may differ from the standard by 3-4 mm. to the smaller side. Large - 1 mm. more.
  • When determining the parallel for the tip of the nail, you should focus on the center of the plate, and not on the cuticle. The cuticle of the nails, as a rule, has a beveled direction, and if you focus on it, then the tips will turn out to be beveled.

How to make a nail shape. Deciding on an option

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There is a wide variety of forms for nails, both natural and artificial - pipe, age, "almond", etc. But they all basically, often, have the same source. So manicure masters distinguish three main forms:

  • "Square";
  • "Triangle";
  • "Oval".

All other forms known to us are formed as a result of variations or combinations of basic forms. So all forms that have a rounded tip contain in their basis or in combination "oval" ("almond", "age", round shape, etc.). Forms with gradually tapering side faces borrowed the outlines of the "triangle" ("ballerina", "stilettos" and the same "almond"). A straight tip parallel to the base refers to the shape of a "square" ("soft square", "rectangle" and again "ballerina").

When creating a shape, you should take into account the directions of the lines of the side faces and the end. Knowing their basics will help determine the correct direction of sawing.

In this review, we will not separately consider how to make a beautiful nail shape for each variation, but only introduce the general rules and techniques for creating it using individual examples. You can find information on creating the shape you are specifically interested in in separate reviews of the "Perfect Manicure".

How to make a nail shape at home

Beautiful nail shape can be created at home. You just need to stock up on the necessary set of tools and time. Ask, where is the relationship between how to make the correct shape of nails and tools? The most direct. It is from the presence of the latter that depends on how well the form will be made.

So, to create the perfect manicure you will need:

  • Three nail files of different grain sizes: coarse (about 100 - 150 grit), grinding (about 200 - 250 grit) and soft polishing buff (from 280 grit and above).
  • Brush for dust removal of note dust generated in the process of work.
  • Dark varnish without gloss and glitter (you will learn why it is needed to create a nail shape below).

On a note

Grit is the degree of graininess of the file, the higher its numerical index, the softer it is. So the nail files with the lowest value are very rough and are suitable for cutting large sections of the plate, it is also convenient to process artificial nails with them. Files with a medium degree of abrasiveness (grinding) are necessary for shaping the ends and edges. The most delicate surface and the highest grit value of polishing buffs. They are necessary for polishing natural surfaces and smoothing out irregularities.

And now let's look at how to give a beautiful shape to the nails using the example of a "soft square". There are several options, for example, we took two options - standard (on nails without coating) and lightweight (creating a shape on coated nails).

Option 1: shaping bare nails

Initially, you need to set the desired length for all nails with a nail file with coarse abrasiveness. You should act carefully so as not to cut down anything superfluous. You can also use nail scissors or nail clippers. With them, the work will be done faster, but there is a risk of damaging the plate. The nail file acts more delicately, prevents delamination and breaking off of nails.

You should start removing the length from one of the 6 nails (middle, ring or index) which has the longest bed. Then, adjusting to it, you should alternately process the rest of the nails.

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File your nails from side to side with gentle pressure movements. In this case, the nails should be strictly perpendicular to the nail file. Do not be afraid to make multidirectional movements; at the stage of removing the length, this method of filing does not harm the plate. Remember - that the main guideline should be the middle of the nail, not the cuticle!

Photo from the site:

After the length is removed from 6 nails (middle, index and nameless), they should be attached with their tips to a nail file or other flat surface in order to make sure that they are the same length. If there is any difference in size, it should be equalized.

Photo from the site:

After the length is removed from all the nails of both hands, they should be put against each other to check their size again.

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In the process of work, do not forget to remove nail dust with a brush. If you just blow off the dust, you will not clean it cleanly enough, and the slightest distortion will affect the result of the work. If the dust is not removed at all, then the direction of work will not be visible.

When the length on both hands is removed, you should once again examine the hands, alternately stretching your arms in front of you. This is the best way to see if any area is higher or more sloping compared to the rest.

Photo from the site:

After removing the length, work begins on shaping. Depending on the option chosen, the side faces of the nail are washed down. For triangular nails, a slight bevel should be made towards the center, for a square, the edges should be left straight. We will consider just the option with straight edges necessary to form a “soft square”.

V this case it is necessary to work with a nail file of medium grit, and if the nails are very thin and weak, then a nail file with a very soft coating. Movements are already performed strictly in one direction - from the bottom up. This is where the unidirectional movement of the nail file is important to avoid flaking. Lateral detachments of the plate are especially offensive, because they can completely deprive the length of the nails.

Photo from the site:

When working with side faces, they should be cut parallel to each other. By the way, a little trick - if the plates are wide, you can slightly narrow the side edges and thus the nails will stretch a little and visually narrow.

After the desired blank is obtained, it remains to give the desired shape to the tip with a soft buff. Here, proceed very carefully, observing symmetry.

Photo from the site:

After the form is ready, you should polish the plate and the ends of the nail with a buff to a light gloss. The plate should be polished moving from the cuticle to the tip. The tips are also smoothed from front to back. Thanks to this procedure, the nail is sealed and the nails will not break and exfoliate.

Photo from the site:

Option 2: Shaping Coated Nails

Beginners should start working on shaping their nails using a coating. For this, full matte shades of varnish without glitter and sparkles are best suited. Such a technique will not distract to the free zone of the nail and the plate will be perceived holistically from the cuticle to the tip.

Photo from the site:

To work on the form, choose quick-drying versions of the regular color. One layer will be enough, but it is important to apply the coating as close to the cuticle as possible in order to perceive the nail as a whole.

On a note

To better see all the inaccuracies in the work, it is best to do the work on a black background. And if coated, then on light.

The process of removing the length is no different from the previous method, only a nail file with more abrasiveness (about 150 grit) should be used for work. Suitable options for working with artificial plates. Do not be afraid of chips and splitting - the varnish will protect the plates from the rough impact of the nail file.

Photo from the site:

At the end of the work, when the desired length is given, the coating should be removed; it is more convenient to work with the side edges and the tip of the nail already without coating.

Photo from the site:

Working on the side faces of the nails and the tips is no fundamentally different from the first method.

Photo from the site:

As you can see, the work of shaping is not difficult. But it should be treated very carefully. Initially, the work will take more effort and time, but as you gain experience, the process will go much easier and more confident. The main thing is to choose good tools and protect your nails from possible chips. Try and you will succeed!

The shape of the nails depends on preference and personal style, but there are some things you should know before getting square or rounded nails.

Depending on the size and shape of your natural nails, choose a file shape that will give you some visual edge. Like fingerprints, the size and shape of nails are unique to each individual.

If you look at a friend's manicure, you will notice that no nails are identical to yours. The nail bed can be long or short, wide or narrow. It is unique in its anatomical features for each person.

What shape of nails to make?

Light oval with straight sides

Slightly round the tip of the nail. This shape provides maximum strength. If both sides of the nail are damaged, it can easily be filed into an oval shape to maintain the length.

Oval nail shape

Make the tip of the nail egg-shaped, cut off a little of the nail on the sides. This will certainly loosen the nails to some extent, but is ideal for nail shapes that are thick or wide as it will give them a more sophisticated look.

Nail shape square oval

To achieve this shape, it is preferable to file the nails, as in an oval shape, but make the tip more square. This will give your nails more strength. The natural beauty of the nail plate will be emphasized by French manicure from Oriflame.

Almond shaped nails

This nail shape is considered classic. In order to emphasize the beauty of nails with an almond-shaped tip, it is necessary to lengthen and sharpen their shape. The nail is filed on the sides and has a soft tip. This, however, may limit the achievement of maximum nail length.

round nail shape

Ideal for short nails, the nails should grow about 1.5 mm and then the tip is rounded. This is a very durable shape that is great for those who don't like to wear long nails.

Square shaped nails

Let the nails grow straight and then file the tip at a right angle to the nail plate. This, again, is a pretty strong nail shape, but not particularly graceful. Short, square-shaped nails can make your hands look blunt and heavy. This shape is good for drawing attention to long nails.

Square shape with rounded corners

It is done like square nails, but then the corners are rounded. Such nails look softer than a too square shape, and there is less chance of catching clothes, etc. It also looks very nice on long nails.

Pointy nail shape

The nails are filed along the sides to make a point at the end. This shape is very weak because the sides of the nails (which provide strength) are completely cut off.

The oval shape of the nails combines the best sides of the square, almond-shaped and rounded appearance of the nail plate. Recently, many girls have chosen it. Elongated oval-shaped nails make the manicure beautiful and practical, you can easily do it yourself at home. What we will tell you step by step in this article.

Features of the oval shape of the nail

An example of a classic oval shaped nail

The technique for making this form on the nail is to sharpen its free edge in the form of an arc. There are two types of oval shapes:

  1. Classic. Versatile oval edge that follows the natural line of the nail bed. This version of the oval shape is suitable for almost everyone, it will be appropriate for any situation.
  2. oval square. It comes with straight sides, which is an alternative to the square shape of the nail plate. This option gives the nail additional strength, due to the fact that its edge does not undergo additional mechanical stress, which means it will not break, as is the case with the classic form.

A properly executed oval shape mirrors the contour of the cuticle, it creates the perfect balance of the nail plate, and suits most girls.

Advantages of the oval shape of the nail plate

The oval execution of the free edge of the nail most reliably repeats its natural shape. But not only this is a decisive factor when choosing it, the following characteristics are also positive:

  • Versatility. With such a manicure, a woman can go to work, to parties, events, and also engage in her favorite hobby. The oval shape looks equally good on the hands of young girls and ladies of age.
  • Practicality. The sharpened free edge of the nail does not have sharp edges, because of this it does not cling to various objects and things.
  • Uniqueness. Nails with such an edge are easy to file into any shape and create varying degrees of sharpness.

In addition, any design can be applied to oval nails.

Who are oval nails suitable for?

The arched design of the nail plate will emphasize the tenderness of female nails, especially if the nail bed is short and located on plump fingers.

Girls with wide nails will also be able to appreciate them, as oval nails will help visually lengthen short fingers.

For owners of long thin fingers and a slightly elongated nail plate, it will be enough just to slightly round the nails, and they will become oval in shape.

Tools for making an oval shape

Proper manicure cannot be achieved without certain tools; to perform it, you must have:

  • Scissors. With the help of them, you can trim the free edge of the nails and give it the desired shape. They also remove burrs, and with a certain skill, the cuticle is cut off. For manicure, you should buy stainless steel scissors.
  • Tweezers. Their main purpose is to remove the cuticle, unlike scissors, they are easier to do and cleaner, with the help of them you can remove even minor defects.
  • Files. They need at least two: one for shape correction, and the second for grinding. When choosing a nail file to give an oval, you need to focus on the state of the nail plate, if it is thin, then you can not use metal products, you need to focus on their glass counterparts. The sanding file is made on a paper basis, and on top of it is a soft material that helps to sand the nail and make its surface even and shiny. With it, you can also remove the remnants of the previous decorative agent.
  • Spatula or orange stick for the cuticle. These two tools have a different configuration, one of them is made of wood and the other of metal or plastic, but they are intended for the same thing - preparing the cuticle for removal.

Without the listed tool, performing any manicure will be impossible.

Giving the nails an oval contour

Step by step, consider the process of obtaining the selected form:

  1. Getting rid of the old coating. The surface of the nails before the procedure must be prepared. Using a disc dipped in nail polish remover (it is better to choose a variety without acetone), remove the remaining decorative agent.
  2. Implementation of water procedures. You need to make a hand bath, in cosmetic stores you can buy special salt formulations for hand skin care and use them. If this is not possible, then you just need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
  3. Cuticle cutting. Using an orange stick or spatula, separate it from the nail plate, and then remove it with scissors or tweezers. This technique will make the nails longer and create a well-groomed look.
  4. Giving the nails the desired length. Trim the nails with nail scissors, and then check the length of each of them, they should be approximately the same, minor deviations can be corrected in the next step.
  5. Create an oval shape. The nail file for the correction of the plates must be pressed with the flat side to the nail and moved from the base of the tip to its tip. Movements should be smooth and rounded. After this treatment, the nails will acquire the desired shape.
  6. Nail polishing. Its surface can be rough and have irregularities, they can be smoothed out with a special file.
  7. Hydration. After performing a manicure, you need to rinse your hands in water and then rub oil or cream into the plates and cuticles.
This is a standard algorithm for giving nails an oval shape, it will be slightly adjusted depending on the length of the nails and the type of their plate (meaning natural or extended).

Owners of short nails should take into account that the oval should be performed completely from edge to edge of the nail, and not partially. The oval shape on them will look especially impressive if the woman's cuticle line is also oval.

Too long nails with this shape will look ridiculous, you should not let them go too much for an oval design, as they can quickly break off. Their ideal length is 5 mm. Performing an oval shape on the nails, it is worth leaving their sides straight.

Oval-shaped extended nails are made in beauty salons using gel or acrylic. These two methods of creating a long nail plate differ in the hardening of the coating. To obtain an oval shape, special thrips of the desired length are used.

Suitable design for oval nails

Lunar manicure combined with French manicure

Different types are suitable for an oval manicure french manicure: classic and inverted version, as well as its combination with a moon manicure.

Floral drawing, as well as the image of animals looks cute, but delicate lace appliqués will be appropriate in any setting.

The most original are prints matching in color and texture with the girl's favorite clothes.

And for special occasions, it is worth considering the option with nail coloring. stones, glitter and rhinestones.

The oval shape is the ideal solution for short nails, although it makes any length beautiful and well-groomed. Any girl can do it on her own without leaving home, she just needs to arm herself with the necessary tools and accurately complete all the steps for making an oval on the free edge of the nail.

Hand care always begins with a hand bath and nail shaping. And it is the shape of the nail plates that largely affects how the manicure will look in the end. Focus not only on fashion trends, but also on the features of the nails, the length of the fingers, the image as a whole. To carry out the procedure at home, you will need a standard manicure set. Together with MedAboutMe specialists, we will figure out what form of nails to choose and how to cut it out.

Ideally, the chosen nail shape should transform your hands, hiding some imperfections (for example, full and short fingers). First of all, focus on the style that you adhere to in life. It is hardly worth choosing an extravagant manicure if you have a strict dress code in your office, or you understand that such nails will make it impossible to perform one or another job.

What forms of nails exist and who can they suit?

  • Square

One of the most common and convenient. It is believed that it is the square that will make the perfect jacket! Yes, and any nail art will look great - a large "space" for creativity.

Square nail plates can be with pointed or rounded corners. “Cutting out” a square at home is the easiest way.

The shape looks good on thin, long fingers.

  • oval

The most versatile and comfortable form. Nails will not cling to anything - this will significantly extend the life of the manicure. Any design looks great on oval nail plates.

The shape is well suited to owners of short, full fingers.

  • almond-shaped

This shape looks like an almond shape - hence the name. The tips of the nails will not be very pointed.

Consider the fact that after the almond shape it will be difficult to switch to another, since in the process you will have to cut off a significant part of the sides of the nails. Therefore, if you are not sure that such a manicure will suit you, it is better not to risk it.

The shape looks good on graceful fingers with a narrow nail bed. She is also able to visually make her hands more miniature - suitable for owners of large palms.

  • pointed

Extravagant pointed nail shapes come in different types - with slots, with a convex part in the middle. But they are all similar in one thing - the manicure will turn out bright and original! Pointed nails require considerable length. It looks beautiful, but such a manicure, if we talk about natural nail plates, does not “live” for a long time. That is why this option is only suitable if you have done extensions. With a sharp manicure, you are unlikely to be able to do anything with your hands - even holding a pencil will be uncomfortable.

Sharp nails are absolutely not suitable for owners of thin, long fingers! And if you have weak nail plates, you should refuse such a manicure - they will quickly break down and may begin to exfoliate.

Already decided on the shape that you will give to the nails? Then you can start manicure.

You will need a standard set - scissors (preferably with a straight blade), files, buff. Start the procedure after you make a hand bath. Each of the forms has its own characteristics, so you need to follow certain rules in the process of work:

  • Square

No wonder it is believed that a square manicure is the easiest to do. Cut off the excess length of the nail plates in a straight line with scissors. Make sure that the nails on each of the fingers are the same length. Now file the tips of the nail plates, and then process their sides with the tool. If you make a strict square, you do not need to round the corners.

  • oval

First, trim the top edge of the nail into a crescent shape. Now you can pick up a file and level the nail plates to get a perfect oval. When filing, move from the edge of the nail to its center - this is much more convenient to work with.

  • almond-shaped

Making almond-shaped nails at home is quite difficult. Periodically evaluate the intermediate result - it is important that the angles of inclination in the sharpening of the nails are the same, otherwise it will turn out ugly. Please note: the length of the nail plates must be at least twice the length of the nail bed.

The easiest way to file the nail plates: cut the length with scissors in a straight line, cut off the sides to form a trapezoid with a short upper side, file all sides.

  • pointed

Sharpen your nails when they have grown enough, otherwise you will end up with an ugly triangle.

It is easy to make such a manicure. With scissors, form a narrow long triangle with perfectly even sides, adjust the result with a file.

Giving nails certain form requires some rules to be followed. And this is important not only for creating a beautiful manicure, but also for maintaining a healthy appearance of the nail plates themselves. Improper filing of them can be harmful - then you have to spend time restoring the nail plates.

  • Leave aside cheap low-quality files - they ruin your nails. Choose safe tools - it is more convenient to work with them. Suitable ceramic or glass files. Metal severely damage nails.
  • Before proceeding with the procedure for the formation of nails, dry your hands after the bath. Nails must be completely dry.
  • Treat nail plates in one direction! This will prevent further separation.
  • When working, do not press hard on the tool. Movements are smooth, not abrupt.
  • There should not be many sawing movements. It is better to cut off the excess length with scissors than to cut off the tips of the nails for hours. 15 movements is already too much!
  • Do not file the nail plates if there are remnants of the old varnish on them - first remove it with acetone.
  • Do not file your nails too often - one adjustment of their shape per week will be enough.