Scenario of the event "Wide Maslenitsa" for primary school. Maslenitsa sports festival Merry starts on Maslenitsa scenario

Details Category: Shrovetide

Tasks :

1. To generalize and systematize children's ideas about folk traditions, symbols holiday, festivities, games and amusements.

2. To enrich the children's vocabulary and introduce them to the values ​​of Russian culture.

3. To activate the motor activity of children, to develop speed, dexterity, coordination of movements, orientation in space.

4. To develop children's imagination, attention, memory, the ability to guess riddles.

5. To cultivate determination, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, friendliness and mutual assistance between children.

6. Bring children joy, create a good mood for the participants holiday.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about Russian folk holiday« Maslenitsa» ;

View illustrations related to this holiday;

Acquaintance with the works of Russian folk art - chants, counting rhymes, collusion.

Conducting folk games, round dances, relay races.

Pancake baking.

Hall decoration:

Poster "Spring is red";


Long satin ribbons;

Artificial flowers;

Layout "Sunshine".




Ivan and Marya;

2 buffoons;

2 Baba - Yagi.

Equipment: stuffed animal « Maslenitsa» , Russian folk costumes, costumes for characters, "snowdrift", 2 brooms, sledges, landmarks, long cord, tape recorder, music disks, microphone.

Holiday progress:

Russian folk melody sounds "The month is shining"... Children freely enter the hall, sit down. They are met by a host in a Russian costume.

Presenter: Hello, good people! Thank you for coming, according to the old custom, to see off Mother Winter, to magnify her, to thank her for the skates and sleds. Winter is coming to an end. The day is getting longer. More and more often the sun is shining in the sky. But it seems that we just recently met her, rejoiced at the first frost, the first snow, admired the first patterns.

There are many proverbs among the people about snow and frost. Let's remember them.

Children (alternately): Winter is not summer, she is wearing a fur coat. In winter, the sun smiles through tears. Winter is Lord for three months.

Presenter: Guys, was it good for you in the winter? Did you go sledding? But as?

Children. But like this (imitate sledding).

Presenter: Did you go skiing? But as?

Children. But like this (imitate skiing).

Presenter: Did you skate? But as?

Children. But like this (imitate ice skating).

Presenter: After all, not long ago we had merry round dances at the Christmas tree. Let's remember one of them.

Children perform a round dance "Like a thin ice"... The birds are singing (in the record)... The wall starts to stir "snowdrift".

Presenter: Oh, look, the snowdrift has stirred. (Old woman Winter appears from behind a snowdrift).

Winter: Who's troubling me here? I can't see from sleep (rubs his eyes, neighbor is a bear, maybe? Who is making noise here?

Presenter: These are us guys - preschool children. Who are you, grandma? What did you do under this snowdrift?

Winter: I am cold, fierce winter. And under a snowdrift I lay down to rest. I'm tired of covering the ground with snow.

Presenter: Winter is coming, and it's your turn for Spring to give way. It's time for you to go to the North Pole to rest.

Winter (menacingly): What? What are you talking about! (The birdsong grows louder)... Why are the birds screaming? Shut up! (Waves his sleeve, the chirping stops).

Leading (excitedly): Winter, what are you doing? Do not freeze the first spring birds!

Winter (indignantly): What, what is it? Yes, I'll turn you all into icicles now! Where is my ice, magic staff? (Searches behind a snowdrift, finds an icicle).

Presenter: You see, even your staff has melted. Look out the window - icicles are dripping all around, it's time for you to go to the North, to manage there.

Winter: It's too early for me to leave, too early-oh-oh-oh! Hey you, winter blizzard, ice blizzard, wake up, friend come out!

The blizzard is howling (audio recording).

Winter: What, scared? Ha ha ha!

Presenter: But you, Winter, must leave. Understand, it always happens.

Winter (reluctantly): Okay, so be it, only on one condition. Guess my riddles first.

Presenter: Children, do you agree? (Answers).

Winter: 1) What kind of a master applied both leaves, herbs, and thickets of roses to glass? (Freezing)... 2) And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove trees (Frost)... 3) Walks in the field, but not a horse, flies in the wild, but not a bird. (Winter storm)

Winter: Guessed, guessed, I'm lost! Well, beware now - I'll freeze you!

The game "Freeze"(children stand in a circle, "Winter" tries to touch noses, cheeks, hands, children hide them).

Winter: We need to collect things and run away as soon as possible! (Runs away).

Presenter: For a long time in Russia at the end of winter, festivities were held. This was called holiday - Maslenitsa... Cheerful and reckless, with games and fun competitions. On this day, pancakes were baked, and they also made a stuffed animal of winter, carried it down the street, and burned it in the evening. What for holiday without guests?

(There is a noise, buffoons run in with a stuffed animal Shrovetide) .

1st buffoon: Make way, honest people, Shrovetide is coming to us!

2nd buffoon: Our dear guest, Maslenitsa,

Avdotya Ivanovna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The guest is important, long-awaited!

Let's, kids, send her, magnify her.

Children : Shrovetide dear, our guest is annual

On painted sleds, on black bunks.

1st child: Our Shrovetide you are wide,

She came to kindergarten and brought fun!

2nd child: Our dear Maslenitsa!

Avdotyushka Izotievna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The braid is long, three-articulated!

3rd child: Cotton scarf, newfangled!

Lives Shrovetide seven days,

Stay Maslenitsa, seven years old!

Lead: Hold hands tightly and stand in a circle.

Let's dance merrily Shrovetide to see off!

(Children lead a round dance and dance to a folk song "Ay, zainka, ay, gray")

1st buffoon: And now, honest people, the guests of the mummers,

Look with all your ears, clap your hands and listen.

2nd buffoon: The broom is flying jet - a marvelous invention,

Who flies on it, that surprises people!

Who is this?

Children: Baba - Yaga!

Host: Yes, we have not one Baba Yaga, but two. That's the trick!

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Yes, let me introduce myself! I am Yagusya Gavrilovna.

Yagusya Danilovna: And I am Yagusya Danilovna.

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Fu - fu, the Russian spirit is visible - invisible! Why are you here? What's the secret, al no?

Lead: Our holiday - Maslenitsa! We see off the winter, meet the red spring, and we will play with you.

Yagusya Danilovna: How?

Host: And like that!

Children play a game with Yagusya Gavrilovna and Yagusya Danilovna "Don't get caught". (children tease Babok-Ezhek and run away, and they catch them).

Yagusya Gavrilovna: Ah well! Are you on holiday gathered, and they tried to tease us! We will whistle now, we will take revenge on all of you in an instant!

Yagusya Danilovna: And we We will steal Shrovetide, we will take away the dense forest!

(Grandma-Hedgehogs steal a scarecrow Shrovetide and run away) .

(Russian folk music sounds, Ivan da Marya enters the hall).

Ivan: Hello, girls are red and good fellows!

Marya: You are welcome! Let's get acquainted. My name is Maryushka!

Ivan: And me - Ivanushka! How are you? By command "ONE TWO THREE" State your name! (Children pronounce each of their names at the same time)... Oh, I didn't understand anything, let's go again. (The acquaintance repeats itself)... Well, that's it met!

Marya: You are probably funny guys, like to play? Then let's play!

Ivan: First, let's warm up. Repeat after me :

We all have fun, we clap our hands.

Clap, clap, clap, clap

I take my forehead.

Is that your forehead on your knee? This is what I played with you! Be careful and take yourself for what I will name, and I will confuse you in the future. (Brings the most attentive children to the center)... Oh, how attentive you are. Dance for us, and we will clap you. (Children are dancing).

Marya: Well, now we have warmed up, and now we can play funny games.

The game is being played "Golden Gate".

1st buffoon: You have amused the children! Amused, but amused! Now is the time Shrovetide to help out

(In the distance, a whistle, a hum, a crash is heard, Grandma-Hedgehogs are flying on brooms and they have a stuffed animal in their hands Shrovetide).

Leading (refers to Grandma - Yozhkam): Why Shrovetide was stolen? Are all the guys upset?

Grandma-Yozhki: We wanted to play with you, have fun and treat ourselves to pancakes, but you decided to tease us, so we stole Shrovetide.

Host: Well, okay, let's put up!

Yagusya Gavrilovna: We ask the guys for forgiveness, we regret it, and we will not do this anymore.

Host: We will forgive you if you play with us.

Grandma - Yozhki: With pleasure!

Relay is held "By the brooms".

Grandma - Hedgehogs return the stuffed animal Shrovetide and go away.

Buffoons: Get dressed as soon as possible and on the street with Shrovetide goodbye!

Phonogram of Russian folk music, children leave the hall. Celebration continues outdoors.

The host and the buffoons hold Russian folk games and amusements on the street

1. Game "Tetera" (older groups).

2. Game "Burners" (preg. gr).

3. Find your circle (middle gr.).

4. Relay "Sled race" (preg. gr).


Oh! We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time!

We wanted pancakes!


Give me a blink!

(Everyone is treated to pancakes).

Lead: Shrovetide wet-tailed,

Drive home from the yard

Your time is gone!

Go away, winter, to the bottom,

Send me the spring soon!

Buffoons (set fire to scarecrow Shrovetide with words) :

Light up, my torch,

Fly away, winter-kruchina!

Maslenitsa, light up!

Fiery, flare up!

(Russian folk songs sound, everyone dances)

"Our guest is dear carnival"

Bochkova Svetlana Viktorovna,

physical education teacher

MOU Secondary School No. 7, Konakovo, Tver Region

Sports event scenario

"Our guest is dear Maslenitsa"

Goals: Introducing students to folk traditions and the formation of communicative relations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, an increase in social activity and health improvement of students, their introduction to physical culture as an integral element of the national culture.

Tasks: Involvement of students in joint activities in the preparation of the holiday, to acquaint students with the symbols and traditions of the "Wide Maslenitsa" holiday, health promotion, improvement of motor skills during competitions

Time spending: 10 00 - 11 00 , 11 00 – 12 00 .

Location: Sports hall MOU SOSH №7

Holiday participants: Students in grades 3 - 4

(Children enter the hall to music)

Storyteller -1: Hello, good people! Welcome! Are you going to sit at home today and look out the window?

Storyteller -2: We are glad to see you at our place. Welcome, dear guests! Merry and joy to you!

Storyteller-1: So that the old winter woman does not get angry, she leaves in an amicable way and on time, it is necessary, according to the old folk custom, to spend Mother Winter and meet Red Spring.

Storyteller-2: From distant pagan times, a holiday has come to us, marking the farewell to winter - Russian Maslenitsa. The people loved her and called her affectionately: honest Maslenitsa, merry, witch, quail, overbearing, yasochka.

Storyteller-1: The effigy of Maslenitsa was the symbol of the holiday. A female figure with a long braid, dressed in a girl's outfit, was made from rags and straw.

Storyteller-2: This figure holds a shaving brush and a pancake - symbols of Shrovetide. After all, the pancake, rosy round, resembled the sun.

(the Shrovetide doll is taken out)

Everything: Hello dear Maslenitsa. How long have you, Maslenitsa, come to us?

Maslenitsa: Just seven days!
My first day is a meeting, and the seventh is seeing off.

Winter: Our dear Maslenitsa,

Avdotyushka Izotievna!

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,

The braid is long, triarshine,

Scarlet ribbon, two-half,

A brand new shawl, newfangled.

Black eyebrows - pointed,

Blue fur coat, red patches,

White footcloths - unbleached.

Buffoon: Soul are you our Maslenitsa,

Come to our wide courtyard.

Ride on the mountains.

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your mind

Enjoy the speech.

Winter: Maslenitsa is coming,

Cheesy rides

Reckless, not meek!

Goodbye, people, with longing!

The holiday is common, worldly!

Storyteller-1: And yet the most important one is

Family holiday, home.

It has been conducted in a strict order for a long time

Not by us, but by the smart ones.

Storyteller-2: Shrovetide was the most fun riotous holiday.

The people said: “At least lay yourself down, but Shrovetide

Conduct". It was believed that if it is bad to celebrate it, then

We'll have to live in bitter trouble.

Storyteller-1: Shrovetide lasts a whole week, and it began with

making pancakes. This day was called"Meeting"

Every housewife has a lot of recipes for making pancakes.

Mine. But anyway they had to be white,

Loose, tasty.

Lead 1: Oh, you, Annushka,

Red sun

Look at the stove

Isn't it time to bake pancakes?

Leading 2 : It's time! Oh, and this is a tricky business!

I'll dissolve the sauerkraut on the bottom,

I'll put the sauerkraut on a post,

My sauerkraut will be full - full,

Full - full, smooth with edges.

Lead 1: (pretends to bake a pancake and address the audience)

Well, guess what I'm doing?

On a bald oil drip,

Clap on bald dough,

I'll rip it off, but I'll point it again.

Spectators: You bake pancakes!

Lead 2:Pancakes are baked! With butter and sour cream ...


Lead 1: Wait a minute! (to the hall) Come on, good people, tell me what else

Are pancakes good?

(there is a game in the form of an auction with a spectator "What do they eat pancakes with?",
the winners are awarded with pancake medals)

Buffoon: The second day of Maslenitsa"Flirting"

1. Come in, hitch,

Buy - don't hesitate.

Wooden spoons-

Voiced like accordions.

If you want, eat bread soup,

Do you want - play a waltz!

2. Here are mushrooms, here are mushrooms!

White - dried

The mushrooms are salty!

In Ryazan

Mushrooms with eyes -

They are eaten,

And they are looking!

3.Like on our street

Make little boxes

Mugs, crumpets,

Toy spindles,

Cheerfully, cheerfully makes the whole village.

Buy together what anyone needs!

4. Who is the doll? Show me!

The young lady is a miracle!

Graceful, beautiful!

Is it good to buy?

I can concede.

5. Gingerbread, Tula gingerbread!

Selling gingerbread houses

Terem, watches, locomotives.

There are horses, cows, rams, patukhi,

Bears, hares, fish, lambs,

Soldiers and the whole alphabet.

Printed gingerbread,

So smart!

We will not eat them right away,

Let's see first.

6.We sell different products

For those who are smart and daring.

Who will solve the riddle

Maybe he'll get a chocolate bar!

The peddlers take turns asking riddles). (Riddles are matched by age)

1.The sleigh walks -

Doesn't go to the hut.


2. In our little stove-

Golden chicks.


3.In a small barn

They keep a hundred fires.


4. Two brothers went to bathe in the river.


5. They don't eat me alone,

And they don't eat much without me.


6. Black, nimble, shouts "Krak", worms - the enemy.



8.No lamb and no cat,
Wears a fur coat all year round.


9. I lived in the middle of the yard,
Where did the kids play
But from the sun's rays
I turned into a stream.


10 someone take their time in the morning
Inflates a red balloon
And how will he let go -
It will suddenly become light around.

(The sun)

Spring: Do you know why pancakes are cooked on Shrovetide? This rite is associated with fire. The Sun has been deified since ancient times, and in order to speed up its awakening, people sought to help the Sun climb higher into the sky. To do this, Yarilo-Sun was appeased with pancakes, shaped like a solar circle.

The most notable feature of the holiday is gluttony. This should symbolize a well-fed life throughout the year. The largest number of pancakes was eaten on Wednesday, which is why it is called"Gourmet"

An oily week has come

Was at the godfather's on pancakes.

The godfather had a sister-

The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.

I baked six of them

Seven can't eat them.

Four sat down at the table,

They gave my darling room.

They looked at each other

And ... everyone ate the pancakes.

A lot of games and fun takes place during the fun Shrovetide week. It was mostly on Thursday, so they call it"Rampant", "Fracture", "Wide".

Usually these are snowball games or fighting for a place on a sled, taking a snow town, fistfights and many other fun games were also held.

(Games "Tug-of-war."

Lead 1: So the gourmet has passed

She was good!

And on Thursday big

We had fun with all our hearts.

In "take a walk - quarter"

Don't spare your legs.

(games are held)

Lead 1:

Now the strongmen are entering the battle,

It doesn't matter here: old or young,

If only he had the strength.

It is very necessary to win

So that the team is friendly.(Tug of war)

Lead 1:

We apologize in advance,

That it was not easy for everyone.

To you ( winners )-

Pancakes in sour cream.

To you ( losers )-

For harmful milk

Lead 1: (Game "Goldfish")

There are sticks at the ends of the strings,

They are called "winders"

In the middle of the string is a fish,

You wind the string quickly.

The one who reels first,

He gets a fish,

The fish is not simple

Gold fish.

Lead 1: Everything is clear without question

All questions are ahead.

Relay of water carriers.

Come out the water-carriers!

(Pour water from one container into another with a spoon)

Lead 1: Here the winner must

We will serve Russian pancakes !!

(Game "Frying pan")

5-10 participants should be approximately equal in strength. They stand in a circle and join hands. At the very feet they draw a circle - a "frying pan". Then, to the music, everyone walks around this circle. At the signal from the leader, the players stop and begin to drag their neighbors on the right and left to the "frying pan", while they rest on their feet. Whoever stepped on the "frying pan" is "baked". Then everything is repeated until one or two "unbaked" ones remain.

The one who let go of the neighbor's hand is considered a loser.

Storyteller-1: . It is customary to visit this week. The fifth day is associated with just such a tradition. On this day, the son-in-law goes to visit his mother-in-law for pancakes. This day is called"Mother-in-law of the evening".

Storyteller-2 : The funniest day for young girls is Saturday, when young people gathered at her husband's older sister for gatherings. The day was called that"Sister-in-law get-togethers".

We don't miss today

We sing different songs.

We don't miss today

We talk about this, about this!

Like oil week

Pancakes flew from the table,

Both cheese and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold.

I rode on the Oiler-

I broke three sledges,

The crow tortured the horse,

Ride all the girls!

Storyteller-2 : And the last day of Shrovetide is special. It is called"Forgiveness Sunday" . On this day, it is customary to ask each other for forgiveness for everything. What was bad.

(turn to each other, "Forgive me, please!", then to everyone, "Forgive me, good people!")

Storyteller-1 : On this day, the Maslenitsa effigy was taken out of the village, a fire was made at the highest place and the effigy was burned, and the ashes were buried in the ground.

1.We see off Maslenitsa -

We meet spring.

The guest stayed,

I said goodbye to the winter.

2. Goodbye, Shrovetide is a spinner,

Great Lent begins.

Everyone ate in the village,

Serve herring tail!

3. Shrovetide, Shrovetide,

Semyonov's niece,

I deceived - spent,

She didn't let me walk up.

After seven weeks

There will be a bright day

We will hallow Easter,

Let's paint the eggs.

Drops from the roof

The sparrows are chirping

They click in the spring.

A scarecrow of Maslenitsa is thrown into the fire and sentenced:

"Shrovetide is a deceiver,
She brought me to the post - she ran away!
Shrovetide, come back
Show yourself in the new year!
Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out !!! "

Storyteller-1: Come, spring is red!

Come spring with joy

With joy, with great mercy,

With large flax,

With a deep root,

With great bread!

(They take away the Shrovetide doll)

Round dances are performed around the burning effigy.

Ay, ay, aukay, we haunt the spring: March, March - glad to the sun; April, April - Opens the door; May, May - Walk as much as you want! Ay, ay, ay!

Leading: We welcome guests, all loved ones
We use our fragrant tea.
From all adversity, from all diseases,
What could be more useful than him?
Don't miss our guest today

Everything: Drink our Konakovsky tea from the heart !!!

(The holiday ends with a tea party with pancakes.)


(you can use games at the holiday)

A circle is drawn on the site.
There are two players in a circle. Each of the players stands on one leg, bends the other leg at the knee and supports it by the heel with one hand.
The players' task is to push the opponent out of the circle without using their hands and standing on one leg. (They push each other with their shoulders.)

The game begins with the roll call of the driver with the players:
- Ding, ding, ding!
- Who's there?
- Mail!
- Where?
- From the city...
- And what are they doing in the city?
The driver can say that they are dancing, singing, jumping in the city. All players must do what the driver said. And the one who does the task poorly, gives a fant.
The game ends as soon as the driver picks up five forfeits. The players, whose forfeits ended up in the driver's possession, must redeem them. The driver comes up with interesting tasks for them. Children read poetry, tell funny stories, remember riddles, imitate the movements of animals.
Then a new driver is selected and the game is repeated.

Game "Zarya"

Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - "dawn" - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


Red maiden,

I walked across the field

I dropped the keys

The keys are golden

The ribbons are blue

Entwined rings,

I went to fetch water!

With the last words, the driver carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes "dawn". The game repeats itself. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn while the driver chooses whom to put the tape on the shoulder.

Competition "Riding in troika".

Participants of the competition climb into the hoop three at a time (one in the center, two others on the sides), run to the counter, run around it and come back.

Snowman competition.

1st rolls his ball to the rack, 2nd is the same, 3rd to the rack by running, rolls the ball to the team, 4th is the same, 5th rolls to the rack, run back and so on until the last having rolled the ball to the rack, puts the ball on the ball (makes a "snowman"), running back.

Contest of riddles.

In a frying pan - a stream,
From the frying pan - the sun.

Running along the path
Boards and legs.

I rush like a bullet forward
Only ice creaks
And the lights flicker.
Who is carrying me?

White carrot
It grows in winter.

Competition "Snowballs".

Ten m from each team there are tennis balls in a basket, and a hoop is 5 m from the basket. Team players take turns to run to the basket, take a tennis ball, throw into the hoops and run back. For hitting the hoop - one point.

Captains competition.

Captains should eat a pancake each (pancakes can be replaced with cookies, an apple, a banana, etc.)

Game "Golden Gate".

Half of the participants in the game form a circle, standing facing the center and raising their closed hands up. A chain of other players runs through these "gates", holding hands, running around each of those standing in the circle: one in front, the other behind. Players standing in a circle recitatively say:

Golden Gate
Not always skipped:
The first time he says goodbye
The second time is prohibited,
And the third time
We will not let you pass!

After the words "We will not let you pass!" those who form the "gate" give up. Those who remain inside the circle join hands with those who form the circle, increasing the size of the "gate", i.e. the number of participants who need to run around, passing through the "gate". Children not caught in the circle restore the chain and again run through the "gate". With each closing of the "gate" there are fewer and fewer people running. 3 - 5 uncaught players are declared winners

Olga Guletskaya
Scenario of the Sports and Sports Festival Maslenitsa

It is held on the street, on the sports ground.

Goals: The introduction of children to folk traditions and the formation of communicative relations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, an increase in social activity and health improvement of pupils, their introduction to physical culture as an integral element of the national culture.

Tasks: To acquaint children with the symbols and traditions of the "Wide Maslenitsa" holiday, health promotion, improvement of motor skills during games and competitions. To instill in children a love of physical education and sports, to consolidate the knowledge and skills gained in physical education. To develop attention, observation, coordination of movements, the ability to overcome obstacles. To bring up in children purposefulness, perseverance, a sense of collectivism, friendliness. Create a friendly atmosphere, bring joy to children. continue to familiarize with the rules of personal safety.


Children - girls have headscarves tied, boys have bright caps (buffoons, parsley, etc.)

Tell the parents to bring handkerchiefs (girls) and hats (boys, and bring ready-made pancakes on Friday 02/28/2014.

On the street, Maslenitsa is being prepared for burning, the site is decorated with flags, balls, and a ribbon. handkerchiefs.


Lead-mummer - FC instructor

Baba Yaga - educator

Inventory: plates with group numbers, three stacks of cardboard pancakes, a broom, four cones, a rope, 3 sticks-horses, a megaphone (with a microphone and a turntable, 20 flat rings

Music: Songs about Shrovetide, about Pancakes, song-dance "Forward 4 steps"


Children line up on the playground (all 5 groups)

Host: Everyone! Everything! Everything! Everyone, hurry up for the holiday! We meet Shrovetide, see off the winter!

Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit! Let's all have fun, we will spin in games, dances!

Come on guys, tell us what you know about Shrovetide!

Children come out and read poems:

1st Child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide!

We boast of you!

She came to Kindergarten

And it brought fun!

2nd child

Hello Shrovetide!

Give us some butter!

We will bake hot blinks for ourselves

We don't care about snowstorms and frosts!

3rd child

Pancake week

Fed all the people

Played, danced,

It became more fun at once!

4th child

The baptized world rejoices today

Because now is Maslenitsa

Come, people, and eat a pancake with us

So that spring comes as soon as possible!

5th child

Happy Maslenitsa affectionate, Congratulations!

The hour is coming for pancakes!

Farewell to winter won't go without pancakes,

We invite you to a joke, to a song, to joy!

Guys, let's call spring with you!

Repeat everything after me:

Clear red! Come spring!

Once again ... 3 times!

Baba Yaga appears, eats a pancake: (runs around with a broom in a circle, scares children to music)

Baba Yaga: Greetings, good people! Are you calling me so loudly? So I flew to you - on a broom! Oh, you are my beloved children! Themselves in the pan asking!

Host: What are you talking about, Granny-Yagulechka! We have a holiday, and you scare the kids! Since you have already come, let's have fun with us!

Baba Yaga: Yes, with pleasure, I know a gorgeous dance too! Let's expand our circle a little, move our elbows so that it is not crowded to dance, and let's start! Maestro - music!

The dance "Forward 4 steps" is being danced to the soundtrack

Host: Thank you, Baba Yaga, such a wonderful dance turned out, and we all got warm, right, guys?

Guys - YES!

Host: Come on guys, now let's check how attentive you are. I will tell you the task, and you will show it - for example, I say: "Hands up!" And you all raise your hands together. And Baba Yaga will help us, will prompt you. Okay, Yagulya?

Baba Yaga: Oh, yes, please, of course, I will help!

The game is carried out: the presenter speaks, and Baba Yaga confuses the children.

Hands forward! (Baba Yaga - hands forward)

Hands down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Jump! (Baba Yaga - squats)

Clap your hands! (Baba Yaga - stamping his feet)

Sit down! (Baba Yaga - hands up)

Stomp your feet! (Baba Yaga claps her hands)

Host: Ay, yes, the naughty woman, Baba Yaga! You only confused the children, but did not help them!

Baba Yaga: But on the contrary, it turned out so much more fun!

Host: Okay, forgive you, do you know poems or riddles about pancakes?

Baba Yaga: Oh, my memory is not very good, I should remember, I knew a lot before!

Host: Okay, just remember, and the kids will tell us poems about pancakes!

1st child

If there is a frying pan

We are not afraid of the cold

Because damn hot -

This is the best food!

2nd child

On the ground by wheels

Pancakes rolled

Children, under the birches -

Collect the pancakes!

3rd child

And with caviar and sour cream -

They are all delicious!

Nostrils and blush -

Our suns are pancakes!

4th child

Even two pancakes appeared in the sky:

This is the sun-damn and next to the damn-moon

One damn hot and the other cold

Climb to heaven if anyone is hungry!

5th child

Shrovetide, Shrovetide

Round dance teases

Pancake in sour cream with butter

Waiting for someone to get it!

Host: Well done, guys, what wonderful poems you know. And you Baba Yaga, remember the riddles?

Baba Yaga: No, something never crossed my mind. But I remembered a wonderful song about pancakes and the words there are simple! I invite everyone to sing along. There are these words: OH PANCAKES, PANCAKES, PANCAKES, YOU ARE MY PANCAKES! Well, let's try to say all together:


Great, now sing along!

The Russian folk song "Pancakes" sounds, everyone sings along, claps, dances.

Baba Yaga dances (Especially in losses)

1. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.

2. My older sister

The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.


3. She baked food,

There are probably five hundred.


4. She puts on the tray

And she herself carries it to the table.


5. "Guests, be healthy,

Here are my pancakes. "


6. We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time,

We wanted pancakes.


Host: Well done, guys and Baba Yaga - it turned out fun. Now let's see how you can run with pancakes! I offer Pancake fun "Move the pancakes - don't drop it!"

The "Pancake" Relay is held:

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the court. Each team is given a pre-prepared large stack of cardboard pancakes. Objective: run to the opposite side of the team and pass the stack of pancakes to the next, trying not to scatter it. Thus, a counter relay is held - the children take turns running with the "pancakes" and passing them on to the next one.

Host: Wow, how fun it was! Let's try another game! Remember all your places! As the music begins to play - enter closer to the center, and dance, but as the music stops, everyone must quickly return to their places. Let's see which group can build up the fastest!

The game is played 2-3 times.

Host: Well done guys, you are good at building! Traditionally, horse races are held on Shrovetide. Let's go and we will ride!

The counter relay "Horse Racing" is held.

Children are selected and divided into three teams. Each team is divided in half and stands on opposite sides of the court. Children of each subgroup in turn jump on the "Horse" to the opposite subgroup and pass the "Horse".

After the relay, the children return to duty.

Host: Now let's check your strength.

The game "Tug of War" is being held

Children are selected, divided into two teams and tug-of-war.

The game is played 2-3 times.

Music plays during games and relay races.

Host: Come on, Baba Yaga, take the kids on your broomstick for a while! (Explains the rules of the game)

Game "Tail" Baba Yaga "

Children stand in a circle, Baba Yaga with a broom in her hands flies in a circle with the words

I am Yaga, Yaga, Yaga, I fly, I fly, I fly

Then he stops next to someone and says:

Do you wanna be my tail? And the child answers:

Yes, of course I do!

The game is repeated 2-3 times

Host: Well done guys, they flew well! Now guys, let's check your accuracy.

A cone is placed in front of each group at a distance of 3 meters and flat rings (3-5 pieces) are issued. Each child takes turns performing 3-5 throws trying to put the ring on the cone.

The caregivers of each group regulate the process. Children are noted who were able to get in and put rings on the cone.

Host: Well done, guys did an excellent job with the task, now get up in pairs and play another Shrovetide fun - "Trickle"

The game "Stream"

Children stand in pairs, forming a long corridor with clasped hands. Starting with the last pair, each pair makes their way along the "corridor" and stands forward. "Stream" moves along the perimeter of the site.

Music is playing.

Guys, isn't it time for us to say goodbye to winter, Maslenitsa?

It's time for us to part with winter, we will warm ourselves by the fire!

Let's all say together: Go away, WINTER! Goodbye Shrovetide! Hello Spring!

Scarecrow is burned.

Children all repeat after the leader! Burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out! Goodbye Shrovetide!

Prepared Shrovetide is burned.

Had a lot of fun,

Only they didn’t treat themselves to a pancake!

We need to get together now,

Yes, treat yourself to pancakes!

Children go to the verandas, get pancakes and eat pancakes.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The script is an extracurricular activity that should be held outdoors (school grounds, park, forest, etc.). This scenario is designed for a class where children are engaged in tourism activities, but can be adapted to any class - just as an outdoor activity, as well as for the initial level of tourism skills.

Purpose of the event: holding a sports and tourist holiday based on traditional Pancake week entertainment.

Objectives of the event

  • Acquaintance of children with the history of the Maslenitsa holiday and the traditional folk entertainments of the Maslenitsa week
  • Forming friendly relations in a team, developing a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance and support.
  • Improving the health of children, demonstrating the benefits of being active in the fresh air.
  • Updating the tourist skills of children.
  • Development of the creative abilities of children.
  • Formation of a respect for nature and skills for preserving the environment.

The main form of organization is group (sports competitions, tasks for joint work).

A comment: the scenario is an extracurricular activity that should be held outdoors (school grounds, park, forest, etc.). This scenario is designed for a class where children are engaged in tourism activities, but can be adapted to any class - just as an outdoor activity, as well as for the initial level of tourism skills.

Necessary equipment - ice cakes, 2 bottles of colored water of different colors, 2 flags of different colors, 2 gas burners, 2 frying pans, dishes, ribbons, clothes for the Maslenitsa scarecrow, paints, brushes, straw / newspapers for the scarecrow, tokens for the winning teams.

Event progress

Teacher: Hello children! I congratulate you on the holiday - Shrovetide! Shrovetide is one of the most beloved and funniest folk holidays; it is a whole week of entertainment, games, treats and socializing. That is why he was so loved in Russia and is still celebrated. Today we decided to celebrate Maslenitsa for real - as our ancestors did many centuries ago - with street festivities, games, entertainment and food. To spend our holiday - let's divide into 2 teams.

Children are divided into teams.

Teacher: Great, now we have two teams. Guys, let's think, is the name of the holiday from there?

Children answer.

Teacher: It is true that it is on this week that people eat a lot of dairy products - milk, butter, sour cream, eat pancakes at a party and invite guests to their place for a treat. Therefore, the name of this holiday is Maslenitsa. But Shrovetide was called differently - oatmeal, pancake maker, pancake eater, butter jelly. Think and name your teams with holiday-related names.

Children confer, choose names.

Teacher: Guys, what names did you come up with for your teams?

The guys announce the names.

Teacher: Wonderful! We have already named the most famous tradition of Maslenitsa - to treat yourself to pancakes. What other traditions do you know?

Children answer.

Teacher: Right! People especially liked festivities and games. Under Peter I, skiing from large ice slides became popular in cities, slopes to rivers were chosen and flooded with water, in large cities slides were built on purpose. People rode in such a way that even fur coats and caftans were torn. In the villages, this entertainment was also very popular: there was even a sign that whoever went further down the hill would have the tallest flax. Let's try this old entertainment - we need 5 people from each team. Each participant will drive down the mountain, the judge below will put a mark with colored water. The team whose mark is the farthest will win this competition.

Children choose the participants, the teacher appoints two judges from different teams, gives them bottles of water.

Participants of the competition take turns down the hill, the judges make marks, name the winner. During the races, the teacher reminds the teams to support the participants. The winning team receives a yellow token representing the pancake.

Teacher: Great, all the good fellows, now we know who will grow the best crop. Let's remember the traditions you still know - young people were very fond of fistfights, the most famous Shrovetide entertainment is the capture of a snow town. Remember the painting by Vasily Ivanovich Surikov "Taking the Snow Town". Fist fights were not only massive, they went out to fight one on one. This fun was called "Cockfighting" - 2 people entered the outlined circle - with one hand, the participant must hold the leg of the same name, the other hand - behind his back. Bouncing on one leg, you need to push your opponent out of the circle. Please be careful with each other, remember that this is just a game.

The teacher chooses pairs from different teams, pairs are formed from participants of the same physique, similar in weight and level of physical fitness. At this time, the girls mark a circle with the remains of colored water, the size of the circle should be such that the participants can move inside it, but not too wide so that it does not take too much time to push out of the circle. The rest of the children stand around the perimeter of the circle to support the participants, as well as prevent the pushed participant from falling.

There is a competition, the winner in each pair receives a token, they all go to the "piggy bank" of one team.

Teacher: You spoke about another tradition today - the burning of an effigy of Shrovetide. This ancient custom has a deep meaning - along with the stuffed carnival, everything bad burns out - bad events, incidents, and failures are a thing of the past. There is a rebirth to a new life, to new successes. Today we will definitely burn the scarecrow, but first it must be done.

The necessary equipment is issued, the teams together make a crosspiece, put on the scarecrow, prepare the head of the scarecrow.

Teacher: Now let's decorate our scarecrow - let's make decorations from ribbons.

Each team receives a wooden ring with 20 short ribbons.

Teacher: let's make a decoration for our carnival. From short ribbons you need to make 5 long ones and tie the end of each long ribbon to a ring. Then we will put these rings on the cross-piece under the head of our scarecrow, during the round dance it will be possible to pick up these ribbons.

How are we going to make long ribbons? Let us remember what knots are used in tourism to tie two ropes of the same diameter and attach to a pole?

Children answer (straight, oncoming, grapevine, bayonet, bowline).

Teacher: each team must make 5 long ribbons out of 20 short ribbons, tying 4 short ribbons together with 3 different knots. To the base - a wooden ring, it can be tied with any knot intended for fastening to the support.

On command, the children begin to knit, the team that finished first gives a sign, the teacher checks the knots. If there are mistakes in tying, the team corrects them.

After both teams have completed the task, and the winner is determined, the rings with ribbons are placed on the crosspiece, the head of a stuffed animal is put on top.

Teacher: our scarecrow is ready! But before we burn it, let's remember what main Maslenitsa tradition we have already spoken about?

Children answer: pancakes.

Teacher: Now we will bake pancakes the way you do in field conditions.

Each team receives a gas burner, gas, a frying pan, ingredients for the dough - flour, milk, eggs, sugar, salt, oil in the required proportions.

Teacher: guys, you have 20 minutes - during this time you need to make the dough and bake as many pancakes as possible.

Children make dough, bake pancakes on a gas burner, the teacher controls the turning on of the burner, and prompts if necessary.

After the time expires, the pancakes are recalculated, the team that baked the most pancakes gets a token.

Further (depending on the venue) a stuffed carnival is burned. If this is a forest - children collect dead wood, lay a scarecrow, the teacher pronounces the rules of behavior around the fire, after burning the scarecrow - reminds that the fire must be extinguished, the coals must be covered with snow. If this is an area where you cannot make a fire, you can lead a round dances around the stuffed animal, learning with the children small songs about the farewell to winter.

Teacher: guys, we remembered all the main Shrovetide traditions - which of them did you like the most?

Children answer.

Teacher: What do you think - why did these ancient traditions manage to reach our days and you are happy to do what your ancestors did many years ago?

Children express their opinions, the teacher sums up - Shrovetide is active games in the open air, tasty treats, but at the same time - an interesting joint pastime, time for communication.

A holiday in the lower grades.

The effectiveness of the educational process at school largely depends on the correct organization of physical culture and health improvement work. It is especially important to rationally alternate the educational activities of children with active rest.

Sports holidays and health days, which are important components of children's active recreation, are very popular among primary school students. The diverse activities of students, saturated with emotional games, exercises carried out in the fresh air in the form of entertainment, contribute to the physical recreation of children, relaxation of the body after mental stress, and strengthening of their health.

Emotional background, interesting actions in outdoor games and exercises give rise to positive emotions, vigorous, cheerful mood, create a certain emotional mood in primary school students. Physical culture holidays contribute to the introduction of younger schoolchildren to physical culture and sports, the improvement of movements, bring up in children such important character traits as collectivism, discipline, and respect for rivals. Sports events can be held in summer and winter.

Winter is the favorite season of our people. Let us recall the lines about the winter of our great poet A.S. Pushkin:


Our strengthening


Lanits are brighter than vernal


Play in the cold

and blood

To hold a sports festival in the fresh air in winter, I use the rule, which is expressed in the popular proverb: "The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand." Therefore, all entertainment is designed so that there are no contemplators, so that the participants do not stand and freeze, but move continuously.

I. Goals and objectives: 1. Harmonious development of students. 2. Creation of a worldview in the field of moral, aesthetic and physical culture.

3. Creation of positive motivations for a conscious attitude to the traditions and holidays of Russian culture.

4. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

5. Development of the ability to perform physical exercises in different complexity and changing conditions.

6. Education of feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance, collectivism and discipline.

Holiday script

"Wide carnival".

Buffoon 1: Hey people, leave the languor,

Drive away the melancholy and doze off!

Wake up from sleep

Spring is hurrying to us!

Skomrokh2: Get ready, people!

Spring is red!

We need to get rid of the winter,

Amicably Shrovetide!

Skom. 1: Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit! We meet Shrovetide, see off the winter, conjure the spring.

Skom.2: Guys, let's all call Shrovetide together:

"Shrovetide come, bring Spring to us!"

(All together call Shrovetide.)

Baba Yaga is running on a broomstick.

B.-I.: Hello to you kids, Manka and Grishka, Svetka and Tanka, Yegorka and Vanka! Well, why don't you say hello? Hello they say to you! The audience greets. What plump you all are! Oh, that is, "educated." So I would have eaten everyone! Oh, I would look at you and look! What, are you meeting Shrovetide? And here she is - I'm here!

Skom. 1: What kind of Maslenitsa are you? You are the real Baba Yaga!

B.-Ya.: Where did you get this from?

Skom1: Look at yourself in the mirror and guess.

B.-Ya.: What is there to watch? Granny-pretty, swallow-witch! Corrects the hairstyle.

Skom1: What about the broom? Where did you see Shrovetide riding on a broomstick?

B.-Ya.: Have you not heard a new decree: from this year Maslenitsa without a broom is invalid.

Skom1: I don’t know such a decree! But I know you, Yaga! Get out of here, don't ruin the holiday!

B.-Ya.: Yes, I am Baba Yaga! And now I’ll call my friend Blizzard. He will spin everyone, spin, spare no one!

The snow will pile up the drifts, let down ailments on you!

Winter won't leave here! This miracle will be eternal!

Skom. 1: So what to do? Who knows?

Skom.2: I know!

There is a custom, very old,

Revered by all in Russia:

Winter doesn't want to leave?

Come out to the nursery rhyme!

B.-Ya.: Oh, how I love nursery rhymes! Take me with you?

Skom.2: Aren't you going to scare the guys? And do dirty tricks?

B.-Ya.: No, I will not! Maybe I am the best helper during the holidays! I'll show you all how to have fun at the holiday!

Skom.2: Well, if you don’t want to be mischievous, stay! Here's your first task: hand out route sheets to the guys!

Baba Yaga distributes route sheets.

Everyone goes to competitive games.

After the game program, everyone gathers on the site.

B.-Ya.: Now it's time to say goodbye to our Shrovetide. Wide carnival

We boast of you.

We ride on the mountains

We overeat pancakes.

Skom. 1: You are goodbye, goodbye,

Our carnival

You are goodbye, goodbye

Ours is wide.

You came with good

Cheese, butter and egg

With pancakes, with pies,

Yes, with pancakes.

Skom.2: To make Shrovetide return next year, let us all say the magic words: "Shrovetide, goodbye, come for that year!"

A scarecrow of winter is installed and set on fire.

B.-Ya.: And now for a treat

It's time for us to accept

I see that patience is over,

Help yourself, kids!

Parents and teachers treat children to pancakes and sweets

Buffoons: We ate too many pancakes.

They were opposed with honey and tea.

We rode on a sled.

And we threw snowballs.

It's time for us to disperse

Goodbye kids!

Game program.

1.Sled racing.

Relay race. 2 teams. Boys ride girls. Distance 10m. (2 sledges).

2. Score a goal.

2 clubs, 2 washers (balls). Use a club to score a puck (ball) at a given goal.

3. Competition "Continue the proverb". 1. One pie twice doesn’t ... eat. 2. With whom you drive bread and salt and ... you are like.

3. Without having tasted bitter, you will not recognize ... and sweet.

4Brew up the porridge myself, and ... disentangle it.

5. You can't… spoil porridge with butter.

6. Do you want to eat rolls, do not lie on the ... oven.

7. Who wants to eat a fish, he must climb into the water ...

8. Brew porridge, so do not regret ... butter.

9. Without breaking the eggs you cannot make ... scrambled eggs.

10. Do not promise a bull, but give me a glass ... milk.

11. Pancakes and that ... annoying.

12. The leftovers ... are sweet.

13. From a black chicken and a white ... testicle.

14. From a black cow and white ... milk.

15. A lot of snow - a lot ... bread.

16.What you sow, so ... you reap.

17. As it comes around, so ... will respond.

18. When you don't feed the wolf, it still looks into the woods ...

19. The hut is red, not with corners, but ... with pies.

20. The word is silver, and silence ... is gold.

21. Has done business - walk ... boldly.

22. Business time - fun ... hour.

4. Throwing a broomstick.

And the witch from the earliest times

Everyone flew on a broomstick.

Which one of you, now we ask,

Ranged throw. (2 brooms).

5. Fight of "roosters".

A circle is drawn. There are two participants in a circle jumping on one leg. One hand behind the back, scolding, holds the foot of the tucked leg. Objective: to push the opponent with the shoulder. The one who loses balance or leaves the circle loses.

6. Tug of war. (rope).

Now I ask for your attention!

New competition!

Who wants - old and young

Tug the rope.

7. Throwing snowballs at the target.

Participants throw snowballs at the target (pins). The winner is the one who made the best throw (knocked down the pin). 2 skittles. Distance 3-4m.

8. Roll the snowball.

Relay race. Distance 5m. Roll the ball on the ground. The winner is the team that finishes the relay faster