Graduation script “Star track. Anniversary Scenarios (9)

Host: Attention, a star appears! Her name is ... (name of the hero of the day), gentlemen! Glows with a magical radiance, Captivates guests with charm. (Turns to the hero of the day.) You are like from a magazine cover, Take a walk here, along the star track! And we will ask you to show off your intellect here. Jubilee riddles in a moment to guess you, we ask! Anniversary riddles 1. You are always the standard of beauty, What does your husband give you? (Flowers.) 2. What will decorate your biography? Of course, jubilee ... (Photo.) 3. It happens hot, airy It happens cold and indifferent, It happens in French, spoil it more often. .) 5. And it's high time in honor of these minutes, To hear the explosive anniversary ... (Fireworks.) (Guests burst balloons.) Host: First, we ask the birthday girl to pass, So that we are illuminated by her light! Ringing glasses sparkle -Like precious crystals! I urge you to fill them, To the table, friends, I invite everyone! (The guests sit at the table.) Host: The hero of the day has been in place for a long time, And his soul sings, Because together with you, he is waiting for the first Toast! So beautiful, so sweet, And bottomless eyes! Soul - like the sky wide open, Will give the last shirt! ... (name of the hero of the day) ours, gentlemen! Hip! Hip! Hooray! The toast should not be put off, We drink standing for the hero of the day! (Musical five-minute.)
Host: First, we ask the birthday girl to pass, So that we are illuminated by her light! Ringing glasses sparkle -Like precious crystals! I urge you to fill them, To the table, friends, I invite everyone! (The guests sit at the table.) Host: The hero of the day has been in place for a long time, And his soul sings, Because together with you, he is waiting for the first Toast! So beautiful, so sweet, And bottomless eyes! Soul - like the sky wide open, Will give the last shirt! ... (name of the hero of the day) ours, gentlemen! Hip! Hip! Hooray! The toast should not be put off, We drink standing for the hero of the day! (Musical five minutes.) (The presenter distributes pipes, rattles, whistles, etc. to all guests)
Comic game "30-year frontier" Cards are prepared for friends in advance. The presenter reads out the phrases, and the hero of the day answers them in the affirmative or negative. If the answer is negative, the girlfriends are involved in the process, who pull out the cards and read them out. Host: What should have been done ... (name of the hero of the day) in thirty years? Host Phrases: Learn to accept compliments. Get a pay rise. Survive after parties that drag on until the morning. It's painless to get rid of bad lovers. Wear mini-skirts without hesitation. Learn to have an orgasm. Go to a male striptease. Make love in extreme conditions. Learn to fall asleep sweetly under male snoring. Feverishly study the early morning pregnancy test. Read the Kama Sutra from cover to cover. "Send" the chief, director, boss. To give a pretentious lecture to chaste girlfriends about the dangers of prolonged sexual abstinence. Dare to do Brazilian hair removal. Learn to swear dirty. Tame the most unapproachable macho. Wake up in the morning with a stranger in bed. Find the mystery point G. Cards for girlfriends: I'll organize this! Only at my expense! I'll teach her myself! I do not advise, girls, it is very fraught. Can I, too, for the company! There is a man in mind! Maybe we'll do it right now! It's very easy! You can't do without men.
Competition "Dance with your body parts" They put five chairs in a row close to each other. Five participants sit on them and dance to the cheerful, groovy music while sitting, following the leader's commands. Host commands: Oh, dare you dare, Dance on a chair with your elbows. Do not forget about the positive, Your chest enters the dance. Let Europe be jealous, but the priest decided to light it up. And now, honest people, Let your belly dance. Let the sadness, anxiety go away, Only your feet dance. Do not know sorrow, worries, Let only the mouth dance. Today we have fun, a mountain feast, Now we will dance together with our heads. And finally, gentlemen, your drunken eyes are dancing.

The birthday holiday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice, love, and the disposition that his relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we are gathered to celebrate a significant date in the life of the night.

Eastern wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses of replenishment
And he won't drink in years,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the fuller and more often you drink,
So you can live more years!
For a dear birthday girl!

(feast 10 min.)

Now let's say hello to each other.

Table fun
They raised their right hand - waved to the hero of the day!
Well, the left hand goes down slightly to the knee
Not yours! And your neighbor!
With our right hand, we warmly hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently…. Did you like it? Fine!
Swung left, right. Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!
Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...
A glass so as not to fog up let's clink glasses with a neighbor on the left….

And with a neighbor on the contrary - for a cheerful team….
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!
Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!
Dear friends, before we start our stormy celebration of the anniversary, I want our hero of the day to read a woman's prayer.

Women's prayer before the anniversary:

“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. WITH HUSBAND! Help not to lose the image of a business woman! Don't bother your guests! And don't get your booty in a salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, not more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.


Today the closest ones are present at the anniversary
and the relatives of the birthday boy are mom and dad!

Dear guests! Let's greet Mom and Dad with loud applause. After all, they are also birthday today! 30 years ago, on November 7, 1980, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - on!

Dear Parents
Do you remember the day when you brought the night from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom and dad)

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think the people will agree
What a toast should be raised to parents,

The Fortune Teller song

Well, dear guests, gild the handle, and I'll tell you the whole truth.
(Husband) Come on, beautiful gilded pen, I'll tell you what tomorrow will be! Oh, I see, I see everything! Get hung up, tomorrow you will!
- (Husband) Wai dear, you will feel bad tomorrow, you will have to go to work!
- (Female) And you - I know exactly what tomorrow will be! Monday!

- (Husband) Oh, my rich one, in five minutes you will have to dance a gypsy girl, and tomorrow you will wash your trousers.
- (Female) Oh, my dear, they will lay eyes on you today, I know for sure. Then there was the heart, liver, tongue and everything else.
- (Husband). You will sleep, curly, sweet, you will sleep softly until the salad is pulled out from under you!

- (Women) will give you two bags of happiness today, one with salad, the other with vinaigrette!
- (Husband) Friends around you will be tonight. Faithful friends. Tell me what their names are? Sharik, Bobik, and Polkan.
- (Female) They are waiting for you, endless, unprecedented, you will think for half a day until you understand where you woke up!

- (Women). Great happiness awaits you tomorrow, you will find a wallet with money, the one that you will lose today.
- (Female) Wai, what a heavy blow awaits you! ... In the morning when you get up on the scales.
- (Husband) A great loss awaits you. You will lose your tie (belt). You will search all night, you will find it in the morning. On the belt of a neighbor.
(Pulls out the divination cards)

Call boys
Dress code: trousers are rolled up, chintz family panties are put on over the knee, a shirt is unbuttoned, a loose tie and socks are dangling on a bare torso. You can put the printed "currency" under the elastic of the panties

1. - We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself
2. - Smile, laugh,
Make you laugh!

1. - I have such a tie, he has socks.
Muscles - steel, pants - iron, hard nipples!
2. - We are so cool, we are sex giants
And what beautiful ones - you can't take your eyes off!

1. - You are sitting in this outfit, just pluck out your eye !!!
Apparently you want to pester us sexually!
2. - Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like an emerald.
The peasants, seeing this, will die of melancholy.

1. - Don't touch us with your hands! This will not work!
Well, let's move our husband aside, let him rest!
2. - Do not look with such a stern gaze,
Better pour a glass.

1. - We are glad to congratulate you
This Anniversary!
2. - Our wish will be:
So that the wine always flows

1. - To eat, to drink,
1 + 2 - Well, and most importantly - it could!
2. We will draw numbers with our beautiful place,
And your task will be to guess these numbers!

(they turn their backs to the birthday girl and guests and “draw” numbers to erotic music. Either the birthday girl's age, or 18, or the date of birth ... The birthday girl guesses)

Competition. The competition is called: "Question-Answer". Everyone is welcome to participate. The presenter asks the question, who is the first to answer correctly, receives a prize (answer).

Questions: No. 1 We cannot scatter it, Otherwise, there will be trouble? (Answer: salt) No. 2 Every day with it 2 times, Do your teeth feel ecstasy? (Answer: toothbrush) # 3 This is a writing trick, Is it a ballpoint …….? (Answer: pen) No. 4 On the keys he will create a "clink", This is necessary for everyone ....? (Answer: keychain) №5 We spend it every day, She's not too lazy to jump into the bathroom? (Answer: toilet paper) № 6 You can't eat without it, After all, you put food on it? (answer: spoon)
2Funny script for the 30th anniversary of the woman Marina

At the table with friends
Opening the anniversary,
Speaking to you,
I want to start with words
Not from pretentious speeches,
Not drinking, rather,
And such that friends speak heart to heart.

May our evening be
It will be warm and cheerful
Let it sound today
Congratulations one hundred in a row.

There will be dances, there will be songs
Jokes will be appropriate here.
We will celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to pour into glasses!

The birthday holiday is an annual gift given to a person in order to rejoice, love, and the disposition that his relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we have gathered to celebrate a significant date in the life of Marinochka.

Eastern wisdom says so:
Only that age will win
Who once a year, having gathered friends,
Pour glasses of replenishment
And he won't drink in years,
That flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the fuller and more often you drink,
So you can live more years!
For a dear birthday girl!

(feast 10 min.)

Now let's greet each other….

Table fun
They raised their right hand - waved to the hero of the day!
Well, the left hand drops slightly on the knee ...
Not yours! And your neighbor!
With our right hand, we warmly hug the neighbor's shoulder so decently…. Did you like it? Fine!
Swung left, right. Well done! Fine! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!
Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...
A glass so as not to fog up let's clink glasses with a neighbor on the left….

And with a neighbor on the contrary - for a cheerful team….
Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...
Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!
Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!
Dear friends, before we start our stormy celebration of the anniversary, I want our hero of the day to read a woman's prayer.

Women's prayer before the anniversary:

“Lord, help me not to get drunk! wake up in YOUR bed in the morning. WITH HUSBAND! Help not to lose the image of a business woman! Don't bother your guests! And don't get your booty in a salad! Don't lose things (including yourself)! Help not to write drunk SMS to anyone at 2 am! Don't call! And most importantly, do not confess your love to anyone! in any case, not more than 2 times! Help me come home in two, not four! And if I do something wrong, Lord, erase my memory forever and ever! Amen.

Today the closest ones are present at the anniversary
and the relatives of the birthday boy are mom and dad!

Dear guests! Let's greet Mom and Dad with loud applause. After all, they are also birthday today! 30 years ago, on November 7, 1980, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened, a charming baby was born, the firstborn in the family, a girl - Marina!

Dear Parents
Do you remember the day when you brought Marinochka from the hospital?
What was she like?
How do you see her now?

(Congratulations from mom and dad)

Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Refill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think the people will agree
What a toast should be raised to parents,
Wish you health and happiness from us!

The hall is large and our guests
Little toast is said.
Is the situation familiar?
I suggest it differently!
The first table will learn the words: "There will be a bunch of sentences!"
The second table will tell us directly: "Birthday is a glorious holiday!"
The third table will say: "Our honor to the hero of the day!"
And the fourth, all rejoicing: "Kiss the hero of the day!"
Do you remember the words?

We gathered in this room
Yes, they drank a glass,
We ate delicious Olivier,
Have become a little tipsy.
Is the situation familiar?
I suggest it differently!
We will teach you how to have fun!…. First table!
1. There will be a bunch of offers!

To congratulate the hero of the day,
We need to drink a lot
For what? Let's face it! ... Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!

We will knock with our feet
Like, we want something hot!
Someone will make a toast…. Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Vodka splashes in glasses
For some reason, everything is not enough for us ...
What to do? Such is the case ... First table!
1. There will be a bunch of offers!

The proposal is:
We should have a drink while standing.
Who will make the toast? … Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Well, is your heart warmer?
Now it’s another matter!
We passed the test dashingly! … Third table!
3. Our honor to the hero of the day!

Why are you so formal?
To make it perfect
We have no honor here as the main ... ..Second table!
2. Birthday is a glorious holiday!

This is worth drinking for
To have fun with us
Congratulations to the hero of the day
Glorify the hero of the day
We are celebrating what date!…. The fourth table!
4. The hero of the day with a kiss!

Let's repeat again, rejoicing ... .. The fourth table!
4. The hero of the day with a kiss!

So, now I will talk about the life of the hero of the day. And you, Marinochka, will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: "Shouldn't we have a drink?" This should be done after the words "And he says ..."

Once upon a time there was a birthday girl. It was inquisitive - passion! Sometimes, even in preschool age, she came up to her parents and said ...

Well no! She says, "Where do children come from?" or “Why doesn't the sun fall?”….
And the parents will bury themselves in books, but explain, explain. But time passed, and in the 7th grade on the line, the headmaster came out and said ...
(Hero of the day, shouldn't we have a drink?)

Yes you! He says that every student will participate in some Olympiad, and (Marina Dobrova) - in all at once! And she took part, even took first place. Therefore, at the last call, (Marina Dobrova) takes an answer from all the graduates and says ...
(Anniversary. But shouldn't we have a drink?)

No, she says: "Thank you for participating, I received such a hardening in life's struggle." ... Then a technical school, sessions, coursework. I came to work to get a job and said ...
(Anniversary. But shouldn't we have a drink?)

Anniversary 50 years- this is perhaps one of the most grandiose birthdays. Most of the invitees are more often mature people, a little youth (children of the hero of the day) and possibly small children (grandchildren of the hero of the day). It is already customary for us to celebrate this holiday en masse and, as they say, on a grand scale. But in their hearts, many women want a family holiday ... So what happens, the head understands that many need to be invited, and the heart wants a warm family holiday. The script below will combine these body parts and fill any anniversary with fun and warmth.

This script is very similar to the script for the 60th anniversary, which was written and actually performed by me for my mother.

The daughter of the hero of the day is leading the anniversary

The guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the "star track". The star track itself consists of 6 stars, which can be glued onto thick paper or just wallpaper.

Congratulation game for the 50th anniversary of the woman "Star track"

Host (daughter):

Make way, friends, make way At this moment, smile heartily.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.

(Music - Anniversary is coming out.)

Dear Mom!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So let your rays continue to give us affection,
And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.

To extend this tale to us,
At least a little bit
You take your time, manage to get through
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
Only one answer is required from you.
Dare to get up on the Star Trek
And guess something!

1. Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Now beautiful ... (flowers.)
(The son gives a bouquet of flowers.) 2. To later recall your biography,
We will do this now ... (photograph.)
(Son-in-law takes pictures)

3. From now on, spoil your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss.)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl.)

4. For all heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... ( applause . + voice acting)
(Applause from the guests.)

5. Miracles cannot be avoided today,
Let it fall from the sky now ... (confetti.)
(Women throw confetti at the feet of the birthday girl)

6. And it's high time in honor of these minutes
Hear us here jubilee ... (firework.)

(Guests, piercing the balloons with forks, imitate fireworks + voice acting - fireworks track)

You passed the test, the birthday girl, wonderfully.
We want you to invite everyone to the table.
(The birthday girl invites everyone to the table. The music gradually fades away when the guests are fully seated. The guests sit down.)

In autumn, when the rain and the nose are frozen,
There is a surprising demand for the holidays.
Someone is happy with Teacher's Day,
Someone for the Day of Reconciliation,
And today we are celebrating your, (Name), Birthday. I sincerely welcome the assembled guests,
And I am happy to open your anniversary!
(Fanfare sounds) Leading:
May this day go down in history forever
And the birthday girl will only bring joy,
And let the guests have fun carelessly
Nobody, I hope, will leave the anniversary sad.
To start the celebration as it should,
It is suggested to fill the glasses for everyone. (Music. Guests fill their glasses. Sound of a glass filling)

Acquaintance of the host with the guests at the anniversary

First, we need to get to know everyone. Passing this apple from hand to hand, I ask everyone to give their name and tell us who our birthday girl is.
(Everybody passes the apple, call themselves)

A story about the life of a hero of the day on her 50th birthday

If only life is like a film strip
Scroll back many years
To make you a simple girl
Clean, clean as a spring garden. Dear guests, we invite you to watch the film of the life of the hero of today's celebration.
(The presenter shows frames with photographs through the projector, reading out the text. Frames can be attached on the wall, you can simply pass them around to guests in a circle for viewing.)

If you are thinking about buying a projector, I would advise you to pay attention to these particular models:

1. There is one beautiful number in October, it is associated with your birth. (Photo from early childhood)
2. You grew up as a girl you are playful, shy and very sweet. (Child photography)
3. Now seven years have passed, now you have opened the school door. (First school photo)
4. You have become taller than your mom. You are sixteen. You are a teenager. (Photos from adolescence)
5. You decided: "I also need to study at a youth school." (Photo from the technical school)
6. She worked with soul at a large institute. (First photos from work)
7. You did not have to work alone on the sowing season. (Photos from the collective farm)
8. At 20, everything is still ahead: the choice of a friend, goals and paths. (Photo at 20)
9. High and joyful feelings without concealing, then a young family was born. (Wedding photography)
10. That year you became a happy mother, for your daughter - dear, irreplaceable. (Photo of mom and daughter)
11. Went day after day, night after night, you gave birth to an heir to the family *****. (Photo of mom and son)
12. And now a trip to the Caucasus is just right for you. (Family vacation photo)
13. Life goes on and on, the daughter is smart, and the son is growing. (Family photo with older children)
14. To be a mother is honorable for a woman, to become a grandmother is doubly honorable. To see your grandchildren is so great happiness, After all, this is your footprint on the ground. (Photo with granddaughters)

Game Flight of the rocket for the 50th anniversary of the woman


Dear guests! We always admire the shining stars in the night sky. Especially our attention is attracted by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, which are popularly called the bucket. I would like to wish our birthday girl that her life always remains a full cup, like this ladle shining to us from the beautiful night sky.
And also, looking at the hostess of tonight, we can say that she, like a star, is both close and distant to us.
And to get to this distant star.
You need to take a flight
And each feast on an ambulance rocket
I suggest getting ahead.
(The presenter gives out two mock-ups of the rocket.)

So, attention, flight rules: at the signal of the presenter, the first participant, looking out the window, loudly says: "Happy anniversary!" and passes the rocket to his neighbor. The second, looking out, says: "Congratulations!", The third: "Happy anniversary!" and so on, until the rocket bypasses each guest at their half of the table. Let's see whose rocket will reach the birthday girl faster. Leading:

But, before you go on the flight, let me approve the crew lists. Guests are asked to respond in chorus. Leading: Us plus, minus 22. Are you all ready for the flight? ... Guests: Yes! Leading: There is no reason for concern, - All say ... Men: Men! Leading: Well, and the women in response Tell me: are you afraid? ... Women: Not! Leading: The missiles are ready. The teams are in place. We are all going on the flight together. 3, 2.1 ... start! (Game "Rocket Flight". Summing up). The prize for the winning team is a bottle of wine.
Toast. Leading: Dear Mom! Accept, in the prime of years, Our warm, heartfelt greetings, And, not hiding our feelings, We will raise the cups for you!

Congratulations on the 50th anniversary of the woman

Congratulations from her husband on the anniversary

Leading: And now we are waiting for all the words from the dear, dear, From the one who is near for years, With whom are not scary and adversity. Behind him, like behind a stone wall, This is Vera Vladimirovna's dear husband! The floor is given to the closest and closest person - the husband of the birthday girl. Leading: These wishes, in my opinion, are wonderful. And you need to drink for this. Do you agree with me? Pour into glasses of hop wine, For Vera Vladimirovna we'll drink to the bottom!(They drank.)

Congratulations from the grandchildren on the 50th anniversary for the grandmother

(These poems can be told by the children themselves. Since ours are still too small, I read these poems myself, and the children themselves brought their own gift - a postcard drawn with their own hands.) Why are we crowded in the morning today? All something, fry, soar Adults and children. Here, quickly peel the potatoes. Milk here vile. Because it's the birthday of my dear grandmother! The table is set, all the guests are sitting Together at a large table, And we will bring a gift to our beloved woman Vera. And here is a gift from the granddaughters - Alena and Lisa!(Liza and Alyona are carrying a gift-card. Their parents go out with them.)

Congratulations from children on the 50th anniversary

(This congratulation-poem is, in principle, universal. Everyone can alter it a little, substituting their own facts from life and names. I wanted, first of all, to express in it my love for Mom and gratitude for the great help provided to me and my daughter - my mother gave me the opportunity to go to work when Liza was only one year old, and was with her until she went to kindergarten. My brother and I read the poem in turn, and our spouses gave Mom a common gift from us all.) Dear Mom! Happy Birthday to You! On Your Birthday Our dreams are simple - This congratulation So that you smile. We appreciate you very much, We love you, we adore you. We want to praise all your manifestations by Poems. In the role of wife, the exemplary Pope is lucky with you. The "silver" line has been passed, the course is now towards the "gold" one. Daddy is surrounded by tenderness and care. You love him very much, and he also loves you. You and dad raised two lovely children. Smart, beautiful, friendly - Natalia and Dmitry. She put so much patience and kindness into the children. The best mom in the world is, of course, you. She took her daughter-in-law And son-in-law into the house as relatives. By deed and wise advice You will do everything for them. To Sergei and Xenia, directly related love. Thank you for that. We speak again. Two and a half and a year old Your granddaughters are already. There is no one more dear to Grandma's soul. You will buy them gifts, Slightly saving on your husband. Just got away with Liza, Alyonka is waiting right away. Your house is cozy, joyful and warm. You cook deliciously. A lot of everything: Salads and boiled pork, Cakes for dessert - Our favorite festive dinner. On Your Birthday I would like to wish you a wonderful mood, joy and good luck. So that she was always young, healthy, beautiful. So that you live happily for a long, long time.

Congratulations from guests on the 50th anniversary

Leading: We will continue to congratulate the birthday girl, I think that everyone is ready to make a toast. (Put a quiet background music. We used Igor Krutoy's album "Without Words" for this purpose.)
Toasts between congratulations * So that the birthday girl's feelings are always overwhelmed, I want us to raise our glasses now! * Gifts, cards and greetings This creates a great mood. To extend the holiday for us, Glasses should be poured. * This holiday is a birthday, Just a glorious anniversary, To continue the fun, I will tell everyone "Pour!" * Let the wine sparkle in the glasses, it congratulates Vera on the anniversary.

After all the congratulations

Toast to our company

A man gets a job in a reputable company. Her boss asks him a question: - First of all, I would like to know if you are addicted to drinking? “No,” the man replies. - But if it is necessary for your company, I can learn! Let's drink to our company. If required, we will always answer - it will be done!

The answer word of the hero of the day

Leading: Today is very important for the birthday girl. After all, every big event is a real finest hour that determines our future life. So, the hostess of the celebration, your finest hour is already coming. Now you are in the role of a deity And the whole audience wants to listen to you.(Reply from the hostess.) Leading: I ask, guests, to drink you For the coming finest hour!(The guests are drinking.)


Dance of the spouses. Leading: Friends! We continue our festive banquet further, we invite the birthday girl and her husband to dance.

1) Star track

Make way, friends, make way

So let your rays continue to give us affection,

And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.

To extend this tale to us,

At least a little bit

You take your time, manage to get through

Star track.

They named their daughter Luda

Their joy was felt everywhere

They were proud of their baby

Here with the neighbour's children

Digging in the sand here

Here he sews handkerchiefs for the doll,

Ay, yes, smart baby

Here she is leafing through books

Lyudmilka is good to everyone

Growing up slowly.

(photos as description)

The years went by.

I didn't know worries

Our Tonya was growing up.

Here comes the school

First grade,

the student here with us ...

3. Seven years have passed, now you have opened the door. (First school photo)

(photos of elementary school)

Tonya studies approximately

School years fly by

Second, fourth, fifth grade

Time flies fast

9. High and joyful feelings without concealing, then a young family was born. (Wedding photography)

(photos from the wedding day)

In order to get the full version of this author's script, you must submit your own script through the Script Exchange Form


Meeting of the hero of the day "Star Track".

(Guests line up in a row of three or four people, make way for the words of the presenter. The hero of the day enters the hall and stops opposite the "star track" - stars carved on the floor.)

Make way, friends, make way
At this moment, smile heartily.
Skip ahead without a doubt
You are the one who has a birthday.
(The hero of the day comes out.)

Dear Hope!
Today you brightly illuminate all your guests,
After all, you direct the reflections of your star to them.
So let your rays continue to give us affection,
And life seems to us to be a great fairy tale.

To extend this tale to us,
At least a little bit
You take your time, manage to get through
Star track.

Every star is just a mystery
Only one answer is required from you.
Dare to get up on the Star Trek
And guess something!

The first star

Each of us dreams of this,
I think that including you
Get out of the hands of a man
Beautiful now ... (flowers)
(Give a bouquet of flowers - steps on the next star.)

Second star

To remember your biography later,
We will do this now ... (photo)
(Taking pictures - steps on the next star.)

Third star

From now on, spoil your husband more often,
After all, he gives you his ... (kiss)
(The husband kisses the birthday girl - she steps on the next star.)

Fourth star

For all heroes of the occasion
At such moments,
We are ready to give endlessly ... (applause)
(Applause from guests - stepping on the next star.)

Fifth star
To be always with friends together,
We all need to fulfill ... (song)

(Guests sing the song "Happy birthday" or "Let them run awkwardly" - one verse. The anniversary woman steps on the next star)

Sixth star

And it's time to honor these minutes
Hear us here jubilee ... (firework)
(Guests launchfirecracker fireworks.).

Leading: Nadezhda, you walked along the starry path beautifully, now we are waiting to invite everyone to the table.

(Anniversary invites guests to the table)

Dear guests!
Please take your seats
It's time for us to start the anniversary!
The jubilee is a long matter, therefore, sit down comfortably, choose a more cheerful neighbor for yourself, so that you can look after her, and sit down yourself so that there is someone to look after you. The seating at the table is as follows: women are closer to the snack, and men are closer to the drink.

An excerpt from the song "Hello guests" is played

And now the desired day has come
The hall is full of guests and light
This is the Hope of all friends
Collected for the anniversary!
Guests! Begin this jubilee
Answer the questions.
Let the answer be brief:
Only "yes" or only "no".
On the anniversary, gentlemen?
Is there food waiting for you on the tables?
The hero of the day is looking at you
And he does not take his eyes off the guests?
Will the hero of the day smile?
Are guests happy to get drunk?
Men to molest the ladies?
Are we going to fill the glasses?

Dear Men!
We begin to take care of the beautiful half,
We fill the glasses!

(while pouring, the chorus of T.Bulanova's song "Birthday" sounds)

So, the glasses are full, and now everyone who is sitting on my right raised their glasses and looked at our birthday girl. Everyone who sits to my left raised their glasses and also looked at our birthday girl.

We will support by coming together
The custom of the ancient Russians
For the happiness of the hero of the day
Let's raise our first glass
We wish you good luck in everything
And we will shout three times ... (congratulations).
And the offer is
To drink for the hero of the day!

(refrain of I. Allegrov's song "Birthday")

And now I would like to address our birthday girl. While your guests were gathering, they revealed a terrible secret to me. Which one? That they did not eat for three days, did not drink for three days, they were preparing for today's celebration. And I think that this situation needs to be corrected somehow. Nadezhda, how many minutes do you think we will give your guests to eat?
Dear guests! The generosity of the hero of the day is declared for you musically - a pause of 5 minutes.

(N. Baskov "Birthday" 3:38).


(To bring the anniversary of the anniversary in front of everyone, we read):

Happy anniversary birthday, we congratulate you.

Let's give everything what it deserves, respecting and loving!

Who in the world is sweeter and more generous, and kinder,

For whom are all the flowers here? We declare: it's you!

Who do you find in the garden not nettles - quinoa,

And well-groomed beds and order, beauty?

Who in the family is an example for everyone, at home is also a pioneer:

Picks up and cooks, builds everyone up to line,

Then praise, scold and light up with a smile?

You are wonderful with us - a craftswoman - the highest class!

To please my husband, as it should, to put things in order,

Give advice to cute children, fry cutlets for grandchildren,

Greet all friends, relatives, outline a plan for the holidays,

Call the village and cook stewed fruit!

And for this you immediately receive a medal from us!

Dear Hope! Allow me to present this commemorative medal in honor of today's anniversary!

(to the applause of the guests, the medal "50 years" is awarded, fanfare sounds)


Let it hang in the center of the belly
Medal in the most conspicuous place
Wear it everywhere, always
100 years, and if you want
You can 200!
Wear over your coat in winter
Over a suit, hot summer
In short, so ... so that you can see
So you will look solid.
When you go to bed to sleep
You should definitely know
That she should be near
And then everything else ...
The medal should hang around the neck
Whether you are in the bathhouse or in the museum
Medal bestowed by me
On weekdays and weekends
We will wash the medal now
While there is something to drink with us,
May you live well, Nadia
Let him eat, let him drink.

We wish you well, gold and silver,

So that the house is a full cup, and your whole life is sweeter and more beautiful! (drink for a medal)

Well then, dear friends!
When such dishes are in sight.
It's hard to listen to the toastmaster!
And we continue our musically - eating pause, while the men work and fill the glasses.

(M.Aleksandrova "Birthday". 3:23)

Congratulations from the bosses

The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the Yuryansk region, Alexei Yuryevich Potapenko.

Husband congratulations
To begin with, I will turn to our men, have you forgotten what to do? Then go ahead.
In the meantime, we will find out what the anniversary is for?
And the answer flies to mind sooner -
To catch happy moments
Listening to congratulations from loved ones.
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I would like to know one thing from the husband of our birthday girl, ANATOLY, do you remember where and when you met HOPE?

Do you remember the first time you kissed?

Bravo friends, here is an ideal husband, remembers all the most valuable things that have been deposited in the soul, our birthday girl.
And it is with great pleasure that I give the floor to the person who has the opportunity to admire the beauty of our birthday girl every day and walk hand in hand with her along the road of life, the floor is given to her loving husband ANATOLY! (the chorus of the song "Everything for you" sounds)
Friends, isn't it true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let's ask them to spoil.

I propose to raise our glasses for what Heinrich Heine said, "angels call heavenly joy, devils call hellish torment, and people call love" FOR LOVE !!!

(An excerpt of the song "Let's drink to love" is played)


Attention! Attention!
We are transmitting a holiday report from the scene!
We are together with you at the celebration of the anniversary Hopes,
where the funniest guests gathered: family and friends
I want to briefly highlight some points of this event!
Not so long ago, Nadezhda and her husband ANATOLY discussed the approach of her date of birth.
NADYA said (01…. I would like to….) Celebrate this event on a grand scale.
To which the husband replied (02 ... And there is not a lot of money in your pocket ...)
But NADYA insisted (03 ... I want to rest ...)
And ANATOLY breathed in, breathed out and of course gave up, because (04 ... your birthday ...)
And then the long-awaited day came and (05 ... people gathered for debauchery ...)
Someone came (06 ... to walk up and get drunk ...)
Someone (07 ... have fun with the whole company ....)
HOPE solemnly invited everyone to the table (08 ... sit down to eat, please ...)
Someone quickly commanded (09 ... open a bottle of champagne ...)
And immediately someone picked up (10 ... between the first and second ....)
Beloved husband will get up and say (11 ... I raise my glass ...)

And now is the time to take a short interview with the guests.
M: What can you say about today's event? (what a wonderful day - 012)
M: Have you known the hero of the occasion for a long time? (we have known each other for many years. -13.)
M: How do you like our birthday girl today? (Oh, what a woman-14)
F: Let's ask the ladies - is that why you value Nadezhda the most? (female friendship - 15)
M: What is your opinion? (bambarbia - 16) yes, a difficult case.
AND: I'd rather go and ask the birthday girl what she thinks of herself? (and I am like that - 17)
AND: Do you, NADIA, have a dream, a desire? (I want to go to Malta - 18)
M: Today is such a day, an anniversary, the tables are bursting with food, and you are sitting angry? (he will drink my vodka-19) so, everything is clear here.
M: Well, what are you missing? (glasses of vodka - 20)

F: How do you think our anniversary today will go? (Okay, it'll be okay 21)

F: To a compliment, what charming eyes you have, what would you say? (Tell me frankly what you need 22)

F: There are a lot of women on this anniversary, what do you think of them? (We are all bitches women23)

M: What would you like from this evening? (I'm tired, I want love24)

M: What are you thinking hard at the moment? (My finances sing romances25)

F: Tell me, what did you wear for the anniversary? (on an airplane carpet26)

And of course, as the birthday girl should, she will say at the end of the evening (27 ... I'm drunk ...)
And he will ask her beloved husband (28 ... don't wake me up ...)
In the morning, the husband wakes up and asks (29 ... let me have a hangover ...)
And he will add (30 ... I demand the continuation of the banquet ...)
But it will be tomorrow, and today there will still be such proposals (31 ... everyone is dancing ...)
And now I think to me, as a toastmaster it's time to say- (Let's pour - 033 ...)
Did everyone fill their glasses?
Dear, Nadia, accept congratulations from all the guests (happy birthday - 034)

Our anniversary report is over, but the evening goes on and congratulations continue!

Congratulations from the children.

Leading: Dear friends, before I say something, I will again turn to men, fill the glasses.

Children are the greatest joy, the greatest happiness for parents, for the whole family! And so, with words of congratulations daughter LENA and her husband are addressing you!

An excerpt from the song "Mom" sounds

Leading: Dear friends, for such sincere words from my daughter's lips, I propose to raise the glasses and drain them to the very bottom.

Well, now the floor is given to the rest of the children of HOPE!

An excerpt from the song "Moms are always right" sounds

One must drink for such congratulations!


We have a few useful little things for Nadezhda that are simply necessary for a real woman!

A real woman is the keeper of the hearth.

Therefore, we give her a box of matches so that her hearth always burns hot!

A real woman is a jack of all trades.

So we give her rubber gloves so that these hands will always remain beautiful and gentle, no matter how hard they are!

A real woman - besides being the mistress of the house, is certainly the personification of beauty.

Therefore, we give her a mirror so that she can be convinced of this at any time!

And finally, a real woman always and everywhere feels like a queen.

Of course, Nadezhda is the queen of tonight, and the queen in life. So let's crown her now!

(They take out the prepared crown of paper and put it on the hero of the day. A solemn march sounds.)

We now have our own queen! Let everything in your life be just like a king, Nadezhda!

(Musical-eating pause, Alyona Apina sounds - About Birthday)

Star Trek Graduation Script


Good day, expensive our parents and guests! We were looking forward to this meeting! Today, an unusual, exciting celebration awaits you! First high school graduation in the life of our common children! So I want this day to remain a pleasant memory for all of us!

1. Vedas:

Kindergarten "Thumbelina" releases its pupils, namely ... interesting, curious boys, and .... cute and mysterious girls. Today everyone graduate- this is a small star that will shine as brightly as real stars shine.


Our graduates deserve an awardOscar, and Nikki and "Teffi".

1. Vedas:

Yes, yes, yes - I would also "Golden Gramophone Award" would give.

2p. We got together today

To celebrate our holiday.

This holiday is not easy ...

3p. What a holiday?

In chorus: High school graduation!

4p. Who is the hero of the occasion?

5r. Well, of course you and me! All the boys and girls

In chorus: In general, our whole group!

6p. Greet us -

In chorus: candidates for grade 1!

1. Vedas:


To the music hall are invited Graduates kindergarten - 2017.

Children run in with daisies and perform a composition "Camomile field"

In my arms priceless treasure,

There are a lot of funny, beautiful guys.

They are not as submissive as mountain rivers,

My little men are capricious, fearless.

Many sons and daughters and granddaughters,

There are a lot of strangers and for some reason.


Today is a farewell day to you.

What kind words to say?

Five years in "Thumbelina" walked.

And now the hour of farewell has come!


The long-awaited came to us

This day and this hour.

We all gathered in this room

In chorus: Last time!


Do not judge too harshly

You, yesterday's preschoolers

We worry a little

And my knees tremble a little


With tender sadness "Goodbye",

tell the group we are dear

You and I never parted

Is it only on the weekend?


Wish us today

Happy journey everyone

So that difficulties, obstacles

We could easily get through.

And today is the day of farewell, we will not lose heart

Our kindergarten with a kind word

We will remember for a long time


Goodbye we are for the garden

Sing the song together.

Never, nowhere, guys

We will not forget about him.

Common song "Carelessly seven years have flown by"


We are very pleased to see such a number of guests in our hall. Thank you very much for leaving your important business for a while and coming to take part in our holiday. But what is this noise? Is it possible that not everyone has gathered in our hall yet?

Guests came to us here, they brought congratulations.

(kids with briefcases enter to the music (toys and a pot are sticking out of the portfolios).

You go to first grade, Maybe take us? We collected all the portfolios And ran away from the group.

Although we do not know how to write, But we draw, sculpt, glue. We collected all the toys And ran away from the group!

We have collected everything with us - Two cars, a doll, zayu. We have everything in our portfolios, And a pot in reserve!

You see for yourself that we all have to go to school!


We decided in "Quiet hour" That we are going to school just right!

Guys, look, it seems to me that our kids are mistaken, and they didn’t get what they needed to go to school.

The game "Get ready for school"

Educator of the younger group (runs in):

How you scared me, We lost you in the group!


We decided in "Quiet hour" That we are going to school just right!

Educated. junior gr .:

To go to school, you need to grow up a little. Look here at the holiday - future first graders. (graduates) We wish these children to be loved and expected at school. So that everyone learns on "5"... And do not forget the kindergarten!


Take all the toys, and don't be bored here without us, but for you on a spring day, we'd better sing a song.

Song "And we barely climbed the slide and swing"

1. Vedas:

Many years ago

You came to our kindergarten.

With babies - babies

Katyushkas, Irishkas ...

Here under the windows stood

We were worried about the children.

And it seemed to you then

He will always cry.


Days passed like an instant.

And your excitement passed

That hour has already come -

Take them to first grade.

We just want to remember

How difficult it was for them!

Children come out.

Tomorrow will be the time to part! And tomorrow, I will not come to the kindergarten.

But I would like, very goodbye now, to remember how merrily we lived in the garden.


When I was little, I drank milk from a nipple

And I ate semolina porridge ... how quickly time flew by!

Is it possible to look into Childhood, even if only for a few minutes?


I wish we could return our childhood to the good days, when we were still crumbs!

Have fun and dance, take a nap on the bed!


Executing number "Little by little"


Yes! We had everything. All the guys undoubtedly love to play and have fun, but I, of course, really like the quiet hour. And now, I declare a quiet hour!

Dance with pillows

We have all seen how our children cope with the tasks. Now a warm-up for you parents.

The game "This is me, this is me, this is my whole family"

1. Who is ready to get up at 7 am and pick up the child for school?

2. Who does not work with children in the evening until ten?

3. Exercise to do who is ready for the child to be healthy?

4. Who misses lessons and rests at sea?

5. Who pours the children at home with phantom, Pepsi, Coca-Cola?

6. Who takes the kids to the circles, all the conditions here and there?

7. Who more than anyone in the world wants all children to be happy?

What good fellows! And the parents did the job! This means that the children will not have problems at school either.


Of course, children do not like to sleep during quiet hours, but there are those who are very difficult to get out of bed. And now the guys will show you how it was!

Stage"Lazy person" (preparatory group)

2 Vedas:

Yes, guys, kindergarten is the beginning of everything!

Veda: Kindergarten is "Star Factory",

Well, not stars, but only stars.

Who will come to us completely unintelligent,

Will become a bright and smart child.

Song "Cool you got to kindergarten"


Go to school - try, study well. And you, Dear Parents, be more attentive, your children will need your care and help at school.

There is a knock at the door.

Well, who else is there, it seems everyone has gathered at our holiday!

Enter Scattered with a butterfly net and suitcase, walks to the center of the hall.


I don't understand (looks around,

And where I got - I don't know

Oh, how many guys are here!


You ended up in our kindergarten.

But who are you?

Very weird and funny.


I am an absent-minded person

From Basseinaya street.

I went to congratulate the guys

With admission to kindergarten.

2 Presenter:

Confused, as always.

Well, this is not a problem.

Children go to school,

The holiday is celebrated today.


This is what I dreamed about.

I came to you, friends, to the ball.


Guys, look, the real Absent-minded one from the poem of Samuel Marshak has come to us. And the jacket was buttoned up with the wrong button, and even took the net.


And this is to catch butterflies.


Guys, have butterflies already appeared?



Why did you take the net?


Catch butterflies!


But there are no butterflies scattered in the room. You got it all mixed up.

And since you have captured the net, give it here, the guys and I will use it instead of butterflies, we’ll better catch the marks, only guys, be careful and catch only good marks.

Attraction "Graded pool"


Ha! Listen quickly to me, hurry to school, you are all in vain.

Write letters in a notebook, answer questions.

In the morning you will not be allowed to sleep, they will take you to lessons!

If a deuce is a belt, and this is every day!

10 years to write, write, and then take the exam.

Better to skip school and play on the computer.

2 Leading:

What are you talking about! Eh, me too, Absent-minded! The school will teach you how to read and write. The guys will learn a lot, grow up big and smart, like their mothers and fathers.


Learn, catch up! To-to-e-lo!

Who needs your school, there is nothing wrong with it.

I wish I could become adults right away, not study, not suffer.

See, star flew, as if she wanted to fulfill her desire.

Better to become important and adult right away! And immediately go on a date!


And our guys just want to show you an example of one unsuccessful date!

Executing number "Bad date"

2 Vedas:

Well, it still seems to me that it is too early for our guys to go on a date, there are still many important and serious things ahead!


And the parents on what, even if they want to go to school instead of them, they already know everything, and they will definitely immediately become excellent students! Now we will check them to see if they are ready for school.

Attraction with parents "Collect the phrase"

The time has come - the children have grown

Ball graduation today with us,

Lovely mothers, lovely fathers,

It's so good that you are here now.

For being the best in the world-

Your children give you a dance!

Dance "Do, re, mi"


Yes, I see that your parents are ready to study and help the children! But there was no one to help me! I learned letters, I didn’t remember anything! I wrote forty notebooks and not one letter came out!

Here, take a look!

(Demonstrates a notebook, and in it a huge blot is pasted)


Oh, and, really, guys, he has only blots in his notebook!

Only scattered and inattentive children have such blots!

Maybe we can cover this dirt for now?

Our caretaker Tatyana Vasilievna probably has a stain remover. Go to her, she will help. Head straight down the hallway and right! There is the office of the caretaker!

Absent-minded leaves.

2 Vedas:

Guys, don't be bored, sing the school song!

Performed Song "Dili dili, bell, dili dili"


There is a noise from behind the door, din

Runs into the Klyaksa hall


Karrraul! Trouble! They wanted to poison! Save, help! Why is this being done? I'm sitting in a notebook, I'm not bothering anyone, but here it is! Ugliness!

Absent-minded runs in after


(Runs around the hall with a net, tries to catch up and cover the blot with a net)

Tired, sits down in the middle of the hall with a butterfly net

Well, again, nothing worked for me, I wanted to remove the blot, but she escaped from the notebook! (shows a notebook, it is empty, blank page)


Get out of here, kindly, by well, murderer! Otherwise I’ll get into your notebook again.


Well, I do not. This will not happen, with me and so everyone laughs! I'm leaving! All the best! Deal with it yourself! You have enough notebooks for her, let him live with you now!


Go, go ... And now I'll figure it out myself! (rubs his hands)

Lead 2: Of course we can, now they will tell us about it


I already know all the letters

I even read the signs

And the names of the pharmacies

And pieces of candy!



Yes, it’s bad! Very bad! It seems that I can't live here in more than one notebook! But I'll try it anyway!

Attraction "Remove the blots"


Oh yes, do not be so happy!

Now we will guess riddles and I will definitely find for myself lazy people and idlers from those who will answer incorrectly!

School riddles

1. In each school starts right on time…. (Lesson)

2. The lesson will certainly be followed by…. (turn).

3. The bell rings - it starts. (lesson).

4. The desk is not a bed, and you cannot be on it. (lie).

5. If you want to answer - you have to. (raise your hand).

6. Every student knows - grades are given in (diary).

7. Why do we need to know the letters? So that we can (read)

8. Why do we need to know the numbers? So that we can (consider).

2 Presenter: Here, you see! Our guys answered all the questions correctly!

Blot: SO, something I did not understand! They cope with all the tasks, they laugh at me! So children are neglected, but not hopeless!


Not! What do you? Our children are well-bred, with a sense of humor!


No, I will root out a sense of humor! Comedians! And you, madam, go, do not bother me to bring up children!

Okay, let's do the vocals. (Referring to the music. Hands) Darling, free up space, do not interfere with the children to study. So guys, we repeat for me: la-la-la (hits one key and sings out of tune, children laugh)... So, now we sing with accompaniment (claps whatever is horrible with both hands and sings any line of the song out of tune) For example: "Chrysanthemums in the garden have faded long ago.""Or others. Why, no one sings? What, a bear stepped on your ear? Children cannot sing at all!

Moose. Hand: No, what are you, our children sing beautifully. Listen here.

Song "Sashka and Natasha".


What are you, blot! Our children are dancing very well! And how can you not learn here? My guys have parents, look, they are beautiful, young, with a sense of humor, and they also do not mind dancing! Do you want to see?


I would like to see it!

Dance "Boogie Woogie"


It seems that I have nothing to do here! I'll go look for other guys, are there not enough of them here or what? You don't suit me!

Blot runs away


Well guys, it seems that you really grew up and you can go to school! And you, Dear Parents, help the children and do not forget our kindergarten!

You go to study! We promise not to be lazy!

Kindergarten don't forget you remember us too!

Hurry up for you to grow up! Well, you won't be bored here!

What do you? Am I bored? Children heal all separations!

The nurseries will come to me! Lucky kids!

I'll give them toys! And for them we do not mind!

I will love them too! How we want to be!


Come visit us! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Well, now I would like to give the floor to the head of the kindergarten Morozova O. N.

And then came this fabulous moment,

We didn't have time to blink, as he overtook us,

You realized in the kindergarten what friends mean,


You met care, warmth and comfort,

Good people and fairy tales live here,

Go ahead! Tomorrow is a new life!


In the first spring leaves

Our kindergarten now

The guys of our group

Go to first grade!


For what they dreamed about

We have been for so many years in a row!

For what has been, will be, is!

Thank you kindergarten!

Dance "First grader"

Everybody leaves



And in a farewell moment, but beautiful,

A surprise is ready again in addition:

Take your happy balloon

As a sign of achievements and good luck!

And let all troubles take away

Your ball is light-winged!

Start your flight with him,

May he be happy!

After the holiday, the guys together with the educators and parents on the street release balloons, by the strings of which the notes with the made wishes are tied