Top 10 competitions for the new year. A gift for the wisest and oldest. Fun competition for the family “New Year’s “Turnip”

New Year's competitions

New Year's competition<Лепим снежную даму>
If there is snow outside on New Year's Eve, then guests can be invited to play outside. All players (preferably men) must be divided into several teams, each team receives the task of making a snow woman, not a snow woman, but a woman. The team that has the most charming and unusual snow woman with a beautiful figure wins. For example, even women’s clothing, etc., can be used to decorate such a woman. A similar game can be offered to women, but they will have to sculpt the man of their dreams, whom they want to meet next year. New Year's competitions on

New Year's competition "Pins"
This New Year's fun will require several couples, preferably married couples. Both couples need to be blindfolded, then take five pins and pin them on their clothes. Now the competition begins: the first couple to collect all the pins from each other’s clothes wins. All this happens to the accompaniment of slow and romantic music. But in the end, the winner is the couple who will be the first to understand what the catch is, and this catch lies in the fact that, for example, five pins were pinned on the girls’ clothes, as was said, but four on the guys’ clothes. Before the contestants understand the meaning of the deception, they will spend a long time feeling the body of their significant other in search of the lost fifth pin. From the viewer's perspective, it looks quite interesting. New Year's competitions on
Couples participate. The men stand near the counter on which there are glasses of “drinks.” He must drink the contents of the glass without using his hands. As soon as he does this, he raises his hand. At this command, his partner, standing at the opposite counter, also hands-free brings the man a cucumber-shaped snack. Whoever drinks and eats first wins.

Balloons have been a favorite since childhood. I’ll tell you the secret of how fun it is to remember your childhood. Each participant ties a ball to his leg and chooses a partner with the same ball. And both are trying to burst each other's balloon. New Year's competitions without popping balloons and bursts of laughter? Can't be allowed! Only fun!

New Year's competition<Алфавит>
The owner of the house, where guests are supposed to come to celebrate the New Year, dresses up in the clothes of Santa Claus, and when all the guests have gathered at the table, he announces that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts only to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play the alphabet game. He calls the first letter - A, and the first player must come up with a phrase related to New Year's greetings that begins with the letter A, for example, says:<Айболит передает всем свои поздравления!>. The second player says the letter B:<Будьте счастливы>and so on alphabetically, with each player who comes up with a phrase given a souvenir. It becomes very funny when the alphabet reaches the letters Zh, P, Y, b, b.
New Year's joke<Коробка с подарками>
For the New Year, you can arrange such a little joke. At the end of the room where you will celebrate the New Year, place a box that has a top but no bottom. You can wrap the box with a beautiful ribbon and write “Happy Holidays” on it, and fill the box with confetti. It is important that the box is placed in a high place, maybe even on a closet. When a person enters a room and is told that there is a gift for him on the cabinet, he naturally takes the box off the cabinet and is showered with confetti.

New Year's competition<Наряди ёлку>
To play you will need several balls of ribbon, tinsel, garland (depending on how many players there will be). In this case, women will act as Christmas trees =). Women hold one end of a ribbon or garland in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end with their lips and wrap the garland around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose “Christmas tree” turns out more beautiful and elegant, or who does it faster.

New Year's competition "Mittens and buttons"
Several pairs are called. Male players are provided with thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the most buttons on a shirt or robe that is worn over their playing partner's clothes.

New Year's wishes competition
We invite 5 participants, each must name one New Year's wish in turn. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.

In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Everyone takes turns taking notes out of the hat and sings a song - always a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written in his leaf!

New Year's competition "Smeshinka"
Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Firecracker. - What holiday is today? - Lollipop. - What do you have (pointing to your nose)? - Icicle. - What drips from the icicle? - Garland... Each participant must answer any questions with his “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated from the game and gives away his forfeit. Then there is a drawing of tasks for forfeits.

Mask, I know you
The presenter puts the mask on the player. The player asks different questions to which he receives answers - hints: - Is this an animal? - No. - Human? - No. - Bird? - Yes! - Homemade? - Not really. - Is she cackling? - No. - Quacks? - Yes! - It's a duck! The person who guesses correctly is given the mask itself as a prize.
"Holiday outfit." I suggest you become designers for ten minutes. The task is performed in pairs. The first participant holds a roll of toilet paper on his hand, and his partner unwinds the roll with his left hand and throws the paper over the first participant, creating an outfit on him. Any New Year's competitions, and especially this one, are best filmed or taken photos.
"So cute".
Nice ladies seat men on chairs and dress them up with hairpins, bows and clothespins. Men shouldn't resist. After 5 minutes, the best dressed man is chosen. The winning lady invites any man to a white dance.

"Favorite leg"
The ladies sit on chairs in a row and take off their right shoe. The men are blindfolded and must guess their girlfriend based on her leg. But when the eyes are blindfolded, the presenter quietly places one man in the women’s row, who also takes off his right shoe. Guess what will come of all this.
Poetry competition
You can prepare cards in advance with rhymes for your future New Year's greetings (toast) and distribute them to guests (including school-age children) at the beginning of the evening. Rhyme options: grandfather - summer nose - frost year - the third is coming - millennium calendar - January The results of the competition are summed up at the table, or when presenting gifts.

New New Year's competition "Snowball"
Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Lump” is passed on and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count to “five” - One, two, three, four, five - You should sing a song. Or: Should I read poetry for you? Or: You should dance a dance. Or: Let me tell you a riddle... The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

New Year's competition "There are Christmas trees"
We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin. Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up. “Low” - squat and lower your arms. “Wide” - make the circle wider. “Thin” - make a circle already. Now let's play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)

New Year's competition "Telegram to Santa Claus"
The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list . Text of the telegram: "... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances ! Finally... New Year is coming! I don't want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts . With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

New Year's competition "Dancing with a ball"
Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their bodies, dance with each other. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. It will be very fun and entertaining to use musical excerpts of different styles and tempos for this competition. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, lambada, polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.

New Year's competition "Who's last?"
Requires 5-6 participants and one less glass than players, as well as drinks. Guests stand around a table with glasses on it. They turn on the music, the guests begin to run around the table, and when it turns off, the participants grab the glasses and drink the contents to the bottom. Whoever is left without a glass is eliminated. And so on. The most important thing is that there are always fewer glasses than there are players. The winner will be one of the remaining two who drinks the last glass.

A simple and funny New Year's competition "Faces"
Santa Claus asks contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

A trickle of wallpaper
A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

New Year's competition "Prize from Santa Claus"
Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize on a chair in front of them. Santa Claus counts: one, two, hundred, one, two, thirteen...twelve, etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when Santa Claus says three.

New Year's competition "Santa Claus's Magic Bag"
All participants stand in a circle. Santa Claus is in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to him. There are a wide variety of things in the bag. These can be panties, Panama hats, bras, etc. Anything, the main thing is that they are funny and gigantic in size. The music turns on and everyone starts moving in a circle. Santa Claus gives the bag to one of the participants. He must quickly get rid of it, give it to someone, because if the music stops and he ends up with him, then he is a loser. Next comes the punishment. In this case, it is like this - Santa Claus unties the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first item he comes across. Then, to the Homeric laughter of those gathered, he puts this item on himself - over his clothes. After that everything continues. The losing guest dances in a new outfit. The music stops again and now the next participant who happens to have the bag at that time tries on a new suit.

New Year's competition "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"
Santa Claus invites men to participate in the competition. Santa Claus must put a match on the man's eyelashes, and he, in turn, must compliment the Snow Maiden. Whoever says the most compliments until the match falls wins.

New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden
I'll tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the word “three”, take the prize immediately! Once we caught a pike and looked at what was inside. We saw small fish, and not just one, but... five. A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion, Look, don’t be tricky at the start, But wait for the command: “One, two... march.” When you want to memorize poems, Don’t cram them until late at night, But repeat them to yourself, Once, twice, and One day I had to wait for a train at the station for three hours. Well, friends, you took the prize. I give you a five.

New Year's competition "Contest with glasses"
Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever runs the fastest without spilling the contents is the winner.

New Year's competition "Winders"
Ribbons are tied to the waists of 3 girls. The girls wrap ribbons around their waists. Male participants must quickly twist the ribbons around their waists... Whoever is faster and more careful wins and deserves a kiss from the girl.

"Christmas story"
14 people are participating in the competition. Preparation: Roles are written on pieces of paper:
- A curtain
- Oak
- Crow
- Boar
- Boar
- Boar
- Bullfinch
- Bullfinch
- Bullfinch
- Father Frost
- Snow Maiden
- Nightingale is a robber
- Horse
- Ivan Tsarevich
The presenter comes out with a hat containing pieces of paper with the roles and invites the participants to sort out the roles. Next, the presenter tells the tale suggested below. Participants perform actions in accordance with the role. (All impromptu.)
Scene No. 1 The curtain went up. There was an oak tree in the clearing. A raven flew in, cawing, and sat down on an oak tree. A herd of wild boars ran by. A flock of ducks flew by. Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking in the clearing. The curtain went up. (Participants leave the stage.)
Scene No. 2 The curtain went up. There was an oak tree in the clearing. A raven flew in, cawing, and sat down on an oak tree. A herd of wild boars ran by. A flock of ducks flew by. Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking in the clearing. Here the Nightingale the Robber jumps out and carries away the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is calling for help. The curtain went up. (Participants leave the stage.)
Scene No. 3 The curtain went up. There was an oak tree in the clearing. A raven flew in, cawing, and sat down on an oak tree. A herd of wild boars ran by. A flock of ducks flew by. Father Frost and Snow Maiden were walking in the clearing. Here the Nightingale the Robber jumps out and carries away the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is calling for help. Ivan Tsarevich rides on a horse. Santa Claus shares his grief with him. Ivan Tsarevich fights with the Nightingale the Robber and fights off the Snow Maiden. Everyone is happy. The curtain went up.
The presenter speeds up the pace of the tale with each new scene.

"Question answer"
The rules of the competition are very simple. To begin, the questions and answers listed below must be written on cards of the same size. It is advisable to use thick paper or thin cardboard. You should end up with two identical decks: one with questions, the other with answers. And then everything is simple. Shuffle each deck thoroughly and place it in the center of the table. The first player takes the question card and reads it to his neighbor. He takes the card with the answer and reads the answer out loud. Then the person who answered the question asks his next neighbor, and so on in a circle. Even just a quick look at the list below can give you an idea of ​​the similarities there might be. What is it worth, for example: “Do you like swimming naked? “On Saturdays this is a necessity for me.” Or: “Tell me, do you like me? “When I’m drunk, and I’m always drunk!” It’s only advisable to sit down like this: guy - girl - guy - girl. Because when two guys sit next to each other, all the questions are like: “Do you like me?”, “Do you like to look into my eyes?” and even “What would you say if I kissed you now?” these guys come across (repeatedly tested from my own experience). And what kind of answers they come across to this is generally “beyond the comprehension of the mind.”

These games can be played at a home party, at a holiday work party, or at a New Year's corporate party.

These games will amuse all the guests and make the New Year's holiday fun and interesting.

Games and entertainment for the New Year for adults

New Year's game. What will Santa Claus give?

This is a team game. It is necessary to divide the guests into teams of several people (you can form family teams, teams of brunettes and blondes, teams of girls and boys, teams based on the letters in their names). Assignment: depict the presenter’s story with facial expressions and gestures. Actions must be performed simultaneously by all team members.

“Every New Year, Santa Claus comes knocking on our door with a whole bag of gifts. He gave dad (a hat, a comb, glasses). Let everyone show with their right hand how dad does (comb his hair, put on a hat, try on glasses). He gave his son (skates, skis, rollerblades). Show how your son walks (skis, skates, roller skates), but don’t stop combing his hair. (Then each new gift is a new movement added to the previous one.) He gave his mother a meat grinder - rotate it with your left hand. He brought his daughter a gift (a bear, a doll, a dog), who bats her eyelashes and says “mom” (“woof”, “meow”), and he gave his grandmother a Chinese dummy that shakes its head.”

The winner is the team that managed to show everything without faltering.

New Year's game. Calendar

For this game you need to prepare tear-off calendar sheets in advance. This game will help guests get to know each other better and form pairs for the evening. Girls can be given pieces of paper with an even number, boys - with an odd number. Throughout the festive evening, the owners of the leaflets are given various tasks.

Tasks should be offered during the break between dishes, after noisy games: for example, gather by month, by day of the week, find yesterday (for example, September 25 is looking for September 24, etc.).

The host of the evening can offer a story in which different numbers are used; all guests must listen to the story carefully and respond to their number.

For example: “Exactly 3 hours are left until the minute the clock strikes 12” (the owner of the number “12” or “1” and “2”, etc. comes forward.” The story can be thought up in advance, or you can improvise.

New Year's game. Let's dance in pairs

This game is played during a dance minute. The presenter calls any two-digit number, and the players gather in pairs so that the sum of the numbers on their sheets is equal to this number. For example, 26. This means that a pair is made up of players who have calendar sheets with the numbers 10 plus 16, or 20 plus 6, or 25 plus 1. The first one to form a pair wins.

New Year's game. "Spruce" words

Assignment: everyone sitting at the table takes turns naming the words that contain “a spruce tree.” Condition: only common nouns in the nominative case are used. The one who could not name the word gives his forfeit, which will be played together with others.

We offer possible word options: blizzard, caramel, jelly, dolphin, orange, writer, driver, delta, teacher, carousel, furniture, gorge, bum, drops, briefcase, stranded, goal, panel, rail, new settlers, potatoes, mill, dumpling , Monday.

If the players find it difficult to name the words, the presenter can help them by coming up with an explanation of the word. For example: a delicacy that children adore is “caramel”..

New Year's riddles

If you need to fill a pause, New Year's riddles are suitable. They can be easily solved by both adults and children. You can wrap candies in leaves with riddles and hang them on the Christmas tree; each guest chooses his own riddle and receives a sweet prize. You can cut out snowflakes from thick paper, write riddles on them and hang them on the Christmas tree. You can make it snow by throwing snowflakes on your guests. Whoever catches it guesses. You can put leaves with riddles in balloons and inflate them. Guests catch the ball themselves with their own riddles.

It flies without wings and grows without roots. (Snow)

Warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, comes to life in winter (Snow)

On the street there is a mountain, and in the house there is water. (Ice)

In winter, I stand in the yard, a broom in my hands, a bucket on my head, a carrot in my nose. I perform winter service. (Snowman)

Who built a bridge across the river without logs, without an ax? (Freezing).

It is not a man who walks across the field; it is not a bird that flies high. (Blizzard)

A flock of white midges has been spinning and curling since the morning.

Doesn't squeak or bite - that's just how she flies. (Snowflakes)

Not a precious stone, but glitters in the sun (Ice)

He sits on everyone and is not afraid of anyone. (Snow)

I was born in the middle of a yard where children were walking.

But the sun's rays turned me into a stream. (Snowman)

A white, soft blanket is spread out on the street,

The sun was hot - the blanket was glassy. (Snow)

Frost throws seeds on gray roofs -

White carrots grow to the delight of the kids. (Icicles)

Without arms, without legs, he draws on glass. (Freezing)

It does not burn in fire, and does not drown in water. (Ice)

New Year's game. New explanatory dictionary

This game is suitable for those who are no longer able to take part in noisy fun and active games. The host pronounces a word related to the New Year's holiday, and the guests come up with their own interpretation of the word. The wittiest guest wins.

You can use another option - smart dominoes. To do this, you will have to prepare cards in advance.

To draw a festive fun lotto, you need to prepare props. On one card is written the word that needs to be interpreted, on the other - the interpretation. The presenter places a card with a word that needs to be interpreted on the table, and the guests lay out an interpretation card next to it (all guests are given the same number of cards). Thinking time is 5 seconds, then the card is put aside or someone tries to come up with the answer themselves. The winner is the player who gets rid of his interpretation cards the fastest.

An example of word cards for the presenter: loaf, barrel, misfortune, limestone, lower back, fermented baked milk, starving.

Interpretation cards. New Year's cracker; sharp winter wind; carnival mask for a dog; famous singer; gift instructions; Christmas tree; foreign guest.

Here are examples of words and their interpretations

Ballast is a New Year's Eve for scuba divers.

Banquette is a New Year's party lover.

Barysh is a man accompanying a young lady.

A mediocrity is a person who is left without a gift for the New Year. (A person who came to visit without a gift).

Steelyard - New Year's celebration in an all-female group.

Deadwood is the state of guests on the morning after the New Year.

The chief accountant is responsible for the pyrotechnic part of the New Year's evening.

Competent - a guest awarded a diploma for active participation in competitions and games on New Year's Eve.

The double is the diary of one of the children of the owner of the house, hidden before the holiday in a safe place.

Jargon is an aspirin tablet that restores order in the head after a stormy New Year's party.

The priestess is a female guest after a long diet.

The spade is the bodyguard of one of the guests.

Yelnik - restaurant.

Giraffe is a favorite dish of Ukrainians living in Africa - African-style lard.

A dungeon is a neighbor across the wall.

Innocence is the refusal of teetotalers to celebrate the New Year with strong drinks.

Direct - one of the guests demanding the continuation of the banquet in the rooms, without having any funds for it.

The stubs are those who sort things out even at the New Year's table.

Classmates - those who went on a diet after a stormy gastronomic celebration.

Postcard - a guest in a chic dress with a provocative neckline.

Pine is the time when the guests finally fell asleep after the New Year's party.

Teahouse - an exclamation from the hostess, meaning that the guests have destroyed all the year's supplies of tea.

Cheburek is the father of a child dressed as Cheburashka at a New Year's party.

Cap - a small emergency on the New Year's holiday.

Game for the New Year. New Year's constructor

The game is best played during the dance part of the evening. The leader gives the dancers commands to make some figures from the dancers.

For example, to form links from three elements (people), the connection method is “under-the-elbow”; or create a structure of five elements, the connection method is “left hand - knee of the right neighbor.” Each “construction” exists until the next command and tries to move to the music.

Two volunteers are given thick mittens in which to unwrap the candy; on one ski you need to race across the entire room; make a snow woman (i.e., dress someone up using improvised means); cut out the most beautiful snowflake from paper; throwing snowballs into a basket (snowballs are small transparent bags filled with cotton wool).

Game for the New Year. New Year's greetings from fairy-tale characters

The presenter takes things out of the bag that may belong to different fairy-tale characters. For example, the Dwarf's cap, Pinocchio's nose, Hottabych's turban, Cinderella's slipper, Little Red Riding Hood's hat, Malvina's blue wig. Each guest takes turns guessing fairy-tale characters and receives these things. Task: the guest in the appropriate image must wish everyone a Happy New Year. The one who finds the most accurate image wins.

New Year's game. Snowman

Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of Whatman paper with a drawn snowman and a carrot nose made of plasticine. One player from the pair holds a sheet of paper with a picture of a snowman, the other, blindfolded, tries to stick a plasticine carrot nose on the snowman. The one who attaches the carrot correctly and quickly wins.

New Year's game. "Let's sing, friends"

Cases for Kinder surprises are hung on the Christmas tree in advance. Inside each there is a note with a word on a winter theme: Christmas tree, snowflake, frost, snow, winter, frost. Guests remove the Kinder Surprise from the tree and take turns singing a verse from a song whose lyrics contain the word that appears in their note. The winner is determined by applause.

Interesting games and competitions can make your home New Year's holiday fun and varied.

Games and competitions can be used when drawing up New Year's scenarios.

New Year's games, competitions and entertainment at the family New Year's party

What will Santa Claus give?

The host divides the guests into teams of several people (you can form family teams, teams of brunettes and blondes, teams of girls and boys, teams based on the first letters of their names). Then he gives everyone the task of depicting the story he is reading with facial expressions and gestures. Moreover, the actions must be performed simultaneously by all team members.

“Every New Year, Santa Claus comes knocking on our door with a whole bag of gifts. He gave dad... (a hat, a comb, glasses, etc.). (Participants show with their right hand how dad puts on a hat, combs his hair, tries on glasses, etc.). He gave his son... (skates, skis, rollerblades). He gave his mother a meat grinder, he gave his daughter a gift... (a doll, a cat, a dog), who bats her eyelashes and says... ("mom", "meow", "woof"), and he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead, who shakes his head."

Each new gift is a new movement added to the previous one.

The winner is the team that managed to show everything without faltering.


This game will help guests get to know each other better and form pairs for the evening. First, you need to distribute leaves from the tear-off calendar to the guests, for example, girls can be given leaves with an even number, boys - with an odd number.

As the evening progresses, the owners of the calendar sheets are offered a variety of tasks during the break between dishes, after noisy games, for example: gather by month, by day of the week, find yesterday (for example, September 25 is looking for September 24, etc.).

The host of the evening is able to offer a story in which different numbers are used; all guests must listen carefully to the story and respond to their number. For example: “There is not much left until the minute when the clock strikes 12” (the owner of the number 12 or 1 and 2, etc. comes forward.” The story can be thought up in advance or improvised on the go.

Let's dance in pairs

The presenter calls any two-digit number, and the players gather in pairs so that the sum of the numbers on their sheets is equal to this number. For example, 26. This means that a pair is made up of participants with the numbers 10 and 16, 20 and 6, or 25 and 1. Those who form a pair first win.

"Spruce" words

Everyone sitting at the table takes turns naming the words inside of which “there is a spruce tree,” and you can only use common nouns in the nominative case. The one who could not name the word gives his forfeit, which will be played together with others.

If the players find it difficult to name the words, the presenter can help them by coming up with an explanation of the word. For example, a treat that children adore is caramel.

We offer possible word options: blizzard, caramel, jelly, dolphin, orange, writer, driver, delta, teacher, carousel, furniture, gorge, bum, drops, briefcase, stranded, goal, panel, rail, housewarming, potato, mill, dumpling , Monday.

New Year's constructor

This competition can be saved for the dance part of the evening. The leader gives the dancers various commands. For example, to form links from 3 elements (people), the connection method is at the elbow, or to create a structure of 5 elements, the connection method is “left hand - knee of the right neighbor.” Each “construction” exists until the next command and tries to move to the music.

The most striking and memorable “design” wins.

New Year's riddles

Of course, the host of the evening can also offer riddles, but you can present them in a much more interesting way, for example, wrap candies in leaves with riddles and hang them on the Christmas tree: let each guest choose their own riddle and receive a sweet prize for it. It is also easy to cut out snowflakes from thick paper, write riddles on them and hang them on the Christmas tree or make a snowfall by dropping them on guests. Whoever catches it guesses. In addition, you can put leaves with riddles in balloons and inflate them.

We offer such riddles.

It warms in winter, smolders in spring, dies in summer, and comes to life in winter. (Snow).

On the street there is a mountain, and in the house there is water. (Ice).

In winter, I stand in the yard, a broom in my hands, a bucket on my head, a carrot in my nose. I perform winter service. (Snowman).

It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ice). Who built a bridge across the river without logs, without an ax? (Freezing).

It is not a man who walks across the field; it is not a bird that flies high. (Blizzard).

❧ If you need to fill a pause, riddles are suitable. They can be made by the host of the evening or guests in a chain one after another.

A flock of white midges

It has been spinning and curling since the morning.

Doesn't squeak or bite -

She just flies like that. (Snowflakes).

Not a precious stone, but sparkles in the sun. (Ice).

He sits on everyone and is not afraid of anyone. (Snow).

I was born in the middle of a yard where children were walking. But the sun's rays turned me into a stream. (Snowman).

A white, soft blanket was laid out outside, the sun was hot - the blanket was glass. (Snow).

Frost throws seeds onto the gray roofs - White carrots grow to the delight of the kids. (Icicles).

Quiz "New Year's jokes"

To amuse the guests sitting at the table, you can hold a comic quiz with funny questions on a New Year's theme.

1. Homeland of the Christmas tree. (Forest).

2. A female creature entertaining the Christmas tree with songs. (Blizzard).

3. A rather suspicious gray person trotting past the Christmas tree. (Wolf).

4. A natural phenomenon that causes instability and high “decay” of the population in winter. (Ice).

5. New Year's ball, the most suitable place for those who like to hide their true self. (Masquerade).

6. Ice casting. (Ice rink).

7. Winter striker. (Freezing).

8. The most New Year's dish is fish “dressed” in a fur coat. (Herring under a Fur Coat).

9. New Year’s “sculpture” created from natural material. (Snowman).

New explanatory dictionary

This game is suitable for those who are no longer able to take part in noisy fun and active games. The host pronounces a word related to the New Year's holiday, and the guests come up with their own interpretation of the word. The wittiest guest wins.

You can use another option - smart dominoes. You will have to prepare cards for it in advance.

❧ If the results of the competition lead to disputes, do not turn the establishment of the truth into an investigation with questioning of witnesses, but invite the strongest to fight each other one on one.

To draw a festive fun lotto, you need to prepare props. On one card they write the word that needs to be interpreted, on the other - its interpretation. The presenter places a card with a word that needs to be interpreted on the table, and the guests lay out an interpretation card next to it (all guests are given the same number of cards). Thinking time is 5 seconds, then the card is put aside or someone tries to come up with an answer on their own. The player who gets rid of their interpretation cards the fastest wins.

Example, word cards for the presenter: loaf, barrel, misfortune, limestone, lower back, fermented baked milk, starving.

Interpretation cards: New Year's cracker, sharp winter wind, carnival mask for a dog, famous singer, instructions for a gift, New Year's tree, foreign guest.

Other examples of words and their interpretations:

Ballast is a New Year's Eve for scuba divers.

Banquette is a New Year's party lover.

Barysh is a man accompanying a young lady.

A mediocrity is a person who is left without a gift for the New Year (a person who comes to visit without a gift).

The chief accountant is responsible for the pyrotechnic part of the New Year's evening.

Competent - a guest awarded a diploma for active participation in competitions and games on New Year's Eve.

A dungeon is a neighbor across the wall.

Cheburek is the father of a child dressed as Cheburashka at a New Year's party.

Each participant in turn receives a card with a certain phrase, which will need to be depicted so that the others can guess what exactly the participant showed. Thus, the participant shows, the rest guess, then change to a new participant until everyone tries themselves in the role of an actor. Example phrases that cards may contain:
- poor student at the board;
- a crying child who wants to eat;
- angry dog;
- Santa Claus brought gifts;
- dance of little ducks;
- the street is slippery, and so on.

What is he like, this Santa Claus?

Elimination game. All participants stand in a circle. And, starting with any one (which will be considered the first after), the guys say one word of praise for Santa Claus. So, what is he like, our Santa Claus? Kind, magical, cheerful, beautiful, wise, sincere, generous, strong, good, bearded, mysterious, unusual and so on. Let the children show their imagination and tell everyone how they see the good wizard. And whoever doesn’t name is out. And the few guys who stay in the game until the end will receive the title of winner and prizes.

And New Year is not New Year

Children sit or stand in a circle. Santa Claus or the presenter announces that now is the time to remember all the necessary things and objects that are elements of the holiday. In a circle, each participant takes turns naming one object. For example, a clock, a TV, a Christmas tree, a garland, Santa Claus, snow, a gift, and so on. A participant who cannot name the object is eliminated. The one who has the last word wins.

Savvy answer

The presenter asks questions that relate to New Year's characters and school subjects at the same time, and the children answer and the smarter and more interesting the answer, the better. For example: how is the Snowman related to geometry? (it consists of balls). How is Santa Claus related to geography? (he flies all over the world and delivers gifts to children at every point, so he must know geography to a solid 5). How is the Snow Maiden connected to the Russian language? (she signs birthday cards for children and must do it correctly). The more interesting the participant answers such questions, the greater his chances of becoming a winner.

Secret for Santa Claus

The guys are divided into teams of about 10 people. Each team stands in a row, one after the other. The first participants receive a sheet - a letter, the information of which must be conveyed to Santa Claus, for example, on December 31 in the evening, hares and squirrels, deer and wolves, children and adults are waiting for you at the Christmas tree! At the “start” command, the first participants convey the information as they memorized to the second participant’s ear, trying to do it quickly and quietly so that the opponents do not hear, and so on in the chain. The team that is faster than the rest and, most importantly, correctly conveys the information to Santa Claus (that is, the last participant must say the original text of the letter) will win.

Happy New Year

The guys are divided into teams of 11 people, each participant is given a felt-tip pen or marker. For each team, easels with whatman paper are located at the same distance. Each participant must jump in a bag, like a wolf in the cartoon “Well, Wait a minute!” to the easel and write one letter at a time so that at the end you get the phrase “Happy New Year.” So, at the command “start”, the first participants jump in a bag to the easel and write the letter “C”, then jump back and pass the baton to the second participants, the second write the letter “N”, the third - “O” and so on. The team that finishes the relay faster and writes “Happy New Year” will win.

When it's cold outside

The guys are divided into teams of 5 people. Each participant must wear mittens. Each team receives identical puzzle sets (preferably with a New Year's theme) with a small number of parts. At the command “start”, the teams begin to put together the puzzle using mittens. The team that completes it faster will win and receive a prize.


Children stand in a circle and, to the music, they begin to pass the New Year's cap around in a circle. When the music stops, the participant who still has the cap in his hands puts it on his head and completes the task of Santa Claus. Usually, children prepare poems or songs for Grandfather in advance, so there are no overlaps here.

Remove all the needles from the tree

Two blindfolded participants stand in a circle of fans. 10 clothespins are attached to each participant's clothing. At the leader’s command, the guys must help each other get rid of the clothespins as quickly as possible. Everyone takes part in turn, with clothespins being attached to different places each time.

New Year on one leg

All children stand at the Christmas tree and, at the command of the leader, take the “stand on one leg” pose. A funny New Year's song comes on and the guys start jumping - dancing on one leg without changing it. Whoever gives up is out, and whoever holds out until the end of the song wins.

New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday for the majority of residents of our country, and it is not surprising that all people carefully prepare for New Year's Eve: they select outfits, think through the menu, buy gifts for loved ones, and, of course, plan a preliminary scenario for the holiday. Many will celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 until the morning of January 1, which means that in order not to get bored, you need to come up with cool and fun New Year's games and entertainment for adults in advance. And the best entertainment for a festive night is New Year 2019 competitions for a cheerful company, which can be held at home, at a corporate party or at a festive matinee at school. You can come up with competitions for the New Year of the Pig yourself, or you can use the ideas for various competitions for kindergarten, school, for a corporate party or feast, described below. Especially for visitors to our website, we have selected the coolest and funniest table (sit-down), corporate and children's competitions for the New Year.

  • Competitions for the New Year 2019: New Year's games and entertainment
  • The coolest competitions for the New Year 2019 for a fun company
  • Funny corporate competitions for the New Year
  • Competitions for the New Year - funny sit-down dinners
  • Competitions for adults for the New Year of the Pig
  • Competitions for kindergarten for the New Year 2019
  • Competitions for school for the New Year 2019

Competitions for the New Year 2019 - the best New Year's games and entertainment for a friendly company

Interesting and fun competitions for the New Year 2019, New Year's games and entertainment during the celebration are no less important than a richly laid New Year's table. Thematic games and competitions, in which everyone present at the holiday will take part, will probably be remembered by guests more than treats and gifts, because such entertainment allows you to plunge into memories of a carefree childhood, feel the spirit of competition and have fun.

The patron saint of the coming 2019, the Yellow Earthen Pig (Boar), favors any New Year's entertainment and games, because this animal loves a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, by adding games and competitions to the “scenario” of the New Year’s party, you can not only be guaranteed to amuse all the guests, but also enlist the favor of the mystical patron of the New Year.

The best ideas for games and entertainment for the New Year

There are a lot of ideas for New Year's games and entertainment for a large or small company, because competitions for the New Year 2019 can be created based on any well-known games. Dance, intellectual, comic competitions, quests, competitions for dexterity, logic or knowledge of New Year's signs and rules - these are only a small part of the games for the New Year 2019. And below are described three of the best, in our opinion, entertainment for the New Year, which are suitable for any companies.

  1. Game-competition “Associations for the New Year”. The essence of this game is that everyone present at the New Year's party must name a word (object, phenomenon, etc.) in some way connected with the New Year. Examples of such associations are a Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations, Santa Claus, gifts, etc. Their associations cannot be repeated after other participants in the competition. A participant who cannot come up with an association is eliminated from the game. And the winner will be the one who names the most words associated with the New Year holiday.
  2. Talent competition (New Year's forfeits). Forfeits with tasks for participants must be prepared in advance. You can come up with any tasks, the main thing is that they are related to the New Year theme. For example, excellent tasks for the game would be to sing a children's New Year's song in the style of a romance, play the role of the Snow Queen, make a beautiful snowflake from what is at hand, etc. The winner of the game will be the participant who best copes with his task.
  3. Dancing around the New Year tree. This simple and fun game is suitable for both children and adults. After the feast, all guests get up from the table, the host plays New Year's songs and names a fairy-tale character for each song. The task of all participants is to dance to portray the character named by the leader. The winners of this competition will be the most artistic participants; the winners can be determined both at the end of the game and after each song.

The coolest competitions for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful adult company

When choosing games and entertainment for a New Year's party, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the age and interests of all guests present. For a company with small children, a cheerful group of friends and a family feast, completely different games and competitions are needed, because children, for example, are more interested in funny outdoor games, adults are more interested in funny table competitions, and older people prefer to just talk calmly. Also, when coming up with the coolest competitions for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful group of friends, you need to focus on the preferences and character traits of everyone present so that no one gets bored.

Below we will tell you how to hold three cool competitions that will surely appeal to all guests. Moreover, it should be noted that it is best to appoint those guests who usually take little part in the general conversation and rarely take part in the fun as a judge or judges of competitions. Such people will probably enjoy the role of a jury, and they will be able to have fun with everyone else.

Ideas for cool New Year's competitions for adults

Competition "Don't tell the truth."

To conduct this competition, it is necessary to compile in advance a list of questions about the New Year 2019, to which everyone present should know the answers. Such questions could be: “What animal’s year will New Year 2019 be according to the Chinese horoscope?”, “What tree is decorated for the New Year?”, “What animals are pulling Santa Claus’s team,” etc.

The host of the competition asks these questions to the participants, and the main condition is that you cannot answer the truth. And in order to make the competition more fun and not allow guests to think about the answer for a long time, it is necessary to set the time during which each participant must give an answer - 3 or 5 seconds. The participant who answered the truth or did not give an answer within the allotted time must complete some funny or cool task from the presenter.

Competition "Snowman with a surprise"

To conduct the competition you will need a plastic bucket, tape and various New Year's sweets - candies, tangerines, oranges, etc. The presenter tapes some sweets to the bottom of the bucket so that the participants cannot see, and then calls one of them, tells him to close his eyes and puts a bucket on his head. The participant's task is to guess which sweet is glued to the bucket without opening his eyes. If he doesn't guess correctly, the next participant is called. The one who correctly names the sweetness takes it for himself.

Competition “Box of Wishes”

This cool competition is very simple to prepare, but guarantees a lot of fun for everyone present. Its essence is that each of the guests must write their own funny wish task on a piece of paper and put it in a box. Then all the leaves with wishes are mixed, and each of the guests must take one leaf out of the box and complete the task written on it.

Funny corporate competitions for the New Year that will complement any scenario

The scenario of any corporate party for the New Year necessarily includes, in addition to congratulations and gifts from management, games and entertainment for all those present. Funny corporate competitions for the New Year allow everyone present at the party to have fun, have fun and build friendships with colleagues. And as a rule, in companies where mostly young people work, cool and funny competitions are held at corporate events.

New Year's competitions for corporate parties - ideas and videos

Funny corporate competitions at New Year's celebrations are usually conducted by the host of the evening. He organizes everyone present, tells the rules of participation and chooses the winner. And here we have described several examples of funny competitions that will complement the scenario of any New Year's corporate party.

Funny competition “Addition to the festive look”

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare in advance a large box with various funny wardrobe items - huge leggings, children's tights, bright stockings, caps, multi-colored bow ties, etc. To conduct the game, you need all participants to stand in a circle and one of them takes a hands box with things.

The presenter turns on the music, and the participants pass the box to each other in a circle. As soon as the music is turned off, the one who has the box in his hands must pull out the first thing he comes across and put it on himself. Then the music is turned on again, and the participants then pass the box around. The competition ends when the box is empty.

Video with a funny idea for a competition for a New Year's corporate party

Funny table seating competitions for the New Year for any company

Since the majority of our fellow citizens will celebrate the New Year of the Pig 2019 at the festive table, surrounded by family and guests, it is natural that on the eve of December 31, thousands of people are looking for table entertainment and games online. Finding on the Internet or coming up with funny sit-down table competitions for the New Year will not be difficult, because such games for adults have been popular at all times, and today there are countless entertainments that you can play while sitting at the holiday table.

Original ideas for New Year's table competitions

Table competition “Cartoon of a friend”

To conduct such a competition, each guest needs to be given a piece of paper and paper. Then all participants must draw a cartoon or a funny caricature of someone present at the celebration on a piece of paper and indicate the author of the drawing. When all the guests have drawn cartoons, they pass their drawings around in a circle so that other participants can guess who exactly is depicted in the caricature and write their version on the back of the piece of paper.

When all the participants have looked at all the drawings and tried to guess who exactly the authors depicted, each guest reveals the secret of who the cartoon was drawn on. And the winner of the competition will be the participant who drew the most recognizable caricature.

New Year's toast competition

This competition is very simple, but nevertheless fun and very appropriate for a New Year's party. Its essence is that each guest must come up with a toast-wish that will begin with the same letter as his name (For example, a woman named Zhanna can wish “a happy, rich and carefree life”). The winner of the competition will be the guest who can come up with the funniest or most beautiful toast.

The most fun competitions for adults for the New Year of the Pig

Groups of friends and relatives celebrating the New Year without children have fun to the fullest on the night of December 31 to January 1, arranging fun and daring games and entertainment. Competitions for the New Year of the Pig for adults can be table-based, in the form of games and competitions, and intellectual - in a word, as your imagination dictates.

Bold and exciting competitions for an adult group will not only be great entertainment on New Year’s Eve, but will also help those present to become even closer and remember the joyful holiday for a long time.

Competition for adults “Fairytale photo shoot”

This competition is very simple, but at the same time fun and unusual. For his behavior you will need a camera (or, alternatively, a smartphone with a good camera) and the imagination of the presenter. The essence of the competition is that the presenter gives each participant the task of portraying a fairy-tale character using posture, facial expressions and available means, and then films it on camera. For the New Year of the Pig 2019, participants in such a competition can portray both funny New Year's characters (drunk Santa Claus, an angry Snow Maiden, a gray bunny whose Christmas tree was taken away, etc.), and the symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Pig or the earthen Boar.

After each participant in the competition has been photographed in a funny way, all guests look at the photos and choose a winner. And of course, these photos must be saved and sent to all guests as a memory of the fun holiday.

Fun and provocative New Year's competition - video

The video below shows a bold and fun New Year's competition for adults. Such a competition can be held in the company of close friends.

Interesting competitions for children for the New Year 2019 in kindergarten

The script for New Year's Eve matinees in preschool educational institutions necessarily includes fun games and competitions for children. Moreover, the presenters of the matinees try to hold competitions for New Year 201 in kindergarten so that none of the little participants is left without a gift from Santa Claus. And as a rule, children’s favorite games are outdoor games and creative competitions, in which kids can show their imagination and compete with friends.