On what days is it better to make wishes: to come true, on what holiday, in what month, on what lunar day. Lunar calendar of luck: when you need to make a wish to come true

There are questions that the astrologer has to answer all the time.
In addition to an irresistible curiosity about love and marriage, people are often interested in whether there are certain days when you can make a wish and it will come true, and for sure.

Yes, astrology has in its arsenal many moments when all that is required of you is to entrust your desire to the Universe, to launch a dream and it will certainly be embodied in material forms. There are also those moments when you need to not only make plans, but also actively act, go towards your happiness, getting closer to your Dream with every step. And the most remarkable thing is that there are many such days not only in the year, but also in every month.

Lunar secrets of the goldfish and the secrets of the pike command.

If you remember the story of the goldfish, the astrologer will involuntarily smile - it was easy for the wondrous sea creature to fulfill the most incredible requests of the fisherman and his entourage. Rybka probably knew that at certain moments a desire is fulfilled almost by itself - sometimes it only needs to be voiced.

For example, on the 7th lunar day, even the simplest forms of verbal magic are effective - you simply say your wish out loud, voice your intention and convey the request to higher powers. But those days, when the blue sea has cleared too much, are quite consonant in their energy with the waning moon, namely, 26 or 29 lunar days. At these moments, it is best to refrain from making wishes and start working on what is completely material and tangible, take stock and distribute debts so as not to take them with you to the new lunar cycle.

What is remarkable about the use of the moon for the purpose of making wishes is the constant change of its cycles. Let's say you didn't have time to voice your desire by the 7th lunar day. You understand what exactly you want, but there is already 8 lunar day on the calendar. Well, you can, for example, engage in the most appropriate astrological rituals corresponding to these lunar days - for example, light candles and meditate by the fire, entrusting it with the fulfillment of your dreams. Or you can leave yourself almost a whole month to think and finalize what exactly you want to get. And after waiting for the next 7 lunar days, voice your intention.

Another fairytale character, Emelya, also probably acted these days - everything he wanted to get, he voiced. Remember his famous "by the pike's command, according to my desire ..." - as soon as he uttered these magic words, the most incredible events began to happen. But the main thing is that the end result exactly coincided with the desire of this lazy person.

In general, in the lunar month there are many moments when you can easily fulfill your plans. For those who like to start a new life from the next Monday (New Year, or the beginning of the month), we can advise you to pay attention to the New Moon or the first lunar day. Believe me, the effectiveness of such an initiative will be much higher, and the results will be impressive. This day is also great for those who sometimes show indecision in the active implementation of their plans: you know exactly what you want, but postpone new beginnings. Think about your dream in the first minutes of the birth of a new moon and do not take practical steps to realize it on this day. Just think, dream, make plans - this is the amazing energy of the New Moon. There is even a certain practice of attunement to lunar vibrations on this day - its use allows you to concentrate on what you have conceived, to imagine what you want to receive in all colors.

But in reality everything is simple - light a candle and, concentrating on its flame, try to imagine that your dream has already come true. Think only of the positive, such as what helps you achieve what you want and who you can count on. And imagine your desire as vividly as possible - feel the smell, taste, sensations and emotions that arise in you at this moment. But there is one small nuance that should not be neglected - do not hold on to what you have in mind, be able to let go of your dream. By this you show the higher powers that now you entrust the fulfillment of your desire to them, that you trust them. The foregoing does not mean at all that you need to forget about your dream and not take further practical steps towards its realization.

The magic of the New Moon lies in the fact that you acquire unique chances and previously unknown opportunities in order for your dream to come true. Taking advantage of the new features will now become much easier. There is another key moment in every lunar cycle - the Full Moon. The highest rise in the energy level allows you not only to make wishes, but also to effectively engage in translating your intentions into reality.

One has only to remember that if the Full Moon falls on the 15th lunar day, you should be careful with your intentions - they may well be realized, though sometimes in completely unusual ways. But if the Moon at this moment passes along your zodiac sign, then luck may well smile upon you - in any case, you should not miss this wonderful moment of the highest blossoming of the Moon.

"Golden ray of sunshine…"

And there is another wonderful date that everyone can successfully use once a year. And not just use it, but also attract active and volunteer helpers.

We are talking about a joyful holiday - a birthday. Many nations have a wonderful tradition of making a wish on this day. Remember the typical picture with which many associate this day - a delicious birthday cake decorated with lighted candles. And so the hero of the occasion blows out the candles and makes a wish.

And on this day, he receives gifts, letters, postcards and phone calls - and all of them are accompanied by wishes of well-being, health, happiness, love. At first glance, there is not a shadow of magic here, but fortunately magic will always find a place in life, and even more so on a birthday.

What is a birthday from an astrological point of view? First of all, this is the moment when the transit Sun returns to the point at which it was at the moment of birth.

In the language of astrology, this is called the beginning of a new solarium or solar year. The vast majority of plants and animals on the planet cannot fully develop without the heat and light of the sun's rays. And man is no exception. It is the use of solar energy that helps the birthday man to launch his intention into the Universe, and the life-giving power of the Sun will fill this dream with the necessary potential for realization.

In astrology, it is believed that it is the birthday that is the point of the highest energy rise of a person, and at these moments everything is possible with ease. And the glorious custom of making wishes at the moment when the candles are blown out further enhances the magic of this wonderful holiday. Fire gives all processes additional acceleration, which means that the dream conceived at this very moment will come true much faster.

In general, there is one more little trick. In the evening, when the guests have already left, light a golden candle and make your wish again. Only this time in a more relaxed atmosphere. And let this candle burn out quietly, for example, on the windowsill. Your desire will certainly come true, because you not only appeal to the powerful element of Fire, but also enhance the solar energy using the golden color of the candle.

"I wanted to make a thunderstorm, but I got a goat."

You probably remember the wonderful song about the unlucky apprentice of the sorcerer, who "wanted to make a thunderstorm, but got a goat."

Yes, yes, we are talking about the very student with whom the most skillful magician suffered completely in vain. How did the future wizard manage to constantly find himself in such embarrassing situations? It seems that he clearly formulated his intention and made certain actions, but the result is unexpected at best, and sometimes directly opposite to what was intended.

In search of an answer, let us again turn to astrology, namely, to the transits of the planets. I think those who are a little familiar with this concept have already understood what will be discussed now. Look at your personal transit horoscope, the planets that are most active at the moment. Maybe some of them make connections or trines with each other? Then feel free to act, not forgetting to take into account the energies of these very planets.

If Venus unites with the Sun, then the most auspicious day of the year comes to launch a thought-form about love into the Universe - do not be afraid to dream, the energy of the connection of these two planets is extremely favorable precisely for your desire for love to come true.

And the combination of Venus and Mars will allow you to bring to life several other options for love questions - here we are talking about passion, about love at first sight. This is especially true if this aspect is related to such a symbol of unpredictability and spontaneity as Uranus. Yes, the impact of this planet is difficult to predict, but is love at first sight different?

By the way, this planet has a direct relationship to the unlucky young wizard - in most cases, when your desires came true unexpectedly and acquired completely unpredictable forms, it happened on active Uranus in your personal horoscope.

Also here Chiron, a planetoid, to which astrologers attribute such a quality as a sense of humor, can "help". It should only be remembered that people have their own understanding of humor, and the stars joke in their own way. But this is perhaps a topic for a separate article, but here it is important for us to see the periods when these planets form significant aspects in the horoscope.

What happens when you do not use transit according to the rules? For example, the Sun is opposed to Venus and you know this very well, but on this very day you make a wish for love and even do something to improve the situation in the field of feelings. Well, perhaps in this case it is worth listening to the song about the young wizard again and learning from it certain lessons.

And on such transits, refrain from experimenting with the energies of Uranus or Chiron, although the curious should still try - what if a thunderstorm will still work out?

In addition to the planets that directly form astrological events, there is another chance to use the magic of the stars and make a wish.

It's about shooting stars.

The very moment when a meteorite flies through the night sky with incredible speed is considered by many peoples to be a good moment for guessing what they want to get more than anything in the world. This custom has been around for several millennia, but even now it has absolutely not lost its relevance.

We often hear that at the moment of the highest intensity of the meteor shower, the sky was overlaid with clouds and it was not possible to see a single falling star, and therefore the desire to make plans did not work.

This excuse is not accepted at all, because meteorites fly by regardless of whether they are visible to us or not. This means that the moment is still permeated with high energy, which must be used in time. Just look up at the sky on a night of stars and entrust your desire to the Universe.

The magic sometimes lies in the fact that much of what is happening is at first inaccessible to our eyes - somewhere in the vastness of the Universe, magic is born, which then enters our life, making it brighter and more joyful.

How to make a wish correctly so that it is guaranteed to come true? Esotericists, psychologists, astrologers and magicians have been struggling with this issue for centuries. But everything turned out to be very simple!

Making a wish, a person sends an impulse to the Universe. And the result depends on how quickly this impulse reaches her and whether it will reach her at all. This means that in order for a wish to come true, you need to choose a day and hour when the Universe is most inclined to receive our desires. You can determine the favorable time for making wishes by the lunar calendar, time and clock.

When to make a wish on the lunar calendar

Astrologers identify the three most energetic days in the month according to the lunar calendar, when it is very easy to materialize your words and thoughts. These are 1, 7 and 11 lunar days.

  • 1 lunar day unusual in that at this time the program is laid for the rest of the month. This is a very powerful day and its energies must be used wisely. Astrologers recommend on this day to think about your desire and do at least something that will initiate the implementation of your plans. By doing so, you will activate the wish-fulfilling mechanism.
  • 7 lunar day- this is the day when any word gains power. Be attentive on this day, making wishes, as any of your thought forms can be embodied in reality. On these lunar days, energy exchange with space intensifies, so this is another suitable day for making wishes.
  • 11 lunar days. On this day, it is good to write down your desires on a piece of paper. On the 11 lunar day, it is also useful to meditate, visualize and tune yourself to positive. The stronger your energy on this day, the better.

When to make wishes in time

The day is chosen. But what time of day is it best to make a wish? The hour and time of day are determined strictly individually. It is important to catch the very moment when your energy is on the rise. Observe your condition and mood throughout the day. When are you full of energy when you feel strong, confident and happy? It is at this time that you need to make a wish.

When making a wish, remember that the help of the Universe will be ineffective without your personal efforts. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

21.09.2014 09:08

Often we make wishes when we see a shooting star or when a cake with candles is brought to us ...

Have you ever thought about why desires are not fulfilled? Sometimes even the power of desire and visualization is not enough to make a dream come true. ...

If you use the lunar energy correctly, you can attract money, luck and fulfillment of desires into your life. At the same time, you need the right attitude at a certain time.

Astrologers are convinced that the moon seriously affects our lives. Thanks to her energy, you can improve your personal life, attract good luck and, of course, fulfill your most cherished dream. It often happens that a person cannot get what he wants for several years, despite strong efforts.

The time soon comes when this person loses faith and stops fighting for his dream. But if you use the lunar energy correctly, you can get much closer to the fulfillment of desire. For this, experts have created a lunar calendar according to which it is possible to determine which days the Universe will help to carry out the plan.

Time to make wishes come true?

Astrologers have found that on certain days the energy of the moon is especially effective, and this is when you need to make wishes. There are several such special days a month, so you need to think about your dream in advance and correctly transmit information to the Universe.

The first day of the moon... In the first 24 hours, a program is being laid that will actively influence all life on Earth for a month. At this time, you can make the most of the energy of the Moon with self-interest for yourself. In this case, you need to think about your desire and exclude any negative thoughts.

To make your plans come true, you cannot think about the bad, you need to believe in the fulfillment of your desire and be in a good mood. But remember that the dream will not come true on its own, this requires your efforts, albeit small... If you manage to combine desire and thoughts, then everything will come true much faster. For example, if you want to meet a loved one, you cannot just sit at home and wait for him to come to you. To do this, you need to communicate more, make acquaintances, etc.

Seventh day of the moon... On this day, thoughts and desires materialize. Because of this, it is not recommended to think about the bad, because everything may come true soon.

Before making a wish for the seventh lunar day, you need to think about what will happen if the dream comes true. It is necessary to decide exactly whether this place is the most cherished... For example, you want to become financially secure, but at the same time you have not yet met your love, you need to decide what is better for you money or love. It is necessary to clearly realize that it will not work out, so do not lose the opportunity to realize a really important dream.

Eleventh day of the moon... Astrologers are convinced that the number one is the strongest, the same is considered in numerology. Therefore, on this day there is the greatest probability that the desire will come true.

To achieve the best result, it is better to transfer your desire to paper. Let's say if you dream of a beautiful house, draw it in all the details. Don't worry if your desire seems unrealistic at first glance.

In what cases the dream will not come true

If you did everything as described above, chose the right day, made a wish, but for some reason it did not come true. For what reasons?

In most cases, the problem may lie in the wrong wording. Suppose you want to increase your capital and turned with a desire: “I want to become rich,” then the desire will not be accurate. It is necessary to announce a certain amount of money.

Same way consider the phases of the moon, if you want to get rich, then make a wish for the growing moon. And if you want to overcome an illness, get rid of problems at work, etc. it is necessary to ask for help on the waning moon.

In addition, the wish will probably not come true if you yourself do not believe, for this you need not only to do everything right, but also to believe that you will have it! May everything be fine with you and all your wishes come true!

Lunar calendar to attract money. 100 monetary rituals enhanced by the Moon of Azarov Yulian

1st lunar day Determining desires, attracting monetary energy

On the first lunar day (note - it is often short and lasts only a few hours!) We do not see the moon in the sky, but its influence on us does not diminish from this, but, on the contrary, becomes stronger. It is not for nothing that in folk magic, many rituals for protection, healing, wealth and prosperity are held on the new moon. Because what was conceived on the first lunar day comes true! Indeed, during this period you can give your thought tremendous power.

On the first day of the lunar month, it is important to put your thoughts in order, think over plans, and set goals for the near future. It is great if you have the opportunity to gather all the household members for tea and organize a “family council” where you will discuss important issues concerning the life of the whole family. At the same time, all the decisions that you make are best written down on paper - the written words have more power.

Write down your thoughts and plans, and in the event that decisions are made by you alone - this will also give your desires "acceleration". The more you describe your desires, the more accurately they will come true. However, remember that the first lunar day is good for planning; do not rush to implement the decisions made - the subsequent days of the lunar month are more suitable for this.

But what must be done is to clearly define your desires and set a program for their implementation. Our main tool in this business will be visualization.

Classical meditation to energize abundance

Ideally, this meditation should be done at sunrise. Sunrise is the awakening of all energies of being. At sunrise, you will find yourself on a wave of rising energy. But since the rhythm of our life does not always allow us to combine the morning rise with the sunrise, you may well meditate at a time when you usually wake up.

1. Lie on your back, close your eyes, breathe with your stomach, slowly and deeply. On inhalation, the belly swells slightly, on exhalation, it retracts.

2. As you breathe in, imagine that golden light enters your head through the crown of your head, as if the Sun was rising next to your head. Try not to think about anything - in the morning, immediately after waking up, it is easy to reach a state of thoughtlessness. Your head is empty and golden light fills it and then begins to move down your body. Light fills the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, stomach, hips, legs, feet ... Golden light is heavenly energy. Feel how he fills you with strength, power, joy.

3. As you exhale, imagine a brown stream pouring into your feet. It rises up the legs, passes through the entire body and exits the head through the crown. This is earthly energy, it will calm, give confidence, stability.

On the way to and from work. Energize trees

Leaving the house earlier than usual will give you a boost of energy from trees on your way to work. Know that there are trees that help to achieve material well-being.

In the morning you will be in a hurry, you have no time for ceremonies, so just look at what trees you come across on your way and take a suitable specimen. He must be healthy and large. Oak, birch, pine, linden and aspen are best suited - these trees, in addition to generously sharing their energy with us, carry monetary potential.

? Birch- tree of abundance. In the old days it was called the tree of life. Birch is gentle and compassionate, its influence is very gentle and at the same time strong. Communication with a birch tree is useful for absolutely everyone, especially people with upset nerves. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the effects of everyday stress, and helps to restore mental harmony. Moreover, the impact of this tree is long-lasting. The period of maximum energy activity is in the morning from 5 to 9 o'clock.

? Oak is an energy donor. When in contact with him, a person receives the maximum possible amount of vital energy. Due to this property of oak, in the magical practice of the North, it was used in rituals aimed at protecting, increasing strength and endurance, and achieving stable success. It should not, however, be forgotten that this tree is harsh; his aura accepts well only healthy and strong-minded people. It is better for a weak person suffering from chronic diseases to communicate with a birch tree. The period of maximum activity is from 21 to 23 hours.

? Pine- Money Tree. And not only. If an important moment has come in your life, your fate is being decided and you need to think about your future actions in a calm atmosphere, ask the pine for help. The energy of this tree is very strong. It enhances creativity, takes away irritation and anger that accumulate in the soul every day, relieves nervous disorders, feelings of guilt and the evil eye. The time of maximum energy activity is from 15 to 17 hours.

? Aspen absorbs negativity. In the old days, aspen was specially planted near dwellings so that it drove away evil spirits (which, in fact, is negative energy). This tree helps well with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and causeless fear. Round aspen leaves resemble coins, so it is also a tree that brings wealth. The energy peak occurs at 14-17 hours.

? Linden- a tree that extinguishes internal contradictions and gives the energy of abundance. The period of maximum activity is from 12:00 to 15:00.

You can get saturated with the energy of trees at any time of the year. However, in winter, the energy potential of trees decreases: deciduous - by 50-60%, evergreen - by 15-20%. The most successful time of day is the period of the energy peak.

Energy contact with wood

On the way from work, approach the selected tree. Stand under it, leaning your back against the trunk or pressing your chest and stomach against it, put your hands on the trunk, and put your feet on either side of it.

Close your eyes and mentally open up to the tree, imagine how its energy penetrates into you and spreads throughout the body. In communicating with a tree, the emotional component is important, you need to address it with an open heart.

Merge with the tree into one whole, imagine that you are it, and it is you, and stand leaning against it, not thinking about anything or worrying about anything, until you feel that you are energized: a sign of a quality session are different shades of tenderness and gratitude to the tree. This usually takes 15–20 minutes, but you can stand for longer, but no more than an hour.

Your money supper

Rice dishes are good on this day. Legumes are also useful - beans, peas, soybeans.

The main rite of the day: visualization. Create an image of your well-being

To fulfill money desires, we will use visualization - a method of constructing an energy model of future events. Visualization works regardless of what lunar day it is carried out, but it is especially effective on the first lunar day. There is nothing mysterious about visualization: it affects the energetic essence of things and thus changes the physical world around us. Both worlds - both energetic and physical - are closely interconnected, changes in one inevitably lead to changes in the other. That's the whole secret.

During visualization, we draw “pictures” in our imagination, thereby creating an energetic image of the desired event. And if we do this long enough, the "picture" is gradually saturated with our psychic energy and, in the end, "comes to life" - it manifests itself on the physical plane. Visualization works on condition of systematic practice, which, of course, requires perseverance and a fair amount of patience. But the first lunar day is magical! If you do not miss these few hours, which it is limited to, and you conduct a visualization session with high quality, this will be enough. Until the next first lunar day, you may not remember about it.

What is important to do before rendering

It is important to visualize in a state of relaxation. "Pictures" should be fixed, imprinted in the deep levels of your psyche, and this is achieved only with muscle relaxation. Therefore, the time before bed is ideal for visualization: you are already in the mood for rest, the brain is ready to go to sleep.

But there are hindrances - events and thoughts of the past day that you continue to experience. We need to get rid of them. Exercise, a contrast shower will switch your consciousness to sensations inside the body. As soon as you feel tired, the desire to fall asleep, start visualizing. The following exercise will help you achieve a state of detachment from thoughts.

Lie on your back. Place your hands along your torso, place your feet about the width of your palm, close your eyes. Relax all muscles in this position. When you feel that you have succeeded, imagine yourself floating in the sky or flying on a cloud. Lie in this state for several minutes, and then, without changing your posture or opening your eyes, remaining in a state of relaxation, begin to draw in your mind an image of your future well-being.

Make a wish come true

Draw a mental "picture" directly in front of you - at the level of the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the area of ​​the "third eye". You must submit the wish ALREADY FULFILLED. This is fundamentally important! There is no need to think about how you will act to make your dream come true. The wish has already come true, and your task is to draw a "picture" to illustrate this.

You want to improve your level of well-being. So imagine yourself surrounded by those things that you would like to have. Please note: you must imagine YOURSELF surrounded by the desired things. What you dream of should be NEXT TO YOU. If you are not in the "picture", the visualization will not work. Rather, it will work, but all this will not be received by you, but by someone from your environment - neighbors, for example. I do not recommend presenting money directly, because they are not a goal, but a means of achieving something. It is not the presence of multi-colored pieces of paper that is important, but the fact that with their help you can get a lot. This is a lot that needs to be presented. Today we do not so much attract money as we form the image of the future, to which they will then be attracted by themselves. Imagine yourself in luxurious interiors, on trips to overseas resorts, in high-end shops where you can buy anything. But dream about what can actually come true - we are not playing a fairy tale now, but creating the future. If you set yourself deliberately unattainable goals, doubts will torment you, and doubts are poison for visualization.

Draw bright and vivid "pictures"

Try to keep the imaginary "pictures" vivid, clear, vivid and detailed. "Write down" each scene in the model of your money future. The "picture" should not contain any uncertainties, doubts, and, moreover, worries about how the plan is being implemented. If you're having trouble constructing clear images, focus on your emotions. It takes a certain amount of practice to master visualization; over time, mastery will come. Even if at first your "picture" is incomplete, this should not confuse you. Gradually you will practice and "draw" the missing details.

Throw away all doubts about the correctness of the "picture"! Thought images of different people are very different from each other. It depends on the individual characteristics of perception. Some people draw a "picture" in the form of some abstract idea and feel more strongly the mood in which it is imbued than they see the image itself. Others present the desired event in the form of a movie, where the scenes follow one another. Still others build mental images in accordance with events seen in the past. Visualization can even be based on images from films, magazines, books. There are no restrictions here: visualize based on your own capabilities and features, do it the way you like.

The key to successful rendering

And finally, the most important thing! Why do you think all this is needed: to present vivid "pictures", to include yourself in them, to cast aside doubts and anxiety? First of all, then, in order to induce an emotional uplift in yourself, the feeling that you already have what you want. You must “light up” your dream! Without this "spark", the "flame will not ignite", no matter how hard you try. The energy image you have created will "wither away" if emotions are not invested in it. A "picture" that is not filled with emotional energy is a dummy; it will dissipate in space as soon as you stop imagining it.

The purpose of visualization is primarily emotions, the quality of the "image" is of secondary importance. Everything that happens in our life is formed not by the images built in the head, but by the emotional states that follow them. Remember how many times you mentally replayed possible negative scenarios without emotionally involved in them, and no troubles occurred after such visualization. And it used to be, before some important matter, the blues begins: "What if nothing happens?!?" - and, for sure, the case is failing. It's all about emotion. If the "picture" is saturated with emotions, if you manage to evoke in yourself a joyful feeling that your wish has come true, and in the future not to lose it, these emotions will become dominant in your psyche. It is the dominant emotions that shape our destiny.

Enclose the finished "picture" in a shining blue oval

When you clearly see your desire fulfilled with your eyes closed, mentally outline the image with a blue glow. By this you confirm your intention, as if you say “so be it”, “this is my will”, “amen”.

So, the mission of the first lunar day is completed. The first stone in the foundation of your well-being has been laid, you can go to sleep with peace of mind. In the following days, you will simply add brick by brick.

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All the methods and rules for making a wish. What can you do to increase your chances of fulfilling your cherished dream?

If you have been dreaming about something for a long time, but do not know how to make your wish come true, then in our article you will find answers to all your questions. Here we will talk about exactly when it is better to make your wish so that it will come true for sure, and we will also talk about the rules for making wishes.

What day of the year to make a wish

On Mondays... If you make your innermost wish on Monday, then you will hardly have to count on its fulfillment. The beginning of the week is bad for turning dreams into reality.

On Tuesdays there is a chance that your wish will come true, but it is very small. If you think about something about your personal life, then in this case you can count on your wish to come true.

On Wednesdays one should guess something from material wealth, but of a small size. If you, for example, dream of updating your wardrobe, then you can count on your wish to come true. If your dreams include the acquisition of a luxurious house, then it's better not to think about it on Wednesday.

On Thursdays you can make wishes and they will certainly come true if you make a wish about your career. If you wish to move up the career ladder, then it is on this day that you dream about it.

On Fridays the best time to make wishes. On this day, you can send your most cherished dream to heaven, and it will certainly come true.

On Saturdays you should not waste your strength and energy on making very big desires. On this day, you can make a wish related to your appearance and its minor changes. For example, you might dream of a little weight loss.

On Sundays your dreams can be related to your health or to the health of your loved ones.

What month can you make a wish

In January any wishes can be fulfilled if you really believe in them with all your soul. Dream boldly this month and make big plans.

In February do not count on all your dreams to come true. In this month, it is better not to guess anything at all and not to hope for a miracle.

In March a desire related to career advancement may come true. If thoughts of career growth crept into your dreams, then feel free to make wishes in March on this particular issue.

In April do not wait for the fulfillment of desires. This month is not working well in this direction, but what you dreamed of in March may come true.

In May you can dream about losing weight or about drastically changing your appearance. You can plan a trip to the stylist on these days, and you will see that the result of visiting this specialist this month will amaze you with millet.

In June do not skimp on dreams and desires, feel free to make them, especially in those moments when you see that stars are falling from the sky. Your dreams are destined to come true if you make them come true this summer month.

In July dream of earthly joys and pleasure. If you have an impulse in your dreams to finish renovating your house or get a high-paying job, then feel free to make such wishes.

In August do not be sad that your desires will remain unfulfilled. This month is meant to act decisively, not daydream.

In September make wishes related to a love relationship. If in your dreams there is an idea of ​​creating a family, but you still can't find a soul mate, then right now is the right moment to make such a wish.

In October make plans to realize your creative abilities and that they be recognized by society.

In November dream about improving your living and living conditions. This month is just perfect for just such desires.

In December you can dream of absolutely anything. All your innermost ones will be fulfilled if you firmly believe in them and make your dreams in this winter month.

What holiday make a wish

On new year's eve, from December 31 to January 1, you can dream of absolutely anything. On this grandiose holiday, millions of people make their wishes and look forward to their fulfillment.

On your birthday you can also make a wish. It must be fulfilled before your next birthday.

On Christmas, that is, on the night of January 6-7, they have long been doing all kinds of fortune-telling, and they also make their innermost desires. This holiday carries a lot of ancient traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. The wishes made on this day are fulfilled very quickly.

Baptism, which the entire Orthodox world celebrates on January 19, making a wish is also possible. Usually, it is also combined with dipping into an ice hole on the night of January 18-19, as well as collecting water from springs, wells and other sources.

What moon do they make a wish for

The growing The moon should be made with wishes related to attracting money, love, health, or other things to the house. For example, if you want a new car, then think of it on the growing moon. If you want a good person to fall in love with you, then also dream about this precisely during the growth of the moon.

Decreasing The moon should dream that everything bad will go away, that an unpleasant person will stop loving, diseases will disappear and the like. If, for example, you want the black streak to cease to haunt you or some damned disease disappeared, then this is exactly what you dream about.

On the full moon it is worth making wishes related to money. This phase personifies complete harmony, well-fed life and lack of need.

On the new moon make wishes related to something new with regards to feelings. For example, if you want to fall in love again, then dream about it.

How to make a wish correctly to make it come true

Rule # 1... This rule is the most important of all. It says that in order for your desire to be fulfilled without fail, you need to firmly believe in it.

Rule # 2... Visual presentation. Try to draw your desire in your head. Close your eyes and imagine that everything you dream about has already come true and pleases you every minute. This rule must be taken into account when you make a wish.

Rule # 3... Draw your dream and hang the picture in a prominent place. Even if you do not have artistic skills, still try to draw what you dream of so much and hang this masterpiece somewhere in a place of honor, where you will see it every day. This can be a mirror in the hallway, an entrance door from the inside of the apartment, or a refrigerator.

Rule # 4... Every day, tell yourself before going to bed or in the morning when you wake up that your dream is already close and will soon come true. Let your head be occupied with thoughts about the cherished dream, then it will come true much faster.

Rule # 5... Actions. Try to do at least something to make your wish come true as soon as possible. If, for example, your desire is a trip to the sea, then try to save as efficiently as possible so that you can save at least a little money every month for your cherished dream.

What time to make a wish:

on the new moon

In the new moon phase, our constant satellite, that is, the Moon, is located when a small crescent is just beginning to be seen in the sky. It is at this moment that you need to make a wish. This phase usually lasts only a few days, so you need to act decisively and quickly.

full moon

When a round and bright moon is seen in the sky, this phase is called the full moon. When this moon ball has an even shape, then you need to make a wish. It can be uttered or made to oneself at midnight on the days of the full moon phase, or a wish can be made during the day, but you need to know for sure that the full moon phase is now in progress.

for the new year

On New Year's Eve, their innermost dreams and desires are made to the chimes. It is this time that is the most successful and suitable in order to draw your dream in your head and mentally imagine that the most cherished desire has already come true.

How to make a wish for a birthday

On a birthday, as we all know, it is imperative to make a wish and it will certainly come true. This is not done anyhow, but according to a special scheme. If you break the rules for making wishes, then you shouldn't wait for your dream to come true.

So, on your birthday, you should, firstly, follow the rules for making wishes, which we described just above. All these 5 rules must be followed.

To all of the above rules, in addition, one more point needs to be taken into account. It is such a holiday as a birthday that you need to make a wish for a cake, which should not be bought by the birthday person, but by his closest relatives or friends.

You need to put as many candles in the cake as the hero of the occasion turns. Then all these candles are lit, and the birthday man mentally makes a wish and blows out all these lights. In order for the desire to come true, the candles must be blown out so that not a single burning candle is left.

How to make a wish on a full moon

If you want to make your wish exactly on the full moon, then it is best to do it at night. Wait for the Moon to enter the full moon phase. For reliability, use the lunar calendar, which can be found on the Internet. Look there, in which phase the moon is at the moment. If she is exactly on the full moon, then start making a wish.

So, the best time to make a wish on the full moon is night, or rather exactly 00 hours. Ideally, a round moon should be visible outside your window in the sky. Go to the open window, look at this full moon and mentally make a wish, believe that it will really come true and nothing will interfere with it.

Try to make your innermost desire so that no one sees you during this activity. As soon as a wish is made, then go to bed and do not look into your phone or TV. Do not distract yourself with anything from the thoughts of your innermost desire.

You need to wait for the fulfillment of your dreams every day. You will see that the more you think about fulfilling your dream, the faster it will turn into reality. In every free minute, draw in your imagination what you dream of the most, thereby you will turn into reality whatever you wish.

As we said above, on a full moon, it is best to make wishes about money. If you are in great need of money and urgently want to improve your financial situation, then make a wish during the full moon to become more successful financially. In this case, your desire will be fulfilled quickly enough, subject to all the rules.

How to make a wish on the new moon

The moon is in the new moon phase when it is just beginning to grow and a barely noticeable crescent of the moon appears in the sky. Right now, one should make wishes and this can be done not only at night, but during the day too.

As we have already said above, desires for the new moon should be associated with something new, because they are destined to come true if you make them in this phase. For example, during the period when our companion is in the new moon phase, you can make a new love, a new round in a relationship with a loved one, and so on.

In order to make a wish on the new moon, you should take into account all the rules that we have already mentioned above. In addition, holy water will also be used here. She should wash her face before you make a wish. This personifies the elimination of all kinds of negative energy and the opening of the way for the new and all the best.

So, as in the variant with the wish made for the full moon, you should go to the open window, and looking at the barely noticeable crescent moon whisper your deepest desire, but before that wash yourself with holy water three times.

After that, go to bed or get down to your daily activities, but try to limit communication with people, both in reality and on the Internet. Do not turn on TV, radio, music either. Concentrate fully on your desire and mentally wait for its fulfillment in the near future.

How to make a wish on the New Year

On the most beloved holiday of all - New Year, do not miss the opportunity to make a wish. Here you can make a guess that your heart desires. The main 5 rules for making wishes should be taken into account in order to turn your dream into reality as soon as possible.

In the new year, wishes are usually made under the chimes. Prepare a piece of paper in advance, on which you write your innermost desire, then before the champagne opens, light this piece of paper and throw it into your glass.

Then pour the ashes from a piece of paper with champagne and while the chimes are beating, have time to drink a sparkling drink to the bottom, while mentally expressing your desire again and believe that your dream will definitely come true.

There is a belief that you can make a wish before the champagne is poured, but the remnants of this New Year's drink should get into your glass, and then the wish will certainly come true.

These are the rules for making wishes. Dream the way we described in this article, and may your life be happy and cloudless.