Aleister Crowley: "Do what you will, that's the whole law. Do what you will - this is the whole law Do what you want - this is the whole law

Bill Heidrick IX°

"Do what you will - such is the whole Law." -- Liber AL, I:40
"Love is the law, love according to will." -- Liber AL, I:57

Thus the Thelemite greets the Thelemite. With these words, they begin and end their letters, so they greet each other and say goodbye. Many have speculated about their meaning; but, some, contrary to the call of the "Book of the Law" ("do not change even the spelling of the letters"), found it possible for themselves to change them. What follows is a private opinion on this matter. There are no authorities in this matter, and no one can insist on being exclusively right. "Every man and every woman is a star."

Caliphate O.T.O. decided that no changes could be made to the text of the Book of the Law. Each initiate in the Order must confirm that he accepts these circumstances. It is another matter to accept the Book of the Law in whole or in part. However, how can you accept it or reject it if you do not have an authentic text before your eyes. In order to preserve our Holy Book, we must protect it from distortion.

Recently, this has been abused a lot, especially with respect to accepted greetings. In particular, Wiccans close to us also made their own changes: "If it does not harm anyone, do what you will - such is the whole Law." To the layman, this sounds normal. But did it make sense? Obviously not, since the original Thelemic greeting is: "Hi, take care of yourself and relax."

Each sound in our greeting is as important as in the phrase with which Christian monks meet each other: "Remember, brother, that You must die!" - but it sounds much more optimistic. This "what" (in the phrase "Do what you wish, this is the whole Law") is the meaning of your life, why you live. Even if this "what", dictated by your True Will, threatens an entire nation, do it anyway. And there is nothing to fear here. When you do what you received this incarnation for, it means that such actions of yours are necessary for the Great Work.

Another substitution often occurs: "Do as you please..." Crowley himself objected to this interpretation. But this is too free choice. To live in your own pleasure is not Thelema. Such a philosophy leads nowhere. It doesn't make any practical sense. "What" here means a very definite thing. It can be an action, an attitude, creativity, work in art or any other real embodiment. This may change from time to time, but the essence remains the same. This is the Law, the order of life in the Aeon of Horus. Such is the whole Law; without any exceptions or distortions.

And what do we do next? We declare that our tasks are priority in relation to others? No. First, understand what your True Desire is. The original says not "... such is the whole Law", but - "such will be the whole Law." These words cannot be used until you know what your True Desire is in this situation. Once you have realized the meaning of your Desire, everything will happen instantly.

"This is my Will," says the playboy. "It was done quickly and silently," says one who sees Thelema at work. What do you do until an angel appears? "Love is the law, love according to will." Follow your heart; Agape and Thelema together make 93.

There are too many pseudo-Thelemites who put their Desires at the forefront. Still, it's better to be a simple loving mortal for half your life than a half divine king and an ass at the same time. If you don't know what to do, always choose the path of love. Love is the gentle dream of Thelema, while the Great Work is vigilant labor.

Most often in the Book of the Law, capital letters are changed to lowercase. Changes in punctuation are also common. This is partly understandable. Many parts of the manuscript are ambiguous. Crowley's handwriting is far from perfect. However, what concerns greetings is beyond doubt. Everything is relatively clear here.

Where the sentence begins with capital letters, it can be considered as just grammar (in other words, the whole mystery lies in the spelling rules). And where a capital letter appears in an unusual place, a special meaning should be sought here. The word "Law" is capitalized in the first verse of the salutation, but not in the second. Actively in the first and passively in the second, or resolutely in the first and subtly in the second - the essence of such an interpretation is obvious.

Scattering capital letters at random is muddying the waters. Sometimes simple typos in the use of these greetings are to blame. Such errors can be ignored, but they can be noticed. The salutation of the first issue of this newsletter was out of the ordinary: "Do what thou will ..." Maybe someone corrected it in terms of simple grammar? Maybe, but I can talk about my own typos. When I have a person in the house whom I love, then, against my will, I can print: "Love is the law, lover under will". No doubt I would like to wishful thinking, but this has nothing to do with Thelema.

"So what if there is a small flaw in a book that has already been printed?" It doesn't matter to some extent, but books wear out and get reprinted. Members of the UTO do not tend to let matters take their course, and they take the Book of the Law seriously. However, some Thelemites are not too concerned about this. They are at the mercy of their Desires, and they don't read the Book of the Law very much either.

Those who come into contact with Thelema through Aleister Crowley's OTO understand how important it is to take good care of the Book of the Law. And some Thelemites stop at nothing to publish the Book of the Law, even if it contains typos.

Some have rewritten or added to The Book of the Law with their own additions. Such things are good for these people and their followers; but we have Crowley's original, and it is important for us to preserve it for the Aeon of Horus. It's simple. Writing this article is just part of such work. Drawing attention to typos, omissions, misprints is also part of this work.

Due to carelessness in the use of greetings, their meaning is sometimes lost. Those who replace "Do as you please" with "Do as you please" usually think that the meaning of this phrase is freedom from all restrictions. This is true, but it has nothing to do with the true meaning of the Thelemic greeting.

When you consciously bind yourself to your True Will, you are truly completely free to realize your Desire. But how you do it does not mean that you are free from everything. If you want to lead the country like a president, you can shoot the current leader and take his place. But if you think you have such a right, you are crazy. Such actions may be justified by the circumstances, but are extremely rare.

From time to time it may seem that there are several ways to realize your Desire. However, in reality there is only one such way - the one that brings success. If you failed, then you chose the wrong way. In theory, it is always difficult, but in practice, everything is clear.

The worst use of these salutations comes perilously close to their best outward use. Many of us are teachers. Often we have the power and authority to lead others. When this power is used to suppress one's Will, it is the Limitation and the Word of Sin. When this power is exercised over those who expect you to guide them, it is the norm. If they listen to you, great. And if not, then it does not correspond to their Will. All this can create difficulties for those who are trying to work together.

In this case, it makes sense to periodically arrange a kind of test in order to understand who is a fool and a slacker, and who is a Thelemite who will not follow the same path as others. You can do without screaming and noise, just inviting a person to do something curious, but obviously stupid. If he refuses, great. If the offer is accepted, then it makes sense to think about what this person is doing in Thelema? On this point consult "Liber Jugorum," Chapter I, paragraph 2.

The second test may be to warn a person against doing things that are outwardly pleasant, but in fact - harmful. If he could not resist the temptation to do this, then obviously this person is still far from understanding his true Will.

However, such tests should not be abused. If the teacher uses them too often, then you can suspect him of a somewhat sadistic sense of humor.

Thelemic greetings have interesting parallels in other traditions. Consider the four rules of the Sphinx.

Do ---- know
what do you want ---- want
(that's the whole law)

Love ---- dare
(there is a law)
love according to will ---- keep silence

If you have realized your Will, this is, in essence, the knowledge of what to do. We are not talking about an indefinite inclination that does not involve active implementation. It's not about feeling the presence of an Angel. It's as clear and simple as a mechanic knowing which wrench to use to tighten a particular bolt. So the magician has a practical knowledge of what kind of energy or objects are needed in certain cases. Your Active Will is not a desire in itself, which may or may not come true. It is a mysterious energy that moves forces at the will of the magician.

Will has pressure and direction - similar to the unit vector concept as used in physics. The only difference is that the power does not come from a discrete cause, but from an energy field that is your Genius. The presence of this Genius is not in itself an active Will, but it is an essence prior to the manifestation of the Will.

Love always requires at least courage. Love cannot be effective if it is directed only at itself. It must be directed towards someone else. Inactive love, like the presence of Genius, precedes outward love. Until you love yourself, you cannot love another in any way. This active form of love is the giving of energy without the fear that you will lose something or someone will abuse your love. You are just selflessly adding it to the life force of another, in such a way that it works. This is not violence. The transfer of life energy must be in accordance with the True Will of the other, which must eventually come into harmony with your own. Sex may or may not be involved in all of this.

The advice to remain silent implies a lot. Without a doubt, first and foremost, it's about keeping someone's secret. This silence is the original respect for the Truth. If something is said or written, it is already half a lie. Do not try to explain every action by saying that you did it in accordance with the True Will. From time to time every Thelemite faced the question: "If you are so smart, why are you so poor?". If such a question or its derivatives offend you, then meditate for a while on greetings. If you do your Will and your Love is directed by Will, you are rich. Only those who are able to live like this understand what the meaning of these words is.

No Thelemite is perfect. At best, this is a compromise to protect against public opinion. At worst, it's the part of you that you have problems with. Let those who intend to take the Oath of the Abyss beware, for having reached the necessary level of knowledge, a person cannot remain alive in the lower world. Having achieved full coincidence with the Will, a person completely completes his work - nothing remains unfinished in his life.

Contents Copyright (C) 1978, 1997 Bill Heidrick

In piety of heart, come here and listen: I, MEGA THERION, give this Law to all who acquire holiness. This I, and no one else, bequeath to you complete Freedom and the awakening in you of perfect Knowledge and Power.

Take a look! The Kingdom of God is within you, just as the Sun is set forever in the heavens, the same at midnight and at noon. It does not rise, it does not set: but only the shadow of the earth hides it, or clouds on its face.

May I proclaim to you this Mystery of the Law, as it was known to me in the mountains and deserts, as well as in large cities, and what gospel I proclaim to you for comfort and for strengthening courage. And may she be with you all.

Learn at the beginning that the Law exudes four Rays or Emanations; so that if the Law were the center of your own being, they would fill you with their innermost harmony. And these four are Light, Life, Love and Freedom.

In the Light you will look at yourselves and contemplate All Things, which, in truth, are One, which cannot be called a Thing, for a reason that will later be revealed to you. And the essence of Light is Life, because without Existence and Energy it would be nothing. Therefore, by Life you create yourself, eternally and impartially, igniting like suns, self-created and self-established, each one the only center of the Universe.

And just as Light makes you see, Love makes you feel. There is an ecstasy of pure Knowledge and another of pure Love. And this Love is the power that unites the diversity of things for contemplation in the Light of their Unity. Know that the Universe is not at rest, but in extreme motion, the sum of which is Rest. And this understanding that Stability is Change and Change is Stability, that Being is Becoming and Becoming is Being: that is the Key to the Golden Palace of the Law.

Finally, Freedom is the power to direct your path according to your Will. Since the extent of the universe has no limits, you are free to do what you please, observing that the variety of being is also infinite. And in this is the Joy of the Law, that there are no two similar stars, and you must also understand that Diversity is itself Unity, and without it there can be no Unity. And what is now contrary to the Reason, you will comprehend by rising above the Reason, which is just the manipulation of the Reason, you will come to the pure Knowledge of the direct perception of the Truth.

Also know that these four Emanations of the Law are blazing in all directions: you will use them not only in those high Ways of the Universe that I have described, but in every daily segment of your life.

Love is the law, love according to will.

Do according to your will, so be the whole law!

The theological and magical concept set forth in the works of Aleister Crowley - Thelema - only at first glance seems to be his own invention. Thelema, translated from Greek, literally means will - a well-known moral aspect, one of the greatest human abilities, and a subject of dispute for all religions and philosophical currents of the world.

What is free will? To what extent do we have the right to act in accordance with it? How much would it help or, on the contrary, hurt humanity if everyone did as they wish? It was these questions that everyone asked - from ancient Greek philosophers to medieval scholastics, from simple believers to the pope, and with each century people allowed themselves to act according to their own will more and more often.

A brief excursion into history

For a long time, when the Bible and the works of the Church Fathers were the measure of everything, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to do as one wishes was given an unambiguously negative one. No, we could not act as we pleased, because there was an external order set forth in the teaching, and there were given fairly strict instructions on how to act in every life situation. “Let your will be done, not mine,” Jesus said, turning to the Father, and every believer in the depths of his soul dreams of fulfilling God's will, drowning out his own desires. The idea, in general, is wonderful, only in the Christian paradigm, almost impossible: except perhaps by hermit monks. Indeed, between “His will” and man stood the law set forth in the Bible, which is impossibly strict, and as if specifically directed against human nature. But, nevertheless, a person could not fulfill the will of God without first fulfilling the law, which is impossible to fulfill. It remained to remain in constant awareness of one's own sinfulness (and after all, which of us has ever been a righteous man?) - and this is incredibly difficult. Of course, the essence of such a teaching is suffering, because it is almost impossible to achieve the ideal. And so it happens - Christianity is either comprehended through torment, through the realization of one's own worthlessness, exile, taking on the image of Christ, or is primitively depicted by ordinary philistines, being false and imposed.

How did mankind come to Christianity: after all, did it have predecessors in the form of pagan religions, with completely different prescriptions? Actually, the situation was no better, because the life of an ancient person was permeated even more with the severity of those rules. He was even less separated from the collective, due to the difficulties of surviving in the environment and the inability to get food and shelter anywhere but in the collective. Just one day some rules replaced others - pagan - Christian or Muslim. This only seems to be a difficult and lengthy process, but as practice shows, it is much easier to ban something, and this is once again demonstrated by the enthusiasm with which some countries have undertaken to implement recently adopted laws.

The Reformation, enlightenment, and then the rapid development of science called into question the God-givenness of Holy Scripture, shaking the very foundations of faith, after which Christianity, and other world religions, began to rapidly lose their like-minded people, and now, every second European, if not an atheist, then, in general, still does not consider himself to be any religion. There was a layer of people who often asked themselves the question: “Why, having my own will, I cannot fulfill it?” And, of course, there were those who came to the only answer: “I can, I definitely can, and moreover, that’s the only thing I will do now.”

There is no god but man

Think, if there is no external set of rules, who is the measure of everything? Only a man, after all, some external god almost never comes to anyone and says: do this, not this. Only your own subjective state of mind can help you understand whether you are doing the right thing or not. And now the individual, yesterday still frightened of his own desires, begins to fulfill them with increasing enthusiasm. Of course, he meets the obstacles that society has put in front of him: over the long centuries of establishing its own rules, it has blocked all loopholes in order to prevent the emergence of dissent. Our awakened genius begins to comprehend himself through the fulfillment of desires, through the study of himself and how his desires coincide or vice versa, oppose social and theological rules. Some, embarking on a journey without support, throwing away the crutches of the church, come to the conclusion that "God is dead" and "There is no God, everything is permitted." Some get to the heart of the matter by saying, "Do not look for Buddha in words" and "There is no god but man."

Having a sufficiently developed mind (and in fact, only a developed person could reach such a level of thinking), you will most likely be convinced that only by acting from the principles of “do no harm”, “do not interfere” and “benefit”, you can live in harmony with yourself and the universe. Because we are all connected by a single thread. By the way, all religions repeat this, and although the rules of life in them differ, in their philosophical essence they coincide. It's just that now you have no more rules to look at - only your own, acquired through experience or through reflection.

There is a certain universal law that cannot be expressed in words. Every word will be dogma, every revelation will turn from a murmuring brook of truth into dry cracked earth if it is written down in the form of rules. Therefore, one rule is enough, which was mentioned by a character named Nuit in Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law. "Do as you will, and no one will say no." Only for ourselves we can determine how to live harmoniously, while being useful to others. Perhaps the life that you will live ten years from now will be very different from what society calls successful or correct, but the main thing is that you yourself be happy in everything. And a person is happy when he feels himself in his place and not only fulfills his egoistic desires, but also somehow influences society (and perhaps this is the most egoistic desire of a person).

How to be happy? The answer is in us

One way or another, we are all looking for a sublime feeling called happiness, where we would be surrounded by like-minded people and those who love us, and we, in contemplative calm, would give the world love and the light of truth. Human rules have proven themselves not from the best side. Take a look around - those who follow them are not always happy, they do not always develop. Old age brings them insanity and disease. Are they worthy of following in their footsteps? Try to go a different way - to find yourself among this diversity, your place, your way of life, which would bring you an exalted feeling of happiness. And then God will finally answer the prayer and show the diamond path of the true destination. When the voices of rules, scriptures, social dogmas and personal desires fall silent, you will wake up in a new reality, which the Far Eastern traditions call the Void. And in this emptiness, like any self-respecting Western mystic, you will find "vision and voice" - a vision of the order of things and the voice of God. Whether this God will be the same as Christ, or the same as Jehovah, or the same as Rod, or maybe your personal God, unlike anyone else, is not so important, the main thing is then you will taste real wine and bread, which your spirit turns into the body of God.

The evolution of the ego is complete. Hooray!

If there is no outer set of rules other than "Do what you will," there is no need for a layer of church and clergy to gain the truth. They may exist as projections of your inner archetypes, but as individuals, their opinions should not concern you. You can experience the mystery, both with them and without them, because you yourself play the main role of this mystery. If there are no external 10 commandments, is it possible to condemn someone or, on the contrary, praise? There is one law - "Do what you will", therefore, there is no longer that supposedly necessary sequence in life that the Jewish Christians managed to come up with for a couple of millennia of their rule.

Thelema and its law are not Crowley's inventions. H Humanity came to this on its own, and by the beginning of the twentieth century it had already fully formed its libertarian vector: the rejection of classical forms of art, the emergence of surrealism, the departure from medieval forms of clothing, the emancipation of women, the sexual revolution, the underground, which today has become mainstream. All mankind is moving towards real liberation from the way of the past centuries. Of course, there are excesses, there are visible setbacks, as in Iran and North Korea, but even in Saudi Arabia, women were allowed to vote, and in France, the head of the radical Femen movement received citizenship. Fashion is becoming more and more frank, sexuality has returned to the order of things (and gradually humanity will find a way to fit it into its lifestyle).

Depth psychology researchers have found the answer to the question of why this is happening, why humanity needs this liberation. Erich Neumann, in his book The Evolution and Development of Consciousness, quite unequivocally states that history as we know it is the history of the strengthening in us and the development of our ego, personality, what is in us individual, and not collective. And indeed, if you remember, it is at the present time that a person in his urban culture has become truly lonely. He is no longer an integral part of his town or village, he can travel the world like a shadow, sweeping tangentially past the fates of others. What once could have one or two people per country is now the property of the masses. And each of this mass believes that he is an individual and his rights must be observed in the same way as the rights of the whole people.

Collective through individual

There are many dissatisfied with this order of things. They say that with individualization we lose touch with the collective, and supposedly it is the collective that will lead us to the spirit, god and other beautiful words. They nod towards the ancient societies, where everyone considered it their duty to fast and go to divine services and believe that this was good, but what is happening now is nothing short of bad. Actually, in the world there is no universal good and bad, there is only a sense of self for everyone. However, traditionalists are still trying to prove that this sense of self is for all and collectively achievable.

The developed ego of a modern person is individual in itself, and locking oneself into some external collective framework will not bring him happiness - this is shown by the fate of many. To look back in search of happiness, to look for a grain of spirit in medieval cities or an old Russian village is to deliberately deny yourself something new, little known to mankind, only indirectly, through the process of your own growing up. At some point in life, a person no longer needs a mother to survive. In the same way, humanity as a whole at some point ceases to need a universal nurse, a measure of right and wrong.

Yes, of course, there is a certain social contract expressed by the laws of the state, but if these laws do not suit you, you can always move to another country or become a politician and change the laws of this one. The same laws that exist in all states (for example, regarding murders or theft) must be understood as a natural framework for a person at this stage of his development. Time will pass, and perhaps even they will not be needed, because during his long evolution a person will develop so much that the thought of murder will not even enter his head. Everything is possible! After all, what is the nature of most crimes of this kind? The desire to accumulate, take away, increase. And if you do not need much, if you have ceased to want things imposed on you that are unusual for you, your instinct will be overcome with the help of consciousness.

With each millennium of our development, we move further and further away from the animal, instinctive in us, and approach the mind, ego, personality. Perhaps, when people comprehend their own personality, the next gates of knowledge will open before them, in which there will be even more freedom, and even more understanding!

And having come to the conclusion that the only thing that is important is not to break the connection, to leave the order of things in the universe in balance, or to bring humanity to a new level of understanding - that's all we can wish for, a person from an individual who only exists thanks to society, becomes a conductor of spiritual energy in society. Such a team, in which there are many people who have known and understood a lot, can completely change its current face.

Love is the law, love according to will!

T elema(named after the Greek word Θελημα, meaning "will") is a school of thought and religious system that was created in 1904 when a British magician (1875–1947) received a founding document from a mysterious "entity" named Aiwass. This book was originally called Liber L, later renamed Liber AL, and is often called Liber Legis, or the Book of the Law.

Crowley believed that Aiwass was none other than his. This mysterious creature predicted that the current Aeon, the time of the dying and resurrecting Gods (named after the Egyptian God Osiris), will be replaced by a new Aeon, which personifies the son of Osiris - the Crowned Child - the Conqueror of Mountains. Crowley considered himself the Prophet of the new Aeon, who was called to proclaim it to people.

The basic concept of the Law of the new Aeon can be summarized in two quotations from the Book of the Law:

1. « Do thy will: such be the whole Law» (AL I:40)

2. "Love is the law, love in accordance with the will"(AL I:57)

In order to clarify the Book of the Law to himself and others, Crowley wrote numerous commentaries. The Thelemites (followers of the Teachings of Thelema) are supposed to interpret this book for themselves, each for himself, based on the commentaries of Crowley and other works; but not to be limited only by one's own interpretations and, moreover, not to impose them on others.

The main goal of Thelema is the disclosure of the True Will, which underlies the innermost depths of Nature and the life aspirations of every person. The methods of achieving this goal are the core of Thelemic Magic.

Thelema has various philosophical, political and cultural aspects. There is no strict "Thelemic doctrine", but Aleister Crowley wrote many articles and essays on the ideal individual and the ideal society. His followers continue to develop these ideas today. At the heart of everything is personal freedom and the realization that every man and every woman has a Divine nature, and the essence and meaning of the Great Work is Love.

Theology of Thelema

According to Thelemic doctrine, the expression of Divine Law in the Aeon of Horus is "Do thy will: such be the whole Law". This "Law of Thelema," as it is called, should not be interpreted as permission to indulge one's every whim, but rather as a Divine mandate to discover the True Will or true purpose in life, and fulfill it; and also to allow others to do the same in their own unique way.

The "acceptance" of the Law of Thelema is what defines Thelemite; if you call yourself a Thelemite, then the main business of your life is the knowledge and realization of your True Will. The achievement of "Knowledge and Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel" is seen as an integral part of this process. The methods and practices to be used in this process are many and varied, and are grouped together under the umbrella term Magick.

Thelema has no concept of the devil or Satan of its own analogous to the Judeo-Christian, however, the pseudo-personification of disorder, madness, illusion and self-centered ignorance is mentioned under the name "Choronzon".

The main theological concepts and symbols of Thelema are contained in "The Book of the Law", the three chapters of which represent the three original Divine forms.

1. Nuit (Well) is in the first chapter of the Book. She is the infinitely expanding Goddess of the Egyptian pantheon, personifying the night sky, the Queen of Space and the Universal Supreme Mother. Nuit is complemented by Hadit.

2. Hadit(Had) - presented in the second part of the Book. This is the winged solar disk, the infinite point of space, the cosmic source of life. Hadit is complemented by Nuit.

3. Ra-Hoor-Khuitu (Horus) is dedicated to the third chapter of the Book of the Law. He is presented as the falcon-headed lord of the advancing Aeon, he is also called the Crowned and Conquering Child. (Ra is the Egyptian sun god).

Other characters mentioned in The Book of the Law.

The study of this Book is prohibited. It would be prudent to destroy this copy after the first reading.

Whoever neglects this does so at their own peril and risk. Those are the most at risk.

Those who discuss the contents of this Book will be shunned by all, like plague-bearers.

All questions concerning the Fa should be resolved only on the basis of what I have written, each for himself.

There is no higher law than "Do what you will."

Love is the law, love according to will.

high priest,


Table from Equinox Volume 3 Number 3

Another translation option

Translation - Frater Incubon

"Love, obedient to the will - is not an accidental lust of a savage, but not love under fear, as happens with Christians. But love, which the magician points out the way and owns it, like a formula of the spirit."

Do what you want - this will be the Law. The study of this Book is prohibited. It would be prudent to destroy this copy immediately after the first reading. Whoever you are, disregarding the above, you do so at your own peril and risk. This is the worst. Those who discuss the contents of this Book will be shunned like those with the plague. All questions concerning the Law let each one decide for himself only by referring to what I have written. Do what you want - this will be the Law. Love is the Law, Love obedient to the Will.

Priest of princes


Chapter 1

1. Hud! This is a manifestation of Nuit.

2. In this way the companions of the sky make themselves visible.

3. Every man and every woman is a star.

4. Every number, no matter what, is infinite.

5. Help me, O Theban Warrior-ruler, help me in my appearance before the children of men!

6. My secret center, my heart and my tongue, be you Hadit!

7. And lo! Aiwass, a servant of Goor-paar-krat, discovered all this.

8. Khabs stay in Khu, not Khu in Khabs.

9. So worship Khabs, and see how my light is shed over you.

10. Let my servants be few and hidden, they will lead many, those whom everyone knows.

11. People worship only fools. All gods of fools and people worshiping Gpulians are idiots.

12. Come out, O children, under the stars and receive your full share of love.

13. I am above you and in you. In your ecstasy is my ecstasy. I am glad to see your joy.

14. Over precious azure

Shining naked, Nuit.

In sensual ecstasy bent,

Kisses the secret heat of Hadit

Winged ball, astral azure

They are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

15. And now you will know that the chosen priest and apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest, he is the Beast. And in his woman, whose name is Crimson Married, the power given to him. They take my children into the flock, from them the radiance of the stars penetrates into the hearts of people.

16. After all, he is the sun, and she is the moon. Only to him is the flame of the winged mystery, and moonlight streams towards it.

17. However, you are not so chosen.

18. Burn on their foreheads, O radiant serpent!

19. O woman with eyelids filled with azure, bend over them.

20. The key to these rituals lies in the secret word he received from me.

21. With God and the One who worships him, I am nothing; because they don't see me. They are, as it were, on earth, and I am Heaven, and there are no other Gods there, except for me and my master Hadit.

22. Therefore, you know me by the name of Nuit, and I am known to him by a secret name, which I will reveal to him when he finally knows me. Since I am the infinite expanse and the infinity of the stars, do so. Don't associate anyone with anything! Let there be no difference among you between any thing, for from this comes harm.

23. But if anyone succeeds in this, let him rule over everyone!

24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.

25. Delhi, add, multiply, understand and understand.

26. Then the servant and the prophet said to the beautiful: Who am I and what will be the sign?

So she answered him, leaning into the flickering flame of blue, all-tangible, all-penetrating, her tender hands on the black earth and her flexible body, like a rainbow, bent for love, and the softest feet do not hurt even the slightest flower!

You will know! And let my ecstasy be a sign, the consciousness of the extension of existence and the whole presence of my body.

27. Then the priest answered and said to the Queen of Space: O Nuit, continuous being of heaven, let people call you not One, but None; and let them not talk about you at all, since you are continuous!

28. None, inhaling light, twinkling and radiance, starry and double.

29. Since I am separated for the sake of love, for the sake of being able to merge

30. This is the creation of the world, when the pain of separation is nothing, and the joy of decay is everything.

31. And don't let these stupid people worry about you with their sorrows! They feel little, and what they do feel rests on the scales of half-erased pleasures; but you are my chosen ones.

32. Obey my prophet! Carry out difficult trials for the sake of knowing me to the end! Look for me! And then the joys of my love will save you from all pain. This is true; I swear by the curve of my body; with my sacred heart and tongue, with all that I can give and with all that I desire to receive from you all.

33. And then the priest plunged into a deep trance or swoon and turned to the Queen of Heaven: Describe the trials for us, describe the rituals and give us the law!

34. But she answered: I will not write about trials, rituals must be known, partly closed, and the law is one for all.

35. What you are writing down this minute is the Book of the Law in three parts.

36. My clerk Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of princes, will not change a single letter in this book, but so that there are no dark places, he will explain them further with the help of the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.

37. Also mantras and incantations; TNE OVEAN and TNE WANGA, work with a rod and work with a sword - all this you will learn and teach others.

38. He must teach, but he must precede this with severe trials.

39. The word of the Law is thelema.

40. And the one who calls us "Thelemites" will not be mistaken, if only he deeply understands the meaning of this word. For the word of that has three levels - the Hermit, the Loving, and the Earthly Man. Do what you want - this will be the Law.

41. Limitation - these are the words of Sin. Oh man! Do not refuse your wife if she wants! O lover, if you wish, drop it! There is no bond that can unite the divided but love. Everything else is a curse. Damn! Cursed be it forever and ever! Gehenna.

42. Let the majority sit in chains and abominations. Let them disappear. You have no other right than to do what you want yourself.

43. Do this and no one will dare to tell you no.

44. For pure will, free from goal-setting, not dependent on the thirst for results, is perfect in all respects.

45. Perfection and Perfection - one Perfection and not two at all. No, they are nothing!

46. ​​Nothing is the secret key of this law. The Jews call it 61. I call it: 8, 80, 400 and 18.

47. However, they only have half. Connect with your art so that everything disappears altogether.

48. My prophet is a fool, with his numbers 1, 1 and 1. But are they themselves an Ass and nothing from the Book?

49. Reduce all rituals, all tests, all passwords and all signs. With the onset of the Equinox of the Gods, Ra-Hoor-Khuit takes its place in the East, and let Asar stay with Isa, and together they are one. But they are not from me. Let Asar worship, Isa endure the torment; Goor in the splendor of the secret name is the initiating Lord.

50. Now two words about the assignment of the Hierophants. Bear in mind! In one test, three are hidden at once, and they can be passed in three ways. The dense must pass through the fire, the subtle will be tested by the intellect, and the lofty elect will be tested in the highest. Here is a star and another star, a system and another system, and let none of you know the other.

51. Four entrances lead to one chamber, the floor in the palace is made of silver and gold, celestial pearls, jasper, exquisite fragrances, jasmine and rose, and emblems of death. Let him enter them in turn or all four at once, let him stand on the floor of the palace. Will he drown? Amn. Ho!

Warrior, will your servant drown? But there are means and means. So, therefore, be kind: dress in a dress of fine fabrics, eat rich food and drink it with sweet wine and foamy wine! Besides, love wholly, love how you want, when you want, where and whom you want. But always on me.

52. And if this is done incorrectly, if you confuse the signs of space, declaring: they are all one or they are all different, if the rituals are not always directed at me, then expect the terrible judgment of Ra - Hoor-Khuit!

53. This will revive the world, this little world is my sister, my heart and my tongue, with which I send this kiss. So are you, O priest and skrib, even if you are of a princely family, this will not cool you down, will not excuse you. But ecstasy and earthly joy will be yours: To me! To me!

54. Look, you are a prophet, do not change a single letter, otherwise you will not contemplate the mysteries hidden within.

55. The child of your testicles, he will contemplate them.

56. Do not wait for him from the East, do not wait from the West, that child is coming from an unexpected house. Aum! All words are sacred, and all prophecies are true, only if they understand little. Having solved the first part of the equation, leave the second part untouched. But everything is in front of you in a clear light, and some of it is in darkness.

57. Call me under my stars! Love is the law, love is obedient to the will. And do not confuse, fools, there is love and love. Here is a dove, and here is a snake. Choose the right way! He, my prophet, chose, knowing the law of the stronghold, and the great mystery of the Abode of God. All the ancient letters in my Book are correct. But the letter "tsade" is not a Star. And this is also a secret: my prophet will reveal it to the wise.

58. I give unimaginable joys on earth: not faith, but confidence, even during life, that after death; unspeakable peace, relaxation, ecstasy; and I do not require sacrifices.

59. My incense is of tree resin, it contains no blood: because my hair is the trees of Eternity.

60. My number is 11, it is also the number of all ours. A five-pointed star with a circle in the middle, and that's a red circle. The blind see me in black, but the sighted see gold and azure. I also have a secret glory for those who love me.

61. But to love me is the most beautiful thing, and if under the stars of the night in the desert you now burn incense in front of my altar, calling me with a pure heart and Serpentine fire inside, you should come a little closer and lie on my chest. For one kiss you want to give everything. But he who gives only one grain immediately loses everything. You will find expensive things, you will have women in abundance and spicy spices, you will wear jewelry, you will outshine entire nations on this planet with brilliance and pride, but all this, loving me, and so you will come to my joy. I order you to strictly appear before me in a single-woven vestment, with your head covered with a rich attire. I love you! I miss you! Whether pale, crimson, covered, or sweetly naked, I, the center of purple and bliss and intoxication in the deepest sense, desire you. Put on your wings and awaken the radiance dormant in the rings inside you: come to me!

62. At all my dates, a priestess will speak to you - and her eyes will burn with the fire of desire, when she rises naked and rejoicing in my secret temple - To me! To me! Calling out the flames from the hearts of all in the song of her love!

63. Sing to me enthusiastically, sing about love! Ignite my fragrances! Decorating yourself with jewels for me! Drink for me, for I love you! I love you!

64. I am the blue-eyed daughter of Sunset, the shining nakedness of the voluptuousness of the night sky.

65. Come to me! On me!

66. This completes the Manifestation of Nuit.

Chapter 2

1. Well! This is the hideout point of Hadit.

2. Go, go all and know the secret hitherto undiscovered. My bride's complement is me, Hadit. Expansion is not my nature, and Khabs is the name of my House.

3. I am the omnipresent center of every sphere, just as it is a circle that is nowhere.

4. And yet they will know her, but never me.

5. Look! The rituals of the old times have turned black. May those who are evil be rejected, and the prophet cleanse the good! Then Knowledge will be corrected.

6. I am the fire that burns in the heart of every person and in the core of every star. I am Life, and the giver of Life, and yet knowing me, you know death.

7. I am a Magician and I am an Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube is inside the circle. It is foolish for me to call: "Come to me!", since I am the one who comes.

8. Who honored Hoor-pa-kraat, honored me too; in vain, for I too am only a worshiper.

9. Don't forget that being is pure delight; all sorrows are nothing more than shadows, they pass and disappear, but there is something that remains.

10. Hey, prophet! Your will to know these writings is weakening.

11. I see your hatred for the pen hand; but I'm stronger.

12. Because I, you don't know about it, am in You.

13. For what? for what you have known and for me.

14. Let the crypt be now curtained, now let the light rush on people and devour them with blindness!

15. I am perfect because I am not; and my number is nine among the ignorant, and among the intelligent my number is eight and one in eight. And this is essential, for I am, in fact, nothing. The Empress and the King are not from me; for there is a further mystery.

16. I am the Empress and I am the Hierophant. Only 11, since 11 is the number of my bride.

17. Listen to me, you sighing people!

Grieve pain and regret

left dead and dying -

a tribe that has not recognized me until now.

18. They have been dead for a long time, these fellows, but they do not feel. We are not for the sick and gloomy; the rulers of the earth are our kindred.

19. Does God live in a dog? No! But the higher ones are ours. They will still rejoice, our chosen ones, and the one who is sad is not ours.

20. Beauty and strength, galloping laughter and wondrous bliss, onslaught and fire - this is ours.

21. We have nothing to do with unusable garbage; let them die in nothingness. Because they don't feel anything. Compassion is the vice of kings: trampling the weak and unfit, the strong act according to the law; such is our law and the joy of this world. Do not think, O king, over this lie: As if You must Die: in fact, you will not die, you will live. Let it be clear now: The King will remain in pure ecstasy forever if the royal body undergoes dissolution. Nuit! Hadit! Ra-Hoor-Khuit! Sun; Strength, and Vision, Light; all this is for the servants of the Star and the Serpent.

22. I am the Serpent, giving Knowledge and Delight and the radiance of glory, it is I who excite and intoxicate the hearts of people. To idolize me, use wine and strange drugs, from which I will speak with my prophet, get drunk with them. They won't do you any harm. This is nonsense, this is a lie against yourself. Showing innocence is also false. Be strong, oh man! Lust, enjoy all kinds of sensual delight, do not be afraid that some Deity will reject you for this.

23. I am alone, there is no other God where I am.

24. Look! Here are some more serious ordinances concerning my hermit friends. Don't just think that you will find them in the forest or on the mountain: but on a purple bed, caressed by magnificent creatures with heavy hips, with fire and radiance in their eyes and a waterfall of fiery hair, that's where you will find them. You will still see them at the helm, at the head of victorious armies, and their joy will be a million times greater than what it is now. But so that without coercion of one by the other, when the Tsar is against the Tsar! Love one another with burning hearts, trample low people in the fierce voluptuousness of your pride, on the day of your anger.

25. You are against the people, my chosen ones!

26. I am the secret Serpent, curled up, ready to jump. In my rings - the coming joy. If I raise my head, I merge into one with my Nuit. My head hung, shooting poison, then the earth is blessed and we are one with it.

27. There is also a great danger in me, for those who do not fully understand these runes will make a great mistake. He will fall into the well called "Because", and there he will perish along with the dogs of common sense.

28. Damn "Because" and all his relatives!

29. Damn it, it's "Because", forever and ever!

30. If the Will retreats with a cry "Why?", calling "Because", then the Will is over and there will be no action.

31. If the Force asks "Why?", then it is a weakness.

32. Reason is also a lie. There is only one factor, and that is limitless, unknown; and all their speeches are rumors.

33. Enough Because! Damn you dog!

34. But you, O my people, rise and wake up!

35. May our rituals be performed correctly - beautifully and joyfully!

36. Among them are rituals dedicated to the elements, and feasts of the times.

37. Feast of the first night of the Prophet and his Bride!

38. A feast in honor of the three days of writing the Book of the Law.

39. The feast for Tahuti and the child of the Prophet is a mystery, O prophet!

40. The Feast of the Supreme Ritual and the Feast of the Equinox of the Gods.

41. The festival of fire and the festival of water; a feast of life and a still more majestic feast of death!

42. Everyday holiday in your hearts in the joy of my admiration.

43. Every night is a holiday Well, the pleasures of sheer delight.

44. Hey! Feast! Rejoice! The future is not terrible. There is dissolution and eternal ecstasy in kisses Well.

45. Death awaits dogs there.

46. ​​Failed? Are you sorry? Is there fear in your heart?

47. Where I am, so that this does not happen.

48. Do not spare the fallen! I do not know them. I'm not for them. I do not console: I hate those who are consoled and comforters.

49. I am unique. I am a conqueror. I'm not one of those slaves that die. May they be damned and killed! Amen. (This is about four: there is still a fifth, the one who is invisible, and in him I am, like a baby in an egg).

50. I am blue and gold in the light of my betrothed, but in my eyes a gleam of red; purple, green sparks cover my body.

51. Purple purple light, not accessible to sight.

52. Here is the Veil: this is the black Veil. Veil of a modest woman. It is the veil of sorrow and the shroud of death. It's alien to me. Break the false ghost of centuries, do not cover your vices with the words of virtue, with vices you serve me, and you do well, and I will reward you here and later.

53. Do not be afraid, O prophet, when these words are spoken, you will not regret. Without a doubt, you are my chosen one, and those eyes that you look with joy will be blessed. But I will hide you under a mask of sorrow, and those who see you will think in fear that you have fallen, but I will raise you up.

54. Valuable are not those who shout that you do not mean anything. You will prove to them that you are valuable. Since they are slaves of "Because", they are not from me. Letters? Do not change their form and numerical value.

55. You will still comprehend the order and numerical value of the English alphabet. You will also acquire new symbols to introduce into it.

56. Get out, you scoffers, even if you laugh in my honor, you will not laugh for long. When you are sad, then you will understand that I left you.

57. The righteous be righteous. And the one who stinks, let him stink.

58. Do not even think about changing, be the way you are now and no other. Therefore, the Kings of the Earth will be kings forever, and the Slaves will serve. There is nothing that would be thrown down or lifted up: everything is as it was. But there are also my secret servants, it also happens like this: under the mask of a beggar, the King is hiding. The king may choose for himself any dress he wishes; there is no special measure here; however, the beggar cannot hide his poverty.

59. Therefore, be vigilant, lest you reject the hidden King, love everyone! Do you think so? Fool! If he really was the King, you wouldn't be able to harm him.

60. So hit hard and vilely and to hell with them, Master.

61. The light is before your eyes, O prophet, you did not want it, but it is desired.

62. I have risen in your heart, and the kisses of the stars fall like heavy rain on your body.

63. You were exhausted in the voluptuous fullness of inspiration, extinction is sweeter than death itself, swifter and more joyful than the caress of the worm of the Underworld.

64. Oh! You have been defeated, we stand on you, our delight is poured over you! Heil! Heil! Prophet Well! Prophet Had! Prophet Ra-Hoor-Khu! Rejoice now! Enter our merging and ecstasy immediately! Enter our ardent rest and write down sweet words for the Kings!

65. I am the Master! You are the Holy One.

66. Write and find ecstasy in writing! Work hard, let our bed be a bed of work! Tremble with the joy of life and death! Oh! You will die beautifully, whoever sees, everyone will admire. Your death will be the seal of our love vow for a century. Come on, fill your heart with delight over the edge. We are one, we are nothing.

67. Stop! Stop! Be strong in your delight. Strengthen in your delight; don't faint from sublime kisses.

68. Harder! Do not relax! Raise your head! Don't take a deep breath - die!

69. Ah! A! What I feel? Are the words out?

70. In other spells and help and hope. Wisdom says: Be strong! Then you can bear more joy. Don't be an animal: bliss subtly. If you drink, do it according to the eight and ninety rules of art; indulging in love, achieve the ultimate sophistication of shades. And if you are enjoying, let there be refinement in it.

71. Just go overboard! Excess!

72. Wish with all your might for more! And if you are truly mine and there is no doubt about it, and if you are always full of joy! - death will be the crown of everything.

73. Ah! A! Death! Death! You will yearn for death. Death, O man, is forbidden to you.

74. The extent of your passionate longing will become the fortress of the glory of her death. He who lives long and desires death, only he is a King among Kings.

75. Hey! Listen to these words and numbers:

76. 4 6 3 8 A B K 2 4 A L G M O R 3 Y X 2 4 8 9 R P S TOVAL. What do they mean, O prophet? You don't know and you never will. The one who inherits you is coming, he will explain in detail. Do not forget, O chosen one, to be me, following love Well, in the sky flooded with starlight, looking directly at people, telling them this joyful word.

77. Be proud and mighty among people!

78. Raise yourself! For there is no one like you, neither among men, nor among the gods! Raise yourself, O my prophet, and you will surpass the article of the stars themselves. They will worship your name in four parts, the wonderful, mystical human number, and the name of your house 418.

79. End of concealment of Hadit; and blessing and worship to the prophet of the beautiful Star!

Chapter 3

1. Abrahadabra; Reward Ra-Hoor-Khut.

2. Here is the division leading home; here is the unknown word. The pronunciation does not work; all of this is not necessary. Watch out! Stop! Remove the spell of Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

3. Let it be clear first of all that I am the God of War and Revenge. And I will harass them severely.

4. Choose your island, you!

5. Build a fortress on it.

6. Surround her with war machines.

7. I will give you a fighting vehicle.

8. With her help you will smash the nations, no one can stand before you.

9. Hidden! Departed! Now crush them! This is the Law of the Battle of Capture. I will also be given divine honors at my secret abode.

10. Obtain the Stele of revelation itself, install it in your secret temple when it is already located in a worthy place, and this will be your Kiblah forever. And not only will it not discolor, but on the contrary, the color will miraculously return to it.

11. She is your only proof. I forbid not to argue. Conquer! It's enough. I will make it easy for you to leave your ill-arranged house in Victory City. You will bring her with honors, O prophet, although this is not to your liking. In the future, danger and anxiety await you. But Ra-Hoor-Khu is with you. Worship me with fire and blood, worship me with swords and spears. Let a woman gird herself with a sword for my sake: let blood be shed in my name. Trample the Infidels, crush them, O warrior, and you will taste their flesh from me!

12. Sacrifice cattle, small and large, but first a child.

13. Just not now.

14. You have yet to see that hour, O blessed Beast, and you, Scarlet Concubine of his desire!

15. It will make you sad.

16. Do not grasp promises so sharply, do not be afraid when you are subjected to curses. You don't even know the full meaning.

17. Do not be afraid of anything: do not be afraid of people, or the Forces of Destiny, or the Gods, or anyone. Neither the power of money, nor the ridicule of human dementia, as well as other forces in heaven, whether on earth or under earth. Well, your refuge, and Hadit shines for you; I am the fortress, the strength, the fury of your hands.

18. Let pity be rejected! Curse those who are compassionate! Kill and torture without mercy; push them!

19. This Stele they will call the Abomination of Desolation, count well the number of letters of her name, and she will appear to you as 718.

20. Why? Because "Because" will collapse, as it will no longer exist.

21. Put my image in the East, you should buy my image, which I will show you, special, not similar to those known to you. And suddenly you can do it with ease.

22. Other images also come together to support me; worship them all, for they have rallied to exalt me. After all, I am the visible object of worship, and the rest are kept secret. They are for the Beast and his Bride and the winners of Trial X. What is it? You will know.

23. For incense, mix meat and honey and clots of red wine, then add the oil of Abramelin and olive oil, and then soften and smooth with abundant fresh blood.

24. Lunar blood is the best, Monthly: also the fresh blood of a child or a drop of heavenly prosphyra, then the blood of enemies, then a priest or believers, the blood of some beast, last.

25. You will burn all this: you will bake cakes and you will eat them for me. There is another use for this: having richly nourished with incense, lay them before me, bugs will start in them, just like that, and creeping creatures are dedicated to me.

26. These you will kill by naming your enemies; and they will fall before you.

27. From eating them, the passionate power of joy will also arise in you.

29. Moreover, keep them in this state longer, the longer the better, for they grow fat, receiving strength from me. Everything is in front of me.

30. My altar is open, it is made of copper, if you burn something, do it on silver or gold.

31. A rich man is coming from the West, he will shower you with gold.

32. You can forge steel from gold!

33. Be ready to take off or crash!

34. But your holy place will remain inviolable through the centuries; even if it is burned and destroyed by fire and sword, yet the invisible house will stand, and it will stand until the Great Equinox comes, when Chrumakhis rises and he who has two wands will occupy my throne and palace. Another prophet will rise and send a fresh shiver from the sky, another woman will awaken lust and the worship of the Serpent, another soul of God and the Beast will mix in a tiara priest, another sacrifice will stain the Tomb, another will rule the king; and there will be no more reverence for the Hawk-headed mystical Master!

35. Half of the word Heru-ra-ha was called Hoor-pa-kraat and Ra-Hoor-Khut.

36. Then the prophet turned to God:

37. I worship you in this song:

I am the Lord of Thebes and I -

inspirational herald of Mentu.

For me the sky opens the veil

Suicide Ankh-af-na-khonsu,

Whose words are true! I call

I welcome Your presence

Oh, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

There is complete unity!

I worship the energy of your breath

Supreme and terrible God,

Forcing deities and death

tremble before you.

I, I adore you!

Show yourself on the throne of Ra!

Open the paths of Khu!

Illuminate the paths of Ka!

The paths of the Khabs will pass through me

to excite me or calm me down!

Aum! Let them fill me!

38. So, when your light is in me, and its red flame is like a sword in my hand, to advance your order. There is a secret door, I will arrange it in such a way that there is access to all the posts (places of worship described by you), as it is said:

This is my light; its rays absorb

me: i made a secret door

To the abode of Ra and Tum

Khefra and Ahathoor.

I am your Theban, O Mentu,

Prophet Ankh-af-na-khonsu!

I hit my chest Bes-na-Maut

Wise Ta-Neh I cast my spell.

Reveal thy starry brilliance, O Nuit!

Invite me to settle in your House,

Oh winged serpent light, Hadit!

Stay with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!

39. All this and a book to say how you achieved it, and the reproduction of this ink and paper are eternal, - for in them is the word of mystery and not in English alone, - and your commentary on the Book of the Law will be printed in beautiful red ink and black on marvelous paper made by hand; and to every man and woman that you meet, it will not be for food and drink, but is given as a Law. Then they will have the choice to accept this grace or refuse; and nothing else. Do it fast!

40. Well, what about the work on the explanations? It is easy, and Hadit burning in your heart will make your pen sure and swift.

41. Arrange a public place from your Kaaba, everything should be done deftly and in a businesslike manner.

42. You will see trials yourself, except for those of you who are blind. Reject nothing, but traitors must be recognized and destroyed. I am Ra-Hoor-Khuit, and I am able to protect my servant. Success is your argument. Don't argue, don't lure, don't talk too much. Those who are looking for how to catch you, overthrow, attack these without pity and mercy, and destroy them to the ground. Sharply, like a snake that has been stepped on, dodge and strike! Be meaner than them. Drag their souls to terrible torture; laugh at their fear; spit on them!

43. Let the Scarlet Woman beware of the following: if pity and compassion and tenderness visit her heart, if she abandons my work for the sake of idle games with old passions, then let her know the bitterness of my retribution. I will sacrifice her child to myself, I will fill her heart with madness, men will reject her, she will crawl like a withered and despicable whore along the twilight street, drowning in liquid mud and perish in cold and hunger.

44. But let her rise in pride! Let her follow my path! Let him work miracles of fornication! May she kill her heart! Let her be noisy and treacherous, in rich dress and jewels, having no shame before all men.

45. Then I will raise her to the heights of power: I will conceive from her a child whose power will surpass all the kings of the earth. I will fill her with joy, through my strength she will see the wondrous Well, she will reach Hadit and bow down in worship.

46. ​​I am the military Lord of the Forties; The eighties hide at the sight of me, they are swept away. I will lead you to victory and rejoicing: I will guide your weapons in battle, and you will know the delight of destruction. Success is your proof, courage is your armour; advance, I have strengthened you, and no one will put you to flight!

47. This book will be translated into all languages, but always from the original written by the hand of the Beast; because in the accidental handwriting and arrangement of letters in relation to one another, there are mysteries unknown even to the Beast itself. Let no one try to do it. - But the one who comes after him, when, I will not say, will open the Key to everything. This drawn line is the key, and this circle, squared in its failure, is also the key. And Abrahadabra. It will be his child, and the thing is strange here. And let him not look for the meaning of this, because being alone, he will disappear here.

48. Now the mystery of these writings has been solved, and I would like to be transported to a more holy place.

49. I abide in the mystery of the four words, in them the reproach of all human gods.

50. They will be damned, damned, damned!!!

51. I have the Head of a Hawk, and I peck out the eyes with it […] while it hangs on the cross.

52. It is my wings that whip on Muhammad's face and blind him.

53. My claws claw the meat of the Hindu, the Buddhist, the Mongol and the Jew.

54. Bahlast! Ompehda! Eh, you toads, I spit on your beliefs.

55. Let the wheels break […]: in memory of her, let all innocent women be despised.

56. Also in the name of love and beauty!

57. Also, despise every coward, mercenary soldiers who play war, despise all who are stupid.

58. Only not the one who is proud and insightful, who is from the royal family, who is majestic; because you are brothers!

59. Like brothers, fight!

60. There is no law, except "Do what you want."

61. Here is the end of the word of the Deity, enthroned on the throne of Ra, whose light fills the frame of the soul.

62. Honor me! Strive for me through the crucible of torment, they will turn into bliss.

63. A fool reads this Book of the Law and does not understand anything.

64. Let him go through the first test, and it will be like silver for him.

65. The second is like gold.

66. And the third - precious stones of the purest water.

67. And through the fourth, the brightest sparks of hidden fire.

68. Be that as it may, everyone will find it wonderful. Who will argue that this is not so, enemies, real liars.

69. There success.

70. I am the Hawk-Headed Lord of Silence and Might; the sky of the blue night embraces my serpent's crown.

71. Heil! To you, twin warriors at the pillars of this world! For your time is at hand.

72. I am the Lord of the Double Rod of Power: this is the rod of power of Kof Niya - but there is nothing in my left hand, because I crushed the Universe and nothing remains.

73. Turn the letters from right to left, from top to bottom, then look!

74. My name retains the splendor of splendor, both in concealment and being revealed in glory, just like the sun is the eternal son of midnight.

75. The end of words is the word Abrahadabra.

The Book of the Law is written and sealed.