Day laura (laura) "self-instruction manual for the development of intuition." Laura Den. Self-instruction manual of intuition

Laura Day - Self-Tutorial for Developing Intuition

Translated from English by K.I. Alekseeva.

LLC "AST Publishing House", 2000 - (Library of Practical Psychology).

Intuition is a great ability that nature has endowed man with. Even the ancient Greeks recognized that rational thinking is incomplete and needs to be supported by intuition. This has become the most obvious today.

The subconscious, which speaks to us in the language of intuition, knows the answers to many questions of concern to a person. You just need to learn how to ask them correctly and be able to decipher the answers that intuition gives in the form of images and symbols.

This book, in an easy and accessible form, will guide you step by step to master this knowledge and techniques that will help you believe in yourself and achieve success in life.

Addressed to a wide range of readers.

1. How I became an intuitive 8

2. What intuition can do for you 14

3. Finding Out What Really Matters To You 21

4. You are granted the fulfillment of three wishes 27

5. Without Further Addition 32

6. The Art of Asking Questions 36

7. Congratulations on your first intuitive discovery 46 already know all 50

9. Focus Shift: Opening Intuition 56

10. There are no coincidences 60

11. Recalling Pretending 66

12. Isn't it scary to rely on intuition 78

13. Intuition is knowing without knowing how you know 83

14. The relationship of intuition to other "mental" phenomena 91

15. Finding your intuitive state 94

16. In the beginning there was question 101

17. You used your intuition for the first time on your own 106

18. Appreciating Your First Try 111

19. Intuition can tell you everything you want to know ... 114

20. Understanding Your Unique Intuitive Vocabulary 118

21. Setting the Framework for Your Intuitive Perception 122

22. Your Intuitive Vocabulary: What Time Clues Do You Get? 129

23. Your intuitive vocabulary: answering questions that require

answer "yes" or "no" 135

24. Developing Your Style of Intuitive Perception 141

25. Formally use intuition for yourself or your friends 144

26. Using intuition to make the best decision 157

27. Intuition in your professional life 161

28. Using intuition in personal life 165

29. A final look at your three questions 170

30. Selected considerations about intuition and state

of our world 172

31. How to turn any person into your own medium in five minutes 178

32. You are just at the beginning of an exciting journey 186

Opening remarks by Bruno del Rosso

I have known Laura Day for many years. Having met her, I experienced a tangible blow, immediately feeling that this young woman is the epicenter of some kind of radiant energy, the focus of probing waves that can penetrate any person or object. It seemed that her intuition sweeps away in the direction of secrets and penetrates into the essence of things. During my subsequent research into her unique abilities in Rome (some are described in this book), I collaborated with experts from various fields. We carried out numerous experiments, and at each session Laura never ceased to amaze and perplex the invited scientists and journalists. She showed results that none of us could have foreseen. It seemed that the spirit of the world mildly ridiculed our understanding of nature through Laura's insights into the essence of things.

Laura Day takes readers of this book by the hand and helps them reconnect with a lost or forgotten part of themselves. I sincerely hope that you will know the hidden essence and deep mechanisms of the world around you, if you allow yourself to freely and with an open mind follow its guidance. I am sure you will do it.

Foreword by Demi Moore

Do you believe in meaningful coincidences? Once in the evening. I came to a party hosted by my friend Rosanna. Seeing me, she said: "There is a person with whom you must meet. Believe me, you definitely need to get to know her." Without the slightest hesitation, I followed her through the humming crowd. Surrounded by an audience completely captivated by her, a diminutive, almost ephemeral woman with piercing blue eyes sat at the table. This penetration was determined not by their color or shape, but by the depth of her gaze. There seemed to be no limit to what she saw.

We had a pleasant conversation. However, I soon noticed that we were talking about what only my closest friends could know about 6bf. Even more intriguing were her comments on subjects that I had never discussed with anyone. I got really curious and inquired about her profession. She answered. That I would not like to talk about it, because I could never find a suitable name for her, but she assured me that her activities are absolutely legal.

Our conversation was very brief, but even in those few minutes I felt that calm sense of self-sufficiency that she seemed to possess. To be honest, there have never been more wonderful meetings in my life than meeting Laura Day. At that time, I really felt that everything that I needed in my life was in front of me, I just had to stretch my hand. I had just got married, was expecting my first child and generally felt invulnerable. I was seething with unrestrained energy, but I had to admit that sometimes I overdid it and needed some kind of restrictions.

At the end of that first meeting, Laura took my hand and said that she would like to remind me: I am exactly where I should be, and all I need now is a little patience, and the rest will follow. I knew right away that she was talking about my career. The child and the new marriage successfully pushed work into the background, but even at that moment it was still very important to me. I think that subconsciously I was worried, but not enough to consider it a problem and discuss it with someone. Her words were a great comfort to me and reminded me of the joys of everyday life.

The next time I met Laura after the birth of my daughter, my career slowly started to pick up steam again. I just finished filming "The Phantom" and a few more films have been launched. One of them, "The Butcher's Wife", required a consultation with a medium - to ensure the accuracy of the script, and since I understood what Laura's profession was, I immediately chose her. Paramount Pictures appreciated her undoubted contribution to the film, and I myself had the opportunity to better understand her gift.

During the filming of the film, we spent many hours together working on cues. Suddenly, at the end of one of the first sessions, Laura dropped that since I was not ready to have another child, I should be careful in the next few months. Well, I could only laugh, because at that moment my husband was filming a film on the other side of the world, in Rome. I said that there was no cause for concern, but thanked for the warning. During the filming, Laura mentioned it again or two, but then let the events take their course, completely immersed in the work, but sometimes she still gave out pieces of information concerning me, and I wrote them down on my copy of the script.

All this was very exciting, had nothing to do with what was happening at that time, so I just collected them, not focusing on this, and was engaged in actual work - filming a film.

Unaware of Laura's warning months earlier, my husband returned in the last three weeks of my filming, having finished his own. Laura and I agreed on the last episode in the script, and I had a happy and passionate meeting with my husband. When I saw Laura again, the first thing she asked me was, "Are you pregnant?" Seeing the bewildered smile on my face, she exclaimed, "Congratulations!" She knew! This turned out to be true.

When I began writing this introduction to Laura's wonderful book, I had to rummage through those short notes that were written on the script, looking for something that would help me better explain the impressions of her intuitive ability. Laura never ceases to amaze me to this day. In my scattered notes, I found more than predicting the meaning of cover photography, which has profoundly influenced how people perceive me. The main thing is that she predicted that my main professional successes will not begin until I step over thirty - much to my chagrin (I wrote this down when I was only twenty-seven!). Now, at thirty-three, I can see that everything Laura said has come true: several of the most important films of my career have been made in recent years. Pondering now both the ups and downs, I feel that everything is just beginning - at least I hope so ...

Laura Day is a wonderful woman with wonderful abilities, but for me the most important thing is different: she taught me to believe in myself, in my own intuition. Indeed, intuition is nothing more than an internal mechanism that helps you when you make decisions. This is what some of us call the gut feeling, the instinct, the voice that guides you in one direction or another. The main question is not what intuition is and how it works, but whether we want to trust it and ourselves or not. Trusting my intuition and guided by my instincts, I survived; but it’s so easy to let a lot of external "garbage" get in the way, make us seek approval from the outside, take comfort in the fact that we are doing the right thing, instead of looking inside ourselves for the right answer. But this is how we really achieve something in life, and the more I trusted my feelings and intuition, the more I began to believe in myself.

Problems arise when we begin to doubt our intuition, we resist it, because it can lead us in a direction that we do not want to go. Then everything turns into a struggle with oneself, which usually leads to a useful learning experience as a result of making a choice, no matter what, just a choice, but one that will certainly lead to a new struggle with oneself. Why do we torture ourselves in this way? Mostly because we lack the skill and information, but primarily because we allow fear and lack of faith in ourselves to rule our lives.

If there is anything important I can say about my own journey, it is that we are not destined to do it alone. In search of answers, I am. I met wonderful people who have about the same gift as Laura. Like her, these people use their gift to benefit others. I appreciated Laura's commitment to educating people and taking their fear out of them. Her practical guide - this book - can teach you how to use intuition in all areas of your life, and how you can regain your personal strength instead of giving up on it. Enjoy your journey and consider this book nothing more than a road map.









Scientific meeting

Dinner is over. The glasses are refilled with champagne and the audience awaits the start of the demonstration. The large living room has a beautiful mosaic floor and is full of magnificent works of art. Large windows offer a familiar panoramic view of Rome against a gloomy early spring day. She recognizes the Vatican and the Spanish Steps in the distance, and then turns to face the crowd.

She is very tiny, elf-like, and although she is twenty-one, she could easily be mistaken for a French schoolgirl. The girl's blonde hair falls over her shoulders. She is dressed in a blue and white dress and sits with her legs hidden under a pleated skirt. The girl is completely drowned in the soft pillows of the huge brocade couch, so that the blue low-heeled shoes do not even reach the floor.

The girl is nervous - she has never before appeared in front of a group, especially before a meeting of such serious scientists as these. Around her are several dozen well-dressed psychologists, doctors and other specialists. Journalists are ready to take notes.

The girl examines the objects lying in front of her on the richly decorated table. She sees many sealed envelopes and identical small closed boxes containing items brought by those present. The envelopes and boxes are unmarked, so no one in the room knows which box or envelope contains his or her item.

Dr. del Rosso sits next to the girl, holding her hand soothingly. She smiles. With his pointed gray beard, he reminds her of the wizard Merlin.

They all sit down. The audience is silent when Dr. del Rosso randomly selects one of the closed boxes and gives it to the girl. She casts a glance at the box for a moment, then gazes into the distance, as if collecting her thoughts. While she is doing this, Dr. del Rosso sets a microphone on the table and turns on the tape recorder.

March 21st, one thousand nine hundred and eighty, he says in Italian. He turns the microphone towards the young woman. She starts:

I see air coming in and out of little holes ... and making sounds.

She speaks slowly, Italian is not her first language. She speaks it fluently, but often thinks about it in order to more accurately convey the shades of her impressions. Journalists write something in their journalist notebooks.

Wood and metal ... The man was very sad when he bought this ... He was going somewhere where ... He did not want to go ... He is lonely, he is far from his family. However, the object makes very pleasant sounds.

The girl pauses when she finishes and returns the unopened box to Dr. del Rosso.

Whose box is this? - he asks the audience.

Hmm, I think it's mine, ”Dr. Kos-ko answers uncertainly from the back of the room.

Did she recognize your subject? Do you want to ask her something?

Signorina, says Dr. Cosco, open the box, please.

The girl opens it and takes out a harmonica made of wood and metal. She hands it to Dr. del Rosso, who lifts it up so everyone can see. Those present gasp and gasp, appreciating the accuracy of the description of the subject by the young woman.

Dr. Kosko talks about the importance of this harmonica for him: “I bought it when I was leaving for the army and took it with me to keep me company. go to the army, because I left so much behind ... "He sinks into his memories, and Dr. del Rosso continues the demonstration.

Give her another box, - he turns to the assistant. She takes an oblong case and hands it to the young woman. This time the girl shakes her head. Dr. del Rosso's assistant nods in agreement.

I don’t want to touch this box. It may be just my imagination, but the thing feels like a knife.

Raising his eyebrows, Dr. del Rosso invites the assistant to open the box. She pulls out a paper knife. Ooh and ooh again, the venerable doctors stroking their gray beards and nodding in understanding.

Who brought the photo?

The old professor takes out a sealed envelope and hands it to the assistant, who, in turn, hands it to the girl. By this time, she had taken off her shoes and pulled up her knees, taking a more comfortable position. Before she can speak, another professor interrupts her.

How do you do it? ”He asks excitedly.

I do not know...

She has not yet finished her answer, and the questioner is already beginning to expound a complex scientific hypothesis of the nature of the girl's abilities, attributing them to the stress experienced - trauma in early childhood. Dr. del Rosso interrupts his "explanation":

I ask you to.

Everyone is waiting in fascination for the young woman to speak.

This is a woman. She's young in the photo, but I think she's old now ... I can hear French. There is a lot of iron in the house; someone is working with iron ... I see a lot of pictures around a woman, but I can smell iron.

Dr. del Rosso asks viewers if they would like to ask questions. Dr. Pucci steps forward:

Does she live alone? She is married?

Yes, she is married ... No, maybe not. No. She lives with a man, but it doesn't feel like ... They ...

The girl looks to the side in difficulty. She wants to say that she does not feel like a man and a woman are in an intimate relationship, but she does not know how to express it delicately.

Maybe a relative ... He is older ... Perhaps now he is no longer alive. She is an artist. A man works with iron ... No, they are not married. She was never married ... Now she lives alone. Her back hurts, it makes her gait strange ... She is already old. I want to see her.

The girl starts to open the envelope, but Dr. del Rosso stops her:

Wait, maybe Professor Pucci has more questions.

No, I want to see her now, - the girl declares unexpectedly insistently. She opens the envelope and takes out a yellowed photograph of a beautiful young woman.

Dr. Pucci addresses the audience:

This is a photograph of my sister. Signorina, please show me a photograph. Thank you. Of course, the picture was taken a long time ago, when we were much younger. My father worked with metal until he got sick. Sister all the time

looked after him. He died in our ancestral home.

But French speech, she said she had heard French speech, someone shouts.

Our home is in the south of France, says Dr. Pucci.

My sister was an artist, she was never married.

The girl looks at the photograph with a gentle smile.

She was so lovely, she says as if to herself. - It's a pity ... I like this woman.

Dr. del Rosso addresses the guests, speaking of the girl sitting next to him:

Demonstrating such amazing abilities for extrasensory perception, she cannot explain her skill, since, probably, she always possessed it. He cannot, of course, analyze his abilities. Dr. Lagambina and I have certain assumptions about the reasons for this unusual personality development. Some developmental aspects are obvious, although we have not explored the psychological or physiological possibilities that might reveal a function - or dysfunction, if you will - of this type ...

The girl did not seem to be listening: she was staring at an old shabby photograph, thinking of Dr. Pucci's dark-haired sister.

Fifteen years have passed since that day, but I remember it as if everything happened yesterday. As you might have guessed, that girl on the couch was me. I've been tested many times. Subsequently, I made a career as a practicing intuition (I prefer this word to the more common but misleading esoteric definition of "medium").

I wrote this book to show you how you can develop the abilities that I have used since childhood.

Discovery of talent

I am often asked how I became an intuitive. It's like asking a one-legged person how he learned to jump on one leg. If you lose one leg, you are forced to develop and use the other.

In my case, the missing "finiteness" was knowledge and skills that help me to cope prematurely with the role of an adult, which fell to me in connection with family difficulties. Like any other child, I did not have the emotional and intellectual maturity required to act like an adult. As compensation, my intuitive abilities developed greatly. I used intuition as a survival tool, and it served me faithfully.

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t get strong intuitive impressions. When I was 12 years old, my mother fell into a coma, and no one expected that she would come out of her. I was sure she would recover. Although I was not told about the specifics of her condition, I had a clear feeling that she was not doing well.

Every day, when I came to the hospital, I felt an instinctive need to breathe in a certain way - until my body became very warm. With my inner gaze, I could see the parts of her body that needed treatment, and I sent this warmth, this energy to them.

After two weeks, the mother came out of the coma and began to recover. She told me that, being in a coma, she felt like I was pulling her back. Subsequently, I became more courageous to convey the information received to people in need, and although, of course, I never thought to make this occupation a profession, I did not have time for anything else, so everything was decided by itself.

As is often the case with children, as a teenager, I did not realize that others did not perceive the world the way I did. It soon became clear, however, that if I express all the ideas that "came into my head", then others find me strange at best, and at worst start to fear me.

These abilities, of course, were never encouraged by my family. I grew up in a family of three generations of medicine. Although my father respected my faith in what I do and the choice of my own path in life, I am sure that he would have chosen a more traditional profession for me.

They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. As I reached adolescence, I became "ready" and many teachers and mentors entered my life. I was fortunate to meet many different people, both from the spiritualist and from the scientific community, who helped me realize that my perception is a useful and not so unusual ability that must be developed and used morally and responsibly.

My grandmother told me how, when she was young, she helped my grandfather carry out medical research in the laboratory. Her knowledge of medicine was not great, so her job was mainly cleaning and helping with small things. Nevertheless, if it happened that the result of the experiment puzzled the grandfather, the grandmother found the solution: it came to her "from nowhere."

Apparently, the ability for intuitive cognition accumulated in my family. At the time of my grandmother, however, such abilities were better kept secret. I am happy that now intuition is not only favored but appreciated.

When I was in my early twenties, I did my first intuition training session. What was just a useful ability before then suddenly became my "official" profession. Now I will share with you all that I have learned over the past three decades, and I will help you to rediscover the talent that you have always had.


End of an era

With the approach of the beginning of the third millennium, the limitations of logic, rational approach and "scientific method" as the only means of directing our life, becomes more and more obvious. More and more, the world is turning to ways of perception and understanding that do not rely on data provided by our senses. These ways

Intuition and Faith. The overconfidence in "linear" thinking that characterizes the modern era is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history. Perhaps its greatest exponent was the great philosopher of the French Enlightenment, René Descartes. He continued the tradition of rationalism, rooted in ancient Greece. But remember that ancient Greece - the birthplace of logic, philosophy, the origins of the scientific method - was also the land of the Delphic oracle. The ancient Greeks recognized that rational thinking is incomplete and needs to be supported by intuition. By the end of this book, you will see that the intuitive method can be at least as rigorous as the "scientific" method.

Newly Discovered Intuition

In the days of rationalism, intuition had a dubious reputation. The generally accepted common sense removed from her as from something incomprehensible, mystical, unreliable - and, therefore, related to the sphere of competence of women. Men, on the other hand (to the extent that they are generally allowed to be intuitives) have "premonitions" or "instincts", "feel in their gut."

These are all myths and misconceptions. Women are not more intuitive than men. Perhaps because intuition is not seen as a rational process, it is attributed to women, while rational thinking is assumed to be the domain of the male mind. In fact, professions traditionally considered “feminine” require very little intuition.

I wrote this book to show you that men and women are equally intuitive and equally equipped to use this powerful tool in their daily lives.

How I Use Intuition

I have been a practicing intuition in the US and Europe for nearly two decades. My intuitive abilities have been confirmed by research from university professors on two continents. By the way, intuition is simply a person who deliberately uses intuition in their daily professional and personal life. I say "consciously" uses because, as it will soon become clear, you are constantly using your intuition at the subconscious level.

While intuition seems intangible, let me assure you that it can be used for purely practical purposes. With the practice this book will give you, intuition can be used to obtain accurate, tangible, reliable, in a word, useful information.

The people I consult are eminently practical. I have worked with doctors, lawyers, politicians, businessmen, as well as actors and celebrities whose names you would surely recognize.

I have used intuition in every conceivable application;

To find missing people in places I've never seen;

To analyze stock prices, predict the price of gold and the Dow Jones six months in advance;

Diagnose diseases that puzzled doctors, predict the effectiveness of new drugs;

Develop strategies for behavior in court and anticipate questions from opposing lawyers;

For fun and profit - in the bets on the race.

You can do the same.

You might be wondering how it could be - for me to be an expert in so many fields. In fact, apart from the medical sciences, I know practically nothing. As you will soon see, the less you know about something, the more effectively your intuition comes into play!

Investor invests millions of dollars relying on his intuition

George Soros is undisputedly the greatest investor of all time. If you were lucky enough to invest with it 25 years ago, you would see it double every two or three years! Soros is famous for the fact that as an investor he earned as much in one year as no one else did - $ 650 million. To make that kind of profit, you would normally need to invest billions of dollars.

If you ask finance professors at any business school if anyone can systematically exceed the market averages, they will answer that it is mathematically and scientifically impossible; This may / may be true if you base your decisions only on mathematics or science. But obviously Soros is not doing that.

In his recent book Soros on Soros, he answers the question of whether he used a formal (ie Quantitative, scientific, objective) procedure to reduce losses when the situation was not in his favor, and how he knew that things would go worse.

Here is his answer:

“I feel pain. I rely heavily on animal instincts. When I was actively running the Foundation, my back hurt. I interpreted the onset of acute pain as a signal that something was wrong with my affairs. Back pain didn’t speak what is wrong with me (say, the lower back is for short-term investments, the left shoulder is for currency), but it prompted me to search for problems, which I might not otherwise do. This is certainly not the most scientific way to manage investments ".

This way of doing business may not be scientific, but Soros's incredible success cannot be denied. I am not suggesting that you take your money from the bank where it is kept if you get up tomorrow morning with back pain. Keep in mind that Soros is an astute thinker who deeply analyzes the economic, political and psychological climate before investing. It is captivating that he trusts his intuition when she tells him that logic is wrong.

You can learn to do the same.

Why did I write this book?

It is not my goal to make you an intuitive practitioner. Rather, I want to show you how to use intuition in your daily professional and personal life. The part of my job that I enjoy the most is teaching people to rediscover and develop their natural intuitive abilities.

I'll show you how you can use your intuition to improve every area of ​​your daily life. I will show you how to use it to recover lost information about the past, to obtain unknown information about the present, or to predict events in the future.

Intuition can give you the ability to be lucky and active in any situation. As the world becomes more and more specialized, it becomes more and more difficult to stay informed about everything, we leave the decisions to experts and specialists who "know best" - doctors, lawyers, auto mechanics or insurance agents.

With the help of intuition, you will be able to remain competent and in control of these areas of your life. I’ll show you how you can gain practical knowledge about everything, whether it’s a medical issue you don’t know anything about, or a car breakdown whose insides are inaccessible.

Moreover, intuition will improve the decision-making process. I will show you how to combine your intuition with feelings and judgments.

This will immeasurably increase the value of your decisions.

Intuition should be an integral part of your life like morning exercises or meditation. Using it will improve both your thinking and your emotional self.

This is a practical book

This is not a spiritualistic or esoteric book about the mystical use of intuition. It is also not a theoretical book for philosophers, psychologists, or others with a simple analytical interest in the subject (although I expect they will find my advice provoking thought).

Does intuition work? Yes! How it works, I still do not know, although later I will offer you some thoughts on this matter. Fortunately, to use our intuition, we don't need

know how it works.

No, this book is about using gut feeling to answer the burning questions of everyday life. This book provides everything you need to fully develop your intuitive potential. And I will hold your hand every step of the way.

Practice makes perfect

You will develop your intuition by consciously putting it into practice, not just reading about it. Reading is primarily an intellectual act, and your rational mind can interfere with your intuitive mind.

You will need to do some exercises, the same ones that I have used in my seminars for almost twenty years. I know they work; they are also enjoyable to perform.

So that you can compare your results with others, I will give you examples of typical responses from my listeners. I consider it obligatory to give typical answers, "errors", etc.

What do you need?

To get more out of the intuition exercises in this book, you'll need a tape recorder. It is best to practice using your intuition the way you would use it in real life. This usually means speaking loudly, rather than writing on paper, so that a tape recorder can record your answers for later decoding.

Another advantage of speaking loudly is that it leaves your reflective mind less time to interfere with your intuitive process. You can jot down the exercises right away, but since speaking continuously is better, most people have a hard time writing fast enough to keep up with their intuitive impressions. In fact, being able to keep up with your impressions is a sure sign that a person is not intuitive.

Because you will be doing many of the exercises in the chapters that follow, you will find it helpful to use a voucher pad. Be sure to use the new page for each exercise so you can easily compare your work on different exercises. Choose a notebook that has pockets to keep your work in one place. Once you have recorded your answers on a tape recorder, you can later decipher them and write them down in a notebook.

How This Book Is Compiled

Most of the chapters in this book are short; they are intended as complete "exercises". I have scattered the exercises throughout the text and arranged them in a specific sequence - each of them lays the foundation for the next. Don't miss anything, start over and read everything.

You may not always understand what I am asking you to do

From time to time I will ask you to do an exercise that will only become clear in a few chapters. Some people experience discomfort from this - despite this, you need to go through the entire process from start to finish. Trust me, if you do the exercises in good faith, you will get what you need from them - even if you don’t understand what you are being asked to do.

If you like, ignore my recommendations.

Once again, this is a practical book. The only way to develop your intuition is to use it. The chapter texts will teach you about intuition, satisfying your curiosity and answering the most common questions. It is possible, however, to develop intuition without understanding what you are doing and why. I'm not kidding when I say that you can (if you are short on time and need to read this book fluently) skip the text and limit yourself to the exercises.

Using this book to develop intuition is like body gymnastics. When you do the exercises, you increase your ability to use your intuition for practical purposes. Each exercise focuses on a different intuitive ability, such as noticing, expressing, or integrating information. In essence, you are teaching your unconscious self to present to the conscious mind the elements that make up the "reading" - the intuitive impression, so that it can use them.

Don't peep the answers!

Many of the exercises in this book have answers. As you review your work on a particular exercise, try not to let your gaze wander. Even a quick glance is enough for your subconscious mind to read the information that - for this we are striving - your intuition should open.

Remember to take care of yourself

Over the coming days and weeks, you will be working very hard, exercising those abilities that you might not have used before. Your mind and body will need the rest and care you can give them.

Pay as much attention to the underlying things as possible. Take a walk. Exercise, Stretch. Get a massage.

Now let's get started. Since this book will help you develop and use intuition in your life, in the next chapter I will ask you to realize your goals, values, and priorities.


What do you mean?

It was once said that the life of each individual is reduced to one single question. Your life is the living of this question, the search for the answer to it and its personal significance. Defining this basic question involves asking and answering many preliminary questions. Gradually, you will begin to understand all the interrelationships of these issues and, finally, reduce them to one. You will not do this by obtaining information from empirical sources, but by asking yourself and extracting information to the surface that you did not know you had.

Answering the question with a question that reveals even more truth is a fundamental position of many religious traditions (Jewish, Jesuit or Zen). It is in reaching deep, fruitful questions that meaning is revealed, and the questioner moves to the next level of understanding. Questions lead us to unfamiliar places and then make them familiar. An astute psychotherapist once told me, "You want to answer questions that only you could think of to ask." At that time, I decided that he was claiming my intellectual superiority. But then I came to understand that certain questions are so intricately linked to our personality that the answers can only come from us, from within. This is often the last place we look for them.

The function of intuition is to guide us to these answers. The function of the mind and heart is to formulate questions.

This book will help you answer self-directed questions. Indeed, only you can answer the last questions of your life. It always amazes me that we expect disciplines like philosophy, religion or intuition to answer questions like "What is the meaning of life?" After all, we do not think that the individual "I" who created these sciences can answer something simple like "Will the price of gold rise in February?", Or "Where the hell did I leave the keys to

cars? "or, more seriously," How can I improve my relationships with people? "

It is these little questions that make up life.

Intuition in action


“I’m a doctor. I remember once greedily devouring a sandwich between two meals. After lunch I had to admit a new middle-aged patient. When I was chewing on a sandwich, I suddenly felt that she might have something wrong with the thyroid gland. I had never seen her before. I made a mental note to do a complete thyroid examination, even if the patient had no complaints and came for a routine annual check-up. Indeed, she looked quite healthy.

However, I did a series of thyroid function tests. A few days later, their results showed strikingly low levels of the hormones thyroxine and calcitonin.

Having learned the test data, I again called the patient for a more detailed examination. Confirming my intuitive diagnosis, the radiologist subsequently discovered an almost imperceptible nodule on the thyroid gland that had not been identified during the previous examination. I referred the patient to a specialist, who prescribed her treatment, which promptly prevented the development of possible dangerous complications.

This case is just one of many examples of intuition that has come to my mind in my professional practice since I learned to trust it. I never act on intuitive "insight" alone, but intuition rarely fails in providing promising "directions."

Focusing on your priorities.

Below is a simple checklist to help you focus on the information you need to make the best use of the next chapter. It will also be your first exercise to open the door to the world of intuition.

Exercise 1


Part 1

Although this exercise requires short answers, you can invite a friend to read the questions and write down the answers. You can also ... Remember, I want you to answer immediately. Good? Then let's start: What do you want?

Part 2

So on reflection ... What do you want? What do you need?


Let your senses defocus as you focus on your breathing. As you read these words, allow your feelings to begin ... Continue in this spirit for a few minutes. Write down all of your ... Now that you are "centered," do the following exercise carefully. I leave you in the dark ...


Do whatever you think will be most effective to create a moment in which you are not sure how you feel: breathe deeply, ... When you are ready, sit down to react to the next ... Spend no more than a few seconds for each stimulus. If nothing comes to your mind, just come up with an answer. ...

Subtleties of unspecified questions

Will I have enough money? Will I be happy? Should I change jobs?


Allow yourself to collect all the relevant components. They are listed for this exercise on the next page, but not ... As you read these lines, allow yourself to pause whenever ... Write down a memory or feeling that has arisen. When your thoughts want to wander, let them - until ...


Read each revised question aloud. While your intuition doesn't need it, listening to the questions will tell you the exact wording. As we advised in Chapter 4, be sure to ask a lot of questions: let it ... If you want more information on helpful questions, feel free to turn to chapter 25 ...


As usual, write down your answers. Don't worry if they sound awkward, this is the first intuitive discovery you've made. After you have looked at your intuitive answers individually, ... Don't just look for obvious matches, some of your associations can be quite subtle. For instance,…


If you do not have a tape recorder on hand, then enlist the help of a friend to record your words. If you are recording yourself, use something like ... Since you want to learn to be aware of intuition in your daily life, ... To begin with, just tell how you are feeling at the moment. If you hear a car humming outside the window, tell me ...


Describe this color, any memories that are associated with it, what it means to you at the moment, how your perception of this color changed in ... Response from one listener Here is what a young woman of about thirty wrote:


What do you see? What do you hear? How do you taste?


You don't have to make any conscious effort. You don't even have to think about it. Just pretend that as you read these lines, your ... The idea is not to guess what the question or answer will be. You ... don't you?


Now let this image come up with a story about yourself. Write the story down in the sequence that your intuition tells you. You don't have to make an effort. Just let the image guide you. Continue to ... When you have done this, ask yourself the following questions about your story:


Which horse won the race? You will not have any clues to rely on other than those provided by your intuition. Again, you'd better use a tape recorder to record your answers while you ... Step 1: Focusing Attention


How do you feel when someone says no to you? How do you feel when you are happy? What is a positive visual image for you? Negative?

Exercise 19



On the next page is the number of one of your three questions.

Feel the question as if it were real. Celebrate any experience. To give yourself a sensory cue for the present time, cross your ankles - your subconscious mind will remember that when you do this, you want to focus on the present.

Write down your impressions. When finished, place your feet straight.

Focus on the left side of the body: left arm, left shoulder, left side of the head, and so on. Pinch your left toes. Mark any impressions of your question as if it were in the past.

Write down your impressions. When finished, straighten your left toes.

Now focus on the right side of your body. Pinch your right toes. Point out that you are waiting for an answer to your question as if it were for the future.

Write down your impressions. When finished, straighten your right toes.

Finally, return to the present for advice. Cross your ankles again to let your subconscious know that you are back in the present.

Write down your impressions. Remember to use your intuition pad.

Answers from two listeners

In the next two examples, I deliberately omitted the synthesis that the listeners made for their impressions - so you can draw your own conclusions. While you are best at interpreting your own symbols and metaphors, sometimes a beginner can read between the lines. Try to do this.

What will my home life be like in a year?

"The present. The curtains are pushed aside. Beautiful velvet curtains. The glass of the window? Looks inward instead of letting it look out. The curtains have become a shroud for an elderly person who wants to rest, but cannot because of grief. She drooped. I lay her down. on a soft bed When I turn to the past, I see that she is young.

Past. I have a sense of activity, anger and intensity, everything spinning around so quickly in a self-generated movement that there is no time to recharge. I suppress a cry. When I finally scream, old paint and paper on the walls crumbles around me, revealing a shiny new interior.

Future. I can feel the gentle swaying of the waves of a lake or stream, carrying me effortlessly to great heights. I get the name "James". I see September.

Advice. I feel the need to be organized and methodically run my business. If I stay focused, everything will help me.

I mustn't let nostalgia and emotion take over. "

Will Paul and I overcome our differences amicably?

"Real. A white plastic scoop arch that curves to the left. As I keep looking, it turns into a semicircle, looks like an old-fashioned hat. The hat cuts off the features. New features come in. The hair falls back and forms a tight bun. ...

Past. White, bony spine of a person, a baby in his arms. Crying at birth. Funeral without the deceased. The baptismal garment becomes the wedding dress that is used for the next child.

Future. A solid corporation. An old carved wooden box, a family treasure. One side is full; the other is empty

However, not from a lack. Rather, it is not filled simply to leave room for future growth (although

there is no need for him).

Advice. There are still a few parts missing. Everything is fine. I'm laying the foundation. I shouldn't be afraid of change. November. Now. You should not be limited to just watching what is happening; you need to try to get involved in it. "

Full perception of one of the listeners

This is how one of the listeners intuitively answered the question in the sealed envelope and interpreted the intuitive prompt she received.

"Real. A swing, a gentle swing that balances the situation. The baby still wants to jump out of the cradle. The baby needs to become one with the swing in order to gain strength."

Past. I'm drowning; I breathe water in order to breathe at all. I am learning to understand that water will not kill. It won't be nice, it won't hurt either. April.

Future. Freedom, summer, but some fear: I don't know where freedom will lead. I walk away from what was dear and find that it is still there and all is well. Two.

Advice. An old book that contains a story waiting to be told. Autumn; I don’t mean late. Fear of falling. There is nowhere to fall. "

As soon as the listener opened the envelope and saw the question, "Will Amy go to college this fall?" She gave the following interpretation:

“Amy wanted to skip a year before going to college, which my husband and I were very opposed to. Amy doesn't like to focus on one thing and prefers to have many interests, although she does everything superficially. In this context, images make sense to me.

About the past. We put pressure on Amy to keep studying for (hopefully) four more years. I don't think it's easy for her.

Looking ahead, sadly, I think these images tell me Amy's intention against our desire to do what she wants - to skip the year.

I don’t know what “two” refers to, but I feel encouraged that no matter what choice Amy makes, we have

there will still be a close-knit family: "I go away from what was dear, and I find that it is still there and all is well."

From my advice it follows: I think that Amy will rest in the summer, feel her "freedom", and will start studying in the fall. I think "falling" is the fear of failure that keeps her from achieving her goals. The book tells me that it will find its way. I think that my husband and I should probably offer her to spend the summer the way she wants, in exchange for a promise to resume classes in the fall. Maybe we need to focus less on achievement and emphasize more on her ability to find herself through education. "

Useful advice

The intuitive prompt can be confusing. The answer given above, which the listener received as a result of the interpretation of the images, was that she would find satisfaction for herself in new ways. Intuition also gave her some ideas on where to look for satisfaction and how to best deal with the situation. In the next exercise, you will get some practice in the important ability to "follow the thread" of your intuitive impressions.

Exercise # 20


Consider the question on the next page (remember not to look there until you have completed the exercise). Notice where your attention and perception are directed when I ask you to think (or imagine) each of the following:

A moment from your childhood

What happened recently

What will you do tomorrow,

Several years later,

Ten years later,

As far into the future as your imagination can imagine.

Record your impressions. Allow yourself to catch the details. For example, if you think of a boy named

Michael, write this name down. Then note what he is doing, where he is, with whom, and so on.

Continue in this manner until the flow of images reaches a natural end. When you're done, you can turn the page and see which question you intuitively answered. Remember to use your notebook intuitively.

(Answer to Exercise 20: You answered your first question)

Answer from one of the listeners

Here are the intuitive impressions one of the listeners received when answering the question stored in a sealed envelope: "What will I do in two years?"

"I sing at a birthday party. It's a day for me. My nanny is there. The name is on" K ".

Nasty phone call, but I feel like nothing happened. Name on "J."

At lunch. My stomach is too full - this is unpleasant.

Flight in an airplane. Travel to wonderful places.

I am giving a lecture for intellectuals. I give myself as an example. Pompous but happy.

I work in the garden. "

When the listener opened the envelope and read the question, he gave the following interpretation:

“The birthday party image came about easily. I devote almost all of my time to the needs of other people. For a while, I want to be number one and have someone to take care of me. I don’t think there’s anything going on right now- My stomach is too full. I have eaten so much that I feel dizzy.

I am trying to start many projects. Some of them involve travel, so "flying on an airplane" is reassuring. Lecture to Intellectuals is exactly what I will do if I take one route that I am currently pondering. I think it tells me which route to take.

I might be called the least likely person to garden. Maybe I'll learn to relax. I look forward to it with joy! "


Opposites and questions to be answered

11 _ _ 11 M.-.- I

Yes or no

As with your timing guidelines, the main consideration for most questions is whether the answer is broadly positive or broadly negative.

I say "in general" because no question should be answered simply "yes" or "no." These answers are overly simple in themselves for many reasons:

Yes or no can change over time.

Yes or no can be subjective.

An undesirable outcome in the future can often be changed by changing the present.

In addition to getting a general yes / no answer, you should try to focus on the polarity of the question. Polarity is a pair of opposite possibilities. Here are some of them:

Hot Cold,

Top bottom,

More less,

Heavy / light

Light dark.

Opposites are important in intuitive work. Almost every question can be answered (partially or completely) with polarity, such as good / bad, better / worse, sooner / later.

Here are two examples of my associations with opposites:

Hot: active, growing, good, positive.

Cold: hard, dead, painful, negative.

Day: busy, active, exhausting, exhausting, sometimes positive, sometimes not.

Night: calm, safe, star-filled, positive.

Of course, my associations with polar qualities are different from yours. You may find, moreover, that the images you associate with opposite phenomena change over time.

The following exercise will give you the opportunity to experience your intuitive associations of polar qualities.

Exercise # 21



Concentrate. Feel each of the following polarities. Write down your intuitive impressions of them:

Hot Cold,

Day Night,

High Low,

Heavy / light

Good evil,

Useful / harmful,

Nutrition / exhaustion

Increase / decrease,

Soft / hard,

Clear / confusing

Creation / destruction,

Birth / death,

Back and forth,

Start / end.

This will help you establish what symbols your intuition is using to alert you to the positive or negative aspects of a question. Remember to use your notebook intuitively.

Now that you have begun to recognize opposites in your own way, the following exercise will give you the opportunity to see them in the context of actually using your intuition.

Exercise # 22


You will now answer (yes or no) to five questions (listed on the next page).

Mark your first answer as you process each question. How do you feel, "yes" or "no"? How strong is this feeling? If you dwell on a question, does your feeling change? If so, why? Carry over each question to the future; note how far in the future you are, find the other polarity and describe it.

When you have finished writing down your impressions - remember, you need to feel the opposites for all five questions - read the questions you answered. Do not forget to write your answers on your intuition notepad as "Exercise 22".

Answers from some listeners

To give you an idea of ​​the types of polarities perceived by listeners, I will give four examples:

Will Henry be my only child?

"Hot. Dead end. Top (like an inverted arc). Heavy changes to light, loose. The future is not a question."

Will I get a promotion in September?

"No (cry). I insist on my own. Yellow. January. Dust."

Will I sell my home at my asking price or more?

"Yes. Singing. Spring. Light but full of energy. Empty but positively empty. April. Cash."

Will Stephen propose to me?

"Down. No, now. February. Yes."

Useful Tips

If you get conflicting answers, then perhaps your intuition is referring to conflicting parts of the same question. Sometimes the initial “no” answer has a “yes” image. When in doubt, trust your intuition, not direct yes or no answers.

Development of symbols of opposites

To use polarity as a means, you must first pay attention to which symbol system you are already using to define polarity. You should also create new symbols to use for nuance and verification.

The word "heavy", for example, can mean "specific" as well as "difficult". To make a decision, you must define the properties of the "heavy" in each case:

What other polarity symbol does "heavy" point you to?

Is this a positive or negative character?

What are its properties?

Do polarities change over time?

How exactly?

These questions will make more sense as you get better and better at your intuitive process.

(Answer to Exercise 22. The first question is your second question. The second is your first question. The third is your third question. The fourth is your third question. The fifth is your first question.)

We identify the nuances

There are nuances even in such a simple dichotomy as yes / no. It is especially important to double check a yes / no answer, since such answers do not come in the form of symbolic clues that help the brain analyze and gather essential details. In more complex processes of intuitive perception, we deduce an affirmative or negative answer from the complex information we have collected. This information helps us understand why this is the result. With yes / no answers, we reverse the process: first we get the answer, and then we justify it. In doing so, you will find that sometimes the answer changes.

Consider the following question: Will Marteks shares be a good investment?

No. Down. Reaching a minimum in two months. Yes, it will turn green for two weeks. Again, reaching the minimum is not.

From this reading, you will learn that Martex shares are not a good investment at the moment, as they will decline over the next two months. Then for two weeks their rate will straighten and fall again.

“Will I get the job that I passed

interview on Tuesday? "

No. Softly, evasively. Ten days. Hard. Definitely,

positively. Yes, in a week and a half.

Will my new series be a success?

Beautiful dark blue container. I don’t know if it’s a bottle without a top or a vase. The container is formed by a stream of tears that have taken shape and become useful. Now there are flowers in the vase, but it is too early for them to bloom. Flowers are a gift for Valentine's Day, but they won't last until April, when the vase can grow its own flowers. A small green glass semicircle is attached to a blue vase and covers its base. October, new life has been going on for two months, beach and work. Take a deep breath and let the vase exist without making a container out of it.

I will translate all this into colloquial language line by line.

I don't know if this episode will be a one-day episode or if it will open up many possibilities. The feeling that this is my "only chance" comes from my life story and grief, which I have not completely overcome. Grief revealed useful talents in me. Taking part in this series helps transform my pain from something limiting to something conducive to creativity. I have to be able to do it myself, and I can by April. Something new will come up in August, and doing this will feel good by October. I need to work with confidence and without thinking that every opportunity is my last chance (thereby limiting myself).

My conclusion is that the series will not fail, but it will not have much success either. As for my participation in the series, it will be temporary. I will get another job by the end of the summer. This will add new color or depth to my art.

Incidentally, this interpretation is also quite professional, which you will soon learn to do too.


Let's get it straight

In this chapter, we will explore new ways in which you can access and interpret intuitive information. Let's start with an exercise.

Exercise # 23


At this point, you probably know through which senses you get most of your intuitive data. Are you predominantly visual or sound imagery? Do you "feel" your information or get it by imagining changes in your environment?

Answer the following questions for yourself:

What symbols or images that arise before me always mean the same thing?

Which of the senses is preferred for me?

What is the most common "jamming style" for me?

How do I eliminate interference?

Which sense organ do I trust the least?

Does my preferred style change as time changes: past, present, or future?

This is not an interpretation of intuitive data, so you can write your answers directly into the intuitive notebook.

Here are my answers

Focusing on your style will help you better understand and relate the information you receive

at an intuitive prompt. These are important questions, ask yourself more often. Your style will change as you practice your intuition in response to changes in you or in your life conditions.

For example, when I have a runny nose, I tend to use feeling as opposed to seeing (usually seeing is my preferred intuitive channel of information). In my intuitive vocabulary, the sun is always an indicator of a positive outcome. The channel I least trust is feeling. As a result, I always try to use another channel to test the feeling (for example, asking, "Is what I see consistent with what I feel?").

My most common style of interference is doubt, which I overcome by taking a deep breath and paying attention to the first thing that comes to mind before focusing again on the specifics of the question.

Getting in touch with your intuition is the process of revealing your own personality.

The ways in which you use your intuition will undoubtedly be very different from the way I do it. It is important that you develop your own process. Your intuitive style is as much a reflection of your unique personality as your intuitive vocabulary. And keep in mind that your intuitive style can develop as you use your latent abilities.

Apparently, the only way to discover your intuitive style is through trial and error. As you practice using your intuition, you will find certain talents and habits, preferences and rituals more appropriate than others. For example, you may find that you work better in the morning than at the end of the day. You may find that you achieve a better effect with your eyes closed than with your eyes open. You may find that you prefer questions that are written on paper or read aloud.

As noted earlier, intuitive information can come in three main ways: through sight, hearing, and feeling. None of them are better than the others? And most people use a combination of all three (although one usually predominates). Moreover, your intuitive impressions from one channel (say, sight) may be very accurate, while others may not.

Intuitive styles can be expressed in highly individual ways. You can be quite accurate with names and get blurry dates. It largely depends on how you "direct" your intuition. If you are prone to melancholy, your intuition will focus on the past. The paranoid's attention, on the other hand, will be riveted to the future.

Where does your attention usually go? This is a good indicator of what your intuition is focusing on. An intuition that evaluates the future well may have difficulty perceiving the past or the present.

Intuitive tools and techniques

Some intuitives find they get better results when using different techniques, such as tarot cards, astrology, or even tea leaves. These methods can provide a skeleton of information that would otherwise remain disorganized, but they are not the most effective ways to build a good individual structure, since each of us has it within us, and with patience, we can discover it.

In addition, you need to be very careful with things like 4cards, because there is often a danger in using them: instead of interpreting what is actually observed, you interpret what you hope for or fear. It is better to use more complex styles, since there you have, in a sense, more uncontrollable steps. The more arbitrary a technique is, the more likely it is to work.

The key difference between intuition and other divination techniques is that when you use your intuition, you do not need external cues to help you or lead you on the wrong path.


Putting it all together

We've already gone through most of what you need to do to use your intuition for yourself or others; In this chapter, we'll fill in the gaps.

As has been said many times throughout this book, don't feel like you have to memorize everything you read. I repeat - it is important that you remember: I deliberately made the natural process (ie Intuition) more difficult - so that you begin to become aware of what you were already doing unconsciously.

Remember - you are already an intuition.

Before you start, explain to your friend how you work.

You need to familiarize the person you are working for with your intuitive style to make the process go smoother. Here are some aspects that you should definitely draw attention to:

You do not need any other "useful" information besides the question. The less you know about a topic, the better your intuition will be able to answer.

You are not always right. The intuitive information is always correct, but the interpretation may not hit the mark.

Your "client" should still make his own judgment and develop his own intuition. You are giving your friend information that will only help in reaching a solution. You don't make decisions for him!

You are not a therapist. It is easy to turn your friends into "intuition addicts" - they will bring all their problems to you. If someone contacts you more than a few times a year (not counting business meetings), then they are too dependent on you.

In addition, you need to familiarize the “client” with other aspects of your intuitive style — for example, whether you prefer questions written on a piece of paper, spoken aloud, or asked in your head.

Before I start working for another person, I make a standard warning that goes something like this:

“I’m going to do this intuitively. Some of my information will turn out to be correct and some will not. On average, I’m doing it pretty well, but if something I say seems wrong to you, then it probably is. . You know your own information (intuitive and any other) better than anyone else. Do not leave me the right to decide. You are here to get a different view of things.

Other, not "correct".

You should be very careful with someone who tells you that he knows more about you than you do yourself (or that he is 100 percent accurate).

Invite a friend to prepare questions ahead of time.

After reviewing the points just listed, have your friend also fill out the questions before contacting you. You should briefly explain the importance of carefully preparing the questions.

Preparing questions in advance serves two purposes. First, your friend defines his "preference" through a selection of questions and areas of interest. Second, this preliminary work gives your subconscious mind a prepared question area. I often answer all of the client's questions, although he only asks one, as my intuitive information leads me to other areas of interest.

As you well know, some questions lead others, and you can invisibly invade many areas of the questioner's life. Use these "deviations" as part of an intuitive clue, but tell your friend that he can bring you back to the topic at any time if the deviation does not seem useful to him.

Once you've told your friend how you work, you will need to reach your intuitive state.

Make yourself comfortable and start relaxing. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly, allowing your conscious mind to rest. As you continue to breathe deeply, focus on the physical sensations of your body - feel the bones, internal organs, skin and muscles, the beating of your heart.

Feel that your body is relaxing and your mind is calming down. You don't have to "clear your mind" before using your intuition. Treat all the "rubbish" in your head as part of the clue.

Allow a few minutes for this stage of preparation. When you feel calm and focused, you are ready to start using your intuition.

Start talking as soon as possible.

As I mentioned earlier, the longer you wait for information to appear, the more opportunities you give your rational mind to interfere with the intuitive process.

You can get impressions even before you are asked a question. Write them down as well. Your intuition knows what question you will be asked even before it is fully expressed in words.

You can perceive images that at first glance are irrelevant to the question. For example, your intuition might answer a question about sounds - smells.

Celebrate everything. Experiences that don't matter to you may be clear to your friend.

Don't let your friend interrupt you.

Once you start speaking, the person whose question you are answering will often be tempted to interrupt you with affirmative exclamations, "This is right! This is right!" or shaking your head disapprovingly.

Remind your friend that such distractions interfere with intuitive flows and that you will be interested in feedback.

communication when you need it. Keep talking until the intuitive impression dries up. Your subconscious mind will let you know when your intuition has answered the question.

If nothing comes to your mind

Sometimes you are asked a question and you "get nothing". First, don’t assume that you’re not gaining valuable intuitive data. Assume that whatever comes to your mind is related to the answer to the question.

But if you're not really getting any tangible experience, try looking at it from a different angle. If you can't get a clue about, for example, whether you will be hired for the job you applied for, consider looking at a potential employer instead, or ask your best friend for how you react when you break the news or ask if you have to move to another city. to go to work.

Don't be afraid to say "I'm not getting anything." You can explain the situation. For example, if a "client" asks if he will move to Los Angeles and you are not getting any experience, then you might say, "No images. I don't know if this is because I really just don't perceive anything, or because I don't see you in Los Angeles. "

Interpret the images

While your initial perceptions - for example, "I see a tree in the garden where the poppies are blooming" - can sometimes be helpful, try to give as much information as you can - as you do in the interpretation phase.

Let's say your friend asks you about his project and you get the feeling of a balloon getting too big and bursting. You might say that the business is expanding too fast and therefore unsustainable. You can add to this a description of the image presented to you, which may be more specific to the questioner than you think. Who knows, maybe the project includes balloons!

Over time, you will find that the more you practice your intuitive skills, the easier it will be to do all the work of perception and interpretation, until you finally do it with little or no attention to anything other than interpretation. In doing so, you will keep the original information close enough to the level of awareness that you can refer to it for clarity.

Exercise # 24


Do you remember the apple exercise we used to predict the state of the gold market ("Exercise 12")? The same technique can be used to answer any question that comes to mind. Take time to write down the distinguishing features - such as where the apple is, who owns it, whether it will be eaten, and so on. You use the apple as a metaphorical framework with which you can check any object.

In this exercise, we will use the first apple to represent the present and the second as an image of the outcome or future. On the next page, you will find which of your questions this exercise relates to. Without turning the pages, use your intuition to answer this question.

Record your reading as Exercise 24 on your intuition notebook.

The answer of one of the listeners

Here is an intuitive perception and its interpretation of one of the listeners in response to the question "Will John and I have children?" Like you, she didn't know which of her questions she was answering until she opened all the envelopes at the end of the workshop.

"A small, tough green apple. A bit lopsided, but attractive. It could grow on an old wild apple tree in my yard. It tastes better than I thought."

The second apple is a little wild. It is not good for eating fresh, but it will make a wonderful jelly. You need to collect many of these apples. They grow in several; I see three. "

Now let's see how she interpreted her impression when she found out what issue it related to.

"John is undoubtedly a tough little green apple.

He's not too sure if he's ready to have a family, but it looks like he will. Together we'll be happier. "

This exercise is good for hitting the target quickly. Don't let the apple limit you, you can use the fruit or object of your choice.

(Answer to Exercise 24: You answered your first question.)

We share our impressions

Once you start getting impressions to answer your friend's question, additional questions will arise. Try to go from detail to the big picture. As we said, you need to see the situation from a different angle.

Don't forget to look for pointers to check. You need to give yourself and the "client" support to help you assess the accuracy of your interpretation.

At the very least, make sure you are looking for what you need.

Each question is different from the other, but looking at the initial circle of impressions that arise when looking for an answer to any of the questions, you should look for the following data:

Are you getting good or bad, positive or negative feeling from the question? Try to get the polarity to answer the yes or no question.

Where is your focus? When you ponder this question, how do you feel where you are - in the past, present or future? If you move your attention forward into the future, or back into the past, do your impressions of the question change?

Do you feel like other people or external events are influencing the question? Any names? Initials?

Also, look for any other pointers or "markers" - names, dates, places that your friend can confirm or deny. This will let you both know if your intuition is truly on the right track.

Other helpful questions

Each of the following questions stimulates intuition. They can be adapted for personal or professional use:

What qualities in this person admire me?

What qualities of this person most people admire?

What could this person teach me?

What words does this person need to hear to make his life happier?

What would be a good use of strength for this person?

What problems has this person recently solved?

What good changes await this person in the coming year?

What kind of people is or will be difficult in this person's life?

What is the general misconception about this person?

If this person were an animal, who would he be and why?

We work with feedback

While you shouldn't initially ask for information about a question or a hint, at certain times you will need to ask your friend to clarify a question or help you make sense of an experience.

How to stay objective - especially when you receive disturbing information.

The age-old problem confronting intuitions is maintaining objectivity in questions that are very meaningful to the person asking them. Remember that people ask their intuition for help when it comes to very important things.

For example, your friend asks you if she will join

marriage with your fiancé. Or whether she gets the big promotion at work that she hopes. Now, let's say you get the answer "no" to these questions. How do you tell your friend that you know it will be difficult for her to accept?

The most important thing for you is to understand that you should not consider any outcome to be necessarily good or bad. Perhaps an engagement breakdown or a lack of promotion is a nuisance that turns out to be a blessing.

Other times, however, you will have to give a friend bad news that is difficult (if not impossible) to see good news. Naturally, you will try to do this as gently and tactfully as possible. Try to present the information as a metaphor that can be interpreted ambiguously, and let your friend understand the meaning of the information for himself. Also tune your gut feeling to the bright side of things. Finally, remind your friend that you can be wrong.

Feel free to edit information that you think is detrimental or unethical to make public (for example, if you are not a doctor and it is about medical issues). And, most importantly, remember: you don't have to answer the question.

Don't ask your "client" to confirm the information. The insights gained from intuition can be very personal. Oftentimes, your friend understands the intuitive clue better than you do as it relates to his life. This is how it should be.

I remember that at a seminar in California one of my listeners, Janet, came to me very upset. She answered a question from another listener, Lydia, and began to perceive images of ugly scenes from her childhood. If what she felt was true, then passing on this information to Lydia could upset her and make her feel an invasion of her privacy. If Janet was wrong, then talking about it could also lead to trouble.

I told Janet to "forget" the information itself, and in return tried to intuitively determine what Lydia would need to extract from it. Without saying anything about the images that appeared before her, Janet turned to Lydia and said as vaguely as possible: "Nothing that happened to you in your youth was your fault."

Lydia began to cry. She revealed to Janet that her parents abused her and forced her to do what she knew (even at the time) was wrong. Lydia wanted to learn more from Janet, but then I intervened, saying that the intuition should know when to stop, and that it is better to discuss such things with a psychotherapist who can help.

Intuition in action


“My whole family suffers from asthma. One day my son had an attack at school. He was admitted to the hospital and kept there for several days. During all this time, I felt that his lungs were irritated and that the reason for this was not asthma. doctor, but he insisted on his diagnosis. I called a friend who was also trained in intuition and asked her to assess the condition of my son's lungs. She got the same experience as I. I consulted with another doctor, but the diagnosis of asthma was confirmed ...

A month later, my son was still not feeling well, and I told him that the feeling was not leaving me: this is not asthma. He looked at me like I was a witch and then confessed that he inhaled Mace's aerosol, thinking it was his asthma inhaler. He was afraid to tell me about it because he thought I would be angry with him. "

There is no such thing as false hope.

Hope is valuable in itself. You can harbor hope and still take the situation courageously and behave realistically.

As soon as you move on to the stage of interpreting the intuitive image, your knowledge, feelings, preferences gain access to this process. It's important to pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling - apart from what you intuitively perceive - when your answer is unclear. The remedy for confusion often lies in the use of different modes of perception. A person's own intuition usually knows more about him and his environment than yours (although his perception may not be as clear).

If you want to achieve a result and your intuition says no, ask why.

Intuition sometimes misses the mark, and then logic and experience come into play. Once, when I was living in Rome, a child with chronic eczema was brought to me. I looked at the girl (she had a mild illness) and thought: "Of course, everything will pass for her." The girl lived in my area, so I could see her often; after three sessions there was still no result.

I knew that eczema is often associated with stress, so I intuitively looked for emotional causes. I felt that the tension between the parents and the older relative was causing the girl's anxiety and aggravation, and I told my mother about it. The mother told me that her mother-in-law had recently moved in with them: after our conversation, the whole family began to make efforts to relieve the stress caused by this, but the child's eczema did not go away.

Finally, I turned to common sense. I suggested to the mother that she, together with the doctor, insist on the placement of the child in any clinic where experimental programs for the treatment of eczema were carried out.

The mother called the doctor, who, after making inquiries, said that eczema was being successfully treated in a clinic that uses a strict diet and tests for food allergies. The girl was having such a bad time due to her illness and the social rejection it caused that her family decided to resort to treatment, which included a month's stay in the hospital (everyone with children knows what it means to keep a child on a diet). As you can probably guess, a food allergy was discovered, and today the girl does not suffer from eczema (except when she breaks her diet).

Logic won. My knowledge of the course of a particular disease (which may or may not be accurate) ultimately directed my intuition in only one direction, blocking out other useful information. It took a little bit of clear thinking to find the answer.

Other ethical considerations

Before accepting patients, the doctor studies for many years and takes the Hippocratic Oath. The psychotherapist knows how the soul works and how to lead the client to healing. Intuit simply receives information. Make it a rule to never try to substitute for a trained and licensed professional in any field.

Often I would simply refer people to the doctor for an examination if I felt any problems. And I asked that people, together with the doctor, pay special attention to a particular period of life. I've learned from my own mistakes that it is not always helpful or ethical to provide some information (even when it is correct!).

Helping intuitive perception

One way my listeners find it helpful is not to know the question the client is asking. This can be done by writing the question on a piece of paper or simply by asking it mentally. Even if you don't perceive the question at first, having it in writing is helpful as it forces the client to formulate it carefully.

Applying intuition to groups

I rarely work with groups. Personal information gained through intuitive perception is best communicated face-to-face. Two exceptions are work in a company (then a group of people needs to get information in order to act on its basis) and the intuition training seminars I conduct (then students need to see examples in order to improve their technique).

Many - if not all - of the exercises in this book can be used in a group to brainstorm about a subject. If the whole group is practicing intuition, you can simply verbally suggest a question. If the group consists of beginners, then it is better to find answers blindly by sealing the questions in envelopes (for each participant); then, without opening them, lead the participants through the entire process.

Allow each member of the group to make their own guesses before the brainstorming session and suggest that the intuitive dialogue continues during the brainstorming session. This process is well suited for making strategic decisions - both in the family and in the firm.

Fun group exercise

When you are having fun with family or friends, have everyone write their name on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope. Make sure that both the envelopes and the sheets of paper on which the names are written are the same appearance.

Shuffle the envelopes and then hand them out face down so that no one knows who they will be asking their gut about. In this way, a better understanding of the issues or dynamics of the situation can be achieved; also a friendly attitude towards each point of view. It is especially interesting when people get their own names!

When I do this exercise in workshops, I repeat the process as many times as there are participants, so that each person answers the questions from all the envelopes. This technique is also useful for resolving conflicts.

Remembering cooperation with intuition

"Medical research is often a step into the unknown. The toxicity of the drug, contraindications, acceptable dosages are unknown at the beginning of drug development.

About eighteen months ago, I began consulting with Laura Day, a renowned medium or intuition, about ongoing or planned research. I asked not only about the drugs that were to be developed, but also about the way to conduct their study.

Laura's most important contribution to date is in the PEG-interleukin II trial. Laura accurately predicted the side effects - flu-like symptoms and local skin irritation. When we increased the doses, she warned of neurological side effects. During this month, one of the volunteers suffered a stroke. We have broken down the daily dose into smaller portions and have proven that the dose is safe to administer.

Another time I asked Laura about the composition of a drug called NAC (N-acetylcysteine). She accurately predicted that it should cause abdominal pain in some patients. She felt it was a useful medicine for fighting AIDS. Trials proving its usefulness have been conducted both at Stanford University and at

National Institutes of Health.

In trials of trichosanthin, a drug that kills infected macrobacteriophages and T cells, Laura confirmed that the drug would be useful for treating AIDS. Now, after two years of testing, we have shown that it is indeed effective, and there is growing excitement in the scientific community.

These are just a few examples of how Laura's advice encouraged me to act more cautiously or encouraged me to continue my research, although the first results did not look as promising as we hoped. "


Intuition should complement an informed decision, but not replace it.

I am sure that by now you have learned better how to use your intuition. Never forget, however, that in your life you should not be guided by intuition as the only guide, just as you should not rely only on logic.

A dangerous misconception about intuition is that it should be used to make decisions. The best use of intuition is not to decide whether you should do something, but to simply add information to what you already know and feel. Intuitive information should not be viewed in isolation, just like emotional, sensory, or logical data.

Understanding how our intuitive abilities work allows us to selectively use them to make effective decisions. When clear empirical information is available, a predominantly linear process may be preferred. When little data is available, or the question is about how the choices being made now might affect future results, an intuitive process will be more effective.

It is helpful to learn techniques by which intuitive data can be clearly distinguished from intellectual and emotional data.

Selectively use your intuition to be most effective

Modern psychology is moving towards integration. But when you use your intuition, you better keep the various data - your feelings, your knowledge and judgments, your feelings, your intuition - separate.

If your intuition tells you to take certain actions that support your feelings, and then after researching the facts and your logic confirms that this looks like the right move, then you can be sure of a good result. Instead of just getting lost, intuitive data can be correlated with what your senses, mind, and sensations tell you, giving you a powerful system of checks and balances.

All we have to do is get our rational minds to take a seat in the back seat. In many of my exercises, I have robbed your mind of empirical data. Without information to analyze logically or emotionally, you were forced to rely on your intuition.

Intuition plays a role in all decisions you make

Every decision you make (even if you are not aware of it) depends to some extent on your intuition - as well as your knowledge, judgment and feelings. Even when deciding, for example, whether to go to Florida in February, you use your knowledge of Florida as a vacation destination, how you feel about a trip to Florida and connect (often for "a reason you can't point your finger at") with that what your intuition tells you about this trip.

At the risk of oversimplifying complex psychological processes, we can say that you assess situations based on four sources of information:

What do you know about them (your knowledge and memory);

What do you think about them (your judgments and interpretations);

How you feel about them (your feelings and emotions);

What your intuition says about them.

Are any of these data more significant than others? No, although emotional data is the least reliable. I believe in feelings, not emotions, although in our society we pay great attention to them. Feelings are emotional sensations without any explanation. We strive to get rid of feelings, because they are subjective, but in their area, feelings are facts. If you are feeling angry, it is an objective fact - you are feeling angry.

Intuitive information gets lost easily, so learn to recognize it

One of the reasons why you are not very aware of the contribution of your intuition to the decisions you make is that it is easy to get rid of it - as a feeling. It is also very likely that you crossed out the logic of the advice of your intuition. In other words, the intuitive data you constantly receive is drowned in the flood of information supplied by your senses, emotions, memory and intelligence. This is especially true in moments of confusion.

Through the practice and feedback that this book teaches, you began to learn to discern intuition among your knowledge and feelings. The ability to glean an intuitive aspect from the decision-making process will enable you to use the information thus acquired as a factual fact, rather than a blind feeling.

When using this method to make decisions, write down: what you know about the problem or upcoming choice; what should be the logical solution; what should be the decision if you are following your emotional aspirations; and finally, your intuitive experience. As a result, you will have an array of reliable information on the basis of which you make a decision.

It is necessary to initially keep your intuition separate from knowledge and feelings - but so that later it can be integrated with them to achieve greater effect. However, it is not that easy. You must make sense of this information and then act on it. Intuitive information is always objective and correct, errors appear only when interpreting intuitive data.

In order to reduce the likelihood of error, intuitive data should initially be kept separate from logical or emotional data so that these different sources complement each other.

Compared to logic or other methods of making a decision, intuition is characterized by the fact that with its help we can easily - much easier - get information about the future or about things that do not obey a certain pattern. Sometimes logic or hope calls into question your intuitive hit. Since intuition involves interpretation, you must put it to the test — especially when intuition, knowledge, feeling, and faith disagree on direction.

Now is the time to see how this process applies to your three questions.

First, write for each question what you feel the answer is.

Then, for each question, write what your logic and intelligence tell you about the answer. Explain your answer.

We will compare your thoughts and feelings with intuition in chapter 29.


More uncertainty

You know more than enough about your intuition to use it in both your personal and professional life. In this chapter, we will explore techniques that can be used in business and finance.

As a consultant, I have worked with many groups: businessmen, doctors, film producers, psychotherapists and healers, financiers, families. A variety of exercises and practices cater to the needs and demands of each group. The practice of restructuring a company is different from the practice of developing a creative project, but the basis is the same: you just have to ask the right questions. I’ll give you a simple technique that you can use to guide your strategy and decision making, both among friends and family and at work.

Whatever your occupation - psychotherapy, mechanics, medicine, literature, painting, engineering, you are the only person who knows best what questions to ask in your field. Ask your intuition the same questions as the intellect with its knowledge. The difference is that when you ask intuitive questions, you can ignore the limitations of time, space, and experience.

It is often helpful to write down the questions you use in your work. Some professionals — for example, physicians and security analysts — have a set of standard questions (intuition will give you a new set). When you are working on a creative project, the square exercise is often very useful because it gives you some end result that you can work with.

When you are working on the same issue in an intuition group, the images that arise are often very different from each other, but not conflicting. Each person searches for data based on what they think is important. The politician will look for problems, and the political leader will look for the means that work. Some people strive to get holistic images, while others see inconsistent, but especially important fragments. There are as many styles of intuitive perception as there are people. Their impressions may seem different, but this is because everyone reads different parts of the question, but does so with the same precision.

Inconsistency is very constructive for intuitive perception, because it leads to deeper exploration of the material. Intuitive information is so rich and complex that you can always get more out of one image than it seems. This is extremely useful for understanding the issue and considering various options for resolving it.

Intuitive understanding of business companions

The following exercise illustrates a good tool for understanding other people intuitively. As you will see, it can be especially useful for any professional who requires deep insight into the essence of other people - for a doctor, psychotherapist, salesman, lawyer, teacher, social worker.

Exercise # 25


Pretend that you are someone else: someone very significant in answering the question (the question is recorded on the next page). You don't need to know everything about the person you are reincarnating as before you start. This person may even change during the exercise.

Take a deep breath. As you exhale, allow the person you are reincarnating to say their name. In the following you will find questions that you will be answering as the person you turned into for this exercise. You don't need to memorize this list; I am presenting it so that you have an idea of ​​the type of questions to be answered. So:

Describe yourself in detail.

What's the most important thing in your life right now?

How will this change over the next few months?

What do your feelings tell you about the world around you?

What do you need?

Are you on the right track?

As you “immerse yourself” in the image, do your impressions of this person change from the original ones, and if so, how?

Record your impressions on your intuition notepad as Exercise 25.

This swapping technique can be easily varied. Replace my questions with your own - the ones you would like to receive answers to for a better client experience. If you are using this technique to answer a question and feel that the answer does not apply to the person you are interested in, use it as a metaphor.

Intuition in your professional life

You are a doctor seeing a new patient. You take a medical history and note a gastrointestinal illness. The patient's complaints are the same as before. All previous examinations for suspected ulcers and other causes of pain were negative. The patient is well supported by small doses of a medication containing barbiturates prescribed by her previous doctor.

You are about to prescribe the usual treatment in such cases, but you have the thought that the patient may be pregnant. You have no reason to suspect this, but you are sending her for a blood test. The patient looks at you as if you were an eccentric.

The test came back positive - it’s good that you did this test, because the drugs you were going to prescribe have undesirable side effects on pregnant women.

Everyone at your investment club is talking about hot new stocks. Indeed, over the past few weeks, your broker has called you several times and recommended them. You asked for the firm's annual report and the numbers were even better than you expected. Despite the fact that the price of these shares has risen strongly, you still believe that they are a good investment of capital.

Every day, you mentally make a mental note to call the broker and instruct him to buy 1,000 shares. However, for one reason or another, you always forget to do this.

So much the better for you. By the end of the week, the stock price plummeted. A lower-priced competitor entered the scene, analysts changed their rating from above average to below average, and mutual funds went bankrupt.

Thank heaven for not buying these shares - and while you are still here, thank your intuition.

(Answer to Exercise 25: You answered your third question.)


How I use intuition in my life

I think the best way to illustrate how intuition can be used in personal life is to give two examples from my own experience.

The most dramatic example relates to a trip to Rome that I wanted to take when I traveled frequently and regularly from New York to Italy. I carefully planned this trip so as to stay in Rome as long as possible between two appointments in New York: one before, and the second immediately after my visit to Italy. At the last moment, I felt hesitant about leaving New York so hastily.

So, the day before my departure, in spite of everything, I decided to postpone the trip for one day. Already on the plane, I learned the news: the arrival of the flight I was going to fly to Rome was delayed. Cause? There was an eerie shootout at the airport with many casualties - and just when my plane was about to land!

Would I have been hurt in the firefight if I had arrived on that flight? It's hard to say with certainty, but I would not want to tempt fate this way. However, my intuition was strong enough to make me postpone the trip no matter what.

This case is not an example of my usual behavior. For example, I often traveled to Los Angeles at a time when many scientists predicted that California would be swallowed up by the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and beautiful beaches would appear in Nevada. I listened to myself. If I did not receive any information about the need to change the time of departure or arrival, I did not do it. I used to worry, but I haven't had to practice swimming yet.

I remember the feeling that I experienced ten years ago, when I was in Italy. It seemed to me that my apartment in New York was robbed. I heard the song "Oh Susan" in the background. I saw that my friend, who was supposed to be looking after the apartment, was not paying attention. I made a mental note to call him a fat belly on occasion, although he is rather thin. The night before, I also dreamed that my cat had a broken tail.

I called to check if everything was in order with the apartment, and my friend told me that he had sent his friend Susie there to water the flowers and feed the cat, since it had just turned out that his girlfriend was pregnant and they were both in shock. I asked him if Susie (whom I did not know) had been in my apartment before, and he replied that he had only given her the keys this morning. I asked him to take back the keys and give them to my friend Paola. Then I called Paola and asked her to change the locks. A week later, she told me that she was carrying my cat to the vet - his tail was pinched by the door ...

While I don’t know to what extent all the episodes of my gut trip home were true, I think that given the accuracy of the other “hits,” it was prudent to take action against Susie's visit to my apartment.

Intuition and dreaming told me a lot.

Intuition, as a constant, daily practice, can enrich your life in many ways. I love doing intuitive exercises every morning. The question is often vague, such as "How am I doing?" or "What do I need to know to get a better day?" Sometimes I prepare a list of questions at the beginning of the week, then I put them in envelopes and answer them blindly. I always prepare 14 questions for a "week, so even on Sunday I don't know which one I'm answering. Also, I often put the same question in several envelopes."

You can do this daily practice with a friend or spouse by shuffling the envelopes at the start of the week and answering each other's questions each day. It can give you an idea of ​​the day ahead, life and yourself; in doing so, you force yourself to focus on what really matters to you. It will also keep you out of trouble. I finally learned that if I look at a painting and think, "It might fall," it means that I need not be lazy and strengthen it before this really happens. There is nothing more upsetting than admitting that you are right after something unwanted has happened.

Circle technique

In Chapter 21, I introduced you to the "square move" technique. In it, I used a square as a frame with which you can see the sequence of events to achieve a certain result. In the "circle technique", you look at the issue by identifying details regarding the various internal and external influences that affect the situation.

If you need a tangible image to work with, draw a circle.

You are the center of the circle.

External influences on you and the environment lie outside the circle.

The circle itself is the border between you and external influences.

Shake the circle to mix up the possible results. What does the inside of the circle look like now? What does the outside look like? The border between them?

Exercise # 26


You will be answering the question on the next page.

Now imagine that you are in the center of the circle. Find an image to describe yourself. What is this image?

Now focus on what is all the circle. Describe how you feel in the center of the circle. Then look outside and describe what is around you. Imagine that you are the circumference of a circle. Describe yourself. Imagine that you can perceive what is outside the circle. Describe this environment. Who or what do you find there?

Imagine that you are standing outside the circle and looking inside it. What does the circle look like from this position?

Write your answers on your intuition notepad as "Exercise 26". When you are done, look on page 169 which question you answered.

The answer of one of the listeners

Here is the answer to the question sealed in the envelope given by one of the listeners:

"The center of the circle (you). Blue velvet; the pile doesn't know which way to lie down. The fabric is delicate, easily breakable and not so easy to repair. There is fear, but also depth. Under the fabric is calm. I want to go down and transform that inside, so that the fabric is not needed at all. Everything is in order inside.

Outside the circle (your environment and external influences). The outside of the circle is getting closer. I'm trying to figure out what the question is; I get the name on "M", it is unpleasant. The outer side fights with itself outside the circle, but does not really touch it. The circle is pressed by the feeling of external conflict. Now I see a gap in the circle, and something black is trying to penetrate and darken the blue velvet. I see January, maybe January 11th. I see that black surrounds the blue, but does not absorb it. The blue becomes denser, and the black dissipates over it. I see spring flowers. The blue spreads out to fill the circle again, although the color is still denser in the center. I want to ask myself when will the blue be homogeneous again. I see it turn into a beautiful purple in August, without losing its spring growth, but transforming into something more seasonal. The purple leads to the altar in September, or maybe early October, because I see pumpkins, but I don’t see lanterns made from them yet.

Circumference (what is between you and external influences). I have an unpleasant feeling, the hard outer side meets the yielding center, when the center yields, the outer side presses on the circle until it breaks. I don't want to reinforce the circle; I want to increase the density of what is inside until it supports the circle so much that it is no longer necessary. As I say this, I understand how difficult it is. I am looking for an alternative. I think the alternative would be to make the circle so sparkling that it would dazzle intruders. I am looking for a way in which this can be achieved. This way is to stay calm. I get the name Jody (or whatever starts with "J").

We mix everything together (we combine information to get the result). I see an extinct volcano. I see the month on "A" - April. I see mountains and a new place, I see a journey around a volcano that has died out and will never erupt again. Actually the volcano went out in the spring, but I haven't gotten the fire back until now. The fatal blow occurred on January 8th.

The outer part of the circle no longer matters. The circle and the center are one. I am completely in a different circle. "

This is how she interpreted her impressions when she opened the envelope and saw the question: "Will my conditions at work improve?"

“You stunned me! If I believe these images, I’m going to quit my job! It was my secret dream, but I hesitate: insecurity is a problem in other areas of my life. The first part is an accurate description of how I feel myself. I like what I do, but at work I am surrounded by too many conflicting people. I know exactly who the person on the "M" is.

I find it difficult to defend my position at work because of my indecision. I never advocate a particular position, so it's easy for others to push me around. I think my impressions contain advice on how to find a way to be firm.

I think the intuitive clue tells me that my work environment will improve by the spring, but nevertheless, I will quit in early August. It looks like I might even get fired. I got a sense of many difficulties awaiting me in January, early January. It doesn't seem like I can do much to change the situation, only perhaps defend myself with more determination and courage.

If I don't have a new job in August (magenta), I will definitely get it by fall (altar). If not for my current job, I would have moved back to Hawaii, where I grew up. I moved to California when I was 20 and never intended to stay long, although I have been living here for over ten years. "

Useful advice

You can do this exercise in reverse order: first looking into the future ("shaking the circle") and then asking what the different elements of the circle require for a positive result.

(Answer to Exercise 26: You answered your second question.)


Prepare your notebook and notes

Start by distributing your impressions on relevant issues. If you have not written down your interpretation (or "translation") of any of the images, do so before moving on. Treat each intuitive clue as a complete answer, and try not to let other answers to the same question influence your interpretation at this point. Once you have completed this exercise, you can begin to combine all of your experiences into a single response. Let's start.

Prepare both background information and your interpretation for the first question. Consider the following points.

Are all your experiences consistent? If not, does the disagreement highlight other options?

Do your answers relate directly to the question only, or do they more affect other aspects of your life?

In what ways are your untranslated intuitive experiences similar to one another? What are the same names, moments of time, places, feelings, etc. found there?

In what ways do your impressions agree (or disagree) with your emotional or rational assessment of the issue?

Now use the answers to these questions (as well as others that come to mind) to build a meaningful answer. Then state that answer in spoken language - as if you were telling it to a stranger who doesn't believe in intuition. You have practiced doing this in your interpretations of your impressions.

See how your experiences differ (if they differ) and use the differences as a clue about the alternatives you have when answering the question.

Repeat this consideration for your other two questions.

As you evaluate your answer, you need to ask yourself what other questions it raises, and then look for answers to those in your source material. Now combine all the information you have. With the help of images concerning the past, present and future, organize your information into coherent time sequences (separate impressions about the past, separately about the present and the future).

Let's take some time to interpret your information as a whole. If parts of it conflict, do your impressions (or what you know) contain any information that would explain such a contradiction?

If you don’t like the result, can you find any information in your intuitive images on how to change it? In what period of time and by what action should such a change be made?

Tying it all together

Having completed all the exercises in this book, you now have a lot of information to answer your questions. Collect your notes by composing answer sets for each. Consider the following points about your experience.

What do the hints for each question have in common?

What do they tell you about the result?

Do they give you any perspective on the issue?

What new problems do they pose in relation to your original questions?

You will probably notice that your answers to each question gave you a lot of additional, non-relevant information about your life and the changes in it. You can use the richness of the information to make the best possible choice. Look at all the information you have received, and you will not find answers to questions, but options for action.


Some final thoughts

My goal in this book has been to help you rediscover a forgotten ability and make a useful tool out of it. In short, my goal was purely practical.

However, as we discussed in Chapter 10, the existence of intuition has some far-reaching implications for our worldview. I don't know how intuition works, but the fact is that it works by telling us something about our existence and life.

I would now like to introduce you to some concepts that you can reflect on in the coming weeks and months.

Why We Have Intuition: A "Scientific" Hypothesis

Like other senses, your intuition is primarily a survival tool. It aims to give you information instantly. When our day-to-day survival was more problematic, a person's life or death depended very much on how "adjusted" he was to the environment. Those with the best intuition were much more likely to survive.

We tend to rely on our more "advanced" and "civilized" senses. However, remember that our most reliable senses are those that developed first. Touch came before sight, and intelligence came last. Nature tells us what we can count on in order to survive - this is the purpose and intuition serves.

Most of life's problems are somehow connected with the future, and intuition, being primarily a means of survival, is especially good at predicting it. It is most likely a feeling (or collection of feelings) specialized in gathering information that is not available in your immediate environment.

For most of us, this process occurs unconsciously and with significant interference from the logical mind and emotions. By being aware of intuitive information before it is fully collected, and before we unconsciously began to act on its basis, we transfer this valuable data, bypassing the emotional level, to the level of intelligence. As a result, we make better decisions. It is by separating intuitive information from our feelings and thinking (which may or may not be correct in their assumptions) that intuition becomes a useful tool for us.

Thoughts of community

The body is a community of cells and physical sensations, the mind is thoughts and memories, emotions are experiences and reactions to them. An individual is a collection of all these components, each of which works efficiently or not very well.

We are in constant contact with the community of human beings that belong to many different associations: service, social, family, political, ideological.

Let's take a look at our community. We have entrusted our physical, spiritual and emotional bodies to doctors, psychiatrists, churches or political / ideological organizations. We go to the soothsayers to ask the Archangel Gabriel about what we already know and could see if we looked inside ourselves - where the answers lie. We do all of this at great cost and often outside or in the most remote areas of our community.

I am not saying that all these specialists and institutions should not exist and provide services, but we use these services without even knowing our neighbors.

When I moved to a separate neighborhood in Rome, the circumstance that brought me to the "ghetto" (although I could not call it that at the time) was the following: if you have a problem with electricity, then you call a friend who has uncle is an electrician; if you get sick, then call your neighbor first, and then the doctor.

Using intuition and healing, recognizing that we are all capable of it, and discovering that there are really no experts in this, gives people back power over their own lives - from the cells of the body to the strength of relationships with other individuals.

About predestination

A common question, even among experienced intuitors, is, "If I can predict events, does that mean everything is predetermined?"

If you could convince me that all events and actions are predetermined, I would never again resort to intuition. I would just live as it is. We have no control over so many things (for example, the time and place of the earthquake), but there is much that lies within our capabilities: we can take care not to be in the epicenter.

Using intuition expands our scope, experience, and influence. If you can identify a future event and / or the sequence of circumstances that leads to it, you can change the future (if it is within your limits) or, if that is not possible, react differently. You have already done this in the exercises in this book.

Making a prediction means choosing the highest probability. Predictions tend to be accurate as any system (including humans) strives for balance. I often hear people talk about frightening predictions like "She said I was going to have a car accident in July."

I would ask the following questions:

When exactly in July?

What color is in the car?

Who will be driving?

How serious will this accident be?

Who will be with me?

And I probably would not forget about the most obvious question:

How can I avoid this event?

Imagination is the pathway to the resources of our mind and experience. Imagination is the ability to create and decorate, and from what do we create, if not from our memory, experience and information, gleaned from the collective unconscious and what I would like to call the collective consciousness?

Collective consciousness comes from the belief that our actions - individual and collective (like planets and systems) - create a pattern and direction that (if not intercepted and redirected) is determined by the movement of the past and present.

Imagine a ball. You push it and it rolls in the direction you pushed it. If you know the terrain on which the ball is rolling (the obstacles it will encounter) and the initial speed of movement, then you can predict exactly where it will stop.

Now imagine thousands of balls rolling in all directions. If you know where all the balls started from, then you know at what speed and at what point your ball will collide with another and change its direction of movement. You will also have information that will allow you to change the direction of the ball. In fact, you will have a way to change the direction of movement of all the balls with which your ball comes into contact (direct or indirect), by changing the parameters of the movement of only one ball.

Reality is nothing more than consistency.

About the interconnection of things

If there is anything that intuition demonstrates, it is that everything is interconnected. If you believe what Carl Jung said about synchronicity, then you must consider that on some level everything is connected to everything. The only thing missing is the question, the right question. The ability of a medium has nothing to do with religious or spiritual beliefs, although some of the openness that intuitive preparation provides can be helpful in finding a guide along our spiritual paths.

The rapid development of technology in the last half century is gradually complemented by ethical considerations regarding its use - such that our

the remarkable achievements did not destroy us and our planet. The "building" has grown too large, and we (somewhat reluctantly) return to its base - to strengthen the foundation. This raises questions: how do we want to use technical and natural resources, how we want to develop further and how to preserve what is of greatest value to us. We must examine our spirit in order to make the right choice in the material realm. Material and spiritual seek harmony with each other.

Communication, travel and trade are now such that we are increasingly becoming part of a diverse world community. Ideally, this will force us to search for what we are connected with, and will highlight the part of us that is higher than race, citizenship, religion, political system and ideology.

No snowflake is alike, but their ability to bond together creates snowfall. It is through intuition that we can study not only the differences between us, but also the similarities. This search for a relationship - with our planet, God, or each other - constitutes my definition of spirituality.

We all live together on this planet

Through intuition, we can explore not only the differences between us, but also the unity. In this book, you allowed yourself to "know" events, people, and perspectives outside of your direct experience, and they have influenced you and your path. What do you think of the impact on the world of your newfound skill to be yourself?

We, as a society, have begun to take care of the environment. At the same time, we allow social ecology preservation skills to collapse. We often don’t show the respect we should have, and we often treat each other with a lack of kindness. I try not to forget how important it is to smile at people on the subway, even if I live in New York and am rational enough to understand: you shouldn't smile at everyone!

I'm trying to teach my son to say good morning and good evening and really mean it. I give way to older people (although lately I have forgotten my own age and decrepitude and give way to a peer, and those around me raise their eyebrows in surprise). When you become aware of the amount of information, sensations and images that you can intuitively receive from other people, does this not give weight to the wise commandment "Do to another what you would like to receive yourself", since we undoubtedly share our feelings (how good, and bad) in some unconscious way?

The use of intuition is an important part of this system. By adding intuition to our formula, we can regain some of the decision-making power we delegated to educated strangers. By exchanging intuitive clues, we can discover valuable resources beyond our knowledge and awareness, not to mention that we understand that everyone's experience is valuable to everyone.

About space and time

If everything is interconnected, then we must seriously reconsider our current ideas about space and time. Intuition teaches us that things are not separated in space or time. There is no past or present or future. We make these distinctions because, as human beings, we must give the world some structure.

Otherwise, we would all be missing our appointments!

Today, people feel the need to reconnect with that which cannot be measured - the transcendental and meaningful to life. Intuition is still doubted in the Basic. We live in a culture that values ​​logic and intelligence so much that we ignore the vital part of ourselves.

About spirituality

We can use our intuition to get a better sense of our spirit world. Just as the emotional lens through which we perceive ourselves and the environment around us is different for each person, our individual perception of spirituality is unique to each of us. Even if everyone claims to believe in the same God, it will turn out that each person's understanding of God and faith is different from how others understand it. It is the depth of individual interpretations of faith that contributes to the comprehension of spiritual depths by all of us.


Another person might be helpful

Why (you probably ask) do you need another person's intuitive impressions when an entire book has been devoted to preparing you to use intuition on your own? The short answer is: to get objective information. Being objective about your own life is not easy. As you will soon see, engaging a friend and carefully guiding them to blind flight will give you a source of pure intuitive experience. And your task is to give them meaning.

Remember the two stages of using intuition: getting intuitive impressions in response to a carefully formulated question and then translating and interpreting those impressions. If you ask questions and interpret the answers, then a beginner can generate accurate - and objective - intuitive information for you with very little training.

How do you get people to give specific and accurate intuitive information? You have to fool them (as I did to you in the early chapters of this book), because most people don't believe they can answer questions they don't know.

Here's how you do it.

Step 1. Prepare a double-blind experiment

A double-blind experiment is used to ensure that the expectations of the researchers do not influence the results. For example, when evaluating a new drug, a double-blind method means that neither patients nor doctors know if the subject received the real drug or a placebo.

This exercise is my version of a double blind experiment. In it you will give answers to questions that neither you nor the one who asks them knows!

Write a number of questions on different, but seemingly identical sheets of paper. When done, fold each sheet in half and then in half again. To emphasize that these questions are hidden from you and from your intuitive friend, you can place each sheet in a separate envelope.

Step 2. Explanation of the basic rules

Tell the participants that you are going to offer each of them a sealed envelope containing a question, and you ask them to share any impressions they have. Don't tell your friends. That they get intuitive information or answer your questions in envelopes. (This is likely to increase their internal resistance to intuition.) One approach that often works is to let your friends know that you are doing an experiment and that you need their input. All you ask is that they follow your directions. Here is the instruction I usually use to "connect" a participant:

"As you know, I have sealed a number of questions in envelopes. Now I will give you the first of them. I would like you to simply tell us all your impressions of the question contained in the envelope you are holding in your hand.

I know this sounds strange to you. You don't know what the question is, and neither do I. I do not expect you to be "right." Just trust that whatever you say in response to the question will give me valuable information.

Before I give you the envelope, take a deep breath and make sure you are aware of your inner state; also about the external environment. Take note of how you feel right now. What do you perceive through sight, hearing, smell? What thoughts, memories or images are passing through your mind? This is an initial test of your sensations so that you can recognize how your perception will change as soon as you pick up the envelope.

Now I will give you the first envelope. Please report all the images that appear in front of you, about every memory that comes to mind, about everything that you see, hear, feel or think. In short, I want you to communicate all of your experiences - even if they don't make sense or seem silly or far-fetched.

Ok, let's get started. Take a few deep breaths. Now I give you an envelope. Please start speaking immediately and non-stop. Remember, if you get stuck and nothing comes to mind, you need to come up with something. "

Pretend you are serious. Remember, you want to help your friends pretend they can answer the sealed questions.

Step 3. Recording participants' responses

When you have finished briefing, pass an envelope to each participant, mark their number and be prepared to collect the impressions that they will give you. Better to use a tape recorder rather than trying to hand-record everything your friends say. While it is very likely that you will understand what question is being answered, do not open the envelopes until you have received the participants' impressions of all the questions.

Helping participants through a survey

Because your friends don't know the questions they're sharing, they can't use logic to "figure out" the answer. By telling them that they can come up with an answer if necessary, you decisively close the door to reasoning and force them to rely solely on intuition. Even the most stubborn skeptic’s resistance is overcome by being asked to pretend he knows the answer to the sealed question.

If your friends do "hang" and tell you they are not getting any experience, tell them to pretend that is part of the answer! If they are stuck or moving in a direction that you do not understand, you can also ask them to describe their reactions in more detail. Since you don't know what question is in each envelope, let your intuition guide you.

Here are some helpful questions your friends might have to direct you.

Are you getting a yes or no answer? What makes you think so?

How would you feel about this question in six months? In a year?

What names come to your mind? Initials? Describe these people in detail. What are they doing?

What places do you remember? Please describe them in detail.

What memories come to your mind? Describe them in detail.

What feelings do you have? Please describe them in detail.

Don't open up to your friends the questions they've answered before looking at and appreciating their intuitive experience. If your "personal mediums" give vague information, ask them to clarify it. This may require questioning on your part.

Here is my dialogue with the person I used as my medium:

Laura: When you saw Jerry, what was he doing?

Medium: I don't know, I just saw my friend Jerry.

Laura: Look at Jerry again and tell me about

Medium: Actually, I really haven't heard of him for a long time, but when we spoke for the last time, he told me that he had changed his profession.

Laura: Do you think this change was successful?

Medium: I don’t know, I haven’t heard of him since then.

Laura: What are you suggesting?

Medium: I believe he was on the right track, but the transition period lasted a little longer than he bargained for.

Laura: How much longer?

Medium: How can I know about this?

Laura: Guess. What is the first number that comes to mind?

Medium: Good. Three. Are you happy?

Laura: Three what? Day? Weeks? Months? Of the year?

Medium: Less than three years, but more than three weeks. Three months, I guess.

Step 4. Interpreting and evaluating participants' impressions

The beginner usually responds using language that you understand - because his subconscious already knows that you are the interpreter. Your friends' experiences usually make more sense to you than to themselves.

You will find that much of what a beginner thinks is accurate information. Why? It is easier for the subconscious to answer your question than to come up with something. Once the process has begun, your friend has no choice but to get an intuitive hint.

Open the first envelope and look at the question. Now that you have written down your friend's gut impressions, use your mental faculties to interpret them in relation to the question.

Compare what your emotional or rational mind is telling you to what your intuition is saying. If the question was, "Will I get a promotion in the next six months?", Your intuitive answer may be different from your logical one. Comparing and combining these different ways of thinking creates a body of reliable information with which you can answer the question.

At this point, your friend may well help you in interpreting his intuitive images and impressions. Let's say your friend named the letters "B" and "L" when she received the first envelope. Without her help, you may not understand that these are the initials of her former employer and that in her intuitive perception of the answer to a question that concerns you, these letters represent your former employer.

How to be your own medium

If you have a hard time answering your own questions with objectivity, you can apply the same procedure to yourself. Write the questions on separate sheets of paper, number them, and then relate your impressions to those numbers. Undoubtedly, you will be curious to know what happened, but wait until you have finished with all the questions, and only then open the envelopes.

To demonstrate how accurate hints can be given by newcomers to intuition, I played the following game with three skeptical acquaintances. We had just finished lunch when I told them that in five minutes I could turn each of them into a medium. Since we were going to rent a video this evening, I proposed the following problem. One of us will randomly select a movie from a thick catalog; the other three will describe it in detail before the choice is made! -

Like the sealed envelope technique I just described, it was a true double blind experiment. The three impressions, which were then analyzed, were simultaneously recorded in notebooks to protect each participant from the influence of others.

The first two (rookie A and rookie B) were totally skeptical about intuition, so I told them to pretend to be mediums. I gave them a modified version of the instructions (which I gave above), and we started.

Information that seemed unclear or questionable (it was felt in the voice) is marked with question marks (see below). You will notice that my report was more accurate than the other contributors. As you gain experience, the less you need to choose the words with which you express your impressions.

First Newcomer Impressions

"Horse riding. Cowboy? Smoke. Shore, sand. Perhaps hot and dry, like in the West, but it's in the foothills. I imagine crossing a river, lake or some other body of water - to find someone or escape. The end 19th century, early 1900s American West Desert Hot and dry - Colorado perhaps Someone trying to find someone else Action outdoors, not Woody Allen-style film - not intellectual type Poe mostly men act. This is not a love story. Search for something or someone, chase. Robbery, money? "Indiana Jones?"

Impressions of the second newcomer

"Dinosaur leaping across the field like in Jurassic Park. Bean jelly rolling in a jar. Water splash. Like Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain." Holy Grail. Same sentence written everywhere like Jack Nicholson in the horror movie The Shining.

The trash that I smelled when I left the apartment this morning. Lollipop. Fast swimming in cold water, maybe escape from a shark or a whale, or even a dinosaur, like in Jurassic Park. Flight and dampness, dampness. Thought that I am not very good at this kind of thing. Feeling that I would like to be more gullible and intuitive. I wonder what I'm going to do. Island. Unspoiled people try to live their own lives. Provincial America. Sixties - seventies. I'm sorry, but Jurassic Park and Jaws come to my mind all the time.

My impressions

Countryside. Flowers. Sounds of music. The forests are far away. Long Dresses. No internal plumbing, but technical progress is close. Creation of a family, or a team, or a community project (to save animals). I get the name Sarah. Prairie, prairie, 1800s. Diverse people or ideas come together. Building a windmill, healing a family or community.

When we all finished recording our impressions, the fourth participant closed his eyes and pointed to a film in the catalog.

Envelope please

She chose Matchmaker and read the short description. Shirley McLane, Paul Ford, Anthony Perkins, Shirley Booth and Robert Morse played there. Based on the play by Thornton Wilder, this is a comedy about a middle-aged widower who decides to find himself a young bride. The matchmaker he turns to has an eye on this prosperous, albeit stingy businessman, and the simpleton he woo falls in love with one of his clerks.

You may know a more popular musical version - "Hello, Dolly!" Barbra Streisand, Walter Mattau, Louis Armstrongs Tommy Tune play there.

How did we do it?

To make sure how close our intuitive images are to the chosen film, we went to the video rental shop, took this film and watched it. All three talked about the feel of a small town. Not bad.

Two of us correctly felt that the action takes place a hundred years ago. One felt that cinema had to do with the sixties. He, too, was not too far from the truth: the film was filmed in 1958, and the premiere of his musical version of "Hello, Dolly!" took place in 1969.

Two of us felt provincial America, somewhere in the West or on the prairie, and the time of action is the end of the past - the beginning of the present century. Although the action is actually set in Yonkers and New York in 1884, the film's scenery strongly resembles a small frontier town, with horses and unpaved streets just before the advent of cars and skyscrapers. Not bad again.

The name Sarah was introduced to me. There is no character in the film with that name. But when I found out what the film was about, I realized that Sarah

This is my little sister who was planning her wedding at the time! Remember - the movie is about matchmaking.

I felt that the film is a love story about starting a family. However, it is even more surprising that both newbies

Unmarried men - felt that we are talking about a chase or some kind of danger.

All in all, our impressions were fairly accurate, especially considering that we had absolutely no clues. I am sure that, acting together, we could easily select "Matchmaker" from a list of hundreds of possible films.

We interpret "truth" and "meaning" by passing them through our experience.

The impressions each person gets reflect their psychology, often very eloquently. Interestingly, for example, the first rookie, a middle-aged bachelor, confidently asserted that the film was "not really a love story." In a way, he was right. This film is a comedy about the confusion between characters and people pretending not to be who they are.

On the other hand, the second newcomer - a middle-aged playboy - assessed the matchmaker's greed as being attacked by a shark, whale, or dinosaur (in this case, the matchmaker, by the way, was not at all slender). Probably the second newcomer learned more about himself while describing the film than he could have learned over many sessions from a therapist.

Philosophically, there is no truth or "what is to be predicted". The meaning and relevance of intuitive experiences as well as your everyday experiences reflects your unique personality.


Start Your Intuitive Learning

Natural I strongly believe in intuition, but it makes my own process even more empirical than most people. I know that the information to support any decision is available to me if I use all the resources at my disposal: intuitive, emotional, intellectual, empirical and experimental. If, using these means, I cannot find the facts to support my assumption, I know that it is wrong.

There is less to learn than it seems. A significant part of life is the discovery of what we already know, it is the use of each new tool and the ability to build with its help what we dream of.

I apologize for offering to teach you what you already know. I am sure that using the newly found ability will give you pleasure - the pleasure of doing more of what you want to accomplish in your life, and the pleasure of helping those you know in this.

What will we do with the received material:

If this material turned out to be useful to you, you can save it to your page on social networks:

First, it is written for both women and men. Since different forms of relationship are now possible - she / he, he / she, she / she, he / he - and listing all these forms in each sentence will inevitably tire the reader, I hope that no one will be offended if I follow the assumption that the reader is a woman who is looking for a close relationship or already has a relationship with a male partner.

In doing so, I am not condemning alternative relationships, I am simply describing the generally accepted option. I am sure that what I have said does not depend on your gender or the gender of your lover. I even believe that this book as a whole will improve your relationships with people.

Second, this book is written for anyone interested in pursuing romantic relationships or improving existing ones. Naturally, there are some differences in approach, which depend on the situation - I will talk about them separately. I will look at each topic first from the point of view of someone who is looking for a loved one, and then from the point of view of someone who already has a close relationship.

If you are in a romantic relationship - whether you are only dating or are already married - the exercises in this book will help you understand yourself and your relationships. You will not only have a clear idea of ​​yourself and your lover, but also the opportunity to make positive changes in your relationship in such a way that both you and your partner will nourish and support each other. Remember: your relationship must be mutually beneficial.

If my first book - "Self-Tutorial for the Development of Intuition" - was aimed exclusively at developing your intuition, then this book is dedicated to love. I'll show you how to use your natural intuitive ability to find or increase love in your life. If you have not read the Self-Study Guide to Developing Intuition, in this book I will present a short course on the use of intuition.

I am assuming that you are serious about the meaning of love in your life, but you may be hesitant to trust your intuition completely. This thought may not seem worthwhile to you, but I assure you that intuition is a very tangible, practical ability that can be developed. And I would like to emphasize that intuition is only used as one of the means; to achieve love, it is also necessary to use other abilities, such as emotional impact and logic.

So, if you are skeptical about intuition, I ask you to reconsider your views. Maybe your attitude towards intuition will change if you remember the statement of scientists that we use less than one-tenth of our abilities - and intuition refers precisely to this unused part. What I call received intuitive impressions, others call received fluids. In any case, the intuition exercises in this book will help you better understand yourself and those around you.

A message to the reader

Dear reader!

The need to be in a loving relationship with another person is our strongest need. We either love or seek love, even when we deny that we need love, even when we lose hope or struggle with despair because we have lost love or because we lack it in our lives. Whatever the state of love you are living in at the moment, you are still focused on love.

It should be like this. To be in a state of mutual love is a vital necessity. "Unloved" babies develop more slowly; sometimes they may even die; statistics from insurance companies confirm that people who love, are loved, or even better - have mutual feelings, live longer. We usually feel free to say that we are hungry, tired or cold, but we often hide our need for love, although we feel deprived when this need is not satisfied.

This book is a journey to find the love you need and deserve. But any journey requires some preparation. The exercises in this book will take some commitment and courage from you and your loved one. This journey will take several weeks, perhaps more, but it is important to embark on it with the will and determination to complete it. Some steps in this program will take longer than others, but each step will give you what you need and support you.

You may have read other books on love. This book is different from them. With it, you will not go astray, because you will use it as a map, and intuition will become your guide in the land of pleasure and teach you to love, be loved and find a lover who will feel the same need for love as you do. From this need, you will create a gift that you will present to each other - love.

Being in a state of love can be one hundred percent pleasure, and settle for less. I am sure that your loved one is already waiting for you.

Our first experiment


Complete this assignment before continuing reading!

Exercise 1. Take pleasure

Take time to do what you love. That's right, you understood me correctly. I just want you to pamper yourself a little.

How you will do this, only you know. You can listen to your favorite music, have a foot massage or massage your feet to your favorite music. I repeat - it only depends on you.

Only three conditions are required. First, you must do this task consciously. Schedule a time to pamper yourself. Set aside at least an hour for this; better - the second half of the day, and even better - the whole day.

Secondly, during the assignment, you are allowed to do only what gives pleasure - and nothing else. During this time, indulge your every whim.

The third and final condition is that I want you to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and other emotions as you experience pleasant sensations. If you want to write down your impressions and it seems to you that it makes sense, wait until you complete the task to the end.


The beginning of the journey

You have decided to go on a journey called Lifestyle - Falling in Love. Practical intuition in love will allow you to experience the state of falling in love, whether you have a lover or not. People who know how to attract love to themselves first learned to love themselves and their lives.

This book will help you master this art. You will learn to use your intuition to find a loved one - if that's your goal - or to enrich an existing love relationship. You will learn not only to achieve what you need, but also to understand what exactly you need in the first place. This book will enhance your ability to bring joy to relationships of any kind by bringing love back into your life and the joy of love itself. The book "Practical intuition in love" offers a program, thanks to which your perception and experience of pleasure will gradually sharpen and you will be able to either attract the kind of love you dream of, or change the existing one for the better.

Start today to carry out the program, thanks to which you can find and strengthen your love!

This book provides answers to two simple questions: what should be the circumstances for love to arise, and, if it is in your life, how to keep and develop it?

By completing the first assignment at the beginning of the book (which we will discuss later), you have embarked on a journey to your love. I propose to present this journey as a program of six very easy and simple steps. Each subsequent step builds on the previous one, so it is very important that you work on your program consistently. This is what this program looks like:

1. Find a state of pleasure.

2. Make a plan.

3. Clear the field.

4. Find your way to the Garden of Eden.

5. Take care of the garden.

6. Invite your loved one to the garden.

Remember that these steps are partially related, so it is very important to read the chapters and do the exercises in order. For example, in the second step, you determine what your purpose in love is. However, as you take the next steps, you will be amazed to find that your goal changes in subtle and sometimes surprising ways.

Love in popular literature

I am convinced that you have come across many books and articles on how to find love. Surprisingly, it seems that their names are just variations on the same old theme: "How to find the perfect man", "Basic rules for success", "20 surefire ways to find the man of your dreams and marry him."

What is written about love boils down to solving the following tasks: finding a loved one, enticing him and finally gaining control over him. In a sense, popular literature demonstrates that love in our society has turned into a hunt.

Each book and article offers tips and rules for the love game, although, of course, these so-called rules are different for all authors. According to one expert, it takes a lot of effort for a woman to succeed in love. Another advises to be more approachable and more receptive to the requirements of the partner. Some teach how to communicate better or how to use body language to communicate your affection for someone. The path and the ultimate goal are always the same: you meet a man (or woman) and try to tie him tightly to you, so that you can be sure that you are in complete control of the situation.

Sometimes it helps, but is this really the limit of your dreams? These relationships are more like war than love. Usually love books focus on the differences between men and women. But this approach causes mistrust between partners and does not contribute to long-term love relationships. Of course, there are differences between women and men. And thank God! But if you focus only on them, then you are unlikely to be able to attract love into your life. It can even be detrimental to love.

How is my book different from others?

I don't believe in magic formulas. All people are different; each lover has its own requirements and conditions for a love relationship.

To have a little success in love, you must consider yourself and your lover unique personalities. This means that you are both individuals with unique needs, dreams, points of attraction, ways of communicating, expressing emotions and your own interpretation of life.

Love has nothing to do with catching someone. Love is charm, the term I use to describe the first state of mystical pleasure. This also applies to the other side of love - friendship that sustains romantic love. Love is an inner state that allows you to see life in a more attractive light. In a state of love, we acquire the unique ability to see new opportunities where we have not seen them before; we have a feeling of goodness and euphoria, we become much kinder to ourselves. Love allows us to understand something deep and life-affirming.

Together with me you can learn to create and create love in your life. We will start with the simplest: try to understand what love is. Then I will teach you how to use all your possibilities so that, guided by intuition, you can naturally attract love into your life.

Why intuition and love?

Your intuition is a powerful natural ability that works constantly and works even now, as you read these lines. Intuition allows you to receive information that does not directly affect your feelings and sensations. It helps you understand both your own needs and the needs of your present or future partner. Since intuition can not only help but also hinder relationships, you need to learn how to control it. I'll show you how to do it. You will be able to receive signals from others. In addition, you will learn not only how to send signals to people, but you will also know exactly which signals to send.

Love can only be understood by experiencing it

The understanding that we have experienced some important moments in our life comes later. One philosopher said that life time moves forward, but is realized only afterwards. The same can be said for love.

That is why I asked you to do the first exercise without explaining what the point is. If you want to benefit from this book, you will have to diligently practice and do many of these exercises. It won't be difficult as you will notice the benefits right away. Remember the following:

Each exercise builds on the previous ones, so please do them in order. Don't be surprised if you find yourself doing exercises that overlap. We will look at each point from a different point of view, allowing you to see the fundamental differences.

When doing some exercises, you will have to focus on thoughts and feelings. Others will force you to use your intuition to find answers to unusual questions!

Some exercises will seem silly to you; sometimes it will not be clear to you what you are doing and why. Remember: your needs and feelings are not always obvious, and many of them are subconscious. Therefore, sometimes you have to resort to indirect methods to penetrate the depths of your emotions.

Don't be discouraged if you don't see a clear result immediately. Over time, you are bound to make valuable discoveries.

These discoveries may not appear immediately, so review your exercise notes from time to time. Maybe at first you will have few impressions, but they will appear in the process of mastering the program and identifying your true needs.

Finally, if you are in a loving relationship, you may want to do some exercises with your beloved; the choice is yours - and yours!

The main thing is a clear head. As you read this book and follow my program, you will notice how quickly your life begins to change. In truth, I am offering a completely new concept of love. Think about it, try it. To taste the pudding, you need to eat it. After reading this book, I think you will agree that my program works.

Keep a diary to record impressions of your journey to love

If you are not keeping a journal, I strongly advise you to start doing it. Many artists, scientists, writers and simply educated people considered the diary a necessary means of self-knowledge. It will help you more fully comprehend the feelings you open.

As you work on this book, you will grow as a person. And the diary will allow you to evaluate the work done and mark your achievements. By calmly writing down the discoveries of each day, you will be able to cope with the difficulties that are inevitable in any relationship. These notes can be very simple: "If he talks about freedom, then, in fact, he feels unnecessary" or "She is able to listen to constructive criticism only when she eats her favorite food."

Consider the following when choosing a diary:

It is better to choose a notebook with removable blocks, rather than a bound one - this will allow you to return to previous exercises and add a few pages. The diary shouldn't be flashy. In fact, the simpler the diary, the more personalized it can be.

Perhaps, while working on the program, you will collect images of love that are meaningful to you (these can be postcards, magazine clippings, etc.), and make a collage of them on the cover of your diary. We will have an exercise on this. Leave the inside of the cover clean: once you have achieved your goal in love, you will be able to place the image of your beloved on it.

The work on the diary is very instructive. By taking notes every day, you are confirming the seriousness of your goal of finding and increasing love. A diary is especially useful when you feel that your relationship with your partner is crumbling. You have no idea how often people, myself included, go back to the roots of their love story during a relationship crisis, trying to remember what exactly made them fall in love with their partner.

Organize a support group for your love journey

Some activities are easier for two people to do. It's good to have someone to talk to who can help you get through the time when you're bored or in trouble. If you know that such a person exists, even getting up at seven o'clock in the morning will be pleasant.

Let's get started

By fulfilling my program, you will free yourself up for love and will be able to attract it into your life. This book is based on the assertion that in our search for love we too often abandon friendships and everything else that is good and pleasant in our life, thereby limiting our circle of friends. So, paradoxically, the first step in finding love is to temporarily abandon the search for it.

Part 1. Falling in love

The key to falling in love is in your hands

Falling in love begins with the mutual attraction between two people. In the beginning it is just a chemical process.

Have you ever noticed that as soon as someone falls in love, how crowds of former fans begin to pursue that person? Funny, isn't it? Perhaps you know this from your own experience. Where did all these people look when we were so alone?

Paradoxically, the easiest way to find love is to love yourself. It turns out a vicious circle: to find love, we must be attractive, but we are most attractive when we love! The secret lies in the fact that you need to not only appear attractive (although this is important), but also be so.

Wouldn't it be great if we had the opportunity to induce a psychological state of love in ourselves, even if we had never loved before? Then we would naturally become attractive, because our body's biochemistry would be tricked into distinguishing the difference between the two!

You can become a "love magnet" that attracts partners to you, without any effort. How do you ask? Look for pleasure. Activities that bring pleasure cause the same psychological state as what we experience when we are in a state of love. The trick is that when there is no love in our lives, we give up joyful and enjoyable activities that make us more attractive.

Loving and being loved are natural states, so we don't have to do anything to find love. Once you remove the obstacles yourself, love will surely appear in your life. And now, precisely today - not tomorrow, but now, at the moment, we begin the process of creating love.

Chapter 1. Development of the state of love from the state of pleasure

Let's go back: remember the first exercise.

Remember the exercise at the very beginning of the book? Perhaps when you first started doing it, it seemed too simple to you. What could be simpler - they not only ask me to pamper myself, but even insist on it?

However, many people said that the requirement was much more complex than they thought. It turns out that often people do not know how to pamper themselves without feeling awkward; some even experience inner resistance to the prospect of pleasing themselves.

How did you feel? Honestly. Were you shy? Did you feel self-centered? Maybe a little embarrassed? Guilty? Undeserving joy? Or were you too depressed to please yourself?

Love and pleasure are synonymous. Being in a state of love and being in love is one of the strongest pleasures. While a love relationship can be a source of tremendous suffering, the physical and emotional experience of love is itself a pleasure.

The Practical Intuition in Love program is not about how to wait for an “ideal” companion or lover, or passively waiting for existing relationships to improve. It talks about how to have joy and pleasure here and now. And this is one of the reasons why we performed the "pleasure experiment" in the first place.

Before you fall in love, you must learn to have fun.

Love - chemically, emotionally and physically - was present in your life long before you reached maturity and met your lover. As a child, you loved your parents, friends, toys, animals, ideas, food, and places where you felt good. You liked things, people and everything that was comfortable and pleasant.

Do you remember when you were a teenager and had not yet experienced your first sexual attraction? Your best friend was everything to you. Or maybe you were in love with your teacher, coach, or a character from a movie or book, or just your plans and dreams. Maybe the very first object of love was your mother, father or dog.

When you are in love, you are in a state of pleasure. In essence, love is the pleasure of what we receive and what we give. The ability to experience pleasure is a prerequisite for falling in love with the right person.

By pleasure I mean not only sexual gratification, although sex is, of course, a very important component of love. Love begins when you are able to enjoy the simple pleasures of everyday life. On a biochemical level, love is a growing sense of pleasure. A love relationship occurs when partners experience pleasure in communicating with each other.

In my practice, I constantly come across relationships in which partners make each other's life unbearable. Do we eat just to get calories, or for the pleasure that food gives us? If you don’t like broccoli, will you eat it with disgust, or try to make it taste more palatable with spices and sauce?

The deep connection between love and pleasure is clearly demonstrated by changes in the physical parameters of the body. When, after a long separation, we meet someone we loved before, our heart begins to pound, and our breathing quickens. A good movie or laughter can evoke a similar physiological response. Pleasured objects and activities stimulate the same parts of our body that respond to love.

The chemistry of love

They say that there is a "spark" of love, and people in love have good "chemistry". And these are not just metaphors. Of course, it is unromantic to remind of this, but it is still important to remember that we are animals with biological needs. I say this because one of the essential ingredients of falling in love is purely chemical.

When we love, specific nervous and chemical reactions take place in our body: hormones are released, nerve endings become more sensitive, heart rate increases, breathing quickens - all our senses become aggravated. Even body odor changes.

Since an important part of experiencing love involves these physical sensations, we can create love ourselves by replicating these responses.

It may seem that we are engaged in self-deception, but this is not so, because it is very difficult, if not impossible, to attract love into your life if you no longer love. By stimulating these ingredients and experiencing pleasure, you will enter a physical state that will attract others.

Become a love magnet!

Since pleasure is the first step towards falling in love, anything that gives pleasure, such as a massage, can become a starting point. By loving ourselves, we become open to other people and in fact become more attractive.

Pleasure is not only an end in itself - thanks to it we experience such a state that attracts love to us! On a purely biochemical level, when you experience pleasure, your body releases the same chemicals and hormones (serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins) as it does in the state of love.

Lovers attract love. Think about it. Leaving home in a bad mood or in a state of suspicion, you can hardly be attractive to the right person. People who are capable of experiencing pleasure are attracted to it. Pleasure at a deep level creates in us such a chemical state that tells the whole world around us that we are attractive. We are looking for love to enjoy. From an evolutionary perspective, enjoyment is a signal that we are "on the right track." Our bodies literally send signals that we are ready to both deliver and receive pleasure, and those who receive this signal try to get closer to us.

Focus on sensations that are pleasurable

No matter what situation you find yourself in, you can always focus on those aspects of it that bring pleasure. I hate washing dishes (very few people around the world would disagree with this), so when I have to do it, I don't think about the nefarious thing that I have to do, but focus on the aroma of the soap and the temperature of the water.

As you study the environment and activities for sources of pleasure, you will soon find that it has become a habit, and the result is a surprise: you will learn to enjoy life much more than before. By reconsidering the possibilities of achieving certain sensations, you will choose the most effective ways to enhance the experienced pleasure.

At first, it may seem that it is very difficult to actively seek pleasure and expect its manifestation. I realized how effective this technique is when, in especially difficult periods of my life, I had to do unpleasant and even painful actions. I had no time at all to do at least something that would give me pleasure, and when a tiny period of time did appear, I was so tired that I preferred just rest to everything else. I didn't want to turn into a working machine, and I decided to look for sources of joy in everything - from the simplest everyday situation to the most terrible. At times, my only consolation was that I was still able to withstand despite the circumstances.

In moments of unclouded happiness, for example, playing with my son or falling asleep, I tried to completely surrender to my feelings and not allow anything to interfere with this blissful state. I also tried to find ways to enhance the pleasure, such as sprinkling perfume on the pillows before bed and wearing silk pajamas, or making up games for my son, and enjoying just reading, cooking, or building Lego pieces at home.

Allow yourself to have fun

As long as you consciously allow your life to be enjoyable, most of it will be that way. In fact, pleasure can be found in any situation, although it may take some effort. For example, if you suddenly get the flu, think about not getting sick in the winter. Sometimes it’s worth pondering about the pleasure of another person or dreaming about achieving something incredible.

Pleasure is not limited to one characteristic and must be experienced continuously. Here is the question that should always stand before your intuition and be resolved both on the conscious and subconscious levels: "How can I feel pleasure at this moment?"

I know this is not at all as easy as it sounds. In the first exercise, we found that the process of creating a state of pleasure often requires solving deeper problems. It is especially difficult to create a state of pleasure when we feel emptiness and pain due to the absence of a loved one. We want to be loved, and we often suffer, sometimes we blame ourselves for everything, we feel unworthy or not deserving of love. Paradoxically, when we are in such a mental and emotional state, a similar physical state arises, which prevents us from being attractive, and therefore from finding love.

Sometimes we need to confront things that get in the way of enjoyment, such as depression or anxiety. If you are truly unable to find pleasure in anything, then you simply need help to cope with depression. Try experimenting, think of any activity: get a massage, do aromatherapy, have a cup of coffee with a friend, or just cry - just please yourself!

Develop the habit of having fun

You can learn to find pleasure in your daily activities, even if your life seems empty. Even if you consider your life unhappy, you still love something in it, something fascinates and attracts you. This is your starting point for love. Maybe you just enjoy looking at people in love and wanting the same for yourself. You must find within yourself that which will stimulate and support you.

Public opinion constantly associates love with lack of something. We're not good enough, not too rich. If you are overweight, but food gives you pleasure, if I were you, I would not exclude certain types of food from my diet (as is often done). On the contrary, I would advise you to cook one of your favorite dishes in large quantities and eat a tiny bite every half hour or whenever you want. Fewer calories and lots of fun.

A hard time is a good school. You may be surprised, but it was in the most difficult and lonely years of my life that I learned to find and appreciate many things that gave me pleasure:

During the crisis, I learned to be proud of my courage. I discovered skills and abilities in myself that I had never used in my life and that I would hardly have known about, and this allowed me to be proud of myself.

I managed to part with everything that was ballast in my life. This allowed me to spend time and energy only on the really important things.

I learned what a pleasure it is to sleep during the day. I learned to work and relax at the same time: interviewing on the phone, lying in bed, or doing business while watching my son play in the garden with his friends.

I know how to behave in times of unhappiness: allow yourself to cry, accept help from other people, and value the care as much as possible.

Whatever I thought about the injustice in life, I was able to admit that I had a happy destiny.

I got addicted to food; I buy the soap that I like the most (I love the coconut oil soap).

And it was during this difficult time that I met a person with whom I was able to experience love and pleasure as fully as never before and with anyone else.

Suffering is not a necessary prerequisite for pleasure, but even without it, you will need to consciously seek out what calms you, what is pleasant and delightful. In tough times, having fun is essential to being in a good mood (and keeping fit), so you can survive. Often we unknowingly seek out sources of pleasure. Therefore, we may not notice them or feel pleasure superficially.

Don't wait for tough times to start looking for a source of pleasure; then it becomes only a way to reduce suffering.

Remember forgotten pleasures

We are so busy and so often in a hurry that we can pass by what gives us true pleasure. I do not mean the fleeting joys of buying something new or the satisfaction of a job well done, but rather the thoughts, perceptions and sensations through which we are able to experience all the joy of life at a deep level.

You cannot deceive your pleasure centers. If you wear high heels because you want to look a certain way, but comfort is more important to you, then even the finest high heels will not please you. Or, for example, going to the theater gives one person pleasure, while another gets bored.

By doing the following exercise, you will again experience the feeling of pleasure, and this is the most important component of falling in love.

Exercise 2: Realize Your Pleasure

Before starting this exercise, find a place where you can sit or lie comfortably. Eliminate everything that can interfere with you; turn off your phone, put on your cozy pajamas, light candles - arrange everything so that you feel comfortable. You can keep records.

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Pay attention to the smells that surround you. What do you feel? As you inhale, notice which scents are pleasant and which are not.

As you continue to breathe, allow your intuition to pick out the scent you like best. Remember it.

Now explore the inside of the mouth: the tongue, the inside of the teeth, and the palate. How do your taste centers feel? Give your intuition the opportunity to taste the taste that is most pleasing to you.

As you inhale and exhale, look around you. What are you looking at? What exactly gives you pleasure? What worries you, what is stopping you? What colors, shapes or movements make you happy?

Now try to understand what exactly gives you the most pleasure. Listen to yourself. Notice what you hear around you - what pleases you and what annoys you. Let your intuition find the sound you enjoy the most.

Now study your body. Note what posture you are in and how you feel. Change position. Pay attention to the sensations of the scalp, nails, and hair. Feel your lashes and what makes them blink.

Day Laura (Laura)


Dedicated to my son Samson, named after the sun.

You shine brighter than your name.

Thank you.

introduction Bruno Del Rosso

I have known Laura Day for many years. Having met her, I experienced a tangible blow, immediately feeling that this young woman is the epicenter of some kind of radiant energy, the focus of probing waves that can penetrate any person or object. It seemed that her intuition sweeps away in the direction of secrets and penetrates into the essence of things. During my subsequent research into her unique abilities in Rome (some are described in this book), I collaborated with experts from various fields.

We carried out numerous experiments, and at each session Laura never ceased to amaze and perplex the invited scientists and journalists. She showed results that none of us could have foreseen.

It seemed that the spirit of the world mildly ridiculed our understanding of nature through Laura's insights into the essence of things.

Laura Day takes readers of this book by the hand and helps them reconnect with a lost or forgotten part of themselves. I sincerely hope that you will know the hidden essence and deep mechanisms of the world around you, if you allow yourself to freely and with an open mind follow its guidance. I am sure you will do it.

Foreword Demmy Moor

Do you believe in meaningful coincidences? Once in the evening. I came to a party hosted by my friend Rosanna.

Seeing me, she said: "There is a person with whom you must meet. Believe me, you definitely need to get to know her." Without the slightest hesitation, I followed her through the humming crowd. Surrounded by an audience completely captivated by her, a diminutive, almost ephemeral woman with piercing blue eyes sat at the table. This penetration was determined not by their color or shape, but by the depth of her gaze. There seemed to be no limit to what she saw.

We had a pleasant conversation. However, I soon noticed that we were talking about something that only my closest friends could know. Even more intriguing were her comments on subjects that I had never discussed with anyone. I got really curious and inquired about her profession. She answered. that I would not like to talk about it, because I could never find a suitable name for her, but she assured me that her activities are absolutely legal.

Our conversation was very brief, but even in those few minutes I felt that calm sense of self-sufficiency that she seemed to possess. To be honest, there have never been more wonderful meetings in my life than meeting Laura Day. At that time, I really felt that everything that I needed in my life was in front of me, I just had to stretch my hand. I had just got married, was expecting my first child and generally felt invulnerable. I was seething with unrestrained energy, but I had to admit that sometimes I overdid it and needed some kind of restrictions.

At the end of that first meeting, Laura took my hand and said that she would like to remind me: I am exactly where I should be, and all I need now is a little patience, and the rest will follow. I knew right away that she was talking about my career. The child and the new marriage happily pushed work into the background, but even at that moment it was still very important to me. I think that subconsciously I was worried, but not enough to consider it a problem and discuss it with someone. Her words were a great comfort to me and reminded me of the joys of everyday life.

The next time I met Laura after the birth of my daughter, my career slowly started to pick up steam again. I just finished filming "The Phantom" and a few more films have been launched. One of them, "The Butcher's Wife", required a consultation with a medium - to ensure the accuracy of the script, and since I understood what Laura's profession was, I immediately chose her.

Paramount Pictures appreciated her undoubted contribution to the film, and I myself had the opportunity to better understand her gift.

During the filming of the film, we spent many hours together working on cues. Suddenly, at the end of one of the first sessions, Laura dropped that since I was not ready to have another child, I should be careful in the next few months. Well, I could only laugh, because at that moment my husband was filming a film on the other side of the world, in Rome. I said that there was no cause for concern, but thanked for the warning. During the filming, Laura mentioned it again or two, but then let the events take their course, completely immersed in the work, but sometimes she still gave out pieces of information concerning me, and I wrote them down on my copy of the script. All this was very exciting and had nothing to do with what was happening at that time, so I just collected them, not focusing on it, and was engaged in actual work - filming a film.

Unaware of Laura's warning months earlier, my husband returned in the last three weeks of my filming, having finished his own. Laura and I agreed on the last episode in the script, and I had a happy and passionate meeting with my husband. When I saw Laura again, the first thing she asked me was, “Are you pregnant?” Seeing the bewildered smile on my face, she exclaimed, “Congratulations!” She knew! This turned out to be true.

When I started writing this introduction to Laura's wonderful book, I had to rummage through those short notes that were written on the script, looking for something that would help me better explain the impressions of her intuitive ability. Laura never ceases to amaze me to this day. In my scattered notes, I found more than predicting the meaning of cover photography, which has profoundly influenced how people perceive me. The main thing is that she predicted that my main professional successes will not begin until I step over thirty - much to my chagrin (I wrote this down when I was only twenty-seven!). Now, at thirty-three, I can see that everything Laura said has come true: several of the most important films of my career have been made in recent years. Pondering now both ups and downs, I feel that everything is just beginning - at least I hope so ...

Laura Day is a wonderful woman with wonderful abilities, but for me the most important thing is different: she didn’t teach me to believe in myself, in my own intuition.

Indeed, intuition is nothing more than an internal mechanism that helps you when you make decisions. This is what some of us call the gut feeling, the instinct, the voice that guides you in one direction or another. The main question is not what this intuition is and how it works, but whether we want to trust it and ourselves or not. Trusting my intuition and guided by my instincts, I survived; but it’s so easy to let a lot of external "garbage" get in the way, make us seek approval from the outside, take comfort in the fact that we are doing the right thing, instead of looking inside ourselves for the right answer. But this is how we really achieve something in life, and the more I trusted my feelings and intuition, the more I began to believe in myself.

Problems arise when we begin to doubt our intuition, we resist it, because it can lead us in a direction that we do not want to go. Then everything turns into a struggle with oneself, which usually leads to a useful learning experience as a result of making a choice, no matter what, just a choice, but one that will certainly lead to a new struggle with oneself. Why do we torture ourselves in this way? Mostly because we lack the skill and information, but primarily because we allow fear and lack of faith in ourselves to rule our lives.

If there is anything important I can say about my own journey, it is that we are not destined to do it alone. In search of answers, I am. I met wonderful people who have about the same gift as Laura. Like her, these people use their gift to benefit others. I appreciated Laura's commitment to educating people and taking their fear out of them. Her practical guide - this book - can teach you how to use intuition in all areas of your life, and how you can regain your personal strength instead of giving up on it. Enjoy your journey and consider this book nothing more than a road map.

Dedicated to my son Samson,
named after the sun.
You shine brighter than your name.
Thank you.
Opening remarks by Bruno del Rosso .......................................... 7
Foreword by Demi Moore ............................................... .......................... 7
Seven Steps of Intuitive Development .............................................. eleven
1. How I became an intuitive ............................................ ....................... 12
2. What intuition can do for you .......................................... . eighteen
3. Finding out what really matters to you ......................... 26
4. You are granted the fulfillment of three wishes .................................... 32
5. Without further ado ............................................. .............. 37
6. The art of asking questions ............................................. ......... 41
7. Congratulations on your first intuitive discovery .......................................... ............................................... 52
8. You already know everything ............................................ ................................ 56
9. Shift of Attention: Opening Intuition .................................... 63
10. There are no coincidences ............................................. .................... 68
11. Remembering how to pretend .......................................... 75
12. Isn't it scary to rely on intuition .................................... 88
13. Intuition is knowledge without knowing that
As you know............................................... ...................................... 93
14. The relationship of intuition to others
"mental" phenomena .............................................. ...... 101
15. Find your intuitive state .................................. 104
16. In the beginning there was a question ............................................. ..................... 112
17.You first used yourself
to help intuition ............................................... ...................... 118
18. Appreciating Your First Try .......................................... 124
19. Intuition can tell you everything
what you want to know .............................................. .................... 127
20. Understanding your unique
intuitive vocabulary ................................................ ................. 131
21. Setting a framework for our intuitive perception ............ 135
22. Your Intuitive Vocabulary: What Clues
what about the time you receive? .........., ....................................... ..... 143
23. Your intuitive vocabulary: answering questions that require an answer "yes" or "no" ............................... .......... 150
24. Developing your style of intuitive perception ............... 156
25. Formally use intuition
for. yourself or your friends .............................................. ..... ... 160
26. Using Intuition to Accept
best solution ................................................ ................ 174
27. Intuition in your
professional activity .............................................. 178
28. Using intuition in personal life ........................... 182
29. A final look at your three questions ................................. 188
30. Selected considerations about intuition
and the state of our world .............................................. ........... 191
31. How to transform any person in five minutes
into your own medium .............................................. .. 198

Day Laura "Self-study guide for the development of intuition"

Dedicated to my son Samson,
named after the sun.
You shine brighter than your name.
Thank you.

Scientific meeting
Dinner is over. The glasses are refilled with champagne and the audience awaits the start of the demonstration. The large living room has a beautiful mosaic floor and is full of magnificent works of art. Large windows offer a familiar panoramic view of Rome against a gloomy early spring day. She recognizes the Vatican and the Spanish Steps in the distance, and then turns to face the crowd. She is very tiny, elf-like, and although she is twenty-one, she could easily be mistaken for a French schoolgirl. The girl's blonde hair falls over her shoulders.
She is dressed in a blue and white dress and sits with her legs hidden under a pleated skirt. The girl is completely drowned in the soft pillows of the huge brocade couch, so that the blue low-heeled shoes do not even reach the floor.
The girl is nervous - she has never before appeared in front of a group, especially before a meeting of such serious scientists as these. Around her are several dozen well-dressed psychologists, doctors and other specialists. Journalists are ready to take notes. The girl examines the objects lying in front of her on the richly decorated table. She sees many sealed envelopes and identical small closed boxes containing items brought by those present. The envelopes and boxes are unmarked, so no one in the room knows which box or envelope contains his or her item.
Dr. del Rosso sits next to the girl, holding her hand soothingly. She smiles. With his pointed gray beard, he reminds her of the wizard Merlin. They all sit down. The audience is silent when Dr. del Rosso randomly selects one of the closed boxes and gives it to the girl. She casts a glance at the box for a moment, then gazes into the distance, as if collecting her thoughts. While she is doing this, Dr. del Rosso sets a microphone on the table and turns on the tape recorder.
“March twenty-first, one thousand nine hundred and eight-ten,” he says in Italian. He turns the microphone towards the young woman. She starts:
“I can see air coming in and out of small holes ... and making sounds.
She speaks slowly, Italian is not her first language. She speaks it fluently, but often thinks about it in order to more accurately convey the shades of her impressions. Journalists write something in their journalist notebooks.
- Wood and metal ... The man was very sad when he bought this ... He was going somewhere where ... he did not want to go ... He is lonely, he is far from his family. However, the object makes very pleasant sounds.
The girl pauses when she finishes and returns the unopened box to Dr. del Rosso.
“Whose box is this?” He asks the audience.
“Hmm, I think it's mine,” Dr. Kosko says uncertainly from the back of the room.
- Did she identify your subject? Do you want to ask her about something?
“Signorina,” says Dr. Cosco, “please open the box.
The girl opens it and takes out a harmonica made of wood and metal. She hands it to Dr. del Rosso, who lifts it up so everyone can see. Those present gasp and gasp, appreciating the accuracy of the description of the subject by the young woman. Dr. Kosko talks about the importance of this harmonica for him: “I bought it when I was leaving for the army and took it with me to keep me company. go to the army, because I left so much behind ... "He sinks into his memories, and Dr. del Rosso continues the demonstration.
“Give her another box,” he says to the assistant. She takes an oblong case and hands it to the young woman. This time the girl shakes her head. Dr. del Rosso's assistant nods in agreement.
“I don’t want to touch this box. It may be just my imagination, but the thing feels like a knife.
Raising his eyebrows, Dr. del Rosso invites the assistant to open the box. She pulls out a paper cutter. Ooh and ooh again, the venerable doctors stroking their gray beards and nodding in understanding.
- Who brought the photo?
The old professor takes out a sealed envelope and hands it to the assistant, who, in turn, hands it to the girl. By this time, she had taken off her shoes and pulled up her knees, taking a more comfortable position. Before she can speak, another professor interrupts her.
“How do you do it?” He asks excitedly.
- I do not know...
She has not yet finished her answer, and the questioner is already beginning to expound a complex scientific hypothesis of the nature of the girl's abilities, attributing them to the stress experienced - trauma in early childhood. Dr. del Rosso interrupts his "explanation":
- I ask you to.
Everyone is waiting in fascination for the young woman to speak.
- This is a woman. She is young in the photo, but I think she is old now ... I can hear French. There is a lot of iron in the house; someone is working with iron ... I see a lot of pictures around a woman, but I can smell iron.
Dr. del Rosso asks viewers if they would like to ask questions. Dr. Pucci steps forward:
- Does she live alone? She is married?
- Yes, she is married ... No, maybe not. No. She lives with a man, but it doesn't feel like ... they ...
The girl looks to the side in difficulty. She wants to say that she does not feel like a man and a woman are in an intimate relationship, but she does not know how to express it delicately.
- Maybe a relative ... He is older ... Perhaps now he is no longer alive. She is an artist. A man works with iron ... No, they are not married. She was never married ... Now she lives alone. Her back hurts, it makes her gait strange ... She is already old. I want to see her.
The girl starts to open the envelope, but Dr. del Rosso stops her:
- Wait, maybe Professor Pucci has more questions.
“No, I want to see her now,” the girl declares unexpectedly insistently. She opens the envelope and takes out a yellowed photograph of a beautiful young woman.
Dr. Pucci addresses the audience:
“This is a photograph of my sister. Signorina, please show me a photograph. Thank you. Of course, the picture was taken a long time ago, when we were much younger. My father worked with metal until he got sick. His sister looked after him all the time. He died in our ancestral home.
“But French, she said she heard French,” someone shouts.
“Our home is in the south of France,” says Dr. Pucci. - My sister was an artist, she was never married.
The girl looks at the photograph with a gentle smile.
“She was so lovely,” she says, as if to herself. - It's a pity ... I like this woman.
Dr. del Rosso addresses the guests, speaking of the girl sitting next to him:
- Demonstrating such amazing abilities for extrasensory perception, she can not explain her skill, because, probably, she always possessed it. He cannot, of course, analyze his abilities. Dr. Lagambina and I have certain assumptions about the reasons for this unusual personality development. Some developmental aspects are obvious, although we have not investigated psychological or physiological
possibilities that can detect function - or dysfunction, if you will - of this type ...
The girl did not seem to be listening: she was staring at an old shabby photograph, thinking of Dr. Pucci's dark-haired sister.
Fifteen years have passed since that day, but I remember it as if everything happened yesterday. As you might have guessed, that girl on the couch was me. I've been tested many times. Subsequently, I made a career as a practicing intuition (I prefer this word to the more common but misleading esoteric definition of "medium").
I wrote this book to show you how you can develop the abilities that I have used since childhood.
Discovery of talent
I am often asked how I became an intuitive. It's like asking a one-legged person how he learned to jump on one leg. If you have lost a leg, you are forced to develop and use the other.
In my case, the missing "finiteness" was knowledge and skills that help me to cope prematurely with the role of an adult, which fell to me in connection with family difficulties. Like any other child, I did not have the emotional and intellectual maturity required to act like an adult. As compensation, my intuitive abilities developed greatly. I used intuition as a survival tool, and it served me faithfully.
I can’t remember a time when I didn’t get strong intuitive impressions. When I was 12 years old, my mother fell into a coma and no one expected that she would come out of her. I was sure she would recover. Although I was not told about the specifics of her condition, I had a clear feeling that she was not doing well.
Every day, when I came to the hospital, I felt an instinctive need to breathe in a certain way - until my body became very warm. With my inner gaze, I could see parts of her body that needed treatment, and I sent
to them this warmth, this energy. After two weeks, the mother came out of the coma and began to recover. She told me that, being in a coma, she felt like I was pulling her back. Subsequently, I became bolder to convey the information received to people in need, and although, of course, I never thought to make this occupation a profession, I did not have time for anything else, so
that everything was decided by itself. As is often the case with children, as a teenager, I did not realize that others did not perceive the world the way I did. It soon became clear, however, that if I express all the ideas that "came into my head", then others find me strange at best, and at worst start to fear me.
These abilities, of course, were never encouraged by my family. I grew up in a family of three generations of medicine. Although my father respected my faith in what I do and the choice of my own path in life, I am sure that he would have chosen a more traditional profession for me.
They say when the student is ready, the teacher appears. As I reached adolescence, I became "ready" and many teachers and mentors entered my life. I was fortunate to meet many different people, both from the spiritualist and from the scientific community, who helped me realize that my perception is a useful and not so unusual ability that must be developed and used morally and responsibly.
My grandmother told me how, when she was young, she helped my grandfather carry out medical research in the laboratory. Her knowledge of medicine was not great, so her job was mainly cleaning and helping with small things. Nevertheless, if it happened that the result of the experiment puzzled the grandfather, the grandmother found the solution: it came to her "from nowhere."
Apparently, the ability for intuitive cognition accumulated in my family. At the time of my grandmother, however, such abilities were better kept secret. I am happy that now intuition is not only favored but appreciated.
When I was in my early twenties, I did my first intuition training session. What was just a useful ability before then suddenly became my "official" profession. Now I will share with you all that I have learned over the past three decades, and I will help you to rediscover the talent that you have always had.
End of an era
With the approach of the beginning of the third millennium, the limitations of logic, rational approach and "scientific method" as the only means of directing our life, becomes more and more obvious. More and more, the world is turning to ways of perception and understanding that do not rely on data provided by our senses. These modes are intuition and faith. The over-reliance on "linear" thinking that characterizes the modern era is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history. Perhaps its greatest exponent was the great philosopher of the French Enlightenment, René Descartes. He continued the tradition of rationalism, rooted in ancient Greece. But remember that ancient Greece - the birthplace of logic, philosophy, the origins of the scientific method - was also the land of the Delphic oracle. The ancient Greeks recognized that rational thinking is incomplete and needs to be supported by intuition. By the end of this book, you will see that the intuitive method can be at least as rigorous as the "scientific" method.
Newly Discovered Intuition
In the days of rationalism, intuition had a dubious reputation. The generally accepted common sense removed from her as from something incomprehensible, mystical, unreliable - and, therefore, related to the sphere of competence of women. Men, on the other hand (to the extent that they are generally allowed to be intuitives) have "premonitions" or "instincts", "feel in their gut."
These are all myths and misconceptions. Women are not more intuitive than men. Perhaps because intuition is not seen as a rational process, it is attributed to women, while rational thinking is assumed to be the domain of the male mind. In fact, professions traditionally considered “feminine” require very little intuition.
I wrote this book to show you that men and women are equally intuitive and equally equipped to use this powerful tool in their daily lives.
How I Use Intuition
I have been a practicing intuition in the US and Europe for nearly two decades. My intuitive abilities have been confirmed by research from university professors on two continents. By the way, intuition is simply a person who deliberately uses intuition in their daily professional and personal life. I say "consciously" uses because, as it will soon become clear, you are constantly using your intuition at the subconscious level.
While intuition seems intangible, let me assure you that it can be used for purely practical purposes. With the practice this book will give you, intuition can be used to obtain accurate, tangible, reliable, in a word, useful information.
The people I consult are eminently practical. I have worked with doctors, lawyers, politicians, businessmen, as well as actors and celebrities whose names you would surely recognize.
I have used intuition in every conceivable application;
to find missing people in places I've never seen;
to analyze stock prices, predict the price of gold and the Dow Jones index six months in advance;
diagnose diseases that puzzled doctors, predict the effectiveness of new drugs;
develop strategies of conduct in court and anticipate questions from opposing lawyers;
for fun and profit - in the bets on the race.
You can do the same.
You might be wondering how it could be - for me to be an expert in so many fields. In fact, apart from the medical sciences, I know practically nothing. As you will soon see, the less you know about something, the more effectively your intuition comes into play!
Investor invests millions of dollars relying on his intuition
George Soros is undisputedly the greatest investor of all time. If you were lucky enough to invest with it 25 years ago, you would see it double every two or three years! Soros is famous for the fact that as an investor he earned as much in one year as no one else did - $ 650 million. To make that kind of profit, you would normally need to invest billions of dollars.
If you ask finance professors at any business school if someone can systematically exceed the market averages, they will answer that it is mathematically and scientifically impossible; This may be true if you base your decisions only on mathematics or science. But obviously Soros is not doing that.
In his recent book Soros on Soros, he answers the question whether he used a formal (ie quantitative, scientific, objective) procedure to reduce losses when the situation was not in his favor, and how he knew that things would go worse. Here is his answer:
“I feel pain. I rely heavily on animal instincts. When I was actively running the Foundation, my back hurt. I interpreted the onset of acute pain as a signal that something was wrong with my affairs. Back pain told me what exactly is wrong (say, bottom
the back is for short-term investments, the left shoulder is for currency), but it encouraged me to look for problems, which I might not otherwise do. This is certainly not the most scientific way to manage investments. "
This way of doing business may not be scientific, but Soros's incredible success cannot be denied. I am not suggesting that you take your money from the bank where it is kept if you get up tomorrow morning with back pain. Keep in mind that Soros is an astute thinker who deeply analyzes the economic, political and psychological climate before investing. It is captivating that he trusts his intuition when she tells him that logic is wrong. You can learn to do the same.
Why I Wrote This Book.
It is not my goal to make you an intuitive practitioner. Rather, I want to show you how to use intuition in your daily professional and personal life. The part of my job that I1 enjoy the most is teaching people to rediscover and develop their natural intuitive abilities.
I'll show you how you can use your intuition to improve every area of ​​your daily life. I will show you how to use it to recover lost information about the past, to obtain unknown information about the present, or to predict events in the future.
Intuition can give you the ability to be lucky and active in any situation. As the world becomes more and more specialized, it becomes more and more difficult to stay informed about everything, we leave the experts and the specialist out there who "know best" to make decisions - doctors, lawyers, auto mechanics or insurance agents.
With the help of intuition, you will be able to remain competent and in control of these areas of your life. I’ll show you how you can gain practical knowledge about everything, whether it’s a medical issue you don’t know anything about, or a car breakdown whose insides are inaccessible. Moreover, intuition will improve the decision-making process. I will show you how to combine your intuition with feelings and judgments - this will immeasurably increase the value of your decisions.
Intuition should be an integral part of your life like morning exercises or meditation. Using it will improve both your thinking and your emotional self.
This is a practical book
This is not a spiritualistic or esoteric book about the mystical use of intuition. It is also not a theoretical book for philosophers, psychologists, or others with a simple analytical interest in the subject (although I expect they will find my advice provoking thought).
Does intuition work? Yes! How it works, I still do not know, although later I will offer you some thoughts on this matter. Fortunately, we don't need to know how intuition works to apply intuition.
No, this book is about using gut feeling to answer the burning questions of everyday life. This book provides everything you need to fully develop your intuitive potential. And I will hold your hand every step of the way. Practice leads to perfection. You will develop your intuition by consciously putting it into practice, not just reading about it. Reading is primarily an intellectual act, and your rational mind can interfere with your intuitive mind.
You will need to do some exercises, the same ones that I have used in my seminars for almost twenty years. I know they work; they are also enjoyable to perform.
So that you can compare your results with others, I will give you examples of typical responses from my listeners. I consider it obligatory to give typical answers, "errors", etc.
What do you need
To get more out of the intuition exercises in this book, you'll need a tape recorder. It is best to practice using your intuition the way you would use it in real life. This usually means speaking loudly, rather than writing on paper, so that a tape recorder can record your answers for later decoding.
Another advantage of speaking loudly is that it leaves your reflective mind less time to interfere with your intuitive process. You can jot down the exercises right away, but since speaking continuously is better, most people have a hard time writing fast enough to keep up with their intuitive impressions. In fact, being able to keep up with your impressions is a sure sign that a person is not intuitive.
Because you will be doing many of the exercises in the chapters that follow, you will find it helpful to use a voucher pad. Be sure to use the new page for each exercise so you can easily compare your work on different
exercises. Choose a notebook that has pockets to keep your work in one place. Once you have recorded your answers on a tape recorder, you can later decipher them and write them down in a notebook.
How This Book Is Compiled
Most of the chapters in this book are short; they are intended as complete "exercises". I have scattered the exercises throughout the text and arranged them in a specific sequence - each of them lays the foundation for the next. Don't miss anything, start over and read everything.
You may not always understand what I am asking you to do
From time to time I will ask you to do an exercise that will only become clear after a few chapters. Some people experience discomfort from this - despite this, you need to go through the entire process from start to finish. Trust me, if you do the exercises in good faith, you will get what you need from them - even if you don’t understand what you are being asked to do.
If you please, disregard my recommendations.
Once again, this is a practical book. The only way to develop your intuition is to use it. The chapter texts will teach you about intuition, satisfying your curiosity and answering the most common questions. It is possible, however, to develop intuition without understanding what you are doing and why. I'm not kidding when I say that you can (if you are short on time and need to read this book fluently) skip the text and limit yourself to the exercises.
Do not hurry
Using this book to develop intuition is like body gymnastics. When you do the exercises, you increase your ability to use your intuition for practical purposes. Each exercise focuses on a different intuitive ability, such as noticing, expressing, or integrating information. In essence, you are teaching your unconscious self to present to the conscious mind the elements that make up the "reading" - the intuitive impression, so that it can use them.
Try not to read this book in one sitting. Re-discovering and developing your intuition will not happen overnight. In fact, many exercises, despite their simplicity, should be done every day.
Don't peep the answers!
Many of the exercises in this book have answers. As you review your work on a particular exercise, try not to let your gaze wander. Even a quick glance is enough for your subconscious mind to read the information that - for this we are striving - your intuition should open.
Remember to take care of yourself
Over the coming days and weeks, you will be working very hard, exercising those abilities that you might not have used before. Your mind and body will need the rest and care you can give them.
Pay as much attention to the underlying things as possible. Take a walk. Exercise, Stretch. Get a massage.
Now let's get started. Since this book will help you develop and use intuition in your life, in the next chapter I will ask you to realize your goals, values, and priorities.
This book will help you answer self-directed questions. Indeed, only you can answer the last questions of your life. It always amazes me that we expect disciplines like philosophy, religion or intuition to answer questions like "What is the meaning of life?" After all, we do not think that the individual "I" that created these sciences can answer something simple like "Will the price of gold rise in February?", Or "Where the hell did I leave the car keys?" or, more seriously, "How can I improve my relationships with people?"
It is these little questions that make up life.
What do you mean?
It was once said that the life of each individual is reduced to one single question. Your life is the living of this question, the search for the answer to it and its personal significance. Defining this basic question involves asking and answering many preliminary questions. Gradually, you will begin to understand all the interrelationships of these issues and finally reduce them to one. You will do this not by obtaining information from empirical sources, but by asking yourself and extracting information to the surface that you did not know you had.
Answering the question with a question that reveals even more truth is a fundamental position of many religious traditions (Jewish, Jesuit or Zen). It is in reaching deep, fruitful questions that meaning is revealed, and the questioner moves to the next level of understanding. Questions lead us to unfamiliar places and then make them familiar. An astute psychotherapist once told me, "You want to answer questions that only you could think of to ask." At that time, I decided that he was claiming my intellectual superiority. But then I came to understand that certain questions are so intricately linked to our personality that the answers can only come from us, from within. This is often the last place we look for them.
The function of intuition is to guide us to these answers. The function of the mind and heart is to formulate questions.