Baubles for the New Year with straight weaving. How to weave baubles from floss threads: starting from scratch

Baubles are the friendliest decoration

Hand made jewelry is a constant trend that has been decorating the collections of famous designers for several seasons now. Handmade rings, earrings, and bracelets are always exclusive; they contain the warmth of the master’s hands, a piece of his soul. Agree, this is a powerful motivation to start crafting immediately. Baubles are the friendliest decoration; such accessories are original, distinctive and enchantingly beautiful. To learn how to weave designer accessories, you need to master the ABCs of making and learn to read the patterns of baubles with oblique weaving. As you know, there are only two methods for making baubles: straight and oblique. Beginner fenkoweavers are advised to master the art by starting with the oblique method.

There are many ways to decorate an image. Designer accessories will help reveal individuality, translate ideas into elegant reality, attract attention, emphasizing excellent taste. Making baubles with oblique weaving is the easiest way to realize your creative plans.

Stylish bauble with oblique weave

Looking at multi-colored bracelets, many find it difficult to believe in themselves. The pattern has been found, the threads have been purchased, where to start? A few practical tips will help you understand how to weave baubles with oblique weaving:

  1. Let's prepare the material. Standard oblique weaving of baubles is considered the easiest way to make a fashion accessory. The thread should be strong, of sufficient length, evenly colored in one tone.

It is very important to choose high-quality materials for weaving


When measuring threads for a bracelet, you need to follow the 1:4 algorithm; the length of the components should be 4 times longer than the finished product.

  1. Learning to tie knots. The aesthetics of the finished decoration depends on the ability to correctly tie one or another element. The knots should be the same, tightly tied, weaving into a beautiful combination, which is illustrated by the chosen pattern of the bauble.
  2. Learning to read a drawing. For weaving baubles, patterns are an aid not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen. At first, a ready-made bauble pattern can be used, but over time, any master will have a desire to create his own unique designs.

Basic knots for weaving baubles

By following basic advice, many questions will disappear by themselves, leaving space for limitless imagination and the creative process of weaving.

A little practice and an incredible stylish accessory is ready


For any method, schematic images are the basis for weaving a bauble. There are several common symbols that appear in each figure:

  • Letters. The order of the threads is indicated by Latin characters or Cyrillic, and each element is indicated by its own letter.
  • Numbers. They are located vertically in the figure, indicating the serial number of the row.
  • Mugs. This is how the nodules are designated. The color of the circle corresponds to the thread that is leading in tying the element.
  • Straight arrows. Symbols indicate direction. They will tell you in which direction this thread needs to be thrown.
  • Angular arrows. The upper part will determine the left-right direction. We look at the segment, determine the direction, and then tie a knot in the same way.
Weaving pattern for a bauble bracelet
Using the previous scheme, you can create a real masterpiece
These bracelets will be an excellent addition to your look.

As you can see, reading the diagram is not a matter of incomprehensible complexity. Go for it, because in any business, mastery comes with experience.

A selection of master classes

Mastery in the art of weaving baubles is determined by the ability to work with a large number of components. Experienced craftsmen know how to weave threads into patterns using up to 10 threads at a time.

For beginners, it is better to start with a smaller amount, for example, using 6 threads. Even a beginner can weave a beautiful bauble using the oblique method.

An example of a simpler bauble for beginners
A little imagination and a stylish accessory is ready

For the work you will need beautiful threads; colors are chosen according to the taste of the needlewoman. We start the process by securing the threads on the work surface, it can be a pillow, a tablet, a board with a stationery pin.

We weave a zigzag

This master class will help you create an unusual decoration with a zigzag textured pattern.

ZIGZAG pattern
Wide bauble with a zigzag pattern

Weaving algorithm:

  • We select 5 colored threads. Each length is at least 1 meter. We collect it in a bun, tie it at the end with a knot, and secure it to the work surface.
  • We lay out the individual components and make sure that the order in the first strand strictly corresponds to the order in the second strand.
  • We begin to knit a combination of elements. First we connect the two threads on the right. Then with the next component we make two knots to the right.
  • We are already knitting three knots in the same direction. Let's gradually connect all the components. This results in nine multi-colored stripes.
  • In a similar way, we alternately connect all the threads with knots, but moving in the opposite direction.

We repeat the entire algorithm until the end of weaving, obtaining a bright zigzag pattern.

Classic pattern

The combination of black, white, red in a laconic design is an unchanging classic of style. If desired, you can use any other colors, but the weaving algorithm remains unchanged:

Bauble braid in contrasting colors
A simple version of the bauble braid
  1. Take 6 threads, 2 of each color. The length of the components is at least 1 meter.

The classic braid is the basis of oblique weaving. It is with this that it is recommended to begin your acquaintance with the art of creating baubles from threads.

  1. We tie all the threads into a knot, braiding it. Next, we knit a knot, connecting the outer threads of the same color. We make two knots on each thread.
  2. Without letting go of the outer thread, we tie knots, connecting it and each other component in turn.
  3. Let's take the next thread, but of a different color, doing the same work.
  4. We complete the combination by tying knots with a thread of the third color.

We continue the entire weaving cycle, at the end we tie all the strands again with a classic braid. Once you get the hang of knitting knots one color at a time, you can add a few more colors.

Elegant bracelet

Handmade jewelry is always beautiful, original and exclusive.

We offer a master class on creating an elegant floss bauble for special occasions. The algorithm is as follows:

  • We select 6 threads of three different shades. Each length is at least 2 meters. Fold them in half, tie them at the end and secure. We arrange it in such a way that 4 threads of each color follow each other in order.
  • We alternately tie the outermost thread on the right with the rest from the same color scheme. We repeat the maneuver, but with those components that are located on the left.
  • We will tie the two central parts with a simple double knot, and then we will connect the remaining two with the adjacent ones.
  • Let's tie the two central parts into a knot again. And on the right and left we will repeat the maneuver, connecting each other alternately.
  • Separately, we intertwine the two central threads with adjacent strands so as to form an English letter V.

By repeating the combinations until the end of the product, we will end up with an unusually delicate and elegant pattern.

Lace bauble

Once you have mastered the technique of recognizing bias weave patterns, you can get creative by creating your own beautiful pattern patterns.

A bright bracelet will not go unnoticed

Starting with the simplest examples for beginners, you can create entire original collections as gifts for yourself, family and friends.

Weaving bracelets is a fun activity
Fenichka is always a wonderful gift

Everyone has at least once encountered a person wearing a bauble. This small wicker bracelet is a symbol of friendship and peace, and it is not without reason that it has a foreign name “Friendship bracelet”. The history of this simple but stylish decoration began among the Indians of North America, who gave ropes woven in a special way to their friends. It was believed that the longer the bauble is kept on the hand, the stronger the friendship between people. Not torn, but to be independently removed from the hand, symbolized the end of friendly relations, and was one of the most powerful insults. The secret of how to weave baubles from threads was passed down from century to century, until in the early 60s of the last century these bracelets became one of the symbols of hippies and spread throughout the world.

In addition to friendship between people, baubles symbolize a person’s interests and passions. For those who know how to read the secrets of the threads of these cute bracelets, they will reveal a lot about their owners. The picture or pattern depicted and the color of the threads are both important. A widely known example is that if a guy and a girl have the same or very similar baubles on their hands, then these young people are a couple.

Gradually, the original meaning of exchanging baubles was lost, but they did not lose their popularity. These bracelets are a universal decoration and therefore now they can be seen not only on representatives of the hippie subculture or the hands of little needlewomen, but also on secular fashionistas and fashionistas. Baubles made from floss always add brightness and special color to an image.

The easiest way is to push the finished thread onto the wrong side of the product, leaving enough thread to later tie a knot.

We apply a thread of the same color to the tear site from the wrong side

And then we tie this thread with standard two knots.

From the wrong side, we tie the ended thread with the one that was just inserted.

The junction of the threads is hidden, and weaving can continue further.


Every girl remembers how, as a child, she and her friends wove cute baubles, which she wore with pleasure, put on her mother, gave to her friends, and simply kept in her magic chest. But time passes, and children's hobbies disappear into the past, and even the simplest designs of baubles are forgotten. They are being replaced by more expensive jewelry, and for some reason beads remain on the sidelines.

But this is wrong, if only because bead products look very beautiful and elegant. And no matter how it may seem that this is a childish hobby, you can easily challenge such a misconception. A lot of beautiful jewelry is made from beads, so using such jewelry for everyday use is very necessary.

It’s worth saying a little more about the benefits of baubles. They are very bright and expressive, which allows them to be combined with a variety of clothes. For example, you should dress very brightly, because such a large-scale holiday happens once a year, so New Year's baubles will add color to the created image and lift the spirits of everyone around you.

In addition, 2012 passes under the sign of the Dragon, and everyone knows that it prefers a constant holiday, an abundance of flowers, shine and shimmer. This will not only allow you to carry a great festive night mood throughout the year, but will also make the look fashionable and carefree.

New Year's baubles can be purchased in the store, but it is best to make them yourself, filling them with your own energy and choosing the most suitable design. You can vary the patterns of baubles and their thickness, making the bracelet stylish and modern.

In order to weave baubles, you will need a thin but strong fishing line, beads of different colors and a little imagination. To weave baubles, you need to master a simple pattern in which weaving starts from one end, while choosing the thickness of the bracelet, you need to monitor the change in the pattern. First, the required number of beads is put on, for example, six - this is the thickness of the bauble. Next, you should put six more beads of the desired color on the thread on one side and thread the second end of the thread into the same beads, but from the last one put on to the first. Thus, you will get two rows of the future bauble. The remaining rows are woven in a similar manner in accordance with the selected bauble pattern.

New Year's baubles can be decorated with a Christmas tree, toys, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, mistletoe or sleighs, candles or deer. The imagination must certainly awaken at the right moment, and you can try to find weaving patterns on the Internet. And then, it won’t be difficult to weave New Year’s baubles.

If you remember from childhood how to make baubles correctly, then you can safely praise yourself for such a unique ability. Otherwise, it won’t take long to refresh your memory of the technique. To do this, you need to stock up on the necessary materials and devote several evenings to an exciting activity.

To simplify the work of beading, you may need a special machine that allows you to weave wide bracelets with complex patterns evenly. This will greatly facilitate the work and reduce the weaving time.

In any case, bead weaving is a very exciting process that quickly becomes captivating. You can choose just such a pastime. All girlfriends will not only have a great time with carefree and cheerful chatter, but will also compete in their former beading abilities.

In addition, it is easy to involve children in this activity, who really like to tinker with colored beads. But the children must be over three years old; little ones should not be given such small details.

In general, the time spent making baubles will linger in the memory for a long time, because childhood years leave an indelible impression on everyone’s life, and weaving baubles cannot be erased from the past. This kind of activity is not only interesting, it allows you to realize things that have been trying to come out over the years.

The older a person gets, the more he wants to do some creative things, and weaving baubles from beads is just such an activity. It’s not for nothing that many people devote their whole lives to it, because iridescent and multi-colored beads can bring shine, brightness and a great mood to their routine. So you shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of doing what you love for an hour.