How to color lips correctly for any occasion. A complete guide to lip color

Lips are a question that does not require long research or special research. Give a girl lipstick and she will instantly create juicy, full lips that require kisses. In the meantime, look back at the women passing by in a crowded place. Only a few of you will see a competently and neatly executed make-up. It turns out that lip makeup is not so easy as it seems at first glance. In this article, we will answer the questions of the correct application of cosmetics on the lips, consider how to prepare them for makeup and how to correct their shape with the help of cosmetics.

What not to do with lip makeup

Before we tell you in detail how to paint your lips correctly, we will tell you about the most common makeup mistakes. They are made by both beginners in the make-up business and those who have been working in this industry for a long time and wield a makeup brush dexterously and skillfully. Most often, girls make mistakes when choosing a color, as well as resorting to correcting forms given by nature. Take note of the points below - what if you recognize in one of them your regular activities?

The most common mistake is when women try to enlarge their lips with makeup. Nobody forbids the use of lipstick or gloss in order to make them visually more plump and seductive. But if you paint your lips, strongly going beyond the natural line of the contour, then instead of the desired effect, you will get a caricature of good makeup.

Excessively bright colors or mismatched eye and lip makeup

Few people do not know the so-called French rule of good taste, which is to highlight either the eyes or lips with a bright color. At the same time, it is not forbidden to focus on both, if, for example, we are talking about a party or going out. However, if you overdo it with colors or accents wherever possible, you will achieve an inversely proportional effect to beautiful makeup.

If your lips are not prepared for applying lipstick, no matter how expensive and high-quality product you use, neat makeup will not work. Take care of this part of the face at all times, even when you are at home. Regular application of the balm, as well as the use of mild scrubs, will leave the skin smooth. The coloring agent emphasizes all the irregularities, and therefore if your lips are chapped, then it is better not to highlight them with lipstick at all.

When doing makeup, many are guided solely by their preferences in color, forgetting that any shade can change the shape of the face. Choose cosmetics not on the basis of "like" or "dislike", but on the basis of what makes you more beautiful and what is more suitable. Focus on your color type, the relevance of makeup to the environment and fashion trends.

We talked about the most common mistakes in makeup, and now let's move on to the more interesting part, from which you will learn how to properly paint your lips.

Lip pencil

Many people consider a pencil for a contour to be an indispensable attribute of makeup. However, this is not at all the case. Whether or not to use a pencil depends on several criteria:

  • what image do you want to get;
  • what cosmetics do you use;
  • the shape of your lips;
  • how you would like to correct them.

Let's see if a pencil is right for you?

So, if you prefer light makeup, then a contour pencil is optional. You do not need to use it if you are using translucent gloss or hygiene products. If you think that your lips are already full and plump enough, then the pencil will only make the natural shape heavier. In this case, you shouldn't use it.

At the same time, keep in mind that a good contour pencil can prolong the durability of your makeup, as the cosmetic product will not go beyond the drawn contour. It is also recommended to use such a cosmetic product for those who want to enlarge their lips, correct the natural contour, make a strict office or clear evening "bow".

How to properly paint lips with a pencil?

If you need to visually highlight the contour, you need to know how to properly paint your lips with a pencil. Initially, you need to decide on the color scheme. Now it is not fashionable to "wear" light lips with a dark pencil. Such an image will make the makeup look vulgar, and people around you will perceive it as bad taste. Choose a pencil color that is a shade or two darker than your base color. Ideally, it should be of medium softness, not very hard, then it will be easier to apply and at the same time give the effect of light shading.

Technique for using a contour pencil

Apply concealer or foundation to the contour. This will prolong the wearing period of your makeup. If you want to visually enlarge the lips, then draw a new contour, stepping back a couple of millimeters from your natural mouth line. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise you will look unnatural and vulgar. This way of using a pencil is the best answer to the question of how to properly paint thin lips. But be aware that this is not the only way to visually enlarge this part of the face, playing with color and texture is much more important.

Blend the pencil from the corners to the center, then apply the cosmetic with a brush or finger from the corners to the center again. Don't try to draw a clear graphic outline if you want to look natural. Below we will show you how to properly paint lips without a pencil for a natural look.

What tool to use when applying cosmetics?

You cannot get around the topic of how to properly paint your lips without touching on the question of what is the best way to apply cosmetics. This manipulation is purely individual. Some people use lipstick straight from the tube, others are not too lazy to paint with special brushes, while others believe that it is best to apply and shade cosmetics with a finger. There is no single correct answer here. The lipstick fits well enough if you apply it directly from the tube - it is so convenient and customary to paint, and this can be done anywhere, even in transport, even on the street.

Using a brush, you can paint your lips more thoroughly, but this is not always a convenient tool, it is only suitable for home or professional use. It is convenient to apply transparent balms and translucent lipsticks with your finger, but again, this is not entirely hygienic. In addition, a finger will not be able to apply bright saturated colors, this method is good if you want to achieve the effect of carelessness or "kissed" lips that are fashionable today, when the color protrudes slightly beyond the natural contour of the lips.

How to properly paint lips with gloss

If you are interested in current trends, then oily and oily gloss are a thing of the past. Today girls prefer long-lasting matte finishes with rich color and at the same time weightless texture. These glosses are best applied after scrubbing, as they will fill in every crack on the lips and accentuate any imperfections. If the shine dries out your skin, use some sanitary balm before use. Apply the shine from the center to the corners, carefully painting over the entire surface of the skin with cosmetic.

How to paint lips for volume

Without naturally plump lips, you can make them look more voluminous by playing with colors:

  • You can visually enlarge this part of the face if you apply lipstick or gloss to the lower lip (in the center) of a lighter color than the main one. It is very important to shade a light color so that it fades into a dark one imperceptibly. Repeat the gradient process on the upper lip.
  • You can add volume by applying a drop of transparent gloss to the middle of the lower and upper lips. Do not forget to use a pencil, however, it should be at most one tone darker than the main color.

What colors make lips look fuller? If you think these are nude tones, you are wrong. Juicy, berry and bright colors give the maximum volume.

Tips to make lipstick last longer

How to properly paint your lips with lipstick so that they remain "in place" throughout the day, look neat and natural? Or, on the contrary - bright and a little defiant? The first rule of a skillful make-up is to choose the right shade. For example, dark tones visually shrink lips and accentuate the color of the teeth. If you have them yellowish, then give preference to more nude shades. In general, if we talk about fashion, now it is natural, not mother-of-pearl colors that are in trend. Another "hit" that has been fashionable for more than one season is dullness.

Today, any manufacturer of cosmetics necessarily produces the most persistent products in its line. Lipstick is no exception, the color will not leave you all day, even if you blot them with a napkin. However, the disadvantage of long-lasting lipstick is that it dries out the skin too much.

How to make regular lipstick last longer on the lips? There is one simple trick, which is as follows:

  • Apply the first layer of cosmetic, then blot with a tissue.
  • Apply a thin layer of powder with a cosmetic brush.
  • After that, a layer of cosmetic product is again applied, and again dried with a napkin.
  • Painting over the surface of the lips, "go" with the color a little on the mucous membrane, so that there is not a big difference in the transition of tones.

Lip makeup is just as important as eye makeup. If the lips remain unpainted, they lose their expressiveness, and if the lip makeup is done ineptly, this spoils the overall look. An important role is played by the choice of color and mastery of the technique of applying a cosmetic product. Only by fulfilling all these conditions, you can make a beautiful make-up.

What color of lipstick to choose

Incorrectly matched lipstick emphasizes imperfections on the face and the yellow tint of tooth enamel.

The tone must be selected not the one that you only like visually, but according to the color of the skin:

  1. The skin is medium dark - red or gold will look perfect on the lips.
  2. The owner of fair skin is advised to choose lipstick in a cold range of shades. These include the entire palette of pink colors: from light to dark.
  3. A girl with dark, dark, tanned skin should choose a shade filled with pigment. A romantic peach, burgundy, chocolate, plum lipstick tone suits her.
It's easy to make up your lips beautifully, you just need to choose the right lipstick and the color of the contour pencil.

If you choose lipstick to match your hair color, then:

  • brunettes are advised by stylists to use lipstick in bright colors with a golden or copper tint, for example, caramel, golden brown, warm red undertones;
  • redheads to face brown-red, carrot shades of cosmetics;
  • light peach, coral, pink, raspberry shades are suitable for blondes.

If you want to emphasize the color of your eyes, then:

  • dark-eyed girls do makeup with chocolate, burgundy, red lipstick;
  • you can draw attention to blue and gray eyes by making up your lips with nude or cherry lipstick;

the green color of the iris, will visually brighten the carrot or reddish-brown lipstick.

When choosing a color, considerable attention should be paid to age:

  1. A slightly pigmented lipstick with an abundance of pearlescent particles is suitable for young girls.
  2. Women over 30 years old should choose pigmented shades.
  3. After 40 years, you can give preference to muted tones, such as burgundy, plum.

The shade of the lipstick, as well as its texture, affects the perception of lip volume.

Dark and matte lipstick steals volume, therefore it is not recommended to paint thin lips with such means. In this case, light shades are best suited, for example, peach, light pink with pearlescent particles, beige, pearl.

How to use a lip liner

Lip liner - functional tool:

  1. With this product, you can even out the contour by adjusting the volume by transferring the border of the lips.
  2. By painting over individual areas with the tool, you can change the visual perception of their outlines and volume.
  3. The lipstick does not blur behind the contour applied with a pencil, it wears off more slowly, which increases the durability of the make-up.

If you replace lipstick with a product, you can make a matte rich make-up.

It will work out beautifully to paint lips with a pencil if he:

  • the color matches the lipstick. It is even better when these two tools are matched to match, but you can also use a pencil that is close in shade, as long as it is not much darker or paler. A dark pencil looks cartoonish, and too light creates a "blurry" outline;
  • well pigmented. A pale pencil removes the volume of the lips, especially for a pencil that matches the shade of the skin;
  • perfectly sharpened. The contour should be smooth and neat; it is almost impossible to achieve this with a blunt pencil;
  • medium hardness. Soft pencils allow you to create a rich color contour, but the pigment does not last long on the lips. Too hard in structure, on the contrary, poorly give off pigment;
  • waterproof. This pencil will stay in place for much longer.

To make it easier to use a pencil of medium hardness, you should roll the tip of the rod slightly between your fingers. It heats up from the warmth of your hands and becomes softer.

The product can be discarded when creating a light, barely noticeable makeup, or if the lips are full, voluminous. In other cases, you should outline the contour.

There are several options for using a pencil in makeup in combination with lipstick:

  1. Natural. A tone or concealer is applied to the lips. This prolongs the durability of the make-up. They outline the boundaries with a pencil, not forgetting about the corners and making a wider line in these areas, clearly repeating the natural contour and connecting the lower line with the upper one. The tool is slightly shaded from the periphery to the center and the lips are painted with lipstick. You need to cover the contour with lipstick so that it does not stand out.
  2. Saturated color. Having painted over the lips with concealer, highlight the border with a pencil, and from it they shade the inner surface closer to the mucous membrane. Cover the lips with lipstick of the appropriate tone from above. This option is not combined with glitter, since the pencil is then hammered into the cracks.
  3. Bulky and moist. With a brown-beige pencil, a thin contour is made, slightly going beyond the natural boundaries. The corners are highlighted with pointed lines. Then the lips are covered with a nude gloss with pearlescent particles.
  4. Chubby nude. With a white pencil, line the lips along the border in the central part. The top is painted with a nude shade of lipstick.
  5. Compressed. With a nude pencil, the contour is drawn along the inner border, paying special attention to the corners. Then the lips are covered with matte beige lipstick.
  6. With ombre effect. This interesting effect can be used in both evening and daytime makeup. Evening makeup involves the use of contrasting shades, and daytime - close tones. It is recommended to moisturize your lips with a balm before applying. Then a contour pencil is applied with a relatively wide line, which will favorably emphasize the makeup and make it more durable.

The contour should be in line with the border of the lips.

Then, from the contour with a brush, apply the first shade of lipstick with strokes to the middle of the lips. Then another shade is applied closer to the mucous membrane.

How to paint lips without a pencil

Lips can be painted beautifully without a pencil, and there are also several options and techniques, everything is determined by the desired effect.

A video on how to reduce the volume of lips, achieving the effect of a "doll mouth":

  1. Natural. Borders, including corners, are highlighted with nude lipstick. Inside the borders, the lips are also filled with lipstick of this color. A slightly pigmented shine is added to the center.
  2. Textural. To achieve a pronounced texture, you need glossy lipstick, loose eyeshadow and a brush. First, they put lipstick on the brush, highlight the contour, fill the entire surface. Then, having cleaned the brush, they collect shadows on it. Excess particles are shaken off by knocking with a brush on the edge of the jar. Apply cosmetics with light, hammering movements.
  3. Sensual. A light pink product is drawn onto the brush and a border is drawn in the center of the upper lip. The contour of the bottom is carefully traced from the corners to the center. In the center of the lower lip, the contour line should be nearly horizontal. Then the lips are completely filled with the same lipstick.
  4. Volumetric. Use red lipstick with a raspberry undertone. Having typed a certain amount of funds on the brush, they highlight the contour, going out a little. Then they paint over the lips completely.
  5. Rounded doll lips. Pink lipstick is used to highlight the border of the lips with a brush, focusing on the "cupid arch", drawing it with a smooth line. The same means fill the surface inside. The final touch is to apply a brighter pink gloss to the center of the lips.
  6. Nude lips. They are completely covered by the proofreader. The tool is applied with hammering movements of the fingers. On top of the corrector, a matte lipstick of a brown or beige shade is driven in.
  7. Delicate. Using a correcting agent, paint over the natural tone of the lips, apply salmon-colored lipstick on top with a brush or fingers.
  8. Beach. In the following way, the effect of moist plump lips is achieved. First, they are outlined with orange lipstick and their central part is painted over. Then the lips are filled with pearlescent gloss, without affecting the corners.

Pencil instead of lipstick

You can paint your lips beautifully with a pencil of the desired shade, completely abandoning the use of lipstick. This product gives a soft velvet effect and lasts a long time on the lips. Experts advise using a moisturizing balm before applying the pencil., as the pencil dries the skin of the lips and emphasizes peeling.

  1. To make the makeup look more interesting and voluminous, you need to use two shades of pencils of the same color: lighter and darker by 2-3 tones.
  2. A dark pencil is used to draw the outline. Moreover, the contour should be wide and shaded.
  3. To add volume to the lips, it is recommended to draw several vertical rounded lines on the lower lip with the same shade of pencil and shade them.
  4. With a pencil of a light shade, strokes fill the free surface of the lips.
  5. With a finger or a brush, shade the pencil, achieving a smooth color transition.

Finally, add some sheer gloss to the center of the lips.

Glamorous beige lips

First option:

  1. First, apply the concealer with a hammering motion.
  2. Then the contour is highlighted with a dark chocolate pencil.
  3. Apply beige lipstick.
  4. Gloss is applied to the center of the upper lip.

Second option:

  1. Blot the lips on top with a sponge and foundation.
  2. First, the contour is outlined with a beige-pink pencil, then the lips are completely painted over.
  3. On top, you can apply a transparent or beige gloss.

Makeup with red lipstick

If you choose the right shade of red lipstick, then girls with any color type of appearance can use it:

  1. On lips powdered with a thin layer of cosmetics, a brush is drawn with a lipstick contour. Then the lips are powdered and the border is highlighted again. Then the entire inner area is painted over. It is also recommended to treat the skin around with powder.
  2. After completing the basic make-up, a silicone base is applied to the lips, which will make the lips smoother and increase the durability of the make-up. Then they draw a contour line with a pencil and paint over the rest of the space with lipstick in several layers.
  3. The contour is drawn with a transparent wax pencil, instead of a contour pencil, lipstick is applied, the lips are dried with a napkin to fix the pigment, and the lipstick is applied again.

How to paint your lips with dark lipstick

It is recommended for blondes to choose lipstick in dark shades with a purple tint, and for brunettes - in a plum shade. It is important to carefully even out the skin tone, as lipstick in rich dark tones highlights any skin imperfections.

  1. Eye makeup should be done in the same color scheme as the lips, and even smokey ice is suitable if the shadows are not too saturated.
  2. The eyeliner can be black (for brunettes) or brown (for blondes).

How to make matte lips

  1. It is possible to beautifully make up lips with a cosmetic product with a matte finish only after preliminary preparation, since any such product dries the skin greatly and emphasizes the crust on the lips. For lip pretreatment, you can use a homemade sugar-honey scrub or a mixture of sugar and olive oil.
  2. After scrubbing, the lips are painted over with a pencil or lipstick without glossy shine. Lips should be slightly moisturized before distributing lipstick.
  3. It is recommended not to rub the lipstick with a matte finish with a brush and lips.
  4. To achieve a matte finish, having made up your lips with ordinary lipstick, you need to dip the napkin in powder, shake off the excess and apply it to your lips.

The powder absorbs the gloss, after which the lips acquire a matte finish.

Lip reshaping

To make the lips visually more plump, they highlight the contour, slightly going beyond the natural border, and a drop of gloss with pearlescent particles is added to the central part of the lips.

Also, to add volume to the lips, you can paint over the central area with a white pencil, shade thoroughly, and then cover with gloss.

To remove volume:

  1. Use tonal base to mask the natural border, and draw a new outline below the natural border.
  2. Allocate the corners with thin sharp lines.

What tool to use to apply lipstick

This is not important, but there are differences:

  1. It is convenient to use lipstick by twisting it out of the stick and running it over your lips. This method of use is available anywhere.
  2. The brush will be able to distribute the lipstick more neatly, especially if the contour is not drawn with a pencil.
  3. It is convenient to apply pale tones with your finger, since bright shades with this method of application lie carelessly and protrude beyond the natural border of the lips.
  1. It is not recommended to outline the border with a pencil or apply lipstick, going beyond the natural boundaries of the lips.
  2. According to the make-up rules, a bright accent should be on either the eyes or the lips.
  3. The color of the cosmetic product should be selected according to the color type.
  4. Lip makeup should be done after preliminary preparation.
  5. Correct the contour, if it turns out to be uneven, with a concealer and a thin brush.

A highlight over the cupid's arch with a highlighter will add expressiveness to the lips.

Absolutely different lip makeup options are available for girls, taking into account the variety of textures and shades of cosmetics. By combining lipstick, pencil, gloss, you can make up your lips not only beautifully, but also adjust their volume.

Article formatting: E. Chaikina

Helpful Video on Lip Makeup

The video shows the makeup methods with which you can change the shape of the lips:

Lipstick is a cosmetic product that is used to color, moisturize and protect lips from wind and sun. Girls use cosmetics as a way to highlight their dignity. How to apply lipstick to look natural?

The makeup of the beautiful half of humanity causes a lot of controversy. One category believes that natural beauty is the best option, while others assure that a colorful make-up is sexy and attractive. Learning how to paint lips correctly is an art that requires perseverance and creativity.

Adherence to technique is a small success rate. With an illiterate selection of color, the face "grows old". The variety of the palette makes it possible to experiment and look spectacular after a hard day's work. The combination of lipstick tone and skin color is important. Cold shades are suitable for fair-skinned ladies. With regard to hair color - blondes are recommended a ruler from light pink to plum.

It is better for brunettes to take a closer look at bright specimens. They will match brown and peach tones. The following lipsticks are suitable for girls:


  • berry;
  • coral;
  • peach;
  • lilac pink.

For brown-haired and red-haired women:

  • terracotta;
  • brown.

A luscious palette of colors will suit brunettes.

The color of the eyes and eyebrows is a criterion for choosing the tone of lipstick. Dark-eyed beauties will be transformed by scarlet and brown shades. Beige and cherry ones emphasize the expressiveness of gray eyes.

Makeup artists and cosmetologists advise not to forget about age when buying lipstick:

  • It is better for young ladies to paint with pearlescent pencils and glitters. Matte and dense tones will add to the images of women of Balzac age.
  • For women aged 28-33, style with bright makeup is appropriate. Satin and satin textures will emphasize freshness and youth.
  • An alternative to women 35-45 years old is plum shades. Bright colors help to highlight expression lines.

How to paint correctly to hide flaws

Let's consider step by step how to hide flaws (small or large mouth) at home using simple techniques.

Small and narrow

Professionals advise choosing pearlescent, rich, shape-enhancing colors. Avoid flesh-colored sheen. To visually increase the volume, go slightly beyond the border of the contour.

The second way to enlarge narrow lips is to draw their contours, shading with a pencil (you do not need to paint over the central part). Then lipstick is applied on top. The center is covered with shine 1.5 tones lighter. This will make the mouth appear more voluminous in the photo and in the mirror.


If nature has endowed a woman with plump lips, there are no difficulties in applying make-up. It is possible to visually make the lips smaller: paint over the lip area with a thick foundation, concealer. Remove the remains with a napkin. Shine will accentuate the swelling, use matte tones.


With asymmetry, make-up artists and beauticians resort to the following tricks. A tonal foundation is applied to a part of the smaller lip. Next, using a thin pencil, a new contour is drawn (followed by a layer of lipstick) and the corners of the mouth are raised. To keep the pigment long-lasting, powder the top coat so it won't wear off.

Rules for applying cosmetics

Clean your lips with specialized milk, anoint with cream. After half a minute, it will be absorbed. With a pencil close to the natural color, draw the outline of the desired shape. Blend it with a cotton swab, brush, or finger.

Use a tube or brush to apply lipstick. Make-up experts say: if you apply the product with a brush, it will last longer. Start from the center of the lips, spreading the product to the sides and up. The application is completed by tracing the contours.

The brush allows you to mix tones, get new ones. You can add dry or liquid eyeshadows to the palette for themed makeup.

It is preferable to paint small areas with a brush for a perfect make-up. If roughness appears, take a concealer and a brush, and then draw a strict line.

Dark shades

For a rich, dark makeup (when you want to use pink or red lipstick on your lips) use a background. A juicy shade attracts attention, flaws will be striking. Use concealers and base for a flawless color and tone. Slowly paint over the lips from the corners to the center, then apply 2 layer.

Remove flaking with a toothbrush or scrub: gently massage delicate skin. The look will be fresh and ruddy.

Bright hues

When applying lipstick of light colors, do not apply the product abundantly - it will give the impression of a foundation on the lips. Such cosmetics are not suitable for fair-skinned blondes.

Secrets of how to achieve an even contour when applying

Choose a pencil for the contour of the same color as the lipstick, or a little darker. Start drawing the line with a firm hand from the center of the upper lip, gently moving to the corners, and bring the lower one. To achieve a rich and vibrant color, it is necessary to stain with a pencil and liner. This achieves a natural (almost invisible) transition between pencil and lipstick. Additional volume can be achieved by painting the contour strip 3-4 mm further than the natural line. Long-lasting contouring liner is not recommended for women with full lips. Do not let them down. Use foundation for correction.

Permanent make-up is suitable for girls who do not have a lot of time to draw lips on a daily basis; it will last for several years. Black henna tattooing is not used for such makeup.

How does lipstick quality affect application results?

Why does lipstick roll off? It doesn't depend on price or brand. Try to first anoint your lips with a tonal foundation, then powder them, then apply the product. The problem of rolling and spreading of cosmetics can be hidden in high acidity or due to the presence of herpes.

Try using hygienic lipstick, then light powder, and lastly pigment. The makeup will last until the evening. For lips, a salon or home peel is useful. Once a month, exfoliate the epithelium with a scrub, then lubricate the delicate skin with a balm. Remember to remove lipstick before bed using a special product or cosmetic milk - soap can dry your skin.

It is not only a master make-up artist who can paint beautifully and brightly lips, it is not at all difficult to study. The main thing is to gradually follow the advice of professionals and avoid low-quality dyes.

Plump or well-defined lips are so sexy!

Good lip makeup is essential for a complete look.

But for each time of day, age and case, it should be different.

That is why it is important to know how to properly paint your lips.

How to paint lips correctly: choosing makeup products

Long gone are the days when there was a pink lipstick on duty in a girl's makeup bag. Along with the shortage of high-quality cosmetics, the retro-lightness of makeup has disappeared. Now you need to at least understand the types of lip products, so as not to throw money down the drain and properly paint your lips with lipstick or gloss.

The trend of today's season is Matt lipstick... It looks noble, natural, and lasts quite a long time. However, if the lips are dry, the product may dry them out even more. This also applies to persistent lipsticks: they also dry delicate sponges very much, so you need to wear the product very rarely or actively protect the skin with a moisturizing balm.

Another popular option is varnish lipstick, or lip varnish. The formula of the product includes the best qualities of lip make-up: density, richness of pigments, lipstick stability and a delightful lightness, shine of the lip gloss. At the same time, lacquer lipsticks are devoid of stickiness and frivolous lip gloss shimmer, which allows women of any age to use them.

Actually lip gloss Is such an easy summer option for young girls and young women. They are not suitable for older ladies, since they do not allow to clearly outline the contour of the lips. Moreover, glitter is a taboo in age-related makeup, which requires understated elegance. That is why after 30 years it is not recommended to use pearlescent lipsticks.

When choosing a lipstick, it is important to consider the composition of the product, paying attention to the presence of natural oils to soften and nourish the thin skin of the lips. It is ideal if the caring components are combined with richness, dense application, pleasant aroma and lack of stickiness. An ideal product for daily use, which will definitely not harm and will look harmonious.

Among the cosmetic novelties of recent years - lipstick pencils... They are distinguished by a comfortable application, but a low coating density. The product is closer to shine in terms of lightness and to balms in terms of care qualities, although in some brands the pigment saturation is quite high.

How to paint lips correctly: preparing the skin

Lip gloss is easy to apply, and therefore does not require any preliminary preparation. With lipsticks, everything is much more complicated: in order for the pigment to lie evenly, and the coating remains stable, the skin must be prepared for the application of the product.

If you are a rare type of women who regularly take care of their lips, then the grooming stage can be skipped. It consists in scrubbing and softening, and the scrub should be designed specifically for the thin dermis. Its composition is more delicate, does not cause problems in case of possible contact with the mucous membrane.

After washing off the scrub, you need to apply a nourishing balm, let it work for fifteen minutes, and then blot with a clean napkin. The point is to give the relief as smooth as possible. Lipstick will emphasize all irregularities, peeling, cracking and chapped areas, which is why the preparation stage is as important as the correct application of the product.

Correct lip coloring technique

There are two main ways to apply lipstick:

Traditional, when the product is applied with a brush, applicator or directly from a hard stick;

Original, when the lipstick is hammered into the skin of the lips with your fingers.

To properly paint your lips with lipstick in the classical way, you need a base for lip makeup (concealer, foundation, regular base), powder, pencil. The stages of work are as follows:

First you need to moisturize your lips, and blot excess cream or balm;

Apply base;

Outline the contour of the lips with a pencil;

Fill the space inside the formed contour with lipstick;

Blot the first layer, powder it a little;

Apply a second, finishing layer of lipstick.

What is the point of such careful elaboration? In creating a perfectly even coating and extending its durability. So, the stage of applying the base can be skipped only if the durability of the coating is not important. For example, you can run to the nearest store without a primer, but in order to look perfect at a party or at the institute, the base is important. It will smooth out wrinkles, mask the remnants of peeling, and increase the resistance of the make-up.

You can use a foundation instead of a base, but you need to understand: its creamy texture is not the best option. If you go too far in quantity, the product will fill in the wrinkles, folds at the lips, and the contour will simply spread. Very ugly! Therefore, you need to apply a foundation or concealer in minimal doses, carefully hammering it into the skin and not forgetting to blot the remnants with a dry napkin.

Contouring lips with a pencil is also not as easy as it might seem. A crooked line is a disaster. It will have to be washed, inevitably smearing the tone, powder, removing the primer. Therefore, you need to learn two rules and one technique for working with this product.

Rule one: the color of the pencil should perfectly match the color of the lipstick, or be slightly darker. You can use a colorless pencil to prevent lipstick from spreading.

Rule two: when correcting the contour of the lips, go beyond the natural border by no more than half a millimeter.

Important to remember that asymmetry is characteristic of a human face: the left and right sides are different. Therefore, you need to visually align the lips, otherwise the asymmetry will become obvious.

The skill of quickly stroking the contour, in order to then correctly paint the lips with lipstick, comes with experience, although experienced fighters need to be careful. Beginners can try the following technique: first place the points, then connect them with small strokes into a contour. In general, the outline begins with the upper lip, moving from the central bend to the edges. The lower lip is drawn in the same way.

Stylists recommend filling in the resulting contour first with a pencil, making light vertical strokes, and then applying pigment on the pencil base. Thanks to this technique, lipstick will last for hours and even outlast a restaurant dinner.

The second recommendation concerns the use of special brushes that allow you to accurately and correctly paint your lips. The bottom line is that thanks to the densely packed and at the same time elastic pile, the optimal amount of product is typed on the brush, and the application is not only accurate, but also of very high quality. The brush allows you to fill in the smallest folds with pigment, to achieve a perfectly even, dense, without excess gloss coating.

As for the technique of driving in lipstick, it allows you to get a completely natural effect on the lips. This option will be appreciated by fans of a natural style in makeup. In this case, you do not need to trace the contour of the lips with a pencil. The product is collected on the pad of the middle finger and hammered into the skin of the lips with gentle hammering movements. The image turns out to be both innocent and sexy at the same time, which men really like.

How to properly paint your lips with red lipstick

Red lipstick is a special story in the life of any woman. Few were able to avoid the temptation and not buy it at least once in their life, but not all were able to make friends with the impudent beauty. And all because they chose the wrong tone and did not know how to properly paint lips with red lipstick.

There are so many shades of red that, despite the seeming simplicity, choosing the right pigment is not so easy. If the tone is chosen incorrectly, it can give the face an unpleasant, unhealthy shade, make the teeth yellow. Therefore, be sure to consider the skin tone and use testers. Women with a pink skin tone, gray or blue eyes need a “cold” lipstick that shines in blue.

If the skin is warm and the iris is brown, then the appropriate tone of the product is required. But it must be borne in mind that if the lipstick gives a reddish color, it can turn yellow teeth, while cold shades, on the contrary, will make the enamel snow-white.

To properly paint your lips with red lipstick, only the pencil technique will do. In this case, the blurry finger driving method cannot be used, since it will be necessary to create a perfectly even contour. That is why special attention should be paid to the color of the pencil. A pair of lipstick pencils should match perfectly in color.

The fiery scarlet pigment on the lips is a bold accent, so the rest of your makeup should be extremely discreet. Don't draw attention to your eyes. However, support for the red color is absolutely necessary: ​​it can be a piece of clothing, nail polish of the same color, shoes. The look will be complete and stylish.

But imperfections on the face or in the décolleté area mean a ban on the use of the product. Even if you properly paint your lips with red lipstick, it will still accentuate pimples, acne, and inflamed areas. Therefore, for a bright make-up, you need to wait for the perfect condition of the skin. Of course, you should not use the product even when the condition of the lips requires urgent restoration. Red pigment will accentuate peeling, cracking, the image will turn out to be sloppy and ridiculous.

There is nothing complicated in how to properly paint your lips with lipstick, no. Good quality cosmetics, a little workout - and the perfect make-up becomes familiar and pleasant.

The lips are the central part of the face, it is at them that the interlocutor looks during a conversation. Many makeup artists advise highlighting them during evening make-up. Is it possible to paint your lips beautifully on your own? And what manipulations need to be carried out to get the result, as in magazines or in professional photographs? If you follow all the necessary steps and use the right tools, then this is quite possible.


Correctly selected lipstick tone, the right shape, a high-quality pencil and the obligatory preparation of lips for makeup will create a unique and vivid image for any event. Regardless of the format of the holiday, you need to know the main methods of applying funds, their sequence and the rules of good taste in choosing an image. What stages should lip makeup consist of:

  • Makeup remover, if necessary. Applying new products to uncleaned lips is unhealthy and will not look as intended. For makeup remover, you can use milk or micellar water, for long-lasting lipstick you may need a special product.
  • After the remnants of the lipstick are removed, you should cleanse the skin of the lips from dead skin particles. Each flaw or dry area will be reflected in the final picture - the lips will be painted unevenly. Cleansing is performed with a lip scrub, there are special products that are different from those for the body. For peeling, a cream with particles of nut shells or grains of sand is used, it is applied 20-30 minutes before makeup so that there is no irritation.
  • After cleansing and removing dry skin particles, you need to moisturize your lips. The main condition is the use of special products intended for the lips. The skin of the face and body is very different, it is denser and regeneration takes place in a slightly different way. Therefore, moisturizing occurs with a cream intended only for the lip area. It can be a balm, it is applied for 5-10 minutes to soften the skin.

  • This is followed by the makeup itself, it begins with applying the tone and dusting the lips with light powder of natural shades. It can include the use of a pencil, lipstick, gloss, concealers. It all depends on the goal and the intended effect.

Types of lip makeup

There are 2 generally accepted directions in lip makeup - evening and everyday, but I would also like to highlight an option for a walk or a date. It is usually brighter than daytime, but it is not considered festive either.

  • Everyday lip makeup must necessarily include skin care and moisturizing, applying tone. Most often, natural shades, a small amount of gloss or matte options are used.

Many offices strictly regulate the dress code and makeup for work, which most often involves discreet shades of lipstick. This is the whole palette of cream and beige shades, peach and pink colors, less often dark ones. The pencil can be used in its classic version - 1-2 tones darker than lipstick, gloss can be natural or transparent.

Evening make-up, subject to the emphasis on the eyes, can coincide with everyday. In the opposite situation - all possible shades. Red, terracotta, fuchsia, coral, berry, dark brown - absolutely any options that fit the image and type of appearance. Depending on the format of the event, you can add glitter, pencil, decorative elements. It is necessary to take into account only the type, lip shape and age, older women should choose darker and brighter tones.
Romantic makeup should be soft and subtle, even if you meet in the evening, with the exception of a nightclub. You can choose any option there, from natural to acidic shades. A romantic meeting implies delicate pastel colors, pink and purple, even berry colors, with the addition of mother-of-pearl.

    • An important point!
    • Dark shades make lips visually narrower, light shades more plump. In one makeup, you can combine shades, highlighting the central part to create volume. You can cover one lip with a dark one, the other with a light one, so the asymmetry of the mouth is compensated.

How to use a lip liner

A makeup pencil has a number of functions:

  1. Keeps lipstick from spreading;
  2. Outlines the lip line, gives shape;
  3. Helps to correct the line of the lips, make them larger or smaller;
  4. Allows you to tint your lips less often, lipstick with a pencil stays in its original form longer;
  5. It can be used as a stand-alone make-up product without using lipstick.

When choosing a lip pencil, pay attention to its consistency and density - hard will scratch the skin, and excessively soft will smear, it is difficult for them to draw a straight line. With ordinary monochromatic lip makeup, the color of the pencil should be 1-2 tones darker than lipstick or gloss, with an ombre by 3-4, even a few.

The pencil is applied in stages, first the contour of the central part of the upper lip is drawn, the lower one must also be traced from the middle. After the corners are aligned, you need to move from them to the center and connect all the lines. You can put points or guides to draw evenly along them, it is easier for novice makeup artists.

At this stage, you can correct the shape of the lips. The corners can be raised a couple of millimeters or lowered. If the lips need to be slightly enlarged, then the contour is drawn slightly above the natural line, if reduced - below. It is better to shade the pencil before applying lipstick, with a brush from the edge to the inside.

For a more neat makeup, use 2 pencils that differ by 1 tone, apply the dark one higher along the contour, and the light one under it, when shading, you will get a volumetric line. A similar effect can be achieved by applying a corrector or a light pencil around the contour, so the contrast will be more noticeable.

    • An important nuance!
    • Excessively plump lips when drawing with a pencil become unnaturally large, it is better to refuse it. Makeup can be done with lipstick alone, you just need to know how to do it.

The lipstick is applied in 2 layers, after shaping the contour with a pencil. To do this, use a brush, preferably a synthetic one. The first layer is blotted with a paper towel and covered with powder, and then the second is applied. The direction of the strokes, from the middle to the corners, first the top, then the bottom. If necessary, add volume, cover the middle of the lips with gloss. You cannot apply it directly to the pencil, you will get a blurry or blurry outline.

Matte lips, 3 application options

First option- traditional, matte lipstick is applied. Here you also need to prepare your lips for make-up, more thoroughly remove all irregularities and dry pieces of skin, apply foundation, powder and pencil. And then carefully, using a brush, fill in the path. Here you will also need 2 layers and powder between them, only this way the makeup will last for more than one hour and will not wash off after the first course at the table.

  • You don't need to apply a lot of balm or oil under a matte lipstick, then everything will flow and the product will shine. Powder will help get rid of this inconvenience. Liquid lipstick dries quickly after application, so practice ahead of time before your big evening. Then you do not have to correct the defects of the application at the last moment.

Second option obtaining matte lips - applying eye shadows on glossy products of the desired shade. They are applied by lightly patting the fingers or with a flat brush with natural bristles, there can be one shade or a combination.

The third option- a pencil instead of lipstick, it is applied first along the contour, then filling it. It can be applied in 2 layers, the first one is covered with powder.

Red lipstick

Oddly enough, it is red lipstick that has the largest number of shades and is considered universal for any color type and face shape. Brunettes and dark brown-haired women are best suited for rich reds and burgundy shades, the darker the hair, the brighter you can choose a lip product. Cool shades are ideal for girls with blond hair, you cannot use brick red or warm ones, which, on the contrary, is ideal for redheads. Yellowish or straw hair color is in perfect harmony with lipstick of bright red saturated colors, but dark blond hair should be combined with coral and carrot lipsticks.

As for skin color, olive goes well with any shades of red, and pinkish - with warm or classic scarlet. Tanning should not be combined with bright makeup; lips should be matte or muted red.

The main rules when using red lipstick

  1. The contour can be made with a pencil of an identical shade or a corrector applied around the lips;
  2. The main thing in this make-up is the even borders of the lips, any inaccuracies or sloppiness will be noticeable;
  3. Red lipstick is applied in 2 layers, the first one should be blotted and powdered;
  4. The make-up base will significantly prolong the "work" of the lipstick;
  5. Do not purse your lips immediately after application, the contour may smudge;
  6. Bright shades are always applied from the center of the lips to the corners.

Even after learning the rules for applying makeup, try the technique at home in practice. Red lipstick from leading brands is long-lasting and doesn't wash off well even with special makeup removers. It leaves small red marks on the skin around the lips, to avoid this, train in advance.

Dark shades of lipstick

If red seems too bold for you, but you want something bright, choose dark shades - purple, plum, dark brown. The downside to using these colors is that you need to have the perfect skin tone or even out it before applying lipstick. Plum shades are more suitable for tanned and dark-skinned brown-haired women or brunettes, for girls with blond hair it is better to choose purple.

After leveling the skin tone and applying the makeup base, the contour is evened out with a pencil. Dark lipstick should also have 2 layers for an intense and long-lasting color. Choose your eyeshadows carefully, do not make a bright accent on the eyes and paint with dark cherry lipstick. Purple shades should be in harmony with shadows from the same color scheme. Smokey ice is also well suited, classic gray for brunettes and chocolate brown for blondes.

Lip shaping with lipstick

Thin lips want to make up so that they are more voluminous and plump. Then you should avoid matte dark colors, it is better to choose a lighter shade or add shine. The pencil contours just above the natural lip line while maintaining proportions.

  • As much as possible, you can raise the lip line by 1-2 mm, then it will be very noticeable. Use concealer to enhance the effect and thick foundation around the mouth area.

If your lips are too full, you want to shrink them a little. Then you should, on the contrary, choose matte colors, you can dark colors. The pencil is applied over a thick foundation that conceals the true lip line. It is better not to use gloss, or in extremely small quantities.

Lips-bows or in the shape of a heart you want to lengthen a little to the sides. The principle is the same, a dense foundation is applied to the area around the lips, the corners of the lips are slightly extended with a contour pencil, no more than 2-3 mm, then the contour is filled with lipstick or covered with gloss.

  • But we paint the elongated lips exactly the opposite - a pencil is applied to the foundation a little closer to the center of the lips than it is. Concealer can be used for line contrast and additional correction.

This also applies to the option when you need to visually correct one lip, a plump one is painted in a darker color, a narrow one - a darker one. Whichever option you choose, you can deviate as much as possible from the natural line of 2 mm, further it will be very noticeable and the effect will be the opposite.

Summing up

It is not difficult to paint lips, as in the picture or in the salon, the main thing is training and correctly selected means. For everyday and evening makeup in your arsenal, it is enough to have 2-3 tones of lipstick, pencils for each color, care products and brushes. This is quite enough to create a memorable image at any event.