What types of hair are there. Clinical features of trichophagia. Treatment methods

You can look stylish and change your image long hair, but what are the model haircuts called on women's long curls, all fashionistas should know.

There are a large number of extraordinary stylists' solutions on how to style a hairstyle for various events:

  1. Shopping trip;
  2. For office work;
  3. Solemn appearances.

At first glance, it seems that everything has been invented for a long time, and apart from the classic versions of an elongated sessionon or square, a long ladder or a cascade, nothing can be invented. But this is a delusion! And experienced professionals of hairdressing art, even taking classics as a basis, never cease to amaze with their masterpieces.

There are many variations of bangs alone:

  • torn;
  • oblique;
  • straight and curly.

In other cases, masters do without bangs at all. Graduated hairstyles with multi-layered bangs look spectacular. Long hair cascade was and remains a hit. Again - it's all about the bangs, which can be made longer or shorter. Such haircuts are considered universal for different types of hair.

Name of haircuts for long hair

When the owner of long curls comes to a beauty salon, she turns to the master with a request to make her a haircut, in the style of "Grunge" or "Aurora". Haircuts have basic names, based on which the master understands which direction should be set. And then it's a matter of technology. After all, for example, grunge implies the implementation of a "shaggy" haircut, which not all ladies can afford. In addition, the hairstyle must be combined with the style of clothing, and the styling of such haircuts must be done competently so that the "creative mess" on the head looks natural and stylish.

Today, the leading position is occupied by torn long haircuts, which allow their owner to express themselves, as they allow them to create a unique image. In this case, the type of hair does not play a big role. The essence of a haircut is to cut the strands with a razor. This creates the effect of artfully torn strands. The hairstyle looks great on long and thick hair. For women who are not afraid of experimentation, this style is a godsend. A greater effect can be achieved by coloring, and colors can be selected in accordance with individual preferences.

The name of haircuts for long hair, such as "ladder" or "step", speaks for itself. They make the hair look voluminous and dynamic. You can style such hair in different ways, there are many options, and each is designed for a specific occasion and mood. For example, twisting the strands with a curling iron inward or outward, you can create the image of a flirty young girl. For an evening out, you can collect your hair in a bun in the back, and release several strands in the front, slightly twisting them with a curling iron. This hairstyle never goes out of style.

There are both romantic and extravagant women's haircuts. The names of haircuts for long hair are very different: oblique haircut, long bob, cascade. Oblique haircuts are obtained when styling long bangs, and today they are very popular, since the image can be changed depending on the mood. Oblique bangs are universal, they are suitable for almost everyone, but such hairstyles require attention and proper care.

The classic cascade for long hair, decorated with oblique bangs, is a bold decision, but very stylish. Or a long bob that can be styled on any type of hair. In this case, the color of the hair may be different. The hairstyle always looks elegant and is suitable for any occasion: for home and special occasions. Styling is very simple to perform, and only small curls can create a problem.

Straight, heavy hair looks good with straight bangs. It can be up to the eyebrows, and focus on the face. Or below the eyebrows, which are especially popular today. Women of mature age often opt for asymmetrical or oblique long bangs. Graduated haircuts or ladders are suitable for this.

Face types and haircuts

Face type is significant when choosing most haircuts. Therefore, this factor should be paid attention first of all. Especially if the goal is to make a haircut that will radically change the image. For example:

  • The round shape can be visually lengthened. To do this, do a hairstyle with hair combed up, shaping the bangs to one side or completely removing it. The main thing here is to raise all the hair high, thus opening the cheeks. Straight long hair will also help to visually lengthen the face. The most suitable option is considered to be a cascade proven over the years, which is a multi-layer haircut in which the length remains. Bangs matter. If it is graduated, then this is the best option for chubby ladies, but straight thick bangs are clearly not suitable.
  • For ladies with an elongated face, especially if the forehead is wide and the chin is elongated, wavy hair is suitable. This hairstyle will smooth out the disproportionate shape of the face. You can style by winding curls on curlers, a curling iron, or make a root volume using various means. For owners of this type of face, hairstyles with raised hair are not suitable. Asymmetric or oblique bangs will come to the rescue.

Women's haircuts for long hair

A huge variety of unusually beautiful haircuts puts ladies in front of a choice. There are also many names for women's haircuts for long hair, and the photo hairstyles today can be found in glossy fashion magazines, or on the pages of sites on the Internet. This factor makes the choice easier. Looking at a photo of a haircut with a name, based on hair length and personal preferences, you can easily decide what kind of haircut you would like to do. And it is easier for the master to understand what his client wants.

Hairstyles such as: asymmetry, graduated haircut, "Aurora", an elongated bob-bob, "torn" haircut, "Sesson", "Cascade", "Gavroche" - have come to this day from the past. But on their basis, the masters create an original image and an informal style, forcing them to catch the eyes of the owners of such haircuts. But whatever the name of these hairstyles, they are all designed to update the image. They turn the gray everyday life into a luxurious holiday.

Have you ever wondered what constitutes the most common hair? Probably not.
Most of us care about the appearance of our hair - whether it is shiny or not, whether it splits, falls out or not. We do not even think about the fact that this is an important human organ. In the meantime, in order to properly care for your hair and keep it healthy, it is advisable to know their structure and type. It is this knowledge that will help you choose the right cosmetic products for your hair and make them a source of pride!

Why does a person need hair? They serve us:
- the organ of touch, and eyelashes are especially sensitive, since they protect the most important organ - the eyes;
- a heat regulator, since, having poor thermal conductivity, they protect the body from heat loss.

In addition, healthy hair makes a person beautiful, and a stylish hairstyle raises our mood, is a means of attracting attention, and even a sign of the position taken by a particular person in society.

Hair structure

The structure of the hair is quite interesting - looking at it, you never cease to be amazed at the foresight of nature.

The hair, like a tree, is divided into a trunk (stem) and a root.

The hair shaft is its visible part, sticking out above the surface of the skin and creating a unique look for each of us. The hair root is located in the dermis, in a special depression - the hair follicle. Together with the surrounding tissues, it forms a hair follicle (hair follicle). These tissues form the outer and inner root sheaths and the hair-glandular complex (sebaceous and sweat glands, hair lifting muscle, blood vessels and nerve endings). We are born with a certain number of such follicles, this value is genetically programmed, and nothing can be changed here. Although, perhaps, in the near future, scientists will be able to reprogram this hereditary information - now all the prerequisites have been created for this. However, this practically makes no sense, since the stock of 1 million root hair follicles is not fully used by our body - only 100-150 thousand will turn into hair. So, most likely, it would be rational to learn how to "wake up the planting material" we already have in stock.

The lower, expanded part of the hair root is called the "bulb". It is due to it that hair growth occurs, as well as the formation and formation of new hair. A hair papilla is protruded into the bulb, containing blood vessels through which its nutrition is provided.

The hair follicle is a unique mini organ that plays an important role in the hair growth process. The ducts of the sebaceous glands are excreted into the hair follicle, which lubricate the hair with their secret, giving it elasticity, flexibility and shine. Therefore, the appearance and health of hair directly depend on the work of the sebaceous glands. And here, as they say, a middle ground is needed. If there is little fat, the hair will be dry, dull and brittle. If there is a lot, the hair quickly becomes dirty and becomes greasy.

Growing hair is a complex cocktail of substances and chemical reactions. Each follicle contains seven different types of cells that interact with other cells - nerves and blood. Moreover, the whole system is responsible for the implementation of various genetic programs that cause the maturation, growth, withering away and revival of various areas at a certain time. Scientists have found that the hair growth cycle depends on more than a dozen age characteristics and proteins. Proteins must be present in certain groups and concentrations, otherwise the hair stops growing.

Some cells have special receptors - sites that receive chemical signals that cells use to communicate with each other. In men, follicles on the scalp and chin have receptors for testosterone.

If you examine a longitudinal section of the hair under a microscope, you can see that the hair shaft consists of several layers: cuticle, cortex and medulla. The hair cuticle consists of a number of flat, transparent, elongated keratinized cells, the cortex consists of spindle-shaped epithelial cells containing dissolved pigment. In addition, they also contain pigment grains. Combinations of diffuse pigment and pigment grains give a varied hair color. In the middle of the hair is the medulla. The cells of the medulla are rich in air between them.

Due to its composite (layers) structure, the hair is very strong and hygroscopic (it can hold moisture up to 50% of its weight), elasticity and bend well, it can be stretched to 1/3 of its length. Hair grows out of the skin not always perpendicularly, but at an angle, and this angle is different for different people and in different areas of the skin. The more the hair is slanted, the more difficult it is to comb the hair in a certain way, since it does not want to be styled the other way.

Hair growth phases

Each follicle, from the moment of its formation, goes through repeated cycles of active growth and state:

  • anagen (hair growth phase)
  • catagen (transition phase)
  • telogen (resting phase)

Normally, the duration of anagen in each person is genetically determined and lasts from 2 to 5 years. Telogen lasts approximately 100 days. Normally, the percentage of hairs in the telogen stage is small. The average percentages of hairs in the anagen, telogen and catagen stages are 85, 14 and 1 percent, respectively. An increase in the number of telogen hairs up to 20 percent is an unfavorable sign.

Most balding people do not lose hair more often than others. The difference is that their lost hair is not replaced with new hair.

So, hair growth occurs cyclically: the growth stage, or anagen, is followed by a short transitional stage, catagen, and then the resting stage, or telogen, when the hair stops growing and falls out. At the end of telogen, new hair begins to grow in the follicle.

As already mentioned, a hair papilla, rich in blood vessels, protrudes into the lower part of the follicle (bulb), through which food and oxygen are supplied to the constantly dividing cells of the bulb. This is observed in the anagen stage. In catagen, the nutrition of the hair is disturbed, the hair moves upward, moving away from the papilla. There is a gradual atrophy of the hair papilla and keratinization of the cells of the bulb, deprived of nutrition. In the telogen stage, the hair gradually moves to the surface of the skin and falls out. In the depths of the hair follicle, in the remainder of the former primordial layer, the cells begin to multiply again and the atrophic papilla thickens. The remnants of the mother cells of the hair follicle form new epithelial elements, gradually creating a new hair follicle. Such a complex physiological process of hair change is repeated many times, and with each change, the hair papilla rises somewhat upward. Therefore, with each change, new hairs sit less deeply than the previous ones. With age, hair development cycles are shortened, they become thinner, and gradually lose pigment and strength. This leads to the only correct decision: we must treat our hair more carefully from year to year. Only the right one is able to preserve the beauty of the hair.

Hair grows continuously, but it grows faster during the day than at night, and it grows faster in spring and autumn. They grow faster in men than in women. The average hair growth rate in children is 13 mm, in adults - 15 mm and in the elderly - 11 mm per month.

Types, types and shape of hair.

A person has three types of hair on the body:

- long (they are located on the scalp, beard, mustache, in the armpits, etc.)

- bristly (eyebrows, eyelashes, hair in the nose and ear canal)

- cannon (located on the skin of the face, trunk and limbs).

In the first two to three years of life, vellus hair predominates on the human body, but then, after their next change, thicker and well-pigmented hairs appear on the scalp. At the beginning of puberty, the hair is replaced by harder - terminal, which may have a slightly different color and density than the hair of the previous generation.

Hair also has different shapes:

- straight hair (smooth)

- wavy - curly

The shape of the hair depends on the type and location of the follicle in relation to the skin surface. In addition to individual characteristics, an important factor in determining the shape of hair is race: Asians have straight and thick hair, while Negroids have curly hair. Straight hair is located in the skin almost perpendicular to the surface, curly - with a slight bend, and curly - S-shaped. If you cut the hair across, then the cut of straight hair will be round, curly - oval, curly - even more flattened, resembling a ribbon.

Hair types

If you are determined to make life easier for your hair, then first you need to determine your hair type. Further care and the funds that you will acquire depend on this. Moreover, the diet, the procedures, and the banal combing are closely related to hair type. For example, for some it is enough to comb 3-4 times a day, while for others the number of hygiene procedures will need to be increased. So make no mistake!

Hair can be roughly divided into three types:

  1. Normal hair.

They have a good healthy sheen. Their ends may be somewhat damaged, dry out, but usually there are no special problems with such hair, and they easily grow back to a great length. They have a well-maintained water-fat balance.

  1. Dry hair.

They are usually dull and faint with no shine. They grow slowly and become unattractive when they are long. It is about them that they say that they grow to a certain length. They require particularly intensive and careful maintenance. Even normal hair can become dry after a light color if you haven't changed your care products and styling products.

  1. Greasy hair.

They have to be washed frequently. Such hair has a rather dull color, and when dyed only at the ends it becomes overdried. Therefore, caring for them includes not only shampoos for oily skin. But also means for the care of the ends of the hair.

  1. Mixed type.

This type includes hair with oily roots and dry, split ends. After washing, they last for 2-3 days, then they become salty and dirty closer to the skin, while the ends still look clean. With improper care, the selection of funds, the ends are severely split and destroyed. This is perhaps the most common hair type.

Number and thickness of hair

Who has more hair? Why does one person have a lot of hair, while another has exactly half? Since hair is an appendage of the skin, first of all, it is directly dependent on the skin. Addiction works: the thinner a person's skin, the thinner the hair and vice versa. The thinnest hair is found in blondes (blondes), in brunettes (brunettes), the thickness is several times greater, and the thickest in brown-haired women (brown-haired women). The number of hairs on the head ranges from 100 to 150 thousand. Hair density depends on age, gender and other parameters. The normal hair growth rate is approximately 0.3 - 0.35 mm per day. Under normal conditions, an adult can lose up to 150 hairs per day.

Hair color

What does hair color depend on?

Hair color depends on the amount of dye - the pigment, which is in the cells of the cortex layer of the hair, and on the amount of air that is "diluted" with the pigment. As a matter of fact, two pigments play a decisive role: eumelanin (black-brown) and pheomelanin (yellow-red), the combination of which gives the whole range of color shades. These pigments are synthesized by special cells (melanocytes) only in accordance with the genetic program.

The activity of melanocytes is not the same, therefore the hair of one person differs in color, which gives the hair a wonderful natural look, which can never be confused with the type of colored hair, always the same. Over time, the activity of the pigment-producing cells decreases, the hair grows uncolored, that is, gray.

Often the hair color given to us by nature, for some reason, does not suit us. And fashion plays an important role in the desire to change the "color". But is it worth it to blindly follow it? For example, turning from a brunette to a blonde can cause serious harm to hair - lightened by 6 tones, it turns out to be hopelessly destroyed. Therefore, before changing the hair color, you first need to consult with a specialist so that he selects the best option, suggests the most gentle type of hair coloring. Also, an important point in changing hair color is its (color) combination with other elements of the image. After all, human hair color is directly related to eye color and skin color. In this regard, when choosing who to appear in front of others - a red-haired beast, a mysterious brunette or a romantic blonde - first get a stylist's advice. Otherwise, the inappropriate hair color can "smear" the whole image.

Color - by color. But the most important thing is hair health! What you need to know to keep your hair thick and shiny at all times?

First, you should always remember about a balanced diet. Try to regularly include in your diet foods rich in vitamin B5 (eggs, meat, fish, milk, nutritional yeast), vitamin B2 (cereals, eggs, green vegetables) and vitamin B6 (whole grains). Secondly, it is necessary to choose the right cosmetics for hair care. They will help you with this. And it is advisable to regularly massage the scalp and neck. The massage raises the temperature of the skin, improves blood circulation, and helps to saturate the hair follicle with oxygen and nutrients. Thirdly, you need to exclude bad habits from life and be able to avoid stressful situations. Stress, smoking, alcohol are damaging to the hair.

Hair - is it simple or difficult? Simple - only at first glance, but in reality - rather difficult, and even very difficult. For example, it's no secret to anyone that hair lives and dies - it grows and then falls out. And in their place (normally, of course) the same new hair grows.

What is the real purpose of a potential "mini-factory" for the production of hair (that is, a hair follicle in which phases alternate cyclically - first there is an enhanced synthesis of cells, and then this process is inhibited and completely stops)? Why did nature come up with such a highly organized energy-consuming system? Unfortunately, today scientists cannot give an unambiguous answer to these questions, although there are already several hypotheses. Maybe soon it will be possible to get answers, since most of the latest theoretical works in the field of dermatology and trichology are devoted specifically to the study of the biological clock of the hair follicle and the processes of cell differentiation.

Today scientific research has reached such a height that it has become possible to decipher the genes "responsible" for baldness; there are developments concerning the "reprogramming" of the genetic information responsible for the amount of hair on the head, etc.

But in order to understand all this, you need to start with minimal knowledge about the structure, composition and phases of hair growth.

How hair works. Human hair structure

You've probably heard before that hair is a dead substance. Is it so? And so and not so! From the point of view of physiology, the hair shaft that we see is a substance that cannot rightly be called living. It is not supplied with blood, nerve fibers do not fit to it and muscles do not attach. When our hair is cut, we do not feel any pain, the hair does not bleed, and when it is pulled, not a single muscle is stretched. And yet ... hair is a living substance capable of self-reproduction. Living cells that multiply at a tremendous rate are located in the hair root, which lies deep in the dermis.

The hair follicle is the hair root with the surrounding tissues that form the outer and inner root sheaths and the hair-glandular complex (sebaceous and sweat glands; hair lifting muscle; blood vessels and nerve endings). We are born with a certain number of such follicles, this value is genetically programmed, and nothing can be changed here. Although, perhaps, in the near future, scientists will be able to reprogram this hereditary information - now all the prerequisites have been created for this.

At the base of the follicle, and the dermis, there is a hair papilla - a connective tissue formation containing blood vessels. It provides nutrition and growth activity of the hair follicle.

Each hair follicle has its own innervation and muscles. Thanks to the muscles and nerve endings, the hair follicle has tactile sensitivity, allowing it to make subtle movements.

When the corresponding muscle - the muscle that lifts the hair - contracts from fear or cold, the hair lifts and squeezes the skin, forming bumps or goose bumps on it. The blood vessels surrounding the hair follicle and hair papilla supply them with all the nutrients needed for cell proliferation and hair growth. Another distinctive feature of hair is that the rate of cell division in the human body ranks second after the rate of cell proliferation in the bone marrow.

Each hair follicle is an independent entity with its own growth cycle. In different follicles, these cycles are not synchronous, otherwise all our hair would fall out at the same time, while this process proceeds gradually and imperceptibly.

Hair is made up primarily of keratin, a protein built from amino acids. Some of these amino acids (cystine, methionine) contain sulfur atoms (we will return to this information when we consider the structure of hair).

The approximate chemical composition of healthy hair is as follows:

  • 15% water,
  • 6% lines,
  • 1% pigment,
  • 78% protein.

If the hair has been exposed to chemical or physical influences, if certain diseases are found, the composition of the hair may change. For example, with frequent dyeing and perm, illiterate selection of hair care products, abuse of thermal styling methods, hair can lose a large percentage of moisture. In this case, it is necessary to select high-quality hair care products that restore normal moisture levels.

Hair shaft

Each hair consists of a root (this is the part of the hair that is deep in the skin) and a shaft (we see it on the surface and this is what we used to call hair itself). There are three concentric layers in the hair shaft.

  • The outer layer, or cuticle - it is also called the integumentary, scaly.
    The cuticle performs a protective, barrier function. It is formed by six to ten overlapping layers of transparent keratin plates, interconnected by both numerous cross-links and lipid layers. The cuticle prevents mechanical and physical influences on the hair. An intact cuticle reflects light well; hair is shiny, elastic and does not break.
  • Cortex, or cortex.
    The cortex is the main substance of the hair (80 to 85 percent of its volume), which consists of millions of keratin fibers. They are twisted together and connected by strong cross-links.
  • The medullary layer is the central medulla.
    This is the central part of the hair shaft, which is not present in all types of human hair. For example, medulla is absent in vellus hair. Air bubbles fill the medulla - due to this, the hair has a certain thermal conductivity. Medulla does not play any role in changing both the chemical and physical properties of the hair.

Hair structure and growth

Hair grows about 1 to 2 centimeters per month. The growth of new hair starts from the papilla, which is located at the base of the hair follicle. Cells divide and multiply inside the cortex (it is formed by the middle part of the bulb) - this area, adjacent directly to the papilla, is called the matrix. As they move to the surface of the scalp, follicular keratinocytes gradually lose their nuclei, flatten and keratinize, filling with hard keratin (keratinized).

Among the cells of the hair follicle, melanocytes are also represented, which determine the natural color of the hair. At the mouth of the hair follicle, a duct of the sebaceous gland opens, containing sebum, an oily substance that is secreted onto the surface of the scalp. Sebum, along with exfoliated corneocytes of the epidermis and normal flora, is the main protective mantle of the skin. It also lubricates the hair. giving them elasticity, smoothness and, to a certain extent, water repellency.

Hair life cycle

The life cycle of a hair consists of three stages; its duration ranges from 2 to 5 years. Each hair follicle is genetically programmed to produce approximately 25-27 hairs. Each hair lives according to its own "individual schedule", and therefore different hairs at the same time are at different stages of their life cycle: 85% of hairs are in the phase of active growth (anagen), 1% in the resting phase (catagen) and 14 % - in the stage of loss (telogen).

Anagen is a continuous division of cells in the matrix of the hair follicle, as a result of which new cells move to the surface of the scalp. This period of active growth lasts for 2-5 years.

Catagen - the division of matrix cells slows down and stops, the hair follicle "goes into hibernation". The hair follicle is gradually detached from the papilla. This phase does not last very long - about 3-1 weeks.

Telogen - cell renewal stops for about 3 months (the time during which the connection between the newly synthesized hair follicle and the hair papilla is restored, and the new hair enters the anagen phase). The telogen bulb, completely detached from the dermal papilla, takes on an elongated shape and begins to move to the surface of the skin of the scalp. During the telogen period, new hair begins to grow and the old one falls out.

On the scalp of each person there are on average from 100 to 150 thousand hair follicles, in which hair forms, grows and from which then falls out. Knowing the percentage of hair in different phases, you can calculate the value that characterizes normal hair loss. Normally, we lose an average of 70-80 hairs per day.

Amino acids

Amino acids are the building blocks for healthy hair growth. Essential amino acids and other nutrients necessary for hair growth are supplied to our body through food. They are carried throughout the body by the bloodstream and through the capillaries reach the hair papilla. This is why a long journey to healthy hair and healthy skin lies in following a balanced diet.

A large number of amino acids, connecting with each other, form a polypeptide chain. The hair shaft is similar in structure to a rope or a three-core electrical cable. Polypeptide chains are intertwined to form threads. These threads, in turn, winding on each other, create a supercoiled structure: combining several pieces, they form first protofibrils of the hair, then microfibrils and, finally, the largest fibers - macrofibrils. Wrapping around each other, macrofibrils form the main fibers of the cortex.


Long polypeptide chains, located parallel to each other in the fibers of the hair cortex, bind to each other, forming transverse bridges. If it were not for these covalent bonds between certain amino acid residues of adjacent chains, the chains would separate and the fiber disintegrated. It is these cross-links that give keratin its unique qualities: strength and elasticity.

For example, disulfide bonds (bonds between two sulfur atoms) are the strongest, mainly due to the natural strength of the hair. The principle of perming hair is based on the breaking and subsequent restoration of a certain percentage of these bonds.

Hydrogen bonds are much weaker than disulfide bonds, but there are much more of them. They are formed due to the mutual attraction of hydrogen atoms located on adjacent polypeptide chains. These bonds play an important role in the elasticity of the hair.

For any person, regardless of age and gender, hair is an adornment. They protect our head from overheating, hypothermia, but in order for them to look great and have a healthy look, proper care is necessary. And in order to properly care for and not damage, you need to know what the hair consists of.

Hair base

Nature is arranged in such a way that after a haircut the hair will grow back anyway. But for some, this process occurs rapidly, while for others it is a little slower. It depends on what state they are in.

We will find out what constitutes human hair and what are the causes of damage. Natural phenomena and improper care can be a common cause of damage. Restoration in many cases occurs naturally, through the growth of new strands, but the use of special cosmetic procedures for recovery will also be important.

Hair structure

Before you try to apply procedures such as dyeing, curling, and combing, you need to find out what the hair of a person on the head consists of.

The hair has a structure similar to a tree, that is, it is a trunk, in our case a rod, and is located under the skin, in other words, under the layer of the dermis, and ends in the hair follicle, and the rod is accordingly located on the surface of the skin. The hair follicle contains a hair follicle - it has the name of a follicle, it also contains the sebaceous glands. They are responsible for shine and elasticity. In the case of a small secretion of secretions from the sebaceous glands, the hair loses its vitality and looks dull. Also, strong secretion is not encouraged, in this case the hair quickly becomes dirty and oily.

We all feel the touch of our hair, the torn hair sends a signal to the brain about pain, and even in the moment of fear or cold, the hair stands on end. Nerve endings located at the root of the hair follicle are responsible for all these functions.

Human hair: chemical composition

Keratin protein is contained in hair 79%.

Lipids - 6%.

Proceeding from the fact that hair mainly consists of keratin, and, as you know, keratin is a protein, consists of amino acids, enriched with trace elements and vitamins, its connection is a chain of transverse bridges of amino acid precipitates. Thanks to them, the hair becomes dense, elastic and resilient. In addition to all of the above, hair curls contain from 4% fatty substances such as cholesterol. Melanin is found in every organism in different proportions and is responsible for pigmentation. Hair color depends on the chemical composition. The darker the hair, the more carbon and less oxygen it contains; in light curls, the opposite is true.

The cuticle consists of thin plates, and they go one after the other. Tightly wraps around the cerebral cortex for protection. Young hair has approximately 10 layers, but these layers gradually decrease due to wear and tear. The upper layer of the cuticle is covered with a lipid layer. It includes not only fatty acids, but also wax esters. It is very sensitive to the sun's rays, and frequent and long-term exposure to the scorching rays of the sun will lead to its destruction.

When we wet our hair, cuticle scales rise from getting wet, and combing wet hair is not recommended to avoid damage. In the case when it is necessary to comb them, you need to use conditioners, oils or gels that will glue the scales and keep them from damage.

Hair is a reflection of what we eat, remember this when you want something not very healthy. In addition, the environment also affects the curls.
Now we know what elements the hair is made of, this will make it easier for us to care for and take care of them.

Hair Growth Principle

Hair growth for each person is individual and occurs in a cyclical form. One cycle lasts several years, followed by three months of rest. During this period, old hair follicles die off, this leads to hair loss, but new young ones grow in this place.

What does the hair on the head consist of and what are the main phases observed during hair loss:

  1. Anagenic is the most active of all. In this phase, the formation and structure of the hair takes place.
  2. Catagenic - is a transitional phase. In other words, the hair dies off, and lasts up to three months.
  3. Telogen is the final phase and calm. At this stage, the old hair falls out, making way for the new one. There are cases that at this stage the old curls fall out, and the new ones cannot break through, since a disease of the skin may be present, which leads to the loss of the bulb.

Some facts of the "hair growth" process

  1. No one can determine the exact amount of hair on a person's head. The history of mankind only knows that about one hundred thousand grows in one cycle of change.
  2. Hair for an adult and a child is different in density. The older a person is, the denser they are. You can look at the picture of the hair of an adult and a child, and determine the density with the naked eye.
  3. One hair can grow up to a meter in length, then the resting stage begins, which can last up to three months, later new follicles appear.
  4. At a time, about 90% of human hair can be in the growth stage, and the remaining 10% - in the resting stage.

Hair and its properties

Healthy curls are considered elastic and strong. When you stretch such a hair by one fifth of its entire length, it will not break, and then it will return to its original state. In terms of strength, hair of this type is equated to aluminum, which allows them to withstand stress.

The article is devoted to the question of what human hair consists of, let's also analyze why curls quickly absorb water. Human hair is so structured that it has the ability to absorb not only water, but also to absorb water vapor, glycerin, animal and vegetable fats. Substances such as mineral oils, petroleum jelly are not absorbed, they remain on the surface. These properties are taken into account in the manufacture of medical masks and various hair care products. The ability of hair to absorb water can be attributed to many properties that are important to hair. For example, as we already know, curls lengthen when wet, or during humidity in the environment. Hair can swell by absorbing approximately 10 to 25 percent of the water. The increased volume is an indicator of the absorption capacity.

Hair structure and variety

It is worth noting that the structure and variety are related. Before disassembling what the hair consists of in relation to the variety, it is necessary to disassemble which main types are distinguished:

  1. Fluffy hair.
  2. Long.
  3. Bristly.

Classified by fat content:

  1. Oily hair - they are characterized by the activity of the sebaceous glands. Revealed oily sheen on the scalp, equated to rapid pollution and have an unkempt appearance in a short period of time.
  2. Dry - they are characterized by low activity of the sebaceous glands. Revealed dryness on the scalp, the tips and the hair shaft itself quickly break.
  3. Normal hair looks healthy, has a soft shaft, and is bouncy. Skin condition is normal.

Transitional hair type, resembles in shape:

  1. Straight.
  2. Wavy.
  3. Curly.

The structure of each of them practically does not differ, the main difference is the property of the follicle. You know what the hair is made of, which means you should know that we are not able to change its root structure, full structure and, of course, the human scalp. All these above-mentioned characteristic properties are genetically inherent in everyone, therefore external influence is powerless. The only thing that can be corrected with proper care is the level of oiliness of the scalp and curls, hair loss and the disappearance of follicles will also be reduced.

What is hair made of

The part of the hair on the head of a person, which is located along the top of the skin, is called the shaft, and which is hidden under the skin, the root. At the end of the root there is an extension, this is a fleecy bulb, where the main process of human hair growth takes place. The follicle is nourished.

The rod has a three-layer structure. The first layer is the hair core, which contains keratinized cells. The second layer is the cortical substance, which is responsible for the color of the hairline. And the third layer is the cuticle, it consists of keratinized cells, which are superimposed on one another.

What are hair and nails made of?

The nail consists of a nail plate, which is based on keratin. In other words, it is a protein that is present in the skin and hair is already formed from it. In nails and hair, the density of keratin is based on the presence of a large amount of sulfur. The amount of sulfur in the body can vary not only because of its presence, but also be inherited through the hereditary line. Thanks to this, in many people, the nail plate is denser and the nails become stronger from this.

The layer of fat and water gives shine and elasticity to the nail plate. The nail has the property, like hair, to absorb water, thereby increasing the thickness of the nail plate. Therefore, with frequent contact with water, the hair becomes thicker and softer. The health of the nail is given by the content of trace elements such as chromium, phosphorus, zinc. Remember that dieting slows down nail growth and disrupts blood circulation and metabolism.

Substances responsible for the nutrition of the human hair roots

Nutrition is important for the hair roots; four amino acids are responsible for it:

Cystine - gives the hair sulfur, it promotes the formation of keratin. When eating vegetables, milk, meat, you can be sure of the abundance of cystine in the hair root.

Histidine - for the body as an antistress, helps the renewal of keratinized tissues. Found in foods such as soy, cheese, peanuts.

Tyrosine - ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, protects hair from breakage and loss, is responsible for the color of hair and skin. Contained in food: almonds, sesame seeds, avocado.

Lysine - is necessary for the growth and restoration of tissue coverings, is responsible for healthy hair curls. Does not accumulate in the body. Contained in foods: lentils, soybeans, sprouted wheat grains, fish and meat protein.

Proper nutrition will give your hair a healthy and luxurious look.