Can you fly while pregnant? Favorable and unfavorable periods for air travel, contraindications and possible negative consequences. Flight during pregnancy at different times. Can pregnant women fly on airplanes

Traveling long distances is now hard to imagine without air transport. The plane is becoming a common means of transportation for more and more people. Pregnant women are no exception. In addition, some women make frequent flights due to their professional affiliation (for example, flight attendants). Therefore, the question of the safety of air travel during pregnancy is relevant. Unfortunately, this problem is not well represented in the literature, and the available information is more often based on common sense than evidence-based medicine. Some questions remain unclear.
The most important problems include preterm birth, thromboembolic complications, exposure to radiation, reduced arterial oxygen saturation, and obstetric complications that are difficult to predict.

The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend that pregnant women use air transport in the following cases:

* pregnancy more than 36 weeks (more than 32 weeks in case of multiple pregnancy);

* complicated pregnancy (pathology of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, etc.);

* within seven days after delivery.

It is known that the best time for travel, including flights during pregnancy, is the second trimester, when all the main organs of the baby have already formed, it is reliably protected from external negative influences, and is the least susceptible to changes in environmental conditions. It is from the 14th to the 28th week that toxicosis no longer torments, and the stomach still does not interfere, the risk of miscarriage decreases and the threat of premature birth does not arise. Of course, your gynecologist should be sure of this. He knows how the pregnancy proceeds, whether there is a danger of complications, and is able to give specific recommendations, and not in general. If there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, it is still better to postpone your trip until the moment when the baby is born, grows up a little. Thus, if air travel is not vital for a pregnant woman, then it is better not to risk your health and the health of your born baby, and postpone the flight until better times.

Preparations for the trip should begin with a visit to the doctor to make sure once again that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and the planned flight does not pose a health risk, as well as to take a health certificate, which will indicate the gestational age and the approximate date of birth. Many airlines do not allow pregnant women with a period of more than seven months to board the aircraft (then you will need a certificate from a doctor). They can be understood: childbirth in the air is not the best solution. Information about the carriage of pregnant women must be clarified additionally with the airline, because it has the right to establish its own rules. So, consider the following risk.

preterm birth

Currently, there is no scientific evidence that air travel during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth, the birth of a small child. Flight-induced stress can be considered a risk factor, since stress is associated with increased release of corticotropin-releasing hormone. Transvaginal ultrasound of the cervix can be used when counseling high-risk pregnant women to predict preterm birth. A cervix greater than 15 mm indicates a low risk of preterm birth. It should be remembered that preterm births are quite common, and patients should be aware of the lack of facilities for resuscitation of newborns on board the aircraft. It is for this reason that some airlines have developed special rules prohibiting flights for pregnant women with a high risk of preterm birth (for example, with multiple pregnancies, a history of preterm birth), as well as with full-term pregnancies. So Aeroflot airline stipulates the following conditions. Pregnant women who are expected to give birth within the next four weeks must provide a written consent from the doctor for the flight. Medical examination must be issued not earlier than 7 days before the start of the flight.
Find out more about the airline you are flying with.

Before buying a plane ticket, ask what rules exist in your chosen airline. For example, Aeroflot does not recommend flying 4 weeks before the expected due date and requires a doctor's confirmation. If there is no certificate indicating the date of birth, then the airport doctor solves the problem. Aeroflot does not allow flights 7 days before the due date and within 7 days after the due date. Airline crews undergo special training at medical training centers. Interestingly, Aeroflot is in first place in terms of the number of children born on airplanes, and this circumstance gave rise to a funny saying among the people: “Give birth with Aeroflot airplanes!”. Sky Express pregnant women whose term ends within the next 12 weeks must provide a written consent from the doctor for the flight. It will be necessary to sign obligations that the airline is not responsible for possible negative consequences for the mother or fetus. The same piece of paper will be asked to sign in Transaero. Here, the flight of pregnant women is allowed, provided that it takes place no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth and there is no risk of premature birth. Information about the condition of a pregnant woman, confirmed by a medical report and an exchange card, must be provided to the airline. Utair agrees to transport pregnant women whose term does not exceed 30 weeks, and they will also ask for a receipt for no claims for the consequences. The receipt is filled in when issuing a ticket at the agency or at check-in at the airport (if the receipt was not issued at the agency). In general, all the details can be obtained from the air carrier directly!

Here are the conditions for flying pregnant women of some other airlines.

When checking in for a flight, you can ask for a seat at the aisle so that during the flight you can freely go to the toilet and walk around the cabin of the aircraft. It is better to fasten the seat belt lower so that it does not pull on the stomach; in flight, you need to drink plenty of water, stretch your legs regularly to activate blood circulation. From here we will get acquainted with the following problems that may arise in flight.

Deep vein thrombosis and PE
The risk of deep vein thrombosis during a long flight increases by 2-3 times. Symptomatic deep vein thrombosis occurs with a frequency of 1:4000-10000, asymptomatic - approximately 10 times more often. In addition, these figures increase on very long flights, for example, from Europe to Australia. English authors report about one case of death of passengers from PE per month only according to Heathrow Airport (London). The risk of thrombosis increases mainly due to prolonged immobilization of passengers, as well as low oxygen concentration and low air humidity in the aircraft cabin, drinking alcohol and large amounts of coffee, which leads to the development of venous stasis in the lower extremities and dehydration. In modern literature, the phenomenon of the development of venous thrombosis in air passengers is often called the "economy class syndrome". However, venous thrombosis associated with prolonged immobilization can develop in business class and first class passengers, as well as during long journeys by car, bus or train. Therefore, some authors consider the term “flight-related deep venous thrombosis” to be more accurate.
Thromboembolic complications during pregnancy occur with a frequency of 1:1000 and are one of the main causes of maternal death in developed countries. Increased levels of procoagulants and venous stasis in the lower extremities are the reasons for the increased risk of venous thrombosis during pregnancy. The greatest risk is associated with a history of venous thrombosis and thrombophilia. There is no evidence to quantify the risk of air travel-related thrombosis, but an increase in pregnancy is evident. Therefore, preventive recommendations for passengers with an increased risk of thrombotic complications during long flights are quite acceptable for pregnant women.
The Advisory Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Great Britain (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) has developed differentiated recommendations for pregnant women, depending on the presence of additional risk factors and the duration of air travel. A long flight is considered to be a flight lasting more than 3 hours. All patients (pregnancy of any period and 6 weeks postpartum period) during the flight must be prevented from venous stasis in the lower extremities, including isometric tension of the calf muscles and movement around the aircraft cabin for 5-10 minutes per hour, when possible. To prevent dehydration, it is recommended to drink enough fluids (water, juice), limit coffee, other caffeinated drinks and alcohol. For all pregnant women on a long flight, it is advisable to use compression stockings.
Drug prophylaxis is carried out only during long flights in pregnant women with additional risk factors for thromboembolic complications, which include: weight more than 100 kg or body mass index> 30, multiple pregnancy, aggravated family history, thrombophilia and other conditions accompanied by an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis . The method of choice is the administration of low molecular weight heparin preparations on the day of the flight and the next day in the following doses: 5000 units of dalteparin or 40 mg of enoxyparin. An alternative method of prevention is the appointment of aspirin in low doses for 3 days before the flight and on the day of the flight (75 mg 1 time per day). According to RCOG experts, aspirin is less effective in preventing venous thrombosis than low molecular weight heparins, but more acceptable, because. accepted per os. It should also be remembered that the absence of adverse effects on the fetus of low doses of aspirin in the first trimester has not yet been finally proven, while low molecular weight heparins do not pass through the placenta.
NB! check with your doctor before taking any of the above.

thrombosis prevention. Pregnant or not, here are some tips that will positively affect rheology - blood viscosity and blood flow in general.

  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing for the trip.
  • Be sure to wear compression stockings. Remember the rules for putting them on. Definitely in the morning, immediately after waking up. without getting out of bed.
  • Do not sit in a cross-legged position - contrary to superstition, because of this position, clumsy children are not born, the reason is different. It’s just that with this position of the body, blood circulation in the legs of the expectant mother is disturbed, which can lead to varicose veins.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated (approximately 500 ml in one hour).
  • The simplest thing you should do in the cabin of an airplane in order to "force" your blood to move through the vessels more actively is to be active yourself. Feel free to get up every hour to stretch a little. But even sitting in a chair, you should not relax, twist your leg at the ankle joint, move your fingers. You can do these simple exercises without worrying about who is next to you, and if you are lucky and the place is free nearby, then feel free to throw your legs higher. I read somewhere that one girl, being in an interesting position, retired periodically to the toilet, and sat there. I put my feet up on the sink.

General contraindications to travel at all stages of pregnancy:
excessive vomiting;
defects and various diseases of the female genital organs; late toxicosis (gestosis);
anemia II and III degree;
exacerbation of chronic diseases, tuberculosis, exacerbation of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infection, alcoholism and drug addiction.

According to the experts of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Great Britain absolute contraindications for flight, placenta previa, preeclampsia, severe anemia should be considered. Relative contraindications include premature birth and premature detachment of a normally located placenta; anemia of moderate severity, low placentation (from 20 weeks of gestation), the presence of bloody discharge from the genital tract at any stage of pregnancy, invasive procedures, multiple pregnancy (after 24 weeks), abnormal position of the fetus in the second half of the third trimester.

All these contraindications are most often accompanied by poor health of the woman herself, therefore, the desire to travel in this state most often does not arise.

This leads to the next complication that occurs during the flight.


It is well known that at high altitude there is a decrease in oxygen tension (Pa O2) in the cabin air, which leads to a decrease in blood Pa O2 and causes the development of appropriate compensatory reactions that do not go beyond physiological in a healthy person. The parameters for PaO2 at a typical commercial flight altitude (up to 2500 meters) are presented in the table. Critical PaO2 values ​​are observed at altitudes >3000 meters.

Huch R. studied the effect of relative hypoxia on the body of healthy pregnant women in real conditions, during the flight, and did not reveal any serious differences in blood gas composition or compensatory reactions. When monitoring the state of the fetus during the flight, there were also no signs of fetal respiratory distress, i.e. tachy- and bradycardia and pathological types of heart rate variability in cardiotocography. It is believed that a slight decrease in PaO2 in the mother's blood during air travel, as a rule, does not lead to the development of severe fetal hypoxia, because. The affinity for oxygen in fetal hemoglobin is much greater than that of adult hemoglobin. Thus, relative hypoxia is easily tolerated by both mother and fetus. Opinion on the increased risk of congenital malformations of the fetus due to hypoxia during air travel at altitude<2500 метров в настоящее время считается необоснованым.
But in some pathological conditions, such as severe anemia (Hb<80 г/л), снижение PaO2 в крови может достигать критических значений. Поэтому авиаперелеты противопоказаны беременным с анемией тяжелой степени, но могут допускаться при возможности дополнительной оксигенации.

The impact of cosmic radiation. Myth or reality? Should a pregnant woman be concerned?
Cosmic rays are a stream of stable high-energy particles and electromagnetic radiation quanta coming to the Earth from world space, as well as secondary radiation generated by these particles during interactions with atomic nuclei in the atmosphere, which includes all known elementary particles. The vast majority of cosmic rays come from the Galaxy, a smaller part is associated with the activity of the Sun. Solar flares can increase the intensity of cosmic radiation by 10-20 times. The natural shield that prevents the penetration of cosmic radiation to the Earth is the atmosphere. But with increasing altitude, the protective effect of the atmosphere progressively decreases. At the flight altitude of modern passenger airliners, the intensity of cosmic radiation is several hundred times higher than at sea level.
Of course, we are talking about the so-called "small" doses of radiation, which do not have any effect on the health of ordinary passengers. However, pilots and other crew members during the year can receive a dose of radiation that is, on average, adequate to the radiation exposure at facilities with increased radiation hazard. This fact was officially recognized by the US Federal Aviation Administration in the early 1990s. A special document has been developed, which clearly establishes the maximum allowable dose of radiation for crew members, which is considered safe - no more than 50 millisieverts per year (for the US population, this figure is 1 mSv per year). At the same time, the maximum allowable equivalent dose during 9 months of pregnancy for female crew members should not exceed 5 mSv. Due to the high penetrating power of cosmic radiation, the doses of radiation received by a pregnant woman and a fetus are considered to be the same.
As is known, the consequences of exposure to large doses of ionizing radiation on the development of the embryo and fetus depend on the gestational age in which the exposure occurred. In the first 9 days after conception, the most likely effect is the death of the fetal egg before its full implantation. The most dangerous is the period from the 9th to the 50th day from conception (especially the 3rd and 4th weeks), when all the main organs and systems are formed. Exposure to radiation at the end of the first trimester can lead to mental retardation of the child. Finally, exposure at any gestational age is associated with an increased risk of childhood malignancies. However, it should be emphasized that the biological effects of "small" ionizing radiation on the human body, especially during prenatal development, have not yet been sufficiently studied. According to the available theoretical developments and epidemiological data, the increase in the risk of fetal malformations and the development of cancer in childhood due to exposure to cosmic radiation during professional air travel during pregnancy is extremely small.
However, women whose profession is related to flights during pregnancy are not recommended to participate in long flights at high altitude and in certain latitudes close to the geomagnetic belts of the Earth, where the risk of exposure to cosmic radiation is highest. Many airlines offer flight attendants temporary work "on the ground" as soon as the fact of pregnancy is established. In reality, in developed countries, these women now rarely participate in flights.
It should be noted that current data on the frequency of miscarriage among women working as flight attendants during pregnancy are rather contradictory. In a prospective study by Okoshi H. et al., including 480 flight attendants who stopped flying at an average of 6.5 weeks of pregnancy, the incidence of spontaneous abortions (up to 22 weeks) was 14.6%, i.e. did not differ from the general population. A large retrospective cohort study by Aspholm R. (n=1751) showed a slight increase in the risk of miscarriage among flight attendants who flew during early pregnancy compared with their non-working counterparts (relative risk 1.3, 0.9-1.8, 95% confidence interval ). Moreover, there was an increase in the relative risk of miscarriage for the period from 1973 to 1994 (0.4 and 1.6, respectively). Whereas, according to the results of a study by James E. Cone et al. (n=718), the number of spontaneous abortions (up to 28 weeks) among flight attendants who worked in the first trimester turned out to be almost 2 times higher than among those who did not work (15% and 8%, respectively). In addition, the risk of miscarriage in primigravidas increased with increasing flight hours. Among the professional factors of miscarriage among flight attendants, the authors pay attention, first of all, to desynchronosis, changes in gravitational pressure, exposure to ozone, fuel components, tobacco smoke, noise and vibration, stress, as well as viral infections and cosmic radiation. However, it should be recognized that a quantitative analysis of the possible relationship between the received dose of radiation and the risk of miscarriage has not yet been carried out.
It is currently believed that infrequent long-term air travel (i.e. as a passenger), regardless of the gestational age, does not adversely affect the intrauterine development of the unborn child, since the equivalent dose received in this case is several times less than the maximum permissible level adopted for the population (t .e.< 1 миллизиверта). Так, например, за время трансатлантического перелета эквивалентная доза составляет 50 микрозивертов, что в 2.5 раза меньше, чем при рентгенографии органов грудной клетки с экранированием области малого таза.
It should also be said that metal detectors used by security services at airports are not a source of ionizing radiation (their work is based on a weak magnetic field), and, as is commonly believed, cannot have any damaging effect during pregnancy. X-ray radiation is used only when checking baggage.

Should I be concerned about pressure drops?

It should also be remembered that when climbing to a higher altitude, even the one at which all commercial flights take place, your heart will have to experience a drag load due to changes in atmospheric pressure. And he will have to work in a more enhanced mode in order to successfully pump blood in order to provide oxygen to the body. In an initially healthy person, these compensatory possibilities are natural, which cannot be said about a knowingly problematic heart. That is, if you have any pathology of the cardiovascular system, it is better to avoid flying during pregnancy.

Well, let's sum up the important results of what we have read. How to prepare for the flight, how to behave during it.

Dress properly. On the plane, it is best to wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. Instead of overalls, it is better to wear wide trousers or a skirt with a shirt. In a narrow toilet, it’s already hard to turn with increasing dimensions, and then the straps of the overalls will sweep the floor or fall right into the toilet.

Before flying, you must easy snack because hunger contributes to motion sickness syndromes. Take a hematogen or bitter chocolate with you in your pocket, any sour candies will also help. Before leaving the house, you can drink a cup of weak ginger (sold in health food departments, herbal pharmacies) or mint tea. During the flight, do not look out the windows, if you are already motion sick, do not read. Relax, lean back in your chair and look straight ahead. Take a player with audiobooks with you, they will help you get distracted and not throw panicky glances around (the more you turn your head, the worse the motion sickness). Medicines for motion sickness allowed during pregnancy: Avia-Sea and Vertigoheel (homeopathy), but before taking them, consult your doctor. Take lemon, eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil with you to the salon.

In an airplane, the most convenient places are in business class (wide seats, increased distance between rows), in the first row of economy class (increased distance between the seat and the inter-cabin partition), they are followed in terms of comfort for a pregnant woman by aisle seats in the front rows of economy class (it is easier there out into the corridor). Most airlines, including Aeroflot, have introduced a ban on smoking, so the air on the planes has become cleaner. But since the flow of air in them goes from nose to tail, the last rows in the plane are still undesirable for pregnant women. Asking for a seat next to the emergency exit is not worth it. For safety reasons, this is not recommended. Because if necessary, you will have to open this hatch to save passengers. It is unlikely that you will be able to do this while pregnant. But what you should do is ask for an aisle seat. so you can go out for walks often.

As a rule, during any long journey, you have to sit for a long time, your legs become numb, blood circulation is disturbed in the pelvic organs. Find an opportunity to get up and walk around once again, this is extremely important for you. Take off your shoes as soon as you sit in your chair. In flight, you will need special pillows for your neck, and place a soft cushion or blanket under your lower back. Then sitting in one position will not be so hard. Before flying, it is advisable to wear special anti-varicose stockings. Don't sit cross-legged. Every hour, go out into the aisle and walk. Do not forget about exercises for your tired legs.

Necessarily drink plenty of fluids, approximately 500 ml for one hour.

Seat belts do not fasten on the stomach, but only below the stomach. The takeoff and landing time is not so long, and you can be patient, but as practice shows in case of disasters, the safety of a woman and an unborn child is increased. It can be stuffy or cold in the cabin.

Your mucous membranes, which during pregnancy already experience a triple load, can rebel, this threatens to exacerbate "pregnant" runny nose. Take Aqua-Maris with you in your hand luggage, as well as a bottle of 0.33 with thermal or mineral water (without gas) to refresh your face.

If you suddenly feel strong contractions feel free to let the crew know. They should be oriented in advance in assisting you, and perhaps in a pinch, the plane will be able to make an emergency landing at the nearest airport in order for you to receive more qualified assistance.

Also, if you're thinking about insurance, then do not forget that in most insurance companies, pregnancy is not an insured event. And many of them categorically refuse to insure pregnant women. Pregnancy is recognized by insurance companies as too serious a risk not covered by any multiplying coefficients. This is a global practice: they do not insure anywhere for significant periods. According to the press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry, in Europe travel insurance is practiced with a pregnancy of up to 8 weeks. In the event of trouble with the woman's health during this period, we are not talking about the doctors' responsibility for the life of the second person - the child, that is, medical care in this case is provided to one person - the insured person.

Based on materials from,,,

Many people plan to fly during pregnancy - vacation, business trips, study ... But the question arises,

Is it safe to fly during pregnancy, what are the difficulties and risks for a pregnant woman and how can they be avoided? This note is based on the recommendations of the doctors of the Royal Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (UK) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (USA) to pregnant women. This note will be helpful if you are planning to fly while pregnant. But if you are a crew member, or frequent flights are part of your job, then you need to additionally consult a doctor.

Will flying harm me or my baby?

There is no evidence that flying can harm you or your unborn baby if the pregnancy proceeds without any complications.

Many women experience anxiety about the upcoming flight due to the state of the air inside the aircraft - lower atmospheric pressure and reduced humidity. There are also fears that the flight may provoke the onset of labor or cause the outflow of amniotic fluid.

However, if you are healthy and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then there is no evidence that changes in barometric pressure and/or a decrease in air humidity can harm the baby and there is no evidence that flying can cause preterm labor or rupture of amniotic fluid

Radiation level during flight

During any flight, the amount of radiation that affects you increases slightly. Currently, episodic flights are not considered to be any significant risk for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby.

The International Commissionon Radiological Protection recommends a maximum annual radiation dose of 1 millisievert (mSv) (100 rem) for all humans and 1 mSv for all forty pregnancies. Even during the longest intercontinental flight, a passenger receives a dose of no more than 15% of the specified limits. Therefore, it is unlikely that single flights will exceed the allowable rate for pregnant women. However, this fact must be taken into account if you are a member of the aircraft crew or fly frequently.

What is the safest period of pregnancy for flying?

When pregnant, the safest time to fly is:

  • up to 37 weeks if you are expecting one baby and the pregnancy proceeds without complications, starting from 37 weeks of pregnancy, the likelihood of labor onset increases significantly, a number of airlines do not allow women to fly after 37 weeks of pregnancy, others do not allow flights even at earlier periods, for example, after 34 weeks
  • up to 34 weeks if you are expecting twins and the pregnancy is uneventful

If you are more than 28 weeks pregnant, airlines usually ask you to provide a medical certificate from a doctor or midwife, which indicates the expected date of delivery and states that you do not have an increased risk of any complications. Therefore, before booking a ticket, check the conditions of flying during pregnancy with this airline, as the requirements may differ not only from different airlines, but also within the same company, depending on the duration of the flight and distance.

Does the risk of any problems increase if I travel by plane?

Prolonged sitting in cramped conditions may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis,

That is, the formation of a blood clot (blood clot) in the vessels of the legs, in the calves, in the vessels of the pelvis. During pregnancy and within 6 weeks after delivery, the risk of thrombosis is higher. There is evidence that flights longer than 8 hours may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis. This is especially true if there are additional risk factors (for example, there has already been a thrombosis or there is obesity). Ask your doctor to check if you are in a high-risk group.

What can be done to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis?

If your flight is short, up to 4 hours, then there is no need for any additional precautions.

To reduce the risk of developing venous thrombosis on long flights, more than 4 hours:

  • Drink water regularly throughout the flight
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and caffeinated drinks
  • Wear elastic compression stockings, but remember that the type and size of stockings that are right for you should be determined by your doctor
  • Regardless of the length of the flight, if you have additional risk factors for venous thrombosis, you may be offered heparin (an injection that reduces the chance of a blood clot) on the day of the flight and for several days after. Get a doctor's note to take this medicine into the cabin.

    Causes of discomfort during air travel can be:

    • Swelling of the legs
    • Nasal congestion, ear problems: Nasal congestion is more likely during pregnancy, and low air pressure in an airplane can lead to ear problems.
    • Nausea of ​​pregnant women: if you get sick during flights, this can increase early toxicosis

    Do I need to fasten my seat belt?

    Be sure to fasten your seat belt. During the flight, the aircraft may unexpectedly enter an area of ​​high turbulence, so there is a risk of injury. Therefore, pregnant women should remain seated in their seats.

    Make sure the belt goes under your tummy.

    In what situations should I refrain from flying?

    Certain health problems can complicate pregnancy and pose some risk to you and your unborn baby. Based on these considerations, it is advisable for you to refrain from flying if:
    • you are at risk for preterm labor
    • you have severe anemia, which is a condition in which the level of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in your blood is below normal
    • You suffer from sickle cell anemia
    • you have recently had spotting from the genital tract
    • you have a serious heart or lung disease and are having trouble breathing
    • You have recently had abdominal surgery that involved the intestines (such as removal of the appendix)
    • you have an inflammatory disease of the ear (otitis media) or paranasal sinuses
    It is important to discuss your health and pregnancy complications with your doctor before your next flight.

    Does the risk of a miscarriage increase during the flight?

    To date, there is no evidence that flying increases the risk of miscarriage. However, miscarriages are fairly common (one in five) during the first 13 weeks of pregnancy whether you are flying or not.

    What happens if the birth comes early?

    Every pregnant woman (even in the case of an uncomplicated pregnancy) has a small chance of giving birth prematurely, or there may be a situation of premature rupture of amniotic fluid. Should this happen to you during a flight, there is no guarantee that any of the passengers or crew members will have knowledge of childbirth. On board the aircraft there is no possibility to provide medical assistance in case of complications. As a result, the pilot may decide to change the flight.

    Journey of a newborn baby

    It is not recommended to fly before 7 days after birth. Most airlines do not allow travel earlier than this, so check with the airline you wish to travel with for infant travel restrictions as requirements may vary (e.g. 8 days or more).

    The main thing: in the absence of any complications of pregnancy and other medical contraindications, single flights during pregnancy are safe

    So we make a decision

    When deciding whether or not to fly, think about your health and the possible risks you may have. These questions can also help you make a decision:
    • Why do I want to fly at this particular time?
    • Do I really need a flight?
    • How long is the flight? Could it increase the risk of developing health problems?
    • How many weeks of pregnancy will there be at the time of travel and at the time of return?
    • This flight is necessary for me to get better treatment in the country where I'm going, and will it help me better cope with possible complications?
    • What medical facilities and facilities are available where I am flying in case of unforeseen complications?
    • Have I received all the necessary vaccinations and do I have the recommended medicines for visiting the country I am going to?
    • Does my insurance cover pregnancy and newborn care if I suddenly give birth?
    • Did I notify the doctor that I was going to take an air flight, did I mention its duration?
    If you decide to fly, remember that you should always have your exchange card with you.


    - Single flights are safe for uncomplicated pregnancies

    For the flight, wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing made from natural materials and comfortable shoes

    Wear compression stockings to reduce the risk of vascular complications on flights longer than 4 hours (compression stockings must be selected by a physician)

    Choose an aisle seat, walk around the cabin every 30 minutes

    Drink more water, but avoid sodas and coffee

    Eat small meals

    While in your seat, fasten your seat belts, fasten your seat belt under your stomach!

    Before flying, consult your doctor about the use of low molecular weight heparin in case of additional risk factors for deep vein thrombosis

    Always take with you and keep with you (not in your luggage) an exchange card, as well as a note in which the names and phone numbers (in international format) of loved ones and your blood type are written

    Travel with a friend or family member who can help you if needed

    Try not to fly a month before the expected birth and 7 days after the birth

    Here are the requirements for pregnant women by various airlines

    This information is from the websites of airlines as of June 12, 2012, it may change, so before booking a ticket, check the information with the airline you plan to fly with
    Airline Flight rules for pregnant women
    Aeroflot Please check with your doctor before flying. Pregnant women who are expected to give birth within the next four weeks must provide a written consent from the doctor for the flight. Medical examination must be issued not earlier than 7 days before the start of the flight.
    Russia Transportation of pregnant women is subject to the provision of a medical certificate. The medical certificate must indicate the gestational age and the expected date of delivery. Transportation is carried out if it is carried out no later than 4 weeks before the expected date of birth, there is no danger of premature birth. When expecting the birth of twins, the transportation of a pregnant woman is carried out if it is carried out no later than 6 weeks before the expected delivery date. A medical certificate must be issued by a competent medical institution where a pregnant woman is observed, not earlier than 7 days before the start of transportation.
    S7 Pregnant women are accepted for carriage if they provide the Carrier with a medical certificate from a medical institution stating that there are no contraindications for air carriage on the date of the flight specified in the Ticket. Carriage of pregnant women is carried out on the condition that the Carrier shall not be liable to the Passenger for adverse consequences that may arise for the Passenger and the fetus during carriage and as a result of carriage.
    Transaero The flight of pregnant women is allowed provided that it takes place no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth and that there is no risk of preterm birth. Information about the condition of a pregnant woman, confirmed by a medical report and an exchange card, must be provided to the airline.
    Utair (Yu Tair) Before traveling, be sure to consult your doctor about possible contraindications, get his recommendations regarding the upcoming trip. Air travel can have negative consequences that threaten the life of the mother and fetus. Therefore, in order to take care of your health and the health of your children, the Airline accepts pregnant women for carriage, provided they provide a medical opinion on the absence of contraindications for air transportation on the date of the flight. The doctor's opinion is considered valid for the flight within 7 days from the date of its issue. You will be asked to fill out a special receipt, which can be filled out at the agency when buying a ticket, at check-in or in advance. Please fill out the receipt in at least two copies, one of which is given to the representative of the Airline or the check-in agent at the airport of departure, the second copy remains with the passenger.
    Air Canada Flights are allowed up to and including 36 weeks, provided that the pregnancy is proceeding normally and there has not been a premature birth in the past.

    A woman with a normal pregnancy and no previous history of premature labor may travel up to and including her 36th week.

    Air France Pregnant women are allowed on Air France flights without a doctor's note. Despite this, we still recommend that you consult your doctor before traveling.
    american airlines International flights
    Please note that flying less than 30 days before delivery is not recommended. If you need to fly less than 30 days before your due date, you must contact your supervising doctor at least 48 hours before departure for written permission to fly due to your condition. This written authorization must be presented at the time of check-in. In addition, if the flight takes place less than 10 days before the delivery, you will need to obtain authorization from the airline's special assistance department. For more information, please contact American Airlines Reservations.
    Domestic flights within the US and flights between US and Canadian airports or between US/Canada and Puerto Rico/US Virgin Islands airports
    Flight is allowed no later than 7 days before delivery. Pregnancy without complications does not require a doctor's permission. Please note that air travel is not permitted during the 7 days before and after the birth. Exception: If you are connecting to an international flight within 7 days before or after the birth, you will need to obtain permission from the airline's Special Passenger Assistance Department. For more information, please contact American Airlines Reservations.
    Czech Airlines Until the end of the 34th week of pregnancy
    - if your pregnancy proceeds without complications, then you can fly with Czech Airlines without the confirmation of the attending physician
    - if you have complications during pregnancy, or if your previous pregnancy was problematic, or complications are expected during childbirth, then you must present a confirmation from the attending physician on the specially provided MEDIF form
    After the end of the 34th week of pregnancy- if your pregnancy has been going on for more than 34 weeks, you must in any case present a doctor's confirmation (the confirmation must not be issued earlier than 6 days before the day of the flight)
    Lufthansa Expectant mothers with uncomplicated pregnancies may fly with Lufthansa until the end of the 36th week of pregnancy or until the date of delivery is four weeks away. In this case, a medical certificate from a gynecologist is not required. A flight clearance certificate after the 36th week of pregnancy can be requested from a Lufthansa MEDICAL CENTER. The same procedure applies in cases of complicated pregnancy (multiple pregnancy, extrasystole, etc.).
    Finnair You cannot travel on most Finnair flights if you are in your last month of pregnancy, in other words, you are allowed to fly until the 36th week of your pregnancy (35 weeks plus 1-6 days). However, until the 38th week of pregnancy (37 weeks plus 1-6 days), you can fly Finnair short flights within Finland and Scandinavia, provided that the pregnancy is normal, without complications and without signs of impending labor. If you are flying after your 28th week of pregnancy (27 weeks plus 6 days), you must provide a medical certificate to prove that your pregnancy is proceeding normally. The certificate should be received on the 27th week or later. If the pregnancy proceeds without changes, it is enough to present one certificate. Regardless of the method of booking, you must send us a confirmation by e-mail no later than 24 hours before departure. Newborns can be taken on all Finnair flights without restrictions after they are 2 days old.

    Information sources:

    1. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) Opinion Paper Air travel and pregnancy. London, UK. (RCOG. December 2008)

    2. Air travel during pregnancy. ACOG Committee Opinion No. 443. American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologists. Obstet Gynecol, 2009; 114:945-5.

    3. website

    4. Websites of airlines Aeroflot, Russia, S 7, Transaero, Utair (Yu Tair), Air Canada, Air France, American Airlines, Czech Airlines, Lufthansa, Finnair

    Premature birth, venous disease, the negative effects of radiation, the risk of oxygen starvation in a baby are not myths, but a real threat to an expectant mother going on air travel. About whether it can be avoided and if so, how, read the article "Can pregnant women fly on an airplane."

    We are all individual. Some can run through the entire pregnancy and feel great at the same time, others can lift something heavy and provide themselves with bed rest until the end of the term. Also with flights. Meanwhile, if for health reasons the doctor does not prohibit air travel, you need to focus on the general rules.

    In the early stages, up to 14 weeks, it is better to refuse boarding. The reason for the refusal is hormonal changes. The body of the expectant mother is preparing for the most important moment in her life, and any outside interference, especially pressure drops during takeoff and fall, can end in failure.

    In the 1st trimester, air travel can, at best, result in a deterioration in well-being, increased fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache, and at worst, a spontaneous miscarriage. The duration of the flight is of great importance - the longer it is, the higher the risk.

    Meanwhile, girls who will inevitably have to reschedule an air flight should know this. To date, there are no scientific studies that unequivocally prove any connection between flying on an airplane and subsequent pregnancy. In other words, if something is wrong with the fetus, then bad things will happen even if you just sit on the couch. And if everything is in order, then repeated many-hour flights to your crumbs are not a hindrance.

    The most favorable period for flights is from 14 to 28 weeks. In the second trimester, which it is, all hormonal changes in the female body have usually already passed, and all the organs of the fetus have formed. In other words, the expectant mother and her baby are practically not in danger.

    Please note that a flight at 6 months of pregnancy is not terrible if the pregnancy is not burdened with complications. The main thing is to observe some precautions before him, that is, to prepare. At 7 months pregnant, everything changes. Before the flight, it is important to visit a doctor and receive from him a written confirmation of the permission for air travel, that is, a certificate. Perhaps you will need it when boarding an aircraft.

    By the way, some air carriers do not take on board passengers whose term has exceeded 28 weeks. And there are reasons for this, the first of which is the risk of developing false contractions into real ones. The same applies to flights in the 3rd trimester. It is better to refuse them.

    What can be dangerous for a child

    Lack of oxygen is one of the main dangers of air travel, no matter how long it takes. In the cabin of an aircraft at high altitude, the oxygen concentration decreases. Do not be afraid of hypoxia, if there were no contraindications to the flight. In any case, R. Huh, a professor from Switzerland, assures us of this. He dealt with this issue closely, studying the gas composition of the woman's blood and the reactions of the baby, however, he took into account only healthy women.

    There is an opinion that the flight is associated with the negative effects of radiation. Back in the early 90s, this was announced by the US Federal Aviation Administration, when they confirmed that pilots are irradiated in the same way as employees of hazardous enterprises for 12 months. Meanwhile, only those who fly too often should be afraid.

    Single air travel, even transatlantic, gives 2.5 times less radiation than a chest x-ray. In case of a complicated or multiple pregnancy, boarding may result in a miscarriage, premature birth, bloody discharge from the genital tract.

    What can be dangerous for a pregnant woman

    Women in an interesting position are especially sensitive to pressure drops during takeoff and landing. There is an opinion that such drops negatively affect their condition, provoking miscarriages or premature births, although at the moment it is not scientifically substantiated. At the same time, doctors recommend that patients refuse to fly in the 1st and 3rd trimesters so as not to provoke the worst. In the end, there will be no team of doctors and children's resuscitation on board.

    Other possible negative effects:

    • manifestations of toxicosis. Until how many weeks? Until the end of the first trimester. All the same changes in atmospheric pressure provoke it, simultaneously causing a headache, weakness, and general malaise.
    • Blood stasis, thrombosis. The latter is due to the appearance of a blood clot - a blood clot in the veins of the lower extremities. This is the most terrible danger that awaits a pregnant woman. Why? Because, she is immobilized for a long time. What are the chances of developing thrombosis? In pregnant women, the risks increase by 5 times, and this is not speculation, but the results of research. How can everything end? Venous thromboembolism. Pressure drops also exacerbate the manifestations of varicose veins, especially if a woman takes hormones.
    • Edema. Frequent flights on long-distance routes increase the likelihood of their development.
    • Health problems. In most cases, they are triggered by stress. Women are afraid to fly, especially when they do it for the first time, which subsequently provokes the risk of complications.

    But do not despair. You can minimize the likelihood of all these consequences occurring. The main thing is to prepare for the flight, but more on that below.

    Airline rules

    It is worth noting that each air carrier has its own requirements for future women in labor when boarding a flight. But do not be upset, for the most part they provide for the provision of written permission for the flight, which, in fact, is a certificate. It can be requested, as well as an exchange card, which indicates the woman’s excellent health, already for a period of 30 weeks.

    Along the way, a future woman in labor may be offered to sign a guarantee obligation, according to which she herself will be responsible for the negative consequences of the flight.

    Below are the rules of some air carriers that are present on the Russian market:

    • "Aeroflot" - requires a certificate from a doctor already at the 36th week of pregnancy. Its statute of limitations is a week, or 7 days before air travel. The company has good reviews.
    • "Lufthansa" - "roll" for up to 6 months. Later, women in labor are asked to wait until delivery. The result of such prohibitions is the absence of cases of premature births in the salons of their liners.
    • "British Airways" - they require a certificate already for a period of 28 - 36 weeks, and it must contain the expected date of birth. After 36 weeks, they are not taken on board.
    • "KLM" - with a singleton pregnancy they take it at 36 weeks, with a multiple pregnancy they require a certificate of no risks already at 35 weeks.
    • "Air France" - expectant mothers are loved, but they are not allowed on board without a certificate with the expected date of birth for a period of 3 weeks. If there is no certificate, there must be a midwife who can take delivery if something happens.
    • "SAS" - up to 4 weeks of pregnancy they carry without a certificate, and after - even with it they are allowed on flights, the duration of which does not exceed 4 hours. After 36 - 38 weeks, they may refuse.
    • "EL AL" - up to 32 weeks they "roll", but with a certificate, after - they refuse.

    Delta Airlines has no flight restrictions, but other difficulties may arise there. This is an American airline that flies, including to the United States. If the birth takes place on the territory of this country, the child will automatically receive its citizenship. It's a good news. And the bad news is that it can be problematic to get him out of the United States.

    There are cases when absolutely all airlines take on board even women on demolitions or with labor pains that have already begun. We are talking about natural disasters, wars, urgent evacuation.

    Flying while pregnant

    What a future mother doesn’t have to listen to when she decides to fly on vacation or on a business trip by plane: the impact of pressure drops and cosmic radiation on a child and on personal well-being, a collision of an airplane with spaceships and aliens ... Most of the “scarecrows” are nothing more than a myth.

    Everyone knows that airplane passengers experience changes in atmospheric pressure, which lead to oxygen starvation. Together with the expectant mother, her child also feels slight hypoxia. This is not scary, because the child gets used to such training, and they are even useful. For example, a baby in the mother's womb feels mild hypoxia when she exercises, and this is also considered beneficial - why? Because he still has to pass through the birth canal, during which oxygen starvation will / may be significant. But with a complicated pregnancy, pressure drops can cause unforeseen problems. These include premature birth, placental abruption, blockage of blood vessels by blood clots and other complications.

    The first 14 and the last 10-12 weeks are the most difficult and responsible periods, since the body still needs to adapt to a new state and to hormonal changes. In addition, traveling during toxicosis, which affects most pregnant women, is not only difficult, but also dangerous. At this time, it is better not to go far from home and live in a familiar environment. The most suitable time for rest and travel is the second trimester (from 14 to 28 weeks) of pregnancy. At this time, the unborn child is well protected, and external factors have almost no effect on him. Toxicosis in a pregnant woman, as a rule, no longer exists, but a lot of energy appears. In addition, the stomach is not yet so large as to interfere with movement.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) does not recommend that pregnant women use air transport in the following cases:

    * pregnancy more than 36 weeks (more than 32 weeks in case of multiple pregnancy);

    * complicated pregnancy (pathology of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, etc.);

    * within seven days after delivery.

    Contraindications to travel at all stages of pregnancy:
    - excessive vomiting;

    - bleeding;

    - the threat of abortion, placenta previa, polyhydramnios and oligohydramnios; scar on the uterus after caesarean section;

    - pregnancy after IVF or ovulation stimulation;

    - defects and various diseases of the female genital organs; late toxicosis (gestosis);

    – anemia II and III degree;

    - exacerbation of chronic diseases, tuberculosis, exacerbation of herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Amina ASKHATOVA, a gynecologist, comments (interview for - I would not recommend using this type of transport at a later date. Of course, the trip can end successfully, but no one guarantees this for sure. In an airplane, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure occur, which can cause vasoconstriction and premature detachment of the placenta, bleeding, and even premature birth. Plus, there are still undesirable factors: noise, prolonged oxygen deficiency, vibration and emotional stress. At this time, it is generally better to refrain from traveling long distances.

    Choosing an airline by ... weeks
    Many of the pregnant women learn about the special requirements of the airlines for them already at the check-in counter, since not a word is said on the tickets about the nuances of servicing passengers in an interesting position. There is simply no room on this paper for all the rules. But if you have already bought a ticket, ignorance of the rules does not relieve you of responsibility.

    There is currently no scientific evidence that air travel during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm birth. Flight-induced neurosis can be a risk factor, since stress is associated with an increased release of corticotropin-releasing hormone (stress hormone), with prolonged production of this hormone, a person can no longer cope with growing anxiety on his own. Due to the fact that preterm birth remains the #1 risk for pregnant passengers, airlines have developed special rules. Air carriers are afraid of the fact that childbirth can begin right during the flight. And it's easy to see why. After all, such an emergency can cause an emergency landing. Needless to say, this is fraught with a lot of additional costs for the company, and significant inconvenience for other passengers on the same flight. Before buying a plane ticket, ask what rules exist in your chosen airline.

    Aeroflot does not recommend flying 4 weeks before the expected due date and requires a doctor's confirmation. If there is no certificate indicating the date of birth, then the airport doctor solves the problem. Aeroflot does not allow flights 7 days before the due date and within 7 days after the due date. Airline crews undergo special training at medical training centers. Interestingly, Aeroflot is in first place in terms of the number of children born on airplanes, and this circumstance gave rise to a funny saying among the people: “Give birth with Aeroflot airplanes!”

    At Sky Express Airlines, pregnant women whose term - one would like to write “best before” - ends within the next 12 weeks, must provide a written consent from the doctor for the flight. It will be necessary to sign obligations that the airline is not responsible for possible negative consequences for the mother or fetus. The same piece of paper will be asked to sign in Transaero. Here, the flight of pregnant women is allowed, provided that it takes place no later than four weeks before the expected date of birth and there is no risk of premature birth. Information about the condition of a pregnant woman, confirmed by a medical report and an exchange card, must be provided to the airline.

    Utair agrees to transport pregnant women whose term does not exceed 30 weeks, and they will also ask for a receipt for no claims for the consequences. The receipt is filled in when issuing a ticket at the agency or at check-in at the airport (if the receipt was not issued at the agency).

    But what rules exist in foreign airlines (table from the site

    Before 36 weeks of pregnancy a medical certificate is required, after 36 weeks a flight is not allowed
    British Airways, Easyjet, British European, Air New Zealand

    Medical certificate required after 36 weeks
    United Airlines, Delta, Alitalia, Swissair, Air France, Lufthansa

    No flights allowed after 36 weeks
    Northwest Airlines, KLM

    No restrictions

    Flying after 34 weeks of pregnancy is only allowed if accompanied by a doctor

    Not allowed to fly with multiple pregnancies
    Air New Zealand

    Nota Bene: no matter what air carriers invent, no matter how afraid they are and build pregnant passengers - remember that you still have your constitutional rights. And no one has the right to refuse you a flight - and without a certificate they must miss, and even with contractions. True, in the absence of the necessary documents (a certificate from a doctor, an exchange card, etc.), you will have to endure an unequal battle with representatives of the airline, there were cases when passengers were removed from flights without a certificate. As the reviews in the forums show, it is much easier to negotiate with foreign airlines, they monitor their reputation, and only ours, as usual, resist to the end. Therefore, study the rules for transporting pregnant passengers in advance - less nerves spent, health is stronger.

    Features of the flight in a special position
    1. Before the flight, you need to have a light snack, because hunger contributes to motion sickness syndromes. Take a hematogen or bitter chocolate with you in your pocket, any sour candies will also help. Before leaving the house, you can drink a cup of weak ginger (sold in health food departments, herbal pharmacies) or mint tea. During the flight, do not look out the windows, if you are already motion sick, do not read. Relax, lean back in your chair and look straight ahead. Take a player with audiobooks with you, they will help you get distracted and not throw panicky glances around (the more you turn your head, the worse the motion sickness). Medicines for motion sickness allowed during pregnancy: Avia-Sea and Vertigoheel (homeopathy), but before taking them, consult your doctor. Take lemon, eucalyptus or peppermint essential oil with you to the salon.

    2. As a rule, during any long journey you have to sit for a long time, your legs become numb, blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed. Find an opportunity to get up and walk around once again, this is extremely important for you. Take off your shoes as soon as you sit in your chair. In flight, you will need special pillows for your neck, and place a soft cushion or blanket under your lower back. Then sitting in one position will not be so hard. Before the flight, you can put on special anti-varicose stockings. Do not sit in a cross-legged position - contrary to superstition, because of this position, clumsy children are not born, the reason is different. It’s just that with this position of the body, blood circulation in the legs of the expectant mother is disturbed, which can lead to varicose veins. Experienced mothers are advised to find a way to raise their legs higher - for example, in one of the forums, a girl told how she periodically retired to the toilet and sat there, throwing her legs up on the sink. Not a stupid idea, very useful.

    3. The cabin may be stuffy or cold. Your mucous membranes, which during pregnancy already experience a triple load, can rebel, this threatens to exacerbate the "pregnant" cold. Take Aqua-Maris with you in your hand luggage, as well as a bottle of 0.33 with thermal or mineral water (without gas) to refresh your face.

    4. Do not fasten seat belts on the stomach, but only below the stomach. The take-off and landing time is not so long, and it can be tolerated, but as practice shows in case of disasters, the safety of a woman and an unborn child is increased.

    5. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids, about 500 ml in one hour.

    6. On the plane, the most comfortable seats are in business class (wide seats, increased distance between rows), in the first row of economy class (increased distance between the seat and the inter-cabin partition), they are followed in terms of comfort for a pregnant woman by aisle seats in the first rows of economy class (there it is easier to go out into the corridor). Most airlines, including Aeroflot, have introduced a ban on smoking, so the air on the planes has become cleaner. But since the flow of air in them goes from nose to tail, the last rows in the plane are still undesirable for pregnant women.

    Should I take any medications "to facilitate" the flight?
    If you are healthy, you do not need medication. Therefore, you do not need to be indignant if the doctor did not prescribe them to you. Although it happens that they are prescribed (no-shpu, papaverine), but in most cases the reason lies in the well-known saying of Dr. Komarovsky "the doctor must prescribe a pill." Side effects from drugs have not been canceled, their benefits during the flight are doubtful. But a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case, and how much the doctor is reinsured is up to you to judge.

    What about insurance?
    Any standard tour package necessarily includes an insurance policy that guarantees reimbursement of medical and medical transport costs in the event of an insured event abroad. Insurance companies do not have any special type of insurance for women in a position, pregnancy is not an insured event. Your attention - another experiment from the site In the last article, an attempt was made to send a child on an independent flight. This time the representatives of the site insistently want to insure a pregnant air passenger.

    The reason for our next experiment was the story of Serezha Korsakov, who was born in Turkey: we wanted to insure our allegedly pregnant correspondent, who, according to legend, decided to go to the United Arab Emirates in her seventh month of pregnancy, and even go diving there. Usually, doctors say that if the body is healthy and the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then, in general, there are no obstacles to the voyage. Moreover, doctors often give permission for a flight at a later date. However, no one is immune from surprises. It is not known how a single female body will react to any changes associated with travel: climate change, lifestyle changes, new foods (which sometimes provoke gastritis, cholecystitis and, as a result, also affect the course of pregnancy), pressure drops during the flight - everything can serve as an impetus for the emergence of various troubles. In addition, the presence of a large number of people in a hotel or an excursion group is always associated with the risk of the spread of infections and epidemics, which can cause problems for the development of an unborn child. And if the condition of a woman in an “interesting position” suddenly worsens and her pregnancy is recognized as the reason for this, then in most cases she will have to pay for everything out of her own pocket.

    “I beg your pardon, but we do not insure pregnant women,” was the answer of all the interviewed insurance companies to the correspondent of, who tried to expand the conditions of a standard insurance policy to include the risks associated with pregnancy. Moreover, the insurers did not even ask how long it was. The news of the client's situation caused an unequivocal refusal. Contrary to popular belief, insurers are not ready to insure against everything in the world for our money. Pregnancy is recognized by insurance companies as too serious a risk not covered by any multiplying coefficients. This is a global practice: they do not insure anywhere for significant periods. According to Irina Tyurina, press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT), in Europe travel insurance is practiced with a pregnancy of up to 8 weeks. In the event of trouble with the woman's health during this period, we are not talking about the responsibility of doctors for the life of the second person - the child, that is, medical care in this case is provided to one - the insured - person.

    Yes, pregnant women are people too: they get tired at work and want to go on vacation. However, unlike most citizens who will be treated by foreign doctors at the expense of insurance companies, all problems resulting from pregnancy are not recognized as an insured event (however, if problems with pregnancy are the result of an accident, then assistance, if it is recorded in the policy, will be rendered). Problems such as bleeding, ectopic pregnancy can occur early in pregnancy. Women in these cases will need qualified medical care up to and including surgery. The paradox of the situation is that at an early stage a woman may not yet know that she is pregnant. Sometimes some ladies with a broken cycle are unaware of their situation until 4-5 months. Any medical services abroad are very expensive, and even being in a foreign clinic is sometimes comparable in price to staying in an elite hotel. According to representatives of insurance companies, the highest cost of medical care in the United States, Canada, Japan, Europe and Israel. In addition, in order to transport the patient to her homeland, special equipment will be required, she will have to be accompanied by a doctor. The price of such services amounts to tens of thousands of dollars, which will be a completely “unbearable” amount for poor families who have been saving all year for an inexpensive vacation in a foreign resort.

    There is nothing reprehensible in the fact that women in position travel the world - in the end, the decision whether to go or not can only be made by the pregnant women themselves and their husbands. But, going on a journey, they do not even assume that no one is going to pay for a number of medical services for them, they do not think about whether they have the opportunity to independently finance expensive treatment. Thus, most of the pregnant women we interviewed said that they did not think about it and hoped for help from the insurance company. It is not customary for us to carefully read the insurance policy, it is not customary to consult doctors before visiting exotic countries (the climate of which can provoke chronic diseases), it is not customary to take care of ourselves and our health, and it is not customary to be responsible for our carelessness. Perhaps it will carry?!

    Taking a vacation between the 25th and 28th weeks of pregnancy, as I did, requires desperate recklessness and a holy belief that the trip will be for the benefit of mother and baby.

    The first thing I took care of was my own condition. I feel good, pregnancy passes without threats and complications.

    But you should definitely consult with a specialist. Here you need to take into account the specifics of the personality of your doctor. Some are afraid to take responsibility and do not sign a flight permit, scaring them with scary stories. If you really want to fly, and you are confident in your health, seek advice and help from a gynecologist who is less prone to panic.

    Third. Have you already taken care of insurance? You need to stock up on the best available for when a pregnant woman and her baby need emergency help.

    Be sure to study the requirements of the airline you have chosen for pregnant women, their terms and documents.

    At check-in, actively demonstrate your position. You will be given a seat according to your position!

    It is impossible not to worry on the plane. Put your hand on your stomach and try to calm down. As soon as I stopped controlling myself, my stomach tightened up. As soon as I relaxed, the baby also calmed down.

    Important: before the plane, I didn’t know about swelling. More precisely, only in theory, according to books. “In seventh heaven” I was uncomfortable once again disturbing other passengers with walks to the toilet and back. For which I paid with terrible swelling: for several days after arrival, I could not put on shoes on swollen fingers. Feel free to go to the toilet! Even every 10 minutes! On the way back, I no longer wanted to see sausages instead of toes, so I visited the ladies' room at any opportunity. Even just for the sake of taking a walk, edema was avoided!

    And consider the mentality of the country you are flying to (if it is another country). Far from all over the world, a pregnant woman will be let out of the queue, they will bring a suitcase and give way. But they will not look with sympathy, as if they were dying.

    And finally...
    When on the Rusmedserver forum in the section "Obstetrics and Gynecology" they ask another question about the risk of flights at a later date, the local doctors like to joke: "And do not forget that it is customary to call a child by the name of the captain of the ship!" And if it's a girl?.. According to statistics, every year 5-7 children are born on airplanes, but these are the statistics of world cases. As already mentioned, there is no scientific evidence that the flight can provoke preterm labor if the pregnancy is not complicated. In the end, everywhere has its pluses: the daughter of the Egyptian Habaa Mohammed, who gave birth to a child on board the aircraft, after the birth received the right to fly on the planes of the Kuwaiti airline Al-Jazeera for 18 years. It turns out that the crew was even delighted with such a gift of fate on board. But this case is one of the very few, so fly during pregnancy without unnecessary worries and fears, everything will be fine!

    Article from Vinsky's Forum.

    The current realities imply an intense schedule and frequent flights. Moreover, modern women do not refuse air travel during pregnancy. Today, even doctors could not confidently state how safe flying is for the baby and the health of the mother. However, circumstances often force the use of just such a transport. Let's clarify the details of this issue and deal with individual nuances.

    According to medical experts, when the expectant mother is healthy and there is no direct threat to the baby, flights during pregnancy are not dangerous. However, there are opponents of such a theory, who argue about the deterioration of the conditions familiar to a woman, which causes miscarriages or irreversible changes. Important and. Here, it is appropriate to listen to this opinion for girls who are preparing to become a mother in the next three months or have recently learned about the appearance of a baby. After all, it is at these times that the threat of harm to the unborn child increases.

    Keep in mind that the first and third trimesters of pregnancy are not the most favorable time for flights.

    Flights during pregnancy in the first trimester are fraught with complications in the formation of bone tissues and organs of the child, often causing miscarriage. As for women who have been carrying a baby for the last three months, detachment of the child's place and the premature birth of the baby are likely. Of course, such stresses will affect both the health of the offspring and the condition of the mother. Therefore, air travel for 4-6 months becomes an acceptable solution. By this time, the body of the future woman in labor has adapted to the new conditions, and the child is in relative safety.

    List of threats

    Doctors' warnings are not unfounded. In airplanes, healthy young people also feel a decrease in pressure. Considering that the body of pregnant women undergoes serious changes, a similar factor causes oxygen starvation and fetal hypoxia. In addition, the discharge of water, detachment of the placenta and the onset of labor become a reality here. However, it is unlikely that a healthy mother is threatened by such consequences. It is appropriate to beware only for girls whom doctors have diagnosed the likelihood of such an outcome.

    The health of mother and child needs constant monitoring, especially in stressful conditions when flying on board the liner

    The rarefaction of air, as a consequence of the factor described above, can also cause a lot of harm. In severe cases of anemia, a lack of oxygen provokes a deterioration in the health of the mother and the fading of the fetus. After all, with insufficient saturation of the blood O₂ through the umbilical cord, the transfer of vital elements for the baby stops. Women with ischemic disease, heart rhythm disturbances, atherosclerosis or high blood pressure also fall into the risk group here.

    If you have been diagnosed with vascular problems, it is appropriate to refuse the flight. After all, pressure drops often provoke the formation of blood clots and blockage of the circulatory system. Of course, such situations are dangerous with a fatal outcome.

    In addition, pregnancy and air travel are not comparable for women who are overweight or edematous. Here it is important to compare the external signs of puffiness with the test results - after all, such phenomena also appear inside the body. An alarming symptom is the appearance of sugar in the urine. The consequence of negligence here are preeclampsia, preeclampsia and intrauterine hypoxia of the baby. We briefly reviewed the dangers of air travel during pregnancy. 2nd trimester is a relatively safe period, but with an eye to the real state of the body. The specific list of contraindications is as follows:

    • high activity of the uterus;
    • diseases of the pulmonary system;
    • cardiovascular problems, including varicose veins;
    • deviations in the structure and position of the placenta;
    • toxicosis;
    • neurological problems;
    • horizontal, oblique or gluteal position of the fetus;
    • in vitro fertilization and multiple pregnancy;
    • anemia or hypertension.

    Before the flight, it is advisable to undergo a full medical examination

    Remember that while carrying a baby, latent chronic diseases are exacerbated, so a timely examination by specialists helps to identify the problem. Do not be too lazy to undergo an examination before the planned trip in order to exclude a possible risk to the health and development of the child. In addition, it is advisable to take into account that air travel without urgent need is unlikely to benefit a healthy mother - there are no guarantees that the flight will be safe. So, when it is possible to refuse to fly, use this option.

    Attitude of carriers

    In addition to medical contraindications, airlines also impose requirements on women “in position”. Certain airlines allow women in labor to travel only up to 20 weeks, although some companies extend this period to 32 and even 37 weeks. Do not be too lazy to clarify in advance the rules for the flight of pregnant women with the carrier with which you intend to fly. In some cases, the airline requires you to provide a package of papers on the state of health and sign a document on taking responsibility. Consider the conditions that popular Russian airlines impose on women in childbirth.

    "Ural AL"

    The carrier declares that the expectant mother independently assesses the condition and decides on the expediency of the trip. Moreover, the airlines disclaim responsibility for the consequences of such a choice. In addition, the woman in labor provides a written opinion from the attending doctor about the absence of a threat to the health of the fetus. Please note that this certificate is valid only for a day.

    True, in emergency situations, when it is impossible to get a consultation and written conclusions from a doctor, the airline has provided for the conclusion of a special agreement - a warranty obligation. Separately, we note that a pregnant woman must also present an exchange card when boarding. There are no exceptions here, since this document is an indispensable condition for allowing a woman to board a flight.


    There are no specific prohibitions and restrictions on the flight. However, airlines recommend that you see a doctor before you travel and provide a certificate of satisfactory condition. This advice applies to women after the 28th week of pregnancy if abnormalities are detected or to women in labor who have a month left before the expected date of delivery. Moreover, if you are expecting twins, it is appropriate to get a certificate from the antenatal clinic 8 weeks before the planned appearance of children.

    Aeroflot Group operates according to very democratic rules and does not restrict flights for pregnant women

    Note that similar requirements apply to passengers with infants during the first seven days of life. As for restrictions during travel, here the carrier prohibits emergency evacuation hatches. The company recommends that women in position take the first row of an economy cabin, or purchase a ticket in the Comfort or Business service classes.

    S7 Group

    The rules of this airline require the presentation of a certificate from a medical institution, which confirms the absence of contraindications for travel. This paper is valid for one calendar week. In addition, it is advisable to indicate the date of the flight in the certificate, so that airline employees are convinced of the safety of such an event.

    S7 Airlines allow the absence of a certificate during the flight of a pregnant woman, but here the signing of an agreement on taking responsibility for the health of the client and the fetus for the passenger becomes an obligatory item

    Keep in mind that in such a situation, girls pass. Here they present a doctor's opinion and sign an agreement, which contains a clause on the removal of liability from the air carrier. The company advises women in labor to stock up on the necessary medicines and in advance in order to have enough time to complete paperwork.


    This air carrier does not restrict the transportation of pregnant women, but at the same time, the company suggests listening to some recommendations. It is advisable for a woman to undergo a medical examination within seven days before the intended departure and receive a certificate of no threat to health. Here, the passenger is fully responsible for his actions, removing this issue from the airline. Accordingly, here you will have to sign a separate paper confirming the absence of claims against airlines in situations where the client's health has worsened.

    UTeir Airlines warns pregnant women that there is no one on board to provide qualified medical assistance in case of emergency

    The carrier notes that it is impossible on board the liner in cases of force majeure. For this reason, women in labor independently decide on the degree of danger of flights and are responsible for the negative consequences. The same rules apply to flights of infants during the first seven days of life.

    How to minimize damage

    To make the journey as safe as possible for the child and mother, it is appropriate to heed the recommendations of airline employees and doctors. Try to book a chair at the aisle - such actions will help you regularly change your body position and visit the restroom without any problems. In addition, it is advisable for women in labor to purchase seats in the bow of the liner - here the negative effects during the flight are not as pronounced as in other compartments of the aircraft.

    Comfortable clothes and shoes, a collected first aid kit and a supply of water will help you to transfer the road by plane with minimal inconvenience.

    Wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics and stock up on a change of shoes. In addition, it is appropriate to purchase compression stockings and use them on the road. As for hand luggage, it is advisable to stock up on the necessary medicines. Of course, this list will have to be agreed with the doctor and the air carrier.

    Do not limit the consumption of mineral water without gas. The recommended rate is 0.5 liters per hour. In addition, it is appropriate to constantly moisturize the skin of the face with micellar water to avoid dryness and burning.

    Stock up on familiar foods - regular snacks reduce stress. True, here you will have to find out about so that there are no problems in the terminal building when passing control. Finally, you should not fly if you are in a panic - unnecessary experiences will not add health to either you or the baby.