Paraffin. Paraffin treatment at home. Paraffin therapy is a great way to take care of your hands and face in winter. How to make paraffin wax applications

In paraffin therapy, two types of paraffin are used: cold (paraffin cream) and hot. Cold paraffin does not require additional heating before the procedure, it is immediately applied to the skin. Heat paraffin you need it first if you have a hot paraffin for paraffin therapy.

Hot paraffin wax for paraffin therapy, what is it?

Hot paraffin wax is usually sold in bars of 500 grams in solid form, so it must be melted before the procedure. This can be done in several ways: on a kitchen stove and in special paraffin heaters.

How to melt paraffin wax at home?

Kitchen stove- the most economical, but least convenient way of heating paraffin wax. To do this, you need to crumble the paraffin into an aluminum container and put it in a pot of boiling water. The paraffin should be heated until it becomes liquid (not to be confused with wax, which melts to the consistency of honey!). Once the paraffin has melted, let it cool to 40 degrees and proceed with the procedure. In this case, hot paraffin is applied to the skin with a special brush.

Paraffin therapy bath

Into the paraffin bath paraffin is loaded into a bath and melted for 1-2 hours. The paraffin therapy bath is convenient in that it is not necessary to remove the paraffin and clean the container after each procedure, the manufacturer advises changing the paraffin and cleaning the apparatus only every 100 procedures. You will be able to maintain the desired paraffin temperature throughout the entire procedure and you will not have to additionally heat or wait for the paraffin to cool, as is the case with a water bath. Hands and feet are dipped into the bath, you do not need a brush.

Heater for wax and paraffin

In addition to electric baths, there are also heaters for wax and paraffin... They, like trays, melt paraffin and wax, and are able to maintain the temperature. The difference between the heater is only in volume. If you need 1.5-2 kg of paraffin for a bath, then the heater can hold 400 or 800 grams of paraffin. Due to the small volume, the paraffin is applied to the skin using a special brush.

Be sure to check the temperature of the wax on your wrist before the procedure!

Paraffin therapy is a fairly common service in the modern beauty industry. Numerous salons offer it to their clients. It can be done for the arms, legs, and of course the face.

How is cosmetic paraffin useful?

Cosmetic paraffin for the face is a highly purified processed mixture without chemical additives, preservatives and other aggressive components.

Sometimes it is enriched with nutrients - oils, plant extracts, dried algae, aloe and other emollient, moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. A procedure such as paraffin therapy is indicated for the treatment and restoration of aging, dry, tired skin.

Paraffin therapy, like the newfangled parafango, can be done independently, at home. This procedure is not difficult, and its implementation is vaguely similar to the performance of an alginate mask, with the only difference that the paraffin must not only be mixed with water, but melted under certain conditions.

Despite the fact that the paraffin therapy procedure is relatively new, it was first practiced a long time ago. Our ancestors also noticed that with the help of paraffin it is possible to restore the skin. "Workers" hands. Later, it began to be actively used for facial skin care.

Paraffin is also widely used in official medicine. Its application is especially important in traumatology. With its help, measures are taken to rehabilitate patients with fractures, sprains and other mechanical injuries of the limbs.

How does paraffin affect the condition of the face?

We learned what paraffin wax is for the face. And now let's move on to the main burning question - how
exactly does it affect the skin of the face?

The paraffin therapy procedure is carried out as follows: the raw material is melted in a special device (women who practice paraffin therapy at home often do it using a water bath, but this is undesirable), and then, using a brush, it is applied to the surface of the face in layers. It turns out a dense mask that "Tightly" sticks to the skin.

What's going on underneath?

The isolated thermal effect provided by the applied raw material increases the local body temperature by 1-2 degrees Celsius, as if creating a sauna effect on the tissues.

Active evaporation of moisture from the pores of the skin begins, and since two or three layers of paraffin prevent it from evaporating, the skin has no choice but to absorb the liquid back.

A persistent moisturizing effect is obtained - during the procedure, the dermis is fully saturated with life-giving moisture, the most important metabolic processes necessary for the synthesis of fibroblasts, intensive neocollagenesis and optimal proliferation of the cellular matrix are triggered.

If nutritive components are added to the paraffin, the result of the procedure is greatly enhanced - the beneficial substances freely penetrate into the structures of the skin and begin to act on it from the inside under the influence of elevated temperature.

Who benefits from paraffin therapy?

This method is especially recommended for women with severe skin dehydration. If your skin is in an unsatisfactory condition precisely because of dehydration, fine and deeper wrinkles appear on it, and the face itself looks "Strapped" and fading - the procedure of paraffin therapy or parafango is just created for you.

Using paraffin at home or in the salon will provide your skin with:

  • Active blood supply, improvement of lymphatic drainage and blood microcirculation;
  • Softening, restoring and intensive nourishment of the surface layer of the skin;
  • Rapid removal of toxins, toxins and metabolic products from the superficial and deep structures of the skin;
  • Deep moisturizing of the skin and soft tissues in the face, neck and décolleté;
  • Launching metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin;
  • The lifting, contraction and repair of fibroblast molecules, which are renowned for their ability to produce "Proteins of youth"- collagen and elastin;
  • Significant improvement in skin tone, texture and micro-relief;
  • Smoothing of small facial wrinkles, creases and more pronounced age folds;
  • Accelerated removal of excess moisture from tissues, and, as a result, removal of stagnant edematous phenomena (bags under the eyes, swollen ridges in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove, general edema of the face);
  • Nutrition and restoration of dehydrated, rough, flabby skin;
  • Elimination of manifestations of flabbiness, redness, peeling of the cover;
  • Instant lifting of tissues sagging under the influence of gravitational ptosis (usually this concerns a fuzzy oval of the face, which manifests itself against the background of ptosis of the skin and tissues of the chin, cheeks, and the contour of the lower jaw).

Of course, paraffin therapy is not a substitute for full-fledged professional care, and even more so for rejuvenating plastic surgery. However, it undoubtedly works, and works as efficiently as possible. It is recommended to carry it out from the onset of middle age, when the skin begins to actively age (in women, it occurs at 35-40 years).

The procedure has no "Age limit" and can be used even by very young girls in the role of preventing premature photoaging. Also, if you use it regularly, you will definitely protect your beautiful face from chronological wilting, which is directly related to the loss of specific proteins and hyaluronic acid by the dermis.

If you add other healing substances to cosmetic paraffin, the effect will be even more noticeable and strong. For example, modern masters and cosmetologists prefer to buy a ready-made solution of raw materials for their clients with the addition of kelp extract (seaweed). This type of paraffin therapy is called "Parafango".

In addition to such a valuable marine ingredient, cosmetic wax can be enriched with vegetable oils, concentrates of vitamins and minerals, and anti-inflammatory agents. By the way, you can purchase honey or flower paraffin - each product performs its own functions, and you should check with your beautician and pharmacist about them.

How to use cosmetic paraffin at home?

How to properly melt paraffin wax at home, and how to use this product on your own, without visiting beauty salons?

First of all, you must purchase a special tray in which you can quickly, efficiently and efficiently melt the raw materials. Some women prefer to save money, and therefore they do it in a steam bath or directly on the stove. This is not recommended, since such methods will not work well to melt the paraffin. At best, lumps will remain in it, which will prevent its uniform application, at worst, you will simply burn the raw materials, which, by the way, are not so cheap.

You will also need an assistant, since applying the melted paraffin to the skin on your own is a rather difficult and time-consuming undertaking.

So, how can you melt paraffin wax at home? Place the raw materials in a bath and follow strictly according to the instructions (each type of raw material needs to be melted for a certain time at a certain temperature). If you have not purchased such a useful appliance, use an enamel saucepan. Set it on a steam bath (never over an open fire!) And wait until the briquette begins to melt and acquire a homogeneous liquid consistency.

Application rules

Before using the product, thoroughly cleanse your face with a scrub or a special massage brush (no dirt should remain on the skin surface). Lie on your bed and have a helper apply to your face using a stiff synthetic brush. First apply one layer and wait until it "Will grab".

Then start overlaying a second, third, and, if necessary, fourth layer. By the way, before the procedure itself, you can apply a nourishing serum or fluid to your face - paraffin therapy will enhance its effect (this is mainly true when the paraffin itself is purchased in pure form). Avoid the eye area when applying. It is advisable to apply petroleum jelly or other greasy cream on the eyebrows.

It is necessary to maintain paraffin on the face for 15-20 minutes. All this time, you should remain in a calm, relaxed state.

Flushing such "mask" does not require - it is enough just to remove it by hand. As a result of the procedure, the skin will be soft, fresh and radiant. Perform all the manipulations once a week, and you will be beautiful and young for a long time.

Be irresistible!

Related materials

The first steps are an important moment in the life of the child and the parents (see also:). However, if adults notice that the baby is either limping or walking on the tips of his fingers, it is worth contacting a doctor. He will prescribe paraffin therapy for the baby to relieve hypertonicity of the leg muscles (for more details in the article:). This procedure is also useful for flat feet, and is a simple, inexpensive and effective treatment that can be used at home. Paraffin does not contain harmful substances, and children perceive the procedure itself as a game.

Against hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs in a baby, you can do paraffin boots at home

What are paraffin boots and why does a child need them?

So what are paraffin boots for? This is a method of treatment that belongs to the category of physiotherapy procedures. It is prescribed for children with neurological disorders and for the treatment of the lower extremities. Warm melted wax construction ensures blood flow to problem tissues and muscles.

Boots are made of gauze fabric, which is wrapped around the limbs, creating several layers. It is impregnated with paraffin and ozokerite. The construction is called paraffin boots because of its similarity to shoes. With flat feet, boots are wrapped around the legs to the lower leg.

Paraffin-ozokerite treatment will give the desired result only with a comprehensive approach to the procedure. The pediatrician, simultaneously with thermal manipulations, prescribes therapeutic massage and soothing baths with the addition of herbs: string, chamomile, motherwort, lavender. Baths are carried out before paraffin therapy, and massage is used as an introductory and final stage of treatment.

Indications for paraffin treatment

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If the instructions are followed, this type of thermotherapy can be used even by babies. The procedure is often combined with medication.

With the help of paraffin boots, they treat:

  • the consequences of injuries (bruises, dislocations, sprains);
  • various inflammations, if they are not accompanied by the formation of pus;
  • colds;
  • increased tone of the leg muscles;
  • neurological disorders;
  • flat feet in children (for more details in the article:);
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

With spastic paresis of the lower extremities in children, the paraffin mixture is applied exclusively to the problem area of ​​the legs. If the baby is afraid to stand on his feet, and weakness is noticeable in the movements, heat therapy can be used to form the necessary motor skills.

Medical manipulations with the use of paraffin should be carried out only with the appointment of a doctor. If not indicated, the boots will harm the growing body.

Paraffin Boot Ingredients

The ingredients for the boots are readily available at the pharmacy. Warm paraffin wax is a viscous mass of wax. It is a product obtained in the oil refining process. In a heated form, the substance retains heat for a long time, giving it off very slowly. Applications to the skin increase the temperature of the skin, blood rushes to them with vasodilatation.

Boots Ingredients and Tools

Ozokerite is a black substance called "mountain wax" (from the oil group). It deeply heats the surface of the body, the heat penetrates inside for several centimeters. This ingredient enhances metabolic processes in tissues, quickly restores them, helps relieve inflammation and spasms. The material for boots is prepared from a mixture of paraffin and ozokerite, since the second substance enhances the effect of the first component, imparting elastic properties to the mass.

The procedure for creating paraffin boots at home

How to make paraffin boots for a child at home? Follow the step-by-step guidelines:

  1. The procedure requires careful preparation of the inventory. You will need: a pair of pots of different sizes, paraffin, oilcloth or a thick plastic bag, a pair of baking sheets, socks larger than a child's foot, a warm blanket.
  2. Paraffin is placed in a saucepan and melted in a water bath using a larger container. This process is not fast, it can take about an hour.
  3. Two cuts of film are lined on baking sheets, and a warm paraffin mixture is poured onto it, a layer of which is at least one centimeter. The mass should not be liquid, for this it is left to cool in the room. The temperature composition is made such that the child does not burn himself. You can check this by placing your wrist on the paraffin.
  4. Then the baby's legs are covered with a paraffin mass, starting from the lower part of the limbs, gradually rising up along them. Do not wrap the knee!
  5. Socks are pulled over the finished structure in order to securely fix it.
  6. The baby should be covered with a blanket and left for the time prescribed by the doctor. Usually the first procedure lasts no more than ten minutes.

Paraffin must not be melted over an open fire, as it smokes heavily and may start to burn. During the treatment, care must be taken that water does not drip onto the composition. The substance can "shoot", and even a small drop on the baby's skin causes a serious burn.

In order for thermotherapy not to harm the baby, you need to know some of the features of its implementation:

  • The first wraps should not be very hot. The temperature should be increased gradually. The mixture is not recommended to be applied to large joints of the legs. Paraffin is applied to the thigh area, fingers, lower leg and calf.
  • It is better to carry out manipulations in the morning. The baby can be wrapped during the daytime.

After the treatment, it is advisable to give the child a light massage (see also:). This is necessary so that infiltrates do not form, leading to the appearance of tumors. After the procedure, the baby's skin is lubricated with baby cream, petroleum jelly.

Paraffin therapy is best done in the morning.

How long do you need to keep the boots?

The heat exposure time for a child cannot be more than fifteen minutes. A long process will only make him feel uncomfortable. With a strong tone, only on the recommendation of a doctor, you can extend the procedure. It is allowed to go out with the baby on the street three hours after it ends. Throughout this period, the child's feet must be kept warm by wearing warm socks.

When is it preferable to use a mixture without ozokerite?

Despite the fact that ozokerite is a product of natural origin, it is a substance obtained from oil. Ozokerite should not be added to the mixture if an allergic reaction to a component is detected. Compresses with it are contraindicated for those patients who suffer from frequent bleeding, who have been diagnosed with tuberculosis, hepatitis, as well as heart failure and tumor formations.

Contraindications to the procedure

Manipulation is prescribed after consulting a pediatrician. He will allow the procedure if there is no noise in the child's heart.

Paraffin retains heat in the muscles for a long time, which promotes blood flow. For this reason, babies with congenital heart disease and diabetes should not be treated with the procedure. Manipulations are canceled in the following cases:

  • rise in body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of a rash and itching;
  • the occurrence of tumor formations;
  • in hot weather.

To correctly make paraffin boots for a child at home, you can watch the video below.

Paraffin is a mixture of hydrocarbons, a waxy substance with a low melting point. It is obtained from oil and is widely used in industry, cosmetology and other industries. When melted, the paraffin turns into a clear liquid. Candles are made from it, used as a lubricant in the manufacture of wooden furniture. Vaseline is made from paraffin, which is part of anti-corrosion coatings. It is also used in cosmetology for paraffin therapy procedures, they even lubricate skis and bicycle chains. The scope of this substance is very wide and, most likely, paraffin products are in every home.

Types of paraffin

Depending on the melting point, paraffins are divided into liquid, solid and microcrystalline. According to the degree of purification, they are divided into refined and unrefined. The former contain in their composition a large percentage of oil (up to 30% by weight), and unrefined ones - only 6%. The color of the paraffin indicates the degree of its purification. White is peeled and yellow or brown is unrefined.

There are many ways to use paraffin at home: treatment and warming up with it, cosmetic procedures, making candles and various other objects of creativity. To carry out cosmetic procedures at home, you need to know how to melt paraffin wax at home.

Several ways to melt wax

It should be understood that paraffin left over from burnt candles is not suitable for cosmetic procedures. For this, a special cosmetic paraffin is used. It can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty stores. Do you know how to melt paraffin wax? The easiest way is to use a water bath. This will require two metal containers of different diameters, water for heating and a thermometer. Stages:

  1. Pour about a third of water into a container with a larger diameter and boil it on the stove.
  2. Chop the paraffin into small pieces. The most convenient way to do this is on a newspaper or large-format paper. When cutting, the paraffin will crumble. To do everything neatly and not to lose the valuable substance, the bedding will come in handy.
  3. Place the finely chopped paraffin wax in a smaller container and shake the crumbs off the newspaper in the same way.
  4. After boiling water, measure its temperature with a thermometer, it should show no more than 55 - 80 ° C. At higher temperatures, the paraffin wax will begin to evaporate.
  5. Reduce the gas and place a smaller container on top of the boiling water so that the bottom touches the water.
  6. While stirring the paraffin with a metal spoon, wait until it is completely melted.
  7. When melting, the volume of the substance in the container will decrease. If it is not enough, you can add a few more pieces to the already melted paraffin.

Make sure the container is completely dry before melting the wax. The penetration of water into liquid paraffin is strictly prohibited. On contact with water, the hot mass will shoot and splash, and contact with the skin may cause burns.

Can paraffin wax be melted in the microwave or oven?

Now let's find out other nuances of this process. So, many in search of an answer to the question of whether they are thinking about the possibility of doing this in the microwave or oven. Indeed, it is possible to do this.

In the first case, you should set the defrosting mode and melt the paraffin for 2-3 minutes, after crushing it. Remember to put a lid on the paraffin container and use a microwave-safe container.

In the oven, paraffin can be melted at a temperature of 70-80 ° C. Be extremely careful when removing the container with the molten substance. Let the mixture cool slightly to avoid scalding if the hot liquid comes in contact with the skin.

Paraffin therapy is a great way to take care of the skin of the hands and face in winter

The use of hot paraffin is widely used in cosmetology. These treatments leave the skin feeling velvety and smooth and are a good way to restore firmness to it. You already know how to melt paraffin in a water bath, and in beauty salons, special melting baths are used for this. For one procedure, it is necessary to melt a pound of paraffin. This process looks like this:

  • Before melting the paraffin and starting to create a mask for your hands, wash them well and lubricate them with moisturizer. The principle of action of a paraffin mask is that it warms up the skin of the hands, opens pores and improves blood circulation, allowing the upper layers of the epidermis to absorb the beneficial components of the creams better than usual.
  • Dip your hands into liquid paraffin that has cooled to a tolerable temperature, spreading your fingers completely so that the liquid covers the skin of the hands entirely. Repeat the procedure several times, allowing the paraffin to harden a little after each lowering of the hands into the container. Thus, a layer of paraffin will appear on the brushes, completely enveloping them.
  • After that hands with warm paraffin should be wrapped with cling film, polyethylene or put on plastic gloves. On top of the gloves, wrap your hands with a terry towel and hold it there for about 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, you can remove the paraffin from your hands and apply a nourishing cream.

As mentioned above, for this procedure it is necessary to use a special cosmetic paraffin. It is categorically contraindicated to make the named baths from yellow unrefined paraffin. It contains substances that have a detrimental effect on the skin. By using a cosmetic substance, you can be sure not to harm your hands. In addition, it is often made with the addition of various essential oils and nutritional components.

The effect of paraffin therapy

The described hand baths and face masks have a complex therapeutic effect on the skin and joints. Paraffin therapy is recommended in the presence of peeling and microcracks in the skin, pigmentation, frostbite, arthritis and arthrosis. This procedure also has a targeted restorative effect on the nail plate, if nails exfoliate or often break, paraffin therapy is perfect for restoring their structure.


  • with open wounds on the skin of the hands and face;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • fungal diseases and eczema;
  • diabetes;
  • vascular diseases;
  • asthma.

The beneficial qualities of paraffin do not end there. It is often used for home warming for bronchitis and common colds. It is also important here to use a special cosmetic substance that can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores.

What is paraffin? This product is well known to each of us. At least once in our life we ​​had to deal with him. It is widely used in a wide variety of fields, including medicine, food production, and electrical engineering. Let's try to understand the properties of this product and its types.

What is paraffin?

The above substance is a fairly solid mixture of high molecular weight. The composition of paraffin also includes cyclic hydrocarbons, which are obtained from ozokerite and oil.

What is purified paraffin? It differs in the following features:

  • the product is colorless;
  • greasy to the touch;
  • without smell;
  • there is no taste;
  • well soluble in organic solvents;
  • insoluble in water and alcohol.

Poorly refined paraffin is a product that has a brown or yellow tint, and also darkens in the light.

The above substance has good resistance to bases and acids, oxidizing agents and halogens.

Types of paraffin

This product is classified into the following paraffins:

  • highly purified technical (grades A and B);
  • uncleaned (match);
  • refined technical (grades G and D);
  • medical.

The most important characteristics of paraffin wax are:

  • melting point - 50 (not lower);
  • oil content - minimum 0.6% and maximum 2.3% (not more).

Matchbox paraffin is distinguished by separate features. Its melting point should be 42 degrees Celsius, but in no case lower, and the oil content is allowed no higher than 5%.

Application of paraffin

The above product is widely used in the following industries:

  • printing;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • tanning;
  • electrical;
  • paint and varnish.

It is also used:

  • for paraffin therapy in cosmetology and medicine;
  • as paraffin wax for candles;
  • as a lubricant for rubbing wood parts;
  • in combination with gasoline acts as an anti-corrosion coating;
  • for the production of petroleum jelly;
  • this product is registered as E905 - food additive;
  • acts as a lubricant for snowboard skis;
  • used in engineering and nuclear physics (slows down neurons and is a "generator" of protons).

In addition, paraffin is actively used in radio engineering. It is used in situations where high electrical strength, low cost, minimum AC losses and the ability to quickly release this pour by a simple heating method are required.

What is the difference between the above oil product and wax?

Wax is a mixture of solid esters that form fatty acids and higher alcohols (high molecular weight).

What is the difference between the above substances? It should be noted that a product that does not burn at all, but only melts, is, of course, wax. Paraffin, on the other hand, burns out completely.

The wax has a yellow-brown tint. Paraffin is extremely white. Manufacturers obtain all other shades of it by adding dyes to it.

Natural wax is natural, environmentally friendly Paraffin is obtained from petroleum products, therefore it is a synthetic material.

Wax in its properties often resembles plasticine. It is very flexible, very soft, quite pliable. Paraffin, on the other hand, crumbles excessively when cut.

How to use paraffin wax at home?

This product is actively used for paraffin therapy. This is a very effective and natural procedure that provides an opportunity to eliminate imperfections and imperfections on the skin and not only. The paraffin therapy technique is based on the use of a special film made from the above product, which creates the so-called greenhouse effect.

Homemade paraffin can be used to:

  • whitening of the skin;
  • elimination of double chin and gravitational ptosis;
  • protect skin from cracks and dryness;
  • cleansing the skin, its rejuvenation.

Paraffin therapy at home for hands is, of course, easy to do. To do this, you need to purchase a purified product. Experts pay attention to the fact that allergy sufferers need to buy this product containing peach oil.

Paraffin must be warmed up to a liquid state. For this, the water bath method is used. Then it is important to massage the hands with a scrub or, for example, a special mitten. Next, you need to dip your hands in liquid paraffin and immediately remove them. Repeat this action after 10 seconds. It is necessary that thin paraffin "gloves" are formed. Then wrap your hands with cling film or, for example, a cellophane bag and stand for at least 20 minutes.

Then remove the paraffin. Experts do not recommend reusing this product. After the procedure, a cream should be applied to the hands to moisturize the skin.

Paraffin is an excellent product that has found its application in various fields.