The first sign of pregnancy is before menstruation. The first signs of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation: interesting points

Young women who are planning to have a child look forward to the awakening of a new life. Listen to your body. Expectant mothers are trying to recognize the beginning of pregnancy in the changes in the body. These feelings are understandable, but is it worth the hurry? Some women begin to feel the first signs of pregnancy in the first week. Most people take these symptoms as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

Women's intuition can tell that conception has taken place. Then the expectant mother can take mild ailments, vague sensations for the first signs of pregnancy. In the first week, symptoms are usually invisible. It is rather self-hypnosis from the desire to have a long-awaited child or fear of an unplanned pregnancy.

At first, the expectant mother can only guess that conception has occurred. Such signs of pregnancy before delay often serve as harbingers of menstruation.

  • Metallic taste in the mouth.
  • The appearance of age spots around the nipples, on the face, abdomen.
  • Discomfort in the intestines ("swelling" of the stomach, flatulence, constipation).
  • Nasal congestion, minor bleeding.

Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, unreasonable tearfulness, mood swings may appear. This is due to changes in hormone levels.

Starting point

If the sex life is regular, the woman may not remember the specific day of conception. Whereas the beginning and end of menstruation are usually recorded. Therefore, to avoid confusion, gynecologists take the beginning of the last menstruation as a starting point.

The very same conception occurs during ovulation, in the middle of the cycle. So what is the first day of pregnancy? Are there no signs or are they already showing up?

When calculating obstetric weeks during pregnancy, the first day of your last period is taken as the starting point. This is due to the fact that conception does not always occur immediately after intercourse. Fertilization sometimes occurs within the next three days. This count is called obstetric and is calculated by doctors using a special formula.

The true time of conception is the fertilization of the egg. It is considered to be the first day of pregnancy and the weeks are counted from it. In this case, how long does it take to show signs of pregnancy?

Fetus in the 1st week

After conception, the fetus is in the fallopian tube, where fertilization took place. We can say that this is the first day of pregnancy. Symptoms in this case are usually absent.

The fruit egg looks like a small berry (raspberry or blackberry) covered with villi. They are necessary to secure the embryo in the uterus for the entire pregnancy. The cells of the embryo are actively dividing, forming the placenta. On about 4 days, the fetus reaches the uterus.

Until the embryo is there, it begins to attach by the villi, until then there are no symptoms. On the 7-10th day, the embryo is implanted into the wall of the uterus. This is the time when the signs of pregnancy show up.

Did conception take place

The most reliable information in the first week will be provided by a blood test (hCG). After 8 days from conception, laboratory tests will record an increase in the level of the hormone.

A test that can be purchased at a pharmacy is likely to show the presence or absence of pregnancy in 1-2 weeks.

At 3-4 weeks after fertilization, you can accurately determine the onset of pregnancy. Ultrasound, gynecological examination at this time will confirm the presence of an embryo in the uterus. In some cases, at an earlier date, the ultrasound examination apparatus may not detect the presence of an embryo. If the ovum is less than 2-3 mm, the ultrasound result may be negative.

The first changes in the body

The very first signs of pregnancy in the first week may appear in the form of minor ailments. So, fainting or dizziness may indicate that a woman is in a position.

Small spotting - signs of pregnancy before delay. They can start at 8-12 days. They last for several hours, sometimes from two to five days. This occurs during the attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus.

Quite quickly after conception, a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue appears. Weakness throughout the body sometimes lasts the entire first trimester. Such ailments are the very first signs of pregnancy.

Body temperature

In the early stages, a change in basal temperature is a guarantor of conception. All other first signs of pregnancy, sensations are often just phantom.

You should be aware that basal temperature changes from physical or emotional activity. Therefore, all measurements should be taken immediately after waking up.

  • immediately after waking up, at the same time;
  • measure with the same thermometer;
  • keep the thermometer close at hand so as not to reach for it, do not get up;
  • take measurements in the same place (mouth, vagina, rectum).

The basal temperature during the onset of pregnancy is 37 degrees and above. This is how it lasts until the embryo is implanted into the uterus. When the fetus is fixed (7-10 days), the temperature drops sharply to the usual level for a day. And then it rises again.

Breast changes

Already in the first week of pregnancy, swelling of the mammary glands is possible.
Pain and discomfort appear. In some cases, these symptoms are classified as a manifestation of premenstrual syndrome, and sometimes as early signs of pregnancy.

Breast tenderness and slight enlargement are preparation for future lactation. Pressing on the nipple can produce colostrum. Areola darkens and increases in size.

The structure of the mammary gland becomes denser. This is a reason to start taking care of your breasts in order to prevent future stretch marks. Special underwear and breast care products will preserve the beauty of the bust.

Discharge, urination

Due to the rush of blood to the pelvic organs, at the very beginning of pregnancy, the volume of vaginal discharge increases. They prevent the penetration of microbes, protect the body of the child and the expectant mother.

Unfortunately, discharge during pregnancy promotes the growth of yeast-like fungi. The vaginal secretion is a favorable environment for them. Therefore, pregnant women so often have thrush. It, in turn, can lead to infection of the fetus, rupture during childbirth.

A temporary change in kidney function is the cause of frequent urination, as well as a change in hormonal levels. At a later date, this symptom is associated with the growth of the uterus, its pressure on the bladder.

Folk signs

Folk signs of pregnancy in the first weeks are sometimes the most accurate. Their centuries of experience prove that the maternal instinct exists. That a woman in the very first days can feel the life that has arisen in her.

A venous network appears in the chest area. Not everyone has such a sign in the early stages. It often appears much later. But sometimes women in the first weeks can observe the manifested veins.

Changes in taste sensations, the appearance of strong salivation at any time (not only while eating). Increased or decreased appetite, slight nausea. This is due to specific chemical reactions during pregnancy.

Changes in olfactory sensations. Sensitivity to odors, rejection of some of them are the very first signs of pregnancy. Due to the change in hormonal levels, such a reaction is quite acceptable.

Medical signs

Accurate diagnosis is not always feasible in the early stages. Therefore, the signs of pregnancy in the first weeks are considered conditional, depend on the personal feelings of the expectant mother, and are based on her complaints.

  1. During the examination, the gynecologist will definitely pay attention to the cyanosis of the genitals (vaginal wall), the presence of colostrum from the nipples. Drawing pains in the lower back, lower abdomen - the first signs of pregnancy in the first week.
  2. An ultrasound examination diagnoses the presence of the ovum, palpitations. A slight increase in the uterus, its loose structure.
  3. The hCG test will reveal the presence of hormone levels in the blood.

How to behave in the early stages

If pregnancy is planned, then from the very first days after conception, you should pay attention to your condition. Avoid stressful situations, depression. Refuse hot baths, avoid hypothermia. Add the components of a healthy lifestyle - walking, proper nutrition, taking vitamins.

Try to avoid large crowds of people in order to minimize infection with viral, infectious diseases. Do not have pets at this time. If a cat or a dog has been living for a long time, check with a veterinarian and get the necessary vaccinations.

Under no circumstances should you undergo fluorography or X-ray examinations. This can interfere with the implantation of the fetus, leading to miscarriage. Only in the second half of pregnancy is radiation permissible when the baby's organs are formed, if there is no threat of the development of pathology.

Health care

If fertilization has occurred, but the woman does not yet know about pregnancy, this is the most vulnerable time for the embryo. Smoking, drinking alcohol (even in small quantities), stressful situations will negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Toxic substances, birth control pills, potent drugs can cause pathology, the death of a child. Therefore, during pregnancy planning, you should be extremely careful about food, stress on the body. Adequate sleep, rest, giving up bad habits - all this is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

Taking folic acid promotes the development of the placenta, improves uterine circulation. Gynecologists recommend taking this drug daily. It reduces the risk of fetal malformations.

Proper nutrition

When a woman plans a pregnancy, she begins to lead a correct lifestyle in advance (3-6 months in advance).
Nutrition, like taking vitamins, plays an important role. It must contain fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat, fish.

All foods containing folic acid should appear on the table as early as the first week of pregnancy. These are celery, liver, avocado, legumes, nuts, asparagus, spinach.

Dairy products contain calcium. It is necessary for both the mother and the growing baby. Contained in canned fish (with bones), green vegetables.

Refuse carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee. Do not eat fatty, spicy foods. Forget about harmful fast food, chips, carbonated drinks.

Spontaneous miscarriage

It so happens that fertilization has occurred. The embryo entered the uterus, but did not have time to attach. Together with menstruation, it is excreted from the body. The latter, taking the fetus for a foreign body, tries to reject it. This option does not count as pregnancy. Signs and symptoms in this situation are similar to the onset of a cold: body temperature rises, fever and chills appear. A large number of spontaneous miscarriages in 1-2 weeks pass imperceptibly for women.

Only if the implantation of the embryo has begun (it has become entrenched in the uterus and began to grow), we can say that conception has taken place.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the fertilized egg remains in the tube or leaves the peritoneum, then an ectopic pregnancy occurs.

This condition must be taken seriously. Be sure to see a doctor, do an ultrasound.

The embryo continues to grow, but not in the uterus. It develops in organs that are not designed for this.

An ectopic pregnancy always ends with an operation. Therefore, early diagnosis is important. The symptoms of this condition are similar to those of pregnancy: stitching, aching pains in the lower abdomen, severe weakness, dizziness.

The only difference is the constant spotting spotting. They are accompanied by pain in the lower back, in the rectum.

After an ectopic pregnancy, contraception is necessary, the restoration of hormonal levels. Plan the next conception no earlier than six months after the operation.

Knowing the characteristics of your body, you can detect the first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. Women with children often accurately identify new pregnancies at a very early stage. How do they do it? Indeed, many are tormented by doubts for weeks, trying to recognize changes in their bodies. They buy several tests to determine pregnancy, doubting their results, go for an ultrasound scan. A young, carefree girl can detect the development of a new life in her womb by a rounded tummy. What are the main signs of pregnancy before delay and how to notice them?

The onset of pregnancy

When the egg is fertilized and successfully anchored in the outer layer of the inner surface of the uterus, global transformations instantly begin in the body. All organs and systems are tuned to carry a child and provide him with everything necessary for development. This mechanism is triggered by a hormone that intensively secretes the embryo of the future placenta. This secret is called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It penetrates first into the woman's blood, and then into her urine. Every day, the concentration of the hormone in a woman's body is rapidly increasing. It is his presence that is determined by pregnancy tests.

The hCG hormone launches processes to change the entire hormonal background of a woman. It also begins to release other substances that rebuild the work of the whole organism. All these transformations are starting rapidly. They are so stormy and large-scale that a sensitive woman will definitely notice them.

A girl may not pay attention to new sensations and not detect early signs of pregnancy until the delay in menstruation, considering these symptoms to be a random phenomenon. Whereas an experienced mother will not ignore the signals of the body. How to find out about pregnancy before delay?

Typical symptoms

One of the earliest signs of an interesting situation is a sudden change in taste. A woman may suddenly want a product or dish. She eats it with pleasure in large quantities, getting incredible pleasure. Often, pregnant women want herring, pickles, or pickled apples. But there may be other unexpected desires. Often a pregnant woman requires a product to which she was previously completely indifferent.

During pregnancy, the chest often begins to hurt. Sometimes she becomes so sensitive that it hurts to touch her. Women even have to choose special soft underwear to reduce the discomfort from contact with fabric. Tingling in the breasts is another common symptom of pregnancy. For a moment it seems to be pierced by a needle. This sensation is familiar to nursing women. It happens during a sudden rush of milk.

Intolerance to odors. This is the most common sign of pregnancy. From the first days after conception, the perception of familiar aromas may change. The smell of your favorite shampoo or eau de toilette suddenly becomes harsh and repulsive. Unpleasant sensations arise in a variety of forms. For example, the smell of autumn leaves, which previously seemed imperceptible, may suddenly cause disgust.

Nausea is also considered a classic early pregnancy. However, the pregnant woman does not necessarily have morning vomiting. Nausea is often mild. There may be an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth from food or an aversion to certain foods. Sometimes there is indigestion, intestinal colic and other disruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pregnancy during the first days and weeks often manifests itself as a mild cold. The woman feels a slight increase in temperature, she shivers. She may have a sore throat and a runny nose. This condition is sometimes observed throughout the first trimester.

Weakness and drowsiness. The pregnant woman wants to sleep all the time. She happily naps at lunchtime, without losing the quality of a night's sleep. The woman gets tired quickly and looks for an opportunity to rest.

Changes in a woman's body can cause dizziness and even fainting. Such pregnancy symptoms before the delay in menstruation often occur unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment.

Physiological manifestations

Unusual scanty bloody or yellow-brown discharge 7-12 days after intercourse may indicate successful fertilization. During the implantation of an egg into the upper layer of the inner surface of the uterus, small blood vessels are damaged. This bleeding is not profuse and is not observed in all women.

Due to hormonal fluctuations, a woman is thrown into the heat, then into the cold. She suddenly becomes stuffy in the room or she can not get warm in warm weather. A pregnant woman's face suddenly turns red or her feet are cold. Stronger these signs of pregnancy before the delay appear in the late afternoon.

Hormonal surges can cause unexpectedly high sex drive or, conversely, complete indifference to sex.

Having received a fertilized egg, the uterus begins to intensively fill with blood, increasing in size. A woman can notice such changes by the characteristic tingling sensation and a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. The blood-filled uterus puts pressure on nearby organs, causing lower back pain or frequent urination.

The amount of discharge becomes much larger than usual. They perform a protective function, preventing the penetration of infection into the uterine cavity until it is tightly sealed with a mucus plug. This will happen at 4-5 weeks of gestation. Copious white discharge is odorless and resembles egg white.

Thick and cheesy discharge with a sour odor indicates the development of a fungal disease - thrush. It is accompanied by edema, redness of the genital mucosa. The woman feels itching and burning, which can sometimes be unbearable. This disease is also a sign of the development of pregnancy. After fertilization, a decrease in immunity occurs, which inhibits the reproduction of fungal microorganisms. Therefore, pregnant women often suffer from thrush.

Another obvious symptom of the development of pregnancy is increased salivation. Sometimes it can be so strong that it makes a woman uncomfortable. Excessive production of saliva causes weight loss, which can threaten the health of a pregnant woman. Swallowing a large amount of secretion causes changes in the acidity of the gastric juice.

An accurate determination of pregnancy before the delay of menstruation is quite possible. Regular basal body temperature measurements will help to detect successful fertilization. This is the name of the indicator that is observed in a person after a long rest. It is usually measured in the morning by inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before measuring, you need to move as little as possible.

During ovulation, the basal temperature rises to 37-37.4 ° C. If fertilization does not occur, a few days before the next menstruation, the indicator drops to values ​​of 36.4-36.8 ° C. Otherwise, it doesn't.

By controlling the basal temperature, implantation depression can be detected. It represents a slight temperature jump on the day of implantation of a fertilized egg into the lining of the uterine cavity.

After the onset of ovulation, the basal temperature rises to 37 ° C and above. On the day of implantation, the indicator drops by 0.2 ° C for about a day, after which it returns to the previous value. The difference is due to a change in hormonal levels. , estrogen levels rise sharply, temporarily lowering basal body temperature.

To determine the fluctuations of the latter, measurements must be taken at the same time every day. In the process of research, you need to lead a measured lifestyle, avoid stress, strict diets, lack of sleep, overwork and alcohol abuse. Research carried out during illness is not reliable.

Using the test

Modern pregnancy tests are highly sensitive.

They are able to detect the hCG hormone in a woman's urine before the day of her probable period. The electronic inkjet test is very easy to use.

It can be used any time of the day. No additional urine collection container is required for testing. Diagnostics is carried out by substituting the receiving part of the device under the stream. After 1 minute, the result will be displayed on an electronic board.

Instead of the faint strips of a conventional test, the result appears on an electronic device in the form of the words pregnant or not pregnant.

The reliability of such a diagnosis 4 days before the expected menstruation is 51%. If it is carried out in 3 days, the probability of error will be even less - only 18%. And one day before menstruation, the accuracy of the determination reaches 95%.

Modern electronic tests can also determine the age of pregnancy. If the hCG hormone is detected, one of the result options will appear: "1-2 weeks", "2-3 weeks" or "3 weeks or more." The indicator is stored throughout the day.

Folk signs

There have long been folk signs of early identification of an interesting situation. Women used to give birth to more children. They remembered not only their feelings, but also noticed changes in the appearance of other recently pregnant women. Many signs of pregnancy (discharge, nausea, and odor intolerance) are known today. But there were also more unusual signs:

  1. According to popular belief, the girl instinctively covers her stomach while walking.
  2. A pregnant woman has venous networks on her body, especially on the chest and shoulders.
  3. A woman in position sneezes and snores at night (if she has not done this before).
  4. The hair of a pregnant woman cannot be curled in any way.
  5. If you lie on your back, at a distance of 7-8 cm below the navel in a pregnant woman, you can feel the pulse.
  6. The development of the fetus inside the woman was evidenced by night pain in the navel.
  7. A pregnant woman's breasts become fuller. The woman is filling up and gaining weight. She may develop slight swelling.
  8. The young lady in the situation changes her relationship with the animals. She approaches them with tenderness, and they fondle her.
  9. A pregnant woman suddenly starts making big plans. She can start renovating, building a house, or moving.

Lack of menstruation is a well-known sign of pregnancy. But you have probably heard the statements of some women that they knew about conception even before the delay. Let's try to figure out if this is possible and what are the signs of pregnancy before menstruation.

Formally, the first days after fertilization of the egg are not yet considered pregnancy, since the future baby at that moment did not have time to gain a foothold in the uterus. But nevertheless, certain changes in the mother's body are already beginning to occur.

During the first week after meeting with the sperm, the fertilized egg moves along the fallopian tube and, reaching the uterus, is fixed in it. At the site of introduction, the placenta begins to form, which will supply the baby with nutrients.

From this point on, the production of progesterone begins - a hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. Then, the umbilical cord is formed and the cardiovascular system of the fetus is laid. A bubble is formed around the embryo, filled with amniotic fluid.

During all these processes, there is an increased blood flow to the uterus and hormonal changes. This affects the mother's body and can cause a number of symptoms.

The first symptoms indicating conception

The first signs of pregnancy after menstruation before the expected start of a new cycle, when a delay should occur, are weakly expressed and depend on the individual body's response to the new condition. Symptoms that indicate a recent conception include:

  1. Mild drawing or tingling pain in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are the norm and indicate the preparation of the uterus for bearing a child.
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Not all women develop this symptom before the delay, but such breast changes may indicate a recent conception.
  3. Change in the amount of vaginal discharge. Due to the rush of blood to the genitals that occurs during pregnancy, women may notice that their daily discharge has become more abundant.
  4. Frequent urination. The enlarging uterus begins to press on the bladder, which causes frequent urge to empty.
  5. Implantation bleeding. On the 6-12th day after conception, sometimes there is not abundant yellowish-brown discharge, which women take for the onset of menstruation. If they stop soon, and menstruation does not begin, with a high degree of probability they were caused by the implantation of an egg into the wall of the uterus.
  6. Distinct manifestation of vascular pattern on the limbs, abdomen and chest. This happens under the influence of hormones and becomes less noticeable over time.
  7. The rise in basal temperature. BT is measured rectally using a thermometer. Only those women who have been observing regularly can notice the change. After conception, the so-called implantation sinking occurs, when BT decreases sharply, the next day it rises above 37 ° and remains at this level.
  8. Digestive upset. Due to hormonal changes, metabolic processes in the body can be temporarily disrupted, which causes constipation or loose stools.
  9. Increased salivation. This symptom is associated with the onset of early toxicosis and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting.

Focusing on the listed first signs of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation, it is impossible to establish for sure whether there was conception or not. The presence of even several symptoms at the same time may indicate some disease or hormonal imbalance.

You can clarify the situation by doing a pregnancy test, or by taking a blood test for hCG. It is not necessary to wait for a delay for this, already in 7-10 days after the expected moment of fertilization, the laboratory study will be reliable. High sensitivity tests can also detect pregnancy during this period, although a false negative result is possible.

What sensations can indicate pregnancy before the delay in menstruation?

First of all, the emotional sphere responds to the onset of pregnancy. Many women notice that they have become more nervous and vulnerable, any irritants during this period can cause tears.

Sometimes there is a change in food addictions, an exacerbation of the sense of smell, familiar dishes and smells begin to cause disgust. The expectant mother can quickly get tired, feel sleepy and weak.

Other indirect signs of pregnancy are possible before the delay in menstruation:

  • a woman becomes hot and cold for no apparent reason;
  • dry mouth appears;
  • pulling pain in the lumbar back;
  • limbs swell slightly;
  • worried about insomnia.

Another symptom of recent conception, noted by many mothers, is sensations reminiscent of the onset of a cold. Nasal congestion appears, but its causes are not necessarily associated with acute respiratory infections.

The fact is that the progesterone produced in the early stages of pregnancy provokes fluid retention in the body, manifested by mucosal edema. During this period, women find it difficult to breathe through the nose, snoring at night may appear.

Often the body temperature rises to 37-37.2 °. This is normal and is caused by increased production of progesterone.

Of course, the possibility cannot be ruled out that the listed changes in the condition may be associated with a cold. The risk of contracting a respiratory infection in early pregnancy is increased by the natural decrease in immunity required for the baby to attach normally.

If other symptoms have joined the nasal congestion - cough, sore throat, temperature rise above 37.5 °, you should seek medical help.

At the appointment, you need to inform the doctor that you may be pregnant in order to prescribe medications that are permissible in this condition. Self-medication for expectant mothers is highly discouraged.

Lifestyle of a woman in early pregnancy

If a woman feels the beginning of pregnancy, even if this has not yet been confirmed by tests, she needs to change her lifestyle taking into account a possible new condition. Fundamental changes are not needed, but you should start taking care of yourself more.

It is better to stop active rest or household chores associated with significant physical activity. It is important to observe the regime of the day and rest, get enough sleep. Nutrition should be complete, walks in the fresh air are useful.

Alcohol during this period should be excluded and try not to be in the same room with people who smoke or have a cold. In the early stages, any negative factor can lead to the appearance of malformations in the fetus or threaten the continuation of pregnancy.

Without serious indications, you should not take any medications, because the effect of many of them on the development of the child is unpredictable. Sometimes even a short intake of pain relievers or antibiotics leads to malfunctions in the formation of the fetus and subsequent congenital abnormalities, not all of which can be detected antenatally.

Viral diseases such as chickenpox and mumps pose a particular risk in the first weeks and months of pregnancy. Therefore, expectant mothers who did not get sick with them in childhood should avoid places of possible infection. You should refrain from visiting friends whose children are sick or have recently suffered from these diseases, as well as not attend various public events.

If the expectant mother falls ill with one of the listed ailments at an early stage, doctors recommend that she have an abortion. This is due to the fact that the likelihood of a later appearance of a disabled child with anomalies in the development of the organs of hearing, vision, limbs or the brain is very high.

In the normal state, a person carries the disease almost imperceptibly, but for pregnant women it is dangerous - it can provoke an abortion or pathology in a child.

Therefore, if a woman is not sure whether she had previously suffered from toxoplasmosis (you can check this by passing an analysis for TORCH infection), you need to carefully monitor the quality of the products used.

Although the initial signs of pregnancy after menstruation before a woman has a delay is not the most reliable way to determine an "interesting" situation, you should listen to your body. If you suspect that conception has occurred, it is better to take care in order to eventually get the desired result - a healthy baby.

Useful video: how to determine pregnancy before delay?


Is it possible for a woman to understand that she is pregnant even before her period is delayed? With pregnancy, female representatives change a lot in the body. And these changes appear from the first day.

Pregnancy in the first week

The first week of pregnancy begins even before the birth of the fetus. A full-term baby is born at 40 weeks. In medicine, the countdown is carried out from the first day after menstruation has passed.

Even during menstruation, an egg develops, where the unborn child will form. During the first week, out of many eggs, the body determines the one in which life will arise. For this reason, there are no signs of pregnancy during this period, since it essentially does not yet exist.

Signs of pregnancy after conception

Even before the delay, you can find out about pregnancy on certain grounds.

Minor bleeding

After intercourse, minor bleeding may appear after a week. Some ladies are mistaken because they think that menstruation appears. But the selection is insignificant.

Minor bleeding may occur after a delay. But in this case, they can signal violations, so you should consult a doctor.

Basal temperature changes

Those who monitor the basal temperature are able to see changes, thereby determining pregnancy. If it rises to 37 degrees, this indicates the development of the fetus. This indicator is measured in the mouth, rectum and vagina. They take them off after waking up, while still in bed.

Throws it hot and cold

When the fetus begins to develop, the woman is often thrown into the heat and then into the cold. This is due to the fact that at the initial stage of pregnancy, the body temperature often rises. In this case, it can get very hot, and after a while it starts to freeze. From this, the face can turn red in the evening.


Because the body temperature changes, often pregnant women think that they are sick. After all, the condition worsens a little, the woman quickly gets tired, there is a feeling of impaired health.

Some of the fairer sex have a cough, runny nose. This is also affected by the weakness of the immune system. It is also an important sign of pregnancy even before the delay.

The breasts become more sensitive

At the initial stages of pregnancy, the breast becomes more sensitive, it swells. From touching, pain is felt, and in some cases, touching it is generally unrealistic, since the pain is very strong.

The nipples also change. If you press on them, then an incomprehensible liquid appears. This is the preparation of the body before lactation. This symptom occurs at 1-2 weeks of pregnancy. Also, the skin in the nipple area can darken.

But such symptoms do not always appear. Many women have no changes.

Feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen

There is an influx of blood into the pelvic area, the uterus grows. Therefore, a woman feels fullness in the lower abdomen. This sensation appears in the first weeks after conception.

Sexual desire decreases or, conversely, increases

Due to changes in hormones, sex drive also changes. It happens differently for every woman. Some feel an overwhelming desire, while others, on the contrary, have a decrease in sexual desire. You should consult your doctor. In the case of a normal pregnancy, it is not prohibited to have sex.

It tingles a little in the uterus

A tingling sensation in women during pregnancy is a common occurrence. The uterus was not spared either. This is due to the fact that it rapidly increases in volume. If it begins to tingle or hurt from different sides of the lower abdomen, then this may indicate the beginning of fetal development.


In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience poor sleep. Many people are tired, so they fall asleep quickly, but often wake up. And some ladies fall asleep hard.

Sleepiness can also be a sign of a pregnant woman. The girl becomes absent-minded, gets tired quickly. This is due to the rebuilding of hormones. Progesterone begins to rise, which affects the woman, causing this state of health. She often does not want to do anything, and it is very difficult for her to be at work. But this feeling will not haunt the entire pregnancy. Another hormone will begin to be produced, with the help of which the mood will also change.

Lower abdominal pain

Some ladies confuse pregnancy with the onset of menstruation, as it is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. But menstruation does not appear, which is an excuse to go for a pregnancy test.

In addition, the lower back may also hurt. These unpleasant sensations arise in different positions, even lying down. It is difficult for a woman to find a comfortable position so that she can fall asleep. Often the pain goes away when the upright position is taken. These sensations are individual, since some ladies feel pain while standing, and lying down is much easier for them. This can continue throughout the entire period of gestation.

Reaction to odors, taste changes

Often, a woman can begin to feel disgust at a variety of smells. She will not vomit, but she will react to specific smells, although before that she was indifferent to them. Even boiled beef or pork, cosmetics and more can cause hostility.

The taste may also begin to change. This is due to the fact that there is a change in hormones. From this, your favorite dishes may not attract in any way, but, on the contrary, irritate. Often, even in the first weeks of pregnancy, a lady wants to eat something that she did not like before.

This is also accompanied by toxicosis. The woman is not only nauseous, but she starts to vomit. This is normal and not harmful. But you should think about visiting a doctor if, due to toxicosis, it is impossible to eat any food.

In the early stages, it can get seasick in transport, a reaction to odors appears. Over time, these inconveniences go away.

Dislike for alcohol

A woman in the early stages of pregnancy may begin to dislike alcohol. This also applies to cigarette smoke. And some women may have a strong desire to drink, for example, beer, which she previously hated.

By the way, during this period, frequent urination may begin, and headaches are often tormented. This is due to the fact that hormones change dramatically.

Abundant discharge

Even before the delay, the woman has abundant discharge. This is again influenced by the blood flow to the pelvic area.

Thrush can often appear, as an environment arises in which fungi easily develop. This pathology needs to be treated in order to protect yourself from future consequences.


Extremities may begin to swell slightly. The stomach can also increase, although the uterus has not yet done this. This is due to poor stomach performance, which causes bloating.

Changes in appetite and mood

When pregnancy begins, a woman may feel frequent hunger, her appetite grows rapidly.

But the mood of a woman, in whom a new life is being born, changes very often. She can be irritable, and after a short time smile, be in a good mood. Tears can quickly change to laughter. Also, a woman can be visited by fear for no reason.

After such signs, a delay appears, which is a common reason to use a pregnancy test.