NPF web uk extended rating. VEB Management Company Extended package - what is it, how to supplement a pension with income from a trust fund with minimal risks? Which is better - a simple or extended portfolio

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Unlike an insurance pension, which can only be formed by the Russian Pension Fund, savings provision a citizen can entrust both the FIU (represented by management companies) and non-state funds.

The funded pension itself is that are recorded on the account of insured persons and consist of:

  • by the employer;
  • voluntary contributions;
  • contributions for;
  • aimed at future retirement;
  • investment income.

Having made a choice in favor of the FIU (as an insurer), a citizen must choose a management company, which will invest in the financial market. You can entrust savings to a state-owned company (Vnesheconombank) or any other private company with which the PFR has an agreement.

Where can a funded pension be formed?

  • state(FIU);
  • non-state(NPF).

Both state and non-state funds cannot manage funds. For this there are. The NPF independently, without taking into account the opinion, chooses the management company with which it concludes an agreement. The Pension Fund of Russia reserves the right for citizens to choose the management company themselves. This could be:

  • GUK(state Criminal Code);
  • PUC(private management companies).

Both the GUK and private management companies are legal entities that are licensed to manage funds in the financial market. There are many of them, but not all of them can carry out this activity.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the insured person can transfer his savings to management only by those management companies that selected annually based on the results of competitions conducted by the Federal Service for Financial Markets, and with which the PFR has entered into a trust management agreement.

Vnesheconombank's activity in relation to pension savings

The state management company from 2003 to the present day is the "Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs" - Vnesheconombank... The main task of a state-owned company, like any other management company, is to invest pension savings transferred to it by the Russian Pension Fund.

Despite the fact that Vnesheconombank is a state management company, it cannot guarantee an increase in pension. The income of the GAC (like any management company) is the result of investing savings, and here there can be both profit and loss. In case of loss, the citizen will be able to receive only the amount that was contributed by him and his employer.

In accordance with Article 26 of Federal Law No. 111-FZ of July 24, 2002, it is allowed to place funds only in low-risk assets(government securities of the Russian Federation, shares and bonds of Russian issuers, etc.).

The GUK manages savings funds:

  • citizens who deliberately entrusted formation of the GUK's pension;
  • "Silent"(those who have pension savings, but have never signed an agreement with anyone).

Vnesheconombank is 100% public corporation, that is, does not have a membership of a non-profit organization.

How to place the funded part of the pension with Vnesheconombank

Since the Pension Fund of Russia is the insurer when choosing State Institution Vnesheconombank, it is only necessary to submit an application to the territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This can be done both in person and by mail (in this case, copies of documents must be notarized). In addition to applying to the pension fund need to submit:

  • (SNILS);
  • an identity document (as a rule, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation).

It is also allowed to submit documents through an official representative(confidant). In this case, you will additionally need a document proving the identity of the authorized person and a corresponding document that confirms the right of the representative to act on behalf of the insured person (for example, a power of attorney).

Both those who are just going to, and those who have already formed a certain amount in other companies can entrust their savings to Vnesheconombank. In the second case, the legislation of the Russian Federation allows at least a year to transfer the savings under the management of the State Institution of Management.

This can also be done by insured persons who have chosen NPFs as an insurer. However, in this case, the insurer will be changed, that is, the citizen will transfer its funds from the NPF to the Pension Fund... And this can lead to a loss of investment income. Therefore, it is necessary to transfer from a non-state fund to a state fund no earlier than in five years.

When choosing the state management company Vnesheconombank, a citizen must also choose one of the two offered by the company investment portfolios.

Selection of an investment portfolio and placement of funds

The investment portfolio represents assets that were formed from the funds transferred to the FIU to the management company under one agreement. These funds are segregated from other assets, and the portfolio is formed according to the investment declaration.

State Institution Vnesheconombank offers insured persons to invest savings two investment portfolios:

  • Base portfolio of government securities (GS);
  • Extended investment portfolio.

The GS portfolio consists of government securities of the Russian Federation and bonds of domestic companies, as well as cash in rubles and foreign currency guaranteed by the Russian Federation. The expanded investment portfolio also includes mortgage-backed securities and bonds of international financial organizations. Facilities "Silent" were automatically transferred to the expanded portfolio of the GAM.

The management company separates investment portfolios, which are formed at the expense of pension savings, from other property (including its own), and opens separate accounts for each(at the Bank of Russia, credit institutions, etc.).

Contract for trust management of funded pension

The trust management agreement for savings is concluded between the Pension Fund of Russia and the state management company. According to this treaty The Pension Fund transfers the funds of savings to the State Management Committee for management.

After the signing of this agreement, the management company gets the opportunity on its own behalf to conclude relevant transactions on the securities market, which should be carried out in the interests of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

In fact, the GUK offers special asset management services(funds and securities). For these services, the company receives remuneration - a part of the profit or a certain percentage of the value of these assets.

Profitability of VEB's pension savings

The return on investment of cash savings is calculated in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 107n dated August 22, 2005 and is a relative indicator increase in funds. There is a calculation of four indicators of profitability:

  • year to date;
  • for the previous 12 months;
  • for the previous 3 years;
  • average (for the entire period of validity of the trust management agreement).

Information on the profitability of the savings of the state management company is not classified and are in the public domain on the official website of Vnesheconombank.

Which is better: public or private management company?

Pension Fund of Russia and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation equally monitors activities both a state-owned company and private management companies. In both the first and second cases, the funds are kept in the accounts of the state depository company.

The main thing the difference lies in the principles of the investment strategy of the management company- investment declaration. In this regard, a private management company can use more financial instruments for investment. This can generate more income, but it also carries more risk. In addition to what is permitted by the GAC, private companies can also invest in:

  • shares of index investment funds;
  • shares of domestic companies that place funds in government securities of foreign states;
  • shares and bonds of foreign companies.

Both public and private MC is interested in maximum income from investing, since her reward depends on it. The higher the investment income, the more the company will be rewarded.

It is also worth noting that the financial difficulties of the management company (GUK or PAM) do not affect, since they are stored separately from the funds of the management company and are not used to pay off the company's obligations.

Making a profitable choice The funded part of the pension at Vnesheconombank, or rather, under its management, has its advantages, since investment is carried out in less risky assets - government securities. And private management companies in the amount of 38 (at the beginning of 2018) have the right to invest money in shares of other private companies. This is, perhaps, the most important difference between GUKs and other management companies. In addition, it can be noted that private management companies may have a higher income than SMCs, but the risks are also higher. Changes in 2018 There are no significant changes in legislation in 2018. Our experts monitor all changes in legislation in order to provide you with reliable information.

State management company - vnesheconombank

  • surname, name and patronymic of the future pensioner;
  • gender is indicated;
  • details of the representative:
  • surname;
  • patronymic;
  • date of birth (day / month / year);
  • name of the identity document of the applicant or his substitute;
  • a document serving as a confirmation of the authority of a representative;
  • full name of the selected management company;
  • please transfer all funds LF pensions under the management of a specific enterprise (6% of the individual part);
  • refusal to finance LF - if required;
  • the date of filling in the corresponding application is indicated;
  • signature of the representative, the insured person.

Also, at the bottom of the document, the mark of the pension fund must be affixed. It is required to indicate the place of the verification signature.

Selection of the investment portfolio of the state management company

In this capacity, Vnesheconombank also manages two investment portfolios: a payment reserve portfolio and a portfolio of citizens' funds for whom an urgent pension payment has been established. Vnesheconombank separates investment portfolios formed from pension savings from other property, including its own.

For each portfolio, Vnesheconombank opens separate accounts with the Bank of Russia, with credit institutions that meet the established requirements, and separate accounts with settlement and clearing centers and depositories. In order to develop a strategy for investing funds transferred to Vnesheconombank, the State Corporation established a Committee for Trust Management of Pension Savings Funds.

State management company pfr "vnesheconombank" (web)

    How to ensure old age on your own?

  • Vnesheconombank advantages
  • Which management company should you choose?
  • What is VEB Management Company "Extended"?
  • Video about "VEB"

Old age seems to be some kind of distant event. Like this is what will happen to everyone else, but certainly not to us.

Nobody is going to approach the border of old age, to lose some of their physical and mental abilities. But nature in this regard is cruel, she is not interested in other people's considerations.

That is why you should find out in advance about the options for managing your own savings from VEB UK Extended - what is it? Benefits of state pensions Previously, most of the population counted on help from the state; a decent pension was one of the guarantees of a good existence after the termination of professional activity.

About state management company Vnesheconombank

Interesting! An interesting fact is that the so-called “silent” people who have never entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund and the Management Company are transferred to an expanded portfolio. To develop an investment strategy in relation to the money transferred to Vnesheconombank, a special Committee for Trust Management of Pension Savings Funds has been created. Issues of VEB's profitability Having pension savings in VEB, you definitely need to know about profitability.


It is calculated according to several indicators, depending on the calendar periods. It is noteworthy that Vnesheconombank's information on pension savings, namely profitability, can be found in the public domain.

Important! Also, like the non-state pension fund, VEB Management Company has its own official Internet sources for informing citizens. In addition, Vnesheconombank transfers all pension savings to the user's personal account.

Vnesheconombank review

  • Coordination of any operations on savings funds and active assets
  • Maintaining investment portfolios
  • Keeping records of income and expenses
  • Preparation of analytical reports, management of acceptable investment risks
  • Market analysis for optimal investment

Security Vnesheconombank is guided by the following security principles:

  • Guaranteed security of the banking activity
  • Protection of all financial transactions and concealment of data constituting state secrets
  • Protecting all information from cyber attacks
  • Distribution of the level of access to this or that information between employees

Internal control of VEB Internal quality control staff monitor all operations for the distribution of funds within the Main Management Company.

A collection of answers to your questions

These include:

  • inability to influence the indexation procedure for LF pensions;
  • in addition to the size of wages, other important parameters will also affect the size of the pension;
  • in case of liquidation, it will be possible to receive only the nominal value of the LF pension.

The most important disadvantage is the inability to influence the process of indexing the funded part. Since the management of the NPF independently carries out the investment procedure, the choice of the investment portfolio.


Moreover, it is not always profitable. If there is no profit when investing the client's funds, he will still receive the LF pensions established by law. The legislation provides that after a while the size of this part of the pension will be influenced by various other important parameters.

Moreover, they will be taken into account by all NPFs, including Vnesheconombank.

Web uk portfolio "extended"

It must be remembered that it will be possible to transfer your funded part of your pension under the management of a non-state pension fund only if certain mandatory conditions are met. These include the following:

  • the first employment contract must be concluded before the onset of 23 years - accordingly, the first deductions by the employer must be fulfilled before this moment;
  • a corresponding application and a package of mandatory documents must be submitted to the selected NPF by December 31, 2015.

It is important to remember some conditions that are directly related to the date of the conclusion of the contract itself: if this action was performed before 12/31/15.
the amount of pension savings will also be increased due to the contributions made by the employer (6% of the monthly salary) if the contract is concluded after 01.01.16.

Pension savings in the state management company Vnesheconombank

According to the latest information, it is known that Vnesheconombank provides services to more than 55 million future pensioners of the Russian Federation. This list was supplemented by those people who were undecided on their own with the choice of one of the portfolios provided by the state management company (GUK) or some private financial companies.

Having invested finances, the State Management Company determines the method of their investment in order to guarantee the maximum growth in profits while observing the minimum financial risks. Types of retirement benefits Choosing one or another option for retirement benefits, contributors have the right to use exclusively the insurance part of pension payments, or keep the base part and additionally provide an investment base. In the process of merging the funded and insurance parts, the highest quality version of guaranteed pension payments is obtained.

Funded pension at Vnesheconombank

Usually, a comparative description gives a clear idea and an answer to the question - which is better? But not in our case, because these are only two proposed options for managing your funds, each of them is good in its own way. And each of them is not devoid of certain drawbacks, it all depends on the economic situation.

Before betting on one of the types of management, assess objectively the current state of affairs, familiarize yourself with modern forecasts. This will help you make the right choice and save money.

What is VEB Management Company "Extended"? So we found out what is hidden behind these abbreviations:

  1. VEB is the good old Vnesheconombank.
  2. UK is a management company.
  3. "Extended" is just the name of an investment portfolio.

As a client of the organization, you will be able to get more detailed information on the managers and the general strategy for the investment of funds.

Today there are a large number of non-state pension funds. At the same time, Vnesheconombank is investing in the funded part of the pension of citizens of the Russian Federation who have entered into an appropriate agreement with it.

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Terms of registration

One of Vnesheconombank's areas of activity is the management of the funded part of the pension. To transfer the entire amount of savings, it is necessary to conclude a special agreement.

The conditions for placing funds in this NPF thus allows increasing the amount of the pension that a citizen of the Russian Federation will receive upon reaching retirement age. All conditions can be found directly on the official website.

This institution has been engaged in this kind of activity for more than 10 years. During all this time, Vnesheconombank has established itself only on the positive side.

Risks are minimal, indexation is carried out every year. Its value is an order of magnitude higher than the analogous parameter proposed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The size of the cumulative part is calculated in each case purely individually. To determine this value, you can use a special online calculator - it is posted directly on the official website of Vnesheconombank.

The factors to be considered are the following:

  • the amount of monthly income;
  • average return on investment;
  • the number of years before retirement;
  • the amount of pension savings at the time of settlement transactions.

The percentage of charges directly depends on the selected investment portfolio. This procedure is carried out at the time of writing the corresponding application.

It must be remembered that it will be possible to transfer your funded part of your pension under the management of a non-state pension fund only if certain mandatory conditions are met.

These include the following:

  • the first employment contract must be concluded before the onset of 23 years - accordingly, the first deductions by the employer must be fulfilled before this moment;
  • a corresponding application and a package of mandatory documents must be submitted to the selected NPF by December 31, 2019.

It is important to remember some conditions that are directly related to the date of the conclusion of the contract itself:

Earlier it was argued that the funded part of the pension must be transferred to non-state management until 01.01.14, but later the deadline was shifted to 2019.

Chances are good that it will be changed upwards again. Despite this, it is advisable to conclude an appropriate agreement with the NPF as early as possible. Thus, it will be possible to increase the size of the pension.

How to transfer the funded part of the pension to Vnesheconombank

In order to use the services of Vnesheconombank, it is imperative to carry out the following procedure:

  • collect all the documents necessary for the conclusion of the agreement;
  • contact the nearest branch of the NPF in question;
  • write a statement in the appropriate format;
  • attach it to the package of required documents.

In the future, a special employee of Vnesheconombank will carry out all the necessary operations. The application for the transfer of the funded part of the pension will be necessarily confirmed with a special electronic signature.

After that, you will not have to worry about the LF pension. It will increase in accordance with the selected investment portfolio. Concluding an agreement with a non-state PF is a sure way to secure your future.

If for some reason the future pensioner simply cannot submit all the necessary documents to the bank branch on his own, then such an action can be carried out through a representative.

But for this, a properly executed power of attorney will also need to be attached to the list of mandatory documents. It must be drawn up correctly from a legal point of view, and also certified by a notary.

In this case, the NPF employee can accept all the necessary documents. On the basis of the appropriate power of attorney, the representative has the right to conclude an agreement on behalf of his ward.

Required documents

To conclude an agreement on transferring LF pensions under the management of Vnesheconombank, it will be necessary to collect the following documents (all of them are strictly mandatory):

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or another document replacing it (in the absence of a passport);
  • SNILS - the insurance number is presented on it;
  • special statement;
  • power of attorney - if the application and all the necessary documents are submitted not by the applicant himself, but by his representative.

The application itself has a unified format. It is installed inside Vnesheconombank itself. During a visit to this financial institution, you will simply need to fill out a prepared special form.

It is also possible to simply download it from the internet and do it at home. The statement of the format under consideration includes the following main sections:

  • a mark on the identity of the person submitting the application itself (independently, through a representative);
  • surname, name and patronymic of the future pensioner;
  • gender is indicated;
  • details of the representative:
    • surname;
    • patronymic;
    • date of birth (day / month / year);
  • name of the identity document of the applicant or his substitute;
  • a document serving as a confirmation of the authority of a representative;
  • full name of the selected management company;
  • a request to transfer all funds of the LF pension under the management of a specific enterprise (6% of the individual part);
  • refusal to finance LF - if required;
  • the date of filling in the corresponding application is indicated;
  • signature of the representative, the insured person.

Also, at the bottom of the document, the mark of the pension fund must be affixed. It is required to indicate the place of the verification signature.

Most of the text of the statement has already been printed, it will be enough just to put a tick in the appropriate places. You will also need to write the last name and date. All this is done in block letters and numbers.

Pros and cons

The state insists on the need to transfer all funds of the LF pensions under the management of non-state institutions. But it should be remembered that there are both pluses and minuses to this action.

The most important positive aspects include constant indexing. But at the same time, it is recommended to get a job with a white wage.

All those who, before the date set by the state, did not manage to transfer their LF pensions to NPFs, will receive a fixed insurance. In this case, the value of the first will be 16%, the second - 6%. At the same time, the indexation is not lower than the inflation rate in the state.

NP is not indexed in the PFR, only the face value will be paid. When transferred to a NPF, the NPF size will become significantly larger due to a well-thought-out investment portfolio.

In this case, the greater the value of the "white" wages, the more significant the size of the NP. Since it is the salary that is the basis for calculating contributions in favor of this type of pension. This is both a plus and a minus.

Thus, it will be possible to independently influence the size of the LF pension. But at the same time, the very fact of official employment is necessary. Otherwise, the amount of charges will be minimal.

In addition to the obvious positive aspects, the conclusion of such an agreement with this NPF has obvious disadvantages.

These include:

  • inability to influence the indexation procedure for LF pensions;
  • in addition to the size of wages, other important parameters will also affect the size of the pension;
  • in case of liquidation, it will be possible to receive only the nominal value of the LF pension.

The most important disadvantage is the inability to influence the process of indexing the funded part. Since the management of the NPF independently carries out the investment procedure, the choice of the investment portfolio.

Moreover, it is not always profitable. If there is no profit when investing the client's funds, he will still receive the LF pensions established by law.

The legislation provides that after a while the size of this part of the pension will be influenced by various other important parameters. Moreover, they will be taken into account by all NPFs, including Vnesheconombank. It will be simply impossible to ignore them.

Old age seems to be some kind of distant event. Like this is what will happen to everyone else, but certainly not to us. Nobody is going to approach the border of old age, to lose some of their physical and mental abilities. But nature in this regard is cruel, she is not interested in other people's considerations. That is why you should find out in advance about the options for managing your own savings from "VEB UK Extended"- what is this?

Benefits of state pensions

Previously, most of the population counted on help from the state, a decent pension was one of the guarantees of a good existence after the termination of professional activity. The instability after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise in the level of economic enlightenment played a role. But there is a few reasons, for which you should not rely solely on your own strength:

  1. Lack of organization... It's hard to force yourself to save a certain amount every month when there are other expenses.
  2. From mandatory payments to the pension fund no one will free it, so the family budget will have to be cut a little.
  3. Inflation... Its level depends not only on the degree of development of the economy. Any financial crisis raises this indicator significantly.
  4. Still relative low level of economic literacy of the population... This will complicate the task of saving funds, which already speaks of their increase.
  5. Lack of any insurance or guarantees from the state or other structures in case of failure.

How to ensure old age on your own?

But a person may find himself in a more difficult situation when there are only 10-20 years of work experience left, and there are only a few entries in the work book. Even with official employment and a "white" salary until the end of employment, it will be difficult to count on at least some kind of pension. If you find yourself in such a seemingly hopeless situation, proceed according to the following scenario:

  • Take action urgently. Time is already short.
  • Do not rely solely on children. They may prove to be a reliable support in the future, or they may not cope with the provision of financial assistance.
  • It is better to put the accumulated funds in trust. Nowadays, many companies promise to increase your capital through investments.
  • Never keep all funds in one bank or in accounts with one company. From time to time, even large offices cease to exist. One can only hope for compensation payments.

Vnesheconombank advantages

For those who are at the beginning of their career path, it is worth considering choosing this very management company. Vnesheconombank has been offering its services in this industry for over ten years and has never failed to disappoint its clients' expectations. Maybe not every year could be called successful, but the organization has saved the funds of its clients, and has also increased it over the past decade. There is a few reasons why it is worth choosing Vnesheconombank as your management company:

  1. More than ten years on the service market... During this time, a solid customer base has been built and lucrative concepts have been developed.
  2. Availability of all necessary government documents- everything is in order with the company's licenses and permits.
  3. State as a co-founder... Therefore, the clients of the office can hope for some support from other government agencies, even in difficult years.
  4. Profitability statistics... All of them are freely available, any owner of access to the network can get acquainted with them.
  5. The choice between several interesting schemes allowing you to get even more profit.

Which management company should you choose?

The company offers its clients two types of investment portfolios.


Government securities

If a new client has not insisted on another portfolio, he will automatically be offered this one.

When concluding a contract, it is necessary to inform employees which portfolio you are interested in.

Showed a loss only in 2008, for the entire period of its existence. Less than half a percent went to the minus.

Also, only one year with a negative profit margin. But this was in 2014 and already by 2%

The investment list can include almost anything.

Portfolio assets are limited to government securities

A more flexible instrument thanks to the presence of international assets. This can play a cruel joke if brokers are indiscreet.

Strongly depends on the economic situation within the country. A prolonged systemic crisis can lead to disastrous consequences.

Usually, a comparative description gives a clear idea and an answer to the question - which is better? But not in our case, because these are only two proposed options for managing your funds, each of them is good in its own way. And each of them is not devoid of certain drawbacks, it all depends on the economic situation.

Before betting on one of the types of management, assess objectively the current state of affairs, familiarize yourself with modern forecasts. This will help you make the right choice and save money.

What is VEB Management Company "Extended"?

So we found out what is hidden behind these abbreviations:

  1. VEB is the good old Vnesheconombank.
  2. UK is a management company.
  3. "Extended" is just the name of an investment portfolio.

As a client of the organization, you will be able to get more detailed information on the managers and the general strategy for the investment of funds. But, of course, no one will reveal all the cards in front of an ordinary client. All that is enough to know:

  • The office has not been seen in any dubious deal over the past decade.
  • Has 100% government support.
  • Like many other organizations, it goes through not the easiest stages of its existence.
  • But at the same time it copes well with the assigned tasks.

Entrusting the savings that have been acquired over the years of backbreaking toil to someone outside is not an easy task. But if you are convinced that you cannot cope on your own, you should resort to the help of professionals. All you need to know about VEB UK Extended is that it is the best possible choice.

Video about "VEB"

By law, any employed person is obliged to transfer part of their salary to the Pension Fund. Some of this money can be used as an investment to raise the size of the pension. In this case, the investment will not be carried out by the taxpayer himself, but by the Management Company, which has the appropriate license.

It should be understood that the taxpayer can choose his own managing organization, and one of the most effective state management companies is Vnesheconombank (VEB). But what is VEB UK? What investment programs does this organization offer? And which program is better? These issues will be discussed below.

How is a pension formed in Russia?

Before considering issues related to the activities of VEB Management Company, we need to remind our readers how the pension system functions. An old-age pension is a monthly cash payment to people who, by law, have reached retirement age and no longer work. In the Russian Federation, the pension system operates at the expense of citizens' contributions to special state and private funds. Moreover, all deductions are divided into two groups:

  • Insurance part. This money is transferred to the FIU, and then it is distributed among all pensioners, taking into account their labor points (that is, in fact, the pension is paid by working people who, by law, are obliged to transfer money to the FIU). At the same time, the taxpayer cannot manage the deductions.
  • Accumulative part. This money is accumulated in special savings funds (public or private), which can invest in a particular area to make a profit. At the same time, the taxpayer cannot manage money directly, but he can choose a fund that will store and invest his money.

Watch a video about the formation of the funded part of the pension:

The accumulated part is kept in special funds and is not transferred to current pensioners. If a person wants to entrust the funded part to the state, then in this case he concludes an agreement with the FIU. If he likes private companies more, he concludes an agreement with a licensed non-state fund (NPF).

The fund itself (both public and private) cannot manage a person's money, so the taxpayer must also choose a management company (MC) for himself, which will invest on his behalf. The managing organization can also be public (PMC) or private (PMC).

Important! Please note that the legislation regulates the activities of not only state, but also private funds, and without an appropriate license, PAMC cannot engage in investment (this is done to increase the reliability of deposits).

Download so as not to lose! Federal Law No. 424 "On funded pension"

VEB and the choice of an insurance portfolio

Vnesheconombank (VEB UK) is a management company that invests the insurer's pension savings in order to increase income. 100% of the shares of Vnesheconombank: Pension Savings are owned by the state, therefore VEB is a GAM (that is, this organization belongs to the category of state management companies). The following persons can become a client of this organization:

  • Taxpayers who deliberately entered into an agreement with NPF VEB to transfer the funded part of their pension to their account. To conclude an agreement, you need to contact any branch of the Pension Fund of Russia with a passport and SNILS.
  • The so-called silent taxpayers - if a person works and makes pension contributions, but at the same time he has not signed an agreement with any management organization, then the funded part is automatically transferred to the management company under the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and VEB is appointed as the management company.

The management of pension savings is strictly regulated by various laws (special Federal Laws and Resolutions, the Criminal Code, and so on). You can view the legislative regulation, actual profit and conditions for placing money in your personal account on the VEB website.

Reference! According to the law, VEB Management Company has the right to invest taxpayers' money only in highly reliable projects that are guaranteed to generate income.

In doing so, note that there are two types of contributions:

  • State portfolio. In this case, money is invested only in securities that were issued by the Russian Federation. The yield on such securities will be approximately 5-10%, depending on the type of securities (however, remember that some of this income will actually be “destroyed” by inflation, so the actual profit will be slightly lower). Please note that it is possible to put money into the state portfolio only if an appropriate agreement is concluded with VEB, and by default the money is placed in the extended portfolio.
  • VEB Management Company "Expanded Portfolio". In this case, the taxpayer's money is invested in Russian government bonds, as well as in some foreign securities that have a high degree of reliability (mortgage securities, foreign currency deposits, various assets, and so on). The yield on these deposits will be 7-15%, excluding inflation. Remember that, by default, money is placed in the extended portfolio, and to transfer savings to the state portfolio, you need to conclude an appropriate agreement with VEB Management Company.

Download the investment portfolio selection statement

Which is Better, a Simple Portfolio or an Expanded Portfolio?

The answer to this question depends on your goals:

  • If you are primarily interested in profit, then in this case it is better to put money in an extended portfolio, since the profitability on it will be somewhere 2-5% higher (besides, do not forget about inflation, which in fact reduces the size of real profit) ... However, keep in mind that you will receive high income only if there is peace in the securities market. If the investment market starts to "storm", then in this case, some of the deposits may burn out. Although the overall likelihood of this scenario is very low, however, such a scenario cannot be completely ruled out.
  • If you are primarily interested in reliability, then you need to put money in the government portfolio. Such investment is more reliable, since Russia regularly pays its public debts to private individuals. However, keep in mind that the profitability in this scenario will be lower, which is quite critical in the case of high inflation.

In the picture you can see the profitability of VEB MC's portfolios by year:

Private fund manager or state fund - which is better?

Here, too, it all depends on your goals:

  • Private foundations (PAMs) are less strictly controlled by the state, so the company has more room for financial maneuver. In general, the yield on PAMs is higher than the yield on PAMs by 3-6%. However, here it should be borne in mind that higher profitability is achieved through the implementation of more risky operations. PAMs are also dangerous because they can go bankrupt.
  • The activities of state funds (SMCs) are more strictly controlled by the state, so the profitability under this scenario will be lower. However, such deposits are more reliable, and in the event of an economic crisis, the GUK will continue to pay money on deposits (and even at a profit).

Let's summarize. The taxpayer can place the funded part of the pension in a special fund in order to receive additional profit from investment. When drawing up an investment plan, a person must choose a fund where money will be transferred, as well as a Management Company that will invest.