Scenario: new year in the hospital. Scenario for celebrating the new year (medical with Doctor Aibolit) Comic scene the arrival of the doctor after the New Year holidays

We offer you an interesting and funny scenario of the corporate New Year only for doctors and physicians. After all, celebrating in your work team, where everyone is united by one interest, is much better than with strangers. So arrange yourself a rest and have fun, because you still have to save people.

They saved people for a whole year,
And a little tired.
We will hold a corporate party,
We will rest with you!
All the doctors gathered here,
Everyone is beautiful and smart.
Everyone is waiting only for you
Santa Claus, come here!

Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost:
For the first time with the doctors, I
Though a gray head.
Not when I was not sick
And he did not cough or sniff.
My pride is a red nose
Hello, I'm Santa Claus!

You go to the table frost
And take the treats.
Pick up a glass
And proclaim the first toast!

Father Frost:
I want to drink friends
So that you always save people!
So that your profession lives,
And brought a lot of benefits to people.
For you doctors, I will say this toast,
And I'll drain my glass to the end!

Drank and ate
And they swam a little.
I propose to sing ditties
To sober up a little.

Chastushka 1:
Like December 31st,
She called a doctor to the house.
When Santa Claus suddenly arrived,
Beard and red nose!

Chastushka 2:
I'm scared to go to the doctor
I’ll invite him to the house.
Let him come soon
And he’ll bring a ticket with him.

Chastushka 3:
I got a headache
I called a doctor.
The doctor prescribed the pills,
He didn't say anything.

Chastushka 4:
I went to the hospital in the morning,
The queue took up there.
In the evening, the turn came
The doctor didn’t take a fig.

Chastushka 5:
Heart beating knock-knock-knock,
What kind of ailment do I have?
I asked the doctor
But he doesn't know a thing.

Father Frost:
So friends, please go to the table
I'll make the second toast.
So that phone 03 is always
Was available until the morning.

Let's play
And thaw a little.
Brave who, I ask here,
The game went first.

In this competition, you will need medical gloves. In them, you make a hole in each finger with a thin needle, and fill each glove with a liquid, for example, juice. On command, the participants begin to drink juice from these holes on the gloves. Whoever can drink faster wins.

Father Frost:
They played a cool game
And they got a little tired.
No, aren't you tired friends?
Then let's play again!

Competition 1.
This competition is like a city's kiddie game. Only, instead of cities, it is necessary to name objects related to the hospital, as well as the name of diseases. And if you want, you can also the names of famous doctors. As always, whoever cannot name a word in turn is eliminated.

Competition 2.
If you are holding a corporate party in a hospital, then you can arrange races on the beds on which sick people are transported. To do this, you need to make a small obstacle course in a large corridor in order to drive not in a straight line, but along a curve. It is necessary to mark the stopwatch for how much each participant will cover the track. The one who can be faster than anyone else, and will not knock objects that need to go around, is the winner.

Competition 3.
And this is a music competition. You just have to dance with hospital items. That is, the music turns on and, for example, the surgeon dances to the music and does his usual "surgical" things - pulls the scalpel, puts on gloves, and so on. Which doctor will do better and funnier, he won.

Competition 4.
We call this competition - remember everything! When the doctors have already drunk, then we must make them remember a course from student life. That is, an ophthalmologist should call the symptoms of another doctor's illness, and he must tell what kind of illness it is. And so every doctor who can say everything correctly is the best doctor.

The site really liked this fabulous New Year's script for celebrating the New Year's celebration in the medical team, which was written by the modern author Zinaida Markina. We hope you enjoy it too. Thanks to the author for the talent!

New Years Celebration Scenario (medical with Doctor Aibolit)


Baba Yaga, Doctor Aibolit, Forest Princess, Monster, Grandfather, Grandma, Snow Queen - Snow Maiden, Forest thorn, Santa Claus

On stage, Grandfather and Grandma, each busy with his own business.

Grandma: Tomorrow is New Year, and I have no new dress, no trough. Damn poverty! It’s your fault, old one, I told you… I told you…. I shouldn’t have let go of the goldfish.

Grandfather: And yet I bought you a present, dear, it will look so beautiful on your finger.

Grandma: (mimics) On a finger ... Wait, wait, did you buy a ring? How much money did you spend? Go those that I put aside for the bath?

Grandfather: No, my dear, my gift is not dear to money, it is dear to that which is made with all my heart. This…

Grandma: don't pull the cat by the tail, speak quickly! What's this?

Grandfather: This is ... a thimble.

Grandma: Idiot! (crying) Oh, and you dummy! Oh, I feel bad! Call Aibolit! Hair falls out, eyes go blind, ears are hard of hearing, teeth ... and those are gone. And all because of you, rotten tree stump.

(knocking on the door) This is Aibolit, Go, open it! (Baba Yaga enters)

Baba Yaga: Hello! It's me.

Grandma: What do you want here? Grandfather, what is this ugly man? Your mistress?

Grandfather: You're crazy! I don't know her, I see her for the first time.

Baba Yaga: Shut up, old woman! There is an important matter. Didn't you wait? Do you want to celebrate the New Year?

Grandma: We want!

Baba Yaga: That's what I want. But in Israel, the New Year is celebrated in the fall. Do you want to celebrate it in Russian with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and Snegurochka?

Grandfather: How!

Baba Yaga: Therefore, we need to unite against the dark forces. Let's get to know each other: The chairman of the great party of lazy people, idlers and idlers - Baba Yaga. Let's take action! Get dressed, we are going to the forest urgently. Our goal is to find Santa Claus and Snegurochka. Ready? Let's go! Otherwise I will not accept you into the party.

(the Forest Princess is walking along the path) (dance of the Forest Princess) (Grandfather, Grandma and Baba Yaga come out to meet her)

Baba Yaga: Girl, where are we?

Forest Princess: You are my guest, Forest Princess. Only winter doesn't come for some reason. And tomorrow is New Year. Where did the cold Snow Queen go? Baba Yaga, maybe you have enemies, so they keep the Snow Queen.

Baba Yaga: I have no enemies, I am already five thousand years old, if they were, then it has long been ... in another dimension. And I live. You see, I am their first.

Forest Princess: Who are these middle-aged people?

Baba Yaga: These are representatives of the working people. The working class, so to speak, and the peasantry.

Grandma: Yes, we are representatives, and we demand ...

Grandfather: Stop it! Sorry, Madame Forest Princess, my old lady is nervous, she was really looking forward to the new year.

Forest princess: A representative of the working people passed here a couple of hours ago, but he has been celebrating for so long that he still cannot understand what holiday is now, whether it is women's day, or harvest festival, or tanker's day. It's not his fault, you see, it's still summer outside.

Baba Yaga: As we have in Israel. Even in winter, birds sing, can you imagine? My friend Chaim all the time in the house heard the trills of birds, he says: Hear, Yaga, singing, scoundrel! Why shouldn't these birds sing? They have no wives, no debts, food is pasture, they have not even heard about the economic crisis. What we are going to do?

Forest Princess: Search. First you need to find the Snow Queen, and then it will snow, and Santa Claus and his granddaughter will come. I'll tell you a secret: the Forest Beast is holding her. Oh, I'm afraid it's coming here. Hide! (Everybody hides) (Beast dance)

Beast: Ha! It was as if everyone was lost! Hey, Forest Thorn, my wife, where are you? How did I live without her? (Forest Thorn dance)

Forest thorn: In the first 60 thousand years of your life, I was not even born yet, old spiteful critic. You have been living for so many years that you yourself cannot count. How do you manage?

Monster: I live a long time because I eat a lot of garlic.

Forest thorn: Stinker! Your garlic smells in the whole forest!

Beast: But I'm so big! Listen, I'll tell you a story.

Forest thorn: Again you will talk nonsense. Lie, but don't lie.

Beast: So it really was. Everyone will confirm to you. Ilya Muromets sobered up after the New Year. I saw a terrible mess in the forest. Everything is broken, destroyed, and Zmeyuga Gorynych is lying naked on the grass, snoring all over the forest. And someone tied his long necks. Kashchei was hanged on a branch, and Yaga was pushed head-down into the mortar. Ilya pulled her out, and she told him: What are you, Ilyushenka, good when sober! (Baba Yaga jumps out)

Baba Yaga: Yes, that's right! And so it was, and how do you know? And the Serpent Gorynych is a real fool. I've always noticed this.

Beast: I didn't think he was hiding it. No, Gorynych is not an example for young people. Why did you, witch, appear?

Baba Yaga: I came as a representative of a powerful party.

Beast: Fearman? Swindlers? Or maybe old vessels?

Baba-Yaga: But, but, the greatest party of idlers, lazy people and idlers, and with me the working people. Hey come out! (Grandfather and Grandma enter)

Grandfather: The people demand: release the Snow Queen, and then we will celebrate the New Year.

Grandma: Well, monster! I so want to dance the New Year's dance.

Beast: No! I won't let go! I hate your holidays.

Grandma: Oh, I'm dying!

Baba Yaga: Doctor Aibolit, come here soon!

Doctor: Coming! Already here. Is grandma bad?

Beast: I feel bad! Forest Thorn, I am sure that after my death you will not shed a tear. And I wanted to buy you new rags for the New Year.

Forest thorn: I will leave you, because I also want to celebrate the new year. Consider, you will be left alone, think!

Doctor: Grandma, here's a pill for you, drink it all will go away. And you, the Beast, it's time to quit drinking, smoking, doing nasty things, and even need to stay away from your wife.

Beast: Wow conditions. I'm a man. What is left for me?

Doctor: Shave in the morning.

Forest Thorn: I wish I married the devil.

The Beast: Marriages between blood relatives are prohibited.

Baba Yaga: Doctor, ask him to release the Snow Queen, otherwise ... tomorrow is not a new year.

Beast: I hear. God with you. Forest Princess Bring the Snow Queen out of the Forest Palace. (Snow Queen dance)

Forest Princess: Snow Queen, run to the North, find Santa Claus and Snow Maiden there.

(The Snow Queen nods and runs away)

Santa Claus and Snegurochka enter, they are applauded.

Santa Claus: Hello, dear kids! Prepared pens, clapped, oh, well done! Ugh! Scraped around, there are Christmas trees around, gifts have to be handed out ... yes, and they poured a little ... Hello, fabulous inhabitants! My granddaughter and I were driving straight from the North.

Grandma: This is not the Snow Maiden, this is the Snow Queen, I saw right away, she just changed her hat.

Snow Maiden: I was slippery and cold,

I did not notice the people.

Grandma: That's right, the working people did not notice.

Snegurochka: I live now in the rumor of the people

And every time I strive forward.

Santa Claus: And now we are going with the whole crowd to our forest zucchini, we will celebrate the new year!

Forest Thorn: No, now we will arrange a clearing here. Baba Yaga, bring everything that you are rich with. (Baba Yaga brings and puts food on the floor) (To the Monster) And where is the inscription on the cake: Sweet wife?

Beast: I forgot ... here is the devil .... I'll write now, writes with a pen "My little lesnushka".

Forest Thorn: Wrap it up, I'll eat it alone.

Doctor: There are a few minutes left. Start, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: Twelve beats,

And my glass is raised.

And at this moment, mysteriously ringing,

My love - all my deeds fuse.

For the magic of your calling eyes

For all that I spent moments with you

For the joy of meeting that awaits us -

For a thirst that does not know quenching!

Snow Maiden:

Let the glasses clink

We offer you an original script for a New Year's Eve at a corporate event. This script was written to celebrate the new year in a medical facility.

You can use this New Years Eve scenario for adults when hosting and organizing New Years in a team.

SCENARIO New Year's Eve for adults in a team of doctors

(New Year's Eve in the clinic team)

Because he comes from childhood like a miracle!

He brings hope for the best again,

The fairy tale smiles at us from the trees everywhere.

Snowflakes will sing their magic motive for us,

The heart will tremble in excitement, the soul will open wide.

And the forgotten fairy tale will visit us again,

Childhood will return to us for a short while.

Santa Claus will bring us gifts again,

And the Snow Maiden will sing her song

Confetti, serpentine, tinsel round dance, -

There is nothing more wonderful in the world.

We healed for a whole year, our work is not easy,

The pain and groans of the sick are our daily lot

But we ourselves chose the fate and are true

We are by our vocation and share of the medical profession.

New Year is on the doorstep: the minutes are running.

The chimes change years and eras.

May good days await you in the New Year,

Well, let's leave in the past, which is bad.

Happy New Year, friends, I want to wish you

I am good luck, health, success!

Well, and I'm opening our holiday ball -

New Year's fun is waiting for you!

Leading: Happy New Year, dear colleagues, Happy New Year, friends!


Santa Claus enters the hall with a telegram in his hand. He walks back and forth, obviously nervous.

Costumes at all times have been a symbol of a real holiday, fortunately, this tradition: to dress up and entertain the audience on behalf of your character has survived to this day. And today, costume congratulations are the most beloved and brightest moments at any celebration: from a small family holiday to a massive folk festival.

Particularly popular are game moments in which guests dressed as different heroes conduct not only congratulations to the heroes of the occasion, but also active or table contests with guests. We offer one of the options for such entertainment - comic scene "The arrival of a nurse for a holiday"

Scenario of a comic scene

In the midst of the holiday, the "Nurse" suddenly appears, a bag with a red cross over her shoulder, in it the requisite necessary for this.

Nurse (addresses guests): Hello my dear! And who is bad here? I see everyone is good. And what then was called? There are not enough brigades in the city, but you are playing games here. Ltd! I look, it's good for you today, but tomorrow it won't be so good! Tomorrow morning, line up in a big queue to see me. But I cannot accept everyone, the time of reception is limited, and there are so many of you. How can we be? .. Looks like we have arrived not in vain.

Well, first of all, let's not panic. Take care of the nerve cells. I’ll give you some tips on how to get yourself out of a stressful situation. (She comes up to the guests in turn and gives advice and comic recipes on how to get rid of problems, each guest she turns to embodies)

Comic recipes for guests from the nurse

Get a hold of yourself (shows how to make a "castle")

Swallow the resentment (offers to drink a shot)

Treat yourself to joy ( treats with candy)

Forget about the problem (offers to hit with a child's hammer)

Break an unbearable relationship (gives A4 sheet)

Stand firm on yours (shows the pose: arms at the sides, legs apart)

Don't give up (shows how to raise your hands)

Become a star (shows the pose with legs wider than shoulders, arms out to the sides)

Whatever it is - smile (gives a picture of a smile on a stick and tries on)

Catch your luck (makes it possible to catch a star on a string)

See the world with different eyes (gives funny homemade or purchased glasses and puts on the guest)

Active play with the audience

A healthy psyche is good, but you also need to look good. I will show you the simplest trick on how to put yourself in order in the morning. Exercising daily, you can gain health, youth and a blooming appearance.

(background music sounds)

1. ... Beauty, health and good spirits

Starts with a smile from ear to ear (shows, and everyone repeats a wide smile)

2. ... We disperse the blood so that they do not get sick -

Knock our palms on our knees (shows everyone repeats)

3. ... To keep the trouble out.

We put belam and stress on a reliable block (shows: arms crossed in front of him)

4. ... It's time to shake off the fatigue.

So that only a pleasant bliss remains (with our hands we shake off the water, as it were)

5 . We listen to all the rhythm of the heart, Good? (palm to heart)

Then let's clap our hands joyfully (clap)

6. And now again at a faster pace to music all the exercises: smile, knees, block, bliss, heart, joy (does it together with the guests). And now let's leave only smile and joy and pat each other. Well done!

Toast wish from a nurse

And before I leave such wonderful patients, a few wishes and recommendations.

A rap backing track sounds or just speaks in a recitative.

Friends, wish you how the doctor I want

So that less often you all go to the doctor,

So that they generally forget what pills are,

So that your beloved children are healthy,

To make your heart beat like a motor,

So that you remain enthusiastic until old age!

So that you don't know what a migraine is,

Exercise every day.

I give instructions so that you do not get sick

At work and at home, so that you feel sorry for your nerves,

So that your teeth never ache from pain,

So that the jaws in the mouth are not false.

So that you have a temperature of 36.6,

To keep your figure slim

Live so that the doctors say

We do not know him, we have never treated him.

I suggest ... let's pour some wine

Let's drink to our health!

By the way, I allow you to drink ... a glass ... another

(guests drink, if there is a hero of the occasion, the nurse congratulates him separately and leaves)