Hospital romance. Hospital love story

For a month now Marina has been in some unusual, surprising state for herself. For the first time in her life, she became a mistress: if a month ago someone had told her that this was possible, she would have laughed sincerely. For eight years she, a qualified lawyer, was married to a former classmate, who, by the age of 32, had defended his Ph.D. and was quite successful in business. Marina loved her husband, she knew that several of her friends were in love with him, fit and athletic, and he was absolutely loyal and faithful to her. The men also courted Marina, this gave her pleasant minutes - but no more. Her sex life with her husband was no longer as bright as in the first years of her life together, but she brought joy and satisfaction.

“And whose mistress have I become?” She asked herself. “An ordinary forty-year-old therapist of a district polyclinic, short, plump, with a noticeable bald patch on the top of his head, earning less a month than my husband - in one day. How it happened - I myself do not understand ... "But at the thought of Mikhail - that was the name of the doctor - the soul of the young woman warmed up.

About two months ago Marina breathed in paint during the repair, her heart began to ache, her head was spinning. I went to the therapist. He was sensitive and paternally attentive, he took an EKG himself, diagnosed arrhythmia, prescribed medications, and made recommendations. He offered to come every week. During the reception, he asked not only about health, but also about business, about life, and in his small office Marina felt somehow especially comfortable, imbued with confidence in her recovery. Mikhail's intelligent, attentive eyes aroused in her an extraordinary trust, which she had never felt in men. It seemed that this person feels and understands her like no one else in the world. Already for the fourth meeting, she walked as if on a date, and while sitting in an easy chair, she felt a pleasant heaviness in the lower abdomen - which had not happened to her for several years. The next time Mikhail listened to her with a phonendoscope, she herself pressed her chest against him. Misha gently kissed the nipple, the excitement became unusually strong, everything swam before my eyes ... "Come to me ..." - Misha said quietly.

In his apartment, she instantly threw off her clothes and during intimacy experienced one orgasm after another. She returned home with a great feeling of tenderness for Misha and without the slightest feeling of guilt in front of her husband. Love for Misha and sex with him seemed natural to her, like breathing, and she never doubted for a moment that they would last forever.

At first they met almost daily, and two or three hours of intimacy passed like one minute. Gradually, the meetings became less frequent, but the affection remained just as strong. They never remembered about pains in the heart.

Doctors and patients
What happened to Marina happens daily and hourly in tens of thousands of doctors' offices around the world. And now, as you read these lines, hundreds of patients fall into the arms of their doctors, doctors of all specialties, but above all - into the arms of therapists, surgeons and psychotherapists. Why therapists, and among them - cardiologists, are in the first place on this list - this is a special conversation.

In 1961, the eminent English cardiologist, Sir Thomas Crown, celebrated his 70th birthday and published a memoir that exploded in a bomb. Crown admitted that over 45 years of medicine he had affairs with almost two hundred patients, novels lasting from several weeks to several years. Considering that he treated the entire London world (including the Queen of England!), And the author's sincerity was beyond doubt, the scandal turned out to be terrible. Within a week he was stripped of all titles and awards, expelled (unanimously!) From the British Association of Physicians, of which he was chairman for twenty years. Two circumstances were especially shocking for both colleagues and the public: firstly, Crown did not regret his behavior at all, but, on the contrary, argued that the possibility of making love with patients was the main advantage of the medical profession, an advantage that he had realized since his student days. Secondly, he claimed that such novels were characteristic of all qualified therapists he knew, that this was a common practice, and he, Crown, was no exception.

In hot pursuit, psychologist D. Lawrence conducted an anonymous questionnaire survey among English male therapists (however, in those years there were practically no female doctors in England!). Of the five hundred doctors who filled out the questionnaire, 470 admitted that they had love affairs with patients, and most of them had multiple love affairs. Almost a hundred doctors refused to answer the questionnaire, which spoke for itself. The researchers were especially struck by the fact that not only experienced doctors, but also very young doctors, with an experience of 3 to 5 years, admitted to such novels.

Since then, similar studies have been carried out in different countries, among doctors of various specialties, and the results have turned out to be similar. The famous American psychologist D. Lester claims that in his country cardiologists have sexual intercourse with every tenth of their patients, surgeons with every fifteenth, psychotherapists with every twentieth. Parisian sexologist J. Petit is sure that in France these numbers are much higher, but, unlike the Anglo-Saxon countries, nobody cares here. In Russia, such studies have not yet been carried out, but believe my more than twenty-five years of experience: if we are lagging behind the United States, it is not much.

And more recently, a group of specialists led by R. Cohen studied the attitude of American husbands to the sexual infidelity of their wives and found out that husbands are many times more tolerant of romance between wives and doctors than they are of romance with other men, and are ready to look at these connections through fingers. None of the thousand surveyed said that, having learned about his wife's relationship with the doctor, he would have filed for divorce. Wife's health is more valuable than loyalty?

Who are these women who have sex with their doctors? Most of the time they are young, good-looking, and in no way frivolous and adventurous — although there are some. In recent years, they were studied by W. Rodman in the USA, J. Little in England, H. Stern in Germany and others. The most striking result of their research was the fact that for most of these women, the relationship with a doctor is the first, and in a third of cases, the only betrayal of her husband. A significant part of them were distinguished by their religiosity and were opposed to treason. Almost all of them admitted that the doctors did not take care of them, did not tempt them, that they themselves fell into their arms like ripe fruits from a tree.

About half of the patients described their feelings for the doctor as "the greatest love", and sex with him "as the best in life." Many argued that they did not experience such an attraction as to their doctor either before or after him, they did not even consider themselves capable of such a passion. Of course, there were unmarried women among these women, and they were characterized by the desire to marry a "beloved doctor."

Novels of doctors with patients have become so widespread that practically all professional medical unions include in their statutes a categorical prohibition on any "unprofessional" relationships with their patients, even prohibiting them from marrying (!) For two years after the end of treatment. Medical associations ruthlessly exclude from their membership those who, in their opinion, "abused" the patient's trust, but ... human nature cannot be altered, and this whole struggle resembles Don Quixote's battle with windmills. The same D. Lester notes that, although at least two million American women have visited the doctors' beds over the past 10 years, only 17 (!) Specialists have lost their right to practice, and there were only 5 lawsuits, and even those only with gynecologists ...

When talking with women who are experiencing (or have experienced) such a passion, I never tire of being amazed at the intensity of the feelings that gripped them, and in devotion and dedication. They gave up the most important things, overcame difficulties and distances, just to be in the arms of the "man of their dreams" for two or three hours. Those of them who are married kept their novels in the deepest secret and did not admit them even under the strongest pressure: firstly, they value these novels much more than any others, and secondly, they do not want to cause trouble for their loved one. Psychologists - experts in the field of marital infidelity believe that sexual relations with doctors are almost always secret. In my practice, I have repeatedly come across the fact that husbands knew about the betrayal of their wives - but not about an affair with a doctor. This is how a drug addict, pressed against the wall, confesses to the investigator in everything, except for one thing: who supplied him with the drug. Love for your doctor is very akin to drug intoxication.

Temporary madness
The phenomenon that we are talking about has been studied by psychotherapists for a long time and they call it "erotic transference" - love and passion, originally belonging to the image of the father, are transferred to the doctor. Thirty years ago we used the term "sexual transference", but then everyone came to the conclusion that love initially arises - it is simply not so noticeable behind the heat of sensual passion.

You, dear readers, of course, the question arises: why did a powerful impulse of love arise specifically for the doctor, and not for the engineer, salesman or neighbor on the staircase? And here's why: in order for the stream of passion hidden in the depths of the soul to awaken, a combination of several conditions is necessary. First of all, the "object" should show paternal care and attention to the woman, and do this systematically. The medical, professional care of the patient is easily perceived by a woman's head just as paternal, professional attention - as personal. How many people have we met in our lives who listened to us so attentively, kindly and patiently, with such compassion, as a good doctor does?

Another indispensable condition is the transition of the patient to the child's level of feelings and behavior - regression. Without regression, no transference - neither amorous nor aggressive - is possible. But a person who is sick, suffering, who has come for help, looking at the doctor like an angel - a savior, will necessarily regress, even if in everyday life he or she is quite mature and critical. The stronger the patient's concern for her health, the closer the ordinary doctor is to the savior angel.

Regression is amplified many times over by the cozy atmosphere of the doctor's office: the more comfortable it is, the stronger it is; the softer the chair in which the patient sits, the more likely she is to become the doctor's mistress.

The personal characteristics of the patient are also important: how easy it is, how quickly the so-called. “a sense of reality,” that is, how quickly she begins to perceive medical help as a fatherly concern. If the “sense of reality” is fragile, then in the depths of the unconscious the doctor quickly turns into the Father, wise and omnipotent, and he gets a childishly all-consuming love feeling. In everyday interpersonal relationships, a man to whom, in principle, passion can be "transferred", as a rule, behaves in such a way that the possible perception of him as a Father is immediately corrected, extinguished as soon as it is born. In the situation of medical contact, the doctor seems to accept the role attributed to him, behaves in accordance with this role - he simply fulfills his medical duty, and the transference develops, gains strength.

In addition, sexual intercourse with a doctor for a woman is an excellent insurance policy: a lover doctor is always ready to come to her aid, you can call him at any time and ask for advice, he will prescribe all the necessary research, he will get the necessary drugs from the ground, in a word, will do everything possible for his girlfriend to get well.

Of course, "sexualized transference" arises not only to doctors, but also to teachers, university professors, supervisors, coaches, in general, to those men who, by the nature of their work, help a woman, take care of her. But in terms of the speed of occurrence, strength, and the degree of personality embrace, this passion rarely reaches those heights that the passion for a doctor. In addition, teachers, supervisors, and coaches do not often communicate with their students in private, and the presence of outsiders interferes with the development of the transference, and brings the woman back to reality.

Why is it cardiologists who firmly occupy the first place in the number of novels with patients? The fact is that, like psychotherapists, they are interested in the personal and intimate life of a woman, try to penetrate the world of her experiences, so that between them and the patients there is that special atmosphere of trust that contributes to the emergence of affection. But, unlike psychotherapists, they constantly touch a woman's naked body, her breasts, and many do this very skillfully, arousing the patient. As a result, the developing "transference" is instantly eroticized, takes on a sexual character, and the romance emerges quickly and easily, like breathing.

Love or abuse?
When the sexual relationship between the doctor and the patient nevertheless becomes apparent, husbands, relatives, and even the medical bosses often accuse the doctor that he "took advantage" of the passion awakened in the woman, or even provoked it himself. But in most cases, there is no abuse, in the strict sense of the word, at all: the doctor himself has a very similar feeling for the patient, she seems to induce him with her passion even before the passion breaks out. Her unconscious directly, without words: with looks, gestures, body movements, communicates with the unconscious of the doctor, awakening in him a passion, albeit not so strong, before which he, a living person, cannot resist.

Drama comes only when the doctor's feelings dry up, and his girlfriend is still full of them: this happens quite often, because the doctor's feelings are deprived of that powerful nourishment from the unconscious that she has. Then there are resentments, and reproaches, and tears, but more often it all ends in friendly relations. In twenty-five years of practice, I have not met women who regretted an affair with their doctor, who remained in a grudge against him. Our friends understand that if this meeting had not happened in the doctor's office, they probably would never have experienced such uplifting, such burning, so they would never have known what all-consuming passion they are capable of.

At the doctor's office, it is difficult to think about something unrelated to health. So, at least it seems. But here the doctor fills out your medical card, and you catch yourself thinking that he has beautiful hands. He offers to undress for inspection, and you suddenly blush. Forgetting your ailment, you view your counterpart with growing interest. You note that the doctor is an attractive man. This discovery confuses you. The roles are confused: the "patient" is pressed by the "woman". What's happening?

Our consultant is a psychotherapist:

"The reasons for the" abnormal "attitude of the patient to the attending physician lie in the subconscious. The fact is that no stranger can touch a woman's body without causing her feelings of guilt and remorse for the fact that she allowed herself too much. This is an absolutely stranger, about whom you do not know anything. But he can see you naked and can touch you. This situation is perceived by some women not as a necessary medical manipulation, but as a sanctioned sin, a kind of unpunished treason. "I allow him to do this. , because he is a doctor, I care about my health, "- says consciousness." I am pleased with what he does, because he is, first of all, a man, "adds the unconscious.

It is with this - the unconscious - perception of a person in a white coat that the myth that women doctors (especially gynecologists and surgeons) are rude and like to "make fun" of the patient is connected. This is not true. Just a set of unpleasant procedures that a woman does with a woman is perceived by the latter as humiliation. A man is another matter.

If you interview people "from the street" whom the patients most often fall in love with, then the most common answer would be "the gynecologist". A stereotype lying on the surface is triggered: gynecologists treat what is in the taboo, "sinful" zone. But in fact, gynecologists are only interested in women with a certain accentuation. For example, hidden exhibitionists: they endlessly go to antenatal clinics and are looking for male doctors. Militant spinsters are catching up in such a surrogate way (by condemning dirty sex, they enjoy pure medical treatment).

Unhappy married ladies who want to cheat on their husbands, but, according to their moral convictions, cannot do this, as if playing treason: "Aha, I undressed in front of a stranger's man, and we had almost everything!" But, I repeat, it is not gynecologists who are in the lead in the "rating" of patients' attachments.

Most often, the objects of passion are three categories of doctors - cardiologists, surgeons and psychotherapists. Why cardiologists? Because a sick heart is a noble, shameful disease. It is one thing to come to the doctor with a complaint of an upset stomach and discuss the stale herring eaten the day before, and quite another to sigh, complain about yesterday's quarrel with your boss and colorfully describe the sensations of arrhythmia.

Weakness of the heart is associated with sensuality, vulnerability of a woman. "It was tight in the chest", "blood rushed to the face", "it is difficult to breathe" - poetry, not anamnesis, right? In addition, cardiologists, unlike, say, gastroenterologists, ask the patient in detail about her personal life, intimate joys and sorrows, and the atmosphere in the family. Himself, perhaps, without wishing, the "heart doctor" becomes a heartfelt friend, a psychotherapist. Moreover, unlike a psychotherapist, he has access to the body: after all, a cardiac examination involves exposing the chest.

Surgeons are different. It doesn't smell like poetry, since the prospect of an upcoming abdominal operation can hardly arouse a woman, even with an insatiable sexual appetite. Excites something else: hands. A continuation of the eternal theme of the knight-savior with a sword chopping off the dragon's heads is a surgeon with a sparkling scalpel in skillful hands who will cut off everything harmful and save you. The "formula" of a surgeon approaches the formula of an ideal man: strong hands in the service of a knowledgeable head. “He knows how to help me. He will do something with my body, and it will become easier for me. These hands will save me” - and now the woman is ready to bow before this man, serve him, take care of him. Man's hands, by the way, are one of the most significant parts of the body for a woman. Speaking of "strong-willed chin", "broad shoulders" and other pretty nonsense, women are cunning. They just want to seem romantic.

In fact, the female gaze, first of all, slides over the hands of the man and ... the priest. And there is a clear explanation for this. On an unconscious level, a strong, massive (but by no means loose, fat) man's bottom indicates that in front of you is a real warrior, standing firmly on his feet. Likewise, the hands: you can be crazy about the thin pale fingers of the musician, but only muscular and slightly hairy hands can pick up, hold, squeeze, and protect.

Psychotherapists have a special place in this table of ranks. They do not need to touch the female body at all for the patient to breathe unevenly towards her doctor. They can subdue a woman (without wishing it!) By knowing about her. "I told him the most intimate, now I am completely in his power" - the woman perceives a series of psychotherapy sessions as the highest degree of trust.

Having told the doctor what she would never have told anyone in her life, a woman sometimes feels helpless and dependent on him. There is a regression: the woman seems to be returning to childhood, when the all-knowing dad came to the rescue in difficult times. She broke her knee - dad was right there, the neighbor's boy teased - again running to daddy. “How to live on, dad?” The grown-up daughter cries, and it doesn't matter that this question is heard not by dad, but by the psychotherapist. not to trust him, how not to fall in love with him - with half-daughter, half-feminine love, having finally realized the forbidden dream: "Let my father look at me as a woman!"

There is one more important point. Wrapped up by daily affairs and problems, rushing through life at full steam, a woman suddenly feels that no one is interested. No, of course, children love her, her husband appreciates her, she is needed by her parents and demanded by her colleagues. But these connections lack the most important thing - sincere, genuine concern. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that she is strong, independent, that, taking a sip of brandy or throwing a pill in her mouth, she rushes about her business, without burdening anyone and without burdening her with her pain. But after all, the pain does not go away, so I want, as in distant childhood, to whimper, to be capricious - and at the same time to be listened to!

Doctors of all specialties know well how, with an unexpected question, it is easy to provoke a patient to a real confession - with tears and revelations. "I feel bad, it hurts, I'm tired, listen to me, help me!" - this silent call is directed in all directions, but often only the doctor catches it. Indeed, it is his professional duty to respond to SOS! And the fact that professional participation is perceived by the patient as human is not his fault ...

It is interesting that women, having fallen in love with a doctor, in most cases do not feel any guilt towards their husbands, although for many this is the first (and often the only) "betrayal" in life. But it is doubly striking that the husbands of the patients look at the spouse's infatuation as if through their fingers, although if the rival were not a doctor, they would have torn him to pieces. Experts believe that reverence for the profession affects: both wives and their husbands perceive the relationship with the doctor as part of therapy.

Unlike other novels, women rarely make matrimonial plans for the doctor. Even having become the mistress of a beloved doctor (this happens) and having struck a strong relationship, ladies still do not think about marriage, being perfectly aware of the transience of the adventure.

The breakup of a love affair, of course, is sometimes accompanied by resentment and sobbing, but, as a rule, then friendly relations are established. Cases when a woman, after a relationship with a doctor, begins to hate him or receives trauma for life are rare. All the same, the doctor is not fully perceived by the patient as a real contender for the hero of the novel: the treatment ends - the hobby also ends.

The danger of a hospital affair lies in the fact that sometimes a woman simply does not want to get well, so as not to be deprived of the opportunity to see the object of her passion. Subconsciously, she gives the body a command not to recover, but to continue the disease. Some experienced doctors, knowing this, resort to drastic measures: in particular, referring the patient to another specialist. Actually, every doctor, feeling that his patient looks at him not only as a doctor, immediately plunges into a situation of choice: how to delicately and tactfully explain to her that a relationship is impossible without harming the treatment process? As for psychotherapists, these specialists have an unspoken law: as soon as a hint of "man" and "woman" appears in a relationship, treatment must be stopped.

It seems to me that the following facts will help a woman to keep from romantic attachment to her doctor: according to research by English psychologists, every 12-15th patient falls in love with a cardiologist, every 20th patient falls in love with a surgeon and psychotherapist. Of course, the lady at the same time believes that her feeling is exclusive and that only she has secret views of the doctor. In fact, we are most likely not talking about the chosen ones of a great feeling called Love, but simply about another dry line in the statistics of not such a rare phenomenon as "false falling in love with a doctor." Isn't that a reason to joke dreams of a "stormy, unearthly romance", or at least not to give them too much importance? "

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A tall, handsome doctor, a slanting fathom in his shoulders, smart as the devil and affectionate as a mother. Preferably a surgeon, so mysterious. He will help to cure any disease, and in general - will solve any problem. Sexy nurse in a dressing gown on a naked body. A hoarse voice. And white stockings. Yes, stockings are a must.

This is how the types look that cause uncontrolled salivation and hunting stance in most people: a doctor - for women, a nurse - of course, for men. There are some secret strings of our soul that are sensitive to these images. That is why the thought of having an affair with a doctor is so exciting and inspiring.

It so happened that my husband is not a doctor. But I have many friends and fellow doctors. A doctor is a profession that, of course, leaves an imprint on character. I want to tell you about the nishtyaki and dangers of love for people in a white coat.

Cruel games (psyche)

I was not too lazy to look on the Internet about a dozen sad stories about the love of patients for the doctor, similar as twin brothers. "I came to the reception, and he is all so courageous, and then he undressed me as he looked, and I immediately trembled, oh girls, I fell in love with nimagu straight cho to do!"

Falling in love with the beautiful image of a strong and all-knowing man who paid more attention to a woman in five minutes than her own husband pays in a month is a banal story that does not belong to the topic of our conversation. These are games of the girl's psyche and nothing more. Reverse stories are somewhat less common, when a male patient suddenly suddenly feels a rush of feelings towards a female doctor.

I love my dentist a little myself. Because only he is not afraid of me to treat my teeth. The devil only knows how, but he knows how not only to put his hands and all sorts of other objects into my mouth, but also to calm down at once, as soon as I find myself in the dental chair. Whether it's a surgical cap with kittens, or the ability to instill a sense of security and peace, this person can get all my teeth without anesthesia, and I will stay in a relaxed and completely peaceful state. This is talent. This story has nothing to do with love, it's just that the psyche creates for itself sweet images of an almighty and all-powerful male dentist, a superman, who can only be more beautiful than, well, I don’t know, a male obstetrician. Who will save not only a beautiful lady from the dangers of the Galaxy, but also her defenseless newborn child at the same time.

Therefore, let's leave the quirks of the girl's psyche and move on to true feelings.

24-hour ambulance

The male doctor knows what to take to stop hurting, spinning, vomiting and being scared. Hundreds of names of magic pills and ukolchik are subject to his mind.

A male doctor knows how to measure blood pressure with all types of blood pressure monitors, listen to the heart and lungs with a phonendoscope, in a second finds the pulse on the large arteries, deftly looks at the throat with angina, fearlessly puts gas pipes to babies, knows how to calm grandmothers with one glance and, if necessary, without any participation at all medicines.

Moreover, now there is no need to trudge to the clinic to find out why a cough or a knee hurts. Your beloved doctor will tell you exactly what needs to be examined and what to take so that such an occasion does not happen again. In extreme cases, the dock will call a classmate or colleague, and if the situation is completely stalemate, he will disturb the department head. And everything will certainly be fine. Well, almost.

The ideal companion

He was forced to study philosophy at the institute, to understand the wilds of ethics and deonology, and even to cram physics. And for some reason there was a cycle on cultural studies, where the future doctor learned to distinguish Modigliani from Picasso. All this shnyaga will not be useful in his future work, but it will greatly expand his horizons. As a result, the doctor will become an excellent conversationalist ... Yes, anyone.

There is also such a thing as clinical thinking - no one has seen it, but everyone knows about it. In fact, it is the result of the amalgamation of tons of medical information, from microbiology to healthcare organization. All this shnyaga also for the most part will not be useful to the doctor in his work, however, it will create a clever rewiring of the brain, as a result of which it will be sharpened for solving clinical problems. That is why your beloved doctor is so animated when he hears some interesting story in the style of Dr. House, and is ready to discuss it. If not very tired.

Loves children and animals

This is another useful feature that is included in modern medical brain firmware. No magic, just regular practice: the cycles of obstetrics and gynecology, as well as pediatrics, give the future doctor a hundred points ahead compared to peers who are aimed at mastering other professions.

The medical university does not teach to love children and animals. They just teach them not to be afraid. And as soon as you boldly took the baby in your arms, write wasted. He begins to give you well-fed smiles, to walk, to twist his legs and in all sorts of other cunning ways makes neurons gush with oxytocin and dopamine. The result is a calm confidence in dealing with children and animals, which they both love very much. Therefore, a little practice - and the future doctor can be sure of the reputation of the favorite of children and women. With animals, in general, as with children. Plus the feeling of guilt for the experiments on the miserable rats and frogs during university days.


And then the difficulties begin. Why doesn't every doctor on the planet become a happy husband (wife) and gentle father (mother) right after college? Yes, because on duty. More precisely - Their Majesties of Duty.

It's not just a day at work, no. This is a guarantee of normal relations with the management, an opportunity to earn money, and most importantly, a source of professional experience that cannot be taken either at conferences, or in books, or in magazines, or even on the Internet. If there are four shifts a month, you can live just by pretending that there are no days off. If there are 10 shifts a month - you can live too, but ... Very specific. Matinees of children, birthdays of relatives, and holidays, when the country freezes in a blissful anticipation of idleness - all this will pass, or rather, fly with a whistle, past the consciousness of the doctor. How does this affect your personal life? It simply atrophies as unnecessary.

Can the doctor be forced to reconsider priorities? Unlikely. It's easier to look for a partner who is far from medicine. Because even if the doctor is not on duty, he will go to hand over a polyclinic report when the New Year's Olivier is not over in the refrigerators. In the evenings he will go to conferences, and at least once every five years he will leave the family nest to study. Considering that a doctor usually has several specialties, it is easy to guess that the study will last indefinitely.

Will a doctor opt for privacy at the expense of studies? I don't want to disappoint anyone, but ... Hardly.


It seems to you that you just have a little pain behind the breastbone. Just think, some half an hour. While your lover in a white robe dials the ambulance number, and he didn't care if it was one in the morning. You think that you are simply overworked, so your blood pressure has jumped to 220/110 and for some reason does not want to decrease. And your beloved with a diploma from a medical university, for some reason, equaled a snow-white robe and dials 03 again. tube.

In half of the cases, it turns out that the alarm was false. The ECG will not show an acute coronary syndrome, the pressure will decrease after an injection of magnesia ... If you are lucky enough to find the other half in the form of a doctor, get ready for the fact that you * fuck your brain: they will force you to buy a blood pressure monitor, glucometer and a portable colonoscope, follow one or another diet , regularly drink unknown pills for some unknown reason, as well as lug around for examinations and doctors. The stronger the doctor's love, the more intense the intercourse of the brain with loved ones. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Cuckoo mother

What makes a woman doctor different from an ordinary lady? That's right, the duration of maternity leave. It is very likely that a female doctor will go to work before a training session. Although these also may well find her at the workplace. (I remember my decree and the request of the head nurse: "Marsergevna, you just don't start giving birth at work, okay?")

Breastfeeding is the only reason a doctor mom sees as a serious reason to delay going to work. But even here she will find herself a part-time job so that she can appear in her hospital once or twice a week.

In kindergarten, educators are understanding about her lateness for matinees and meetings. At school, they don't expect her at all, but they know her grandparents by sight. And a mother-doctor can also be on duty on New Year's Eve, go to calls on weekends and study in another city for a couple of months. Ku-ku! Ku-ku!

Male doctors also disappear at work for days. But, due to gender differences, it is usually perceived by loved ones much easier.

Probably, I will not sin against the truth if I say that the ideal couple is two doctors. It is very likely that they both plow like crazy, and get sincere pleasure from it (otherwise this masochism does not last long and smoothly turns into paramedical professions like medical representatives), they always have something to discuss and something to laugh about, and in some cases they even there is no need to leave at work, because they work in the same hospital or in the same department (I'm not sure if the latter is that great).

But if you are far from medicine, and you have managed to fall in love with a doctor, you will definitely not be bored. Enjoy!

People meet each other in different places, and it doesn't always look cute and romantic. We invite you to read the story of our reader Anna, which she herself called - "hospital love".

The beginning of the story

Once, after I ate meat on a fire on a student trip, I was admitted to the hospital the same day. I will not talk about my illnesses, but I was assigned a period of 2 weeks.

When they brought me to the hospital, I was examined by a young doctor Aleksey Yuryevich ... Lesha ... He is quite attractive in appearance, because of this I was embarrassed to answer his questions, since they all concerned my digestion. He looked at me with such a serious look, and the questions were completely inappropriate, as it seemed to me, to the point. “I wish we could meet in a different setting,” I thought.

All night he came to my room and checked me, it flattered me, and every time I tried to portray both beauty and ease on my face, although in reality it was bad. In the morning I was allowed to walk around the building, which I gladly did. I remember how badly I wanted coffee. Drinking, of course, was impossible, but to breathe in the scent of horror as you wanted.

There was practically no one on the top floor, so I wandered into the far corner to the coffee machine. There was a man sitting with a glass and looking out the window. He didn't even move. As I approached, I recognized him as my doctor. “It’s somehow awkward,” I thought. I had to say hello. And he didn't even react.

Well, if he doesn't want to say hello, don't. I sat down on the bench and lost myself in my thoughts. I glanced at him furtively. Apparently he had problems, since his gaze was stone, and the coffee remained in his hands, he did not even touch it.

He stood there for twenty minutes. Then he turned around and wanted to leave, but when he saw me he stopped.

- Sorry, I did not notice you.

- It's okay, it's even better that they didn't notice, I'm not in a good mood today.

He chuckled and I saw a smile on his face. I can't explain what prompted me, but I immediately said:

- Sit with me.

At that moment, I regretted ten times what I said. And he took it and sat down next to me. But we were silent. There was nothing stressful about it, I even liked being with him. Then he thanked me and offered to sit here together tomorrow.

Photo - A guy and a girl are sitting next to each other

Probably, for many it seems absurd - just sitting next to two strangers, but we felt good, just good at heart.

The next day I saw him in the same place and just sat down next to him. He thought about his - I about mine. So we came to our place for several days and were silent together. During this time, I got used to him, although we did not even talk.

After a week at our place, we spoke for the first time. He started. He said that he recently broke up with a girl, or rather she left him. He endures it hard and did not want to talk to anyone. We talked like friends, not like a girl to a boy. Perhaps he did not take me seriously because of the age difference, he is 6 years older, and I am a student too.

So they talked for an hour, then he had to go to examine the patients. Almost every day we met and told each other life stories. We both cried and laughed - shared everything that was boiling.

A turning point

On the last evening at the hospital, I wanted to see my doctor goodbye and I started to climb to the top floor. Suddenly I heard two people fighting. Due to curiosity and lack of entertainment for two whole weeks in the hospital, I began to climb more slowly. And then I realized that Lyoshin's voice was heard. He spoke to some girl in a raised voice. She watered him with mud that he was worthless and not capable of anything. I felt hurt for him. Unable to bear it, I went to the floor and, looking into her face, said:

- Who are you? She asked very angrily.

- I'm his girlfriend.

Photo - A guy and a girl together

She herself did not expect this from herself. Having uttered the words, I went to the doctor and took his hand, as if we were together. I was very afraid that he would pull back, and I would look stupid. The cats scratched their hearts, why I got in, would go my own way, and everything would be fine. But he did not move away, but even tighter took my hand. That girl was dumbfounded. Saying goodbye nasty things, she left. And we remained standing in silence, holding hands. He just said "thank you" to me.

It was late, and there were lights on only in some parts of the floors. We went to our place, where it was dark, and talked for several hours. In the morning he took me to the ward, but I did not fall asleep.

The end is the beginning of a new

After I was discharged, it was hard for me that I could no longer communicate with him, and I was so used to him.

A couple of days later, an unfamiliar number called me, it turned out that Lesha had found my data on the card. We met and never part. He invited me to the park, we rode the merry-go-round all day, ate cotton wool and were happy as children. In the evening, walking along the river, he kissed me. I was pleased with his touch of lips, I felt in seventh heaven with happiness. We did not wait long and immediately came to live together. He turned out to be very caring, which I really appreciate in him. I hope we will succeed in the future.