What disgusts men. Men Who Hate Women (continued)

"I hate women." It is this phrase that can be heard from a man who tries to bypass the girls, feeling hatred for them. During communication, he will most likely try to find another flaw in order to write it down on his list, which can be endless.

In assessments, such men are unrestrained, and they call all women bastards. But they are not able to say good words to the fair sex. This is a small part of those distinguishing features by which you can easily recognize a misogynist. Why do men often say the phrase: "I hate women" ?. What to do in such a situation?

What causes hatred?

Where did the disgust in the fair sex come from? It is enough to look around to find the answer to the question. Alcoholics, violent men who constantly beat their wives, bad fathers, etc. appear in the news. These images can also be seen in TV shows, in videos on the Internet. The hallmark is contempt for women.

However, the fair sex is not exemplary either. They sometimes behave in TV shows and commercials even worse than men. And breaking their hearts is not a problem for them.

On a subconscious level, we try to copy the images that flash on the screen, while exacerbating the contradictions in the relationship to the limit. Men begin to dislike women, and women to men. As they say, from love to hate ...

Distinctive features

In psychology, a man who hates women is called a misogynist. However, this word is not very easy to hear, so many try to use the familiar concept - a misogynist. What symptoms can men who like to utter the phrase "I hate women" give out?

  1. He has a dislike for the entire beautiful half of humanity, and not just for individual representatives.
  2. He considers the male image to be ideal. In the eyes of the misogynist, men are better than girls in all respects.
  3. He will try not to notice the success of women. Even if he is defeated in a fair fight, the misogynist will try to prove the opposite, referring to the display of cunning and deceit. Is it possible for a girl to win otherwise?
  4. With all his actions and words, he will try to humiliate a woman. In order to achieve the set task, any means and methods will be used.
  5. In the amorous sphere, men who hate women will embody the image of the most cruel tyrant, not perceiving a partner and regularly changing. But they will not tolerate exactly the same treatment to themselves, which they will constantly remind of.

Kinds of haters

There are a huge number of aspects by which misogynists can be divided into different categories. Two large classes should be distinguished: hidden and active.

  1. The hidden misogynist will show hatred towards women in secret, trying to hide true feelings. Disgusted, he will still creep in front of the ladies, because he is not able to declare his views openly. He's just afraid of being judged. However, it is precisely this type of misogynist that is the most dangerous, since it is they who are capable of unexpectedly stabbing in the back.
  2. An active misogynist is a man who, with all his behavior, tries to demonstrate disgust and dislike towards a girl. He will not suppress or hide his feelings, as well as be embarrassed and shy. He openly, fearing no one, utters the phrase: "I hate women." And he does it quite often. In addition, such guys are actively trying to spread their ideals and look for associates.

Why do men become misogynists? The reasons for hatred are hidden at a subconscious level. Those that are the most common should be considered.


He may have once been a clumsy teenager. And all his attempts to meet a beautiful girl ended in failure. She did not understand, repulsed, laughed. All this was repeated at the institute, the guy was always refused. This led to the emergence of fear, constant expectation of a dirty trick. Misogynism in such a situation is just a defense against new disappointments.

Dislike can manifest itself later. For example, a whirlwind romance, in which a soul was invested, collapsed abruptly. Or a long-term marriage has fallen apart. In such a situation, misogyny embodies a man's pain, all his disappointment. It's one step from love to hatred.

Educational process

Boys quite often try to copy the behavior of their fathers. And if he regularly shows disrespect to his wife, then such behavior will be deposited in the memory of the child. And the situation will be even more difficult if the woman is actually to blame. For example, the son found out about the presence of a lover from his mother, or he realized that the breakup of the parents took place through her fault. Subsequently, he will begin to take out his old grievances on all the girls.

It is difficult to communicate with women and that boy who was deprived of maternal affection. He simply will not understand how to behave in relation to girls. And it is them that he will begin to blame for all his failures. You can't look for reasons in yourself.

Because of upbringing, disgust can be manifested selectively, depending on the nation or status in society. For example, from some men you can hear the phrase: "I hate Russian women."

Sexual experience

Negative moments of a sexual nature can hit man's dignity very hard, drop self-esteem. Perhaps they laughed at his awkwardness or called him a worthless lover.

All this led to the emergence of a huge inferiority complex. But a man cannot admit it, he cannot accept his wrongness. Accordingly, she will begin to transfer negative experiences to girls, calling them frigid.

In some situations, men who hate women begin to feel fear, fear of shame, which leads to the rejection of the beautiful half of humanity altogether. After all, if there is no relationship, then there will be no place for experiences. Why is he alone? Yes, it's just that all the girls are selfish and mercantile, why should they be to him?


Why do men start to utter the phrase: "I hate women"? The reason for this may be congenital pathologies. In terms of their strength, they are significantly superior to all of the above. Pathologies are usually associated with congenital features. Sadism, homosexuality, masochism are all caused by the wrong program of sexual behavior. It begins to form in the womb under the influence of hormones.

Latent homosexuality

Not all countries recognize love between men. What to do in such a situation? Naturally, a man will begin to suppress desires, his nature, he will begin a relationship with a woman. But it will not bring him pleasure, only suffering. In such a situation, hatred of the fair sex will arise. Or to all people, even worse. You cannot cope with this problem on your own.

Manifestation of sadism

Some men are capable of taking pleasure in the suffering of others. And for this they are ready to inflict either physical or mental pain. Due to the sexual nature of such actions, a man primarily seeks to rip his feelings out on women. All this he will do for the sake of receiving inner satisfaction.

In such a situation, disgust may not be formed for all women, but only for certain representatives. For example, from such men you can hear the phrase: "I hate married women."

You cannot cope with such a problem on your own; you will need the advice of an experienced sexologist or psychiatrist. This deviation is quite common among rapists and maniacs. More reasonable representatives of the stronger sex will try to find a pair among their own kind.

Or maybe women are to blame?

It's just that men don't start hating women. Often, girls are not able to notice how they inspire men with a feeling of self-loathing, which then begins to spread to all the fair sex. What can women do wrong?

Men need to be educated

Sometimes the root of the problem is parenting. For example, the common game of silence. Let him try to guess where he was guilty. And the woman at this time will cut it. However, the result is not as expected. Men begin to withdraw into themselves, not understanding at all what happened and why they are being treated so badly.

You can endure for a long time, replacing one relationship with another. However, if things are repeated over and over again, misogyny will form. The man will simply convince himself of the wrongness of the feminine nature. It is surprising that in such a situation the misogynist will copy the behavior of an unpleasant person, while brilliantly taking out anger on her, resorting to the verbal drill method. In other words, he will resort to the same weapons that women actively use.

Disregard for feelings

Women quite often reject men. And they do it from scratch. He can only offer help, and in return he will hear harsh words. Or he decides to court, and he will be humiliated.

Women who have an errand boy are incapable of calculating the consequences. They cannot even imagine what a man will feel in such a situation, what conclusions he will draw for himself when he feels that he was simply taken advantage of. And in such a situation, you can hear, for example, the phrase: "I hate rich women."

Open bullying

Why do women scoff at men? After all, yesterday he may look stupid and funny, and tomorrow he may become a prestigious entrepreneur who hates all persons of the beautiful half of humanity. He will have everything, but not love, which he will consider selfish and insincere.

Ridicule can form serious complexes. Men will change over time, but past grievances will remain, and over time, they will lead to misogyny. Ladies who scoff at clumsy guys do not even understand that they are creating problems for themselves, which may overtake them in the future.

Loyalty tests

Men’s misogynists can be made by constant mistrust, regular tests for strength, loyalty and decency. Women are ready to cling to any oversight in order to transfer a guy into the category of a deceiver. And if you failed to guess the girl's wish on the first try, then you are already a destroyer of fate. In such a situation, women seem to be trying to turn men into enemies. And they do it.

What if there is a misogynist nearby?

  1. There is no need to accumulate grievances, to be angry with the misogynist. One should only pity him, because he is not able to find love, to feel happy in the amorous sphere.
  2. If you cannot form normal relationships with such men, then it is not necessary to turn them into your enemies. Try to be neutral while being courteous and kind.
  3. There should be no controversy. It is impossible to enter into violent discussions with a misogynist, since it will still not work to convince him. He will keep his opinion, while harboring anger at you.
  4. You have to keep your distance. If you can't hide from communicating with a misogynist because of duty or because of family relations, be prepared for the fact that conversations with him will not bring much pleasure. Psychological preparation for possible problems will help to avoid nervous breakdowns in such a situation. Try to internally distance yourself from such a person, do not take his attacks to heart, be neutral about claims and criticism.
  5. Lack of close relationships. Tying your destiny to a misogynist is a waste of time. In such a situation, personal life will be difficult, since it is impossible to re-educate such a specimen. And you won't be able to please him, you don't even have to try. He will always find a reason for criticism.
  6. If the relationship cannot be avoided, try to accept the misogynist for who he is. Come to terms with his character, because everyone has their flaws.

Why do women have an aversion to women?

Internal misogyny - a woman's hatred of women - is also periodically manifested. How can it be caused?

Ugly jokes about hair color, logic, inability to drive cars - all this can be constantly broadcast not only by men, but also by women. And this is considered normal. It's just that there are women who prefer to communicate with men, because they cannot tolerate "woman's crap." At the same time, they do their best to devalue the hobbies, values, experiences of other representatives of the fair sex. They want to be taller, smarter. And even stronger, which is why some people utter the phrase: "I hate weak women."

Such behavior is a curtsey towards the strong half of humanity, an attempt to fit into the society of men. This is a kind of survival. Quite often, girls earn less than men while performing the same duties. Girls need to think about children, and a guy may not even pay alimony. Society by all means demonstrates that it is men who occupy the dominant position.

Naturally, women are able to show independence, to be free from men, but they cannot get rid of the entire male world. And each girl is looking for her own survival tactics.

You are the one to blame

The worst manifestation is blaming the victim. Let's say a girl was beaten by her husband. So it is her own fault, because a normal woman will not marry the first man she meets. Rape? Again, it is her own fault, which normal woman would drink in the company of men or walk alone at night? And the key word in this situation is "normal". Thus, it turns out that the victim is abnormal, and you should not sympathize with her.

External data

It's hard to be perfect. However, being imperfect is even more difficult. According to society, a woman simply cannot be fat, she will be hated for it. The same can be said about unkempt, strangely dressed and simply ugly persons. However, sometimes there are opposite situations when you can hear the phrase: "I hate beautiful women."

Society is not able to understand such representatives of the fair sex, preferring to humiliate and insult.

Real women

At the present stage, a variety of trainings are beginning to gain popularity, where they teach to be real women. In addition, there are a lot of books and various articles on this topic. And every day there are more and more of them.

However, all this leads to the formation of misogyny. Women who suddenly wanted to become "real" simply begin to hate all those who did not like this path.


Both sides are to blame for the fact that men utter the phrase: "I hate women." The woman herself simply does not know what her inept actions can lead to. Men are incapable of understanding and accepting.

How to get out of this situation? It is necessary to unite and work together to deal with problems and misunderstandings. In the event that misogyny has gone too far, it is worth seeking help from psychologists.

We hope this review has helped you understand what misogyny is.

Today quite a lot of different materials have been written about misogynists. However, most of them are too biased towards this category of men, revealing only half of the truth. The fact is that it is useless to blame people for their bad temper without understanding why they became such. Indeed, sometimes there is a tragic story hidden in the deep past.

Therefore, let's put aside all prejudices and talk about who the misogynist men really are. What is behind their hatred? And why don't all misogynists deserve condemnation from the ladies?

Who is a misogynist?

It's funny, but not many people know what misogynists are actually called. So, in psychology for this category of men there is a special term - misogynist. However, since this word is difficult to understand by ear, many still use an older and more familiar concept. As for the interpretation, a misogynist is a man who pathologically hates all the fairer sex. At the same time, in most cases, he does not hide his disgust, but, on the contrary, does everything possible to defiantly show it. After all, this is the only way he is able to calm down the fire of hatred that burns in his heart.

Misogynist: symptoms

Naturally, you shouldn't count all nasty men in this category. After all, there are a number of special criteria that distinguish misogynists from the rest of the guys. So, let's look at the most striking symptoms of this psychological anomaly:

  • Misogynists dislike all young ladies in general, and not to individually selected representatives of the fairer sex.
  • All misogynists deify the image of a man: in their eyes it is better both physically and spiritually.
  • This category of guys never recognizes the success of a woman. Even if the girl defeated them in a fair fight, misogynists will still persistently prove the opposite or refer to shameful manipulations on the part of their rival.
  • All actions of misogynists are aimed at humiliating a woman. And to achieve this goal, such men will not be afraid to use even the most extreme means and tactics.
  • In love relationships, the vast majority of misogynists act as cruel tyrants. They do not perceive their partner as an equal to themselves, and therefore they can calmly cheat on him. However, they do not accept such an appeal to themselves and constantly remind about it.

Types of misogynists

It should be noted that there are many different criteria by which misogynists are divided into classes. For example, one well-known publication published an article that all misogynists divide according to their original source of anger. At first it may seem like the right decision, but it's worth thinking about it, and you begin to notice that there are a number of flaws in this theory.

Therefore, it would be more rational to divide all misogynists into two broad categories: hidden and active. Let's take a look at them separately:

  • An active misogynist is a man who, in all his behavior, shows disgust or hatred towards women. He does not suppress his feelings and is not embarrassed by them. Moreover, this type of guy does his best to spread his ideas among others, planting false ideals.
  • The hidden misogynist, on the other hand, tries to hide his true feelings deep inside. Although he hates women, he still creeps in front of them, since due to his fear he is unable to openly fight. But at the same time, this is very dangerous. After all, you never know when he will break loose and stab you in the back.

Why do men become misogynists?

It’s probably more accurate to ask when men become misogynists. After all, it is often age that plays a key role. So let's look at some of the most common examples of ordinary guys turning into aggressive misogynists:

  • Children's images. It's no secret that the character and habits of a person arise at an early age. The same rule applies to misogynists. Most misogynists become misogynists due to the fact that in childhood they had to see the wrong patterns of behavior. For example, a mother who hits and humiliates her child becomes the embodiment of his despair and anger. Over the years, this image spreads to all women, which is why the man begins to hate them whole.
  • Youthful resentment. Teenagers are very emotional, which increases the chance of psychological trauma at this age. Therefore, often a young man-misogynist is his love. For example, if the romantic zeal of a young man was cruelly trampled by his chosen one, then there is a possibility that after that he will hate all the girls. After all, they will all furiously remind him of the one that gave him the first mental pain.
  • Mature disappointment. Oddly enough, the older the person, the lower the chance that he will become a misogynist. This is due to the fact that at this age his inner world has already been formed. And only a strong emotional shock can destroy it. For example, the reason for this may be treason, betrayal, or a major lie on the part of a life partner.

What is the danger of misogynists?

First of all, a misogynist is a very bad guy or husband. Because of his beliefs, he can turn the life of his chosen one into a living hell. At the same time, he will not repent, since this order of things is quite ordinary for him. In addition, misogynists can make life difficult even for those ladies who rarely intersect with them. For example, once in a leadership position, such men can use their power to put a spoke in the wheels of their counterparts of the opposite sex.

What if your chosen one is a misogynist?

Correcting the misogynist is quite difficult. This is due to the following fact: these people do not see the problem in the fact that they are so violent. For them, this is the norm, which means that there is nothing to correct here. But this does not mean that such a person is incorrigible. Indeed, even the most staunch fortresses fall from a persistent assault. Therefore, if your boyfriend or acquaintance is a misogynist, try to explain to him that such a position is wrong. And best of all, send him for a consultation with a psychologist, while it is desirable that the doctor was a man. Believe me, only this specialist is able to change the inner world of the misogynist, forever dispelling his wrong beliefs.

Today, in a search engine, you can easily find “I hate men” or “I hate women”.

Ironically, men have less reason to hate the opposite sex than women. It so happened in nature. So far, we will analyze only the specific reasons for this attitude, which have not changed for a long time.humanth existence. We carry in ourselves certain programs of behavior, vectors, and they receive a certain direction in childhood.developedunfortunately, not always positive.

Photo Photo

Let's start with men ...

There is only one type of men who, under certain circumstances, become misogynists - this is men with anal vector This happens if they are offended by their mother. More often it is an unconscious resentment caused by receiving constant or periodic stress forgrowingth man. They pull him, do not allow him to finish the work he has begun, rush him, perform actions that cause the strongest in himPsychic discomfortwhich is comparable tothreatsOhby itselfpreservationon thementallevel... This forces him to fight for his integrity., being still a child, i.e.in an undeveloped state. And, of course, the development of the properties of the stress vector is disturbed in this case.

The point is that the feeling of security (andon thephysicalm, andon thementallevel- in the latter, we do not always give ourselves an account) should be provided by the parents, the child should not think about it. You need to understand that childhood and prepubertal age areluchevth, in a sense, the stage that determines the "ceiling" of a person's capabilities for the rest of his life. Later and further, everything goes on increasing and develops into a negative life scenario.Why negative? Remaining underdeveloped in their properties, a person is unable to adapt to the modern conditions of society.

The offended scenarioon motheranal man is predictable in advance, it is easy to observe. First, he will choose a not very developed skin-visual girl who will definitely leave him. Life will confirm his belief that women, to put it mildly, are bad, he will say: “I knew it.You are all the same, you only need one. All of you went ... ”and so on. The first experience is decisive for him. So he will think and speak all his life. Ifhe will decide on a relationship a second time, then unconsciously chooses the same woman again.Resentment lays a certain imprint on behavior.Sooner or later a moment may come whenhewill begin to beat her.

With the rest of the vectors in men, everything is easier,so expressed and convinceddislikesthey do not have... Like all normal people if they are freewe walk, enjoy life. If married ... What can you do. Those who have been married themselves understand that this is not a world of olives.

Moving on to women.

Let's start with women with urethral vector. She has a special character and the most striking unbridled sexuality. She, by nature, does not feel constraints, such is the feedback from her specific role.And on this ground there arisesproblem: when a father starts raising such a girl with an anal vector, then very often comeTbeforeassaulta. She does not obey, does not recognize the authorities, in his opinion she is a shame! - dissolved! He does not know how to find a common language with her and uses the means known to him to beat obedience out of her.

Oon thethe sameborn with all the qualities of a leader,althoughshe hasandthere is no such species role- performed almost exclusively by men. Ounable to resist fatherSolike a urethral boy. Unconsciously, she realizes that if she were a boy, then everything would be ok. She would show who the leader is. But she doesn’t have a “trick” that can show who is in charge here. Therefore shetries to compensate for it differently:tearing outnoXia on the street and becomes the chieftainfor all the guys around. She outwardlyBehave likeboy: behavior, clothing, haircut, participation in fights, aggressive behavior with children.Mbesides, if she doesn'twill be able toto compensate for the pressure that her father puts on her, then in the near future she will completely form hatred of men, especially with the anal vector.

Her dislike will not endsearchin the Interneton the topic of"I hate men." Such by its actions in relation to them will beconstantlyshow it. A blow to the head with a bottle or a beer mug? Easy. In certain life situations, which she herself will provoke.And this is just the beginning.
TOraine sharpandnegative, most aggressive attitude towards menwill become the reason for the refusal of sexual relations with them (and this is at their greatest in comparison with other vectors of libido). It is these women who go to create lesbian couples, feeling like the male half.
Woman with anal vector... It is exactly the same as with a man. She comes across a skin user who throws her. Her idea of ​​cleanliness has already been somewhat distorted. We're anal people. We divide the world into dirty and clean. We clean the wheat from the chaff.We doeat itdue to our propertiesand always strivebring the matter to the end, to the point. And when everyone is finished, we enjoy what we have done with peace of mind. Well, imaginewhat will happen if sucha person is not allowed to finish his job to the end, to realize his properties from childhood. Of course, the whole world takes on a slightly distorted picture for them in terms of cleanliness and dirt. The point is not what the world is, but how we see it in our organs of perception. And thesepeculiaritiesperceptionpledgesare found in childhood.

I interviewed male acquaintances to find out what, insignificant from a female point of view, features can make a man refuse sex, relationships, and generally from the desire to be near a woman. The responses received amazed ...

At the first place stale socks and tights, as well as smelly underwear.
It was to them that our former teacher of sexology dedicated a lecture. Like, girls, watch your legs. A young man can imagine them in his erotic dreams, thinking about how he kisses your fingers. Facing harsh reality can make him impotent, if not worse. Previously, I attributed such close attention to the legs to the erotic taste of the aforementioned hero. But now my opinion has changed. I was on a visit, where the hostess appeared in old, not washed for a long time and stained pantyhose with lycra. I understood men that day. So stale tights are the nail of our hit parade.

Unshaven hair on legs in winter will not leave men indifferent either.
The very ones that maliciously make their way through the tights. This is my husband's personal fad. Since I had not seen such a miracle live, I immediately ran to find out how it was. It turned out that the image of a virgin with hairy legs in white tights was forever imprinted in his memory in his young 20 years and since then comes to him at night. And we all think that it is winter outside and so much warmer ...

The third on the list was general carelessness
Our 30-year-old friend frowned in horror and jumped, remembering a neighbor on the table at one of the weddings. By the end of the holiday, this mademoiselle had on her dress all the dishes and drinks that were on the table. And how else could it be if you greedily throw them into your mouth with your hands. Somewhere in Ulyana Tseitlina I read that it is erotic. I think, hmm ...

The husband, seeing the list, demanded to add to it strong smell of perfume... Every time he is near an overly perfumed girl, he gets nauseous. And such a neighborhood in public transport will drive anyone crazy.

Also, one of the most disgusting phenomena of nature, men recognized drunk ladies... Especially when these same men are sober. We seem to ourselves cheerful and brave, and to them - the fiends of hell. Conclusion - never drink more than the surrounding men. And not in grams, but precisely according to the degree of stupefaction.

Honorable sixth place - oh horror - took non-professional female striptease... What exactly did he scare the boys so much - I find it difficult to say. But we are clearly not talking about the dances of young maidens and their plastic movements. But when a marvanna from accounting at a corporate party begins, so to speak, her marriage games, it's already scary ...

But the worst is probably erotic attack of a woman when you are not ready for it and obsessive stalking. The same when explanations do not help. So ladies, be careful with the initiative. She is able to bring some to half past five.

My list is probably incomplete. Agree with him, or add?

Hatred and disgust for women

When you realize all the primitiveness of women, the essence and reasons for any of their behavior, then, at first, you are severely disappointed, because of which hatred and anger appear. And then you realize that "he is a fool himself," because he himself initially built the wrong attitude towards them. He was naive and pinned hopes on them that they physically cannot justify.

Only hatred and disappointment in women? this is bad level up, this is not the kind of enlightenment we want, it is counterproductive. And it's productive when you realize that you yourself were a fool and were mistaken about them. You wanted what they can't give you. But I stubbornly searched for this treasure, this mythical Holy Grail. It didn’t work with one, then I tried with the other, and so it was constantly. Each of her behavior made you understand that "there is no such thing, this does not exist, you are delirious, invented a fairy tale for yourself, wake up!" Each of them, by their behavior, symbolized the question: “Are you a moron, or what? Maybe you will ask yourself such a question? "

And you stubbornly believed that there is "love and a loved one." I was looking for a companion and a kindred spirit, beloved, my princess, special and not like everyone else, who will support and help. Yourself in a woman's guise, your own copy, which reflects in the same way as you, almost lived and suffered the same life as you. Your mirror image, with which you would have philosophical conversations and strive for great things.

Life trumpets you in all sorts of ways: "Boy, stop doing nonsense, take a real look at how the world and women work." Life constantly gives signs to everyone, but people stubbornly refuse to notice them. They thought of something for themselves, or someone told them something in childhood, and they live with these beliefs all their lives. She constantly shows them what delusions they are in. Does it even hit hard sometimes? they lose their health, they almost start to go homeless, because they are doing everything against nature. They have all sorts of complexes at the level of muscle clamps, because all instincts are suppressed. But they still don't make any conclusions.

And when in some miraculous way you get your sight (for many, this will happen after reading this book), then hatred of women may appear. They can get annoying. In general, in this case, hatred of women? this is a kind of intermediate stage, which, in principle, is useful. The main thing? do not hit them 15 stabs (as in the well-known case), do not kill, do not hit, and do not touch them at all.

But some don't go further with their insight? stop at the stage of hatred and start mocking women. Mock your wife, humiliate, beat. That is, he understands that a woman is a stupid creature, and begins to bully her. Builds all sorts of mean things for all of them. Some Bitsa maniac or Chikatilo may appear who will begin to kill and dismember them.

Really, hatred? checkpoint stage. And you need to get to the point when you understand that you yourself are a fool. I myself could not make elementary conclusions, understand simple truths, and therefore brought myself to such a state. Okay, if I still realized this at the age of 25-30, and then it's already too late. And when do you realize this at 40 and 50? There, of course, nothing remains, and you only deal with destruction. There is nothing to create, time is lost. You can only destroy, because at least it gives you some emotions. You are taking revenge on this world. You are taking revenge for being led by the nose all your life. They programmed from childhood, led, and now, in old age, you understood everything. I woke up and disconnected from the program.

After reading this book, a guy may develop the following state: he will understand that women are all about the same, that they have a set of standard qualities, although they manifest themselves with varying degrees of intensity. They are all driven by only three instincts. Do they all endure the brain? one less, the other more. In general, the parameters are approximately the same for all. And here, if youthful hypersexuality has already disappeared, when he was ready to plant even a pig, then the guy will become simply too lazy to do something for the woman, because it’s not worth it.

Previously, women were a kind of absolute, meaning and purpose in life. The guy in his life did everything for them. Either some specific, to which there was "love", or in general for the sake of success with women. Then, at some point, the understanding comes that something is not right here. Understanding comes, as a rule, after disappointment - there is a state that "all women are creatures, bitches, bitches, do not value anything." Hatred and disgust appear towards them.

This is, in fact, a normal transitional stage, but many remain in it. The guy looks at any woman and thinks: “Now she will start to endure the brain, now she will soak off such and such, now she will give out such and such nonsense”. Anyone who has an aversion to women then try to find confirmation of their negativity in any woman. They immediately expect that she will be a breeder, make a brain about "a man must, a man must!" ... And they naturally find these confirmations. Because women can't help but do it even a little bit. And the guys are even more disappointed.

This is a signal that your rose-colored glasses about "love" were sleeping. You also need to understand that you yourself treated them incorrectly all this time. They expected from them what they could not give in principle. They behave differently and cannot behave? it is an objective reality. Yes, to some extent, society has deceived you, because all the time it has installed in you some idealistic ideas about relationships and family. But you yourself did not think about these topics, you blindly believed and searched. In addition, they themselves dreamed up. Accordingly, expectations were not met, disappointment accumulated, and, as a result, all this spilled out into disgust.

When such an understanding comes, then you just need to rebuild. It makes no sense to start hating them, doing nasty and nasty things to them, because they cannot be what you imagined them to be. They cannot understand something logically. They are just different, and you need to understand this. More biological, with small associative centers, experiencing constant hormonal effects on their body, their rational activity is poorly developed. They have a certain set of parameters that you can interact with, and be happy yourself, and make them happy too. Do not accumulate anger on them, do not shit with bricks and make yourself only worse, increasing your prostatitis, because you no longer even fuck them, because you have only hatred for them. Only you have some kind of relationship, but since you were initially determined to find everything bad, you immediately start swearing with them, and nothing sticks together.

It's all meaningless, you can't run away from yourself and your instincts. You have to fuck with women, build fleeting romances, enjoy life and satisfy your instincts. You just need to treat it all right, and everything will be fine. As a result, comes pacification, understanding, worldly and philosophical wisdom? already you are calm about this, you do not tear your claws. You calmly and rationally look, evaluate, communicate. If you come across "maramoyki" or "mercantile" (as they used to call them), now you already understand that this is normal. Because they cannot realize themselves in another way, only through a man. So when you deliberately indulge their desires (without straining yourself), then everything starts to develop well with them.

Your task is to find the compromise in the girl that will be optimal for you. It will not be possible to find a woman in whom both of you will be self-sufficient, so that no one does anything for each other. For them, you still need to do something, but for each these needs are manifested in a different form and intensity. And they, too, can satisfy your needs in different ways.

Usually guys go to extremes, when at first they did everything for a woman, and now they do not want to do anything. Previously, they were looking for "special and not like everyone else, the love of their lives," they tried for it. And then they froze, decided that "all women are cruel mercantile creatures" and began to look for a "kindred spirit", that is, a woman in a man's guise, who achieves everything herself.

It makes no sense to bend the world for yourself, in any case, you have to give them something. The point is that it shouldn't be too stressful for you. You have to simulate with them, even if you don't like their position. Misogyny will not bring you joy and harmony.

When everything in your head falls into place, then you no longer freeze yourself up from everyone, and do not expect that everyone owes you for one fact of your existence. The state may appear: “All the women? bitches, I will not do anything for anyone, I want the same independent, so that she does not strain me and does not endure my brain. " You usually need a woman for sex (to satisfy the reproductive instinct), and permanently, so that you don't feel lonely. So to have sex? there are many options. There are clearly mercantile ones who immediately begin to break through what you will do for them. Do they freeze right away? drain them immediately. And there are funny and sociable, appealing externally. But for them you still have to do something, and, most likely, everything is the same that the previous ones wanted, who were frozen. But here it seems to happen in a natural way. You understand that it is better to start "courtship" yourself, to show attention so that it does not merge. Is it still important to all of them? just in different intensity and veil. And if you satisfy their instincts, then they sit down on you and satisfy yours.

Chat with girls, change girls, arrange fleeting romances, play and simulate with them, do for them what is important to them (the main thing is that it does not bother you yourself). Your instincts are important and need to be satisfied, because no matter how enlightened you are, the animal nature still dominates in all of us. You disconnected from the system, now you see it from the outside, but in order to continue to have fun, you have to play their game with the girls in order to maintain contact. Realizing this, it becomes much easier.

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