How to make a simple proposal to a girl. A marriage proposal is the most original and romantic idea. Attention! do not shove the ring into food! never. this is silly

Girls are prepared for marriage from an early age by telling tales of handsome princes who take the beauty to their castle in order to live in peace and harmony until a ripe old age. Girls become smart young women and connect life with real men, but deep in their hearts they do not stop waiting for a miracle. A marriage proposal is one of the best moments to give your beloved magic, so everything must be perfect.

Basic moments

A man should carefully hide his plans: tell about plans only to those friends who know how to keep other people's secrets, do not leave a check from a jewelry store in his pocket, hide the ring in secluded places where the girl will definitely not look. It is advisable to ask the chosen one about her views on marriage and family life before buying jewelry. Perhaps the girl is not ready for serious changes, so instead of the longed-for “yes”, the man will hear “no”. The conversation should not be too serious or intrusive, it is better to ask your beloved in a comic manner so that she does not suspect anything. If the chosen one is mentally ready, you can start implementing the idea.

An obligatory attribute of such an event is a ring. It is not necessary to spend the entire salary on jewelry, choosing the expensive option with ten diamonds. A cheap neat ring decorated with unusual patterns will look more original and cute than a massive and tasteless thing. If your financial situation allows, you can order an engraving on the inside of the accessory.

How to guess the size of the ring so that you don't have to go back to the jewelry store the next day and change your purchase? Invite the girl to go together and choose a ring on her ring finger, and during the fitting, remember the necessary data. It is not necessary to buy jewelry made of gold, you can get by with silver or pretty jewelry.

Don't forget about flowers and champagne. When choosing a bouquet, you should take into account the tastes of the girl, or choose classic red or white roses. Champagne should not be cheap, and if the chosen one does not drink alcohol in principle, you can buy a children's version, but change the wrapper with elephants to something more adult.

A man cannot do without speech. It should be sensual and written from the heart. No pretentious phrases touch the beloved as sincere words and confessions. Shy or emotional guys are advised to write a speech on a sheet so as not to forget it at a crucial moment, or to make a video. You can give your chosen one a beautifully designed letter, because it is easier to express your thoughts and feelings on paper.

Without leaving home

An offer at home is an option for girls who do not like noisy companies or the attention of strangers. It is also suitable for young men who have not yet saved up for an expensive restaurant or helicopter.

You should choose the moment when the beloved goes shopping with her friends, goes to visit her parents or will be at work. There should be several hours in stock so that there is enough time to buy light snacks, flowers and other accessories, as well as to decorate the apartment.

Lay out a path from the front door to the bedroom or kitchen with rose petals. You can replace flowers with candles or paper arrows on which beautiful words are written. When the girl enters the room, kneel down and make a speech. Having heard "yes", open champagne and invite to the table.

The proposal can also be made in the bedroom using neon stars that glow in the dark. Lay out the cherished phrase on the ceiling, and when the lights go out in the room, the beloved will be pleasantly surprised. The alternative is a poster. Make a collage of joint photographs, and in the center, in large letters, ask her to become a wife. Attach the poster to the ceiling and wait for the lady to notice him. Be sure to keep a ring on hand in order to present the girl with a velvet box at the right time.

Offer instead of dessert

Serious and reserved men who love classics can invite their beloved to a restaurant. Order wine and light meals, present a luxurious bouquet and spend time with the girl. Agree with the waiter so that at the end of the dinner he will put a tray in front of the chosen one, on which there will be a box with a ring and a plate with the inscription: "Become my wife." If the restaurant has live music, you can ask for a romantic melody to play at this moment.

An alternative is to invite the lady to the karaoke bar, where the first acquaintance took place. A man with hearing and a beautiful voice can sing the girl's favorite song, and then kneel in front of her and give her a wedding ring. The second option is to ask a local singer or some of your friends to perform a song associated with the first kiss or declaration of love.

Tip: You cannot hide the ring in food or drink. If you are lucky, it will end up in the girl's stomach, and in the worst case, you will have to take the chosen one to a surgeon or dentist.

Man's best friend

Has the girl long dreamed of a pet? It's time to please her with a cute kitten or puppy, on whose neck you should hang a collar with a wedding ring. Present the baby in a basket or box with a bow, give a bouquet, and when she picks up a new pet and notices an unusual decoration, make an offer. You can say with a smile that the puppy needs a full-fledged family, so the chosen one has no right to refuse the ring.

Some girls are more attracted not by fluffy, but by feathered pets. In this case, you should find a talking parrot and teach him the phrase "Marry me" or "Become a wife (substitute the right name)." Cover the cage with the bird before handing it over so that the parrot does not tell all the secrets from the doorway, and when the chosen one pulls off the cape and hears the very words, fix the proposal of the feathered accomplice with a ring and flowers.

Public recognition

Going to football or a concert of your favorite band? Why not take advantage of such a luxurious opportunity? Agree with the organizers or musicians to be allowed to go on stage or in the middle of the field and confess your love to the girl. Usually, performers and athletes are sympathetic to such requests and help for free, although the money spent is worth her surprise and tears of happiness.

You can ask your favorite group to invite the chosen one to the stage in the middle or at the very end of the concert and say that the guy loves her very much and wants to legitimize the relationship. The guy's task is to arm himself with a bouquet and a ring and kneel in front of his beloved in time.

A man who has many creative and responsive friends can organize a small flash mob in the middle of a street or a shopping mall. Put on a short dance to your favorite song, bring the girl to the agreed place and pleasantly surprise. She will definitely not be able to forget such a confession and will gladly tell the children about her father's feat.

If a couple is fond of historical reenactments and often attends various festivals, they should arrange a battle for a beautiful lady. A man can transform into a knight, general or other character who must save the girl. And as a reward, ask her to marry your hero.

Achievements of the 21st century

An option for shy young people is to create a romantic video. Make a presentation of joint photos, and while they appear on the screen, tell the girl about your feelings and desires, and at the very end offer to get married. Upload the video to YouTube and send the link to the darling.

Recording a song or making a video about a specific girl is more creative. Or read in front of the camera poems written for the chosen one.

Place in a magazine or newspaper that your beloved reads every day, a note with her photograph and touching text. You should bring her the press yourself along with a light breakfast and wait until she gets to the place she needs, or make a bookmark.

Post an offer on a social network, filling it out in the form of a survey. There must be a photograph of the bride-to-be under the text. The answer is yes or of course yes. Do not forget to send the link to the girl, otherwise she will pass by or will not go to the desired page.

In searching of love

Does your beloved adore quests and riddles? Why not turn marriage proposal into a fun game? Prepare notes with riddles and the main prize before the weekend, and on Saturday or Sunday morning make the chosen one run around the apartment. The reward will be an album with photos or a diary with memories, inside which a ring is hidden.

Does the girl love to be photographed? You should please her with professional filming, during which you should make an offer. The pictures will forever preserve the touching moment when the lovers decided to become not just a couple, but a strong and friendly family.

The chosen one loves to spend free time in the arms of Morpheus and does not notice anything during sleep? A man should wake up earlier than his beloved, carefully put a ring on her ring finger and wake the girl up with strawberries and cream or another delicious festive breakfast. Enjoy the bride's reaction when she notices the jewelry. The main thing is not to betray yourself ahead of time.

There are many ways to turn a marriage proposal into a fairy tale. Someone likes extreme options, someone prefers classic and calm ones. Some girls want the whole world to know about their happiness, others prefer to keep their joy a secret. It will be easy to choose the best and original option if you know the preferences of your beloved and take into account the peculiarities of her character.

Video: the most unusual marriage proposal

How to propose to a girl to get married in an original way at home

If you hit the page, then this day has come. You found your soul mate, your ball of happiness and decided on the most serious step in your life, that is to propose to a girl to marry.

  • How to propose to get married
  • How to refuse a marriage proposal
  • How to make a romantic proposal

How to make a beautiful proposal to a girl to get married

Before you make the most important proposal to your chosen one, you must be completely sure that she is the one with whom you are ready to live until old age: you must have general concepts about life in general, family, children, advantages and disadvantages of each other ...

Whichever way you offer your hand and heart, you still cannot do without a ring and flowers. So be sure to take care of this in advance.

Here are some interesting scenarios on how to properly propose to a girl to marry:

  • You can invite a girl to a gourmet restaurant for dinner. Sincerely tell me how much she means to you, and then take out the ring and ask: "Will you marry me?" Let the waiter bring a huge bouquet at this time.
  • Invite your girlfriend for a ride on the Ferris wheel. Preferably in the evening. At the highest point, kneel down, holding the ring in your hands, and ask the most coveted question. Then you can dine at the restaurant.
  • If you want to present an unexpected surprise to a girl, you can propose to her during her working day: show up with flowers in the midst of work and in front of all your colleagues ask if she agrees to become your wife. But think in advance if your girlfriend will like it all. It all depends on her character. Don't forget about treats and champagne for your colleagues too.
  • You can make an "offer" at any concert. You just need to agree in advance with the presenters to be called on stage. Be sure to prepare your speech before speaking. Many girls enjoy being in the spotlight.
  • You can also order a cake with the inscription “Be my wife”. Any girl will be delighted with such a surprise.
  • Arrange a romantic dinner for the darling in the apartment, scatter flower petals everywhere (of course, it must be roses), arrange and light candles. Keep the ring in a prominent place, and after she opens the box, tell her that you would be happy to be her husband.

But the main rule can be formulated as follows: in whatever way you make the "offer", do it sincerely and with great love. Let her feel that you took it with great responsibility and trepidation.

13 original ways to propose to a girl

In the life of every man in love, one day there comes a day when he realizes that the time has come to propose to his beloved.

This moment should be approached with special responsibility, and we will share with you tips on how to do everything beautifully.

Before the key moment, of course, you need to choose a ring for your chosen one.

Find out in advance what size of rings your beloved wears, as well as what metals she likes jewelry.

When proposing to your beloved, you should take into account her character - it is unlikely that a modest and shy girl will like to hear the cherished words in a public place, with many witnesses.

Think in advance the phrases with which you will start - tell the girl about your dreams, feelings and plans related to her. After such an introduction, one should move on to the cherished question: "Will you become my wife?"

Following a long tradition, you can kneel before your chosen one: the effect will be brighter.

How to propose to your girlfriend

There are a huge number of ways to beautifully ask a girl's hand, and we will tell you about them.

If the solemn moment takes place at home, make sure that it becomes a surprise for your beloved. If you live together, then shortly for the arrival of your girlfriend from work or a walk, lay out with flower petals a path from the front door to the threshold of the bedroom, which will be appropriately decorated (lighted candles, dim lights, quiet music).

Meet the darling with a luxurious bouquet of roses. Don't forget to put a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses on your bedside table to celebrate right away.

When the girl enters the room, give her a few seconds to realize what is happening, then make the speech that you have prepared in advance, open the box that contains the ring and present it to your beloved.

You can also propose in the morning. Bring your beloved breakfast to bed, delighting her with some light meals or just making a cup of coffee. On the breakfast stand, place the saucer in which the ring will lie. Do not forget to buy flowers in advance and give them to your beloved after responding to your offer.

With parents

If you want to ask your girl's hands for her parents, then you should prepare in advance for this. The ideal option would be if you put on a suit and tie for this meeting, as well as buy a bouquet of flowers for a potential mother-in-law and a bottle of wine for a potential father-in-law.

You can also bring cake or candy to the table. You should come to a meeting with the parents of the chosen one on time, having prepared in advance for a responsible conversation and thinking over the main words.

In the process of communication, thank the bride's parents for their beautiful daughter - it will not be superfluous to list the qualities that won you over in her.

Tell them that you intend to legitimize your relationship with their daughter and ask for their blessing for the marriage, thus showing respect for the parents.

In the restaurant

One of the more classic options is restaurant suggestions. Calm music, cozy interior, delicious food and drinks - all this is already conducive to romance.

Having presented the girl with flowers at the beginning of the evening, you can move on to the most important words in the middle of dinner.

Taking out a box with a ring, open it and tell the darling about your feelings and intention to associate fate with her.

In advance, ask the waiter to bring you champagne immediately after such a responsible action.

Also, with the help of the waiter, you can do a little differently: ask him at the beginning of dinner to serve the prepared ringlet on a tray, under a bell. Then it will be up to you - declare your love to your beloved and ask the cherished question.

If you are worried and do not differ in particular verbosity, then with a box with a ring on a tray there may be an envelope with your confession.

For a birthday

If you want to make the climactic action more memorable for the girl, you can make a request for marriage on her birthday.

This can be done in the midst of the holiday - ask everyone for a moment of attention during dinner and confess your feelings to the chosen one. After that, you can kneel down in front of her, and hold out the ring to ask if she will marry you.

It is worth remembering that not all girls like publicity, and if you have such a case in front of you, and dinner with friends or relatives is already scheduled for this day, invite her to be together for a while in front of him.

Create a romantic atmosphere at home, or invite a girl out to a restaurant by telling her that you have a gift for her.

After that, pass the box to the chosen one, which will contain a balloon filled with helium, with a ring tied to its string.

When the girl opens the box, the ball will soar upward and after a couple of seconds, the beloved will notice the ring. Make sure in advance that it is about the level of her face. Then get down to business.

You can also order a cake on which the pastry chef will write beautifully: “Will you marry me?” And present it in a bright box.

Of course, you should prepare a ring in advance and say the necessary words after the girl opens the box.

On the journey

If you are going on a trip with your beloved, then this is a great opportunity to confess your desire to get married in a new place. The cherished words can be heard during the first dinner in another country, near one of the most famous places in the city in which you are staying or on the seashore, to the sound of the oncoming waves.

You can also make an offer on a cruise ship or by renting a boat.

In addition, your confession can also be heard in the hotel room. When your girlfriend is away for some time shopping, shower or somewhere else, decorate the room with scented candles, rose petals and put a luxurious bouquet of flowers in a prominent place.

Make sure you have chilled champagne and some fruit or chocolate in your room. When the chosen one enters the room, you can make her a long-awaited surprise.

Subsequently, the city in which the moving words sounded can be visited on a honeymoon or on a wedding anniversary.

In a public place

If you and your chosen one are not afraid of a declaration of love in public or you noticed that your girlfriend is touched by melodramas in which a key character asks his beloved to become his wife in front of a large crowd, then you can propose to the girl on the square, in the subway, in a shopping mall. the center and any other places where people gather.

The brave owners of acting talent can pronounce the most important words from the stage of the theater. To do this, you have to agree in advance with the theater administrator that you will have the opportunity after the performance to go to the stage and invite your beloved to become your wife.

Invite a girl to a concert of your favorite musical group and ask one of its participants to voice the request for a hand and heart on your behalf, or let you go on stage and confess your feelings.

At work / school

Let someone give your beloved a note from you in the morning at work or school, in which you tell her that you will wait for her during a break in the nearest cafe or near some memorable landmark located nearby.

When the girl comes to the meeting, present her with a bouquet of flowers and, standing on one knee, propose.

What to ask a girl when texting? Read on for a list of interesting topics for virtual communication.

Treasured words can be said at the height of the working day - you can come to her office with a bouquet of flowers and a ringlet, or ask her to look out the window, behind which she will be awaited by the performance.

If you like the idea of ​​a performance, then you can prepare a serenade, read out loud poems, write the main question on the pavement, or set off fireworks after saying it.

Those wishing to make speeches more widespread can use the help of friends or just acquaintances - each of them should hold a large poster with one letter - as a result, the letters should make up the question: "Will you marry me?"

Book a romantic horse-drawn carriage ride through the snow-covered city - invite your sweetheart to become your wife during a trip to a particularly picturesque place. After that, the evening can be continued in a warm and cozy establishment.

As a rule, before the New Year, a festive mood reigns everywhere, and it will be appropriate to ask for hands immediately after the chimes sound - you both will remember such a holiday for a lifetime.

Also, the cherished phrase can be pronounced on Valentine's Day. Invite the girl for a walk, in advance, using food paints, gouache or watercolors, by writing a question on a snow-covered area, past which your route will lie.

If you want your request to sound especially beautiful, then you can use the works of classics who glorify the beauty of your beloved and describe your feelings, immediately after that go to the most important question.

Perhaps you yourself are endowed with poetic talent, which will allow you to write your own poem for your beloved, in which a marriage proposal will sound.

Poems can be read on a romantic date or in a restaurant ask the chef to write the cherished lines on the dessert of your beloved cream.

Also, a verse with a proposal will look spectacular on a banner that she will see from the window of her home or work.

In addition, you can order the work from contemporary poets, who are easy to find on social networks.

The most original ways

Things to Avoid

  • Don't propose on the go, as if between times.
  • Do not offer to get married if you are drunk - this is disrespectful towards the girl.
  • Not worth chewing while pronouncing cherished words or being distracted by something extraneous.
  • Not necessary make a marriage proposal by phone.
  • Hide the ring in food- this is no longer too original and such an idea may end up with a visit to the dentist for your chosen one.
  • If the girl did not immediately agree and asked for time to think, it is not worth making a tragedy out of this, because this is one of the most important decisions in a girl's life, which not everyone can take instantly.

Be sure to prepare for such an important and happy day, because the path to the joint future of two people in love begins with it!

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How to propose to a girl to get married: 12 original and beautiful ideas

The story of how you proposed to your girlfriend to get married will be told to friends and strangers, our advice will help you do it in an original and beautiful way so that your half will be delighted.

Ways to propose to a girl to marry

#1. Send an unsuspecting bride a letter asking her to go on a treasure hunt that ends with your offer. Start with clues in the house (handwritten letter or phone message) that will eventually lead her across town to you.

#2. Go to the night dance and ask the DJ to hand you the microphone so you can dedicate a song to her by proposing in front of the audience and asking the bride to dance.

#3. Choose your favorite spot, be it a fountain, a rooftop hotel, a monument, or a national park that has a personal meaning only for the two of you. After you get out at the same place, ask someone who will be nearby to take a picture of you together as you fall with the ring on one knee.

#4. A relic of childhood - propose by writing on the sidewalk in chalk "Name and Marry me, Name and You will marry me" on your street or on the road in front of the windows, call her to the window, and then you know what to do.

How to make an original proposal to a girl

#5. Put the ring on the girl's finger while she's still sleeping, then make a romantic morning wake-up call, standing outside the door with a bottle of champagne and strawberries.

#6. Ask a baker or chef to make a special cake with a suggestion written on the icing cake. Bring the cake home in a sealed package, and let your girlfriend open it, prepare the ring yourself, after she opens it and you can be pleasantly surprised to get up on a hot knot.

#7. Make a surprise ring by packing a kinder surprise egg.

#8. Rent a studio and hire a director, tell your woman that you were invited to "Casting" a married couple in the studio, and then invite the girl to marry in front of the cameras.

#9. Collect a basket full of tasty treats - dark chocolate, coffee or fresh fruit that your girlfriend likes - and hide the ring among the gifts.

#10. Tie a red velvet ribbon around your home that will stretch from room to room. Along the way, tie notes in each number of centimeters, reminding her of the wonderful moments in your relationship. Wait until your partner reaches the end where you tie the ring, or she herself will stand with the ring on her knee.

#11. Go to the beach together and build a sand castle together (a safe distance from the water!). When your partner looks away, insert the ring at the very top of your castle's tallest tower.

#12. Ask friends or family members to have a picnic complete with wine and cheese, chocolates, of course, for you in the park. Then come up with an excuse to go out with the girl for a walk, where you randomly stumble upon this surprise, and then you know what to do.

How to propose to a girl? It is believed that while still in infancy, every self-respecting girl already dreams of hearing the coveted cliché phrase: "marry me" or the magic three words "become my wife." However, today, due to the growing progressiveness of society and the presence of super technologies that satisfy any requirements of excellent feminines, even the most demanding ones, men, deciding on such a responsible step, cannot get off with just words. Actually, therefore, the world "web" is replete with posters, posts and announcements on the topic: how to make a girl a marriage proposal. In addition, any densely populated area is rich in agencies, companies and tiny "firms" specializing in organizing all kinds of festivities, banquets, celebrations, anniversaries, anniversaries and other memorable dates. For example, those who specialize in developing scenarios and creating the necessary surroundings for such a fateful event in the life of a couple, as an offer to walk together along life's paths and snowdrifts, sharing the joys and sorrows in half.

How to propose to a girl to marry

When a guy scours the Internet in search of recommendations and tips on the subject: "how to propose to a girl at home" or "where to propose to a girl", he is already subconsciously ready to accomplish almost the most important male act - creating a new social unit. Therefore, he simply has to worry about the uniqueness and unusualness of such a serious step as matchmaking. It is necessary that this action be remembered by the chosen one. After all, every girl dreams of vivid emotions, a beautiful confession in feelings, an unforgettable magical offer to become the wife and mother of "his" children. Girls dream about it at the age of five, dream at the age of ten, imagine the matchmaking process at the age of 15, and then they meet that one and somehow quietly move to live with him, then they also receive an ordinary and dry offer: “let's get married”. And where is the notorious romance, fanned over the years, sung in novels ?! Many sons of Adam simply do not understand or do not want to understand what a big role romance plays in a girl's life, as a result of which they neglect her. Girls need romance. By devoting a little more attention and time to the proposal as a romantic action than is needed to utter the three cherished words, a man will make his chosen one happy, pleasantly surprise her, help her make sure of the sincerity of feelings, thoroughness and seriousness of the partner's intentions.

Therefore, if a man came up with the thought: “I want to propose to a girl,” then you need to thoroughly approach the implementation of this intention. And in the first turn, you need to learn what not to do:

- to offer his own hand and, in addition, his heart, as it were, “on the move,” “by the way,” on the phone, in bed after making love (after all, a man offers “certain parts of his body” for life to his chosen one, and does not offer to use cheap ballpoint pen for a while);

- alcoholic intoxication is also not the best helper in matters of the heart (drunkenness in this process is a manifestation of disrespect for one's own girlfriend);

- many believe that sometimes it is better to chew than talk, but matchmaking is not the best time to demonstrate this skill, so you should not chew, look at long-legged blondes passing by, listen to music or otherwise be distracted by extraneous matters during matchmaking;

- it is also not recommended to make a bright show with many onlookers from an ordinary romantic proposal, since most beautiful feminines do not like excessive hype and close attention of strangers to their own person at important moments in life;

- no need to hide the ring in food, because dental services are very expensive today, and besides, this way of informing a girl about your intentions is rather outdated and hackneyed.

So, in addition to the above tips, all guys who have the idea: "I want to propose to a girl" are recommended to approach the process creatively, taking into account the peculiarities of the character and preferences of the chosen one, but in the first turn, you yourself need to be sure of the correctness and firmness of the decision.

If the decision is made and it is indestructible, if the man is one hundred and twenty percent confident in his own choice, then you need to take several productive steps in this direction before the actual performance of the matchmaking action.

Before asking for the hand of your beloved, it is recommended that you first discuss the possibility of living together with your chosen one.

The partners getting married must both be confident in the decision made and their own choice. To treat marriage as an endless series of divorces and marriages is irresponsible, to say the least, but by and large it is simply stupid. After all, such an attitude can ruin the life of the chosen one, and the groom himself, and even future children. It is better to marry with the confidence that it is for life. In this case, both partners will strive to smooth out the corners, not notice some shortcomings, and prevent coldness and alienation from growing.

If the theoretical consent of the chosen one is obtained, then you can proceed to the next stage - the choice of a ring (preferably without the participation of the future bride).

The third stage will be drawing up a plan for the action itself. If imagination is not enough for an original notion, you can use the world wide web. After all, as they say: "Google to help." Well, where Google is powerless, professional agencies will help, the main activity of which is aimed at organizing all kinds of celebrations.

If the future spouse decided to independently find the answer to the problematic question: "how beautiful it is to propose to a girl", then below are a couple of simple tips.

In the first turn, it should be borne in mind that for the female sex, originality is inextricably linked with romance. So, if the almost newly-made groom wants to make an original confession and proposal, then he needs to remember all the romantic actions that his girlfriend was delighted with. Together with her, you can watch several sentimental melodramas and, as if by chance, find out what your beloved remembers most of all.

So, the first rule of effective matchmaking says: the more romance in the process of performing an action, the more effective it will be considered. From here comes the following rule: showiness proportionally depends on surprise.

A hidden engagement ring is a classic of the genre. However, as stated above, it is not recommended to hide it in drinks or food. You can send a friend to look for treasures, the prize in this game will be an engagement ring along with an offer, or organize a kind of quest for her by sending her beloved to memorable and romantic places for a couple, where at the end of the trip she will find the last riddle from her beloved, the answer to which is fraught with an offer to enter into a marriage union.

For those who want to go beyond the banal "be my wife", but do not want to bother too much with inventing riddles, the following options are suitable:

- a path of lighted candles to a table romantically set for dinner, where a golden ring will lie;

- the phrase: "be my wife", made with a variety of magnets on the refrigerator;

- an inscription from the cherished words on the asphalt road in front of the windows of the beloved, made either with the help of ordinary crayons or burning candles, if the weather permits.

An original matchmaking, which does not require any special material costs, will be a video clip with an offer shot with his own hand and posted on YouTube. The link to the video can be sent to your beloved by inviting her to watch a cool video. The best option would be to watch a video clip together.

Where to propose to a girl

Almost any place, except, perhaps, a cemetery, is suitable for matchmaking. Therefore, the choice of the venue for a happy event depends on the material capabilities of the young man, his imagination and the preferences of the future bride herself. Girls are different. Therefore, what is good for some of the fair sex will be a frustration for others. So, for example, for lovers of extreme sports, an unforgettable event will be an offer at an altitude of a thousand meters under a fluttering parachute sail. But the young lady, looking with apprehension from the balcony of the ninth floor, is unlikely to be delighted with such an action.

It is generally accepted that the more enchanting, spectacular and large-scale the offer is furnished, the more it will please and surprise the chosen one. To surprise, then it will surprise, even rather stun, but it is unlikely to cause joy from what is happening in the beloved.

Contrary to popular belief, many girls not only do not like publicity, but even fear it and do their best to avoid the close attention of the crowd. So, before planning any event with the participation of your beloved, it is advisable to know in advance her attitude to public events.

Many young ladies do not like to be participants in social events, preferring to keep everything personal behind the locked doors of their home. Therefore, in such cases, it would be better to make an offer in a familiar and comfortable atmosphere at home.

How to propose to a girl in an original way at home

The time comes in the life of every male representative when he comes to a balanced decision to start a family. This desire will be the stronger, the more confidence ripens in him that, at last, he has met that one and the most unique. If men's intentions are serious enough, and he wants future family ties to be strong and indestructible, and love in the hearts of partners exists for eternity, he definitely needs to think carefully about how to make an original proposal to a girl. Since the more romantic and unusual the event is organized, the more convincingly it will demonstrate the love of the newly-made groom and the solidity of his intentions, which will increase his chances of a positive response. The proposal can be considered the foundation of the marriage union, on which family relations are subsequently based. Therefore, it is better to lay the foundation thoroughly.

How to make a girl a marriage proposal? A lot of guys are worried about this question. After all, few people know where to start the process. The basis of any matchmaking is the choice of a ring for your future betrothed. Therefore, as soon as the decision to start a family has matured, it is necessary to try to find out the size of that very finger of your friend, through which the vein passes directly to the heart, as well as what metals she prefers in jewelry.

The next step after choosing a wedding ring will be preparing or thinking about a matchmaking scenario. Here you need to take into account the character of your beloved, her preferences, hobbies and dreams. In addition, it is recommended to think over in advance the speech, phrases and phrases that help to declare love, tell about your aspirations, ideas about marriage, plans, smoothly moving to the main words: "beloved, marry me."

When the main actions are outlined and an approximate plan of the event has formed in my head, you can proceed to choosing the place for this action.

How to propose to a girl at home?

The strategy for organizing the event at home, in the first turn, depends on whether the future spouses live together or separately. Living together provides a number of advantages for a man, as it simplifies the process of creating a surprise. A guy who lives with his beloved does not need to seek support from the girl's close relatives or her friends. Although often their advice is not superfluous.

Home offer can be arranged like this:

- decorate the home with rose petals, line them with a path to the room where it is planned to make an offer. In the room, you can light many candles and prepare a light buffet with a bottle of her favorite champagne;

- meet your beloved at the front door with a huge bouquet of flowers in the shape of a heart, kneel down and hold out the case with a ring while she walks away from the slight shock caused by what is happening;

- order a cake with a beautiful or original inscription of the following content: “become my wife”, “I entrust you with my reliable hand and faithful heart for eternal use”;

- lay out a phrase with a proposal from multi-colored sweets;

- hide a note with a cherished phrase in a Chinese fortune cookie;

- put on the ceiling with the help of glowing neon stars the phrase: "you will marry the man lying to your right (left)";

- take a large box, place a smaller box in it, then even smaller (according to the principle of nesting dolls), each box should be beautifully wrapped, a ring should be placed in the last box. You can put a small souvenir in each box so that the girl, when unfolding, receives a small gift and the next box;

- get up early, cook your beloved breakfast, while you do not forget about flowers and champagne. At the end of all the preparations, it is necessary to wake the future bride with a tender kiss and ask an exciting question;

- decorate the bedroom with all kinds of flowers (the gifts of the flora must always be alive) and bright balloons, put a big teddy bear with a box in his paws in the middle of the sleeping bed, or meet his beloved oneself with a rose in his teeth and an exquisite case in his hand;

- a sentence in verse or prose can be placed on a banner, which is perfectly visible from the windows of your beloved;

- to gather friends on the site under the windows of the darling's bedroom and hand them sheets of Whatman paper with words or individual letters, which, in combination, make up a proposal;

- get up a little earlier than the darling, put on your pillow an elegant envelope with a letter containing a beautiful declaration of love, a ring and an offer to move on through life together.

The task of matchmaking is slightly complicated by the living of the future spouse separately from the boyfriend. But in this case, without a twinge of conscience, you can use the talents of her relatives and friends. It is better to start preparing the event with a conversation with the parents of the beloved. To this end, it is recommended to put on your one and only day-dress suit, buy a nice little bouquet, stock up on a bottle of good wine, gather all your courage together and go for parental blessing. A ring for a loved one should also be with you. The success of the event depends on the fulfillment of the following rules:

- punctuality is the key to the success of any undertaking, in no case should you be late, this is a bad form and a manifestation of disrespect;

- persuasiveness - a guarantee of receiving a positive answer from parents and all kinds of support, therefore, words of gratitude to parents for a beautiful daughter need to be thought out in advance;

- sincerity is evidence of spiritual directness and truthfulness, it is quite difficult to refuse an open and disposed person.

If all of the above rules are observed, then you can go directly to the purpose of your arrival - the desire to legitimize the relationship with your beloved. Spending a little more time preparing the matchmaking can make the event brighter and more memorable. To this end, to voice your own intentions and feelings, you can use excerpts from the immortal works of all well-known classics, praising the grace of the beloved and painting feelings.

If a man himself is endowed with poetic talent, then he can use the poems of his own composition. In addition, you can order on various sites an offer in verses that came from the "pen" of modern poets.

In addition, everyone who asks the question: "how to make an original proposal to a girl" can be advised to time the matchmaking to her favorite holiday, for example, the New Year. This holiday is successful for offering because it has a unique attribute - spruce or pine, which can be used as a kind of props, playing the role of "envoy". You can not bother too much and just hang a case with a ring or toys-symbols of married life on a festive spruce. However, it would be more romantic to dress the tree together with toys. It is necessary to attach a wedding ring to one of the balls in advance. When the girl pulls out the toy with the ring, the man kneels down, pronouncing the cherished words and promises.

Ways to propose to a girl

The classic variant of the proposal is matchmaking in a quiet cafe or cozy restaurant. It is recommended to agree in advance with the administrator of the institution about the upcoming event. The administrator will help you plan the event down to the smallest detail, as well as provide valuable advice. It is necessary to think over everything, starting from the moment when the beloved crosses the threshold of the institution, and ending with the proposal itself. It is also necessary to discuss the menu, the alleged alcoholic beverages, the number of candles on the table and their location, music, the need to dim the lights, etc. It is recommended to think over the words that will be said to the half in advance.

The variant of matchmaking in the dolphinarium is considered quite original if the girl loves this type of mammals. You can swim in the pool with dolphins, and after your beloved gets out of the pool, ask her to close her eyes for a second, giving time for the dolphin with a box on its nose to swim to the side of the pool. Opening her eyes, the chosen one will see this miracle and freeze with delight. The guy at this moment is recommended to make an offer. It is better not to wait for the girl to think of it herself.

To make an extraordinary proposal, the guys are advised to pay attention to the epic genre of folklore - fairy tales telling about beautiful itinerant knights on white horses, which young maidens dream of at night. Since your chosen one already has a knight, there is little left to do - a white horse. The surprise of a girl at the sight of her beloved, sitting on a snow-white stallion, cannot be described in words. And if you add a little naturalness to the image, for example, a sword or any other detail of knightly uniforms, then the success of the event is guaranteed by a thousand percent.

If the beloved is fond of ice skating, then you can make her an offer at the rink, for example, using the speakerphone.

An unforgettable experience will be given by an offer made on the roof of a nine-story building. For this purpose, any roof of a high-rise building is suitable, if it is possible to organize a small buffet table with champagne, fruits, light snacks and romantic music on it. However, you need to take into account the girl's relationship with height. If she is suffering, then the event may have a completely unplanned effect.

If the chosen one regularly reads a magazine, then you can place a beautiful confession and a sentence in verse on one of the pages. The main thing is to be there when your beloved reads it.

A vacation with a sweetheart at the sea is also a great opportunity to invite a girl to become a wife. You can write the cherished words on special paper, which must then be placed in a bottle with a well-closing lid. In the evening, meeting the beginning of an amber sunset on the seashore, the guy needs to pretend that he has found a bottle in the water. It is better if the chosen one herself opens the container and pulls out a piece of paper.

A concert by the young lady's favorite performers is also considered an excellent place to take a crucial step. You can ask the presenter from the stage to make an offer to his beloved on behalf of the man, or negotiate directly with the performer so that he utters magic words or gives the guy an opportunity to confess his love.

Being close to any body of water together with your soul mate in itself disposes to romance. And if you also rent a yacht, boat or motorboat and sail with your beloved over the horizon, then there is simply no better opportunity for an offer!

For men who can sing, making a romantically original proposal is as easy as shelling pears. After all, a song is the music of the soul! You can use a well-known hit or write poetry yourself. The main thing is that the song expresses the feelings and intentions of the man. You can perform the composition:

- with a guitar outdoors or at home;

- use the services of a recording studio or record a music video and upload it to YouTube;

- in any restaurant, having discussed all the conditions with the administrator in advance.

There are many tips on how to propose to a girl beautifully. The main thing is that the desire to create a new unit of society should be based on love, respect and mutual understanding.

You clearly realized that you have found your soul mate and want to get married. Now the matter remains small: to make her a unique and inimitable marriage proposal. For any girl, this day should be memorable for a lifetime, so it is worth making a little effort. We offer you several original ways to make your marriage proposal unforgettable.

1. First, I would like to mention "Edible" version of the proposal.

There are many ways to present the cherished

a ring for your beloved, however, we will immediately make a reservation that you should not put it in a dessert or in a glass of wine. What if, inadvertently, instead of the registry office you have to rush to the hospital? Therefore, it is better to limit yourself to, for example, the following methods.

Hide your innermost question in a Chinese fortune cookie. Since this is a cookie of Fate (as it is called), you can also use such notes: "You will marry the man sitting opposite you", "You will have a happy future with your boyfriend", "Your beloved will now propose to you!" etc. You can come up with any original version.

Instead of a hot dish in the restaurant, your darling is brought a ring on a tray covered with a lid. The waiter lifts the lid and she is surprised and delighted. The rest is up to you - a declaration of love and an offer to try on a ring.

If your girlfriend loves sweets, then she will be delighted with the ring found in Kinder Surprise. To do this, you will have to carefully remove the packaging from the baby treat. Then, using a blade, cut the chocolate along the seam, open the capsule with the toy, replacing the contents with a ring. After that, you need to heat the lighter, melt the chocolate with the metal part, and repack it in the wrapper. The surprise is ready!

2. Can be done the proposal is public.

Invite your beloved to the cinema, having agreed in advance with the projectionist to scroll through your video proposal. Imagine a situation: you enter the hall, advertising begins. Tell the girl to go get some popcorn or drinks and come downstairs. At this time, your "love story" turns on with a cherished offer. The girl is shocked, looking for you with her eyes, and you ask her to come down and present the ring. The audience applauds! Your beloved is delighted!

If you have to go to a concert of her favorite band or artist, then you can do the following. After the performance, the musician or singer utters touching words, for example: “Today a couple is sitting in the hall in the 10th row, in the 5th and 6th places. Vasya asked me to say that he adores his girlfriend Masha and wants to marry her. Masha, do you agree? " Of course, after your favorite performer says this, Masha will definitely agree!

Invite your girlfriend to take a walk in the crowded park. She comes at the appointed time, and here you come. Take out the loudspeaker and draw people's attention to what you are about to say. Propose on one knee. And without giving her the opportunity to come to her senses, let musicians and actors come out of the crowd of onlookers who will act out a scene or sing about your love (come up with words yourself or order a verse that reflects your individual relationship). Then invite your beloved to answer through the loudspeaker - "yes"! Finally, place the ring on her finger.

If your significant other flew away on a business trip, then you have a great chance to propose to her at the airport upon meeting. Ask your friends to help you by placing them in a row with signs: "Will you marry him?" Stand in the center yourself with a sign "Will you marry me?" When she sees such a picture, she will definitely agree!

3. Will become original proposal in the style of the middle ages.

Every girl at least once in her life dreamed of being in the place of a princess and waiting for her prince on a white horse. Make her romantic dreams come true!

Dress up in a prince costume (a white curly wig is a must!). Also make yourself a retinue: friends in knightly armor and girlfriends in maid of honor. Hire a musician who plays guitar and sings ballads. Order video and photography so that this event will be recorded in your future family album. Get on a white horse and drive up to your beloved's house. Let her listen to the serenade under the window and go downstairs, where, after answering a marriage proposal, you will be showered with rose petals. You will put your bride on a horse (or, alternatively, order a carriage for a while) and go for a walk through the city streets, accompanied by your knights and maids of honor to your destination. For example, to a restaurant.

4. A modern version of the marriage proposal.

If you want to keep up with the times, you can use this method. Create a website that reflects your relationship. Place on it photos: joint, as well as yours and your girlfriend, from childhood to the present day. Place your favorite songs, movies, etc. on the site. Let there be a map with shared trips marked on it. You can put some mark on the country she wants to visit and sign "Honeymoon trip". Create a section with a striking title like "Marry me?" or insert a video file in which you propose to a girl. Send her the website address by e-mail marked "Important!" It is advisable to have time to get to her as soon as she views the site, since it is best to hear the answer by presenting her flowers and a ring, live.

5. Romantic way of proposing - Outdoors.

Invite your loved one for a walk in the park or grove. Offer to walk away from human eyes, turn onto some path. You walk and suddenly notice a blanket spread out, a bottle of champagne, two glasses, a basket of picnic products. And so you get down on one knee and take out a box with a ring from your windbreaker pocket (not to walk in a suit in a park?). At the same time, you will immediately celebrate this event.

If you are going with friends to go to barbecue with an overnight stay, then you can propose to your beloved there too. The main condition is that the area should be rural, i.e. country houses, crows of roosters, haymaking, etc. When your girlfriend is about to sleep, tell her you want to sit still. She will go into the house, and then a stranger will knock on the door with a note: "Come to the hayloft!" or "Come to the gazebo!" (what can be found in this area). In the meantime, decorate the hayloft or gazebo with hearts, bows and other romantic attributes. Spread out a blanket and a bucket of champagne. You can dress in a country-style carnival costume, surprising your beloved with your look ...

If you have rivers or lakes in your city or suburb where you can go boating, then feel free to go there with your chosen one and your friends. While your beloved, surrounded by people, will weave wreaths or sing songs by the fire, you will moor to the shore on a boat entwined with flowers. Invite a girl for a moonlight ride on the lake and tell her why you want to connect your life with her.

6. An offer that the girl will look for herself, ie. search option.

You can time your proposal for a holiday, for example, for the New Year. If so, you can hang the ring box on the tree (or wrap the ring in a candy wrapper). Tell your beloved that your gift for her is hanging on the tree. Let him try to find his ring!

If you went with a girl to the sea, you can propose in this way. First, conduct a conversation with her, as if a treasure is hidden on the shore that you would like to search with her. You can even draw a map by marking the location with a cross. Once on the beach, find a bottle or chest together, which will contain a ring and a message with a declaration of love and a marriage proposal.

Let your beloved bring a registered parcel in the morning, along with which the girl will receive a note: "The next message will be waiting for you during your lunch break in a cafe near work." And in the box, let her have a little surprise, something that she loves, for example, a delicacy or a teddy bear. In the cafe she will find a second note: "The next message will be waiting for you in the park across the street by the fountain." In this cafe, she will be given free coffee to take away (you need to make an appointment in advance). Leave a friend near the fountain, who will give her another message and a bouquet of roses. In the same way, you can think of a few more notes that will ultimately lead her home. There a huge box will be waiting for your beloved. She will think that there is another note or gift. However, in the box you will be waiting for her with a ring!

7. You can make a marriage proposal at home.

You can also make an offer at home with taste and originality. Use one of the options.

After a hard day at work, invite your beloved to take a warm bubble bath, add an aromatic mixture with essential oils there, arrange candles, serve her a glass of champagne. While she is enjoying the moment, put a rubber duck into the water, and attach your ring on a string to its neck. By pulling the string, your girlfriend will immediately understand your intentions.

While your darling is not at home, stick phosphor stars or stickers to the ceiling in your bedroom. Post with their help "Marry me!". When your beloved is about to go to bed, turn off the light yourself so that she can fully enjoy the view on your star chart.

Order a jigsaw puzzle with your images and a cherished phrase. Use Photoshop to create an image that your girlfriend will like (a few of your funny photos or you alone with a knee). Offer to put this puzzle together.

8. You can make such a marriage proposal, which will definitely turn out to be attracting attention.

Put your marriage proposal in a magazine or newspaper that your loved one likes to read. Give your girlfriend this edition or read it together. Then immediately say all your confessions out loud.

Lay out a proposal to marry you on the pavement. For this you need candles. Take your beloved to the balcony or let her look out of the window while this creation is burning. This should be done in the evening, when it is already dark outside, then your proposal will look very impressive. It is very important that the weather is calm.

9. A marriage proposal can be fulfilled and "Air" method.

Balloons are great helpers in creating a romantic mood. Therefore, they can be used for suggestions as well.

Buy a heart-shaped helium balloon and tie a ring to the string. Wrap the balloon in a bulky box, tied with a nice bow (or pack it in a specialty store). Then give your loved one a gift in a suitable place - in a restaurant or at home. Undoubtedly, she will see her when the balloon flies out of the box!

You can play with the proposal with balls in another way. Buy a lot of helium balloons and tie them to the railing in your girlfriend's entrance, or give one balloon at a time to your friends. Write one letter on each of them. Make up your proposal in this way.

If your loved one has a car, then while she is at work, you need to take out her keys and fill the car with helium balloons in the shape of a heart. Let each one show off a marriage proposal. Then hide behind a tree with a bouquet of flowers and wait for her to leave the office.

10. If you have good finances, you can do chic expensive offer.

Book "air advertising" on a private jet with a poster "Will you marry me?" Or arrange a balloon flight with champagne, and offer the girl your hand and heart right at the top. Hire a car with a tower ladder if your darling lives no higher than the fifth floor. Bring flowers and a ring to wake your beloved with a knock on the window.

You can choose any method of marriage proposal, however, do not forget about your girlfriend's preferences and her character. Since one may like the attention of the public, while the other only needs romance and solitude - only you are in front of her with a bow on your knee and with a ring in a box.

If you want new, original and incredible ideas on how to propose to your beloved girlfriend, I recommend the company

We wish you the best in this important event!

A young man preparing to take a very responsible step - to offer a girl to become his wife - must thoroughly prepare for this event in order to look dignified in front of his beloved, and in return receive the desired "yes". We advise you to study all possible ways of how to beautifully propose to a girl, and then decide on an option that is acceptable for yourself.

7 ways to make a beautiful proposal

Are you sure you know your future soul mate well? The chosen method of making an offer will directly depend on its nature. Think about what your beloved expects from you, feel her state of mind. If your girlfriend is shy, discreet, present an engagement ring in a warm, cozy atmosphere at home or tete-a-tete in a restaurant. Well, if she loves publicity, then it is better to make a loud confession on radio or TV, or in a suitable public place.


Ask your girlfriend if she agrees to spend a day off at a picnic, if she has any other plans. If everything goes well, start preparing. It is clear that this will not be a simple picnic with baked potatoes, everything should be organized in the best possible way. Choose a picturesque place at the edge of a forest or near a river, where a tent will be set up in advance.

To create a festive mood for the girl, save her from cooking, take care of it yourself. Let your beloved just take a break from all worries, think exclusively about you. Come up with a way to set an impromptu table with delicious, beautifully decorated dishes.

Do not forget about the ceremonially opened champagne, a huge bouquet of flowers and the highlight of the program - a ringlet worn on the finger of your beloved. You will need to stand in front of the girl on one knee, give a gallant speech or read a suitable poem.

Do you want to enlist the support of your friends? Invite them to a picnic, they will tell you how beautifully you can propose to a girl. Successfully passing contests, tests, games, prove yourself as a real superman hero, then your chosen one simply cannot refuse you.

Instead of a picnic in nature, it became popular to propose to a girl on the roof of a high-rise building. How did our hero do it? Watch the video:

At home

There are girls who do not like publicity, preferring to keep everything personal behind the closed doors of their home. Then it is better to make an offer at home.

Do you live with your girlfriend? This means that you have all the trump cards. Prepare a surprise for your beloved - while the girl is not at home, decorate the house with rose petals, line them with a path from the front door to the bedroom itself, let it touch the sincerity of your feelings with bare feet. Light a lot of candles, turn on relaxing music, prepare a small buffet with champagne, sweets.

Meet your beloved at the door with a large bouquet of flowers, while she is shocked by everything that happens, lead her hand into the bedroom, kneel down and propose. Open the box with the ring, put it on the bride's finger.

If the girl is still living separately, you will definitely have a conversation with the girl's parents, receiving their blessings. Dress solidly, get your festive suit, tie for this, stock up on flowers for her mother and a bottle of good wine or brandy for her father - everyone likes to receive gifts. Well, the gift for the bride is kept by a magic box. The formula for success is simple:

  • Be punctual, don't be late.
  • Think over the words that you would use to thank your parents for such a good daughter, tell them why they fell in love with her.
  • Be sincere, say what you think, and then you will see tears of happiness in their eyes.
  • After that, go to the main thing - declare that you intend to legalize the relationship and came here to ask for the hand of their daughter and get consent to the marriage.

In public

Do you guess that a girl dreams of hearing from you an offer not in private, but with a large number of people, as a confirmation of your boundless love? So go towards your dream! Believe me, this will flatter her pride and play in your favor. If you think carefully about how beautiful it is to propose to a girl in a public place, then you will find a lot of suitable places for such a case - a metro, a shopping center, a square, a theater, a concert venue, a park.

Does your girlfriend love theater? So, she just needs to hear the proposal of the hand and heart directly from his stage. Take courage, go on stage and, in front of all honest people, say the cherished words. Believe me, the support of the large hall will play a role, the response of the beloved will be positive.

Can you sing? Gather your friends, sing a serenade with them under the girl's balcony. Let the whole house know that you are in love, that your chosen one is the best of all! But you should not make an offer like this if the girl lives on the top floor of a very high house, otherwise you will not be heard.

And at night, lay out your confession with the help of lighted small bright candles, as shown in the photo. The effect will be amazing!

Look in the video how beautifully, with the help of friends, an ordinary guy proposed to a girl.

In the restaurant

A marriage proposal in a restaurant is a timeless classic. This is what they did in the old days, this is what connoisseurs of good taste and gallant manners do now. Beautiful clothes, exquisite dishes, romantic music - all this disposes to pleasant conversations, spiritual closeness, it is not for nothing that the restaurant has heard the most of such proposals.

Do not rush to propose to the girl immediately upon arrival, limit yourself to a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Continue to constantly look after your lady, show all sorts of signs of attention, let her feel like a real queen.

When the moment is right, take out the box with the ring and invite the girl to accept it as a sign of your love and desire to be together all your life. To make the offer more original, try to negotiate with the waiter, let him unexpectedly bring a ring on a tray covered with a beautiful napkin or cap on top. Then take the initiative.

At work or school

Want to make your girlfriend's day at work or school the happiest? Then arm yourself with flowers, a cherished ring - and head straight for where she is now. Your appearance will be unexpected, but this is the beauty of the moment! Imagine how surprised everyone around you will be when you appear in the office or audience with a bouquet, fall on your knees and ask for her hand in marriage! Such a touching moment will not leave her indifferent.

On the radio

You will never guess what else there is a way to beautifully propose to a girl! If your beloved listens to radio broadcasts in which congratulations on your birthday and other holidays are transmitted, this is an occasion to call or write a letter to the host of the program and order a song for her, and at the same time make an offer to the girl right in front of an audience of thousands! Let the whole country hear that there is a man who loves her more than life! By doing this, you will reach the very depths of her soul.

On the journey

Fork, buy a ticket for two to some romantic place, for example, the city of lovers, Paris, is suitable for this. The destination of the trip does not play a special role, the main thing is that you will be only the two of you, devote unforgettable moments to each other. Traveling will help you relax, give free rein to your senses. A new setting, a variety of impressions will revive emotions, and you will guess how beautiful it is to propose to your beloved girlfriend.