How to restore dry hair health and strength? How to add shine to hair? Purchased and folk remedies for natural hair shine

For our hair to be healthy and look well-groomed, it needs moisture. The fluffiness and shine of the hair largely depends on the moisture level of each hair. If you notice that your hair has lost elasticity, become brittle and dull, then it's time to start restoring dry hair.

Deeply moisturized hair is the splendor and volume of the hairstyle. A hair is able to hold an amount of water equal to half its own weight. At the same time, deeply moisturized hair becomes approximately 20% thicker.

There are a lot of reasons for hair dehydration: bad ecology, bad habits, diets and hot styling tools. Whatever it was, but dehydrated hair is in dire need of moisture! And the restoration of dry hair consists of a set of procedures.

We start moisturizing dry hair with proper shampooing. Water cleanses the hair, is absorbed by the hair and becomes a natural moisturizer. Be sure to use good shampoos and conditioners, as well as the correct washing technique.

Adopt a few rules for washing your hair:

  • Shampoo your hair twice, as the cleanser first cleanses of impurities, and during the second wash it is deeply absorbed into the hair.
  • To better wash your hair and skin, add 0.5 tsp to the shampoo. baking soda - dirt and grease will be washed off faster, and the hair will appear thicker after drying.
  • During washing, pay attention to head massage. While you are shampooing your hair, massage your scalp with your fingertips. Massage improves blood circulation and thus improves the flow of nutrients to the hair roots.
  • Rinse shampoos and conditioners thoroughly from your hair. Often it is poor rinsing that leads to dull hair.
  • Never rub washed hair with a towel, it damages the hair structure. Simply pat them gently and loosen them over your shoulders to dry naturally. Try to use hair dryers and other electrical styling tools as little as possible.

Herbal infusions

Natural remedies - herbs - will help restore and then maintain a normal level of moisture in the hair. We traditionally use local herbs for hair care - calamus, burdock root, chamomile, nettle, birch leaves. Choose a herb to your taste and, at the rate of 4 tablespoons per liter of boiling water, prepare an infusion, which you strain and dilute with water. Rinse your hair with medicinal infusions after washing. To speed up the recovery of dry hair, this should be done regularly, after each shampooing, at least 2-3 months.

Hair masks

Also very useful for moisturizing hair and masks with fruits - apples, avocados, currants. A wonderful recipe for homemade moisturizing balm: mix an egg and a sliced ​​\u200b\u200bavocado in a blender. Apply the mixture on your hair as a mask for half an hour, and then rinse thoroughly. You will see the result immediately.

Essential oils

Aromatherapy also has its own secrets that can restore shine and splendor to dehydrated hair. Essential oils of geranium, chamomile, rosemary, added to shampoo or conditioner gently care for weak hair and restore their strength. To enrich your regular shampoo with essential oil, just put 2-3 drops of essential oil in a spoonful of shampoo or conditioner and use the product in the usual way.

Applying a complex restoration of dry hair at home, you will heal and strengthen your hair and see the effect in 2-3 months.

The article tells about the best ways to achieve shine and silkiness of hair, as well as an overview and comparison of salon and home treatments.

Shiny, smooth and well-groomed hair is an indispensable attribute of a beautiful woman. But sometimes, in conditions of constant negative impact, it is difficult to maintain a healthy and original appearance of hair, and among the many methods for their restoration, it is difficult to determine effective and optimal ones.

How to help your hair become shiny and smooth, and what procedures will help you quickly restore your hair at home, and what is better to do in the salon - this will be discussed in the article.

What are the main causes of fading hair?

Hair that has lost its natural shine is a sure sign of a certain disease or lack of care. Among the main causes of fading hair are the following factors:

  • lack of vitamins in the diet due to unbalanced nutrition;
  • intense exposure to sunlight
  • the presence of a number of diseases of internal organs (including problems with the liver and intestines)
  • the use of care products that are not suitable for a particular type of hair;
  • frequent dyeing, perm
  • the use of irons, tongs, hair dryers that dry the hair and draw out moisture

Also, the hair loses its shine and healthy appearance with insufficient sebum secretion and poor blood circulation, which can be caused by a number of metabolic disorders, frequent stress and severe nervous strain.

Why does hair become dull and lifeless?

The top layer of the epidermis is covered with the thinnest hydrolipidic film, which performs a protective function and prevents moisture loss when exposed to negative factors. The same film covers not only the scalp, but also the surface of the hair. With the correct operation of the sebaceous glands and sufficient secretion, the hydrolipidic film is renewed over time.

With severe overdrying, frequent coloring, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or the use of poor-quality care products, the hydrolipid layer is destroyed and the hair loses its physical properties: keratin scales rise, shine, elasticity are lost, hair becomes lifeless, split and brittle.

How to properly care for hair to give it shine?

Proper hair care involves, first of all, a healthy and nutritious diet, because if the body does not receive the substances and vitamins necessary for vital activity, then even the most thorough care will not provide healthy shine and beauty to the hair.

As for the care itself, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

  • the choice of care products should match your hair type
  • washing your hair should not be frequent (everyday washing should definitely be avoided)
  • water for washing hair should not be hot (up to 38 ° - 39 °)
  • shampoo without silicones and parabens, lauryl sulfate should be used;
  • after washing, it is advisable to use conditioner and make a mask twice a week
  • give preference to natural drying, not a hair dryer
  • use a professional comb made of natural bristles

Top 5 recipes for homemade masks for shine and smoothness of hair

The use of hair masks is an indispensable condition for high-quality and complete hair care. Today, there are countless professional products and the so-called "masmarket" that can offer a mask for every taste and budget.

But one has to judge their positive influence only by trying the remedy on oneself, and sometimes these experiments do not have a positive impact.

It's good that there is a wonderful alternative - homemade masks, prepared by yourself and containing only useful and high-quality components. For shine and smoothness of hair are most effective:

  • egg mask
  • honey mask
  • cognac hair mask
  • home lamination of hair with gelatin
  • hair lamination with coconut milk

Hair Shine Egg Mask

Chicken eggs are a real storehouse of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins. They contain cholesterol, amino acids, vitamins B and D, as well as proteins, which are the building block for the hair shaft.

Therefore, a mask made from eggs will not only make your hair shiny, silky and elastic, but will also help in the process of restoring damaged hair.

The preparation of the mask is very simple, it requires the following ingredients:

  • 3-5 egg yolks (depending on hair length)
  • 2 teaspoons olive or burdock oil
  • 5 drops lemon juice

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to dry hair (the mask will “flow” on wet hair) and to the scalp. After applying the mask, the head should be wrapped with cling film and wrapped in a towel. After 30 minutes of exposure, the mask should be washed off with warm water.

Honey mask for shine and smoothness of hair

The benefits of honey for the body are well known, but not everyone knows that it is also a very useful remedy for hair. There are many recipes for honey masks, both single-component and containing several ingredients. The easiest to prepare and therefore the most popular is the recipe containing:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil

The components should be thoroughly mixed and applied to clean, damp hair, and washed off after 30 minutes. After that, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Hair mask with cognac for hair shine

The cognac mask was invented by the beautiful Elisabeth of Austria, who was famous for her gorgeous hair. And the crowned lady was absolutely right in her choice, because cognac contains a large amount of tannins, alcohol, acids, which increase blood circulation in the scalp and provide a large amount of oxygen to the hair follicles.

  • 1 tablespoon cognac
  • egg yolk
  • 3-4 spoons of milk
  • 8 drops wheat germ oil
  • 15 gr. brewer's yeast

To prepare a cognac mask, you should heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it, then leave them to “approach” for a few minutes. At this time, you should mix the egg yolk, wheat germ oil and cognac. After the milk is covered with a characteristic foam, you can mix all the components and the mask is ready for use.

Apply the mask preferably on dry hair, distributing and carefully massaging the scalp. After application, it is recommended to wrap the hair with cling film and insulate with a towel. After 40 minutes, the mask can be washed off with a mild shampoo and warm water.

Home lamination of hair with gelatin. Recipe for gelatin lamination

Hair lamination has become a real revolutionary method of restoring hair and giving it a natural shine, but the high cost of the salon procedure makes it elite, inaccessible to the masses. If you can’t afford salon lamination, don’t despair. There is a reliable, effective and, most importantly, cheap method of laminating hair at home.

Edible gelatin contains a large amount of collagen - a natural component that can cover the hair with a specific protective film. Thanks to this, the hair shaft becomes thicker, and the structure is more even, which provides shine, silkiness and volume.

The gelatin lamination procedure is very easy to carry out at home - it does not require special equipment, knowledge or expensive components. For lamination you will need:

  • 1 sachet of gelatin
  • any hair balm or mask

  • If all the components are available at home, then you can start preparing the gelatinous mass. To do this, boil a small amount of water and let it cool slightly. Pour a spoonful of gelatin into a small container, then add 3 tablespoons of warm water. For long hair, the dose of ingredients can be increased in a ratio of 1:3
  • The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, then cover and stand for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you need to wash your hair, apply conditioner and dry with a towel. After these manipulations, add half a spoonful of balm or mask to the gelatin mixture and mix well until a homogeneous consistency

  • The gelatin mass is applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from the hair roots, evenly distributing along their entire length. After complete application, the hair should be wrapped in cling film, a towel and thoroughly heated with a hair dryer in hot mode for 15 minutes. The procedure does not end there - the mixture is kept on the hair for another 45 minutes and only then washed off

  • Lamination with gelatin will not give a stunning result after the first application - it will appear after several repeated procedures. It is advisable to carry out such lamination 2-3 times a week and then the beauty and health of your hair will become the subject of universal admiration

Hair lamination with coconut milk at home

Asian beauties have been using coconut milk for the beauty of their hair for a long time, while in our country this product is just beginning to come into use in beauty salons. This truly healing remedy is also used for laminating hair.

Coconut milk is a product that is obtained from the pulp of coconuts. It contains a large amount of antioxidants, vitamins, macro- and microelements and perfectly nourishes the hair shaft, restoring the structure and ensuring the beauty of the hair.

You can buy coconut milk in any supermarket, the price for it is quite democratic, but you can cook it at home. To do this, the coconut pulp is grated and poured with water, and after infusion for 30 minutes, the liquid is ready for use.

To laminate hair with coconut milk, you need:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (you can also use burdock)
  • juice of half a lemon

  • Coconut milk must be heated, after which the rest of the ingredients are added there.
  • The mass should be constantly stirred until thickened, but preventing boiling
  • When the mixture cools down a bit and becomes warm, you can safely apply it to your hair.
  • You will have to keep the coconut mass for 1.5 hours, so it is recommended to wear a cap to avoid possible discomfort
  • The mixture is easily washed off with regular shampoo.

After the first lamination procedure with coconut milk, you will see a positive result, and with the further procedure, the effect will increase.

Salon Treatments for Shiny Hair

For women who do not want to bother with various homemade masks and who own sufficient funds, salons offer a number of procedures designed to improve hair health and improve their appearance.

Salon procedures have a lot of advantages, because while you enjoy the rest, a qualified and experienced specialist will work on the health of your hair.

The following procedures will help restore shine and strength to the hair:

  1. Keratinization
  2. elution
  3. Glazing
  4. Shielding
  5. Kerathermation
  6. Haircut with hot scissors

Video: Doctor about lamination

Silk hair glazing, before and after photos

Hair glazing is a salon procedure that involves applying a special mixture to the hair, which contains large amounts of ceramides.

The glaze applied to the hair turns into a thin film that has protective and aesthetic properties. Distinguish between colorless and colored glaze, which can change the shade of the hair.

After the first procedure, the effect is noticeable: the hair becomes shiny, elastic and elastic. Due to the fact that the scales of the hair are smoothed, they become more obedient, strong and silky. The effect of the procedure will please the eye for the next 4-6 weeks.

Shielding procedure for damaged hair, before and after photos

Hair shielding is a relatively new procedure aimed at improving the appearance of hair and protecting it from negative external factors. The hair is covered with a glossy film that helps retain moisture inside the hair, preventing overdrying. The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, thanks to the shiny layer, the hair becomes incredibly beautiful and delights with its brilliance.

As a result of the procedure, the hair becomes thicker and harder, which allows you to get additional volume and elasticity. For 3-5 weeks, the effect of the procedure will persist.

Keratin hair restoration procedure, before and after photos

Keratin treatment allows you to permanently improve the condition of the hair. During the procedure, the specialist applies a mixture enriched with keratin to the hair. Since keratin is a natural substance that enters the structure of the hair, it forms a protein film around the hair, thereby achieving a dazzling shine and silkiness of the hair.

Also, active substances can smooth the cuticles and protect against static electricity. Hair after keratinization will become obedient, smooth and acquire a healthy shine that will last for several months.

Keratherma hair. Benefits and harms of kerothermia. Photos before and after

Kerathermy differs from keratin restoration in that the procedure focuses on improving the aesthetic qualities of the hair, rather than improving their condition.

As with keratinization, a rich protein mixture is used, which is applied to the hair, but, as a rule, it contains formaldehyde. After the formation of a protective film, the hair is straightened with an iron.

The appearance of the hair is significantly improved, they acquire shine and smoothness. But formaldehyde in the composition of the laminating agent is a carcinogen that can provoke cancer. Also, an inexperienced specialist may not apply the keratin mixture very carefully, which may cause some areas of the hair to suffer from the hot effects of the iron.

Hair elution. Photos before and after

Hair elution is a revolutionary procedure that consists in “useful coloring”. This is ensured by a special dye, which not only does not have a negative effect on the hair, but also heals and strengthens it.

Elution is indicated for owners of porous and dull hair who want to renew their natural color or radically transform without harming their hair.

Coloring with Elumen paint allows you to get a dazzling shine and the desired color. In addition, the hair becomes elastic and easy to comb for a month.

Haircut with hot scissors. Truths and myths about this procedure

Ordinary haircuts are no longer relevant for a long time - specialized haircuts with hot scissors are on the crest of popularity. The essence of this procedure is to use scissors with a cutting surface that heats up to a high temperature during cutting. This allows you to "solder" the ends of the cut hair shaft and keep all the useful trace elements and moisture inside it.

This technology helps prevent various harmful substances from entering the hair from the outside. Thanks to this, the hair becomes shiny, healthier, and the problem of split ends is solved.

The widespread opinion that high thermal exposure is harmful to hair is erroneous, because the heating surface comes into contact only with the end of the hair shaft and does not have a destructive effect on the hair structure.

It is also wrong to think that one haircut procedure with hot scissors will solve the problem of dull and damaged hair.

The procedure itself, which lasts about 1.5 hours, cannot cut each hair, as the hairs have different lengths and grow in layers. Therefore, for an obvious result, it is necessary to complete a course of three procedures.

How to make hair smooth and shiny quickly?

If there is no time for long events and courses of salon procedures, and you need to get shiny hair instantly, then there are some tricks that will help transform your hair in a matter of minutes. Wonderful recipes that have come down to us from ancient times are simple and cheap.

Incredibly good for the appearance of hair are apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. Thanks to the unique components of these substances, it is possible to solve not only the problem of dull hair, but also dandruff, hair loss and excess sebum secretion.

How to use apple cider vinegar to add shine to your hair. Benefits of apple cider vinegar for hair

Traditionally, in the composition of various masks, not store-bought apple cider vinegar is used, but ordinary fermented apple juice. It is used as a part of various masks, balms, as a rinse and a vitamin food supplement.

The use of such a beneficial agent contributes to the transformation of hair: they acquire a delightful brilliant shine, strength and smoothness. Combing your hair after the procedure is easy, as well as putting it in your hair.

Lemon juice is an instant help for dull hair. Using Lemon Juice for Shiny Hair

Lemon is a fruit widely used for healing inside and out. It not only fills the body with vitamins and amino acids, but is also known as a wonderful remedy for the skin. In addition, you can use this magical product for the benefit of your hair.

  • 3 art. spoons of lemon
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 spoon of honey
  • a few tablespoons of nettle tea

By mixing the ingredients and using the mask 2 times a week, you can get natural shine, silky hair and lose dandruff.

Vitamins and nutrition for hair health and beauty

Vitamins can also strengthen and transform hair. As a rule, vitamins of group B are used for this purpose: B1, B6 and B12.

These substances actively affect the hair, saturate it with nutrients, enhance metabolic processes and growth, and saturate it with oxygen. As a result of the use of the vitamin complex, the hair becomes healthy and shiny like from the cover of a magazine.

To saturate the hair with vitamins, 2 ampoules of B vitamins per 400 ml are added to a regular shampoo or mask. shampoo. The addition of vitamins to various hair sprays is also justified.

How to make silky and shiny hair at home: tips and reviews

Numerous reviews on the use of various means to give hair shine indicate that even expensive salon procedures will not have the desired effect if the body is not provided with adequate nutrition and gentle hair care. Then your hairstyle will please with its beauty and will cause universal admiration.

Video: How to make hair shiny at home

The beauty of hair depends on many factors, one of which is their elasticity. It is this aspect that is key to the formation of natural shine, bright color and stability of hairs under external negative influences. They take cosmetic paint better and look neater in the hair, so the elasticity factor is very important to maintain.

What determines hair elasticity

The elasticity of the hair refers to its ability to stretch under mechanical stress, but completely recover in length without serious damage and twisting. If the level of elasticity is high, this indicates that the structure of the hair is not damaged, just like the connective substances that ensure the retention of keratin scales.

The maximum wet stretch under normal conditions can reach 50% of the available length, while with significant damage, this figure is half as much. Dry healthy hair regularly experiences the effect of stretching, but is practically not damaged, which cannot be said about hair with an initially damaged structure.

The main factor influencing the preservation of the elasticity of the hair is the preservation of the integrity of the cortex layer, which takes on the main load during stretching. In turn, in order to protect this layer, it is important that the keratin scales that protect the hair shaft remain intact and tightly pressed against each other.

Another important point is to keep the hair moisturized. When dry, it breaks almost immediately or twists under tension, while sufficient moisture provides it with a high degree of stability. From a chemical point of view, hydrogen and disulfide bonds are important to maintain elasticity, which can be strengthened or weakened during shampooing, styling and sunbathing.

You can check for yourself how elastic your hair is. To do this, conduct a simple test immediately after taking a shower. On the parietal, temporal and occipital parts of the head, alternately select small strands. Holding it tightly between the fingers on both sides, gradually begin stretching. As soon as you feel the maximum tension, release the strand and analyze its condition. Healthy hair with high elasticity will not change much. With low elasticity - will break, twist or remain in a stretched state. In all three cases, a special emphasis should be placed on moisturizing care.

Why hair elasticity is lost

The most important reason for loss of elasticity is insufficient hydration and loss of moisture. The factors behind this are:

  • regular use of hot styling;
  • frequent use of styling products with strong and super strong hold;
  • the use of hair cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • use of shampoo and conditioner that is not suitable for the type of hair and scalp;
  • a long stay under the scorching sun, especially after swimming in salty sea water;
  • staying outside during rain and strong winds without a hat and other protective equipment;
  • frequent staining;
  • the use of perm;
  • passion for African braids and dreadlocks.

In addition, physiological and biological changes contribute to a decrease in elasticity:

  • malnutrition of the root bulb;
  • fungal infection of the scalp;
  • seasonal beriberi, as well as a lack of specific vitamins and minerals in the human diet, in particular, vitamin A, C, B12, calcium, potassium and sodium;
  • the course of inflammatory and pathological processes in the body associated with the development of various diseases.

How to restore and maintain hair elasticity

1. If the cosmetic product you have chosen causes even the slightest discomfort, immediately get rid of it and pick up another one. Any degree of allergic reaction leads to a deterioration in the nutrition and hydration of the hair, and also thins it.

2. In severe weather, don't forget about simple ways to protect the health and beauty of your hair: an umbrella, a hat, light essential oils in the form of a spray before going outside.

3. Try to avoid daily shampooing!

4. Every week, make a prophylactic moisturizing mask for the entire length of your hair.

5. If you are genetically predisposed to hair problems, then it is recommended to carry out a lamination procedure that maintains deep moisture and elasticity in an artificial way.

7. In daily care, use essential oils of juniper, lime, ylang-ylang, rose and calendula for rinsing.

If you are already faced with the fact that the hair has lost its elasticity, has become very brittle, dull and naughty, then you have two ways to solve the problem. The first, the simplest, but requiring certain investments, is a visit to a beauty salon. Professional oil wrap, moisturizing mask, scalp exfoliation, lamination and restoration of hair structure with wax procedures are all wonderful and relaxing elements to increase your attractiveness.

With a general deterioration in the quality of the hair, combined with an increase in the amount of dandruff, it is worth making an appointment with a trichologist before visiting the salon.

The second way to solve the problem is home recovery. To do this, you will need recipes for deep hydration of the hair structure.

1. For those who often paint. Mix in one container 200 ml of fresh kefir, 50 ml of olive or almond oil and 20 ml of liquid honey. Warm up the composition a little and apply for half an hour to the entire length of the hair, then rinse thoroughly with warm water. The mask helps to retain moisture, maintains the natural structure of the hair and brightens its color.

2. Moisturizing and restoring. Combine three tablespoons of heavy cream with two tablespoons of ginseng tincture and one egg. Whip the composition until foam and apply to the hair. After that, wrap your head in a towel and put on a shower cap or fix a regular bag to create the effect of warming up the ingredients. After 20-30 minutes, wash off the mask with any available product and rinse your hair with water acidified with lemon juice or citric acid crystals (you can use a little apple cider vinegar).

3. Optimal hydration for oily hair. Steam 100 g of rye bread pulp in hot water. Add two tablespoons of burdock, olive or linseed oil and one egg to the gruel. Apply to roots and root zone for 20 minutes. Massage a little and rinse as usual. Rinse your hair with a solution of plain water with tincture of calendula or ginseng.

4. The revival of dry hair. Mix two yolks, a quarter cup of liquid glycerin and vinegar (not vinegar essence!). Distribute the finished composition through your hair and cover it with cellophane, or put on a shower cap. Heat a towel on the radiator and wrap your head around it. Maintain the temperature of the towel with a hot hair dryer for two hours. Wash your hair in the usual way.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
for women's magazine site

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Trichologists believe that the main cause of dull hair is a lack of vitamins A, E, group B and folic acid in the body. Hair can also lose its luster due to metabolic disorders, pathologies of the endocrine system and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Improper care, smoking, alcohol abuse, taking antidepressants and antibiotics also affects the condition of the hair.

Frequent dyeing, perms, styling products, irons, curling irons and hair dryers contribute to the loss of elasticity and natural shine of the hairstyle. Shampoo, which modern women choose, also plays a significant role. It has been proven that for healthy hair, the pH level in the shampoo should not exceed 5.5 units.

Want to have gorgeous hair? Then study our TOP 10 hair shine products and choose the best options for yourself.

1. Diet

For a healthy shine of hair, you must follow a special diet. Experts recommend including olive oil, egg yolk, sprouted wheat, nuts, meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet.

2. Hair masks

Natural hair masks based on fermented milk products will help restore natural shine, increase elasticity and add volume. On wet hair, apply sour milk or medium-fat kefir, put on a disposable shower cap, wrap your head with a terry towel and soak for 1.5 hours. Wash off such a mask with running water, rinse with infusion of chamomile at room temperature.

Another versatile shine mask involves the use of a raw egg and alcohol. The yolk is separated from the protein, 100 g of cognac and 25 g of gelatin are added. The finished mask is rubbed into the roots and distributed along the length. The head is wrapped with cling film. Withstand about 40 minutes. Then the head is washed as usual, using a conditioner.

For brown-haired women and brunettes, a coffee mask is ideal. Brew 200 ml of strong black coffee, cool, apply along with the grounds along the entire length. Wash off after 25 minutes.

The honey mask will give your hair smoothness and natural shine. For its preparation, take 100 g of cold-pressed olive oil, 100 g of liquid light honey and 100 g of onion juice. The ingredients are whipped in a blender and applied along the entire length. Wash off after half an hour with plenty of shampoo.

3. Rinsing

A folk recipe used for many centuries by Asian girls will improve hair. The concentrated juice of one lemon is diluted in 3 liters of water and the head is rinsed after washing.

You can also dilute 50 ml of apple cider vinegar or 25 g of citric acid into 3 liters of water. The result will be noticeable after the first procedure.

Creating an acidic environment is relevant for normal or oily hair. But the owners of the dry type are better off using professional tools.

4. Henna

Indian women have always used henna to give their hair a natural glow. However, henna is very drying to the hair, so it must be used with care.

Henna creates the effect of natural lamination, filling in irregularities in the upper scaly layer of the hair shaft. Therefore, dyed hair begins to grow better, looks healthy and beautiful. Colorless henna is ideal for hair with a porous structure.

It is very important for the period of henna treatment to refuse chemical staining, perms and styling products.

5. Mustard Powder

Ordinary mustard powder will help add shine to your hair: heat a glass of water to 35 degrees, add 100 g of powder, mix thoroughly and apply to wet hair. Hold for 5 minutes and rinse with plenty of water. It is very important that the water is not hot in order to avoid the production of essential mustard vapors, which have a suffocating effect. The method is ideal for owners of oily hair.

6. Castor oil

At home, it is very good to use castor oil to make hair silky and natural shine. A small amount of oil is applied, avoiding contact with the roots and scalp. Keep for about 20 minutes and wash off with a neutral shampoo. The result will last until the next wash.

7. Vitamin complexes

Trichologists prescribe vitamin complexes for their patients for ... expectant mothers. It is better to give preference to proven German brands that produce drugs that contain zinc, folic acid, calcium, selenium and iodine.

8. Hair polishing

Hairdressers offer a very easy way to create shine. It is enough to buy a hair brush made of natural bristles and comb thoroughly before going to bed. In a few days, the first results will be visible. After all, the bristles, in the process of combing, smoothes the cuticles of the hair shaft. The effect of polishing is created and the hair begins to shine.

9. Lamination

This salon procedure will give a great aesthetic look to the hairstyle. Its specificity is that the master applies a special chemical composition based on protein and other biologically active substances to the hair. After 30 minutes, the composition is washed off, the hair becomes obedient, smooth and shiny. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 3 weeks.

Lamination is ideal for uncolored hair.

10. Care products

Products containing panthenol, collagen, glycerin, silicone or betaine will help to give short-term shine to hair. Popular manufacturers of professional hair cosmetics offer a whole series of sprays, serums, oils, balms and shampoos, promising a brilliant shine. However, their frequent use destroys the hair structure. Therefore, hairdressers are not advised to purchase such products for daily use.

The complex of the proposed measures will allow the hair to return their vitality and provide persistent natural radiance.

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The shine of our hair primarily depends on the health of our body and nutrition. Since all the nutrients that our hair needs daily come to the hair roots with blood, and if there are problems with the body, then it sends vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients to more important organs, and they come to the hair last. It is important to eat at least some daily and be sure to drink about two liters of water daily.

Do not forget to nourish your hair with complex hair vitamins, preferably twice a year (early autumn and early spring).

Wash your hair with warm water instead of hot water, this is one of the causes of dull hair. At the end, you can rinse with cool water. Do not wash all your hair with shampoo, just lather the roots, and when you rinse the shampoo from your head, it will drain through your hair and wash the length of your hair.

Use only clean combs, curlers, irons, stylers. Otherwise, the remnants of conditioners, modeling agents and sebum will fall on the hair. It is advisable to wash the combs once a week with a mild shampoo, and wipe the iron and stylers with alcohol.

When choosing hair care products, look in the composition for components such as lipids, keratin, amino acids, seaweed, herbal extracts, aloe extract, oils, there are even special series for hair shine, which include shampoo, conditioner, mask, leave-in. The main thing to remember is that we select shampoo according to the type of scalp, and masks and conditioners according to the type (state) of hair length.

What causes dull hair?

We sometimes, without suspecting it, destroy the shine of our hair with various manipulations and styling products:

  • perm;
  • frequent use of ironing and curling;
  • aggressive exposure to sunlight;
  • washing hair with hard water
  • the use of excessive amounts of styling products;
  • use of dirty combs and rough handling of hair (combing wet hair, washing your hair with hot water, using metal hairpins and rubber bands).

Folk home remedies for hair shine

Hair rinse lemon juice or vinegar. This is the easiest way to smooth cuticles and add shine to hair. To do this, add a spoonful of lemon juice or vinegar per liter of boiled water and at the very end, after shampoo, mask or conditioner, rinse your hair. Gently blot washed hair with a towel, without rubbing or twisting it.

Natural base and essential oils for hair. Each oil has a unique complex of nutrients that have a beneficial effect on hair. For hair shine, the following oils are best suited: argan, cocoa, coconut, jojoba, avocado, sesame, linseed, olive, macadamia. Essential oils: ylang-ylang, lavender, jasmine, rose, myrrh, patchouli, chamomile. You can read about ways to use essential oils for hair.

Oils that are used for hair must be cold-pressed and of good quality, otherwise, there is no point in using them for hair, even if they do not harm, then there will be no benefit from them.

Masks for hair shine. Homemade masks for hair shine help not only restore shine to hair, but also strengthen it, give softness, elasticity and restore a healthy look to hair.

Mask with vitamins A and E

  • 1 teaspoon of avocado oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of linseed oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons of aloe juice;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A in oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin E in oil;
  • 1 yolk.

Mix all the ingredients and can be heated to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mask to the roots (make a light massage) and spread over the entire length. Hold the mask for about an hour and wash off with shampoo, such a mask can be done once a week.

Hair Shine Mask

  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil (cold pressed)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey;
  • 1 egg yolk.

Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl (can be heated). The mask can be applied not only to the length of the hair, but also to the scalp, it is advisable to insulate and keep from 40 to 60 minutes.

Mask with natural henna

  • spoons of henna (preferably colorless);
  • 1 teaspoon of honey;
  • 1 teaspoon brandy;
  • 1 yolk.

Add cognac, henna to honey and mix well, then add the yolk, heat in a water bath. The mixture is applied to the length of the hair, somewhere for one hour, you can insulate. Wash off the mask with shampoo using a balm or mask.

Rinse your hair with herbs after each shampooing, natural herbs restore the balance of the hair, transform the appearance, give softness and shine to the hair and have a cumulative effect, read in more detail.

To maintain hair length in good condition, you can make a cream for the ends of your hair at home, you can read the recipe and reviews.

Purchased hair shine products

Purchased spray-shine or hair fluids give a shiny and well-groomed look to the hair, after such products the hair instantly acquires shine, and dyed hair acquires a rich color.

Today, manufacturers in the field of hair care products offer a huge variety of different sprays - a spray with a brilliant shine, a spray with a healing effect for dry and damaged hair, a spray with protection from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

The shine and radiance of the hair after using this light texture is achieved through the use of three essential natural oils, which are part of all Orofluido hair cosmetics - argan, cyperius and flax.

After application, the spray is instantly absorbed into the hair, without weighing it down or tangling it. Thanks to the natural ingredients that make up the product, the spray is suitable for girls with any type of hair.

Moisturizing spray-shine, heals and saturates with moisture damaged overdried hair. Moroccanoil has created a unique, ultra-lightweight, non-greasy formula that preserves and enhances hair's radiance for incredible silky shine and healthy-looking hair. Moroccanoil combines traditional methods with modern needs.

The spray gives the hair a glossy shine, while the light spray formula coats the hair in a thin protective veil, providing a long-lasting flexible hold. Makes hair elastic and more elastic, besides it has a powerful thermal protection. Protecting against the negative influence of the external environment, the spray prevents unwanted hair frizz.

The formula contains the Ceramide A2 component, which is a building material, an intracellular “cementing” substance. It is able to penetrate deep into the structure of the hairs, giving the strands silkiness, splendor and shine, maintaining beauty and health.

Also, the formula was enriched with lemon extract, which is known for its cleansing, anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and toning properties. This component promotes radiance, activates cell regeneration, normalizes water balance, stimulates local blood circulation, and normalizes the sebaceous glands.

L'Oreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast Nutriceride Serum Gloss Gel Fluid

This serum is designed for colored, highlighted hair. The gel-fluid is based on technology - Nutriceride, developed on the basis of active polymers. The gel fluid is very easy to use and does not require rinsing. The active formula of the serum has a beneficial effect on colored hair, emphasizing the contrast of highlighted strands.

Keratin-enriched serum is based on an innovative formula. The tool gently restores damaged hair structure, nourishes, moisturizes and protects curls from the negative effects of the environment.

The anti-frizz components that are part of the serum gently smooth the hair, make it smooth and shiny, and do not expose it to ultraviolet radiation. After using the serum, the hair is easy to comb, as it has an antistatic effect on them.

Acme Professional Fortesse Spray Gloss Two-Phase Nourishing Conditioner

The composition of this cosmetic product includes wheat proteins, which contribute to the rapid restoration of split ends of the hair and the preservation of the natural structure of the strands. Thanks to its unique composition, Fortesse Bi-Phase Conditioner-Spray restores vitality and amazing shine to depleted strands. Also, the components that make up this care product make it easier to dry and comb the hair and give the curls elasticity.

Looking for an effective hair care product? Then go on and you will learn how to restore hair.