The most vulgar holidays. The most unusual holidays in the world. Venice International Film Festival - Italy

We all know such holidays as New Year, March 8, and all those others that are or were days off. However, there are many more international holiday days than we think.

We all know such holidays as New Year, March 8, and all those others that are or were days off. We are also aware of such international days as, for example, Laughter Day, St. Valentine or Cosmonautics Day, someone else can name the day of the Heart. However, there are many more international holiday days than we think. All of them were established by the UN and UNESCO, and if they are not celebrated here, then they are probably celebrated on a grand scale at some point in the world.


So, in January, in addition to the New Year, the International Thank You Day is also celebrated. January 11 can without exaggeration be called one of the most "polite" dates of the year - today is International Thank You Day. "Thank you" is, without which our life would become meager and gloomy.

And on January 21, one of the most unusual holidays is celebrated around the world - International Hug Day. It was founded in the United States in 1986 under the name National Hugging Day, and then rapidly spread around the world.


In February, in addition to Valentine's Day, World Day of the Sick is also celebrated on February 11. This event was conceived, rather, as a kind of social step aimed at supporting people who fell into the sad category of patients. World Sick Day was established on May 13, 1992 at the initiative of the late Pope John Paul II.

Also in February there is a day on which it is not customary to speak a foreign language, this is the 21st day - International Mother Language Day (International Mother for the Promotion of Linguistic and Cultural Diversity and Multilingualism.


Now let's talk about the "cat in March". This expression is not accidental at all. Of course, in March, cats sing serenades to their cats on the 8th, but here's the salt - March 1 is international day of cats! And when the singing of cats reaches its climax, just in time for the middle of the month, the day of Pi comes - March 14. No, the celebration is not associated with obscene thoughts about cats, we are talking about the number Pi, known to all of us as 3.14 from school. Why exactly on March 14? It's simple - 3 months in the calendar, 14 - day, and all together 3.14.


April begins with the Day of Laughter, and continues much more seriously - on April 11, the International Day of the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camp Prisoners is annually celebrated. On April 11, 1945, the Buchenwald prisoners raised an international uprising against the Nazis and were released. It seems so long ago it was. But not for those who have gone through the horrors of fascist dungeons.

And on April 28, the International Labor Organization (ILO) declared World Day for Safety and Health at Work, for the first time it was celebrated in 2003.

May also abounds in dates unknown to us. So, on May 3, Europe celebrates the day of the Sun, the source of life on Earth, as well as a source of renewable energy. Since 1994, on May 3, enthusiasts and professionals, civil society organizations and companies throughout Europe have been organizing various events related to the demonstration of the possibilities of solar energy.

On the very last day of May - 31st, the world day of the blonde is celebrated. Light-headed representatives of humanity found their day in 2006.


Partly close to this holiday is another of the unusual June days - World Fishing Day, which has been celebrated annually since 1985. The holiday was established by the decision of the International Conference on the Regulation and Development of Fisheries, held in July 1984 in Rome.


The hottest month of the year, July, contains interesting dates such as World Chocolate Day, which was invented by the French in 1995, and System Administrator Day, which has a floating date and is celebrated annually on the last Friday of July.


August pleases left-handers, because the 13th of this month is the day of their name. Also in August, on the 23rd, the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition. The holiday is celebrated on the recommendation of the 150th session of the Executive Board of UNESCO on the day of the uprising of the slaves of San Domingo and Haiti in 1791, which marked the beginning of the process of the elimination of the slavery system.


In September, in addition to the Day of Knowledge, there is also the birthday of the well-known emoticon - this is the 19th, and also the day without a car - September 23rd.


October, ending with a mystical Halloween, begins much more positively: October 1 is the day of a smile. In fact, the same emoticon, only real and much warmer. And in many countries, October 8 is celebrated as International Egg Day. This is the day of all lovers of eggs, omelets, casseroles and fried eggs. There is nothing surprising in this, because eggs are the most versatile food product.

For people accustomed to their culture, the holidays of other nations seem amazing, and often strange. To understand the traditions of other people, you just need to try not to limit yourself to just your own culture.

However, in a series of holidays and competitions characteristic of certain peoples, there are truly amazing and unusual ones, which will be described below.

It is worth considering that many competitions are so unusual and fun that they resemble more folk festivities, because victories in them are not so important, it is much more interesting for the participants to have a good rest and just talk.

Holiday "Las Fayas". In the Spanish city of Valencia, this holiday takes place from March 14 to 19, attracting thousands of tourists. During it, "mascletá" starts every day at 14 o'clock, during which pyrotechnics compete on the ground, and fireworks are launched into the sky at night. The culmination of the celebration is the La Cremá ceremony, during which specially prepared huge effigies and figures are burned. This holiday attracts up to 2 million tourists, which is more than 2 times more than the city's population.

World Championship of Mountain Oysters. There's a festival in a town near Texas that doesn't really have anything to do with oysters. The fact is that bull eggs are called "oysters" in cowboy slang. The winner must prepare them in the best possible way, with the judges evaluating the appearance of the dish, its taste, aroma and how it is served. These criteria are indicative for identifying the lucky one.

Running with rolling cheese are held in the English town of Coopers Hill. This scenic site is near Gloucester and hosts rolling cheese races every last Monday in May. The rules of the competition provide for the launch of a round head of a dairy product from the mountain, the participants of the competition begin to run after it. The winner is the one who is the first to catch up with the escaping cheese and grab it. It is common for this festival to have bruises and bruises, so the presence of doctors at the foot of the hill does not surprise anyone.

Summer solstice. Celebrated in Stonehenge, UK. This holiday is familiar to many world cultures, but modern civilization has made it almost forgotten. But in Great Britain, since 2000, the authorities have allowed everyone to spend the night of June 21 among the huge stones of Stonehenge, it is even allowed to touch them, although on other days this is prohibited. The holiday immediately became popular, drums are also connected to the action, which sound until dawn, helping to recreate the atmosphere of ancient-ancient times.

Feast of the bird-people. Celebrated in Great Britain, in the city of Bognor. It is celebrated in July and has a rich history, in addition, many countries have followed an example and now similar competitions exist all over the world. During the competition, participants run over a wide platform set over the sea and jump. The mission of the bird-people is to cover as long a distance as possible using makeshift wings or flight structures.

Demonstration of bare buttocks or Amtrak Mooning. This festival is held in Nigel Lagoon, USA. Every second Saturday in July in this Californian place is devoted to an extraordinary entertainment - showing the bare butt to passengers of passing trains. For several years in a row, there have been riots associated with the drinking of alcoholic beverages and indecent behavior. Now the participants do not urinate in public, but calmly continue to show their buttocks.

World Championship of drag lovers. More than 14 such annual competitions have already taken place in the Finnish town of Sonkajärvi. They start on July 4, any man paired with his beloved and wife over 17 years old can take part in them. The roots of the competition go back to the ancient traditions of the Vikings, who, transferring their wives to ships, plunged them onto their shoulders, apparently for convenience. The rules of the current competition determine that if during them a woman steps on the ground, then the couple receives penalty points and her result is not counted.

Holiday "Tomatina". Interestingly, this holiday, held in the city of Buñol, Spain, is not as popular with the locals themselves as with foreigners. They are the main participants in the tomato battle that takes place on the last Wednesday of August near Valencia. More than 100 tons of tomatoes take part in the battles, therefore, deciding to take part in competitions, do not wear expensive clothes, otherwise it will take an extremely long time to wash them. The number of participants reaches 36 thousand, the weapons of the battle are brought up on special trucks. The rules of the battle are extremely simple - throw tomatoes at anyone, just knead them first in order to avoid injury. It is forbidden to use other means and tear clothes on opponents. The end of the battle is marked by a grandiose washing - an area made of special hoses, and the participants - in the river or special showers.

Swamp Diving World Championship. There is no one more skillful at organizing crazy parties than the British. So in Wales, the neighbors decided to keep up. Every last Monday in August in the town of Llanwrtyd Wells, about a dozen brave Welshmen dive into the swamp to cover a serious distance of 55 meters. Only masks and fins are allowed from the equipment. Everybody gets prizes, even the last one to get there.

"Burning Man". No, no, this is not about setting fire to people. In the American Black Rock Desert at the very beginning of September, thousands of people gather to create their own city of sand. In this place in Nevada, no one limits creativity. When the work week ends, all works and works are eliminated, and the place is removed. At the same time, in commemoration of the end of the festival, a scarecrow is burned, which gave the name to the holiday of the "Burning Man".

Today we will take a look at the list of the most interesting and unusual holidays and festivals in the world. This selection includes very interesting holidays, which ones you can see below. We look!

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1. Competitions in the highlands of Scotland. A competitor, dressed in a traditional Scottish kilt, competes in the hammer throw competition held in Glenfinnan. Traditional Scottish games consist of competition, dance, food and drink to take a break from the workday. (Jin Richardson).

2. Beltane Fire Festival, Scotland. Bare-chested "Celts" raise torches during the Beltane Fire Festival, near Carlton Hill, Edinburgh. These annual folk festivals are a modern revival of the ancient Celtic celebration of the arrival of summer. (Jim Richardson).

3. Celebration of naked men. Hadaka Matsuri (literally, the festival of the naked man) in Okayama, Japan is a traditional festival that has been celebrated for 1200 years. The picture was taken in winter, the temperature is about 9 degrees. Men dive into icy water, undergoing a ritual of purification. (Paul Whitton / My Shot).

4. Vegetarian Festival, Thailand. Believers at the Bang Neow Temple, parade at the Phuket Vegetarian Festival in Thailand, stick weapons in their bodies in protest. Chinese immigrants started this Taoist ceremony in 1825, when people who believed in God ate vegetarian food to save themselves from an epidemic. (David Longstreath / AP).

5. The Feast of the Chickens in Wayne, Nebraska. Men dressed as chickens prepare to perform at the Chicken Show. Every summer, Wayne, a city in Nebraska, honors these birds with a host of events: dancing with the world's largest chickens, cement chicken roosts decorated by local artists and, much to the chagrin of the patron birds, a race that wins eat more chicken wings. (Joel Sartore).

6. Celebration of the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi), Spain. A masked man known as El Colacho, a symbol of Satan, jumps over a group of girls. The centuries-old ritual is designed to protect children from evil spirits. The Chorpus Christi celebration, held every year in Castrillo de Murcia, Spain, pays tribute to the Catholic celebration of Holy Communion. (Israel L. Murillo / AP).

7. Schleicherlaufen Festival, Austria. The streets of Telfs, in Austria, turn into a mystical and almost otherworldly world. Masked people walk through the city once every five years, just before the beginning of Lent. The first evidence of the Schleicherlaufen festival dates back to the fifteenth century, but the festival may also have deeper roots in the pre-Christian rituals of the inhabitants of the area. (Melissa Farlow).

8. Gerewol Festival, Republic of Niger. In West Africa, Wodaabe nomads celebrate their views of beauty annually during the Gerewol festival. The young men draw the attention of a jury of women with their festive clothes and a traditional dance called Yake. The lucky winner gets a wife or sweetheart. (Mike Hettwer).

9. Lantern Festival, Taiwan. Glowing lanterns carry up the hopes and prayers of Thais for the new year. Celebrated on the first full moon night of the new year. Lantern Night is a traditional holiday in China and Taiwan. And if its origins are still unknown, the festival seems to have a long life ahead of it - in recent years, fireworks and light shows have also been held during the festival. (Wally Santana / AP).

10. Kyrgyzstan. Horses and riders participate in the long festival of the nomads of Kyrgyzstan. Modern residents proudly show that they can still perform acrobatic stunts on horseback and even improvise on horseback during a wrestling called oodarish. A festival celebrating the craftsmanship of the nomads is celebrated with plenty of food and drink. This event, which is held in Sarala Saz, attracts many tourists to this beautiful but remote area. (Vyacheslav Oseledko / AFP / Getty Images) #

11. Burning Man, Nevada. The yacht that "floats" among the sand is one of the highlights of the Burning Man festival. What is Burning Man? Fans of this annual event say they must participate in order to feel like a kind of community, to comprehend the basics of the arts and freedom of expression. The festival is held once a year in the middle of the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. (Mitch Horning, My Shot).

12. Ganesh Festival, India. The 10-day Ganesh Chaturthi festival pays tribute to the popular Hindu elephant-headed god. About 200,000 idols of the god Ganesha are adorned in public places and homes. The celebration reaches its climax when large statues of Ganesha are immersed in the Arabian Sea for ceremonial ablutions. (Gautam Singh / AP).

13. Feast of the Black Nazarene, Philippines. During a parade through the streets of Manila, believers besiege a huge image of Christ, the Black Nazarene. Every year, this holiday attracts hundreds of thousands of Christians, most of whom go barefoot, and also leave their clothes to the organizers, in the hope that their things will be wiped off the statue and returned to their rightful owners. The belief in the statue's supernatural powers has been going on for 400 years, possibly due to its incredible history. While traveling from Mexico in 1606, a fire broke out on the boat carrying the statue, but the statue, although blackened, was saved. (Aaron Favila / AP).

14. Mardi Gras, Louisiana. Fat Tuesday is a classic New Orleans celebration. This annual holiday gives Christians the opportunity to have fun before the start of Lent. In New Orleans, collecting rosary beads has been part of the celebration ever since organizers started throwing them into the crowd in the early 1920s. (Robyn Beck / AFP / Getty Images).

15. Carnival, Brazil. Gracyanne Barbosa, a leading samba school from Mangueira, participates in a carnival on the streets of Rio de Janeiro in 2009. The Samba dance was born in Rio, remains the heart of the city, and forms the basis of perhaps the most original carnival parade. Since 1920, this one of the largest festivals in the world has been bringing together musicians, dancers and designers representing the city's schools where carnival participants study throughout the year. (Pisarenko Natasha / AP).

16. Panagbenga Flower Festival, Philippines. A dancer sprays water around her during the Panagbenga Flower Festival held every February in Baguio, Philippines. Panegbenga is a term that literally means bloom. (Richard Balonglong).

17. Loy Krathong, Thailand. The Loy Krathong Festival is particularly eye-catching for its birthplace, Thailand's Sukhothai Historical Park, where the ruins of the country's ancient capital lie. In the light of the last full moon of the year, the Thais put banana leaves (Krathong) in the water, giving them prayers and hopes for the new year. (Romain Cintract / Aurora Photos).

18. Holi festival. A girl covered with colored powder during the Holi festival. A Hindu religious celebration held every year in Kahlua Lumpur, Malaysia. (Umar Roslan).

19. Festival of Jazz and Traditions of New Orleans. The Houma Indians Show at the New Orleans Jazz and Tradition Festival is of exceptional beauty. (Calb Izdepski).

20. Diwalli, Festival of Lights. In Jaipur, the capital of the Indian state of Rajasthan, people with candles celebrate Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights. This festival lasts five days and symbolizes the beginning of a new year and the victory of light over darkness. (Joe McNally, National Geographic).

Today, July 20, is International Chess Day. In this connection, we decided to recall the most unusual traditions and holidays that exist in the world.


A Hindu Spring Festival that usually falls on a full moon in late February - early March and is celebrated for several days. On the first day, a large fire is made to burn the effigy of the demoness Holiki, the adversary of Vishnu. Cattle are chased through the same fire and people pass in order to purify. And the next day, a color extravaganza begins, during which all those present pour over each other with tinted water and sprinkle with multi-colored powders. Also on these days they drink a traditional drink tandai which contains marijuana. Perhaps that is why some elements of the rite are sometimes in the nature of an orgy. By the way, in Kiev, for several years in a row, they also began to celebrate this holiday, only, taking into account the climatic features, it happens in the summer.

Coopershield Cheese Race

Held annually on the last Monday in May as part of the holiday Spring on Cooper's Hill in the Cotswolds (England). The inhabitants of the surrounding villages have been gathering for this event for more than two hundred years. Participants climb a hill and, upon a signal, rush in pursuit for a five-kilogram head of cheese. In the process, some break their backs, necks, heads, legs and arms. But the British devoted to traditions are not intimidated by either this or the police prohibitions. It is assumed that the roots of the holiday go back to the pagan ceremony of celebrating the New Year after a long winter, when people ran after burning bunches of brushwood.

Gloucester Cheese Rolling 2012


Held in the last week of August in the Spanish city of Buñol (Valencia). The population of the town is 9 thousand people, but on this day at least forty appear on its streets. At 10 o'clock in the morning, trucks carrying about 140 tons of tomatoes enter the central square. Officially, the event begins only after one of the participants climbs onto a two-meter wooden pole, rubbed with soap, at the top of which a jamon awaits him. And then, for an hour, people throw tomatoes at each other, as a result of which the walls of all houses turn red, and the tomato puree reaches the ankles. In the evening, all traces of the "bloody" carnage are washed away with water cannons, and the city continues to live in peace for the next 364 days.

Festival of naked men

Celebrated in Japan since the 8th century on the third Saturday in February. On this rather frosty day, thousands of men take to the streets, dressed only in fundoshi loincloths (like those worn by sumo wrestlers) to take part in a ritual purification. In Japan, it is believed that a naked person takes away all misfortunes if you touch him, so the main purpose of the holiday called Hadaka Matsuri- attracting good luck. Once upon a time, the holiday was celebrated in almost every city. However, now this tradition has survived only in small towns, whose residents drink sake and pour water over themselves, heading to the temple. Saidaiji where the culmination of the holiday takes place. Exactly at midnight, decorated sticks fly from the hands of the priests into the midst of the people, and the one who catches them will have good luck for the whole next year.

Festival of the Naked in Japan

Monkey banquet

Every year at the end of November at the Buddhist temple in the city of Lopburi (Thailand) they prepare for an extraordinary banquet. The long table is covered with a festive tablecloth and an unthinkable amount of treats are placed on it, including vegetables, fruits, sweets and even fried sausages. And then they invite all the monkeys living in the vicinity, of which, according to conservative estimates, there are about 600. This is done to honor the ancient legend. According to her, the monkey king Hanuman gave the god Rama a whole army of the best fighters, with the help of which he defeated the fierce enemy - the demon Ravana. Rama gave the monkeys the land, where the holiday is taking place now. And people to this day do not forget to thank the descendants of warlike animals for the service rendered.


The largest fire festival in Europe takes place on the last Tuesday of January and celebrates the landing of the Vikings in Scottish lands. To this day, the inhabitants of the city of Lerwick build a real 30-foot model of a Viking ship with a dragon on the nose, and then, dressed in the clothes of bearded Scandinavians, picking up torches and trumpets, carry it across the city to the sea. After the ship is lowered into the water, something happens that resembles the burial ceremony of the dead soldiers. About 900 burning torches fly into the boat, and it burns up, gradually moving away from the coast.

Up Helly-Aa 2011

Erysipelas Championship

An apple fair is held in the British city of Egremont for two weeks in September Egremont Crab Fair... Its constant attribute since the 13th century has been the competition in mug antics. It all started with local fun, which eventually grew into an international championship. History knows cases when one of the future winners for the sake of the title removed all his teeth, and one of the participants proudly wore the title of owner The ugliest face.

Summer Redneck Games

Started in 1996 as a humorous response Olympic Games in Atlanta. During the festival, people practice at spitting distance with watermelon bones, jump the baton on one leg, sing songs with the help of their armpits, throw circles from the toilet bowls like horseshoes. But the main and culminating event is jumping into a mud puddle. All comers take part, who, moreover, also put on costumes. And then, with acceleration, they sighed into the dirt under the enthusiastic cries of the audience.

Roodharigendag or Redhead Day

On September 1 and 2, thousands of red-haired people flock to the Dutch town of Breda for a festival dedicated to themselves. This tradition began quite recently. Seven years ago, a Dutch artist advertised looking for red-haired people to create a portrait, to which about 150 people responded. And since then, people with rare hair color flock here every year, which every year on earth becomes less and less. During the festival, concerts, workshops, picnics, fashion shows and simple socializing are held.

Burning man

The eight-day event, which has been celebrated in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, since 1986. Begins on the last Monday of August at zero one minute and ends on Saturday after sunset with the burning of a huge wooden human statue. The organizers define the event as an experiment in creating a community of radical self-expression. Within a week, in the middle of the desert, a futuristic city with incredible works of modern art rises, through which hundreds of mutated machines are dissected and inhabited by creatures in a wide variety of costumes. Famous artists go on tour in the city, DJs change records around the clock, everyone is dancing and having fun. Also, there are no monetary relations here. Each of the residents must bring with them everything they need for the week and provide themselves with housing, protection from wind and heat, as well as clean up all the trash after the end of the event. By the way, 70 thousand people visited it.

Highlights of the Burning Man Art Festival

For a good tourist, traveling the world means not only seeing local sights, but also immersing himself in different cultures, observing customs, and possibly adopting something. It is especially fortunate when the time of your visit coincides with a local holiday, annual festival or other event. This makes it possible to better understand how the indigenous people live, and even to participate with them in the general fun.

The world is full of amazing events and celebrations. Some of them are so strange that they seem to be from a different reality. In this article, we will review 6 of the most unusual and crazy holidays in the world (or at least 6 of them). So let's go!

Coopershield Cheese Race - an interesting and unusual celebration in Gloucester, England, UK

Who said the English are boring? Probably, this person does not know about the annual event when the Englishmen let a head of cheese roll down the mountain for fun. This massive sports event takes place on the last Monday in May near Gloucester, in Gloucestershire, England. The essence of the entertainment is simple: a head of cheese weighing about four kilograms is allowed to roll down a very steep hill, and the participants must run after it. The first one to cross the finish line and grab the cheese is the winner who gets the prize, the very cheese to chase after.

Cheese Race Winner.

"Boring" English viewer.

As you may have guessed, very few of the participants are capable of running down the hill. By the end of the race, some of them suffer various injuries, such as sprains or fractures. Sometimes the speed at which the cheese rolls down reaches 150 kilometers per hour, which is already a danger for the audience. Therefore, during the competition at the foot of the hill, ambulances are on duty.

Holi is a bright holiday of colors and spring, India, Nepal

Holi is an old Hindu holiday also known as the Festival of Colors or Spring Festival. Traditionally, it is held after the full moon in early March in several Hindu countries such as India, Nepal. For several years this colorful original festival has been “exported” to other countries. Now in many cities the celebration of Holi - an unusual way to welcome spring.

Preparation for the holiday begins at full moon night. Bonfires are burning on the streets, which cleanse the air of evil spirits and bad vibrations. This symbolizes the destruction of Holiki, the evil deity after whom the festival is named. And in the morning the streets are filled with people and the fun begins. Everyone throws colored powders, doused themselves with water, sing and dance. Prohibitions are lifted and, most importantly, caste differences are erased.

The holiday was a success and the photos are good.

See also how it is celebrated and read the legend of the origin of the "Festival of Colors".

La Tomatina - a modern unforgettable holiday in the city of Buñol, Spain

If you like the battles with the colors of Holi, then do not miss the massive international festival with tomato wars. La Tomatina is a holiday of unknown origin that is celebrated annually on the last Wednesday of August in the city of Buñol, Spain, and lasts for a week. The main feature of the festival is tomatoes as a "weapon".

The celebration begins in the morning, when someone climbs a pole covered in soap and picks up the prize, a dry-cured pork leg hanging from the top. And then the funny madness begins. Approximately 150,000 tomatoes are distributed among 20,000 participants, who throw them at friends, enemies and just strangers who also participate in the battle. After a terrible battle, which lasts exactly one hour, happy "bloody" people disperse along the red streets.

Oktoberfest is a fun beer festival in Munich, Germany

Who has not heard of the famous Oktoberfest? Thousands of liters of German beer, the best Bavarian cuisine, traditional costumes, folk music, many attractions, beautiful women and drunken men. Not a holiday, but a dream for beer lovers.

Oktoberfest is held every year between mid-September and early October and is celebrated for about 16 days in Theresa's meadow in central Munich. For the first time, the festival was held in honor of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig (in the future King Ludwig I) and Princess Teresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus on October 12, 1810. Since then, over 6 million visitors from all over the world have taken part in this traditional German festival every year.

The festival begins with the opening of the first barrel of Oktoberfest beer by the Mayor, Mayor of the city, shouting "O'zapft is!" Which translates as "Open!" And immediately, from that moment on, hundreds of waitresses dressed in traditional costumes are serving beer mugs among the visitors. The challenge is to eat and drink until you drop while saving face.

Night view of Oktoberfest.

A colorful girl.

Places for rest.

Burning Man is an unusual holiday in Nevada, USA

Burning Man, which literally translates to "burning man", is difficult to describe in words. This annual event takes place in Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. In reality, such a city does not exist, but it is specially rebuilt every year for this summer holiday. When Burning Man ends, the city disappears completely.

Bird's eye view of the city.

The holiday starts on the last Monday in August and lasts seven days. During the celebration, it is not allowed to buy or sell anything for money, so the participants fully provide themselves with water, food, lodging and so on in order to survive during these seven days filled with art, music and fire. Installations, sculptures and works of art of all kinds of art, often of fantastic sizes, stand in the desert for almost a whole week. Participants wear a variety of costumes of animals, objects, characters of art. DJs constantly play music, and artists give unforgettable performances.

Sculpture "Embrace".

The main attribute of Burning Man is a giant wooden sculpture in the shape of a man, which is burned on Saturday night.

Burning Man Skeleton.
This event has a specific purpose: to condemn the modern way of life, which is limited by social norms, rules of behavior, the implementation of which requires society. Therefore, it is not difficult to find people at the holiday who dress as they please, including those who do not wear clothes at all.

The desert even has entertainment for all tastes.

Yoga? You are welcome!


Bowling in the desert? Why not.

San Fermin is the most dangerous and craziest holiday in Pamplona, ​​Spain

The San Fermin Festival is one of the most famous in Europe and in the world, and certainly one of the craziest. It takes place annually from 6 to 14 July in the city of Pamplona and is dedicated to the Holy Martyr Saint Fermin. In the holiday, traditions and customs are closely intertwined with music and alcohol.

The holiday has its roots in the Middle Ages, but the writer Ernest Hemingway popularized San Fermin, immortalizing it in the novel The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta). That is why there are a huge number of travelers from all over the world in Pamplona in July.

"What is the madness?" - you ask. During the festival, there is a Spanish national custom, when from July 7 to July 16, every day at 8 o'clock in the morning, an encierro with wild bulls begins. The essence of the ensierro: 12 angry bulls are released from the corral, from which the participants must run down the narrow streets to the square. The distance of the race is 875 meters. It is strictly forbidden to participate in a state of alcoholic intoxication. And without this, there is a chance to suffer from the horns of the bull or fall to the ground in front of him. By the way, in the second option, the chances of survival are much greater. Moreover, if you clasp your head with your hands, group up and not move. When running bulls see an obstacle in front of them, they try to jump over it. Lying on the ground can only hope that they will succeed, because they weigh about 600 kilograms each!