Sock bouquets and play. DIY bouquet of socks and a bottle of beer for men - master class, photo. Who to give unfading roses to

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This present combines several advantages at once: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the donee a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet of socks and / or panties?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you evaluate this in practice.

It is believed that such wardrobe items can be presented only to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with the original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet of a pair of briefs and socks, or these items of men's wardrobe, taken separately, will be a great addition to the main gift. Complementing your masterpiece with floral mesh, beads and artificial leaves, you will make the recipient thoroughly puzzle over before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the "flowers" will consist of separate socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be folded together. Such a flower will turn out to be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or elastic bands for pulling bills;
  • floristic ribbons, nets, etc .;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other elements used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For more convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  1. Straighten the sock gently.
  2. Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the toes.
  3. In order for the flower to keep its shape better, the sock must be bent in the area of ​​the foot.
  4. Gently wrap the bottom of the sock at the base of your bud and secure with a pin or elastic band.
  5. Gently smooth out the top of your flower.
  6. For the convenience of assembling the bouquet, all tightly twisted socks should be put on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.

To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, you can complement it with artificial flowers in a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

Alternatively, your creation can be placed in an original "vase". A decorative bucket in a bright color is suitable for this purpose. And the picture will be complemented by dried flowers and floristic paper, indispensable for decorating bouquets.

In general, turn on your imagination at full power!

A bouquet for a man made of socks and panties will look no less original.

The sequence of actions is practically the same as for making bouquets from socks. You are required to fold the panties in half. Then you should twist the elastic of your underwear into a tight roller. This part will play the role of the middle of the flower. Now fold up the lower, colored part of the panties ("legs") and wrap them around the "bud". The petals are ready! Secure the craft with an elastic band by pulling the base of the flower with it - and start making a new component of the bouquet.

Combining bright underpants with one-color socks, candy flowers and floral paper in saturated colors, you can create a real masterpiece that is guaranteed to impress not only the recipient of the gift, but also the rest of the guests of the holiday! It is unlikely that they will be able to guess the first time what such a bouquet is made of.

How to choose the best bouquet components?

Long gone are the days when men wore exclusively white, gray or black socks. The same goes for underwear. The modern textile industry offers representatives of the sterner sex a huge selection of products, different in composition, colors and textures. You can combine light summer socks with woolen winter socks, creating voluminous "flowers" and small "roses" in contrasting colors, allowing you to fill the voids between the main components of the composition. The recipient of such a demi-season gift will be able to appreciate not only the beauty of the bouquet design, but also its practicality.

And the variety of shades of underwear will allow you to "be creative" without any restrictions. The main thing is to take into account the rules for combining colors and the taste preferences of the recipient of the gift. If you have to solve the problem of how to make a bouquet of socks for a future man, that is, for a child, you can break all stereotypes and present your baby with a delicate composition of white, red and pink "roses"!

Do you want to surprise your beloved man, husband, brother, father, but do not know how to make an original surprise? This question often confronts us on holidays, especially birthday, name day.

The first thing that comes to mind is socks, eau de toilette, a shaving kit ... stop. This is corny! There are many ways to do this differently. One of them is a gift to a man with his own hands.

It is no secret that the created on one's own much more valuable than store bought. After all, even if you make a gift according to some recipe, then in any case it will be different from the one in the pictures. After all, it will contain your soul, time, efforts, thoughts. And what could be more valuable than this ?!

In fact, there are a lot of ideas regarding a gift. The main thing is to believe that the souvenir will really succeed. Let's take a look at several different gift themes, they are simple to perform, do not require you very much time, and as a result, you can even surprise your man.

Sleeve earphones

Yes, it happens. This gift is best for music lovers or musicians - in a word, music lovers. Also, if your man expresses sympathy for firearms, then he should also make such a gift. We will hold a master class. For manufacturing, it is best to use 40 gauge casings. Of course, such a gift idea will not remain without emotions from the male sex.

Socks, but unusual

This gift is very practical, it is generally ranked among the commonplace. But such a gift idea can be supplemented with a "joke" in your performance. So, let's hold a master class on creating original socks. To do this, this thing needs original decorate.

You can roll up the socks in the shape of a rose, and create a whole bunch of them. The most banal, but very practical gift: socks can be decorated in a beautiful and unusual way. For example, in the form bouquet colors. To do this, after you roll up the sock, fasten it to a kebab skewer or to a cocktail tube.

Such a bouquet can be supplemented leaflets- real or cut out of paper. For the brightest effect, put the finished composition in a vase or wrap this beauty in the so-called floral net. If you can't find one at hand, then take a cloth. But you can make some weirdos out of socks, create some kind of themed performance with friends. Believe me, such a gift will be remembered for a lifetime.

Gallery: an unusual gift for a man with his own hands (25 photos)

Unusual tanks

But for lovers of cars, especially tanks, we suggest making such a mini-transport with their own hands from socks. At first glance, this is difficult, but in reality, nothing is impossible. First, we take the required number of socks, they need to be rolled up.

We then imitate the body of the tank and its turret. And we finish the composition with a cannon barrel; a cocktail tube is perfect for its role. In order for the souvenir to be durable, we bandage our gift ribbon... Everything! The tank is ready for the ceremonial presentation.

Sweet gift for a man

Needlework is good, but, as the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Many men are ready to kiss their hands for goodies. We recommend that you please your loved one with sweets.

The best thing is to make your own candies, cakes and original decorate them. The gift will look more impressive if you sign it on top. Write the name of a loved one, declare your love, or thank for something. This can be done with chocolate or cream using a special straw.

In addition, you will be surprised if the cakes, for example, are in the form of a kettlebell or a dumbbell. Car enthusiasts should make a steering wheel out of candy, they will also appreciate the “sweet” tires. It is important to pack the sweets beautifully. To do this, take a box or create it yourself from cardboard. You will spend more time, but imagine the eyes of your beloved, filled with happiness.

Custard sweets are also popular. They can also be presented in a more original way. It will help to unleash your fantasies if you decide to do cake... It is not entirely necessary to be an expert in cooking for this. After all, it is also possible to create a cake from sweets.

A gift that brings warmth

It will take more time, but the bound gift will warm not only the soul, but also the body. It is not necessary that these are deer that your husband will be embarrassed to wear. Can be done stylish the thing that he, on the contrary, will brag about. So take the knitting needles, hook and go for it. There is nothing complicated.

And besides, you will have a reason to relax, calm your nerves from everyday problems. You can knit a scarf or pullover... Such gifts for men with their own hands will be able to give them a feeling and a clear understanding that they are being cared for.

In addition, this surprise will be appropriate not only for a young guy, but also for a man of middle and respectable age. You can also create original cufflinks with your own hands.


It is quite simple to create a book (notebook) of desires. The souvenir will become a cool and original gift. The idea of ​​the gift is that absolutely every page will be filled with interesting things. Their highlight is that they are your wishes. For example, you wish your loved one a new car.

We look for a picture of a supercar in magazines or on the Internet, cut out and paint, glue it into the “Book of the wishes of our beloved”. Don't forget to create instructions for using the book. Its content lies in the fact that one must believe in the fulfillment of desire: this is the first and most important thing. Second: when the desire is fulfilled, the page on which it contains needs to be burned. You can create a book with 100 pages, but 15-20 pages is optimal.

We bring to your attention other options for desires:

  1. barbecue with friends;
  2. football evening;
  3. massage;
  4. an evening of computer games;
  5. do-it-yourself cufflinks;
  6. the ability to one-time refuse any action, etc.

Photo memory

A loved one will remain extremely grateful to you if you remind him of the brightest moments of the past year and at the same time hint that brighter events await him in the future. The best way to do this is to create an original photo album.

This memorable souvenir gift valuable in that it will not remain eaten or just lying on the shelf. He can become the epicenter of constant attention when friends visit you. And also when you create new photos and replenish your album. But there are other ways, for example:

  • wall photo collage in the shape of a heart or the word Love;
  • pillow or blanket with a photo print;
  • Wall Clock;
  • painting on canvas or graphic portrait.

Gift set

You can also pamper your man with a whole host of gifts. This option is suitable for those who have certain hobbies. That is, you can prepare a whole thematic set for the holiday.

For example, for football fans, you can create kit, create a scarf with the appropriate ornament, it can serve as the symbolism of the team for which your man is rooting.

It is also better to take a pipe, a few bottles of drinks that he usually drinks while watching a match, of course - crackers, nuts. It is better to put the whole range of gifts in a basket or in a box, which should also be thematically decorated.

Will be original, and if you create certificate in the form of a red or yellow card. Red, for example, can free him from absolutely all household chores for one evening, or this certificate can be for a massage from his beloved, an evening of goodies, etc. It all depends on the wishes and tastes of your man.

Original box: guaranteed unforgettable

Let's give a small master class on how to make a box in the form with our own hands suit with sweets.

So, we need:

  • wrapping or decorative paper;
  • a large matchbox or other box;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue or double-sided tape;
  • pencil;
  • button.

Let's get to work. Measure the box first. You need to measure it along and across: length (hereinafter - D), width (hereinafter - W) and depth (hereinafter - D). Now let's get down to the costume. Let's start with the trousers: we cut out a rectangle, its length is equal to this indicator, which is subtracted using the formula: W + D + 2.5 cm. We add 2.5 centimeters for overlap. Now we turn to the shirt, its size is the size of the front side of the box (W and L). The size of the jacket is calculated as follows: W + D + 6 mm. Additional millimeters are required for overlap and for further folding of the product. The tie can be cut as you like.

We wrap the piece called “trousers” around the box and glue it from the back. Shirt collar: make two small slits at an angle at the top of the shirt part and fold them at an angle. We trim the excess so that they eventually converge at one point. Glue a tie under the collar, and a collar to the shirt.

For a spectacular look, it is worth writing on such a shirt wishes or the name of a loved one. This will make your shirt a truly exclusive item.

An original addition to a gift for a holiday can be a bouquet made with your own hands from socks. A step-by-step photo along with instructions will simplify the assembly of the composition and save time.

Features of sock bouquets

Hand-made bouquets of socks have some peculiarities:

  1. Many step-by-step photos will enable beginners to build an original gift for friends and family.
  2. Filling the bouquet with socks looks nice and new (as opposed to filling with sweets).
  3. The bouquet is a universal gift that men, women and children will be delighted with.

Whom to give bouquets of socks to

A bouquet of socks can be presented to almost any category of the population.

For instance:

Required consumables

In order to create a bouquet of socks, you will need the following materials and tools:

If desired, you can add classic green decorations (bergrass, gypsophila, asparagus) or imitation of dry hay to the composition.

How to roll a rose out of a sock

DIY sock bouquet - a step-by-step photo shows how to roll a rose. To do this, you need to remove the tag from the socks and lay one of them on the table. You should start rolling the rose from the top of the sock. The free edge must be bent in parallel and begin to twist gently. Having reached the heel, the nose is turned 180 degrees and continues to twist to the end of the toe.

The finished bud is secured with a pin. A wooden stick is inserted into it. The flower is considered ready.

DIY bouquet of socks for a girl

White, pink or lilac socks are suitable for creating a bouquet for a girl. If you twist a pair of socks, the flower turns out to be denser and more voluminous. When twisting a bud from one sock, the flower turns out to be graceful and miniature. You can diversify the bouquet with the help of candies in shiny packaging, fresh flowers, decorative elements (pancake beads, rhinestones). It will be a pity to disassemble such a bouquet.

One of the latest novelties in the field of floristry is flowers for boxes.

This trend is gaining momentum, and the girl will be pleased to receive such an extraordinary gift. It is necessary to place the assembled bouquet in a beautiful box of white or any light tone.

You can choose a small, low box, cut a piece of foam to fit the parameters of its bottom. Place it on the bottom of the box and gently stick the flowers into it. Such a composition is more durable, the flowers in it will not dangle.

Step-by-step instructions: a bouquet of socks and sweets

A bouquet of socks with your own hands, a step-by-step photo of which is complemented by sweets, is an excellent gift for lovers of sweets.

To create it you will need:

  • socks;
  • pins;
  • wooden sticks;
  • candy;
  • wrapping;
  • scotch tape and stapler.

There are 2 types of candy-sock bouquets. When the finished composition is supplemented with candies in any order (they can be fixed on sticks). When the candy is in the middle of the flower. In this case, it is preferable to take medium-sized sweets for easier curling.

The candy is placed at the beginning of the sock and gently rolled into it so that part of it looks out to the surface, imitating the core. Having made the required number of flowers, they must be collected in a bouquet, secured with tape. Wrap in wrapping paper, secure with a stapler. If desired, the bouquet is tied with satin ribbons, decor is added.

Bouquets of socks for men

Compositions of socks for men are distinguished by their simplicity and brevity. It is enough to make 5-7 flowers from whole pairs of gray, blue or black socks. Connect them and wrap with craft paper. You can use tape to tie the bouquet, or you can find packing linen or jute rope.

There is no need to decorate the bouquet additionally - this is a present for a man, it should be a little brutal.

Master class bouquet of black and white socks

A bouquet of socks with your own hands, a step-by-step photo of which consists of black and white socks, will be a good gift.

To create it, you need the following tools and materials:

Cut the label off the white pair of socks. Roll up a dense, white rose from them. Fasten with white thread. Stick in a wooden stick. If necessary, cut (saw off) to the required length. Cut off the tags from the rest of the socks and separate them. Roll roses from each sock. Fasten them in the same way, insert into the middle of the stick.

Put the resulting flowers into a bouquet in such a way that the colors are uniformly mixed. A large white bud is placed in the middle of the composition. The finished and fixed bouquet is wrapped in wrapping paper, tied with a satin ribbon several times. The free ends can be twisted. At the end, the bouquet is decorated with a decorative pearl ribbon that frames the flowers in the form of a snake.

For better attachment, in some places it can be grabbed with small hairpins.

Floral arrangement of white and blue socks

To make an open bouquet of white and blue socks, you need the following materials and tools:

  • socks (3 blue pairs and 5 white pairs);
  • light blue satin ribbon;
  • glue gun;
  • wire and large beads;
  • needle and thread in the color of the socks;
  • thin wooden sticks.

Before twisting the buds, it is necessary to prepare the "stems". To do this, each wooden stick must be wrapped with a satin ribbon, periodically fixing it with a glue gun. Labels are cut from all socks. From three blue pairs, large, voluminous buds are twisted. They are fastened with threads, sticks-stems are inserted into them. The white pairs of socks separate and the buds roll from each.

They are also fixed with threads and placed on sticks. The bouquet should be assembled in this way: three large blue flowers are placed in the middle, and the blue is framed with white flowers. The composition is fixed with a satin ribbon to match the bouquet (or slightly brighter). Additional decor is made of wire, which is cut into identical small pieces.

One bead is put on each segment and fixed by twisting the ends of the wire along the entire length. These self-made "invisibles" are inserted into the core of each flower. The peculiarity of the bouquet is its openness (no wrapping paper), which looks very light and delicate.

A bouquet of socks and panties for a man: step by step instructions

A bouquet of socks and panties with your own hands, a step-by-step photo of which shows how to make an original and necessary gift for a man.

To do this, you need to purchase:

  • socks - 6 pairs;
  • panties - 3 pcs.
  • rubber bands for money;
  • wooden sticks;
  • wrapping paper;
  • satin ribbon.
  • small buds of artificial flowers (optional).

All tags are cut from the linen. Bulky flowers are formed from the socks. Are fixed and strung on sticks. A flower made from panties is made in almost the same way as from socks. To do this, fold the panties in half across. From the edge where the elastic is, put a stick and carefully wrap the laundry on it. Secure the resulting bud with an elastic band at the base and straighten it a little.

Arrange the finished flowers in such a way that the panties are defined in a triangle, and there are socks between them. The finished composition is fixed and wrapped in paper.

Decor is made from a satin ribbon. It is cut into strips 15-20 cm long, folded in half and placed between the flowers. The ribbon is designed to imitate the leaves (if it is green) or to become an additional decorative element of the composition. Small artificial flowers can be placed in the middle of the bud.

Original bouquets of socks and alcohol for a man

The composition of socks and alcohol is bright and original.

To create it you will need:

  • socks (5 pairs);
  • small bottles of alcohol, 50-100 ml each - 3-5 pcs.;
  • wooden sticks;
  • pins;
  • glue gun;
  • wrapping paper;
  • satin thin ribbon.

Using a glue gun, you need to fix the wooden sticks on the back of the bottles with alcohol. Tie them with a satin ribbon with a nice miniature bow. Cut the tags from the socks, separate them and make flowers in the usual way. Secure them with pins, string on wooden sticks.

When making a bouquet, flowers and bottles are evenly distributed and secured with a satin ribbon at the bottom. The composition is packed in paper, carefully fixed, since the bottles are quite weighty. Such a gift will please your beloved husband, dad, work colleague (provided he has a sense of humor).

Making a bouquet of socks for a child

Baby bouquets made of socks look very tiny and delicate. For very young children, only a bouquet of socks, which is presented to his mother, is suitable. Socks are chosen in different colors, but in harmony with each other. For older children, the bouquet is complemented by bright, large lollipops.

In this case, you will need:

  • multi-colored socks (10 pairs);
  • wooden sticks;
  • pins;
  • lollipops in the form of animals or fruits (5 pcs.);
  • satin ribbon 0.5 cm wide;
  • kraft paper.

It is necessary to cut the tags from the socks, separate them one at a time and roll a flower from each. Secure with pins, string on sticks. Tie each flower in the middle with a ribbon and make a beautiful little bow. Fold the kraft paper so that you get a wide rectangle with a sharp top.

Flowers should be laid on it in layers:

  • 1 layer - 8 flowers;
  • 2nd layer - 6 flowers;
  • 3rd layer - 4 flowers;
  • 4th layer - 2 flowers.

Flowers are stacked with bows outward. The excess length of the sticks is removed. The paper is wrapped on both sides like a bag and tied with a satin ribbon. Lollipops are inserted into the finished composition between the flowers so that they sit deeply and tightly.

How to make a bouquet of socks in a basket

Bouquets in a basket look especially gentle and natural.

To create such a composition you will need:

  • wicker basket of medium size (not deep);
  • socks of any matching colors (10 pairs);
  • Styrofoam;
  • stationery knife;
  • pins;
  • wooden sticks;
  • decorative elements (beads, artificial flowers).

Make a large bud from one pair of socks, divide the rest one by one, roll buds out of them, secure with pins. String on sticks. The flowers are ready. Using a clerical knife, cut out a piece of foam from the bottom of the basket to fit the bottom of the basket, attach it to it. Ready-made flowers will be stuck into the foam.

The collection of the composition is carried out by fixing the flowers in foam with the required color frequency. If they are not enough, you can buy additional socks or fill the voids with decorative elements. Artificial flowers will complement the composition well, the pearl ribbon will diversify it. If the basket has a handle, you can tie a bow with long ribbons on it.

Making bouquets of socks

There are many design options for ready-made bouquets of socks.

Among them are:

Important! In any business, the main thing is not to overdo it with decorative elements.... Otherwise, a beautiful composition will turn out to be a tastelessly assembled semblance of a bouquet, in which you will hardly be able to see flowers from socks.

Step-by-step photographs of master classes enable beginners to master the art of making bouquets of socks with their own hands. Please your loved ones and friends by presenting them with non-standard compositions.

Video: how to make a bouquet of socks

How to make a bouquet of socks, see the video:

Take part in the sock cake draw! Giveaway!

Few people thought that even the most commonplace thing, such as socks, can become an original gift that will surprise even the most inveterate critic.

Materials (edit)

To "make" a three-layer sock cake, you will need:

  • 18 pairs of new solid color socks;
  • 1 round board at least 20 centimeters in size (can be replaced with a plate);
  • a set of sewing pins (needles with a ball at one end);
  • various decorations (satin ribbons, lace, cords, braid).

Step-by-step instruction

Take one pair of socks. Arrange them carefully so that one is on top of the other. Then start rolling the sock slowly. You should end up with a small roll. Secure the end of the sock roll using sewing pins. Pierce the sock from top to bottom with a needle.

Do the same for the remaining 16 pairs of socks (leave one pair untouched).

After all the components of the future cake are ready, you can proceed to the formation of layers:

  • 1. For the base, take the 8 rolls you made and create a circle out of them. To make it easier for yourself, first lay out the socks-rolls in a cross, and then fill in the empty space.
  • 2. Tie tightly with satin ribbon or cord around the resulting structure.
  • 3. For the second and third layers, you will need 5 and 3 blanks, respectively. Follow the same procedure with them, tying them with ribbons or cords.
  • 4. You should end up with one pair of unused socks. It is better if it differs from all other rolls in color (white, beige, blue.).
  • 5. Place one sock in the other so that you get a small ball - we will use it as "cream".
  • 6. Slide one layer on top of the other, starting from the largest to the smallest, and pin them together.
  • 7. Place the resulting layered cake on a prepared board or plate. Place the light ball on the very top of the structure.

You can decorate the sock cake at your own discretion: tie each roll with a satin ribbon and tie a bow, make a more strict decoration using paper twine.

Decorating the sock cake with flowers

To complicate the presented scheme as follows: inside each roll you can put candy, cookies, and a souvenir.

The recipient of the gift will be pleasantly surprised if, while unpacking the cake from socks, at the bottom he sees what he has long wanted.

With a little imagination, you can completely transform even the most trivial gift. For example, create a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands. This present combines several advantages at once: practicality, originality and beauty of design, as well as the opportunity to demonstrate to the donee a special approach to both the gift and himself. How to make a bouquet of socks and / or panties?

How difficult is it to make such a masterpiece? Our tips will help you evaluate this in practice.

Why turn socks or panties into bouquets?

It is believed that such wardrobe items can be presented only to the closest people: husband, son, father, brother. However, this rule can be broken - with the original presentation and the hero of the occasion has an excellent sense of humor. A practical and beautiful bouquet of a pair of briefs and socks, or these items of men's wardrobe, taken separately, will be a great addition to the main gift. Complementing your masterpiece with floral mesh, beads and artificial leaves, you will make the recipient thoroughly puzzle over before he realizes what the composition presented to him is made of!

So, how to make a bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands?

First, decide whether the "flowers" will consist of separate socks or folded in pairs. Remember that the number of colors must be odd. And therefore, when choosing the first option, one pair will need to be folded together. Such a flower will turn out to be larger and denser than others, so it can be used to decorate the central part of the composition.

So, let's start creating a gift bouquet.


  • several pairs of multi-colored socks;
  • pins or elastic bands for pulling bills;
  • floristic ribbons, nets, etc .;
  • corrugated paper, decorative bucket, vase or other elements used to finalize the gift.


If you want to create a bouquet of socks for a man, the master class will help you successfully solve this problem.

For more convenience, you can consider the process of making a gift step by step.

  1. Straighten the sock gently.
  2. Start rolling it into a roll, gradually moving from the toe to the heel, and then to the toes.
  3. In order for the flower to keep its shape better, the sock must be bent in the area of ​​the foot.
  4. Gently wrap the bottom of the sock at the base of your bud and secure with a pin or elastic band.
  5. Gently smooth out the top of your flower.
  6. For the convenience of assembling the bouquet, all tightly twisted socks should be put on bamboo skewers or cocktail tubes.

To make an original bouquet of socks for a man with your own hands, you can complement it with artificial flowers in a contrasting color. They will enliven the composition and make it truly festive.

Alternatively, your creation can be placed in an original "vase". A decorative bucket in a bright color is suitable for this purpose. And the picture will be complemented by dried flowers and floristic paper, indispensable for decorating bouquets.

In general, turn on your imagination at full power!

A bouquet for a man made of socks and panties will look no less original.

Don't be afraid to be original, especially if your recipient is a close enough person! A gift in the form of a beautiful bouquet of socks or using it as a non-standard "makeweight" to a more solid offering will appeal to any man with a developed sense of humor. And you will be assigned the title of a person who knows how to transform even the most ordinary things. Be creative - and your talent will not remain unappreciated!