How to learn to kiss with the tongue without a partner. How to learn to kiss better? Setting and atmosphere

There are many facts about kissing. One of them says that 50% of people by the age of 14 have already tried. But just imagine that the remaining 50% still dream of the first kiss with the tongue. And many of them need advice on how to kiss with the tongue. This article will tell you all about tongue kissing.

Why kiss with tongue

People kiss to express their emotions, as a sign of love. When we really like a person of the opposite sex, we want to get closer to him, to touch his lips with our lips. But why do you need a tongue in kisses? The French would say that a tongue kiss is a closer, more intimate kiss that connects the souls of the lovers. Also, a kiss with the tongue allows you to diversify ordinary kisses. You can fantasize with the movements of the tongue, you can play with the lips with the tongue. If you kiss with the tongue with a guy, you can really provoke him and turn him on. Kissing with the tongue is very exciting. They provoke sexual fantasies. After all, they say that a kiss with a passionate tongue can hint at a person's preferences in sex.

Although how many people, so many opinions. Some people prefer kissing without a tongue. Be considerate of your partner. If you want to kiss with your tongue, check if your partner is ready for this, if he likes such kisses. You can carefully find out by gently caressing his lips with your tongue, trying to touch the tip of his tongue. See how your loved one will answer you, whether he will reach out to meet you.

What to do with your tongue when you kiss

A kiss with a sucking tongue is not as difficult as it might seem.

There are an incredible variety of types of kisses with the tongue! Lovers themselves often give names to their kisses. For example, a lick kiss is to gently lick the lips of a loved one. Or an edible kiss - you need to smear each other's lips with something tasty, and then lick it off them with your tongue. You still need to start a kiss with the tongue with a kiss on the lips. If you immediately passionately pounce on your loved one without going through the so-called prelude, then this will not always look adequate. Assess the situation first. If this is going to be a moment filled with romance, then you should start with simple kisses. Next, try licking your partner's lips, you will feel his reaction and understand if you can act more actively. If yes, then slowly move your tongue into your partner's mouth and look for the tip of his tongue. Go over it with your tongue, it will be like their first acquaintance or greeting. Only then can you move the tongue a little deeper and gently hold it over the partner's tongue. Now use not only the tips of the tongue, but a wider part of it. Fumbling your tongue around your partner's mouth is not the best option. Deep penetration can also cause irritation and physical dislike. You will succeed if you play with each other's tongues, closing and opening your lips. The tongue during the kiss should not be hard and tense. Relax it, the soft tongue excites the imagination.

How to kiss with a pierced tongue

Nowadays, it is not surprising to see young people with a pierced tongue. Will piercings interfere with a kiss with a sucking tongue? So, the healing time of a tongue piercing ranges from a week to two weeks. And the rule says that French kissing (that is, kissing with the tongue) must be stopped until the wound is completely healed so as not to bring the infection there. As far as sensations are concerned, opinions here differ greatly. A lot of people say that there is no difference in kissing - with or without piercings. Others share incredible cool new sensations of kissing with a pierced tongue. This feeling can arise from the fact that you have diversified your games in kissing, and that's great! And for some it is very unpleasant to kiss a person whose tongue is pierced. I think this is due to a personal attitude to tongue piercings, and it is unpleasant for them to even look at this sight. We conclude that if you are dating someone and want to experiment with piercings, get the opinion of your partner, and then make the final decision.

The first kiss - how beautiful it sounds, and how ugly it can be in reality if you have no idea how to kiss. In fact, very often the first kiss turns out to be spoiled, and for many. If you do not want this to happen to you, then read this article carefully.

Let's figure it out how to learn to kiss for the first time, And what types of kisses exist in general. Being fully armed, you can make your first kiss an unforgettable and pleasant memory.

How to learn to kiss?

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the technique of kissing, but it is still better to get acquainted with them, as expected, because even self-confident young people often have problems with the first kiss.

The first kiss turns out to be awkward due to the fact that the partners do not yet know each other closely, are shy, feel constrained. This is natural, but it is these experiences that cause a spoiled kiss.

Problems with the first kiss occur in both young guys and girls. Many believe that girls should not worry about this, because the guy should take the initiative into his own hands, which means that he will start everything, and the girl will simply repeat his body movements. In fact, things can turn out a little differently:

  • the guy himself will be inexperienced in these matters
  • the young man is too modest to be the first to take the initiative for the first kiss
  • the guy is afraid to be the first to make close contact

Therefore, a girl should also be able to express herself in such situations, this is really important. In principle, a girl should not be ashamed of the fact that she is still inexperienced in kissing. This attracts many guys even more, and they begin to treat their chosen one even more tenderly, become even softer. In this case, the guys have a harder time, because in most cases, it is they who should act as the initiators.

Young men should remember - if a girl looks straight into your eyes for a long time, then she is ready for the first kiss, and is waiting for your initiative.

Setting is also very important for a successful first kiss. Sometimes it will depend on her how successful and enjoyable it will be. Almost all girls love romance, so the atmosphere on a date should be romantic, this will relax both young people, and make the kiss easy and natural.

A real gentleman will never ask permission to kiss a girl - young men should remember this rule. The girl is not asked, she is kissed.

Let's look at the most successful moments for a kiss:

  • back row in the cinema when watching a romantic movie
  • saying goodbye at her house
  • while talking in some beautiful place where you will stand close to each other

Places and moments may seem banal, but they are the most successful for the first kiss.

How to learn to kiss in stages?

In this case, every detail is important. The first thing to know is that your mouth must be ready for this step, no matter how ridiculous it may sound. To do this, you must be completely relaxed, as well as your lips, because the tension in them can make the touch not very pleasant, and the purpose of the first kiss is to get pleasant sensations to goosebumps.

We prepare lips for a very pleasant and gentle kiss:

  • Lips need to be moisturized. No one likes the touch of parched lips. Girls before a date should moisturize their lips with wax. Boys may lick their lips before kissing.
  • Fresh breath. This is the main point that can ruin the kiss. Make sure that the breath from the mouth is pleasant and fresh, so that the partner does not feel an unpleasant taste in his mouth during a kiss with the tongue. You should always monitor the freshness of your breath, because the unpleasant smell from the mouth scares away not only your soul mates, but also just the people around you.

For the first kiss to be perfect, you need to study your partner's body language so that you can understand at what point and what action, the body movement will be performed.

But remember, it's better to kiss the first time without using your tongue. So, how to learn to kiss without tongue- by stages (the initiator is a guy):

  1. The first kiss simply must be unrealistically tender, and other than the lips, other parts of the body should not be involved in it. Do not grab the girl abruptly and do not hold her tightly to you.
  2. Since the initiative rests on the shoulders of the young man, therefore, he should tilt his head to the side (in a convenient way for him) and gently touch the girl's lips, without opening his mouth wide and not sticking out his tongue.
  3. You need to freeze in this position for a few seconds to feel the charm of the first touch to the partner's lips.
  4. After that, you need to gently run the tip of your tongue over her lips.
  5. After a short gentle kiss, you need to hug the girl and tell her how wonderful she is.

Sometimes it happens that a girl should initiate a kiss because of the timidity or indecision of a young man. It is best to try to kiss the guy at the moment when you say goodbye to him. So, how to learn to kiss a guy- the actions of the girl in such a situation:

  1. Thank him for a well-spent day or evening. At this moment, you need to look him straight in the eyes, and gently smile.

  1. Get closer to the young man to "enter his personal space." Such a moment will be exciting for both.
  2. Pulling your lips slightly forward, close your eyes and slowly approach the guy's lips.
  3. Gently kiss the young man on the lips (without opening the mouth and sticking out the tongue). Such a kiss should not last long.

Before learning to kiss on the lips, you need to understand that the first kiss should be soft, gentle and memorable, and if it is sucked, it is unlikely that the kiss will turn out like that. For the first kiss - a kiss without a tongue is the best option.

How to learn to kiss with tongue?

A kiss with the tongue is already a more serious and intimate contact between partners. There are a number of recommendations, the implementation of which will help make such a kiss pleasant and appropriate:

  • Run your tongue over your lips to wet them. It is very important that during a kiss with the tongue the lips slide well.
  • To prevent noses from becoming an obstacle for a long kiss, tilt your head to the side while approaching your partner's face
  • When your faces are already very close to each other, close your eyes for maximum pleasure from the kiss.

  • Even a kiss with the tongue must begin with a touch of closed lips.
  • Open your mouth slowly
  • After that, pinch your partner's lip with your mouth
  • As you close and open your lips, stick out your tongue and lick your partner's mouth as gently as possible.

Such a kiss can last long enough until one of the partners stops it.

How to learn to kiss without a partner?

Many want to learn how to kiss before it comes to practice, so that during the first kiss, so to speak, "do not screw up."

Let's look at a few lessons on how to learn to kiss without a partner. And the first way is training with a tomato.

How to learn to kiss on tomatoes?

So in this case, a ripe tomato will be an excellent helper:

  1. Rinse it well under water and peel it off.
  2. Gently touch the juicy pulp of the vegetable with your lips
  3. Perform the following touches with your tongue so that it sticks more and more into the tomato
  4. Such actions must be done carefully so that the tomato juice does not splash the face.
  5. The juice that will stand out from the vegetable must be gently licked with the tongue, imagining that this is the partner's mouth.

It is also worth noting that for such training you can take as assistants:

  • peach
  • plum
  • apricot

The main thing is that the vegetable or fruit is soft and ripe.

How to learn to kiss on a mannequin?

There is another way to learn how to kiss without the presence of a partner, at least a living one. Do not be alarmed, in this case we are talking about a mannequin. This is another method to become a "guru" in kissing. Compared to a tomato, this method is more expensive. On this mannequin you can easily learn to suck kiss. So let's get started:

  1. Take a good look at the mannequin. It is good because you can not only examine it, but also touch it in order to know all the forms, flaws of the human body. Do not be shy, because it is on it that such experiments can be carried out if you do not want to conduct them unprepared on your partner.
  2. Learn how to properly touch your partner, approach him.
  3. Start by learning the correct tilt of the head, this is very important during the kiss so that the nose does not interfere with the implementation of the plan.
  4. In general, the mannequin is at your disposal: study, try, experiment. Such trainings will help you get rid of unnecessary stiffness and closeness, and the first kiss will be remembered for a long time, and in a positive way.

It doesn’t matter at all how old you are, 12 or 14, the main thing is not to be shy about the desire to learn how to kiss. In any case, these skills and abilities will be useful to you in life. Thanks to them, you will be able to make a good first impression, and this means a lot at the beginning of any relationship.

Do not be afraid to experiment and learn, because there is nothing to be ashamed of, especially since no one will know about it if you do not want it. Knowing how to kiss is great, but knowing how to kiss well is even better. Kiss more, enjoy every kiss.

Video: How to learn to kiss?

Before moving on to more intimate kisses, consider a description of the main varieties of manifestation of feelings in an appropriate way:

  1. love is shown by gentle slow touches, neat as for the first time;
  2. passion, unlike the previous concept, is expressed by more emotional, frank and uncontrollable movements of the mind, not only with lips;
  3. friendship corresponds to a meaningless kiss on the cheek or even without touching it, as if in the air;
  4. reverence - an elevated feeling, which manifests itself only in raising the lips to the object of respect;
  5. airy light and playful. Good for a little flirting. In this case, it expresses either good friendship or the birth of something more than simple sympathy;
  6. Parental tenderness or kiss of a child. The most real and valuable;

Lips using the tongue represent only loving and passionate types of kisses, as they show exactly the physiological needs, both in the case of a guy and a girl. The organs participating in the process of contact transmit the necessary information through their receptors to the parts of the brain that are responsible for feelings. And from there they come out in the form of excitement and desire. Therefore, kisses often end not only with mutual caresses, but also with an intimate relationship.

Kiss with lips without a tongue

When the time comes for growing up, changes begin to occur with the guy and the girl in terms of the appearance of sexual characteristics. This is how teenage love begins. Modern sympathy is not limited to evening walks and handshakes. There comes a moment of physical manifestation of feelings.

Multiple videos that our children have to watch since childhood are already saturated with vivid scenes of love. But no one explains at this time to the kids that real emotions can be shown not only in this way. So they have to try to master science on their own. Let's try to tell:

  • Freshness. If you decide that today you will definitely let your soulmate kiss you, prepare your breath for this. Good breath is more important than ever;
  • Practice. Imagine your partner and touch your lips, but not too defiantly and demandingly, but gently. Use your wrist to feel how your loved one will roughly feel;
  • Tilt your head so that your noses do not touch each other. It interferes with the process;
  • Hold back saliva. Being wet from other people's secretions is not very pleasant, especially if you have not yet learned all the intricacies of intimate literacy;
  • That is why this kind of affection is appreciated. He is the first, laid-back and sincere, does not provide for vulgarity and sexual intimacy at an early age.

To add effect, hug the neck of a representative of the opposite sex, press a little to yourself. It is not necessary to squeeze the throat with pressure and clamp the partner in a "vice". Everything should be by mutual desired agreement. Don't forget that this kind of petting is without a tongue!

French kissing - the art of moving the tongue

How not to go further and abandon the deep way of touching already using the tongue. This type of kiss is called "French". He already expresses sexual sympathy and activates not just excitement, but also the corresponding organs, nerve endings. Erogenous zones begin to awaken and affect the general condition of the body.

The duration of this process usually does not exceed 5 minutes. Depends on how close the partners are emotionally to each other. To learn seductive tongue movements, simple lip kissing skills will not be enough. Gotta be ready:

  • doing something for the first time is always difficult, so just start with the usual touch of the lips;
  • gradually open your mouth, but do not try to eat your partner;
  • if you were answered, continue, gradually penetrating the tongue, but slowly, into the oral cavity of the second half;
  • watch the reaction of the opposite sex.

If everything worked out, put yourself a "offset". The next kisses will not be so careful and interesting. Gradually, you will no longer be the initiator of events. Your chosen one or chosen one will independently provoke a French erotic kiss. So now it will be permanent, get used to it and do not be shy.

An important point in mastering the intricacies of a French kiss is complete relaxation and trust in a partner. The confidence that your feelings are not fake, but the most real and perfect, will do its job. Leave outdated prejudices and get amazing pleasure.

5 Ways to French Kiss

You have already mastered the initial laws of how to kiss with the tongue correctly, but you should go further and learn the science of all kinds:

  1. passionate "mill". It provides for movements, like the blades of a mechanical analogue, in a circle. Here, mutual play and support is indispensable;
  2. exquisite. You should touch the elements of the oral cavity: palate, teeth, gums. But this should be done as gently as possible and very calmly;
  3. gentle. "Outlining" the contours of the oral cavity, lips, tongue;
  4. playful flirt. Simultaneous use of teeth, which should gently bite the partner's lips. An addition from already familiar French caresses will not be superfluous;
  5. the last type is "Samayan", which most clearly reveals the depth of your intimate relationship. Sucking gently on the organ of the partner's oral cavity is no longer a simple skill.

You will definitely achieve these requirements over time. Everything is learned through life experience. But don't rush to grow up. Sometimes learning the charms gradually is the best solution.

Be careful and avoid mistakes. They can cause you an irresistible disgust later and cross out all the pleasure that you previously received from a French kiss. Often, out of ignorance, with a girl and a guy, against the background of a nervous experience, an abundant secretion of saliva, which is unpleasant for some, can happen. You will have to not kiss, but wipe your mouth with improvised means.

Don't try to push your tongue too hard into your partner's mouth. You are not a corkscrew. This is annoying and can cause your significant other to feel uncomfortable, gag or choke. It is unlikely that the next attempt will be welcome.

Why do you need to kiss with the tongue

What does the usual traditional and sensual intimate kiss in French bring into our lives? These two effects affect the organs of the reproductive system and the processes of excitation, and hence the entire body. And this is a scientifically studied fact. Representatives of the University of California decided to prove it.

A small and simple experience in the form of observations and regular surveys showed the following undeniable results, which happens with regular kisses with members of the opposite sex:

  1. a noticeable increase in financial well-being;
  2. significant resistance to irritation and stressful situations;
  3. full muscle tone;
  4. excellent indicators of immunity;
  5. ideal condition and youthfulness of the skin;
  6. an increased amount of joy hormones in the body;
  7. feeling of strength and vitality.

In addition to the above positive effects, kissing reduces calories, anesthetizes and normalizes the natural metabolism in the body of both partners. Every year on July 6, the whole world bows to the art of kissing and celebrates his day. This is a manifestation of a real sensual relationship. How to resist temptation. Kissing a loved one is happiness that everyone must experience.

Kissing is always nice. A French kiss, also known as a kiss with the tongue, gives a special pleasure. During it, two people experience feelings that an ordinary kiss on the lips or on the cheek will not give. Kissing with the tongue at first glance seems difficult, in fact, everything is easy and simple, just kiss once or twice. But many who have not yet kissed so deeply are afraid that they will not succeed and are embarrassed to kiss their partners like that, since kissing with the tongue is something out of the ordinary for them. But in vain! Throw all your fears and complexes aside! Below are a few tips on how to properly kiss on the lips with the tongue.

How to learn to kiss with tongue

  • If you've never kissed with your tongue before, then make your first kiss unforgettable. Let this happen on a romantic date with a person with whom you are in love or who you like very much. A kiss largely depends on the feelings for the person you are kissing. Believe me, a kiss out of interest and a kiss with the person you are in love with is like earth and sky. Feelings in the second case are much more pleasant.
  • Think about how you look. Kissing with the tongue is a rather intimate caress. Make sure your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable. You must be neat and tidy.
  • If you are still quite a beginner and do not know how to kiss with your tongue correctly, remember something that will most likely be WRONG. So, you can’t: harsh and in large quantities perfume or cologne, greasy and bitter lipstick, a lot of makeup on your face, bad breath, dirty teeth and mouth.
  • What you need: clean neat clothes, a light pleasant smell of perfume, fresh breath.
  • Choose the right environment. For the first time, tongue-kissing with a girl is better in private, in a quiet relaxing environment and with the confidence that no one and nothing can interfere with you.
  • So, how to kiss with the tongue. Relax. If you are tense, you will not be able to move your tongue naturally, and this is one of the main conditions. The first kiss should not be sluggish or forceful, too short or too long. Try to find a middle ground.
  • It is not always appropriate to tell your partner that you are going to kiss him, and even explain in what way. You definitely shouldn't say: "Turn to me, open your mouth, and I'll kiss you!" But talking about kissing is a good way to find out if your partner wants to be kissed by you. Try to ask the question in a light and cheerful tone. For example: "What if I kiss you?" or "Can I kiss you?". Remember that it all depends on the situation. The second question is better to ask directly in the eyes of a partner. By his reaction, even if you do not receive a direct answer, you will be able to understand whether the partner wants a kiss.
  • Don't try to hold your breath before kissing. People breathe calmly when they kiss.
  • Many people wonder how to hold their head during a kiss. So that the nose does not interfere, you should position your head at a slight angle to the partner's head.
  • Hug your partner while kissing. At the first kiss, you should not move on to exciting caresses. It is best for girls to hug a guy by the shoulders or neck. Young people during a kiss usually hug the girl by the waist. Stroke your partner on the back, neck, hair.

tongue kissing technique

Now more about the process of kissing.

  1. Again, we decided to use visual material to explain how to kiss with the tongue correctly. The pictures reflect the kissing technique quite well. You can find other pictures, there are many of them on the Internet. Visual material is always good to use if you are learning something. Pictures and photos of how to kiss with the tongue are useful material for beginners.
  2. Before kissing, look your partner in the eyes, expressing your feelings with your eyes. The gaze should be direct and open. Let your partner read a sincere desire in your eyes.
  3. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  4. First, kiss your partner a little on the lips, then slightly open yours. This will let you know that you are ready for closer contact.
  5. Gently penetrate your partner's mouth with your tongue, touch his tongue and start stroking him. Remember that everything should happen naturally and effortlessly, so your tongue should not be too tense, but also sluggish.
  6. When kissing, the tongues move mutually and stroke each other. You can stroke the tongue along the back, under the root and along the edges. The main thing is to do it with feeling.
  7. During the kiss, the lips should touch and move. The movement of the lips during a kiss is associated with pressure on the partner's lips. You either lightly press on his lips, then relax, then open your lips wider, then close as much as your tongue allows. This happens throughout the kiss.
  8. The lips should not be in the same position as the partner's lips. While kissing, don't be afraid to kiss the skin around your lips.
  9. You can vary the depth, speed, and style of the kiss. You can make a kiss deep and passionate (as far as the length of the tongue allows) and not very deep, but gentle. You can kiss quickly (but the main thing is not to overdo it with speed) and slowly. You can also change the movements themselves when kissing. You can stroke the entire surface of the tongue or kiss only with the tips of the tongues. You can do any one movement longer (for example, caress the tip of the tongue for a long time). There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that both partners have a desire to bring them to life!

And remember that perfect kissing can only be achieved through active practice. Happy kisses!

First you need to figure out what kisses are:




  • "butterfly wings";
  • farewell;
  • kiss with tongue - "French";
  • kiss in a hickey.

Touching lips to the cheek of friends, relatives is considered a form of greeting and expression of joy. Kissing with friends, relatives at a meeting and parting is considered the norm among the loving French and Italians. This tradition also exists among some Slavic peoples.

Kissing between two people in love abounds in variety, form and feeling. You can kiss “in an adult way” using various techniques, using the tongue and lips.

"Butterfly wings" are gentle touches with a closed mouth of various parts: cheeks, eyes, neck, lips. At this time, you can whisper various tender words in the ear of your beloved.

Goodbye kiss usually occurs at the end of a date or meeting. It is given as a token of gratitude for the presented evening. Gentle touches can develop into a passionate impulse, which becomes a harbinger of a stormy night of two lovers.

kiss in french- the most popular and frank expression of the feelings of lovers. It is done with the mouth open. Language contact is possible with various improvisation options: stroking, biting.

Usually serves as a harbinger of intimacy. Thus, having decided to have sex with a lover, you must be able to kiss correctly. The process should not put a person in a stupor, while making them embarrassed. When kissing, both partners should enjoy what is happening, be confident and relaxed.

Here are some tips to help you learn how to kiss for the first time:

  1. Do not eat onions, garlic before a date, and do not drink alcohol and tobacco. It is especially unpleasant to kiss a drunk woman smelling of cigarettes.
  2. The lips, hands, hair of the girl must be in perfect and well-groomed condition. A girl should be like candy: smelling and beautiful, so that she wants to be eaten.
  3. Create a romantic atmosphere: subdued light, candles, rose petals, aroma lamps.
  4. Hygiene of the mouth and body. It's no secret that bad breath can discourage kissing even the most in love person. If you can't brush your teeth, you can use chewing gum, fresh breath spray, and eat an apple or chew on parsley.
  5. Do not freeze in one position. Stroking the hair, back, shoulders of a loved one will help to relax yourself and your partner during a kiss.
  6. Don't be shy: focus on the pleasure, not the technique itself.
  7. Don't be silent. A "wet" kiss can be combined with gentle words and compliments, whispering them in the ear of your beloved.

To kiss correctly for the first time will help exercises with a tomato or peach. Imagining your partner's lips as a ripe juicy fruit, you can bring a lot of pleasure to yourself and your girlfriend.

The first kiss is the most exciting event in the life of every couple. Learning how to do it right, you can deliver a lot of pleasure to each other.

For young and chaste girls, a dilemma arises: when can you let a guy kiss you for the first time? It should be noted right away that any normal guy appreciates a girl who respects herself and does not pounce on her neck on the first date.

According to statistics, 70% of young people on the first date not only kissed, but even had sexual intercourse. It is worth noting that such relationships were not durable.. Therefore, if a girl is really dear, and a guy has serious plans for her, then he will respect her principles and wait as long as necessary.

Each person decides for himself what kind of relationship he wants to build, as well as what he expects from these relationships.

But there is an unspoken rule according to which a decent girl does not attack a guy on the first date and does not allow him anything extra.

Of course, this fact will cool a frivolous man, but on the contrary, an interested and serious man will arouse greater interest in such a lady.

But there are situations when a girl likes a guy, but he still does not show signs of attention to her. In this case, the young lady must act subtly and wisely, resorting to her feminine charm and cunning.

You can “win” a guy so that he is the first to take the initiative by starting to study the interests of his beloved. For example, if he is a footballer, go to a match with him and sincerely cheer for his team. Only this should be done naturally, rejoicing with him at the victory of his favorite team.

If the guy is romantic - walks under the moonlight, talking about poetry and music should be her main pastime.

But everything should be sincere and natural. A girl should not step over herself to please her beloved. If the guy is a skydiver, then jumping with him is not at all necessary, but it would be appropriate to come with him and support him.

It should be remembered that a man feels the sincerity of a woman and will definitely respond to her "efforts".

Sharing the sphere of interests of her beloved, the girl will very quickly be able to achieve reciprocal feelings, as well as the first kisses that follow them.

The first kiss with a guy should be sensual and tender. The girl should seem to give the young man a piece of her youth and freshness. You should not force things quickly, but being excessively shy is also wrong.

How to kiss a guy first

In the manifestation of intimate caresses, the man should be given the initiative. After all, one should not forget that he is a hunter and conqueror. A girl shouldn't be too pushy. However, what if the guy is shy and indecisive?

If a girl feels that the “moment of truth” has come, and the guy still does not dare to kiss her after a week of dates, then in this case you can take the first step.

The correct way to kiss a guy is to:

  1. Look with an inviting look. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, they are really better than any words. The partner should openly and directly look the guy in the eyes, making it clear that she is ready to kiss.
  2. Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you.
  3. Close your eyes and kiss his lips.
  4. Kiss your partner on the lips, and then slightly open your mouth. By this, the girl makes it clear that she is ready for more daring actions.

A loving guy will answer the girl with a passionate French kiss, hugging her tightly. At the first kisses, you should not rush things and demonstrate all your skills at once. Constant practice will help to achieve very good results in this matter.

How to kiss with tongue

A French kiss eliminates various manifestations of timidity and insecurity. Usually this happens in a fit of passion, the intensity of love emotions. You should not start such frank caresses if the woman is not ready. A man should be patient and attentive to the desires of his partner.

With intimate caresses, deep penetration of the tongue should be avoided.. It should be remembered that a kiss is not a sports competition.

Also, excessive salivation should not be allowed. Too hot a kiss can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon.

Do you want something interesting?

To properly kiss with the tongue, you need to take into account the following points:

  1. The quality of a kiss directly depends on the feelings of loving people. A kiss from a guy in love will give a girl an unforgettable experience, even if the young man is inexperienced in love affairs. Therefore, it is better to learn how to kiss with your favorite boyfriend.
  2. Neat appearance and cleanliness of the body. With an intimate kiss, not only fresh breath is important, but also a pleasant body odor, the aroma of clean hair, neat manicure, neat clothes. All these aspects create an aura of intimacy.
  3. A girl should observe the measure in cosmetics. "Licking off" bitter lipstick is unlikely to appeal to any guy. You also need to carefully consider the smell of perfume: they should not be sharp and saturated. On a romantic date, a girl should smell like a flower: fresh, natural, tender.
  4. The kiss should occur naturally and naturally. It is not at all necessary for a guy to tell his beloved that he will kiss her now.
  5. At the same time, you should not hold your breath at all - this is not a sports jump. Breathe calmly and naturally.
  6. So that the nose does not interfere with the process, the head should be placed at an angle to the partner’s head.
  7. Kissing a guy is necessary, hugging him. Wrapping your arms around your neck and stroking your partner's back is a demonstration of tenderness, trust, and passion.

Proper French Kissing Technique

French technology does not tolerate any complexes! There shouldn't be any taboos here.

Kissing rules:

  1. The kiss begins with a light touch on the partner's lips.
  2. Next, you should close your eyes, cling to the lips of your beloved, slightly open your lips.
  3. Penetrate the tongue into the mouth of a loved one, touch his tongue and gently hold. The tongue should not be tense and sluggish. You should remember the main rules: naturalness and ease!
  4. The tongues of lovers should touch each other, stroking each other in different directions and places: along the back, along the edges.
  5. Lips at the same time, too, should not be indifferent. They should touch the partner's lips with different intensity: sometimes stronger, sometimes more tender. Throughout the kiss, the lovers' mouths do not open, as a rule.
  6. Before and after a passionate kiss, you can kiss your partner's face, this adds a certain amount of pleasant sensations.
  7. Depth, speed, kissing method can be changed. You can move from a passionate kiss to a gentle one and vice versa.

A passionate kiss occurs with deep penetration of the tongue. Gentle is characterized by softness and delicacy.

You can kiss fast or slow. You can combine different techniques, or you can repeat only one. The choice depends only on the desire of two persons.

Learning to kiss with your tongue is easy. The perfection of this practice comes through experience and gives an incredible storm of emotions!

When young people feel sympathy for each other, a natural attraction sets in between them, which naturally leads to intimacy. A kiss in a hickey is the first step to violent sex.

You can kiss passionately with your tongue (as in the previous version), or you can do without penetrations, gently biting your partner's lips.

In the first version, the partner's tongue can caress the girl's tender lips or passionately penetrate her mouth. The tongue option delivers more sensual pleasure to both partners.

Kissing with a tongue with a guy in a hickey is necessary, following this technique:

  1. Leaning slightly towards the stalls, you should gently touch his lips with a half-open mouth. If the partner is experienced, he will respond to this by touching the tongue of the partner's lips. If this does not happen, then the girl should take the initiative into her own hands.
  2. The guy's tongue should be licked in a circular motion. For many men, the tongue is an erogenous zone, such manipulations give them a lot of pleasure. This must be done carefully so as not to accidentally bite the tender flesh.
  3. Many men like stroking the inside of the lips with a female tongue. To do this, draw the tongue along the inner contour of the mouth.
  4. Hand position is an important part of lovemaking. A woman should gently hug the neck of her beloved, caressing her back, chest, shoulders.

You should listen to the desire of the partner and do what both like. Do not be afraid of experiments and new sensations.

When kissing passionately, you should breathe through your nose, since breathing through your mouth will not work physically.

Kissing for the first time “in an adult way” may not work out right. However, by constantly practicing with your beloved partner, you can learn this art by expressing tenderness, passion, love, affection through kisses to each other.