How did the personal life of the Stand Up stars on TNT develop? Viktor Komarov about his pregnant girlfriend, a trolley in a supermarket, maternal instinct, childbirth, female egoism Personal life of Viktor Komarov

In 2013, the humorous project Stand Up was released on TNT. Comedians share funny stories, talk about love, family, friendship, etc. Often, residents of the Stand Up show on TNT talk about their personal lives. How the relations between the participants of the Stand Up project on TNT develop outside the stage - in the editorial material.

The personal life of the host of the Stand Up show is shrouded in mystery. In numerous performances, the comedian admits that he has not yet found the love of his life. Bely says in monologues that it is difficult for a comedian to find a good girl, and marriage is a serious matter. In addition, the stand-up is considered an inveterate bachelor and does not like when his freedom is limited.

The press discussed the novel and numerous photos of Bely with his colleague Yulia Akhmedova, but the young people denied all the rumors, noting that they had a long-standing friendship.

The comedian also has not yet established her personal life. It is about this that the stand-up comedian skillfully broadcasts from the stage - Julia touches on the topic of relationships in each of her performances.

It is noteworthy that Akhmedova manages to start short novels, but the humorist does not cover her boyfriends.

Vyacheslav Komissarenko

Another member of the Stand Up show also prefers to talk about love and relationships. The comedian himself has been dating a girl named for more than 5 years. Alyona, which Lisa affectionately calls. It is Alena who gives Slava ideas for jokes, the audience is happy to wait for Komissarenko's new performances.

Two-meter romantic”Does not hide his beloved from fans, joint photos of the couple appear on his page in the social network.

Stanislav Starovoitov

Family comedian”Managed to build a personal life. After a divorce from his first wife Marina Mamatova, to which almost all of Stas's monologues were devoted, the comedian married a second time. Daughter Masha stayed with her mother.

Makeup artist became the new darling of Stas Irina Kryuchkova... In his monologues, Starovoitov often referred to Irina as “ my girlfriend”, But did not give a name. In 2017, Kryuchkova gave birth to a son, now Stas is the father of two children.

Timur Karginov

The first black comedian in Russia”Attracts the attention of girls with a bright Caucasian appearance. Although the comedian tries to keep the details of his personal life secret, the paparazzi are now and then trying to catch Timur with the girl.

Karginov has been in a relationship for many years, but he hides the name of the chosen one. Young people do not want to tie the knot yet, because they feel good together without a stamp in their passport.

Alexey Shcherbakov

Another " family comedian”On the project -. In 2011, the comedian married a girl Elena, who soon bore him a son. In monologues, the artist often talks about his wife, raising children and work.

In 2017, Shcherbakov announced that his wife was pregnant for the second time. Judging by Alexei's remarks from the stage, another child has appeared in his family.

Viktor Komarov

The comedian does not dwell on one topic, his jokes are about absolutely everything. If in the first seasons of the show the comedian often talked about failures in his personal life, then in 2018 the vector of humor changed.

For a long time Komarov was in a relationship, and in 2015 he went to the registry office with his beloved. At the time of the wedding, Komarov's girlfriend was in a position, after a couple of months Victor became a happy father - his wife gave him a son. It is noteworthy that the comedian does not disclose the name of his wife, and also rarely publishes joint photos on social networks.

Ivan Abramov

Destiny " the most educated comedian”I met KVN backstage. In 2008, Abramov began dating Elvira Gismatullina, and in 2014 in France, the lovers got married.

After a while, Elvira gave Ivan a daughter, the girl is already showing artistic abilities and pleases her parents. At the end of 2017, Abramov became a father for the second time.

Nurlan Saburov

The young Kazakh comedian found happiness while still studying at the institute. For a long time, Saburov met with Diana, and when he found out that his beloved was pregnant, he immediately proposed.

Now the comedian is Madina's loving husband and father. Nurlan recently announced his wife's second pregnancy and spoke about the upcoming birth in Moscow.

Viktor Komarov is a Russian comedian, participant of the TV show "Stand Up" since the day the project was founded. He fell in love with the audience not only for funny and witty jokes, but also for unique performances, which are compared to a mini-theater played by one person.

Viktor Komarov was born in the spring of May 9, 1986 in Moscow. The boy grew up here, in the capital of Russia. From early childhood, he loved to play a trick on friends and relatives, arranged pranks and staged situations that came out unexpected for those around him.

Komarov studied very well at school, and since Viti's class was with an in-depth study of economics and mathematics, even after receiving a certificate of maturity, the young man remained in the exact sciences. The choice of the young man fell on the Faculty of Computing Machines and Systems at the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation.

As a result, Victor even worked for some time as a security systems engineer and digital cinema engineer at Mosfilm. But even from his student days, Viktor Komarov was attracted by the stage. He tried himself in the famous Club of the Merry and Resourceful, played comic scenes with a partner, but all was in vain.

One day, a young man saw a video recording of a British stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard's performance on an Internet page. Victor tried to write the text on his own and realized that he had found what he needed! As a result, Komarov gave up the lucrative, but unloved job of an engineer and plunged into the vague and dubious prospects of humor.

Humor and creativity

Viktor Komarov began performing with author's numbers as soon as “open microphones” appeared in Moscow. It was 2010, and at first there was no talk of television concerts, but only of live performances, where an aspiring artist learned to interact with the audience.

And the next year, Victor appeared on the TV show "Battle for the Air" on "MUZ-TV". The first shooting experience gave Komarov confidence, and he went to a kind of competition at Comedy Battle, where he reached the final. Victor failed to win the show, but he was convinced that he found his own business. At the same time, the comedian, in tandem with Marat Sekaev, organized a specialized project "Funny for Money", and together with him went on tour in the cities of Russia.

And when the new humorous TV show “Stand Up” was launched on the TNT channel, Viktor Komarov, along with, and, became one of the first residents.

He is one of those few participants who do not have a clear role and narrow theme of jokes. Victor writes skits on various topics, telling about the events he has experienced, and in a comical, but at the same time in a positive way, charging the audience with optimism.

The comedian attracts attention not only with jokes: each of the artist's scenes is a mini-performance performed by one actor.

In April 2014, the premiere of the film-biography "Startup" was held, where the main roles were performed by and. This is the story of the creation of the largest Russian search portal. In the center of the plot are two friends who have become business partners. The prototypes of the guys were and. Viktor Komarov played a secondary role in the film. The humorist's hero's name was Roma.

Then he participated in the show "Do not sleep!". He was the leader of the project. The essence of the program is that each participant contributes 10,000 rubles. This is the prize pool. Then the comedian jokes. And the jury decides if the performance was funny.

Personal life

In the TV project "Stand Up" Viktor Komarov is presented as "a positive loser who is constantly abandoned by girls." But in fact, the Moscow comedian met with his beloved for a long time, and in 2015 he officially married her. The comedian's wife is not a public person, and he himself does not like to advertise his personal life.

The wedding was attended only by the groom, the bride and the registry office staff. Victor believes that spending money on a celebration with the hope that the money will be repaid by gifts is pointless. Better to leave funds for the child. And the appearance of the baby was not long in coming. At the time of registration of the marriage, the girl was 7 months pregnant, so she did not even put on shoes, but came to the registry office in sneakers.

So soon a son appeared in a young family, and now the comedian is a happy husband and a loving father.

Like many modern people, Victor is registered on Instagram. There the comedian uploads photos from performances and backstages, funny videos and footage from performances. Less often - personal pictures.

Viktor Komarov now

In February 2018, the 4th season of the "Where is the logic?" Program started. The rules of the competition are to link incoherent things, characters and phenomena into a semantic unity. He became the host of the show.

In the new season, not just groups are opposing each other, but teams defending cities. So, on February 26, Voronezh and Moscow met in a battle. Voronezh was represented by Ruslan Bely and, and the capital of Russia - by Viktor Komarov and. As a result, the Voronezh team beat the Muscovites by two points.

A year earlier, in September 2017, Komarov, together with a fellow comedian, defeated Artyom Umrikhin and Anna Dziuba from the Artik & Asti group. Then Victor and Nurlan represented stand-up, and Artyom and Anna represented their team.

In March 2018, Viktor gave a recital in Bryansk. And already in April he is expecting Moscow spectators to visit, and then he will go with the program to the city of Volzhsky.


  • 2010 - "KVN"
  • 2010 - Comedy Battle
  • 2012 - "Battle for the Air"
  • 2013-present time. - "Stand Up"
  • 2014 - "Do not sleep!"
  • 2014 - Startup
  • 2017 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2018 - "Where is the logic?"

Edition No. 2 (58) of 09/20/2015 (season 3)

“Look, I’m going to marry my girlfriend soon because she’s amazing, she’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s pregnant, she…. And in fact, this marriage is in flight. But I do not mind, I believe that all marriages should be on the fly, everything, because why marry if she is not pregnant?

- So you came alone?

- You do not fit, find yourself someone.

- Are you a couple?

- Are you husband and wife?

- How long are you together?

5 years? And you are not husband and wife? How do you do it bro?

Take me as your student. Seriously. We're going to finish the show now, you need to go on stage and tell us all.

I mean, don't marry her while she's not pregnant. And you do not chase him. You see, the fact is that when you are not married, you keep each other in good shape. Look how you look - you look amazing. Both you and you. Because what? You can leave at any time. You can leave now. If you ever thought of leaving, now is the perfect moment. Look at her, she smiles, she will think that this is a joke, this is a setup, they agreed.

And, of course, when she said she was pregnant, it was a surprise to me, but not as much as it was to her father. It was the worst thing to tell her father that she was pregnant. I even initially thought to say that she was not pregnant with me. Like, Sergei Alexandrovich, your daughter is pregnant, from whom - I don't know. Let's figure it out, I'm interested in myself.

And, of course, marriage scares me a little, because marriage changes people. I’m afraid of becoming the guy who guards the cart in the supermarket while my wife walks and chooses groceries. Have you seen these characters? Here is the dog that is tied outside, it looks more cheerful, right? She's barking something, isn't she? He makes some sounds. This poor fellow is standing, bitch, just lost the owner. Although they make their face like this: no, no, not that I myself decided that I would stand here. - Nichrome you did not decide on your own, they put you here because you are guarding a cart with unpaid goods, why the heck? Someone is stealing unpaid goods? A guy walks into a store with a list that his wife wrote to him and just looks for a suitable cart. Um ... no, this one is not, this one is also not. Oh, this one: there is bread, there is salt, there is sugar, tampons, but where? No tampons. And here are the tampons, let's go!

And when people find out that I have a pregnant girlfriend, people often ask: “Who do you want? A boy or a girl? " Guys mostly want boys because guys subconsciously think you know how to raise a boy. But you don't really know how to raise either a boy or a girl. Even by nature you do not have such a feeling as a paternal instinct, unlike a woman. Women have a maternal instinct, this is the strongest feeling on the planet, the strongest. I remember once I was drowning in Sochi. I go under the water and with the help of the Archimedean force from time to time throws me to the surface, and at these moments I see how my mother from the far rows of sun loungers just starts from a low start and just runs to the shore. And she jumps over the men and picks up speed, besides, huge inertia. And my mom is a rather large woman, 100 kilograms of a solid mom in a striped swimsuit. This was really scary. At some point I thought to swim from the shore. And so that you understand, father all this time was guarding things at the lounger.

My girlfriend wants me to go to labor. I don't want to because there are no positive reviews. Nobody says: have you been in childbirth? Bro, come on, this is awesome! I just have a friend, he was in childbirth, and now he is not particularly talkative. He's downright introverted. And before the birth, the soul of the company was, you can shut up the hell. And the last thing I heard from him was “a daughter was born”.

It's just that female egoism manifests itself in this. The fact is that a woman will always share any range of emotions. If she feels good, she will also do to make you feel good. But if she feels bad ... She will do everything to make you feel bad. Therefore, you are asking to go to childbirth. And we know what's bad there, we know, the guys know, I know. I watched videos on YouTube, I watched childbirth on YouTube, everyone yells there, everyone, even the cameraman, because he had filmed weddings before, he wanted something more, and now, he's there.

The only argument that worked: The doctor told us that it could affect your sex life, it could kill your sex life. If you're in a long-term relationship, then your sex life isn't so driven by enthusiasm. I know it myself. As soon as we found out that the girl was pregnant, we began to determine the day when I painted. And I realized that we have so little sex because we identified this day so quickly! As soon as we calculated and realized that it was May, I say: "Second?" She says, "Second." I say: "Yes, my text message dropped at that time that my salary had arrived." She says: "Yes, we celebrated then, I remember."

And it turned out that the second - it was not just an ordinary day, it was the day of her ovulation. Guys, if you don't know what ovulation is, this is the day that happens every month, one day, when her egg is so active that there is a 99% chance of getting pregnant. If you are not planning children, on this day it is better not to have sex at all, even oral, nafig need. On all other days, her ovum is such a decent girl who says: “Well, I don’t know, wait, let's go and meet our parents, 3 dates”.

On the day of ovulation, her egg is the hardest woman in the club. She is all in leopard print, she has boots, she smokes.

- Well, boys, which of you is the most nimble here?

And during pregnancy, there is very little sex, very little. The fact is that she is now at such a stage, she is called toxicosis, she constantly bleats, do you understand? And eats, eats. The food cycle inside my girlfriend. She doesn't just eat. She simply sweeps away everything that comes to her hand, she just gnaws.

One night I wake up and my girlfriend is not around. I hear a sound. And I think: someone is eating my girlfriend, 100%. And I go to the kitchen and find her eating cabbage soup. And she didn't even turn on the light for herself. She just lights up the fridge doors for herself. At first I thought that she was stoned, because she ate straight from the pan and without a spoon, she just drank cabbage soup.

And she uses everything like that, everything. She is now hooked on duchess - this is such a lemonade. She just takes one and a half, and opens it, and ... And when there are so many left, she asks: "Will you be?" What makes her think of me every time? Bottom? Like ... Oh, bottom, darling, will you? "

Viktor Komarov is a Russian comedian, a regular participant in the humorous TV show "Stand Up". Acts in the role of a "positive loser", has no clear boundaries in the subject matter - jokes about everything that worries him.

Childhood and youth

Victor was born on May 9, 1986 in Moscow. He studied in the economics and mathematics class of school No. 843, and after receiving a certificate of secondary education, the guy entered the Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, the Faculty of Computers and Systems.

After graduating from the institute in 2009, Victor worked for some time as a security systems engineer and digital cinema engineer at Mosfilm. He also sold Kirby vacuum cleaners at various times, handed out flyers and made pizza. “I don’t miss the past,” says the comedian.

Comedian career

Komarov from his youthful years tried to prove himself in the world of humor, tried to play in KVN, but did not achieve much success in this path. Once Komarov caught sight of a recording of the performance of the English stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard, who inspired the young man to write a monologue in a similar genre of chaotic-eccentric monologue. At that moment, Victor decided on what he would like to do in life and began to work hard in this vein.

For the first time, Komarov tried himself as a stand-up artist in 2010 - these were live performances in the capital's Comedy Cafe, where the artist learned to interact with the audience. Soon, the comedian who gained experience began performing at other venues in Moscow, and also read his monologues in front of the residents of Samara and Baku.

In May 2010, Komarov gave his first solo concert, and the next year he took part in the TV show "Battle for the Air" on MUZ-TV - a humorous battle between comedians from all over the country. At one time, such well-known comedians as Ilya Sobolev, Arseny Popov and Sergey Matvienko were participants in this program.

Viktor Komarov in the program "Battle for the Air"

Soon Victor became a co-organizer of the Funny for Money stand-up project, with the participants (Sergey "Sergeich" Kutergin, Karen Arutyunov, Vyacheslav Komissarenko) performing at various venues in the capital until the end of 2012. In addition, in 2012, the artist could be heard at the Moscow show Central Park.

The next important step in the artist's career was the participation in the Comedy Battle-3 comedy competition, in which the guy successfully reached the final and won the right to permanently participate in the Stand Up show on TNT. Sergey Kutergin and the Sochi duet "20:14", which became a resident of the Comedy Club, also reached the final of the competition.

Victor's monologues touched upon a variety of topics: relationships and money, sports and parenting, social activities and religion, human evolution and technology ... The jokes were reinforced with gestures and Komarov's signature facial expressions.

Participation in the "Stand Up" show glorified Komarov all over the country and gave him an acquaintance with such talented comedians as Ruslan Bely, Stas Starovoitov, Timur Karginov, Ivan Abramov, Yulia Akhmedova, Nurlan Saburov and many other artists of the spoken genre.

In 2014, Victor appeared in the film Startup by Roman Karimov and Yevgeny Tkachuk, a biographical drama about the history of the creation of a large Russian IT project from scratch, and also took part in the humorous show Don't Sleep! on the TNT channel, where he shared funny episodes from his youth.

Personal life of Viktor Komarov

Victor's heart is busy: since 2015, the comedian has been an exemplary spouse. Two months after a modest wedding, the couple had a son. Komarov does not hide the fact that he got married "on the fly" and even believes that only in such cases it is necessary to propose to the girl, as he said in one of the episodes of the Stand Up show. Viktor Komarov loves to play hockey

The humorist's favorite sport is hockey.

Viktor Komarov now

Victor continues to perform at Stand Up and at various Moscow venues, in particular, in the Defacto bar. You can also listen to Komarov's monologues in the new club from the Stand Up stars on TNT Standup Store Moscow, which opened in October 2017. The permanent host of the show of famous comedians is Kirill Seatlov, a participant in the third season of Comedy Battle and "Central Microphone" on STS.

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 9.05.1986

Moscow city

Education: Moscow Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation

Family: married, have a child

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

Viktor Komarov was born and raised in Moscow, tradition and obedience have always been welcomed in his family. Childhood of little Viti was no different from others - school, lessons, further preparation for admission.

Komarov went to study at MIREiA of his own free will, and after completing his studies, he worked for some time by profession.

At the same time, the guy was always distinguished by an unusual sense of humor, the ability to amuse the company with grimaces, as well as a rich vocabulary - Vitya always loved to read, and he does not give up this occupation today.

When Komarov realized that it was possible to make good money on television projects, he got a job at Mosfilm digital cinema engineer.

At the same time, he continued to develop in terms of humor, and at that moment in time he understood that a little more, and the desire to change his profession would turn into reality.

Komarov played a little in one of the KVN teams, but realizing that the framework of the project and team play were limiting him, he began to develop solo.

According to Victor, the stand-up genre allows you to speak on any topic, catch the mood of the audience, and improvise depending on the reaction of the audience. And the most important thing is to develop and learn from your own mistakes.

Komarov even has a role model - his favorite comedian is Chris Rock.

Before coming to the "Stand Up" project, the comedian performed at the Comedy Cafe- his first appearance on the stage happened in 2010, and the guy then caused a flurry of emotions. In the same year, after returning from the Comedy tour, Komarov gave his first solo concert.

Then Komarov was invited to participate in the Funny for Money project, and he became its co-organizer. He performed a lot at the Moscow show Central Park, gaining insane popularity and valuable experience. On account of the comedian, participation in the project of the MUZ-TV channel "Battle for the Air", and in 2012, Victor became a finalist of the Comedy Battle show.

It is not surprising that when he organized the "Stand Up" project, Komarov appeared among its participants. Viktor to this day performs as part of the show, goes on tour, collecting full houses.

The young man attracts not just by told jokes, but by the same grimaces and actions - each scene is a mini-theater performed by one person... It is always interesting to watch what is happening on stage performed by Komarov!

As a joke, Victor uses the life experience of his friends, while he never offends anyone - as he says, there is no need to substitute. However, none of the friends has yet recognized himself in performances, and accordingly, he was not offended.

In the comedian's personal life, everything is very good - he has a wonderful wife who does not seek to brag that her husband is a celebrity. It was the couple's decision to hide their private life, so no one has seen their joint photos so far.

The Komarovs' wedding was attended only by him, the bride and the registry office employee, since it seems strange to the comedian to spend money in the hope of justifying the expenses with gifts.

It is better to spend money on a child, and he has already been born - the wedding event took place when the spouse was 7 months old. For this reason, she did not even wear shoes, but came to the registry office in sneakers.

Viktor Komarov is a very interesting and versatile comedian, cool guy, cool person, killer joker - whatever you call him, but his performances always evoke positive emotions. You can see them on the TNT channel, just follow the "Stand Up" show!

Victor's photo

Victor maintains Instagram, and his Vkontakte page also contains many photos from life, even from school times.