How to remove old stretch marks on the stomach. Stretch marks in the abdomen. How to use cocoa butter for stretch marks

Stretch marks or striae are a cosmetic defect that upsets women. Uneven light-colored scars do not cause pain and discomfort, do not itch and do not stand out above the skin. They look unaesthetic. Women are embarrassed to undress on the beach, and the daily contemplation of pale stripes evokes melancholy.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? From fresh ones - yes, from old ones - there are less chances. You have to put in a lot of effort. How to act? Learn helpful tips.

Reasons for the appearance

Why and from what do stretch marks appear on the body?

The mechanism is simple:

  • the skin is stretched excessively;
  • the cell mass does not have time to grow, there is a lack of collagen;
  • the skin becomes thinner, torn at the level of the connective tissue;
  • striae are formed.

Provoking factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • breast-feeding;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight;
  • too vigorous exercise.

general information

What do striae look like? It's easy to recognize them:

  • after a rupture of the connective tissue, scars appear on the body. Color - from red to deep blue. Together with the skin, small blood vessels are torn;
  • gradually the blood leaves them, the stretch marks turn pale;
  • after a while, uneven stripes become almost white;
  • they do not hurt, do not itch, do not interfere;
  • stretch marks spoil the appearance, look very ugly against the background of a bronze tan;
  • Ultraviolet does not affect the connective tissue, because it lacks melanin.

Note! The more elastic the skin, the less they are threatened with damage and ruptures. Sufficient production of elastin and collagen allows the skin to stretch and contract with the least impact on appearance.

Striae are:

  • fresh. They look like scars of saturated colors;
  • old - whitish stripes that do not rise above the skin.

Favorite locations:

  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • buttocks;
  • breast.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Set yourself up for a long period of treatment. Only regular implementation of the procedures will give a good result.

Helpful Hints:

  • start the fight for beauty at the first sign of stretch marks;
  • getting rid of fresh scars is much easier;
  • old gaps cannot be completely removed, but you can make them inconspicuous;
  • complex therapy is required - therapeutic ointments, creams, folk methods, hardware cosmetology;
  • try home methods, visit a beauty salon or beauty parlor;
  • your perseverance will be rewarded.

Medical treatment

Medical cosmetics will help to strengthen the body, get rid of a cosmetic defect. Special creams for stretch marks on the body of adolescents are produced by well-known cosmetic companies that specialize in the production of such products.

How to remove stretch marks on the body? Pay attention to the best series of medical cosmetics to combat stretch marks. Choose one of the special creams:

  • Phytolastil by Lierac;
  • ANTI-STRIES by Gernetic;
  • Biovergretures from Biotherm;
  • universal cream for stretch marks, Vichy company.

As part of the funds - elastin, collagen, extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils. There are special remedies for stretch marks, the use of which does not harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Folk methods and recipes

Many treatments can be done at home. The components are easy to find in a pharmacy or a nearby supermarket.

An effective system consisting of three mandatory parts:

  • cleansing the skin with scrubs;
  • rubbing special compounds;
  • massage of the desired areas.

Use the full arsenal of tools:

  • masks;
  • healing oils;
  • water procedures;
  • nutrient mixtures.

Best Recipes:

  • mummy cream. Composition - 80 g of baby cream, 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, 1 g mumiyo. Mix the components thoroughly, rub the mixture daily into the affected areas. Store the mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • salt scrub. Mix 0.5 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil, a glass of salt and sugar. Gently treat problem areas, rinse, lubricate the body with lotion or nourishing cream;
  • coffee scrub. Finely ground coffee - 100g, linseed, olive, coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l. Pour a little boiling water into the coffee, steam it. In the resulting gruel, add 6-8 drops of one of the essential oils - rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot, orange. Rub into the desired areas for 3 minutes, rinse, then - the cream;
  • masks with sour-milk products. Take sour cream, fatty yogurt, rub for a few minutes. Another option is to wear a natural product, leave it on the body for 20 minutes, rinse;
  • homemade moisturizer. Choose a thick leaf of aloe, take out the pulp, grind in a blender. Add 0.5 cup of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin E. Use daily.

A good effect is given by regular rubbing. Procedures:

  • skin elasticity is restored;
  • lighten stretch marks;
  • the body becomes tender, velvety.

As a base, use the following types of oils:

  • almond;
  • thirst;
  • tea tree;
  • hazelnut;
  • from wheat germ.

Enhance the effect of essential oils:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • jasmine;
  • grapefruit.

Follow simple but effective procedures at home. They do not require financial costs, perfectly tighten, nourish the skin, increase elasticity.

Cold and hot shower

Alternately pour cold and hot water on problem areas. At the end of the procedure - always cool water.


  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • skin tone increases;
  • along the way, the manifestations of cellulite are reduced;
  • session duration is 5 minutes.

Helpful Hints:

  • start with warm water;
  • gradually reduce the temperature;
  • each set "hot / cold" lasts no more than 40 seconds;
  • after rubbing the body, cover the skin with a cream for stretch marks or an anti-cellulite agent.

Important! Consult your doctor. The method has contraindications. A contrast shower is not recommended for pregnant women.

Self massage

The benefits for the body are invaluable:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • tissue regeneration is accelerated.

During the massage, use a cream or oil. Buy a special massage brush that enhances the effect of the procedure.

Salon procedures

Requested methods:

  • chemical peeling with fruit acids;
  • laser resurfacing of stretch marks;
  • mesotrapriya - the introduction of vitamin cocktails under the skin during injections. The latest technology is non-injection mesotherapy. Substances are injected under oxygen pressure;
  • microcurrent therapy stimulates the regeneration of new connective tissue;
  • micropolishing. Fine abrasive particles exfoliate the top layer of the skin;

Plastic surgery is the last resort. Suitable for removing multiple striae. First, try home methods, salon procedures.

Sport exercises

An active lifestyle is essential for anyone who wants to improve their figure and skin condition. Dosed physical activity will help tighten the skin. Increasing the elasticity of the skin will certainly affect the stretch marks - their size will decrease.

Effective exercises for:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • waist;

Be sure to give not only cardio, but also perform muscle stretching exercises. Be careful with the power pack. In some athletes, stretch marks appear precisely because of the high intensity of training.

Advice! Pay attention to yoga, Pilates. Calm, measured workouts tighten the body, improve muscle elasticity, and get rid of extra pounds.

Stretch marks on the body during pregnancy

A cosmetic defect appears in many women during childbearing or after childbirth. The skin under the influence of the growing uterus is constantly stretched.

With low elasticity of the epidermis, ruptures of the connective tissue are inevitable. The larger the fetus, the higher the risk of ugly stripes on the body.

How to avoid stretch marks? Follow certain rules - striae will be subtle or not appear at all.

Proper nutrition

  • include fatty fish, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs in the diet;
  • whole grains, cheese, nuts, beef, chicken are useful;
  • enrich food with vitamin E, eat enough protein;
  • less sweet - more milk porridge;
  • season salads with olive oil;
  • do not overeat, control weight.

Physical exercise

  • perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women;
  • visit the pool;
  • walk more;
  • visit a fitness club if you can not force yourself to exercise at home.

Important! Check with your doctor before starting exercise. Avoid sudden movements, do exercises carefully, do not work to the limit.

Body care

How to proceed:

  • use only natural remedies;
  • after consulting a doctor, lubricate problem areas with oils: almond, wheat germ, olive, jajoba. Make sure that there are no allergic reactions;
  • a moisturizer is required;
  • apply nutritional formulations after a shower on a wet body;
  • prepare your own scrubs, body masks from natural products.

Proper clothing

Prevention of stretch marks is impossible without a careful choice of underwear, wearing special bandages. One of the important measures to prevent stretch marks.

  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • things that squeeze the body are prohibited;
  • from the second trimester, wear bandages that support the spine, stomach;
  • sagging skin of the abdomen will warn a special belt for expectant mothers;
  • Buy a prenatal bra that supports your breasts well.
  • during pregnancy, take care of your body, do special exercises, wear bandages, eat right;
  • during intense exercise during sports, support the proper absorption of protein in the body. Get enough protein. Replenish the diet with protein products, sports nutrition with collagen, chondrotin, glucosamine;
  • regularly care for the body, increase elasticity, skin tone. At the first sign of stretch marks, buy healing creams;
  • rub various oils into problem areas, make masks, cleanse the body with scrubs. Don't forget about moisturizing milk;
  • watch your weight. Sudden weight loss or weight gain inevitably causes stretch marks on the body;
  • enrich your diet with foods containing vitamin E;
  • remember about physical activity, do it with pleasure, regularly, do not forget about complexes for problem areas;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance, visit an endocrinologist, undergo a course of treatment;
  • in the absence of contraindications, visit a massage room. The procedures give an excellent effect, prevent skin flabbiness;
  • take a contrast shower, go swimming.

If you find ugly reddish scars on your body or decide to get rid of old stretch marks, be patient. Home methods, salon procedures, dosed physical activity will help to put the skin in order. Daily use of medical cosmetics will make the dream of perfect skin come true.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell even more details about stretch marks on the body:

Every woman runs the risk of getting acquainted with striae during pregnancy, hormonal failure, a sharp change in body weight. Sometimes these bright stripes on the body appear for no apparent reason. And then various cosmetics, salon procedures and even plastic surgery are used. Under the influence of distributors of expensive cosmetics, cosmetologists are increasingly undeservedly forgetting about folk remedies for stretch marks. But this is a real, time-tested way to regain your attractiveness without much cash outlay. Similar articles

Homemade stretch mark remedies - CAUSES

Agree, the appearance of striae is not the best way reflected in women's psychological comfort. But they do not pose any danger to life and health. Therefore, do not lose heart when you find these cicatricial skin changes on your stomach, thighs, buttocks or chest. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is microtrauma of individual fibers of the skin, which are associated with overstretching.

There are 3 types of striae:

1. tiny pale pink scars;

2. colorless filamentous stripes;

3. longitudinal scars of red-blue color.

If horizontal stretch marks are found on the body, you should immediately consult a doctor, since such skin defects are associated with serious endocrine disorders.

The risk of striae increases several times during:

1. puberty;

2. pregnancy and lactation;

3. taking hormonal drugs;

4. excessive physical activity.

Stretch marks become paler over time and practically do not stand out against the background of healthy skin. But don't expect them to disappear on their own. Remember: striae can and should be fought on fresh tracks. Treatment methods depend on the preferences of the woman, the condition of her skin.

Get rid of stretch marks will allow a wide range of procedures that are carried out in beauty salons, aesthetic medicine clinics and even at home. The fight against this cosmetic defect with the help of folk remedies can be lengthy, but the result will surely please you.

Homemade Stretch Mark Remedies - RULES FOR RIDING STRETCHES

When there is a desire to get rid of stretch marks at home, you need to develop perseverance, patience and discipline. Only long-term, daily care will give the skin elasticity and beauty. The first rule is the daily intake of a contrast shower. This home remedy for stretch marks helps to get rid of fatigue, improves blood circulation, making the skin supple and beautiful.

The procedure should always end with a cold shower. After taking a shower, apply essential oils to the skin. In the case of regular use of such oils, damaged skin will restore its elasticity. Proper nutrition, along with drinking plenty of water up to two liters per day, also helps to fight stretch marks. If you supplement the diet with a complex of vitamins and rubbing the skin with an orange, noticeable results can be achieved after a month from the start of the procedures.

Homemade stretch mark remedies - ADVANTAGES OF FOLK MEDICINE

The main advantage of using folk remedies for stretch marks is accessibility. You can cook them yourself by buying the necessary ingredients at a pharmacy or specialized stores. You don't need a lot of money for this. In addition, some components can be grown in the country or in flower pots on your windowsill.

Treatment at home has only one drawback. This method is effective for fighting only fresh, small in size and depth striae.

The main methods of dealing with stretch marks on the body with the help of folk remedies:

In order to achieve a visible result, an integrated approach is required, a combination of several methods, as well as the regularity of the procedures. Do not forget about preventive measures. Remember the well-known medical postulate that it is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat its consequences and complications.

Do not try to get the result in a short time - it is impossible. Trust the experience of previous generations and time. Together they can work wonders.


A balanced diet can help prevent stretch marks. In order not to harm your skin, first of all, give up severe food restrictions. Remember - not only a sharp weight gain, but also rapid weight loss is dangerous for your appearance.

Youth and beauty will help prolong the most common foods from your daily diet. What substances should be present in them?


This element is popularly called the “guardian angel” of the skin. It protects it from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and other aggressive external factors, stimulates the process of collagen production. L-ascorbic acid is rich in citrus fruits and berries, broccoli, bell peppers.


Stimulates active renewal of skin cells. Retinol is found in animal products such as liver, egg yolks, as well as carrots, potatoes, cantaloupe, green leafy vegetables.


The most powerful antioxidant, which is involved in the restoration of damaged skin cells, protects them from environmental influences and free radicals. Foods high in vitamin E can help prevent stretch marks, such as nuts, seeds, peanut or olive oil, avocados, oatmeal, and stewed tomatoes.


Gives the skin a healthy look, increases its elasticity and density. A lot of zinc is found in lean beef, beans and bananas.

Note! Abuse of even the most useful products is a direct path to excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks!



1) Scrub should remove all dead and keratinized cells from the surface layer. To do this, it is necessary to include in its composition substances that remove cells mechanically or chemically.

2) Scrub should be gentle on the skin, not cause any damage, soften irritation. For this purpose, a softening element, for example, oil, is introduced into the composition.

3) After treating the deformed areas with cleansing compounds, an excellent nourishing cream or a special mask must be applied to their surface.


A very easy-to-prepare scrub can be obtained by borrowing ingredients from any kitchen. It consists of half a glass of oil (it is better to take olive or almond), 1 glass of salt, 1 glass of sugar. Mix thoroughly - and a great scrub is ready! It is recommended to use it twice a week, while taking a shower. The composition should be applied to problem areas and gently rubbed. The buttocks and thighs can be treated more intensively, but the chest and abdomen areas require caution.


They are used so often that, probably, every woman has a friend who not only loves to use it, but also constantly praises it. Indeed, the composition of the tool is so effective that the results are not long in coming. There are several options for a coffee scrub, everyone can supplement it with some of their favorite ingredients. But, of course, ground coffee is the basis of each composition.

So, you need coarse coffee. To do this, it is better to buy coffee beans in the store and grind them in a coffee grinder. Next, coffee should be mixed with any of the following products: apple cider vinegar, honey, honey with cinnamon, essential oil, honey with cosmetic clay, shower gel. Products can be combined and changed depending on the body's reaction to the components. As usual, everything is thoroughly mixed. On wet skin warmed up in the shower, apply the resulting composition and rub it in with light movements. 15-20 minutes is enough, the composition is washed off with warm water, after which a nourishing cream is applied. Twice a week will be enough, it is not recommended to use a coffee scrub more often.


To prepare this simple and effective remedy, you will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and sugar and a little vegetable oil. Peeling at home is recommended 2-3 times a week before going to bed in combination with a contrast shower and massage. After the procedure, the skin needs additional hydration. For this purpose, ready-made cosmetics or natural oils are used.


For its preparation, it is better to find dark-colored honey of a viscous consistency. Combine half a cup of honey with half a cup of ocean salt. Let the composition stand for ten minutes, and then use it to exfoliate the skin affected by stretch marks.


We measure out a cup of oatmeal, for example, oatmeal. We place them in a metal bowl and lightly grind with a pestle. Add a spoonful of honey and half a cup of almond or peach oil to the cereal. If there is no such oil in the house, we take olive or mustard oil, in extreme cases, unrefined sunflower oil. Stir and use as a scrub. Such a mild composition can be used to cleanse the skin not only on the abdomen, but also on the chest.


For a spa treatment at home, you will need fatty massage oils. The following oils are considered basic remedies for stretch marks: wheat germ (moisturizes, nourishes, accelerates regeneration processes, softens scar tissue); jojoba (improves blood circulation, nourishes and actively moisturizes); avocado (stimulates the production of collagen); almond nuts (increases skin elasticity).


To combat stretch marks, olive, peach, sesame and linseed oils are used. But sea buckthorn, despite all its usefulness, is not used to combat such a cosmetic defect as striae because of its strong drying effect.

Natural oils are used in combination with aromatic oils. The best essential oils are considered to be oils from lavender, mountain orange (neroli), geranium, rose, rosemary, patchouli, mint, cloves and mandarin.

Essential oils
- they act more strongly than vegetable ones. To prevent stretch marks and use low concentrations (up to 1-2%), and to get rid of stretch marks - high concentrations, but with point application to the places of skin stretching.
— EM Neroli
— EM Mandarina
— EM Roses
— EM Lavender
— EM Cypress
— EM Kedra
— EM Rosemary

Two recipes from a book by French aromatherapist Dominique Baudoux:

STRETCHES ON THE CHEST(the mixture is not suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers):
EM Geranium - 3 ml
EM Frankincense gum - 2 ml
EM Mirta -3 ml
Immortelle EM - 2 ml
Rosewood EM - 3 ml
Argan oil - 10 ml
Rosehip oil - 30 ml
Apply a few drops of the mixture in the morning and evening with movements that bring the edges of the stretch marks to the normal state of the skin.

Stretch Mark Prevention and Prevention
(can be used during pregnancy):
EM Geranium - 2 drops
EM Lavender - 1 drop
EM Mandarin - 3 drops
Wheat germ oil - 10 drops
Apply 6-8 drops of the mixture 2 times a day to areas at risk, starting from the 4th month of pregnancy.

The mixture of base and essential oils is a powerful natural product. It allows you to simultaneously moisturize the skin, increase elasticity and saturate it with vitamins. There are many recipes for making aromatic products at home.


1. In 30 ml of peach oil, add 1 drop of orange and lavender oils, as well as 2 drops of neroli aroma oil.

2. Mix olive oil (30 ml) with wheat germ oil (15 ml) and avocado (15 ml). Add 4 drops of essential oils of neroli, lavender and rosemary to the resulting mixture.

3. To one tablespoon of almond oil, add 5 drops of mandarin oil.


1. 0.5 cup olive oil, a tablespoon of jojoba oil and 15 drops of rose oil.

2. Mix in equal proportions coconut, olive and cocoa butter. Add a few drops of liquid vitamin E.

3. You need 100 ml of almond oil and aloe juice, vitamin E (10 drops) and vitamin A (5 drops).

Regular use of home-made aromatic balms allows you to fight even with chronic stretch marks.

It is important! Oil-based products are gently applied to the skin after a shower. It is ideal to combine this procedure with a light massage.

OIL 3 IN 1

Oil prepared on the basis of wheat germ perfectly stimulates the metabolism in the body. Pour wheat germ oil into a dark glass bottle (it is in such containers that any prepared products should be stored), add almond, olive and lavender oil there. It is better to take all the components in equal proportions. The composition should be thoroughly mixed and stored in a dark place. Use after shower instead of cream. It can also be used for light massage.


This is not only a faithful assistant in the kitchen, but our best friend in cosmetology, and even in medicine. It is worth adding a little essential oils to it, as it will turn into an excellent remedy for stretch marks. To prepare the composition, you need a glass of olive oil, 4 teaspoons of almond oil, 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil, 5 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything. You will get a great massage tool.


Wrapping rules:

1. prepare the composition for application to the skin;

2. take a warm shower, you can use a scrub;

3. blot the body with a towel and apply the prepared composition to the treated areas;

4. wrap the treated areas of the skin with cling film, winding it in a spiral.

5. The layers of the film should be put quite tightly, but not tighten the body, it is more convenient to wrap the body in the direction from the bottom up;

6. wrap yourself in a large towel or terry sheet;

7. lie down for 40 minutes;

8. remove the film and wash off the composition from the skin;

9. Apply cream or oil to the skin.


Aloe juice softens dead cells, helping to remove them. In addition, it normalizes metabolism, relieves inflammation, and stimulates the growth of new cells. Wrapping at home is as follows. Large leaves should be cut lengthwise and applied with the inner wet side to the stretch marks. You can act differently: grind the leaves and apply the resulting slurry, laid out on gauze. From above it is necessary to cover either compressor paper or cellophane. To increase efficiency, the compress is wrapped with a sheet or towel. The wrapping process lasts half an hour, after which the compress must be removed, the skin rinsed and smeared with a nourishing cream. The result will appear faster if this compress is applied 2 times a day. After about two weeks, the skin will become smoother and stretch marks less noticeable.


200 g of chamomile (flowers) must be poured with a glass of warm milk, brought to a boil. We apply the cooled solution to problem areas, covering the top with cellophane and a towel. We hold the compress for 15-20 minutes. After that, we remove the compress, and rinse the skin with a contrast shower. Don't forget to use cream.



This is an ancient effective remedy, effective in the fight against stretch marks. Horsetail is able to accumulate silicon in itself, and silicon is known to be useful in skin regeneration. For the therapeutic composition, you will need the following components: 50 g of horsetail, 0.5 l of vodka, a few drops of lemon juice. Vodka can be replaced with alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1/1. Pour horsetail with vodka, add lemon juice, leave the resulting lotion in a dark place for about a month. Then the resulting infusion should be diluted with 0.5 liters of distilled water. You need to wipe problem areas daily, 2 times a day, until the lotion runs out.


Very beautiful and pleasant tool. You should take one carrot, a glass of distilled water, a tablespoon of oil (preferably almond). Carrots need to be washed, peeled and grated on the smallest grater. Then you need to fill it with cold distilled water, leave for 15 minutes. Squeeze carrots and add almond oil. The lotion is stored in the refrigerator and applied 2 times a day.


Comfrey is used in pharmaceuticals for the preparation of healing creams, rubbing and ointments. It contains tannin and allantoin, which contribute to the removal of dead cells and regenerate growing ones. Restoring damaged tissue, comfrey turns scars and stretch marks into barely noticeable threads.

It is necessary to dry the comfrey leaves or buy a ready-made dry mixture at the pharmacy, pour 1 tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of distilled water and leave for about 20 minutes. We use the resulting product immediately, store the rest in the refrigerator. Well, if you can get fresh comfrey roots. Juice should be squeezed out of them and lubricated with problem areas 2 times a day.



An effective cream is prepared on the basis of mummy, which has long been successfully used as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent. It is not difficult to prepare the cream of interest to us. 2g mummy should be dissolved in a tablespoon of distilled water. After complete dissolution, mix with 100 g of baby cream. We get a creamy mass, which we use once a day. The cream should be rubbed into the skin gently and slowly. We store the jar with the composition in the refrigerator, in a sealed container.


From a plant living on the windowsill, it is possible to prepare a cream called "Ambulance". It amazingly heals wounds and perfectly helps to get rid of stretch marks. For the cream, you will need 100 g of dandelion leaves, 80 g of olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal, 3 medium aloe leaves. Dandelion leaves and aloe should be ground in a food processor or vegetable cutter. Next, mix with olive oil, gradually adding oatmeal. The result is a creamy mass. The cream is applied to critical places and washed off after 15-20 minutes.

This tool is great for prevention, as it is always easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to treat.


You can get rid of stretch marks without leaving your home with the help of a special massage, which is absolutely harmless, and, at the same time, more gentle than honey massage. For this massage you will need:

  • ground sea salt;
  • baby or olive oil;
  • oil solution with vitamin A.

A big role in getting rid of stretch marks is also played by patience, together with the belief that soon there will be no trace of stretch marks on the body.

To prepare the therapeutic composition, oil and salt should be mixed in such a proportion as to obtain a thick mass of creamy texture. Four drops of vitamin A are added to the mixture, after which it is thoroughly mixed. The composition is applied to the surface of the skin with massaging movements until it is slightly reddened.

After that, the composition should be kept on the skin for twenty minutes. The best result from the procedure can be achieved if you wrap the body with cling film. During the time required to activate the healing process, it is best not to get physical activity, but to relax lying on the couch watching your favorite series. After washing off the mixture with warm water, the skin should be blotted with a towel, rinsing with chamomile infusion. The skin is then dried naturally.

These home remedies for stretch marks should be used several times a week for one to three months. After two weeks, the first results of the transformation of the skin surface will be noticeable with a reduction in visible stretch marks. Small stretch marks will completely disappear without a trace, while deep ones will be less noticeable. It is also important that this massage will not cause any discomfort, will not leave vascular networks, which cannot be avoided by doing a massage using honey.


To combat stretch marks, you can use a variety of baths. The water in the bath should not be hot (maximum 37 degrees), the duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Before taking baths during pregnancy, you need to consult a gynecologist, this procedure may be contraindicated.


To prepare an aromatic bath, you need to take a tablespoon of salt and mix it with three drops of mandarin oil and three drops of chamomile oil. Dissolve aromatic salt in warm bath water. Carry out the procedure twice a week.


A mint bath can be prepared with dried or fresh herbs. Take a spoonful of dry grass or 20 fresh leaves per liter of water, prepare a decoction and, after insisting, pour it into a warm bath.


To prepare a firming bath, you will need the following ingredients: 300 grams of seaweed; kilogram of sea salt; half a glass of olive oil.

Algae are poured with boiling water, after which they are infused for thirty minutes. The infusion is filtered and poured into the bath. It is also important to lower the algae into the bathroom, for which they are placed in a gauze bag. Next, salt is mixed with olive oil, after which the composition is dissolved in the bath. Take a firming bath for stretch marks twenty minutes three times a week. The temperature of the water should be pleasantly warm, slightly above body temperature.

Algae alternate with green tea, which makes the effect of taking baths more noticeable. In addition to baths, baths allow you to achieve an excellent effect, visiting which you should stock up on salt and honey. After cleaning the surface of the skin with a salt composition, then with the help of honey massage, stretch marks can be reduced, making them less noticeable.

Patience and systematic use of home remedies for stretch marks can achieve excellent results in the fight against ugliness on the body.


Marina Ignatieva is an editor of the Beauty section of COLADY magazine, a hair and make-up artist.


In addition to cellulite, there is another female misfortune - stretch marks, which clearly do not adorn women's skin. They appear as a result of a rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin in the area of ​​​​the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, chest. The reason for the appearance of stretch marks can be a sharp weight loss or a sharp weight gain, pregnancy, hormonal surges.

Only young stretch marks, which have a slight reddish tint, can be completely removed, but older stretch marks, which are white, cannot be completely removed, but they can be visually reduced.

You can also get rid of stretch marks or visually reduce them at home, but you will need time and regular care for problem areas, but with proper care, after a month you will feel a noticeable result. The skin will become firm and elastic.

The best ways to get rid of stretch marks - top 10

1. Self-massage

The main thing is to do this massage regularly. Massage promotes a rush of blood to problem areas, which means saturation with vitamins and skin regeneration. For massage, it is best to use oil or cream. The abdomen and buttocks should be massaged in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. Hips and waist in vertical movements from the bottom up. Massage movements should go to the heart. Cosmetic stores now sell handy brushes and cups designed specifically for removing stretch marks.

2. Contrast shower

Good for skin elasticity. Can be combined with a light massage After taking a contrast shower, rub the skin well with a towel and apply anti-stretch mark cream or anti-cellulite cream.

3. Special home scrub

For such a scrub, you will need a glass of sugar, a glass of salt and half a glass of vegetable oil. All these ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas with massage movements. After such a scrub, you should apply a regular cream or body lotion to the skin.

4. Coffee scrub

For such a scrub, you need 100 g of finely ground coffee, which is poured with boiling water and infused for 15 minutes, you should get a thick coffee gruel, into which a tablespoon of olive, linseed, coconut or rosehip oil is then added. You can also add 5-8 drops of essential oils of orange, grapefruit, rosemary, eucalyptus, bergamot.

5. Mummy

You can take tablets and dissolve them in water and rub them into the skin or take 1 g of mummy per 1 tablespoon of boiled water, 80 g of baby cream, mix, and then rub into problem areas 1 time per day. The prepared mixture should be stored in the refrigerator.

6. Orange oil

Orange oil and any other citrus oils are very good to use for massage. It is best to use after water procedures. Massage is best done with a coarse canvas mitten or a special massage brush. This massage should be done no more than 3 times a week for 2-3 months.

7. Rosemary oils

Add 5-8 drops of rosemary essential oil to a teaspoon of almond oil. This mixture should be rubbed into the skin daily.

8. Almond oil

It contains a lot of vitamin E, so it is rightfully considered one of the most effective remedies for stretch marks. It is quickly absorbed by the skin and does not leave a greasy residue.

9. Hazelnut oil

Another storehouse of vitamin E. Can be rubbed alone or added to a scrub.

10. Wheat germ oil

Thick in its consistency, but no less rich in vitamin E. Absorbed longer than almond. It is very good to use during a massage.

What do girls write and advise on Internet forums to get rid of stretch marks?


Getting rid of stretch marks is a struggle and not the most pleasant. First you need to figure out how old they are, and if they have a large width and a mother-of-pearl shade, do not waste money. For the rest, this is daily and painstaking work, but the result can be achieved.


I got it at 14, now I'm 22, so don't fight it, it's already useless. If at that time I used various moisturizers, as now, this would not have happened! When I lose weight, they become less noticeable, because they shrink, otherwise everything is useless, and they do not tan, because the scars do not tan.


It's been almost 2 years now. I haven’t started treatment yet, I didn’t really understand what it was. Then she began to spread red stretch marks with salt, olive oil and mouthwash. Some have gone completely. But those that remained very much and turned white are well treated with a complex + oils + mumiyo + natural scrubs.

Have you managed to get rid of stretch marks? Share with us!

The desire of women to preserve beauty and health for many years has been known since ancient times. And if most imperfections today are not perceived so sharply or are easily corrected, there is one defect that can be extremely difficult to come to terms with. We are talking about stretch marks or striae. Why they appear and how to remove stretch marks at home is described below.

The word "Striae" (usually they say "stretch marks") comes from the Latin "striae" - "stripes". These are narrow wavy or straight stripes, wide or narrow, that appear on the skin. They can be white to red-violet in color, sometimes discoloring over time. They usually appear on the abdomen, thighs and buttocks, chest, but can also form on the arms or shoulders, on the calves. The latter is often observed in athletes during rapid weight gain. On the chest, stretch marks usually occur during breastfeeding or sudden weight loss. At the same time, stretch marks are found even on the bottoms of models, in other words, this is a ubiquitous phenomenon, and you should not be afraid of them.

Stretch marks are microtraumas of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a sharp stretching or compression of the first: for example, with a sharp weight loss, when the skin does not have time to adapt and "tear". This leads to the destruction of the dermis layer, collagen and elastic fibers, a "failure" is formed at the rupture site, which is filled with connective tissue.

It all starts with the appearance of red stripes on the skin, running parallel to each other or from the center. They can reach up to 8-10 cm in length and up to 0.5 cm in width. Gradually, they change color to white, which stands out against the background of the skin. Stretch marks do not change color and do not tan, they stand out strongly on dark skin.

By the term of "life" stretch marks are divided into:

  1. Young or fresh: the first six months;
  2. Old: All next time.

They may have the following relief:

  1. Walk on the same level with the skin: when passing over the skin, the presence of striae is not felt;
  2. Advanced: This and the previous options are the most common;
  3. Convex: it is formed less often, since under pressure the scars “fall through”, turning into deepened ones.

Reasons for the appearance

There are several reasons why stretch marks appear:

Treatment at home

It should immediately be noted that treatment is not always effective and largely depends on the genetic predisposition. Someone can get fat and thin all his life and not get a single stretch, someone needs to use moisturizing creams regularly, and even chemical peeling does not help some. However, doctors agree on one thing: it is easier to prevent the appearance of striae with prevention and start treatment as early as possible. Getting rid of the "old" bands is almost impossible.

There are several treatment options. Depending on the situation, you can use all at once or only 1-2 methods. So, how to get rid of stretch marks on the buttocks and abdomen?


This is one of the most effective methods that you can perform on your own or trust a professional. The effect was especially strong on the abdomen. During the massage, blood flow increases, more nutrients enter the tissues, which allows them to produce more collagen and elastin.

Depending on the location of the stretch marks, massage is performed in different ways:

  1. The abdomen is massaged in a circular motion clockwise;
  2. The waist and sides are rubbed with smooth movements from the bottom up;
  3. Massage of the thighs is carried out in the same way, moving from the knees up;
  4. For the buttocks, the alternation of circular movements and from the bottom up is suitable.

The massage is carried out until slight redness, while the skin cannot be stretched - it will make the situation worse. This is especially true of the inner side of the thighs, where the skin is very thin. Movements should be energetic, complemented by pats and tweaks. The procedure should be carried out regularly at night after a shower and scrub for several months.

When massaging, it is necessary to use a cream with collagen or oil with vitamins A, C and E. The oil should not be aromatic, but simple, a mixture of oils is also suitable, for example:

  1. 50 ml of avocado and jojoba oil;
  2. 30 ml of lavender oil;
  3. 10 ml each of mandarin, rosemary, jasmine and neroli oils.

After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is poured into a dark glass bottle and removed for a day.


They have a similar effect, that is, they improve blood circulation and smooth the skin. The procedure is quite effective, but it may seem troublesome and uncomfortable, as you will have to walk with your legs or waist bandaged for some time.

Wrapping takes place in several steps:

The mixture heats the skin, and thanks to the cling film, a sauna effect is created. This helps not only to fight stretch marks, but also reduces the fat layer and tightens the figure.

Scrub (peeling)

With the help of a scrub, the top layer of the skin is exfoliated, blood flow increases, stretch marks become less noticeable. The scrub mixture consists of two components - an oily base and solid particles, sometimes 1-2 drops of essential oil are added for smell. It is applied to the skin in a dense layer and carefully massaged for 5-10 minutes, then washed off. To enhance the effect after a shower, apply a cream.

Below are some body scrub recipes:

You can use the scrub not only on problem areas, but also on the whole body. It will help remove dead cells and make the skin soft.

Masks and rubs

These are mixtures that need to be applied for several minutes (up to half an hour), without covering with cling film. Some can be kept all night.

Bath and sauna

Hot water and steam activate metabolic processes in the body, “drive” blood and nutrients to the skin. They must be combined with the use of scrubs and oils, with massage.

You can add sea salt, mud, or silt to your bathroom. You can also take a course of baths in the salon: more effective wrapping products will be used there.

cosmetic treatment

In addition to home remedies, you can also get rid of stretch marks in a beauty parlor. Salons offer quick and effective ways to get rid of unpleasant "wounds":


But still, the appearance of stretch marks is easier to prevent than to get rid of the problem after. The fight against stretch marks at home should begin with prevention:

Stretch marks or striae are microtraumas of the skin, harmless, but not particularly beautiful. They look like white or red scars and often don't change color but are noticeable. Success in getting rid of them depends on heredity and individual characteristics. How to remove stretch marks on the buttocks and how to prevent their appearance - described above.

Attention, only TODAY!

Many women become ashamed of their bodies as they age. One of the main reasons for this, often after the birth of a child, are ugly stretch marks on the body. Today, the online magazine will tell you how to remove stretch marks at home using inexpensive folk recipes.

Radical measures to get rid of stretch marks

Stretch marks on the body, they are also called striae, appear due to microtrauma of the skin and have a genetic predisposition. The abundance of stretch marks on the body is a completely unaesthetic sight, so let's see what ways you can get rid of them.

The most effective way to remove stretch marks once and for all is laser or plastic surgery. Contacting a good clinic guarantees getting rid of stretch marks, but not every woman can afford it.

In addition to the high price, there are many contraindications to clinical intervention: various diseases of the skin, heart, immune system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

How to quickly remove stretch marks at home?

If you are unhappy with your body but cannot afford to go to an expensive clinic, then it is worth joining the fight. with stretch marks by using natural remedies.

These methods will not help you completely remove stretch marks, but they can make them much less noticeable. In order to achieve a visible result, you need to take all your willpower into a fist, and carry out procedures constantly for a fairly long period of time. Only perseverance and stability of the ongoing procedures will help in this difficult matter.

What folk remedies will help from stretch marks?

The first group of helpers is natural vegetable or essential oils.

Olive oil

The most affordable option is olive oil. Everyone knows its beneficial qualities, but few people know that it can help improve skin condition and make stretch marks less noticeable on the body.

Olive oil should be used after water procedures. The skin will steam out a little, become soft. Apply warm oil to problem areas of the skin and do a light massage. For a more effective result, you can leave the oil for 15-20 minutes so that all effective substances are better absorbed. This procedure must be carried out stably, at least three times a week.

coconut oil

The next active assistant in the fight against stretch marks can be called coconut oil. It absorbs well and gives good results. But it is important that the coconut oil is of good quality. It is recommended to use cold pressed oil.

When checking the quality of the product, please note that real oil at temperatures below 25 degrees takes on a solid form - it freezes.

Castor oil for stretch marks

Castor oil proved to be an excellent fighter with stretch marks. It is also used for skin problems and acne. Apply it in a small amount to the damaged areas, then gently massage for fifteen minutes.

After that, wrap it with a “breathable” cloth (for example, cotton) and put a heating pad on for half an hour. If you carry out this procedure every day in a month, you will notice excellent results.

The benefits of essential oils

Essential oils can help fight stretch marks. The most effective are lavender, rose and orange oils. They should be used in combination with other methods - baths, body wraps and massage. Remember that it is much easier to remove fresh striae than perennial ones.

Potato and lemon juice

They will help correct skin defects and natural juices - potatoes and lemons.

Potato juice has excellent regenerating properties. For the procedure, simply cut the potatoes into large slices and rub the problem area in a circular motion. Leave for a few minutes to allow the necessary elements to be absorbed into the skin, and rinse with water.

Lemon juice can be used neat or mixed with cucumber juice. Simply apply the fresh juice to your skin, give it a little massage and let the juice absorb. Wash off after ten minutes.

Coffee scrub for stretch marks

Love to drink coffee in the morning? Well, in this case, do not throw away the thick left after the drink. It will help you deal with stretch marks. You can mix this coffee with sour cream or honey, you get a very gentle scrub.

It should be applied after water procedures, when the skin is warm. Make a small massage of problem areas, leave for a while, then rinse. Such a scrub will help not only in the fight against stretch marks, but also with cellulite.

The most effective home scrubs

Great help to hide stretch marks sugar and sea salt. Take a glass of sugar and the same amount of sea salt, add any vegetable oil and mix well.

You will get an excellent and effective scrub. Rub it well on the necessary areas of the body, and then rinse. For the best effect, apply a special anti-stretch mark cream afterwards.

Aloe helps get rid of stretch marks

Everyone knows the miraculous properties of aloe. This unique plant will help with stretch marks. You can use the juice of the plant directly by rubbing it on the damaged areas of the body. You can also mix aloe vera juice with olive oil and vitamins A and E.

This remedy should be applied twice daily (for example, in the morning and at night), and should be stored in the refrigerator. The effect will be noticeable in a month.

Healing properties of mummy

Shilajit has a magical property in the fight against stretch marks. It contains a huge number of useful elements that have a restorative effect on the skin.

You can make mummy cream at home. Take any body cream, add mummy (natural pressed is better than in tablets), stir well.

You can add any essential oil (preferably orange or grape seed), then apply on the body and massage. With a stable repetition of this procedure, the result will exceed all your expectations!

Wraps against stretch marks

Various wraps help to get rid of unpleasant marks on the skin. The secret of this method is that various means are applied to the body that accelerate the regeneration of the skin, and then the problem areas are wrapped with materials that do not allow air to pass through.

Thus, the substances do not evaporate, but heating occurs under the film, which also helps in the fight against stretch marks.

There are many ways in the fight against stretch marks, many recipes and various tips. But remember that it is better to deal with striae immediately, while they are still fresh (purple). And even better - to prevent their appearance, how to do this, read our article:.

Old stretch marks are much harder to hide. It is also better to choose one of all methods and carry out the procedures stably. Then the result will not keep you waiting!