An underground jewelry shop has been closed on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. How to deal with it

Popular items in the modern jewelry market are those made of gold or silver. Modern technologies used in the manufacture of jewelry are often capable of misleading the average person who finds it difficult to distinguish gold from silver. In this article we will try to deal with a small segment of the market, that is, with those products that are marked with 875 test with a star.

Gold or silver

By the hallmark, which is affixed to the jewelry, it is possible to determine from which precious metal the jewelry is made. Taking into account the approved nomenclature, we conclude that the stamp of 875 standard means: the product is made of silver.

Features and composition

The designation of the hallmark with the sign "875" means that the product is made of a silver-containing alloy, the precious metal coefficient of which is about 87.5%. This alloy does not belong to sterling silver due to the presence of a larger amount of ligature.

The alloy numbered 875 can include the following metals as a ligature:

  • copper;
  • germanium;
  • silicon;
  • platinum.

The nature, quality and other features of the ligature can affect both the enhancement of the useful qualities inherent in natural precious metal and the color of the finished product. The price of the finished product also depends on the composition of the ligature. For example, the presence of platinum in an alloy increases the cost of a product several times.

Most often, the alloy of alloy 875 is copper, which enhances the elasticity and strength of silver, but lack of proper care of the product can lead to the formation of black plaque.

It is important! In the USSR, items made of 875 silver were stamped with a star-shaped assay mark. Today, such items are popular in pawnshops, which are more willing to buy exactly "Soviet star" silver.

How to care

Proper care of silver consists of regular cleaning. The best way to clean silver jewelry is to use special liquids and wipes, which are part of the assortment of many jewelry stores.

Examples of fluids for cleaning silver include:

  1. Johnson "Silver Quick".
  2. Leuchtturm.

This method of cleaning consists in immersing the product in the solution for a few minutes, due to which they will be completely cleaned.

It is important! Such solutions can only be used for jewelry without inlay.

In addition to cleaning itself, such solutions cover products with a thin protective layer that protects jewelry from oxidation. After carrying out this procedure, the products must be rinsed with water and wiped with a soft cloth.

Do not forget about the existence of a variety of folk methods for purifying silver, which include:

  • treatment with a solution of ammonia (concentration 1:10 alcohol together with water). Products should be wiped with a soft cloth soaked in the prepared solution;
  • using tooth powder, paste or baking soda;
  • cleaning with a soda solution (at the rate of 50 grams of soda per 1 liter of hot water);
  • using a soap solution (for 1 liter of solution - 1 tablespoon of ammonia).

There are many other popular methods of cleaning silver. All of them are effective to one degree or another. However, when using them, the following should be considered:

  • silver items inlaid with pearls or amber should never be cleaned using folk methods;
  • any silver items with stones should be cleaned with a weak soap solution, which contains 3 drops of ammonia per half a glass of water;
  • for silver items without incrustation, a method of cleaning with washing powder may also be suitable: a container with water must be put on the fire, add a little washing powder and put the items, after 2-3 minutes, after the water boils, they can be removed.

Differences from 925 test

875 standard silver in Russia is one of the most popular. Its field of application is varied, but the most common is the production of jewelry, cutlery and decorative ornaments.

In the jewelry business there is an unspoken "coding" of silver samples, according to which 875 is classified as second-rate, jewelers more often give preference to 925. What is their main difference?

First, let us note that talking about the advantages of a particular sample of silver is appropriate only in the context of a certain field of application. So, for example, if we are talking about jewelry, then, undoubtedly, in the foreground we will have the 925th test of the precious metal, and if about cutlery, then the 875th.

For comparison, you can take a look at the photo of items made of silver of different samples.

925 sterling silver
Table silver 875 assay value

Did you know that the numerical designation of a sample of an alloy of silver with other metals helps determine the percentage of precious metal. That is, the 875th sample contains about 87.5% of pure silver in its composition, the 925th, respectively, about 92.5%.

Jewelers prefer 925 sterling silver due to the fact that this alloy is more ductile and has an elegant look, which allows you to create real works of art.

A larger amount of master alloy in the alloy leads to a discoloration of the silver. So, used in the manufacture of cutlery, silver 875 tests can acquire yellowish and reddish shades.

Thus, the main difference between these samples of silver is the nature and quantitative composition of the alloy, depending on which the structure and color range of the alloy changes, which, in fact, forms the scope of application of specific samples.

Price per gram in Russia for the last month

To find out the value of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015, you need to obtain the following data:

  • the cost of one gram of silver set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on that day;
  • ratio of pure silver content in the sample.

We take the first value according to the Central Bank's summary, focusing on the date, the second corresponds to the digital designation of the sample.

In this way,27.77 / 1000x875 = 24.30 rubles - the cost of one gram of 875 silver as of July 31, 2015.

Of course, you can use other alternative sources of information on the value of silver of a specific sample, but we advise you to make your own calculations based on official data, which will help you get the most complete and up-to-date information.

In general, 875 silver is a very popular alloy that is used in the manufacture of cutlery, decorative elements, and less often jewelry. This alloy contains a sufficient amount of pure silver and the optimal amount of ligature, which allows it to be used effectively.

Beauty will save the world! This phrase is great for discussing jewelry made from precious metals and stones. Using these expensive components, a true jeweler is able to create an alloy in any proportion. But after making jewelry from such an alloy, it is difficult to evaluate it and compare it with other similar jewelry. For these purposes, in the 17th century, jewelers began to apply special criteria for jewelry, such as gold samples, which make it possible to identify products by the content of the precious metal, the presence of additions of other elements, and color.

What are gold samples

The ratio of the base metals in the alloy determines its quality indicator. These metals include gold (aurum), silver (argentum), copper (cuprum). The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the obligatory branding of any alloys based on precious metals. An imprint is made on the jewelry, indicating the quality of the alloy. This impression is called a test or a stamp. Historically, hallmarks around the world have been consistent with the weight standards used. The metric system indicates the content in parts of gold with a purity of 99.99% in 1000 parts of the alloy.

Karat sampling system

Gold with a content of 99.99% in the alloy is recognized as absolutely pure. In the carat system, this indicator is designated 24k. Further, in decreasing order, the standard 23k, 22k, 18k, 14k, 12k, 9k, 8k carat values ​​are used. What does carat fineness mean on gold jewelry? An 18 carat ornament means that there are 18 parts of pure yellow metal in 24 parts of the alloy. This system is used in the USA, Canada, Asia and some European countries.

Spool Sample System

The spool system, introduced in 1798 during the reign of the Russian Emperor Pavel Petrovich, is primordially Russian. It was based on the weight standard used at that time - the Russian pound, which consisted of 96 spools. When the stamp was installed in 96 spools, the gold content in the alloy being tested was 99.99%. Further, this figure was reduced to 36 spools. To transfer from a spool system to a carat one, it is necessary to divide the mark indicator by 4.

Assay marks of Russia and foreign countries

From the middle of the 17th century in Russia, the use of a two-headed eagle began to mark gold and silver items. The content of pure gold during this period was equal to 83–85%, which corresponded to the purity of the imported gold coins of thalers or efimks, from which jewelry was made. The branding of gold objects in Russia was legalized by a royal decree under Peter the Great in 1700. In Russia, 56 samples are most widespread, which corresponds to the modern 585.

During this period, the coats of arms of cities and the number of spools in a ligature pound were used for branding. Since 1899, a woman's face in a kokoshnik has been used for branding, which in 1927 was replaced by the profile of a worker with a hammer, and since 1957 a sickle and a hammer against the background of a five-pointed star. In Asian countries, hieroglyphs were used for branding. In Europe - the coats of arms of countries and cities with the indication of the sample in carats. The type of mark designation should not be very different for different manufacturers.

What are the samples of gold

In life, we come across jewelry made of this "despicable" metal (earrings, chains, rings) of different colors. Additional inclusions in the precious alloy of other metals are called ligatures. Objects, depending on the content of the alloy in the alloy, acquire green, red, orange, yellow, platinum and white color. The main content of the ligatures are silver, copper, platinum (palladium), zinc. In non-precious white alloys, nickel is used instead of platinum. What sample is gold, it is important for the buyer to know before going to the jewelry store.

999 sample

The highest in terms of content is the 999 quality indicator. This alloy contains 0.01% impurities. This is almost pure gold. For the manufacture of jewelry, such an alloy is not used, since it is subject to deformation and has a dull yellow color. This alloy is used to create bank ingots of various weights for sale to investors wishing to save money or capitalize on the growth in the value of precious metals.

At all times, the noble metal has always been in price. During periods of financial crises, the demand for it and other precious metals rises sharply. Their quotes on all world exchanges are the main economic indicators. Banking bars are sold by all banks in the world and are included in the deposit portfolios of large and small investors, and jewelry at all times has given women the opportunity to look rich and beautiful.

925 standart

Items not only made of gold, but also of silver are subject to branding. If the item has 925, it means that this is a high quality silver jewelry. The amount of pure silver in it is equal to 92.5%. Germanium and cadmium are used as a ligature along with silver to maintain the original shine and avoid darkening of jewelry over time. These additives were used by ancient craftsmen, they give a magnificent look to silver masterpieces.

875 sample

Jewelry tag 875 indicates a maximum silver percentage of 87.5%. Items made from this metal are popular. They always tried to fake it. Possible options for replacing silver include alloys of lead, aluminum, zinc. To give a silver shine, forgeries are coated with pure silver. When buying jewelry made of precious metals, pay attention to the presence of the stamp number on all parts of the pendant, chain or ring. In the store, jewelry should be sold only if there are seals on them with the manufacturer's passport attached.

750 sample

For ease of understanding what the test on gold means, you should mentally break the product into 1000 parts or fractions. The numbers 750 mean that this product contains 750 parts of pure precious metal. It is the highest standard of gold in jewelry used in industry. 75% of gold in combination with copper gives the objects of this alloy a characteristic reddish tint. The 18 carat alloy is widely used to create jewelry in Asian countries, it is used to create gilding for men's and women's accessories.

585 test

The most widespread gold samples on an industrial scale are 585. The pure gold content in this alloy is 58.5%. The ligature in it is divided in the ratio of silver to copper, as 1 to 4.3. This is an empirically established ratio of the volume of gold to additives. Jewelry with mark 585 has a beautiful color and shine. Pendants, chains, rings, earrings, brooches and bracelets are made from this alloy in our country. To reduce the likelihood of counterfeiting, objects made of this alloy are stamped 5S5 using the electrospark or laser method. It is more difficult to counterfeit than a simple print.

583 test

In the first years of Soviet Power after 1927, the mark 583 was used (see photo below). This is the gold standard of the Soviet Union. Most of the rings and earrings we inherited from our parents are of this quality. In the post-war period, 14 carat gold was widely used in Europe. If 14 is divided by 24 and multiplied by 1000, we get 583. A large number of wedding rings, jewelry with diamonds, rubies, sapphires and semi-precious stones are made from this alloy. In 2000, mark 585 became the standard of Russia.

500 sample

When the content of the yellow metal and the master alloy is equal, the sample becomes equal to 500. For industrial purposes, this standard is not applied, but in the production of private craftsmen this qualitative composition of the alloy is used. Jewelry made from it with original performance or with a special theme get the opportunity to be fully appreciated. Brooches, cufflinks, and cigarette cases are made abroad from alloy of the 500th quality.

385 test

Gold jewelry with a quality score of 385 contains more than half of its volume of additional materials. When the copper content is increased, the decorations acquire a reddish tint. Silver in the alloy gives the products a whitish or even light white color. For the purpose of making jewelry, alloys with good ductility and low melting points are used. This temperature for aurum is 1080 degrees Celsius, for silver - 1550, for platinum - 1780. To reduce the melting temperature, zinc is used in the alloy.

375 test

The cheapest alloy for making gold jewelry is quality 375. The large amount of copper and silver in it leads to rapid oxidation and the appearance of dark spots. In the presence of small parts, it is difficult to restore the original appearance. Such an alloy is inexpensive and provides an opportunity to produce mass cheap jewelry. As long as there is a jewelry production, so many organizations are engaged in standardization, accounting and control over the turnover of precious metals. In the Russian Federation, this is done by the Assay Office of Russia.

Gold samples in the USSR

In the USSR, for the manufacture of jewelry and ritual products and semi-finished products from precious metals, GOST 30649-99 was used, which establishes the following types of gold samples:

Silver, %


What is the best sample of gold

Comparing the price and appearance of jewelry, 585 samples have become widespread in European countries. Jewelry made from it retains its original appearance for a long time. The cost of such goods is lower than those made from 22 and 24 carat aurums of Arab sheikhs. The melting point, taking into account the use of zinc, is low. The brand on gold jewelry breaks through in areas invisible during use - inside the rings, on the fasteners of chains and earrings. In our time, the most exquisite and elite are the jewelry of Italian masters.

The most expensive sample of gold

The highest indicator of quality in jewelry in the metric system for pure gold with a purity of 99.99%. Chemically pure, 24 karat gold is widely used in Arab countries. Jewelery markets in Dubai feature huge sizes and bright yellows. There is a historical explanation for this. The history of industry in these countries is more modest than in Europe. 50 years ago, in their place was a desert, with Bedouins roaming around it. Decorations were made by hand, and their size had to confirm the security of their owners.


At all times of the existence of mankind, these precious metals were valued: gold and silver. Today, these metals are still valued, but the world is not standing still, new metal processing technologies are being improved, and radiation and sputtering are widely used. The common man can make the mistake of buying a precious piece by mistaking silver for gold. Let's figure out how not to make a mistake and not become a victim of fraud. Passing off silver items with tests of 875 and 925 as white expensive gold, adventurers easily deceive gullible buyers.

Nomenclature of samples of gold and silver

The Assay Office of the Russian Federation has developed a system of impressions for different types of precious metals. For example, a stamp of a special shape is used for gold - an elongated rectangle with a certain set of numbers that is characteristic only for gold: 333, 375, 500, 585, 750, 958, 999.

For silver, the following numerical indicators are used: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960. The 999 test is an exception, which also indicates the almost complete absence of other impurities. So we got the answer to such a fairly common question: "875 assay: what kind of metal is this?"

What does trial mean?

This is the most important characteristic of any precious metal. Such metals in their pure form are soft, malleable. They are not suitable for jewelry: all precious items contain different chemical elements in certain proportions, and the above numbers indicate the content of the base metal (gold or silver) in the alloy. Next, we will certainly deal with the material that may have a stamp 875 sample... What kind of metal is this?


Let's draw an analogy: 585 fineness of gold indicates that there are 585 parts of gold, or 58.5%, per thousand parts of the alloy. A similar example with the 925 silver fineness: there are 925 parts of silver or 92.5% per 1000, the rest is made up of impurities or, as it is also called, ligature. The higher the number, the more the product is valued. 875 assay - what is it: gold or silver? To summarize the above: items marked 875 are classified as silver.

Why does this question arise?

875 standard - what is it: gold or silver? Products made from it can often be mistaken for gold. This visual similarity is given by some of the metals that make up the composition, in particular, copper. It increases the elasticity and strength of the finished material, but a product of such a composition requires some maintenance, otherwise a dark bloom appears, which negatively affects the appearance. Silver with a fineness of 875 can imitate white gold as well. Moreover, the white color can be given to gold regardless of the sample height, the color will depend only on the composition of impurities, that is, on the ligature. Also, do not forget about the list of numerical indicators for silver and gold, in which the number 875 refers to the first.

So the answer to the question we are interested in has been received: 875 silver fineness is a very common marking of a precious metal alloy, products from which are of high quality. From all that has been said previously, it follows that if this gold is 875 samples (the USSR and Russia use this standard) it cannot be. Only precious items made of a less noble metal have this designation.

Sample 875 with a star - what is it? Alternative labeling

The sample in question during the Soviet era had a special marking. The Soviet standard 875 had a special sign - it is a star. Today, products with such a sign are especially valued for two reasons: firstly, many decorative items or tableware are not produced at all today. Such things have received the status of rarities, that is, those that are rare, and many exist in several copies. This fact significantly raises their cost. These are, for example, vases, ashtrays, cup holders. During the existence of the Soviet Union, and more specifically, from 1958 to 1994, inclusive, silver items with a test of 875 were stamped with a star. Secondly, if a product has a star, it is in itself a guarantee of quality. And speaking in general terms, this fact is not related to GOST. To date, all alloyed compounds are produced with good characteristics, all work is carried out in compliance with GOST. However, there is one thing ... Most of the precious metals are imported, and imported alloys, among which we can especially highlight the Egyptian and Turkish, unfortunately, very often contain a smaller percentage of the precious base than the standard requires. So we ask ourselves the question: "Sample 875 with a star: what is it?" In the classical sense, these are silver items that were made in the USSR. But there is an alternative to such marking, when there is a sample of 875 with a star. What's this? These are not quite high-quality modern fakes.

The cost of sterling silver 875

Now let's figure out how much the 875 sample of silver costs. The price of precious metals is largely dependent on the London Stock Exchange. Everything is running, everything is changing, the picture is about the same here, but the roughly fixed prices for today are 30-50 rubles per gram of silver.

Why, unlike gold, is it so cheap? It has always been this way, silver has always been less valuable. The price of products can be much higher if inserts from semi-precious stones are used in the work, a separate payment is for the work of a jeweler. If we compare with the cost of gold, we see a huge difference, although the quality of silver items does not differ much from gold items. But precious metals such as gold and silver will never depreciate, and their value is not affected by inflation.

The metric system is used by many countries, including Russia. A maiden's head in a kokoshnik indicates that in front of you is a product for which 875 silver assay was taken. Also in the USSR they used certain symbols. Thanks to her, the composition of the alloy of jewelry was determined. At that time, this was the same sample 875 with a star. Inside the brand itself, one could see the symbol of the Soviet era - the hammer and sickle, and the number itself was indicated next to it.


To this day, silver goods continue to be in great demand. Jewelry fineness 875 is successfully used for the manufacture of jewelry, tableware, decor items. The most common products made of silver with a test of 875 are rings, earrings, pendants, chains and bracelets are much less often produced.

You can see how inexpensive semi-precious stones of natural origin and artificially grown, such as amethyst, smoky and rose quartz, jasper, turquoise, cubic zirconia and many others, are used as an additional decoration. Thanks to modern technologies using radiation and spraying, items made of silver of sample 875 acquire a unique shade that an ordinary man in the street cannot distinguish from white gold. On the one hand, this fact leads to delusions and even fraud, and on the other hand, beautiful, highly artistic things can be purchased for a much lower cost.

How do you recognize silver?

After we figured out the question, 875 standard - what is it, gold or silver, we will find out how to distinguish the first precious metal from the second. First of all, you need to pay attention to the cost of the goods: the price of silver is an order of magnitude lower than the cost of gold. Silver is very popular and that is why it is very often counterfeited. For these purposes, aluminum, zinc and even lead are used. There are also cases when the items are slightly covered with a silver layer. Pay attention to the presence of a stamp: if it is erased or is not clearly visible, this is a fake.

Not always bought silver items can be considered counterfeit if they have turned black. In this case, toothpaste will help to restore their former shine. The quality of a product can be checked in several ways. First of all, this is not only the presence of a stamp, but also its numerical value, do not forget about the peculiarities of the very type of print, which looks like a barrel. Professionals in their field can very clearly distinguish silver from gold. This is due to the fact that white gold products contain palladium and platinum, which give a unique cold tint, while silver products, as you understand, include less expensive metals, for example, copper. It, combined with silver, gives a completely different shade.

With the use of new technologies, spraying can be performed so professionally that you cannot do without special reagent substances. In this case, you may also need the help of a jeweler. There is another old, even barbaric way of recognizing silver and gold: drop iodine on the product. If you have gold in front of you, then you will see a dark spot on its surface. If it turns out to be silver, the surface will brighten considerably.


Now the question as to whether the 875 standard is gold or silver is closed. As noted earlier, this is silver. And gold items with such a stigma simply cannot exist.

Jewelry stores offer visitors a wide variety of products from all kinds of precious alloys. The difficulty in buying jewelry today is that with the current level of development of processing technologies (rhodium plating, spraying), jewelry made of various metals is virtually indistinguishable from each other for the layman. Confusion with additives in metals is also possible: various ligatures can give jewelry almost any conceivable shade - green, red, black and others (the ligatures themselves are necessary in jewelry, since pure metals without additives are too difficult to process). Such conditions are a paradise for all sorts of counterfeiters who pass off cheap metal for more expensive, which raises an urgent question: is 875 gold standard silver or gold, and does it exist at all?

Quote: 875 samples are just a myth and a trick in a deck of scammers and dishonest sellers. The likelihood of encountering the aurum of this sample in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries is negligible.

In Russia, the metric system with a clear nomenclature of samples is widespread, with its own system of stamps. The gold stamp in the Russian Federation looks like an elongated rectangle, the silver one looks like a barrel. An indicative list of the official nomenclature:

Sample types
1000 24
958 23
916 22
900 21,6
750 18
585 14
500 12
375 9

As you can see, 875 aurum is simply absent in the Russian nomenclature: the alloy is not gold, but silver. Argentum samples are different from gold indicators, their nomenclature is as follows: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960, 999. It is easy to notice the presence of the number 875 in the list of Argentum samples, which already gives an answer to the main question: there is no gold with such a sample in the Russian Federation, the digital designation refers to silver.

Fineness 875

The alloy is popular when creating jewelry, household items, souvenirs, interior decorations in the middle price category.

The composition includes - 87.5% silver and 12.5% ​​ligature, which is a high indicator of the silver content, but it cannot be considered a high-quality (sterling) argentum due to its too high content of impurities.

During the alloying process, various metals are added to silver: copper, silicon, platinum, germanium. The price per gram of silver can fluctuate depending on the additives: silver items with the addition of copper or platinum, for example, will differ significantly in price. And the quality of the product itself also changes: with the addition of copper (the most popular variant of the ligature), silver improves the strength characteristics, elasticity, but often tarnishes, becoming covered with a dark coating over time.

Gold with a star

The quality of Soviet silver is so legendary that modern pawnshops are ready to pay exorbitant prices for it, and modern scammers diligently pass it off as antique gold, inventing non-existent samples for profit.

A popular trick among fraudsters is the sale of gold with a star and a brand of 875. Taking advantage of the ignorance of buyers, gold plating, and the status of antiques, cunning sellers try to pass off Argentum as an 875 gold product, which inevitably increases prices by an order of magnitude. Let's analyze the question in more detail.

The product is stamped with a pentagram, a sickle and a hammer, the manufacturer's designation and the sample itself. The things themselves with the Soviet stigma are estimated several times more expensive due to the status of antiques. Brands of this type were introduced in the Soviet Union from 1958 to 1994. Often, items with these stamps are unique, no longer produced, the search and finding of some rare items (watches, a set of services) is problematic, and the prices for such items are very high and reach hundreds of thousands per set.

And also the quality of Soviet products stands out: state control, clear and strict standards, the absence of imports of metals (the decline in the quality of modern jewelry is largely due to the import of metals from Egypt and Turkey). Thanks to this, the jewelry products of the USSR are an order of magnitude better than the quality of "jewelry" in modern Russia.

But with all the advantages of silver with a star, the Soviet 875 aurum is just a strange myth, an attempt to pass off old and expensive silver products for even more expensive gold products.

Western standard

If the buyer discovers a gold piece with 875 fineness, there is a high probability of fraud and counterfeiting. But this rule does not always work. Gold with such a fineness really exists: 875 fineness of gold is a tracing paper from the carat designation system in the USA and Western Europe, simplification for a better understanding of the inhabitants where the metric system is widespread. The carat marking of products is 21k (unlike the metric one, in the carat system, the division is not into kilograms, grams, but into 24 parts, in the case of 875 fineness, this means the presence of 21 parts of 24 gold in the total mass). In the event of a collision with products with such a stigma, you should carefully look at the country of the manufacturer, if it is the USA or Europe, then the probability of authenticity is quite high.

It should be borne in mind that marking in carats is not official in Russia, but it is not prohibited by law. The presence of a carat marking instead of a metric one cannot be considered an unambiguous factor of falsification, although it should be alarming, since the application of an unfamiliar brand has no special reason and logic, but it can serve unscrupulous purposes of deception.

Verification methods

Aurum 875, in fact, does not exist in Russia; in 99% of cases, attempts to sell such products are a common deception. The logic in such actions is definitely present, because the cost of gold ranges from 2300 rubles to 7000, while silver can be bought for 32 rubles at the current exchange rate.

Gilded, processed silver is extremely difficult to distinguish from gold, but for a beginner it is simply impossible, with the success of a deception, the profit of criminals is not simply high, it is exorbitant.

For the buyer, this is akin to ordinary theft, so before buying a piece of jewelry, if in doubt, you should do the following:

  1. pay attention to the brand and number. In the case of a low-quality mark, blurred boundaries, dubious shapes (a barrel instead of a rectangle) and others - everything can talk about a fake. An important factor, but not a determining one: modern fraudsters can easily fake a brand on a product;
  2. be sure to ask for a certificate, pay attention to the quality of the material (not only metals are being replaced, they are also trying to replace various samples of gold, which are cheaper for more expensive ones). A certificate is the main document for a product; comprehensive information about a product can be obtained there;
  3. the fact of the low price of the gold item will also be doubtful. Either it is a cheaper material, or the gold is stolen;
  4. do a simple iodine test by dripping it onto the metal. In the case of darkening, it is gold, in the case of lightening, it is silver;
  5. consult a professional jeweler if possible. There is a high likelihood of experienced fraudsters getting into the network with an abundance of necessary documents. In this case, only an expert can help.


So: gold of 875 assay does not exist, it is a high-quality alloy of silver with a high content of precious metal, which has excellent aesthetic, antibacterial and other properties, but with all the advantages, it is not gold and it cannot be worth it either. Do not overpay hundreds of times, check the quality of the material.

Nothing soothes the soul like a long-awaited shopping trip, and this process is doubly pleasant if the long-awaited gold jewelry is purchased, and what can please the eye (regardless of the gender of its owner) more than the shine of the noble metal, now in full Happy Buyer's Ownership?

The glitter and poverty of jewelry stores

However, there is strife, and in order for an expensive purchase to continue to delight its owner, you need to know how to distinguish a real precious metal from a fake, which no jeweler will buy even as scrap.

Sample is deservedly considered an indicator of the quality of gold items. The modern market is subject to seasonal and economic fluctuations, but by some miracle the number of jewelry stores and stores is constantly growing. This happens because many retail outlets, intentionally or not, offer their customers products from low-quality alloys, and even those that, although they are equal in price to gold, are not.

It's not about color, it's about impurities

Contrary to popular belief, the gold content of a piece of jewelry cannot be determined by its color, even approximately. In the USSR, there was a practice according to which jewelry made of a precious alloy of the same sample had the same shade, however, at the moment, items identical in content of titular metals may have completely different colors. This is due to the fact that the color of the earring or ring is determined by the ligature - impurities that are added in order to make the jewelry more usable.

Pure gold (the so-called 1000th fineness is practically not found in nature, and the technology of its production is extremely complicated, therefore, this usually refers to the 999th fineness metal) is very soft and deforms even with insignificant mechanical stress. However, thanks to the ligature added during melting (it can vary in composition, therefore it gives a different color to jewelry), jewelry made of precious metals becomes harder and retains its shape much better.

Domestic samples

In Russia and in most European countries, along with the carat, there is a trial system for assessing the proportion of gold in the metal part of jewelry. So, for example, it means that the title metal in this product is slightly more than half - 58.5%. Such decoration is less susceptible to mechanical stress and deformation, but it is also valued lower.

Gold products with a fineness below 375 (the minimum accepted in Russia for jewelry) are transferred to the category of jewelry, filling a niche in its upper price range. In addition to the 375th and 585th, samples 500, 583, 750, 958, 996 and 999.9 were also taken in Russia. Due to the technological complexity of purifying gold from impurities, the purest alloy is often designated as the 990th fineness, but often in such an item there may be slightly more precious metal than indicated on the sample.

As we can see, the 875th mark is not found in the list, but does this mean that the assay decorating the 875 ring automatically makes it a counterfeit product? Let's figure it out.

The product has a sample of 875 - what is it? Fake or just a custom alloy?

In order not to run into jewelry with a bad history, it is better not to be tempted by low prices in pawnshops, but to go to a well-known jewelry salon or an online store that cares about its reputation. But we will not go into such details. Suppose you are holding a piece of jewelry that says it is made of 875 gold. We understand everything in detail.

Let's arm ourselves with a magnifying glass and carefully consider the sample. If it is smeared or not clearly printed, it is better not to pay attention to such a product. If the quality of the filling is not in doubt, we proceed to the next step - we ask the seller for documents for the jewelry and carefully study them. The fact is that a product can be made of silver, and only the top coating can be gold (or a material similar to it never once). Silver used in jewelry production may well have a fineness of 875 - the price per gram of such a product should be appropriate. If you are satisfied with this alignment at the declared value, you can take out the wallet, if not, we figure it out further.

Foreign guest

In the countries of the Arab world and vice versa, the most popular gold products are those made from precious metals of the highest standards - it is quite possible to buy a brooch made of 990 gold there if you manage to avoid a heart attack in the process of finding out the price. In order to find out about our potential property of a foreign guest, we continue to study a piece of jewelry, which contains a fineness of 875. What is it? Instead of the number "875" is "21K"! Don't panic, gentlemen, the fact is that the system for assessing the purity of precious alloys adopted in our country is not the only one. In addition to it, there is the so-called carat system - in it, gold of the 1000th standard is called 24-carat. Through simple arithmetic calculations, we learn that the 21-carat alloy (this is what this brand means) is 875 gold - it will have an appropriate price, but the extreme cheapness should alert us - they are also engaged in counterfeiting jewelry abroad.

And if it happens in Russia?

Do you buy jewelry on the territory of the Russian Federation, in a domestic store, but there is no 875 sample on the product? What's this? And here, do not panic - modern legislation allows the absence of a mark with a breakdown on the domestic scale in the event that another mark on the product is well readable. In addition to the inscription "21K" on the jewelry, it can be indicated, for example, that it contains 84 spools of precious metal - in this system, the 1000th assay corresponds to 96 spools, so a product with such characteristics is also seven-eighths of pure gold.

To the question of cost

You looked at the price of gold on the exchange, and in the store it is lower, although it is written that the purity is 875. What is it? Fake? And then don't panic - in the overwhelming majority of cases, the price of a precious metal, which the average Internet user can easily find out, is the cost of one gram of pure (that is, 1000-carat gold). At the time of this writing, it was equal to 1,413.08 rubles. per gram. This means that if a product is worth 875 samples, the price per gram must be at least seven-eighths of this amount. But there is also a payment for the work of a jeweler, and taxes, and the seller himself must also receive something. Consider all this, and then the risk of running into a fake will be much lower: gold is too expensive a metal, products from it simply cannot be sold for next to nothing.